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MACRo 2013- International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics

Instructions for Preparation of Papers for MACRo'2013

irst A!"#$R1, Second A!"#$R2
%epartment of &lectrical &n'ineerin', acult( of "echnical and #uman Sciences, Sapientia !niversit(, "') Mure*, e-mail+ firstauthor,rdslin-)ro 2 %epartment of Mechanical &n'ineerin', acult( of "echnical and #uman Sciences, Sapientia !niversit(, "') Mure*, e-mail+ secondauthor,rdslin-)ro Manuscript received April 0., 2010/ revised April 10, 2010)

Abstract: "he paper should be submitted both in )%$C and )1% format) "he submitted )1% document 2ill be used as a reference) An accurate formattin' is re3uired in order to reduce subse3uent chan'es of aspect to a minimum) "he paper should be prepared on A. paper 4210 5 267 mm8 and it must contain an abstract not e5ceedin' 100 2ords) Keywords: "echnical information, fi'ures, e3uations, tables, ac-no2led'ements, references)


enera! infor"ation

$nl( papers 2ritten in &n'lish 2ill be accepted 4please use &n'lish spellchec-8) "he paper should be prepared in sin'le-column format) "he minimum number of pa'es is ., but is limited to 12 pa'es in overall len'th includin' fi'ures, tables and references)

2. #ec$nica! infor"ation
Type typefaces and sizes: "imes 9e2 Roman is re3uired) ollo2 the t(pe si:es specified in Table 1) Format: Set the top mar'in to %& "", t$e botto" "ar'in to (& "" ) Set t$e !eft and ri'$t "ar'in to 3& "" and &0 "" ) !se ; mm for para'raph indentation) <eft and ri'ht-=ustif( (our te5t)

) Author and S) Author

Spacing: sin'le) "itles, authors> names, authors> affiliation, section titles, fi'ures, captions, tables and e3uations should be centered and separated b( empt( lines) A. Figures and Tables i'ures should be inserted in the te5t) Captions should be placed under fi'ures as sho2n in Fig. 1) or the fi'ures use the same t(pe of fonts, li-e in the bod( of the te5t) 1lease, select the si:e of the fonts in a 2a(, that te5ts appear in the inserted fi'ure 2ith a si:e of about 6 points)
2 speed [m/s]









1000 1200 time [ms]

Figure 1: Speed versus time)

"ables should be numbered) "able captions should be ali'ned to left and placed above the table) B. Formulas ormulas should be centered and numbered in round brac-ets) "he brac-ets should be placed to the ri'ht of the formula, finished at 12); cm)

ur = L1

diL1 + uC1 dt


1h(sical 3uantities 2ritten 2ith the <atin alphabet 4li-e uC18 in the main te5t must be t(ped in italics)

Instructions for 1reparation of 1apers for MACRo?2010

Table 1: "(pe si:es and appearance) Si:e in points 1. 12 11 6 11 12 10 11 6 10 6 "imes 9e2 Roman Appearance bo!d+ #it!e Case

Authors> 9ames
Main "e5t


,ection tit!e
"able captions Subheadings

bo!d italic

"ables, i'ure captions

ootnotes, References

C. eferences @hen citin' references in the te5t, put the correspondin' reference number in s3uare brac-ets A1B)

3. Conc!usion
$n the basis of the above instructions the paper has to be submitted b( email to+ "acro-"!ed'e"ents
1ublishin' of this Conference 1roceedin' is supported b( the CS:DlEfFld AlapC foundation)

A1B A2B A3B Ammous, A), Ammous, G), Morel, #), Allard, H), Her'o'ne, %), Sellami, ), and Chante, I)1), J&lectrothermal modelin' of IKH">s+ application to short-circuit conditionsL, !""" Trans. #o$. "lectron), vol) 1;, no) ., pp) 770-760, Iul) 2000) Hen-o2s-(, K),LIndu-tionser2aermun'- #aerten, Kluehen, Schmel:en, <oeten, Sch2eissenL, ;), star- bearbeitete Aufla'e, Merla' "echni- Kmbh Herlin, 1660) Acero, I), HurdNo, I)M), Harra'On, <)A), 9avarro, %), and <lorente, S), J&MI improvements usin' the s2itchin' fre3uenc( modulation in a resonant inverter for domestic induction heatin' appliancesL, in #roc. %&th Annual !""" #o$. "lectr. Specialists Conf.' Aachen' (ermany, 200., pp) 3100-3112)

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