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Learning Styles Survey

The following is a Grasha-Riechmann Student Learning Style Scales. It has been designed to help you clarify your attitudes and feelings toward the courses you have taken thus far in college. There are no right or wrong answers to each question. However, as you answer each question, form your answers with regard to your general attitudes and feelings towards all of your courses. Respond to questions below by using the following rating scale. 1 = strongly disagree | 2 = moderately disagree | 3 = undecided | 4 = moderately agree | 5 = strongly agree 1. I prefer to work by myself on assignments in my courses. 2. I often daydream during class. 3. Working with other students on class activities is something I enjoy doing. 4. I want teachers to state exactly what they expect from students. 5. To do well, it is necessary to compete with other students for the teacher's attention. 6. I do whatever is asked of me to learn the content in my classes. 7. My ideas about the content often are as good as those in the textbook. 8. Classroom activities are usually boring. 9. I enjoy discussing my ideas about course content with other students. 10. I rely on my teachers to tell me what is important for me to learn. 11. It is necessary to compete with other students to get a good grade. 12. Class sessions typically are worth attending. 13. I study what is important to me and not always what the instructor says is important. 14. I very seldom am excited about material covered in a course. 15. I enjoy hearing what other students think about issues raised in class. 16. I want clear and detailed instructions on how to complete assignments.
Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response:

17. In class, I must compete with other students to get my ideas across. 18. I get more out of going to class than staying at home. 19. I learn a lot of the content in my classes on my own. 20. I don't want to attend most of my classes. 1 = strongly disagree | 2 = moderately disagree | 3 = undecided | 4 = moderately agree | 5 = strongly agree 21. Students should be encouraged to share more of their ideas with each other. 22. I complete assignments exactly the way my teachers tell me to do them. 23. Students have to be aggressive to do well in courses. 24. It is my responsibility to get as much as I can out of a course. 25. I feel very confident about my ability to learn on my own. 26. Paying attention during class sessions is difficult for me to do. 27. I like to study for tests with other students. 28. Trying to decide what to study or how to do assignments makes me uncomfortable. 29. I like to solve problems or answer questions before anybody else can. 30. Classroom activities are interesting. 31. I like to develop my own ideas about course content. 32. I have given up trying to learn anything from going to class. 33. Class sessions make me feel like part of a team where people help each other learn. 34. Students should be more closely supervised by teachers on course projects. 35. To get ahead in class, it is necessary to step on the toes of other students. 36. I try to participate as much as I can in all aspects of a course. 37. I have my own ideas about how classes should be run. 38. I study just hard enough to get by.

Response: Response: Response: Response:

Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response:

39. An important part of taking courses is learning to get along with other people. 40. My notes contain almost everything the teacher said in class. 1 = strongly disagree | 2 = moderately disagree | 3 = undecided | 4 = moderately agree | 5 = strongly agree 41. Being one of the best students in my classes is very important to me. 42. I do all course assignments well whether or not I think they are interesting. 43. If I like a topic, I try to find out more about it on my own. 44. I typically cram for exams.

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Response: Response: Response: Response:

45. Learning the material was a cooperative effort between students and teachers. Response: 46. I prefer class sessions that are highly organized. 47. To stand out in my classes, I complete assignments better than other students. 48. I typically complete course assignments before their deadlines. 49. I prefer to work on class projects and assignments by myself. 50. I would prefer that teachers ignore me in class. 51. I am willing to help other students out when they do not understand something. 52. Students should be told exactly what material is to be covered on exams. 53. I like to know how well other students are doing on exams and course assignments. 54. I complete required assignments as well as those that are optional. 55. When I don't understand something, I first try to figure it out for myself. 56. During class sessions, I tend to socialize with people sitting next to me. 57. I enjoy participating in small group activities during class. 58. I want teachers to have outlines or notes on the board. 59. I want my teachers to give me more recognition for the good work I do. 60. In my classes, I often sit toward the front of the room.
Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response: Response:

Copyright 1976, 1987, 1990, 1996 by Anthony F. Grasha and Sheryl Riechmann-Hruska, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Oh 45221

Learning Styles Explained The score you received for each learning style category represents a low, moderate, or highscore. These scores are based on the norm for each learning style scale shown below. The higher the score in a category, the stronger learner you are in that category. Scores are only as accurate as the honesty of your responses. Learning Style Scales Low Moderate Independent [1.0-2.7] [2.8-3.8] Avoidant [1.0-1.8] [1.9-3.1] Collaborative [1.0-2.7] [2.8-3.4] Dependent [1.0-2.9] [3.0-4.0] Competitive [1.0-1.7] [1.8-2.8] Participant [1.0-3.0] [3.1-4.1]

High [3.9-5.0] [3.2-5.0] [3.5-5.0] [4.1-5.0] [2.9-5.0] [4.2-5.0]

The different learning styles tested for in this survey are explained below. It is advisable that you print out this page for future reference (to print use your browser's print button above). The following summaries are from the book, Teaching With Style: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Learning by Understanding Teaching & Learning Styles, Alliance Publishers, San Bernadino (1996), by Tony Grasha. Comments are by Dr. David P. Diaz and are not necessarily endorsed by Dr. Grasha. Independent Students who like to think for themselves and are confident in their learning abilities. Prefer to learn the content that they feel is important and would prefer to work alone on course projects than with other students. General Classroom Preferences Independent study; self-paced instructio; assignments that give students a chance to think independently; projects that students can design; student-centered rather than teachercentered designs. Comments An independent learner likes a maximum of choice and flexibility and a minimum of structure and form in their learning environment. Independent learners like to be in control of their learning situations: 'Give me the minimum of instruction and then

stay out of my way.' Independent skills are very important for future success. You will need to develop your ability to work independently, to see things that need to be done and do them, rather than waiting to be told what to do. Avoidant Avoidant students are not enthusiastic about learning content and attending class. They are slow to participate with students and teachers in the classroom. They are uninterested and often overwhelmed by what goes on in class. General Classroom Preferences Generally turned off by most classroom activities; would prefer no tests; prefer pass-fail grading systems; does not like enthusiastic teachers and does not want to be called on in class. Comments: Most students at the college level are not avoidant, however all of us have avoidant tendencies from time to time. After all, if we didn't have to attend school, we probably wouldn't. Most of us would rather do the things we want to do, and when we want to do them. Sometimes your avoidant tendencies come from having to take a course that is required for your degree program but which otherwise you would not prefer to take. Or, maybe you're just not feeling like coming to school today. Collaborative Typical of students who feel they can learn by sharing ideas and talents. They cooperate with the teacher and like to work with others. General Classroom Preferences Lectures with small group discussions--Small seminars--Student designed aspects of courses--Group projects. Comments: Today's businesses are looking for people who can work with others in product design or product development teams. While you may not prefer to interact with others in a learning situation, collaborative skills will definitely be needed in order to excel in future life and work settings. Dependent Dependent students show little intellectual curiosity and who learn only what is required. View teacher and peers as sources of structure and support and look to authority figures for specific guidelines on what to do. General Classroom Preferences Outlines or notes on the board; clear deadlines and instructions for assignments; teachercentered classroom methods; as little ambiguity as possible in all aspects of course. Comments:

While dependent learning styles may be portrayed as negative by some, dependent skills will be necessary in some circumstances in life. You will not always be able to assert your independence or work collaboratively with others. Sometimes you will need to sit back and observe, passively, while someone else leads or determines actions to be taken. Being a good listener sometimes is a passive process. You may want to lead, or talk, or advise, but the situation may call for you to relinquish these desires temporarily. There is a time for passive, as well as active, participation, so dependent skills will be an asset in some cases. Competitive Students who learn material in order to perform better than others in the class. Believe they must compete with other students in a course for the rewards that are offered. Like to be the center of attention and to receive recognition for their accomplishments in class. General Classroom Preferences Students enjoy becoming a group leader in discussions; prefer teacher-centered instructional procedures; like to be singled out in class for doing a good job; enjoy class activities where they can do better than others. Comments: It is interesting that, though we live in a competitive society, most students would rather not compete with each other in the classroom. However, students will compete if they know that this is expected by the teacher, and/or is a necessary requirement of the class. Further, such competitive skills may be necessary in a students' future occupation and thus is certainly a skill that may need practice. Participant Good citizens in class. Enjoy going to class and take part in as much of the course activities as possible. Typically eager to do as much of the required and optional course requirements as they can. General Classroom Preferences Lectures with discussion; opportunities to discuss material; class reading assignments; teachers who can analyze and synthesize information well. Comments: A participant learner is one who is motivated by whatever the instructor wants from him or her. They enjoy participating no matter what type of activity is chosen by the instructor.

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