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Obama for America

March 20, 2007

Inside This Issue Week in Review

1 Week in review
This past weekend marked Barack Obama’s second visit to New Hampshire
1 Newsroom and his first stops in Denver, Colorado; Oakland, California and Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma since he announced his plan to run for President just over one month
2 Policy & Legislation
ago. After meeting with seniors in Claremont, New Hampshire he flew to
2 Obama on Iraq California where he spoke about his plan to end the Iraq war. He stopped in
Denver and Oklahoma City for kick-off fundraisers that each attracted
3 Students for Barack Obama thousands of attendees.

3 Hope Action Change With the 4th anniversary of the Iraq War this week, Senator Obama appeared
on Larry King LIVE on Monday to talk about his plan to bring all combat troops
4 Events Calendar home by March 31st, 2008 and his opposition to the war from the beginning.
Yesterday, he delivered remarks on the Senate Floor focusing on his commitment
to bring this conflict to an end.
Obama will return to Nevada this weekend for a healthcare forum sponsored
by the Service Employment International Union (SEIU) and a rally hosted by the
Culinary Workers of America, before traveling to West Palm Beach and Miami.
Obama begins the following week with a reception in Atlanta, Georgia.


‘Obama Draws Enthusiastic Crowd in Oklahoma’ by Tim Talley. Illinois Sen. Barack
Obama brought his Democratic presidential campaign to Oklahoma for the first
time Monday with a promise to end the war in Iraq and change the culture of
political gamesmanship in Washington.” (Associated Press: 3/19/07) Full Story
"At every juncture when the ‘Obama Rouses Crowd’ by John C. Ensslin. Democratic presidential contender
people decided to change this Barack Obama urged a cheering throng of supporters to make his campaign
country, it changed.” their campaign and to "take back their country. (Rocky Mountain News: 3/19/07)
Full Story
-Senator Obama; rally in Oakland,
CA; March 17, 2007 ‘Obama highlights antiwar stance in Oakland’ by Maeve Reston. As protesters
geared up around the country to mark the fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion,
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Saturday railed against the
Bush administration's handling of the war with words that also served to implicitly
criticize his own party's competitors for the White House. (LA TIMES: 3/19/07) Full
‘Better Future for America’ by Josh Richman. "This campaign is a vehicle for you,
this campaign is a vehicle for your hopes, for your dreams," -(Inside Bay Area:
3/18/2007) Full Story
‘Obama Greeted Warmly at Famous N.H. Site’ by Beverly Wang. The Illinois
-12,000 supporters at Senator Obama’s rally senator spoke Friday at the Earl M. Bourdon Senior Center where former President
in Oakland, CA; March 17, 2007
Bill Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich shook hands in 1995 and promised
to create a bipartisan commission on campaign finance reform. The commission
never materialized. Associated Press: 3/16/07) Full Story

News Room Continued

‘Obama pitches Iraq exit strategy’ by Ed Tibbetts. Obama pitched his plan to get
American troops out of that country in a year during stops in Dubuque, Clinton
and, finally, Davenport, where he was greeted by a packed gymnasium at North
High School. Aides said 3,700 people were there for the evening rally. (Quad City
Times: 3/12/07) Full Story
‘Iowa Students Help Drive Election Bus’ by Jennifer Hunter. Just after his
presidential announcement in Springfield, Barack Obama winged his way to
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He spoke at John F. Kennedy High School, and when the
speech ended and a few hands were shaken, he and his wife, Michelle, were
whisked away. They scooted aboard a yellow school bus full of college-aged
“When I opposed this invasion Democrats. The Obamas spent an hour driving with the 25 students from 10 Iowa
colleges, chewing over policy issues such as the war in Iraq and munching on
in 2002, I said that I am not
trail mix. (Chicago Sun Times: 3/14/07) Full Story
against all wars… I believed
‘Young Voters Find Voice on Facebook’ by Jose Antonio Vargas. There are more
that authorizing this conflict
than 500 Obama groups on Facebook. One of the first, "Students for Barack
would lead to a US Obama," was created on July 7 by Meredith Segal, a junior at Bowdoin College
occupation of undetermined who first heard of Obama when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic
length, at undetermined cost, National Convention in 2004. (Washington Post: 2/17/07) Full Story
with undetermined
consequence.” Policy& Legislation
–Senator Obama; Denver, CO, Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act
fundraiser, 3/18/07.
This week, working with Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Barack Obama
introduced a bill to address the problems revealed by a recent Washington Post
series on Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital. The bill improves the condition of
soldiers’ rooms, streamlines the process for seeking care, provides greater
information to recovering soldiers, requires the hiring of more caseworkers, and
provides more support to family members who help to care for soldiers. The bill
now has 29 cosponsors, including three Republicans.
Fuel Economy Reform Act

Barack Obama and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) reintroduced their bill to
raise vehicle fuel economy standards by 4% a year – a move that could reduce
U.S. gasoline consumption by half a trillion gallons by 2028. The bill cosponsors
include senators from both sides of the aisle, including several who have voted
against CAFE increases in the past.

Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007

Barack Obama joined Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to introduce the Citizenship
Promotion Act to reverse large fee increases for legal immigrants seeking to
become citizens. The fees are scheduled to rise 66% which would impose a
significant financial hardship on many families. The bill would also provide grants
to states to educate immigrants about the citizenship process.

Obama’s statement on the anniversary of Iraq War

"It is time to bring this conflict to a
responsible end so we can bring “There is no military solution to this war. No amount of U.S. soldiers can solve
the grievances that lay at the heart of someone else’s civil war. We must begin a
our troops home and refocus on
phased redeployment of our forces starting May 1st, with the goal of removing all
the wider struggle yet to be won.” combat forces by March 30th, 2008. Letting the Iraqis know that we will not be
there forever is our last, best hope to pressure the Iraqis to take ownership of their
-Senator Obama on Iraq.
country and bring an end to their conflict.” Link to Obama Statements on Iraq.

Students for Barack Obama

Students for Barack Obama (SFBO) is a student-led organization
with representatives from universities, community colleges, and
high schools around the country that have taken grassroots
organizing into their own hands. The student movement for Barack
Obama is much more than a single organization; SFBO currently
has over 160 school based organizations around the country and
aims to have chapters in all 50 states by March 31st. Since their first
major organizing event in January at George Mason University in
Virginia, the national leadership team has signed up over 20 state
coordinators and they aim for 50 by March 31st. Various tools like,,,,
and, have all contributed to the exponential
growth of the SFBO. - Senator Obama; SFBO Kickoff Event at George Mason
University rally; Fairfax, VA; January, 2007.
Hope Action Change: Call to Action!
The field department is focused on the next campaign Call to
Action, which is our community action kickoff on March 31st. This "We are here today because the country
marks the first nationwide event in support of Barack Obama’s
candidacy. The purpose of the nation-wide community action kickoff calls us, we are here today because history
is to inform other people about ways to not only get involved on a beckons us, we are here today because we
grass-roots level, but also to get acquainted with Barack Obama and face a series of challenges as significant, as
his mission for the country. Please visit and
click on the HOPE ACTION CHANGE link to host your own community daunting as any generation has face”- Senator

action event or get involved in other ways with the campaign. Obama, rally in Oakland, Ca. 3/17/07.

We’re asking supporters throughout the country to join Barack

Obama in this discussion by opening their homes on March 31st at 3:00
pm Central, and gathering their friends and family to watch Barack
Obama in a live webcast from Iowa. For those who would like to host
an event but do not have Internet access, you will be able to dial into
a conference call number and listen to the Iowa discussion. All groups
hosting a community action event will recieve a special DVD with a
message from Barack Obama.
The Obama campaign is also proud to have the support of Illinois’
Senior Senator Dick Durbin, Chicago Mayor Richard M Daley and
several other leaders from Illinois who plan to host community events
parties of their own on March 31st.
During the upcoming weeks, our field team is also working to
- Senator Obama; rally in Oakland, CA; March 17, 2007
develop a political organizational meeting with over 400 political
activists, local politicians and community leaders to discuss ways we
“This campaign is a vehicle for you; this campaign
can all work together to support Obama for America. is a vehicle for your hopes, for your dreams,"
-Senator Obama; rally in Oakland, CA; 3/17/07

-12,000 supporters at Senator Barack Obama’s rally in Oakland, CA; March 17, 2007
- Senator Obama; Earl M Bourdon Centre; Claremont, NH; 3/16/07

Events Calendar
Below is a list of events, fundraisers, coalitions, and rallies we have
scheduled for the next few months.
MARCH 2007

• Culinary Workers Rally, Las Vegas, NV March 23rd S M T W T F S

• New Leadership on Health Care March 24th 1 2 3

Presidential Forum, Las Vegas, NV 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
• Obama for America Reception March 25th 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
West Palm Beach, FL 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
• Building and Construction Trades March 28th 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Candidate Forum

• Hope, Action, Change Nation-wide March 31st APRIL 2007

Community action event S M T W T F S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

MAY 2007

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

Paid for by Obama for America

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