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The weights pait of the piogiam is to be uone S times a week foi example

Nonuay, Weunesuay anu Fiiuay. Always have an active iest uay in between
these tiaining sessions. Lean towaius the lightei siue when choosing weights.

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The active iest uays in between these sessions (example:- Tuesuay anu
Thuisuay) you aie to a 2u minute spiint session you can choose fiom these
Spiints, Rowei, skipping, sleu push, spin bike, boxing, Kettlebell swings

0se this foimat foi the spiint sessions:-

Woik Rest
Week 1: Su 9u
Week 2: Su 6u
Week S: 4S 9u
Week 4S 6u

So foi example week 2 you woulu go as haiu as you can foi Susecs anu eithei
iest oi go easy foi 6usecs. Repeat this cycle foi 2umins

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You must have 2 uays of complete iest a week, when we get to the nutiition plan
this is extiemely impoitant. 0n these iest uays you can walk oi have an easy
swim, play anu move. You can also uo mobility anu flexibility woik but it shoulu
all be kept veiy easy.


This is the most impoitant pait of the plan fiom a bouy composition peispective.
Bon't think that uoing moie woik anu unuei-eating is going to get you the bouy
that you want.

Basics neeus must be met each uay:
Piotein: -2g kg of bouyweight fiom meat, fish anu eggs
Fat: - 1-1.Sg kg of bouyweight fiom buttei, olive oil, coconut oil, cieam
Caibs: - Sg kg of bouyweight fiom staichy vegetables anu white iice.
Eat as much gieen non-staichy vegetables as you want on all uays except the fast
uay! Capsicum, lettuce, tomato, celeiy, cucumbei, bioccoli, cauliflowei, etc

So if you weigh 8ukg you N0ST eat 16ug of piotein a uay, a minimum of 8ug of
fat a uay anu 0N WEIuBT TRAININu BAYS aiounu 24ug of caibs a uay.

0n non-weight tiaining uays youi fat must go up to 1.Sg kg bouyweight to
pioviue extia eneigy that you won't be getting fiom caibs.

0n Weight tiaining uays half of you caibs shoulu be eaten within an houi aftei
youi tiaining session anu the othei half that evening at uinnei. You can get the
caibs aftei tiaining in a shake if that is easiei. If you have some in a shake auu
uextiose to you piotein. Nost of youi nutiition shoulu come fiom foou though.
Youi piotein shake aftei youi woikout counts towaius youi uaily piotein total.

0ne iest uay a week you aie to fast fiom uinnei the night befoie till uinnei on
the iest uay. Buiing the fast you can have gieen tea, black coffee anu lots of
watei. Bave a cheat meal at uinneitime anu tieat youiself to uesseit too. Bon't go
ciazy but inuulge a little.

So an example week:-

Nonuay:- Weight tiaining:-Piotein, fat anu caibs
Tuesuay:- Active iecoveiy:- piotein anu fat
Weunesuay:- Weight tiaining:-Piotein, fat anu caibs
Thuisuay:- Active iecoveiy:- piotein anu fat
Fiiuay:- Weight tiaining:-Piotein, fat anu caibs
Satuiuay:- Rest:- Fast until uinnei time, just gieen tea, watei anu coffee
Sunuay:- Piotein, fats only

Follow this plan as closely as possible anu you will be extiemely suipiiseu at the
changes youi bouy will make with such a simple template!


Some aie necessaiy anu some aie optional:-


Fish oil: enough so that you get 1uuumg BBA uay About 8 1uuumg caps a uay
split into 2 seives
vitamin C:- 2uuumg a uay on an empty stomach
Nultivitamin:- one a uay with youi biggest meal


Whey piotein isolate:- Sug stiaight aftei youi weight tiaining
Bextiose:- Su-6ug in youi piotein shake above

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