Anda di halaman 1dari 5



1. A student burns magnesium ribbon in the lab and observes a white powder falling
on the table. What type of reaction has taken place and name the white powder?
It is a chemical reaction. The white powder formed is magnesium oxide.
2. Balance the following equation
00 00 00
Fe(s) + H2O(g) Fe3O4(s) + H2(g)
What does the symbol (s) and (g) denote?
00 00 00
3Fe(s) + 4H O(g)
2 Fe O (s) + 4H (g)
3 4 2
The symbol (s) denotes solid and (g) denotes gaseous state.
3. Complete the following equation
00 00 00
6CO2(aq) + 6H2O(l) .............. + ..............

00 00 00
6CO2(aq) + 6H2O(l) C6H12O6 (aq) + 6 O2 (aq)

4. In the following reaction - name the reaction and the product.

00 00 00
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
The reaction is a combination reaction and the product is slaked lime.
5. What type of reaction takes place when decomposition of vegetable matter is
converted into compost?
The reaction is an exothermic reaction.
6. Green colour ferrous sulphate crystals on heat changes its colour.
Write the equation and name the reaction.

00 00 00
2 FeSO4 Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3
The reaction is a decomposition reaction.
00 00 00
7. 2 AgBr 2Ag + Br2
Write one use of the above reaction.
Decomposition reaction of silver bromide is used in black and white photography.


8. Why does an iron nail kept in blue copper sulphate solution fade away?
Iron has displaced copper from copper sulphate solution, hence the solution appears
faded. The reaction is displacement reaction.
9. You are given solutions of the following, complete the equation.
00 00 00
Na2SO4 + BaCl2 .................
Name the precipitate that is formed.
00 00 00
Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2 NaCl
The white precipitate is Barium sulphate.
10. Complete the following redox reaction.
00 00 00
ZnO + C
00 00 00
MnO2 + HCl
00 00 00
ZnO + C Zn + CO
00 00 00
MnO2 + 4 HCl MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
11. ‘X’ is a shining brown colour substance, on heating in air becomes black in colour.
Name the element ‘X’ and also name the compound formed.
Element ‘X’ : Copper
Compound : Copper oxide
12. Name the chemical reaction of the following equation.
00 00 00
X + YZ XZ + Y
Displacement reaction.
13. A packet of butter kept outside produces a stale smell and sour taste. What is the
cause for this?
14. A packet of potato chips packed one month earlier is crispy. Name the inert gas
used for this process.
15. Balance the following :
00 00 00
(a) Ca(OH)2 + CO2 CaCO3 + H2O
00 00 00
(b) HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + H2O
00 00 00
(c) MgCl + AgNO
2 3 Mg (NO ) + AgCl
3 2
00 00 00
(d) BaCl2 + K2SO4 BaSO4 + KCl
00 00 00
(e) Zn + AgNO3 Zn(NO3)2 + Ag

(a) The equation is already balanced.

00 00 00
(b) 2 HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + 2H2O
00 00 00
(c) MgCl + 2 AgNO
2 3 Mg (NO ) + 2AgCl
3 2
00 00 00
(d) BaCl2 + K2SO4 BaSO4 + 2 KCl
00 00 00
(e) Zn + 2AgNO3 Zn(NO3)2 + 2Ag
16. Write balanced chemical equation
(a) Hydrogen sulphide burns in air to give sulphur dioxide and water.
(b) Sodium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid to give sodium sulphate and water.
(c) Aluminium reacts with copper chloride to give aluminium chloride and copper.
00 00 00
(a) 2H2 S + 3 O2 2 SO2 + 2 H2O
00 00 00
(b) 2 NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + 2 H2O
00 00 00
(c) 2 Al + 3 CuCl2 2AlCl3 + 3 Cu
17. Name the type of reaction :
00 00 00
(a) 2H2 + O2 2H2O
00 00 00
(b) Mg + CuSO4 MgSO4 + Cu
00 00 00
(c) BaCl + Na SO
2 2 4 BaSO + 2 NaCl
(a) Combination reaction
(b) Displacement reaction
(c) Double displacement reaction.
18. What is slaking of lime?
Calcium oxide (lime) combines with water to form slaked lime.
00 00 00
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
Slaked lime
19. What is corrosion?
The process of eating away of the metal by the action of atmospheric reagents thus
changing the metal into its compounds is called corrosion.
20. Suggest a few methods to prevent Rancidity.
(a) Keep the food item at low temperature.
(b) Keep the food in air tight containers.
21. Write one difference between Endothermic and Exothermic reaction.
Ans. Endothermic reaction Exothermic reaction
Chemical reaction in which heat Chemical reaction in which heat
energy is supplied from outside. energy is given out.

(c) Tiger Books Pvt. Ltd.,


22. Why should magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air ?

To remove the layer of any other substance over its surface.
23. Balance the following chemical reactions.
00 00 00
(a) Hydrogen + Chlorine Hydrogen chloride
00 00 00
(b) Barium chloride + Aluminium sulphate Barium sulphate + Aluminium
00 00 00
(c) Sodium + Water Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen
00 00 00
Ans. (a) H2 + Cl2 2HCl
00 00 00
(b) 3 BaCl2 + Al2(SO4)3 3BaSO4 + 2 AlCl3
00 00 00
(c) 2 Na + 2H2O 2 NaOH + H2
24. A solution of a substance ‘X’ is used for white washing.
(a) Name the substance ‘X’ named.
(b) What happens when the substance ‘X’ reacts with water?
(a) The substance ‘X’ is quick lime, CaO
00 00 00
(b) CaO + H2 O Ca(OH)2
Calcium hydroxide.

25. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is
dipped in it?
Iron is more active element than copper. Iron displaces copper from its compound
copper sulphate and changes to iron sulphate which is white in colour.
26. Identify the substance oxidised and the substance reduced in the following :
00 00 00
(i) 2Na + O 2 2Na O 2
00 00 00
(ii) CuO + H2 Cu + H2O
Substance Oxidised Substance Reduced
(i) Na O2
(ii) H2 CuO

27. Why do gold and silver not corrode in moist air?

Gold and silver do not corrode in moist air because they do not react with water and
oxygen of moist air.
28. In the refining of silver from silver nitrate solution involved displacement of copper
metal. Write down the reaction.
00 00 00
2 AgNO3 + Cu Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag

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29. Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

Applying paint covers the metal that it does not come in contact with oxygen in air
which forms rusting.
30. What happens when magnesium ribbon burns in air?
When magnesium burns in air it forms magnesium oxide.
31. Name the gas evolved when zinc reacts with dil. HCl.
Hydrogen gas is evolved.
32. What is an aqeous state?
Solution of a substance with water as a solvent is called aqueous state.
33. Name the reaction that takes place in digestion of food.
Decomposition reaction.
34. When CO2 is passed through lime water it turns milky. Why ?
Lime water combines with CO2 to form a suspension of calcium carbonate which makes
lime water milky.
35. A zinc rod is left for 20 minutes in copper sulphate solution. What change would
you observe in the zinc rod?
Zinc rod will change into zinc sulphate.
36. What is rust ?
Rust is mainly hydrated iron(III)oxide.
37. A layer of oil is used on tools rather than paint. Why?
Oil prevents the surface of the metal to come in contact in air while paint can be chipped
out easily.
38. How does food become rancid?
Food becomes rancid when fat and oil present in the food are oxidised.
39. Why are antioxidants added to fatty foods?
Antioxidants are added to fatty foods to prevent their oxidation.

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