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The B0BBand 8086

Microprocessors and TheirMemoryand fnput/OutputInterfaces

fiom a the 8088and8086microprocessors Up to thispointin thebook,we havestudied point instruction how of view. We have covered their software architectufe, set, software programs in assenbly language, and found that the 8088 and to wdte,execute, anddebug point of view. This is no! lrue of the hardware from the software 8086were identical Now we beginexamining the architectures of the8088and8086microcomputer systems. point view In this chapter, we cover of 8088 and 8086nicrocomputel from the hardwarc the 8088/8086\ signal interfaces,memory interfaoes,inputoutput interfaces,and bus and intedacing aspects of these cycles. The chapters that fbllow coverotherhardware This chapter includes the followingtopics: Focessors. 8.1 8088and8086Microprocessors andMa.{imum-Mode Systems 8.2 Minirnum-Mode Interface Signals 8.3 Min;rnum-Mode 8.4 Maxinum Mode InterfaceSignals 8.5 Elecirical Characteristics 8.6 System Clock 8.7 Bus CycleandTime States 8.8 Hadware organizarionof ihe Memory Addres$Space Bus Status Codes 8.9 Address


8.10 Memory Control Signals 8-11 ReadandWrite Bus Cycles 8-12 Memory InterfaceCircuiis 8.13 Programmable Logic Arrays 8.14 Typesof Input/Output 8.15 IsolatedInput/Outputlnterface 8.16 Input/OutputData Transfers 8.17 lnput/Ou.putInstructions Bus Cycles 8.18 Input/Ouiput


Tte 8086, amounced in 1978, was tLe filst 16-bit miqoprocessorintroducedby Intel Corporation.A secondmemberof rhe 8086 family, fte 8088 midoprocessor followed it in 1979.The 8088 is tuny softwarecompatiblewilh its predecessorthe 8086. The differencebetweenthesetwo devicesis in their hardwarearch;tecture. Justlike the 8086.the 8088is intemally a lGbit MPU. However,extemally the 8086 hasa 16-bit databus,and the 8088 hasan 8-bit databus.This is the key hardwareditrerence.Both deviceshave.he ability 1oaddress up to lMb)te of nemory via their 20-bit addrcss buses. Moreover they can address up to 64K of b'te-wide irput/output ports. The 8088 and 8086 are borh manufactued ]usittqhish-petomance metul oide semiconductor(HMOS) technolog), and the circuitry on their chips is equivalent to apFoximately 29,0,mtransistors. They arc housedin a 40 pin dual in line package. This package canbe mountedinto a socketthat is soldered to the circuit boardor haveits leads inserteddrough hole.s in the board and soldered. The signalspinnedoui to eachlead arc shownin Figs. 8-1(a) and (b), respectively. Many of iheir pins have multiple funclions. For example,in lhe pin layout diagrarnof the 8088, we see thal addressbus lines A0 drough A? and databus lines Do throughD7 are multiplexed.For this rcason,theseleads arelabeledADo throughAD?. By nubiplered we meanthat the samephysicalpin canies an addftss bit at one time and the databit at anothertime.

At what pin location on the 8088's packageis address bit A16 output?With what other signal is it multiplexed?What tunction dosthis pin serveon the 8086?

Looking at Fig. 8-1(a), we find that the signal,t16 is l()catedat pin 38 on the 8088 and that it is multiplexed wirh signal L. Fipre 8 1(b) showsus that pin 38 servesthe same functions on the 8086.


Thea08a and aO86Microprocessors Chao.I

Fd l-RoGto-J lFd6_rir

(iii/6?i, lill/fi}



ddall rSll






khhi#;{li{:!:"i3ii.r;;s:m:r.I:it*x#? ilfl
Tle 8088and 8086nicroproces ,fiorscan I

lf*i;i.trilT',ffi t* iTfr :tfrHfi,l'd,ils!.; j:ifli,:H# [",;]fi *5':ffi #iif ll_it','i,!'_fpil$ n:[,n :;i#m *l#";*'x": ffi i;run**:
sec.8.2 Mjnimum-Mode an ci Maximum Mooesystems


The signalsof the 8088 microprocesr;or commonto both modesof operation,those unique Lominimurn modednddrose uniquI to maximummode,are lisLcdnr Figs. 8 2(a). (b), xnd (c). respctively. Hefewe lind the name,tunclion, and type lor each signal.For the signal g roup. lt tunctionsas a rcxd control ouiput and example, RD is in ihe common is usedlo signal memory or I/O devices wl 1enthe 8088'ssystem busis setup to readin data. Moreover, note that the signals ho ld reqnest (HOLD) and hold achowledge (HLDA) producedonly in the minimun r-modesysternIf the 8088 is set up for marimum mode,they arc replacedby the reque svgrant bus access control lines RQ/GToand RQ/GT,.

Mlnim0m mod. riqnalr(MN/MX= Ve)




l\raximum mode siqnah(MN/fit= GNo)




os1, oso

Fieure 8-2 (a) Signalscormo! ro borh min inun and narinum modcs. (b) Unique minlnum-mode siendls(c) Ulique maximunj


The 808 rg and 8086 Microprocessors Chap. I

Which pins provide ditrerentsignalfunctionsin the minimun-mode 8088and rninimunnode 8086?

Conparingthe pin layouts ofthe 8088and8086in Fig. 8-i, we find thefbllowing: 1. Pins 2 ihrough 8 on the 8088 are address lines Ara tbroughAs, but on the 8086 they are address/dala lines ADia throughADs. 2. Pin 28 on rhe8088i' lhe lO,M ourpu,andon $e 8080iri5 lhe M,4-0 ourpur. 3. Pin 31 of rhe8088rs $e SSOouFur.aodon lhe 808brhicpin cupplie. rheBHE/\? output.


When minimum modeoperationis selectd, the 8088 or 8086 itself plovides a[ rhe con, aol signalsneded to implementthe memory and I/O interfaces.Fignres 8-3(a) and (b) show block diagramsof a minimum-modeconfigurationof the 8088 and 8086, respctively. The minimum-mode signals can be divided into the following basic groups: address/data bus,status,control. intenupt, and DMA.

Address/Data Bus
Let us first look at the address/data bus. In an 8088-based microcomputersysten, theselines sene two turctions. As n adnrcssbus, they are usedto carry address infor nation to the memory and l/O ports. The addrcss bus is 20 bits long and consistsof signal lines A0 tbroush Are. Of ihese.Are represents the MSB and A{r the l-SB. A 20-bit givesthe 8088 a lMbyte memory address address space.However.only address Lines A0 yO address throughAr5 are usedwhen accessing I/O. This givesthe 8088 an independent spacethat is 64Kbytesin length. The eight ddta ,rr lines D0 though D? are actually multipiexedwith address lines A0 tbroughA7, respectivell For this reason.they are denotedasADo tlrough AD7. Data LineD7 is the MSB in the byte of data and D0 the LSB. Wben acting as a databus,rhey carry readwrite data for memory input/output data for l/O devices,and interrupttype codesfrom an interruptcontroller Lookine at Fig. 8-3(b), we seethat the 8086 has 16 databus lines insreadof 8 as in the 8088.Data fines aft rnultiplexedwith address lines Ao tbroughAr5 and aft theretore denotedasADo throughADr5.

5ec. 8.3



ADo-AD?. A16/S3-Ao/sa !trTA TEST





aD o-AD,r.A 6/S!-A,r/36






cL( (b) I'tgue E-3 (a) Block diagrm of the minimum'mode 8088 MPU (b) Btock diagran of the mininum-mode 8086MPU


5l 0

AlrgrnareG6rariv. rorheES se!men0 srackterarive b rness s.qm.o

Cod.lNonelrelalivslo lhe CS seg menr or a del.rrr ol zro) DalatGlalive to lh os segm )

FigurEE-4 Addre$ bussiarur (Repiintd codas. wilh pernission of I el Corporaliotr, @ 1979)

Status Signals
The foul most significantaddress lines,Are drough A16of both the 8088 atrd8086 are also multiplexed,but in lhis casewilh stdt r stgrals 56 through53. Thesestaos bits are output on the bus at the sametime thal dataare hansfered over the other bus lines. Bits Saand Sr togetherform a 2 bit binary codethat identifieswhich of the intemal segment registerswas usedto geneBtethe physical address that was output on the addrcss bus during the cunent bus 'Jycle.The,se four codesand the regisren they representare = 00 idenrifieslhe extra segment shownin Fig. 8-4. Note that the code SaS3 rcgister as the sourceof ihe segment addrcss. internalchrmcteristicof the MPU- It is the Stalusline Sj rcflectsthe statusof another flag.The status logic levelof theintemalintempt enable bir 56is alwaysat the0 logic level.

Control Signals
T\e contml siqnals arc ltrovided to suppod the memory and I/O interfacesof the 8088 and 8086. They control functions such as when the bus carries a valid addrcss, which direcdon data are transferredover lhe bus. when valid write data are on the bus. andwhen to put readdataon the systembus.For example.addrcsslatch etnble (ALE\ is a pulse to iogic 1 that siglals extemalcircuitry when a valid addrcssis on the bus.This address can be latchedin extemrl circlitry on the I to 0 edgeofthe pulse at ALE. _ Using the IO/M (lo/nenoO line. D' R (data transmit/receiye\line, and SSO (statusoutput) line, the 8088 signalswhich type of bus cycle is in progressand in which directiondataare to be tsansfened overthe bus.The logic level of IO/M tells extemalcncuiry wherler a memory or UO trdnsferis taking placeover the bus.lngic 0 at this output signalsa memory operalion,and logic I signals an VO operatioi. The direction of datatansfer over the busis sienaledby rne logic level ouFut at DT/R- When this line is logic I during the datatransferpan of a bus cycle, the busis in the transmitmode.There fore. dataare either written into memory or output to an UO device.On the other halrd. logic 0 at DT,R signalsthat drc bus is tu the rcceivemode.This conesponds to .eading datafmm memory or inpur of dataftom an input porl ComparingFigs. 8 3(a) and 8 3(b), we find two differences befv/en the minimummode8088 and 808b microproce,ssors. Fi^L rhe 8086 s memoryno conFotrMI-Or 'isnal is the complement of the equivalentsignaloflhe 8088.Secondthe 8088\ SSOstatussignal is rcplacedby bdnt /,ish e able (BtE\ M tre 4086.l-ogic 0 on tlis line is usedas a mernoryenablesignalfof r}le nosr sienmcantb)'te har of the databus, Ds drough Drs. This line also carriesstatusbit 57.
Sec-8.3 Minimum-ModelntedaceSionals


The si$als r.dd(RD) and n/itu (WR) indjcate that a readbuscycle or a write b[s c)cle. respeclel). i, in progress. The MPU suilchesWR-ro log;c0 ro 5ignalexremal devicesthat valid write or outputdataare on the bus On the otherhand,RD indicatestl|i fte MPU is perforning a readof dataoff the bus.During rcad operations, one otherconaol signal,DEN (data r.rbla), is also supplied.It enablesextemaldevicesto supplydaE to the miuoprocessor. One other control signalinvolved with the memory and I/O interface,the READY signal,can be usedto insert wait states into the bus cycle so ihat ir is extended by a num ber of ciock periods-Th;s signalis providedby way of an extemalclock generator device andcan be suppiiedby tbe memoryor I/O subsystem to signal the MPU whenit is ready io pemit the datatsansferto be completed.

The keyinterrupt interface signals arc intettupt rq&rt (INTR) and intenwt (INTA). INTR is an input to the 8088 and 8086 that can be used by an acknowledSe externaldeviceto signalthat it needsto be seNiced.This inpur is sampled during the final clock period of eachtfftroction acquisition cyck. Logic I at INTR represents an active interrupt request. Wlrcn the MPU recognizes an interupt request,it indicatesthis fact to exrematcircuirs with pulsesto logic 0 at the INTA outpur. The TEST input is also relatedto the exiemal interruptinterface.For example,execulion of a WAIT instructioncauses the 8088or 8086to checkthe logic level at the TEST input. If logic I is found at this iDput,the MPU suspends opention and goesinto what is known as the idle rtdt?. The MPU no.longerexecutes instructions;instead,ir repeatediy checksthe logic level of the TEST input waiting for its transition back to logic 0. As TEST switchesto 0, executionresumeswith the nexi instruction in the program. This feanre can be used to synchonize the opemtion of lhe MPU to an eveni in exremal hardware. There are fwo more inpuis in the irtenupt inretface: nonnaskable interrupt (NMl) and,'rer (RESET). On the 0{o-1 t ansition of NMI, controlis passed to a ronmaskable intenupt serv;ceroutineat completion of execution of the currentinstruc, tion. NMI is the interrupt requestwith highesr pdority and cannot be maskedby software.The RESETinput is usedto providea ha.dware resetfor the MPU. Switchirg RESETto logic 0 initializesthe intemalregisters of ihe MPU andinitiatesa resetser

DMA InterfaceSignals
T\e diect memory dcc?rr (DMA) inreface of the 8088/8086minimum-mode microcomputersystem consists of the HOLD and HLDA signals. When an extemal devicewantsto take control of the systembus, it signalsthis fact io drc MPU by switcb ing HOLD to the 1 logic level. For xample,when the tlOLD inpur of the 8088becomes active, it enten the hold state at the completion of the cnrrent bus cycle. When in the hold state, signallinesADo through AD7.As tbrough Ar5,A16/5rthrough Arr/56,SSO,


The 8088 and 8086 MicroDrccessofs ChaD.8

IOA4. DT/R, RD, WR, DEN, and INTR are all put into tlle high-Z state.The 8088 signals exremaldevices.hat it is in this stateby switching its HLDA output to the I logic level.


is set for the maximum-mode configfation, it Wlen the 8088 or 8086 microprocessor producessignalsfor implelnentlng^ nuhprccessor/coptuc.ssorslstem enrimnment-By exist in the system nulnprccessot eNionnen. we mean that multiple microprocessors and that eachprocessor executes its own proglam. Usually in this t)?e of systemenvironment, some systemresouces arc commonto all processors. They are caled gldb"l Effu'.er. There are also other resomces that are assigned to specitrcpmcessors. These dedicated resources are kt(t\\rn as local or pilate resourcesrn the maximun-mode system,facilities are provided for inplementing allocation of global resources and passingbus conFol to other microprocessors sharingthe systen

8288 BusController; BusCommands and ControlSignals

Looking at &e maximum-mode block diasramin Fig. 8-5(a), we seethat the 8088 doesnot directly provide all the s+nak rnat arerequnedto control ft memory I/O, and intenupt inlerfaces.Specifically, the WR, IO/M, DT/R, DEN, ALE, and INTA signals are no_longerproducedby the 8088. Instead,it outputs a statuscode on three signals lines. S0.Sr, and S,, prior to the inidation of eachbus cycle. This 3 bit b!..rrtdt r co./e identifies whichtype ofbus cycleis to follow. SrSrS0 areinput to the extemai,rs cortrollel device,the 8288, which decodes then to ideniry fte type of MPU bus cycle. The block diagramandpin Iayoutoflhe 8288 are shownin Figs- 8 6(a) and (b), respectively. In response. the bus controller generates the appropriatelytimed commandand control sisnals. Figure 8-7 showsthe relationshipbetween the busstatuscodesandthe typesof bus cycles.Also shown are the output signalsgenerated to tefl extemal cncuitry which type of bus cycle is taking place.Theseoutput signalsare neDory read comtnnd (MRDC), nenorJ x)rik comnandO,tw'lc), adrancednenory wik convand (t\MwC\. I/O read comand IORC), I/O wfte conafund (rOwC), advared xO wntu conoMnn (NOWC), (INf A). audinterrupt acknowledqe produces The 8288 one or two of rhesesevetr conunandsignalsfor eachbus cycle. For instance, when the 8088 outputsthe code SrSrS0: 001, it indicatesthat an I/O read cycle is to be perfonned.In turn, the 8288 makesits IORC output switch to logic 0. On the orherhand,if the code 1I I is outputby fte 8088,it is signalingtlat no bus activiry is no command to takeplaceithe 8288produces signals. The other contol outputsproducedby the 8288 consi:rtof DEN, DT,R, and ALE. Thesettuee signalsprovidedle sane tunctionsasthosedessibed for the minimum mode. Figure 8-5(b) showsthat the 8288 bus corto er connets to the 8086 in the sameway as the 8088,and it also produces the sameoutput signals.
Sec 8.4 InterfaceSrgnals fMaxrmumMocle


M36a M'E


ozee ar.

otN DT/i

EEd @d


DT/RDEN ADo-AO?, Ar.A,-A01S.




Lo6lbu. 6nrol

(a' (b) 8086rnerimum-mode FtguE 8-5 (a) 8088nardmuxn-node blockdiagram. block

ff the bus statrs codeSrSlS0equals101,what g?e of bus activity is taking plac?Wlich conmand ouFut is Fodrced by the 8288?

Lookingat thetable in Fig.8 Z we see thatbusstatus code101identifies a read memory bnscycleandcauses theMRDCoutput of thebuscontrollel to be switched to logic 0.


The8088 and a0a6 Microorocessofs Chao.I












EoicT, Ra/cL

FigurEE-s (cortinued)

Lock Signal
To implement a multiprocessorsystem,a signal called lock (LOCK) is provided on the 8088and 8086.This signalis meantto be output(logic0) whenever the plocessor wants io lock ont the other processon from using the bus. This would be the case when a sharedresourceis accessed. The LOCK signal is compatiblewith the Mrltibrr, an industry standard for interfacing microprocessor systems in a multiprocessor

sec 8.4

Maximum-lvlode lnterface Srgnals


-'l. o-id


iit -iE fiic


i6ta 6i-4

Figure 8-6 (.) Blocl diagrM of the 82E8.lReprjited tith permisjon of (Rcprhtedwnh pemission of htcl lnLel Corporation, E 1919)(b) Pin layout. O i979) Corporation.

Status Signals Oueue

produced Two orhersignals by the 8088and the naxinum-modemicro status queue sysrem, are status outputs computer QSoand QSr tharfon ^2bjt queue information was circuitry whal type of This code tells lhe extemal .,1e, QSlQSo. quene previous clock cycle. Figure 8 8 shows duringthe tiom the inltruction rcmoved = 0l indicates thatthe first byte Note tharQSlQSo siatus codes. thefour dillerentqueue of an insfirctioD was taken off the queue.As shown. the feich of the Dextbyte of lhe of the queue is reseldueto a t|,tnsfer by the codeil. Whenevef instmclion is identilied codc10 is ouiput. |hereiniiialization control,

0 0 0 0
I 1


0 1 0 1 0 0 1

Inlerupt Acknowledge


-----to--o s9M_RDC lvlFDC



(Repnnbd O 1979) wnh permisior of l.rel CoiPoratiotr. Figure8-7 Bus staius codes.


The 8088 and 8086 Mjcroprocessors Chap I

os1 osn


0 No Operalion. Ourin! lhs

clock cycl, nolhing was

Firsl Syle.The bylstakan lrom lhe qleue wss the lirsl byle ol the


0 Ouue Emply.The queue has reinilislired asa rssultollhe ben inslruction. ol a transfer sreculion Byte.Thebytelaken Subssqusnl wasa subsequnl figure 8-8 Queuestatuscodes. Iromths queue (Reprintedlith pernisslon of lntel byleol theinslrucllon.
Corporanon, O 1979)

In a maximum mode configuration,the minimum-modeHOLD and HLDA interThesetwo signalsarc rcplacedby requen/qrunt face of the 8088/8086is also changed. provide mechanismfor accessa prioritized bus access l,rr RQ/CToand RQ/GTj. They ing the local bus.


ln the precedingsections,the pin layout and minimum- and maxinum-mode interface were intoduced. Herc we will firsl look at signalsof the 8088 and 8086 microprocessors and then their input and output electricel the power supply ratings of theseprocessors characteristics. pin 40 (V".) andpins Looking at Fig. 8 l(a), we find that poweris appliedbetween together.The nominal value I(GND) and 20(GND). Pins I and 20 should be connected thatthe 8088or of =10EoThis ineans as +5 V dc with a tolerance of V.. is specified 8086 will operateconectly as long as the ditrerencein voltagebetweenV"" and GND is (25oC), bothtbe 8088 greater than4-5V dc andlessthan5.5V dc.At roomtemperature and 8086 draw a maximum of 340 mA from the supply. of ihe microprocessor-that is. its Let us now look at the dc yO characteristics input and output logic levels.Theseratingstell the minimun and ma{imum vollagestor the 0 and I logic statesfor which the circuit witl opente corectly Different valuesare speciliedfor the inputs atd outputs. for the 8088 Notice thal the minFigure 8-9 showsthe I/O voliage specifications js (VoH) for (highlevel) 2.4V This voltage is specilied voltage ai an ouQut logic I imum (IoJ as by the ou@ut of current being sourced thai identifies the arnount a test condition -,100 pA. Al1 processors must be tesledduring manufacturingto ensurethat under ths lest condition the vollagesat all outputswill remain abovethe value of VoH-i"
sec.8.5 ElectricalCharacteristics


+2.0 v +2,4 V

v.. + 0.5 v
Figure 8-9 I/O voltage levels.

lnput voltagelevels are specifiedin a similar way; exceptherethe raringsidentify the rangeof voltagethat will be correctly identified as a logic 0 or a logic 1 a1an input. = -0.5 V to VL,,"* = +0.8 V represent For inslance, voltages in therange Vn a vilid ",i. logic 0 (lowerlevel)dt an inputofthe 8088. The I/O voltage levels of the 8086 microprocessor are identicai to ihose for ihe 8088asshown in Fig. 8-9. However, thercis onedifference in theiestconditions. For the 8086,VoL is measued at 2.5 mA instead of 2,0mA,


The dme basefor synchronization of the internal and extemal operations of the micropro.essorin a microcompuier systemis providedby the cl.rc* (CLK) input signal,At pfesent,the 8088 is available pan oprutes in two different speeds. Tbe standard ot 5 MHz and the8088-2 operales at 8 MHz.On theolberhand, the8086microprocessor is manufactuled in threespedsr the s-MHz 8086,the 8-MHz 8086-2, anddle lo-MHz 8086-1. The 8284 clockgenerator anddriverIC generate$ CLK, Figul8-I0 is a blockdiagram ofthis device.

Iigu.e 8-10 Block diagam of the 8284clock generator(Repnntedwilh peF misslonof Intel Corporation.@ 1979)


The8088 and 8086 Microorocessors chao-8



IigN E-ll Connetingthe8284lo the 8088. (Reprintedwith penission of lntei Cor?oration.@ 1979)

The standard way in which this clock chip is usedwith the 8088is to connecteither a 15- or 24-MHz crystal betweenits Xr and X2 inputs.This circuir connecrionis shown in Fig. 8 11.Note that a seriescapacitorCL is also required.trs lpical value when used with the 15-MHz crystal is 12 pF The funnanental crystal frcquerry is divided by 3 within tbe 8284 to give either a 5- or 8-MHz clock signal. This signal is internally bufferedandoutput at CLK. The CLK outputof the 8284canbe dnectly connected to the CLK input of the 8088.The 8284 connects to the 8086 in exacdythe sameway. Figure 8-12 showsthe wavefom of CLK. Here we seethat the signal is specified at metal onde semiconductor O4os)-compatiblevoltagelevels andnoi transistortransisior logic (TTL) levels.Its minimu.n and maximun low logic levels a.e VLdi : -0.5 V andVlda = 0.6 Y respectively. Moreover the minimum and marimum high logic levels areVs-i" = 3.9 V andVHms : Ve + 1 Y respectively. Thepetrd of the clok signalof a 5 MHz 8088 can rangefroln a nininum of 200 ns to a mrximum of 500 ns, and the maxilj.u.mrise andfatl tines of its edgesequal 10 ns. Figure 8-10 shows two morc clock outputs on the 8284i tte peripheml cLock (PCLK) and oscilLdtorclo.* (OSC).Thesesignalsare provided to drive peripheraiICs. The clock signal output at PCLK is half the frequencyof CLK. For instance,if an 8088 is operated at 5 MHz, PCLK is 2.5 MHz. Also, it is at TTl-compatible levelsratherthan MOS levels.On dre otherhand,the OSC output is at the crystal frequency, which is thre times that of CLK. Figure 8-13 illustratestheserelationships. T]le 8284 can also be driven from an extemalclock sourcejhe extemalclock signal is applied to ihe exiemal frequencyinput (EFI). Input F/C is provided for clock sourceselection.Wlen it is strapped to the 0 Iogic level, the crystal betweenXr and X, is used.On the otherhand.applyins logic I to F/C selects EFI as the sourceof the clock. The clock sync (CSYNC) input can be usedfor extemalsynchronization in systems that employ multiple clocks.

Figue E-12 CLK voltageand timing chdacteristicsfor a 5-MHz processor(Reprintedwilh permissjon of Intel Corpontion, O 1979)

s e c . 8 - 6 SystemClock


Figure 8-13 RelationshjpbelweenCLK and PCLK. (Reprintedwith pennission of lntel Coryonrlon, O I 979)

If theCLK inputofan 8086MPU is to be ddvenby 4 9-MHz signat, wha!speed version of the 8086mustbe usedandwhatfrequency crystal mustbe attnched to the 8284?

The 8086-l is the version of the 8086that canbe run at 9 MHz. To create rhe 9-MHz clock,a 27-MHzcrystal mustb used on the 8284,


A Dlli c)cb defines th basicopemlion pertbrms that a microproces$or to communicate with external devices, Examples of bus cyclesare the memorylead, Demoly write, input/output read,and inpuvoutput write.As shownin Fig. 8-14(a),a buscycleco esponds to a sequence of events thatstall with an address beingoutputon the system bos followedby a reador write datatransferDuringthese operations, the MpU produces a series of controlsigralsto conlrolrhedirection andtinringof thebus. The buscycleof the 8088and8086microprocessors consists of at least four clock priods. These four time states arecalledT , T2,Tj, rnd Td.DuringTr, theMpU puB an addrcss on the bus, For a write memory cycle, dataareput on thebusduringstate T, and maintained through T3 andTa.Whena readcycleis ro be pedomed,the b s is first pur in the high-ZstateduringT, and thenihe datato be readmusrbe available on the bus dudngT1 andTa. ThesefoLrrclock staLes gi\e a bus .jlle durationof 125ns X 4 = 500ns in an 8-MHz 8088system. If no bus cyclesare reqxired,the microFocessorperforns whal are knowr as td? rratr. During thesestates, no bus activiry takesplace.Eachidle staGis one clock period long,andanynumber ol themcanbe inserred berween buscyctes. Figure8-14(b)shows two buscyclesseparated by idle states.Idle stares are perfomed if the insrructionqueue in.idelhe nicroproce*,'r i. tLll dnd ir aoe.nor neea,o'e,,dor wrireoperrnd. from Waitnoks .al also be insededinto a bus c),cle. This is donein response ro a request by an eventin extemalhardwareinsteadof an internal evenrsuchas a full queue.


The 8088 rnd 8086 MrLroproce\o.\

Chdp. 8



tl --___________x__]@-

JL J _""r","."". "*,*....".". *' J 1-;';y;,".pgi**

FisuE E-r4 (a) Bus cycle ctock periods.(Reprinkn wirh lemisior of Inlel Corporation,O 1979) (b) Bus cycle with idle states.(Retrtured with pemissiotr of Iltel Corporaliorr O 1979) (c) Bus cycle with wait states.(Reprinted wirh pemi$ion of Intel CorpoEtion, O 19?9)

ln fact, the READY input of the MPU is Fovided spe.ificaly for rhis pupose. Figwe 8 14(c) showsthat logic 0 at this input indicatesthar tlle cuneni bus cycle shouldnot be completed.As long as READY is held at the 0 leve], wait statesare inserredberween states T3 andTa of the curent bus cycle, and the dararhar were or the bus during T3 are maintained.The bus cycle is not completeduntil rhe extemalhardwarereturnsREADY back to the 1 logic level. This extendsthe duration of the bus cycle, therebypermitring the use of slower memory and I/O devicesin the system.

What is the duration of the bus cycle in the 8088-based microcomputerif the clock is 8 MIIZ and two wait statesare iDserted?

The duration of the bus cycle in an s-MHz systemis give, in generalby ty.=500ns+Nx125ns
5 e c .8 . 7

BusCycleand llme States


In this expression N standsfor the numberof wait states.For a bus cycle wirh two wair

t y"= 500rs+ 2 x 125 ns = 500ns+ 250ns = 750ns


From a hardwarepoint of view.the memory address spaces of the 8088 and 8086-based microcomputers are organizedditrerently.Figure 8-i5(a) showsrhat the 8088'smemory subsystem is irnplemented as a single 1M X 8 memory bank. Looking ar &e block dia gram in Fig. 8-15(a), we seethat thesebyte-wide storagelocationsare assigned lo consecutiveaddresses over the rangefrom 0000016 throughFFFFFT6. During rnemoryoperations,a 20,bit ad&essis appliedto the memorybank over address lines Ao ttuoughA,, It is this adahess that selecrs the storagelocation thar is to be a.cessed. Bltes of dataare trdnsferred beiweenihe 8088 and memory over databus lines Do throughD7. On the other hand, the 8086's lMbyte memory addressspace,as shown in Fis. 8 l5(b), is implenented as rwo independenr 512Kbyte banks: the torr (et)en)bank and 6e high (odd) bank Data. bltes associated (0000016, with an evenaddress 0000216. etc.) reside in thelow bant, andthose (0000116, with oddaddresses 0000316, etc.)reside in rhe hish bank.

5 1 2 tl Y t E s

srrEs t12r(

2 0

(b) Fisur 8-15 (a) lM x 8 hemory bank of rhe 8088. (b) Hish and low memory banks of tle 8086. (Reprintedwirh permision of Intel Corporation, o 1979)


The4088 and 8086 Microorocessors ChaD. 8

The diagramin Fig. 8 l5(b) showsthat for the 8086 ad&essbits, A1 throughAre They are appliedto both banksin paralselectthe storagelocation that is to be accessed. signals.lngic 0 at A$ idennlel. A0 and bank high enable(BHE) are usedas bank-select On the low bant of memoryto be enabled. byte of dataandcauses fies an even-addressed byte an odd'adahessed of the high bank to access the othgi hand,BHE equalto 0 enables data. Eachof the memorybanl6 provideshalf of the 8086's 16-bi! databus. Notic that the lower bank transfersbytes of dataover datalines Do throughD7,while datatransfers for a high bant(useDs throughD,5. micrccomputersystem of the 8088-based We iust saw that the memory subsystem as 8_bitbytes,not as 16-bit words However'the contentsof any two is actuallyorganized b)4e as a word The lower-addressed byte storagetocationscan be accessed consecutive byte is its most signifiis the least significantbyte of the word. and the higher-addressed capt byte- It us now look at how a b)4e and a wod of dataare readfrom memory. Figure 8-16(a) showshow a byte-memoryoperationis perfomEd to the storage is suppliedlo the memory Iocation at addrcssX. As shown in the diagram,the adahess



Figue E-16 (a) B}'te trdsfer bY the 8088. (b) word tmsfer by the 8088


Space HardwarcOrganjzationof the MemoryAddress


bank over lines A0 throughAre, and the byre of datais wrilten into or read from storage locarion X orerline.Do-hrough D-. D cdJries rhe\4SBo, rheoyteotdara.dnd D0c;riestheLSB. This shows thara byteof datais accessed by rhe 8088jn onebuscvcle. A memory cJ(le lor an F088rLrnning ar 5 MH,, w t- no $aiL.rare.rate. 800n.. When a word of data is ro be transfer"ed berweenrhe 8088 and mernorv.we must rso acce$e.ofremor). readjog Derform or sriling a bytFin eacnacce-. Figure 8 r6lbl illustates how the word storage locarionstartingal address X is accessed. Two bus cycles are requred ro access a word of data.During the fusr bus cycle, the leastsignificanrbyte of the word, locatedat address X. is accessed. Again the address is appliedro the mem oD banx over A. lhrough Aro. and.heb)reot data i. Fan.fered to o, irolnuo"g.'o.u. tron X over Do tbroughD?. Next, the 8088 automaticallyincrementsrhe addressso rhat it now points to bvte dddre$ X + L hi. addre$ poin..lo lhene\rcon.ecutive b)re.lorage tocalion in men ory, which conesponds ro the most significantbyte of the word of daraat X. Now a second memory buscycle is initiated. Durirg rhis secondcycte,daraare writren inro or read l?om the storage location at address X + 1. Sinceword accesses of memorytake two bus cycles instead of one,it takes1.6ms to access a word of datawhenthe 80S8 is oDerarins dr r 5 MH,, cloc,(ralew h ao wail !!ares. The 8086 .nicroprocessor performs byte and word data transfe$ differently from the 8088.Lel us next examine the daratransfers thar can take placein an 8086-based Fignre 8 17(a)showsthat whena byte-memory operarion is pedorhed ro address X, an even-addrcssed storagelocarion in dle low bank is accessed. Therefbre.A" is sei ro .ogic0 ro enJble rhe lo$ bant of nemoD drd BHE-lo togrc I ru di.abrernehrshbao*. 45 \houn ia rheblockdiJgran.d d arenan.rened ro or rromrhe toser bdnl ;\ er ddrd buslinesD0tbrough D?.Line D? carries rheMSB of thebyte,andDo rheLSB. On the other access a byte of dataat an odd address suchas X + I in Fig. 8 l7,br.q0 r".el lo log,cI andBHFro logic0. Thi. enable, rnehighbanx of memor) and disablesthe low bank. Daia are transfered betweenrhe 8086 dnd the hish bant over Du,rine( DsdTough D.. He? Dr, repre.enrr rheMSB andDRrheLSB. Wheneveran even,addressed word of datais accessed, both the high andtow banks areaccessed at the same time.Figure8-17(c)iltusrraies how a wordar even address X is accessed. Nole that both A0 and BHE equat0; therefore,both bants are enabled.In rhis case,bytes of data are ransfefed from or to borh banks at rhe samerime. This l6_bit word is aansfeffed over the comp]etedata bus Do through Dr5. The byres of an even_ addressed word are said io be aligned and can be rransfenedwith a memorv oDeration _ndlale\,rst onebuscycte. A word at an odd-addressed boundaryis said to be unaligned.That is, the leastsig_ nificanl byte is at the lower addresslocation in rhe high memory bank. This is demonstratedin Fig. 8 17(d).Here we seethat the odd byte of the word is locaied ar ad&ess X + I andthe even byreat address X + 2. Two buscyclesarerequiredto access an unalignedword. Dwing the first buscycle, theoddbyteof ihe word,whichis locared araddrcss X + 1 in thehish accessed. .ignaloAo- t andBtU - 0 anda Jara Pr'. h rccompan'eJ b) \etecr ran,reroverD" throughDr5. Even thoughrhe datatransferusesdatatines Ds throughDr5, to the proces" ,or ;_i. thelow b\te of lhedddre,,ed $uro oard


The 8088 dna 8086 V.(\or5

Chap. 8


Figue 8-17 (a) Even-address byte transfd by the 8086.(Reprlnredwith per nision of Intei Corporariotr,O 1979) (b) Odd'addres byte tmsfer by ihe 8086. (Reprinted with permision of Inte] Corloetion. O 1979) (c) Even addres word transferby the 8086.(Reprintedwith permision of Iniel Corloration, O i979) (d) Odd addres wod iransfer by ihe 8086. (Reprhted wilh pemission of Intl Cor?oration.O 1979)


Next, the 8086 auromarically increments the address so tharA. = 0. This reDresenrs lhe nerl addreq, in memoryuhich ,s eren.Thena \econdmemon bu. c\cte L iniridred. During rhi,,econd clcle.rhee\enb)re localed ar X - 2 in rheto\ banl is acces,ed. The datatransfertakesplace over,buslines D0 throughD7. Tbis tansfer is accomDanie.d b)& 0and BHE - l. lo rheproce.soj. dri, ie rhehigh blreofrheuordol daia.

Is theword at memory address 0123116 of an 8086based microcompurer atigned or mis aligned?How manybus cyclesare requiredto read it ftom memory?

The first byte of the word is rhe secondbyre ar the aligned-wordaddress 0123016. There_ fore, the word is misalignedand requirestwo bus cyclesto be read from memory


Whenevera memory bus cycle is in plogress,an address bus statuscode S,S. is outDut b) rl'eprccessor The5rdru, code rs n utripte\ed wirhaodre.. birs Ar- andqr".'ftr. ruo. bit codeis outpur aathe samerime the daraare caded ovr the daralines. Bits Sr and53 togetherfom a 2,bir binary codethar idenrilieswhich one of the four segment regrters was used to generate rhe physical addressthar was oumur duinq ihe periodin rhecurrenr addresr bur c)cle. The tow add,"ssbut snru,,oae, are lisreain Fig. 8-4. Here we find thar codeSaSr= 00 idenrifiesthe exrrasegmenr register 01 ide.r tifies the stacksegment register,l0 identifies the code sesment regisret and 11 identifies the datasegrnent regisrer Thesestatuscodesare ourput in both the minimum and rhe maximum modes.The codes can be examinedby external circuifty. For example,they can be decodedwith extemal circuirry ro enableseparatetMbyte adatress spaces fbr ES, SS, CS, and DS. In this way, the menory address reachof the microprocessor can be expanded to 4Mbytes.


Earlier in the chaprerwe saw rhat similar control signatsare producedin rhe maximum andminimum mode.Moreover,we found ihat in rhe ninimum mode,the 8088 and 8086 microprocesson produceall the conrrotsignals.But in the maximum mode,the g288 bus contoller producesthem. Here we wiil look morc closely ar each of thesesisnais and rbeirtunctjons u irh re,pecr lo memory inlerface operdrion.

Minimum-Mode MemoryControlSignals
In the 8088 rnicrocompurersysrernshown in Fig. 8_18, which is configureal for Lhe minimum mode otoperarion. $e tindlhartheconnot prorjded srgnat( ro.upDon rhe inrerface ro rhe memory\ub\ysrem are ALL, tOA4, Dt/R, RLi. WR. arl nf|,r. T|*"


The80aa and 8086 Microprocessors Chap.I




Figure8-18 Mininun-no.le 8088remory hterface. when the bus is carrying a va]id control signalsarerequiredto tefl the memorysubsysiem in which dircction dataarc to be tansfend over the bus, when valid write data address, latch enable are on the bus,and when to pur read dataon the bus.Fot example,ad.dress (ALE) signalsextemal circuit y that a valid address is on the bus. It is a pnlse to the I in extemalcircuitry. logic level alrd is usedto latch the address T\e input-ouput/memory AO/ll{) and d^ta tnnsmit/rece e (DT/R) lines signal and whetherthe 8088 extemalcircuitry whethera menory or I/O buscycle is itr progress will transmit or receivedataover the bus-Dudng all memory bus cycles,IO/M is held at the 0 logic level. The 8088 switchesDT/R to Iogic I during the datatransferpart of the buscycle, the bus is in the transmitmode,anddataare written into memory On the oaher hand, it setsDT,.Rto logic 0 to signal that the bus is in the rcceive mode, which corlespondsto readingof memiry. The signarsr"d/ (RD) and lrn& (WR) identit that a read or write bus cycle, is in progess. The 8088 switchesWR to logic 0 to signal memory that a respectively, write cycle is taking place over the bus. On the other hand, RD is svritchedto logic 0 whenevera read cycle is in progess. During a[ memory operations,the 8088 produces one other control signal, ddta enable@El0.l.og:,c O at &is outPutis usedto enablethe databus. The logic level memoryinterface. Slrtus l;n" SSOis alsopart ofthe minimum-mode is identfies whether a code or dataaccess is output on this line during Iead bus cycles tbat instmction code is read from memory progress. is set to logic 0 whenever in SSO The contol signalsfor the 8086'smidmum-node memoryinterfacediffer in three (M/IO) sigways.First, the 8088's IO/M signal is replacedby the mmory/input-output plogress, is to logic 1. in ihe M/IO output switched nal. Whenevera memorybuscycle is tlgll interface. Thftd. a new signal, ,anft Second,the si$al SSO is removedfiom the high (BHE), BHE is used as a select input for the hasbeen addedto the interface. enable line That is, logic 0 is output on this bant of memory in the 8086'smemory subsystemSec. LI0 Signals Memory Control


during the ad&esspart of all rhe bus cyclesin which darai, the hish-bank Darrof mem ory is to be accessed.

Maximum-Mode MemoryControlSignals
W}len the 8088 is conligured to work in rhe maximum mode. it does nor diectlv pro\ideall rl.econtrol.ignal( ro supponrhe memor)inrerface. Incread. an exremal bu' controllet the 8288,providesmemoryconmandsandcontol signats.Figure 8 19 shows an 8088connected in thiswav Specificalt). rhe WR. tOA4. DT,R.bLN. ALE. andSSOrignat rine.on rhe8088 are Lhanget. The) dre replaced virh nultiproce\\ot /or* rlOCKr signat. a b,l \rdrar (SrS1SJ, and a rrarrr produce cod?(QSreS0). The 8088stitl does 4rar? rbesisnal !94e provides RD.which lhe.ame lJnclion asil did in minimum mode The 3-bil busstatus codeqS,Sn is nutputprior to the iritiation of eacbbuscycle. It identjfies whichlype ofbus cycleis to follow This codeis inputto the g2ggbuscon_ troller Here it is decodedto identify which type of bus cycle commandsignalsmust be generaled, Figure8-20 showsthe relationship belween the busstatus codes andthe typesof buscyclesproduced, Also shown in this chartare the names of the co$esDondins commandsignals rharare generaed ar the ourputs of the 8288.For instance, rhe inprircode S:SrSo equalto 100fldicares rhatan inerruction ferch buscycleis ro takeplace. Since fie insructionferchis a memory read. lhe 8288makes thenenory readconnand (fr-RDC1 outputswitchto logic0. Anorher buscommand provrded tbr thememory subsystem is SrSl56 equalro I J0. This represents a memorywrite cycleand it causes both the memorywrite conmand


Figure E-19 Mdimun-mod 8088menory interface.


The8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Chap. 8




iflrA toRc rovc-, A-i6Fa

MRDC MIDc Mwlt. AMwc

Figure 8-20 Memory bus cycle stalus codesp.oducd in ffiimum (Reprintedwith pemission of lntel Corporation,@ 1979)


(MWTC) and advancedmenary \rfte command(|\NN{C) outputs to slvitch to the 0 logicle\e'. The other control oulputs producedby the 8288 arc DEN, DT,/R.andAlE These pins on the 8088 by dle conesponding signalsprovidethe sane tunctionsasthoseprcduced mode. in the minimun system The two statussignals.QSoand QSr, lorm an instruction queuecode This code tells the exlernalcircuitry what type of infomation was removedfrom the queueduring For instance' the previousclock cycle. Figure 8-8 sholvsthe four diffetent queuestatusesqneue The was ta.ken from the = an instruction the lirst byte of QSTQSo Ol indicatesthat Whenever queue status code 1 l identified by that is letched is nextbyte of the instruction code 10 is output reinitialization (e.g., of control) the due to a transfer the queueis reset is outpur. status code 00 Simitarly, il no queueoperatio occurred, The bus prioriD lock (LOCK) signal, as shownin the inteface, can be usedas an input to a bus arbiter.The bus arbiier is usedto lock otherprocessoffoff the systembus suchas glordl nendD' in a muldprocessor of conmon sysGmresources during accesses system.The READY signalis usedto intedaceslow memory devlces. microcomfor lhe 8088'based A11 of the memorycontrol si$als we just described How microcomputer 8086 puter systemservethe samefunction in the maximum-mode The the BHE. ever thereis one additionalcontol signalin the 8086'smemoryinlerface, is That is, it BHE performs the samefunction as it did in fie ninimum-mode svstem usedas an enableinput to the high ban&of memory'


with tl'e In the precediry sectionwe introducedlhe slatusand contml signalsassociated in which thev occur durmemory interface.Here we continueby studyingthe sequence ing the read and write bus cyclesof memory sec.8.1I Read and write Buscycles


Read Cycle
Figure 8-21 showsthe memoryinterfacesignalsof a minimum-mode8088 system. Here their occurenceis illustraredrelarivero the four time stares Tr, Tz, Tr. andT1 of the 8088'sbus cycle. Let us trace ihe eventsthat occur as dataor instructionsare read from The rcad bus q,cle begtnswith srateTr. During this period, the 8088 ourputsrhe 20'bit address of fie memorylocation to be accessed on its mulriplexedaddress/data bus ADo through AD?, As throughAr, and multiplexed lines A6/51 tbrough Arr/56. Nore that al the sametime a pulseis also producedat ALE. The rrailing edgeor the high level of this pulse shouldbe usedto latch the addrcss in extemll circuitry. Al.o \^e ceelhalar he {a1 ofT.. siCnal, lO/\4lld DT,Rare,et to rhe0logic level. This indicaresto circuitry in rhe memory subsystemihar a memory cycle is in p,!,sre\\ ,he8088 anarha, ; lornr ro recei\e d d from,bebu..Srdru. SSOr. at.oour-



-- -t

figure E-21 Minimum,modememoryreadbus rycte of the 8088.(Reprinted with lemision of intel Corporation,O I 979)


The 8088 and 8086 MicroDrocessors Chao. I

Dut at this time. Noie thai all tkee of thesesignalsare maintainedat theselogic levels ihroughoutall four periodsof the buscycle. Beginning with stale T2, statusbits 53 through 56 are outPut on the upper foul that bits 53 and S1identifv to extemalcirad{tress bus lines A16throughArr. Rernember just output. This status generate the address register was used to cuitry which segrnent part of the ad&essoutput on periods T+ The T3 and information is maintainedttuough Tr, andT4. On the other states Tr. buslines As tlrough Ars is naintained tfuough address put high-Z Tr' in the bus lines ADo throughAD? are hand.address/data srbslsro in penod T. RD i. 'qilchedro logic0 Ttu' indjcarec $e memoD Lare 'o circuirr) enable erkmal ro'ogic 0 re.rl|ndrr rerd clc,e r' in progess DE\ I' ssirched to allow the datalo move from memory onto the midoprocessor'sdaia bus. As shownin the lvaveforms,input data are readby the 8088 during T3. The memterminates ory must provide valid dataduring T3 and maintainit until after the processor RD to the inacthe rcad operation.As Fig. 8-21 shows,ir is in T! that the 8088 switches logic level tive I logic level to lerninate the read operation.DEN retums to its inactive memory late during Ta to disablethe exiernalcircuitry, which aliows datato move from The readcycle is now complete. ro the processor. A timing diagramfor the 8086'smemoryreadcvcle is Sivenin Fig 8-22(a) Comparing thesewaveformsto lhoseof the 8088 in Fig. 8-21' we ind just four differencesi dudng Tr; the datarcad bv the 8086 during T3 can BHE-is output along with lhe address be carriedover a[ 16 databus lines; M,4O. which replacesIOA4, is switchedto logic I

Fisur s-22 (a) Minimum-mode memory read bus cvcle of dre 8086' o l l n r e l C o r p o r a l iO o loTq''b' \4drmum_mode e d + t r np e m i . . i o n I R;orin Repr Inredwirl. Derris,ionol lnrelCoF mr:^ry ead bu, cycleof .he d08{-., poralior O 1979) Sec.8.1 I Readand Write Bus Cycles


FigureS-22 (continued)

of the buscycle;andthe at the beginning ofTr andis held at this levelfor the duration SSO statussignal is not produced. Fignre 8-22(b) showsa read cycle of s-bit data in a Ina\ilnum mode 8086 based microcomputersystem.Thesewavefoms are similar ro those given for the minimunthese two timingdiagrams, we seethatthe modereadcyclein Fig. 8 22(a).Comparing address and datatnnsfers that take place are identical. In fact, the only differencelbund in the maximum modewaveforms is that a buscycleslatus coite,SrSrS0, is outputjFsr prior to the beginningof the buscycle. This statusinformation is decoded by the 8288to producecontrol signalsALE, MRDC. DT/R, and DEN.

Figure8-23(a)illustrates rhe tnite bus clcie trmingof the 8088in ninimummode. It is similarto thatgivenfor a rcadcyclein Fig. 8-21. Lookjngat the write cyclewaveforms. we find that dudng Tr the address is output and latchedwitb the ALE pulse.This is identical to lhe read cycle. Moreover,IO/l'{ is set to logic 0 to indicate that a memory cycle is in progressand statusinformation is ouiput at SSO.However.this time DT,&. is switchedto logic L This signalsextemal circuits that lhe 8088 is going to tansmit data


The8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Chap.I








modemmory wite b6 cycle of the 8088. Figure E-23 (a) MitriDDm (Repiinled with pmission of Intel Corporatior@1979)(b) Mdimum-node wrile buscycleof the 8086.(Reprinted with penission of IntelCoF memory poration, @ 1979)

that As T, starts,the 8088 switchesWR to logic 0. This tells the memorysubsystem a write operationis to follow over the bus. The 8088 puts the dataon the bus late in T, and maintainsthe data valid though Ta. The writing of data into memory startsas WR becomes0, and continuesas it charyes to I early'in Ta. DEN enablesthe extemal circuitry to provide a path for data ftom the processorto the memory.This completesthe for the readbus cycle, the write cycle of the 8086 ditrers from Just as we described that of the 8088 in four ways; agaia SSOis not prcduced!Bm isiutput along with the addressi data ,re canied over a 16 databl]s lines: and fnally, M/IO is the complement of dle 8088'sIO/M signal.The wavefoms in Fig. 8-23(b) ilustrate a wrjte cycle of word datain a ma,\imum-mode 8086 system.

sec. 8.1 I

Readand Write Bus Cycles


FiguE E-23 (co lnued)


This section describesthe memory interface circuits of an 8086-based microcomputer system.The 8086 systemwas selectedinsteadof an 8088 microcomputerbecause it is more complex. Figue 8-24 shows a menory interface diagram for a ma,\imum-mode 8086-based microcomputer syslem.Here we find that the interfaceincludesthe 8288bus contoller, address bus latchesand an bus transceiver/buffers. and bank read and w.jte control logic. The 8088 microcompuGris simpler in that the interfacedoesnot rcquire bank wdte control logic because its address spaceis organizedas a sinele banl. Lookingat Fig. 8 24, we seethatbusshruscodesignals Sz,Sr, andSo,whicharc outputs of the 8086, are supplied direcdy to the 8288 bus controller. Here ftey are decoded to producethe commandand conhol signalsneeded to coordinatedatatransfers over the bus.Figure 8-2o]ighlights the slaluscodesthat reiateto the memoryinterface. : 101indicates For example, the codeS2S]S0 thai a datamemory readbus cycleis in progress. This codemakesrhe MRDC conmand output of the bus control logic slvitch to logic 0. Note in Fig. 8-24 that MRDC is applied to the banh read control logic. Next let us look at how the address bus is latched,buffered,and decoded. Looking at Fig. 8-24, we seethat address lines Ao throughAD are latchedalong with contlol signal Bm in the ad&ess bus latch. The latched addrcsslines AjrL tlrough ArrL are


The8088 and 8086 Microprocessors chap. 8

-cE" cE-,


wR, WR.



Memory interface blockdiagram.

chip enable outpubCq Lhrough eE . Notice$ar lhe 8288buscondecoded lo produce troller producesthe addresslatch enable (ALE) control signal from SrSlSo.ALE is and bank high appliedto lhe CLK input of the lalchesad strobesthe bits of the address latch devicesbuffer thesesignals. nablesignalinto the ad&essbuslatches.The address directlyto the address linesArL tbmugh Ar6LandCq tuough CE7areapplied Latched memory subsystem. ihe bytes readbuscycles,the MRDC ouqut of the buscontrol logic enables of dataat the outputsof the memorysubsystem onto databus lines Do tbroughD15.During read operationsfrom memory fte batrk read control logic determineswhether the on whether dataare readIiom one of the two memorybanksor ftom bolh. This depends a byt- or word-datatransferis taling place over fte bus. Similarlyduring wrile brtscycles.rhe IvfwTC ourpurof he bu. coDtrollogic erablesbytsof datafrom the databusDo drough DE to be written into the memory.The to which memory bank the da(aare wdttenbank wnte conaol logic determtues
5ec.8.12 Memory lnteriaceCjrcuits


Note in Fig. 8 24 that in ihe baDl write control logic the latched bad( high enable and address l;ne AoL are galed wilh lhe memory $rile conmand signa] {g4LBmL MWTC toTroduce 4 leparale wrile enable signal for each bank. These signals are denotedas WRL' and WRL. For dample, if a word of dala is Io be wriLlcn|o memory over data bus lines D0 tbrougl Drr, both WRu and WRL-are switched to their acrive 0 logic level. Similarly the memory read control logic uses MRDC, AoL. and BIIEL to gene te RDu and RDL sisnals for bank read control. The bus transceiven conirol the direction of dala ransfer between the MPU md memory subsysten In Fig. 8 24, we see that the opoation of the t ansceiver is con trolled by the DT/R and DEN ouFuts of thc buJi controllcr DEN is applied to the EN This happens input of the transceiverjdnd enablesthen fo. operatioD. during all read and wriie bus cycles. DT/R selects the direction of data transfer ttuough the devices. Note that it is supplied ro lhe DIR input of lhe dala bus ransceiYels- W})en a read cycle is in progress. DT/R is \et to 0 and dala are passed from thc memory subsystem 10 the MPU. On dre other hand. when a write cycle is taking place. DT/R is switched to logic I and data are carried from the MPU to the memory subsyslem.

AddressBus tatches and Buffers

The 7,lFl73 is xn examplc of an octal latch dcvicc that can be used to implement the ddr.rr /d.., section of the 8086 s memor) i erface circuit. A block diagram of this device is shown m Fig. 8-25(a) and fts intemal circuit] is shown in Fig. 8-25(b). Note that ii accepF eight inpuis: lD through SD. As long as the clock (C) inpnt is ar logic I, the outpxts of fte D-t-vpe ltip-flops follow fte logic level of the data applied to their cor responding inputs.When C is swilchedro logic 0, fte current contenlsof tbe D type fiip flops de latched. The laiched inrbmation in the flip flopr is not output at data outputs 1Q through 8Q unless the output'control (OC) irpu. of the buffers that fo ow dre larches is at logic 0.IfOC is at logic l, fte outpulsare in ihe high-impedance srareFigure 8 25(c) summdizes this operation. In the 8086 microcomputer system, the 20 addresslines (ADo AD 5, A 6 Ar,) and the bank higlr enable signal BHE a.e nomally la.ched;n ihe addressbus latch. The circuit configuration shown in Fig. 8 26 can be used to latch these signals.Fixing OC at the 0 logic le\l permanendyenableslalched outputs AoL rhrough AreL and BHEL. Moreover. thc addressinformation is latched at the outputs as the ALE signal ffom the bus controller returns to losic 0 that is, when the CLK itrput of all devices is switched io logic 0. In is importail to m;nimize the propagationdelay ofihe addresssignals as they go through the bus in erface circuit. The switching propeny of the 7,1F373latches that deternine this delay for.he cncuit of Fig. 8 26 is called enableao-output propagation d?ldJ and has a maxirnum value of 13 ns. By selecting fasi latches that is, iatches with a shoner Fopagation delay time a maximum amount of the 8086's bus cycle tirne is preservedfor fte accesstimc of the memory deviccs.In this way slower. lower cost memory ICs can be used. These latches also provide bulTering for the 8086 s address lines. The outpuis of the latch can sint a maxnnum of 2,1 lnA.


lhe 80aa and 4086 Microorocesso6

Chao I


10 20 30 Ito


m o




Enabl C



Figure 8-25 (a) Block diaSm of d @ta] D'rype latch. (b) Circuit diagm of the 74F373. (CouJtesyof Texas lnstrumentsIncorporated)(c) Operation of the 74F373. (Courtesyof TexasInstrumnts hcorpoFted).

''lll t-Tv



tl Ir*



i Ll



Figurc 8-26

Addresslatch cjrcuit.

Bank V/rite and Bank ReadControl Logic

The memoryof the 8086 nicrocomputer is organizedin upper andlower banks.Il requiressepdrate wrire dnd read control signaisfor the rwo banks.The logic circuit in Fig. 8 27 showshow the bank wdte contlol signals.wRu lbr the upper bank and wR! for the lower bank can be generaied from lhe bus controller signalsWRTC, the address larch signals AoL and BmL. Two bus OR gates areusedfor thispurpose. Similar io the bank wdte conirol logic circuit. the bant rcad contol logic circuii can be designedto generaleRDu. the read for the upperbank of memory.and RDb the readfor the lower bank. Figure 8 28 illustratessuch a circuit. Note that ihe circuit uses the MRDC signalfrom the bus controller

dala bush lnsceiNerblock of the busintertacecircuir cm be implemented with 74F245 octalbustransceiver ICs-Figure8 29(a)shows a blockdiagram of this device. Nole thati1sbidirectional input/ourput Iinesarecaued Aj through As andB I drough Bs. Lookingat the circuitdiagram in Fig. 8 29(b).we seedut the G inputis usedto enable 'lhe


The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Chap. I


Figurc 8-27 Ba'k wite controllogic. the buffer for opration.On the other h'ind, the logic level at the direction (DIIR) input selectsthe direction in which data are transfendthroughthe device.For instarrce,logic 0 at this input setsthe transceiver to passdata{iom the B lines to the A lines. Siwitching DIR to logic I reverses the direction of datatlansfer. Figure 8-30 showsa circuit that implementsthe databus transceiver bl,ock of the businterfacecircuit using the 74F245.For the 16-bit databusof the 8086micr(rcomputer, two devicesarerequired.Here the DIR input is ddven by the signaldatatransr"ioit/receive (DT/R), and G is supptiedby data bus effable(DEN). Thesesignalsaie outlputs of the 8288 busconholler Another key function of the data bus hansceivercircuit is to buffer t.loe &ta bus lines.This capability is definedby how much currentthe devicescan sint at rheir outputs. Ihe IoL rating of the 74F245is 64 mA.


7432 FigureE-2E Banl readcontrollogi..


Memory Interface Circuits


Figure 8-29 (a) Block diaeramof the 74F2450cl2l bidirecrionalbus tmsceiver (b) Circuir diagramof tle 74F245.(Coudesyof Texaslnstro-

Addft 3ssDecoders
A s shownin Fig. 8-31, the adnrcssdecodern Ae 8086 micrdcomputrsystemis located at the output side of the addrcsslatch. A typicat device used to pelfolm this de.ode1:unctionis fte 74F139dual2line to 4line decoderFigures8 32(a)and(b) show a block diagrarnand circuit diagram for tbis device, respectively. When the enable(G) input is r at its actrve0 logic level, the output conespondingto the code at the BA inputs


The 8088 and 8086 Micfoprocessors Chap. 8



Mic,op@s$d d.ta b6

G ] I DBo-D8,


Figm 8J0

Databustransceiver circuit.

switches.o the 0logic level. For instance, whenBA : 01, outputYr is logic 0. The table in Fig. 8-32(c) summarizes the operationof the 74F139. The circuit in Fig. 8 33 employsthe addrcssdecoderconfigurationshown in Fig. 8 31. Note that addressLinesArTL and ArsL are applied to the A and B inputs of the /,1flJq decoder. fte address line Aror i( usedro erableone ol rbedecoders and {r,r. obtainedusing an inverter,enables the seconddecoder genol the 74F139.Eachdecoder eratesfour chip enable(CE) outruts. Thus both decoders of the 74F139togetherFoduce the eight outputsCEottuough CE7.

M crop'@e$r



Figure 8-31 Sec.8.12

Addressbus connguation with ad.liessdecoding.

Memory Inteface Circuits


Y2 Y3

e,* I'^


Ftgure 8-32 (a) Block diasrm of th 74F139 2line to 4line decoder/ denu|iplexer (b) circuit diagrm of the 74F139. (Counesy of TexasInslrunents Incoryorated)(c) oleration of the 74F139 de.oder. (counesy of Texas Instruments Inco@rated)


cEr 1Y3 74F139 . 2Y0 2v1 2\2 2\3
cE4 cE5 cE3


Figur8-33 Add.ress de.oder circuit.

The block diagram of anothercornmonly used dcoder,the 74F138,is shown in Fig. 8-34(a). The 74F138is similar to the 74F139,exceptthat it is a single three-Iineto eight-line decoder The circuit usedin this deviceis shown in Fig. 8-34(b). Note that it can be usedto produceeight CE ouQuts.The table in Fig. 8-34(c) descdbes the opera tion of the 74F138.Here we find that when enabled,only the output that corespondsto the codeat rhe CBA inputs swirchesto the active0 logic level. The circuit in Fig.8 35 usesthe 74F138to generate chip enablesignalsCEotbrough CE7by decodingaddress linesAr7L.ArsL, andArrL. Connecting the enableinputsto +5V and groundpermanently enables the decoder. The advantage of using the 74F138overthe 74F139for decodingis that it does not re4uire an extra inverto to genemteeight chip enablesisnals.


Memory lnterface Ckcuits



\2 Y3


dzA GzE

Y6 Y7



ol-:T::: lf .ff"iJ,i'"T'iii,8-34 Frsure - d' qb.k ' rcorp"rar'"' ''' tc;unes\ of Te\as Ins!ruments | licorPonre! ln\mments ofTe\as (Counesy "ifll,T

cE3 cE4





Figure E-35 Addres decodercircuit using74Fi38.

In the last section we found that brsic logic devicessuch as latches,tiansceivers. and decoders are rcquired in the bus interfacesectionof the 8086 microcomputer system. We showed that thesefunctionswercperformed with standard logic devices suchasthe 74F373 octal imnsparenilaich,74F245 ocral bus tansceiver and 74F139 two-tne ro four-line Todayprcgrunnable logic aftay (PLA) devicesare becomingvery decodet respectively. impotant ir the desigr of microcomputer systems. For example, address andcontrolsignal decodingin the memoryinterfacein Fig. 8-24 canbe inplemenled with PLAS.insteadof with sepaEtelogic ICs. Unlike the earlier mentioneddevices,PLAS do not implementa specificlogic function.Instead, rlEy arc general-purpose logic devics dlat havefie abiliry to perfonn a wide variety of specialized loglc tunctions.A PLA contains a general-purpose gate AN'D OR NOT aray of logic circuits. The user has the ability to interconnect the inputs to the AND gatesof this array.The defnition of theseinputs determines the logic functionthat is implemented. The process inputsof lhe AND usedto connector disconnect gateanay is known asprosldnm,n& which leadsto the nameprogrammable logic array.

PLA5. GAt"s. and EPLD5

A variety of different types of PLA deviceslre available-Early deviceswere atl process,Thesedevicesare referred to as manufactured with the bipolar semiconductor pal PALi aDdrenain iD usetoday.Bipolar devicesarc programmed with an interconnect tem by burningout fuse links widin the device.ln the initial state,all of thesetuse links are intact. During pmgramming.unwantedlinls are open-circuited by injecting a current
sec 8.13 Programmable LogicArrays


tlmugh the fuse to bum it out. For this reason,once a device is programned it cannot be reused.If a design rnodificaiion is required in the pattem, a new device must be prograrnrned and substitutedfor the original device.Since PALSare madewith an older by slower bipolar technology,they lre limited to sinpler funcrions and characrerized andhiSh power consumption. operatingspeeds With this Focess' with the CMOS process. Newer PLA devicesare manufactured low-power devicescan be made.Two kinds of CMOS PLAS very complex, high-speed, arein wialeusetoday; the GA, andthe tPrD. Thesedevicesdiffer in the type of CMOS ns:j..g ekcti&ll, erasableftttd'onlv technologyusedin their design.GALS are designed r1?r,orl (E':ROM) technology.The inpuroutput operationof this device is determined cells are also electricallv by rhe p.ogranming of cells. Theseetectricallyprogrannnable efasable.For this reason,a GAL can be used for one apPlication'erased,and then reprogrammedfor anotherapplication.EPLDS are similar io GALS in that thev can be and reused;however,the erasemechanismis different. They are programmedr eraseal, with electricallr prcSrannable read onb memory(EPROM) technologv manufactured That is, they employ EPROM cells instadof E'zROMcells. Therefore,to be erasedan EPLD must be exposedto ultraviolet lighi. GALS and EPLDS are cunently the mosa of the PLA marketplace. rapidly growing segments

Block Diagram of a PLA

a typical PLA Looking at this diagram, The block diagramh Fig. 8 36 rcprcsents we seethal it has 16 input leads,marked Io through IL5 There are eight output leads' outputs For this reason.ii labeledF0 lhrough F7.This PLA is equippedwith ttue-state conaol lead.In the block diagram.fiis control input is narked CE. The hasa chip-enable if the outputsare enabledor disabled. logic level of CE determines When a PLA is used to implement random logic firnctions. the inPuts represent randomlogic func_ Booleanvariables,and the outputsare usedto provide eight separate equato definea sum-of-product tions. The intemal AND OR-NOT army is programmed tion for eachof lheseoutputsin tems of the inputs and their complemenlsln this way,

Figure E-36 Block diacIm of a PLA. (Reprlited wilh the permission of WalterA. Tribel)


The 8088 and a086 Microprocessors chap. 8

we seethat the logic levels applied at inputs I0 tbrough Ir5 and the Progaaming of the AND arraydeterminewhat logic levels areproducedat outpul'tFotbroughF7.Therefore, the capacityof a PLA is measwedby thee Fopertiesr the numberof inputs,the number of outputs,and the numberof productterms (P-tems).

Architecture of a PtA
AND-OR-NOI Wejust pointed out that the circuitry of a PLA is a generalpurPose aray. Figue 8 3?(a) showsthis architecture.Herc we seethat the input buffen supply connections in the A andB. Programmable input signalsA andB andtheir complemenis AND aray permit any combinationof these inputs to b combinedto form a product term. The Foduct term outputs of the AND array are supPliedto fixed inputs of the

*".,1 *t


(b) Inllenenting the losic tunctionF = 37 G) BasicPLA archilectue. 44E l!:_ (AB + AB). sec.a.l3 Programmable Logjc Afays


futction. Finally, the OR array.The output of the OR gateproducesa sum-of-products

h i sf u n d j o n . r n l e r t e fc o m p l e m e n tts

The circuit in Fig. 8 37(b) showshow dre functionF - (AB + AB) is implemented that th widl the AND OR NOT aray. Notice that an X markedinto theAND arraymeans Rr it has been blown to folm an open circuii. !ba! fuseis left intact,andno markingmeans product term gate B and the is connected to A and ihis reason.the upperAND Foduces to A andB to producethe Foduct term AB. The second AND gatefrom the top connects AB. The bottomAND gaG is markedwith an X to indicatefiar it is not in use.Cateslike this that arc not to be activeshouldhaveaI of their input tuseLinksleft inlact. Figurc 8 38(a) shows the circuit structurethat is most $ridely used in PLAS. It differs from the circuit shownin Fig. 8-37(a) in two wals. First, the inverterhas a programmable thre-state control and can be usedto isolate the logic function Aom the oul_ put. Second,the bnffered output is fed back to fbnn anolherset of inputs to the AND array.This new output conligumlion permitsthe outputpin to be progJallllrcdto wo* as ^ standardautput, standad input, or logic-cantrcllzd inputlor,tput For instance,if the upperAND gate.which is the control gatefbr the output buffer is set up to permanendy enablethe inverter and the fuse links for ils inputs that arc fed back from lhe outputsare all blown open,the output functions as a standardoutput.







rigu.e 8-38 (a) Tylical PLA archltecture.(Counesy of Teaaslnslrunents IncorpoEted) (b) PLA *nb output larch. (courlesy of TexasI.strunent$ Incorporated)


lhe 8088 dnd 8086 Vr.'op.ocessoA

Chcp. 8

PLAS are also available in {'hich the ou9uts are Iatched with registers Figure 8-38(b) showsa circuit for this rypeof device.Here we seethat the ouFut of $e OR gate is appliedto the D input of a clockedD t)?e flip-flop In this wav' the logic level produced at the ouiput until a pulse is first applied at the by the AND OR array is not presented out input is Foduced ftom the complementd the feedback CLOCK input. Futherrnore, unn known as a PL4 is inverter This configuration output ofthe pui of ihe flip-flop, not the to sirnpliry implenentationof state,?4.*r,e designs' re|isteredoutputs atrdis designed

Now that we bave introducedthe rypesof PLAS, block diagram of tlle PLA' and internal drchitectureof the PLA, let us continueby examini4 a few of the widely used anay logic, is a PLA in which the OR arav is PAL devices.A PAl, or a programmable fixed; only the AND array is programmable The 16L8 is a widely used PAL IC. lts intemal circui.rv and pin numberingare shown in Fig. 8-39(a). This device is housedh a 2Gpin package'as shown in Fig 8-39(b). Looking at this diagam. we seerhat it employsthe PLA drchitectue illustrated in Fig. 8-38(a). Note that it has 10 dedicatedinput pins. All of.hese pins are labeledI' There are also two dedicatedoutputs,which are labeled with the letter O' and six pro I/O lines' rhe num grarnmable I/O lines,which are labeledyO Using fte programmable the Nmber of outputscan to as many as 16 inputs or ber of input lines canbe expanded to a5 many as eigh. linesbe increased are bufferedand produceboth the original form of the signal All the 16L8's inpuLs The outputsof the butrer are appliedto the inputs of the AND arrav' and its complement. This array is capable of producing 64 product terms- Noie that the AND gates are arranged into eight groupsof eiglt. The outputsof sevengatesin eachof thesegoups are usedas inputs 1oan OR gate, and the eighth ouFut is used to p.oduce an enablesignal tlEee-state outputbuffer' In this way. we seethd rhe 16L8 is capafor the corresponding ble of producingup to sevenFoduct termsfor eachourpu! andthe Foduct ierms canbe formed using any coqbination of lie 16 inputs {iom a +5V :l:109' It operates with bipolar tchnologyThe l6L8 is manufactured dc power supply and drawsa maximum of 180aA. Moreover,all it! inpuis and outputs are at TTL compatiblevoltagele\ls. This deviceexhibitshigh-speedinpui-outputpropagationdelays.In fact, the maximum l-to-O Fopagation delay is ratedas 7 ns Anotherwidely usedPAL is the 20L8 devic.l-ooking at the circuitv of this device in Fig. 8-40(a), we seethat it is similar to that of the 16L8jusr described Howeve! the 20L8 has a maxim m of 20 inputs, eight outpuls, and 64 P terms. The device's24-pin packaseis sllown in Fig. 8 40(b) The 16R8is also a popular20 pin PLA. The circuit diagramal}dpin lavout for this FIom Fig. 8 41(a), we find that device;re shown in Figs. 8-41(a) and O), rcspectively. its eight fixed I inpursand AND-OR array are essedially the sameas thoseof the 16L8' Thereiii oDechnge. The outputsof eight AND gates.insteadof seven,are suppliedto the inputs of eachOR gare. havebeenmadeat the ouiput side of the 16R8-Note thai the A numberof changes gates are fiIst latchedh D type flip-flops wirh the CLK signal Thev of the OR outputs supplied to the eight Q outputs-Another charge is tbat the enable buffered and are then
Sec.8.l3 LogicAffays Programmable


tE vo

tll] "o

!l 'o

rigure 8-39 {a) l6L8 circuit diaSrd. (Counesy of Texar lnslrumentsIncor?orated) (b) 16L8 pin layout. (Couliesy ofTexas Ilstrumenis Incorporated)


Figure 8-40 (a) 20L8 ctcuit diagram. (Courtesyof TexasInstrumentsIncorporated) (b) 20L8 lin layout. (Courtesyof Texashstrumenls lncorporaled)



Figure 8-41 (a) 16R8 cncuir dia81am.(Couresy of TexasInstrutnerts lncorporated) (b) 16R8pin layout. (Couresy of TexasInstrunents lncorporated)


srgnalsfor the ootput invertersale no longer prognmmable. Now the logic level of the outputs OE control input enablesa[ three-state The last changeis in the part of the circuit that Foduces the feedbackinpuis ln the output of the colle16R8,theseeight inpu! signalsare derivedftom ihe complementary the ouq)utleadscanno Fo. this rcasoq the output of the buffer' larch instead of sponding pro$ainmed direct inputs. to work as longer be The 20R8is the registeroutputvenior of the 20L8 PAl Its circuit dia$am andpin layout are give! in Figs. 8 42(a) atrd(b). respectively

PtA CaPacity Expanding

the capacityof a singlePLA IC- For that exceed haverequimments Sone appiications instance, a 16L8 devicehasthe abiliry to supply a rnaximumof 16 inputs' 8 outputs.and capacityLei us now look terher canexpand several devices 64 productterms.ConDecting $e numberol inputsandoutputs. to expand a! the way in which PLASare intercomected ff a single PLA does not have enoughoutputs,two or more devicescan be connectedtogelher into the configurationof Fig. 8 43(a) Here vr'esee that the inputs I0 through Ir5 on the two devicesare individualy connectedin parallel This connection doesnot changethe numberof inputs. usedto form On the olher hand, the eight outputsof the two PLAS are separately the upper and lower btaes of a 16-bit output word. The bits of this wod are denotedas OothroughOr5.So with this conneciion,we havedoubledthe numberof outputs. \vhetr data are appliedto the inputs, PLA I outputsihe eight leart significantbits of data.At the sameinstantPLA 2 outputsthe eight most significantbits Theseoutputs individual logic tunctions. can be usedto represent limitation on the apPlicationof PLAS is the numberof inplrts-The ma,\r Another inputs on a single 16L8 is 16.Howevet additionallcs can be connecled mum numberof of inputs Figue 8-43(b) showshow oneadditionalinput is added the capacity to expand is suppliedtbrough denored asIo through116The new bit 116 This permits a 17-bit input of the PLAS, outputsOo the output side two PLAS. At invertersto the CE inputs on the paralel. To inplemenl this connected in are individually through 07 of the two devices musl be rsed three-\tale ourpulc $i!h or open-colle{lor coMeclion. PLA detrce' the device for operation' This embles PLA 1 is logic 0. When 116 is logic 0, CE on 07- At the at Oo tbrough I0 tfuough Ir5 are output andthe oulput functionscodedfor input logic level of Making the rernains disabled sameinstant,CE on PLA 2 is iogic 1 and it through Ir5 causes input at Io 116 equalto 1 disablesPl-A 1 aDdenablesPLA 2 Now ihe this con07 Actually, the output function definedby PLA 2 to be output at Oo through inputs the number of nection doublesthe numberof Foduct terms as well as increases


allows peripheralsto provide data or The input/output system of the microprocessor using I/O ports The 8088 and 8086 processing This is done tbe data. receiveresults of input/output (I/O): isolakd I/O at].d types of employ two diffemnt can microcomputers how I/O pofts are mappedinto the diffe. in These l/O methods menory-mappedI/O. employ both kinds of I/Osystems Some microcomputer 8088/8086'saddressspaces. sec 8.14 Types of Input/Output







Figure 8-,12 (a) 20R8 circuit diaelam. (Couiresy of TexasInstrumentsIncorporated) (b) 20R8 pin lalour. (Courtesyof Te{as Insrtunents Incorporated)


..-i_ I I


(Reprifiedwirh tbepenis; outPut wordlength. Figure8-43 (a)ExPanding with A. Tnebel)(b) Exlandingin?ut woid len$l. (Reprirted sid of Warler A. Triebel) of Walier thepermission

that is, some peripherallcs are treatedas isolaied I/O devicesand oihers as memoryI/O devices.Let us now look at eachof theseryPesof I/O. rnapped

Input,/OutPut lsolated
Wlten using isolatedI/O in a microcomputersystem,the I/O devicesare treated architectures because the so{iwarcand hardwaxe from memory.This is achieved separate 8-zg illusFigure address spaces. oithe 8088/8086supportsepamtememory and I/O spaces. tratesthesememory and I/O address In our study of 8088/8086softwarearchitectue in Chapter2, we exarninedthese spaces from a softwarepoint of view.We found that infbrnation in memoryor at address sec.Li4 of lnput/Output Types


nemoryand Figure8-44 8088/8086

spacecontainslM conI/O pofs is organizedas bytes of data; that lhe memory address and that the I/O address through FFFFFL6I ,".uilu" Uyt" iaa..ttes io the range 0000016 FFFF 0000r' tuough In Ineran8e blre add'e'se. .o,...oniuin' O+K.on..cuLi\e " $e find Herc sp:ce l/O add'e'c of rhi' map more derailel] iho\\s a 45,ar Figure8 as word-wide could be accessed I/O addrcsses that the;ltes of data in rwo consecutive as be treated can and 000316 000216, 000016,000116' l/O addresses data.For instance, ports0. 1, 2, and3, or pons0 and 1 mavbe considered l/O ports. byte-wide independenr 0. togetheras word-wide Pot Note that the pan of the I/O ad&essspacein Fig 8-45(a) from address000016 00FFr6is refered to aspdg a Cedain UO inslructionscan only perform opernhrough rarge Olher I/O instruciionscaninput or output ations'topots in this part ofrhe address space address in the I/O datafor pons anywhere advantagesFirst, the complete lMbyte offers some of I/O This isolatedmerhod urith memory' Second' special instuctions use for memory addressspaceis available to perforn isolated I/o inp'rt 8088/8086 ol the set havebeenprovided in *re instruction to maximize I/O pedortailored been have instruciions and ouD; operations.These output datatransfersmusl input and all I/O is that of i dis;dvantageof this rype mance. port UO and dre register take piacebetueen the AL or AX

lnPut/OutPut Memory-MapPed
I/O devicescan be placedin the memory addressspaceof the microcomputeras In this cdse,lhe MPU looks at the UO pon space. well as in the independentI/O address as though it is a storagelocation in memory.For this reason'the methodis known as netnory napped I/O. systemwith menory-mappedI/O' someof the memoryaddress ln a microcomputer m ports For example'in Fig. 8 45(b) the 4096 memoryaddresses l/O to is dedicated space to I/O devices Here the contents tire rangefrom E0000r6throltgh E0FFFL'jare assigned E0000t6 the conlentsof addresses port 0, and l/O b)'te-wide represent E0000r6 of a<trtrlss por 0 word-wide to correspond and8000116


Theaoaa and 8086 Microprocesso6 Chap S


: E0oo316 E0004s Eooolls

0000i6 (16-bilpod (15-bil po't)

(b) risur 8-4s (a) IsolaiedI/o ports. (b) Menory-napped I/o ports


Wllen I/O is configuredin this way,inslructionsthat affect datain memoryare used in that many more insteadof ihe specialinput/outputinslructions This is an advantage For instance' perform I/O operations io modes are available and addrcssjng instructions value in an with a poll directly ANDed l/O can be a memory-mapped the contentsof port andan place l/O between an can now take l/O tansfers intemal register.In addition, a disadvantage. ju$ also leads to However, lhis Af or A,I. in@mal registerother than That is, the memory instructionstgnd to exe.ute slower than thosespecifically desigrcd for isolatedUO. Therefore,a memory mappedI/O routine may take longer to perform than an equivalentprogrl]musing the inputoutput tnstructlons. space of usingthis methodis drat part of the memo.y address Anolher disadvantage 8000016 ihrough the range from addresses in in Fig. 8-45(b) is lost. For instance, E0FFFI6.allocatedto I/O, cannotbe usedto jmplementmemory


permitsthem to of the 8088and 8086 microcomputers The isolatedinput/outputt,?tdac with the outsideworld. Tlre way in whicb the MPU dealswith inpuvoutput communicate circuitry is similar to the way in which il interfaces with memory circuitry. That is' bus. This input/output data transfersalso lake place over lhe multiplexed address/data parallel bus permits easy interface to LSI peripheralssuch as Parallel I/O expanders. interval timers. and serial cornmunicationcontrollers. Through this UO interface, lhe MPU caninput or outputdatain bit, byte, or word (for ile 8086) formats Let us continue for minirnum- and maxirnumby looking at how an isolatedUO interfaceis implemented microcomputer systems. 8088 and 8086 mode

Interface Minimum-Mode
Let us beginby looking at the isolatedI/O interfacefor a minimum-mode8088 system. Figure 8-46(a) showsthis minimum-modeinterface.Here we find the 8088' interfaceciicuity, andVO poris for devices0 tbroughN I/O devices0 throughN can represent input devicessuch as a keybo.rd, output devicessuch as a printer' or inpuvoutpui port An exampleof a rypical I/O serial communications devicessuchas an asynchronous peripheralinterface(PPI) IC' such is a programmable device usedin the l/O subsystem as the 82C55A.This type of deviceis usedto implementparallel input and output poris The circuiis in the interface seclion must perform functions such as selectthe I/O port' lalch output data. sampleinput dgta, synchronizedata transfers,and translatebetwen TIL voltagelevels and ihoserequiredto operatethe I/O devices. The data path between the 8088 and l/O interface circuiis is the multiple)Gd bus.Unlike the memory interface,fiis time just dre 16 least significantlines address/data ADo tlrough AD? andAs rhough Ar5, are in use This interfacealso involves of the bus, as pad of the memory interface-that is ALE, SSO. the control si$als that we discussed and DEN. RD. WR. IO,M. DTA.. Figure 8-46(b) showsthe isolaredI/O intedace of a minimum-mode8086-based micrccomputersystem.Looking at this diagram.we find thai the interface differs from in severalways.First, the compleiedatabusADo through tbat of the 8088 microcomputer


The8088 and 8086 Microorocessors chap B

, aDo-aD, \--------------)


Aa-A,a ---------------8@8 FD





' ADo-ADr5 RD


M/id DT/F



(b) MinimDmrisue 8-46 (a) Minimum-node 8088syslem VO interface. mode8086system I/O inlerface.

AD;. is u.ed for inpurandourpur dararran'ter'r'econd.rbe V,4Oconrol .igal rs rhe of the equivalent signal IOA4 in the 8088'sinterface;and third, statussignal lg4llenent SSOis replaced by BHE.

Maximum-Mode lnterface
tvhen fie 8088rs .trapped ro opemre rn rhe ma{mum moder\4J\/M} corurecred to gound), rhe inteface to the I/O circuihy changes.Figure 8 47(a) illustrates this configura.ion. Sec. Ll5 lsolated lnput/Output Interface





Figure 8-47 (a) Ma-\imumnode 8088 systen I/O interface.(b) Mdlmum mode8086 systen I/O interface.





rorvc. A-idwa

0 I

iliSt MRDC fuwrc,AMw'c

with pernision of Intel codes(Reprinled Figure8-4E l/O buscycleslatus copyight/Intelcory. 1979) Corporalion, As in the naximum-modememory interface.lhe 8288 bus conholler produceslhe bus commandslatuscodesoutThe 8288 decodes control signalsfor the yO subsystemput by the 8088 at S,SIS0.Thesecodestell which type of bus cvcle is in Fogless. If the the /O rcad colllAll code corespondsto an I/O read bus cycle, the 8288 generates l/O wite mnma n ouQutsGOWC) dl/tprr (IORC) andfor an I/O write cycleit generacs an,l (AIOWC). The 3288 also Foduces the control signalsALE, DT,&.' and DEN The and datatransferpath between8088 and ma\imum node UO intedaceremains address bus lins ADo throughAD? andAs throughAr i address/data isolatedI/O intedaceof an 8086microFigure 8-47(b) showsthe maximum-mode processor syslem.Therc are only two differencesbetweenthis intedacediagramandthal As in the minimum mode,the tu1l 16-bit darabusis the path for the 8088microprocessor for datatransfers,andlhe signal BHE, which is not suppliedby the 8088' is includedrn the interface. The table in Fig. 8 48 showsthe busconmand statuscodestogetherwith the command signalslhat they produce.Thosefor I/O bus cyclesare highlighted The MPU indi= 001-This codecauses the catesthat dataare to be inpul (readI/O pori) by codeS2SrS0 controloulputI/O readcommand oORC) Thereis oneotler code buscontrollerto produce two an ouQutbus cycle,the write UO polt codeS,SrSo: 010.It produces that represents UO \lTite cycle (AIOWC) srgnals: I/O \rrite cycle (IOWC) andadvanced outputcommand busdurareusedto enabledataftom the l/O ports ontothe system sig:nals Thesecommand Jnofrom theMPU lo lhe l/O porl' duringan ouFul operalion rngal irpul operalion


canbe either byte-wide Input/outputdatatransfersin the 8088 aid 8086rnicrocomputers by an /o or word-wide.The pon that is a(essed for input or outpui of daia is selected performs the I/O operation' aspalt of the instructionthal is specified drldrrs.This address are 16 bits in length and are output by the 8088 to the l/O interface I/O addresses the LSB andAr5 the over bus linesADo throughAD? andAs tl oughAr5.ADo represents sec.Ll6 lnpuvoutput DataTransfers


Arr, are held at the 0 logic lerel lines,A16through address MSB. The mostsignificant linesareusedto 16 address Since cvcles (Tr) I/O bus period of all duringtlre sddress I/O ports byte-wide of 64K consists space 1/Oaddress I/O oorts,the 8088's address is for an I/O pon the bus on rhe address thai circuitrv ro extemal The 8088signals level This I logic line to the control IO,M insleadof a memorylocationbv switchingthe reason' For th's bus cvcle js or ouQut input signal heldat the I leveldxringthecomplete I/o circuit$' in external decoder latch or address it;an be usedto enablethe address Data transfersbetweenthe 8088 and I/O devicesafe performedover the databui' Data tfttnslersto byte-wideI/O poris alwaysrequire onebus cycle Byle datatransten to a pon dreperformedover buslines DothroughD? Word transfeNalso takeplaceoverthe astwo consecuiive is pedormed thisivpeofoperation data bus,16througl17. However, two buscycles. datatrinsfersandlakes byte-wide bus lines ale outputon iddress/data I/O a{ldresses For the 8086 microcomputer, whether dataare A0 andBHE delermine of signals ADrr' The logic levels ADo lhrough or a pon, even-addressed byte"wide-pttt' byte-wide for an odd-addressed inpuVoutput pon is = I/O byte-wide l0' an odd-addrcssed if A0BHE word-wi;eport For example, lines D0 perfbrmed over bus are address ai an even to a pol,t Byle datatransfers accessed, pon areperformed overDs lhrcughD 5 Data D?;nd lhoseio an odd_addtessed through takeplacein onebuscycle I/O ponsalways to byte-wide lrAnsfers by lhe code arcsocompanied lhe 8086andI/O devices between word dalatmnsLers A D 5 wordirans' databur' Dothrough overthecomplete A0BE = 00 andareperfoDred for just onebuscycleis requircd that To ensure either oneol two buscycles, fer canrequhe bouudaries al even-address b aligned I/O pofisshould word'wlde theworddatatrmsfer,

thatemploy ale pefbrmedby the8088and8086micrcprocessols operations Input/outpul p-ort addressI/O wilh the logether inputAndoltput iDslructions llO usingspeclal isolated Tbeir S-49' (OUT), in Fig are lisied ir (IN) and o&r instructions, Thes=e i:rg motles. operations of their description with a brjef together areprovided rnienonicsandforrnats Note tha! there arc two diilbrent forms of IN and OUT instructionslthe dircct 1/O can be instluclio s andvariahleI/O /tntt?rclr",{t.Either of thesetwo rypesof instrxrclions I/O dev;ce an between take Place used1()tansfer a byte or word of data.All dau anslers known perfoming l/O is nethod of this registerFor thisreason, andtheMPU'Saccumulatof andnod transfeNtheAX r8isinvolvetheAL rEgister, ^s t/O Byte nansfers


( A . O l P o r r )

A c .= A L o r A x

(v.dable) Outputindnci

Fieure 8-49

Inputoutput nstructom


The8088 and 8086 l\4icroprocessorschap. 8

registerin an I/O instuction indicates or destination ter.In fac! specjlyingAl asthe source to a byte transfer.That is, b)te-wide or word-word input/output rs that ii corresponds (Acc) in the instuction asAL or AX' respectivetv. by specifyingthe accumulator setected ln a dire.t I/O instruction, the addressof the I/O polt is specifiedas part of tbe its valueis limFor this reason, instruction.Eight bits areprovidedfor this direct address. equalsFFr6 This raageis referred rangefrorn 010equals00b to 25510 ited to the address space. to as page0 in the l/O address instruction is the An example

I/O ihe contents of ihe byte_wide causes As Fig. 8-49 shows,executionof this instrucaion register This data input lo the AL porr at addressFEr6 of the I/O addressspaceto be transfertakesplace in one input bus cycle

to a byte'wide outputport of instroctionsthat will output the dataFF16 Write a sequence space. of dre I/O address at address AB L6

First, the AL registeris loadedwith FFr6 as an immediateoperandin the instuction

port with the instruction Now the datain AL can be ouFut to dle byte-wide outpLrt

The differencebetwenthe direct alrd variablel/O inslructionslies in the way in We jusi saw that for direct I/O instructions of the I/O port is specified. which the address is specifiedas part of the instruction.On the otherhand.the variableI/O an 8 bit addrcss thai residesin the DX registerwithin the MPU The value instmctionsusea 16 bit address that is to be outputon ADo tfuoughAD7 and in DX is not an offset.It is the actualaddress is a tulI 16 birs in length variAs throughAr5 during the I/O buscycle. Sincethis address sPace. in the 64K-byteVO address portslocatedanywhere ableI/O instuctions can access When usingeirher type of I/O instruction,the datamusl be loadedinto or rcmoved from theAL or AX registerbeforeanotherinput or output operaiioncanbe pefomled ln the caseof variable I/O instructions,the DX registermust be toadedwith (he addrcss the instructionsequence This requiresexecutionof additionalinstructions.For instance,
MOV IN MOV DX, 0A00011 AL, DX B'-, AL

space into AL inputsthe contentsof lhe byte-wideinput port at A000i6 of the I/O address il in BL. and then saves sec.8.17 lnnftrcnons InPuVOutPut


Write a sriesof irsrructions that will output FFr6 ro an outpur port locatedat address B00016 of the I/O address space.

The DX registermust firsr be loadedwith the address of rhe ouFur port. This is donewith theinstruction

Next, the dararhat are to be output must be loadedinto AL with the insruction

Finally. the dataare outpui with the insrrucrion


Data are to be read in from rwo blre-wide input polts at addrcsses AA16 and A916and thenoutpui as a word to a word-wideoutput port ar address B00016. Wrire a sequence of insiruciionsto perfom this input/ourputoperarion.

We can firsr read in the byte from the pot at address AA16 inio AL and move it to AH. This is done fith the instructions

Now the other byte, which is at port A96, can be read into AL by the instrucrion

The word is now held in AX. To wrile our the word of data,we load DX with rhe aaldress 800016and usea variableoutpurinsruction. This teadsto rhe following:

ouT Dx, ax


In Section8.15, we found that the isolatedUO interface signatsfor the minimum mode 8088 and 8086 miffocomputer sysremsare essentially rhe same as rhose invotved in the memory interface.In fact. dle function, logic levels. and riming of a signalsother


The 8088 dnd 8086 lvr'L.ooro.esrori

Chap. 8

$an IO/M (M^O) are identical to those already describedfor the memory interface in 8.11. Section Waveforms for the 8088'sXO input (l/O rcad) bus ctcte andUO output (XO lt'rite) l,ookiry at the input and out,&r c],.lz are shownin Figs. 8 50 a 8-51, respectively. the timing of IO/M does not change.The 8088 put bus cycle waveforms,we see that progress. cycle is in It is mai ained at switchesit to logic I to indicate that an I/O bus As in memory cycles, the adahess the I togic level for fte duration of ihe UO bus cycle. jnput period bus cycle, DEN is Tr. For the is output together with AIE dudng clock put data onto the bus the switchedto logi 0 to signal the UO ifierface cncuitry when to and rhe 8088 readsdataoff the bus during period Tr. On fte other hand,for the output bus cycle in Fig. 8-51, dre 8088 puts write data on the bus late in T2 and maintains it during th rest of the bus cycle. This time WR switchesto logic 0 to signalthe I/O systemthat lalid dataare on the bus. The waveformsof the 8086's inpul and output bus cycles are shownin Figs. 8-52 and 8 53, rcspectively.Let usjust look at the differencesbetweenthe input cycle of the 8086 andriat of the 8088.Conpariry the waveformsin Fig. 8-52 to thosein Fig. 8 50, in T-stateTr. Rememwe seethat the 8086outputsthe signalBHE alongwith the addrcss

on. b$ cvil.



$o --J Fig@ 8-50 Inpd bns cycle of the 8088.



Bus Cycles



Figure 8-51 Outpulbuscycleolth 8088.


Figurc 8-52 Inputbuscycleofthe 8086

buscycleof the8086 Figure8-53 OutPut this signal is usedaloDgwith Ao to selectrhe byteber that for the 8086 microprocessor wide or the word-wide porr. Next, lhe 8086'sdatalransferpath to the I/O intedaceis the bus, not 8 bjts as in the 8088 system.Thercfore.datatransfels,which 16-bit address/dafa rakeplaceduring T3,cantake placeoverthe lower 8 databuslines, upper8 databuslines, or all 16 databus lines. Thhd, dre 8086 outpuislogic 0 on the M/IO 1ine,while the 8088 outputslogic 1 on the IO/M line. Thar is, the M,{O contol signalof the 8086is the con plementof that of the 8088.Finally, the 8086doesrot producean SSOoutput signallike the onein the 8088.

R E V I E WP R O B L E M S 8.l Section
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameihe tecbnologyusedto fabricalethe 8088 and 8086 rnicroprocessors. wlat is the transistorcount of the 8088? Wlich pin is usedastheNMI inputon the 8088? on the 8086? the BHE/S? outpntsignals which pin provides How much memory can dle 8088 and 8086 direcily address? spaceof fie 8088 and 8086? How large is ihe I/O address

8.2 Section
7. How is minimurn or naximum modeof operationselected? 8. Describeihe differencebetweenthe minimum-mode8088 systmand ma,\imum_ mode8088system.


9, What ouFut funciion is performedby pin 29 of dle 8088 when i" the minimum mode? Maximummode? 10. Is the sienalN4,/I'O an input or output of the 8086? 11. Nameonesignal thatis supplied by lhe 8088but not by the 8086. produced 12. Are the signalsQSo and QSL in lhe minimum mode or maximum

Section 8.3
13. Wlar are rhe word lengths of the 8088\ addrcssbus and data bus? The 8086's address busanddatabus? 14. Does$e 8088havea multiplexedaddress/dara bus or independent address anddata buses? 15. What mnemonic is usedto identifythe leastsignificani bit of the 8088'saddress bus?The most significantbir of the 8088'sdatabus? 16. \l/llat does statuscode SlSr : 01 mean in terms of lhe memory segmentbeing 17. Which output is usedto signal exiemal circuity fiat a byte of datais availableon the upper half of the 8086's databus? 18, What doesthe logic level on M,{b signal to extemal circuitry in an 8086 micro, 19. Which outputis used to signalexternal circuity in an 8088-based microcomputer lhat valid datais on the bus during a write cycle? 20. What signal does a nininun-mode 8088 respondwith when it acknowledges an aciive inlerupt request? 21. Wlich sigr)alsimplement the DMA interface in a mininun-mode 8088 or 8086 microcomputersystem? 22. Lisi the signalsof the 8088 that are put in the high-Z staie in response to a DMA

Section 8.4
23. ldentify the signal lines of tbe 8088 that are different for the minimum-modeand ma,{imummodeinterfaces. 24. Wharsiatus outputs of the 8088areinputsto rhe8288? 25, Whar maximun'mode contol signalsare generated by the 8288? 26. What function does the LOCK signal serve in a ma{imum mode 8088 microcomputersystem? 27. What statuscode is output by the 8088 to rhe 8288 if a memory read bus cycle is takingplace? 28. What connand output becomes activeif the statusinpursof the 8288 are 1002? julnp 29. ff lhe 8088 executes a instruction,what queuestatuscode would be output? 30. What signalsare provide.d for local bus control in a ma{imum-mode8088 system?


The 8088 and 8086 Micfoprocessors

Chap. 8

Section 8.5
31. ffiat is the range of power suppty voltage over which rhe 8089 is guaranted to work correcily? 32. What is the maxinum valueof volragerhatis considered a valid togic 0 ar bit D0 of the 8088'sdatabus?Assumerhat the oueut is sintdng2 InA. 33, What is the mininum value of voltage that would rcpresenra vatid togic 1 at rhe INTR input of rhe 8088? 34. At what value curent is Volmd measured on the 8086?

Section 8.6
35. At v,hat speeds are 8088sgenerallyavaitable? 36. What frequencycrystal must be connectedberweenihe Xr and X? inputs of rhe clock generatorif an 8088-2is ro run ai tul1 speed? 37. What clock ourputsare produce.d by the 8284?Wlat would be their frequencies if a 30-MHz crystal were used? 38. What are the logic levels of the clock waveformsapplied ro the 8088?

Section 8.7
39. How many ciock srares are in an 8088 bus cycte that has no wait states? How are thesestatesdenoted? 40. Wlat is the durationofthe bus cycle for a 5 MHz 8088 that is running at tuI1speed and with no wait stares? 41. What is an idle srate? 42. Wlat is a wait stare? 43. If an 8086running at 10 MHz perfonnsbus cycleswith two wail states, wharis the durationof the buscycle?

Section 8.8
44. How is the memory of an 8088microcompurer organizedfrom a hardware poinr ot view? An 8086 microcompurer? 45, Give an overviewof how a byte of datais readfrom memoryaddrcss B0003t6of an 8088-based microcornpute! and list the memory control signals along with their activelogic leveis that occur during the memoryreadbus cycle. 46. Give an overview of how a word of data is wriften to memory starting ai actdress A000016of an 8088 basedmicrocompute! ,nd tisi the memory conaol signats togetherwith their acrivelogic levelsthat occur dwing the mernorywrite cycle. 47. In which banl of memoryin an 8086-based microconputer areodd-adatressed byres of datastored? Whar bank selectsignalis usedto enablethis bant of memory? 48. Over which of the 8086'sdarabus lines areeven addressed byresof daratransferred and which bank selecrsignal is active? 49, List the memory control signalsrogetherwith their active logic levels that occur when a word of data is writter io memory address A000016 in a minimum,mode 8086microcomputer system.


50. List the memory conlrol signals togetherwith their active logic levels that occur when a byte of data is wditen to memory address8000316in a minimum-mode 8086 miffocompurer Over which datalines is the byte of datatransfered?

Section 8.9
51. In a naximum-mode 8088 microcomputer,what code is oulput on SaSrwhen an iDs.ruction'fetchbus cycle is in progress? 52. What is the value of SaS3 if the operandof a pop instruction is being read from memory?Assumethe microcomputer employsthe 8088 in the maximumnode.

S e c t i o8 n. 1 0
53. mich of dre 8088'smemory control signalsis the complement of the corresponding signalon the 8086? 54. What memorycontrol ouipur of ihe 8088 is not providedon the 8086! What signal replaces it on ile 8086? 55. In a maxirnum-node 8088 basedmicrocornpuie! what memory bus statuscode is output when a word of instruction code is fetchedfrom memory?Wbich memory control outputG)is (are) Foduced by the 8288? 56. In ma{mun node, what memory bus statuscode is output when a destination operard is writlen to memory?Wlich memory control output(s)is (are) produced by the 8288? 57. When the instruciion PUSH AX is executed,what addressbus status code and memorybuscycle codeare outputby the 8088 in a rnaximum,mode miffocomputer system? Which conlmandsignalsare output by the 8288?

Section 8. i I
58. How mary clock statesare in a readbus cycle that hasno wait states? What would be the duraiion of this bus cycle if the 8086 were operatingat 10 MHz? 59. What happens in the TL part of the 8088'smemory reador wrire bus cycle? 60. Descdbethe bus activity that takesplace as an 8088, in minimurn mode, wites a byte of datainio memory address 8001016. 61. Wtich two signalscan be used to determinethat the current bus cycle is a write 62. Which signalcan be usedto identil' the stmt of a bus cycle?

Section 8. i 2
63. Give an ove iew of the function of each block in the memory interfacediagram shown in Fig. 8-24. 64, When the instructionPUSH AX is executed, what bus statuscodeis output by the 8086 in maximun mode, whal are the logic levels of Ao and BHE, and what rcad/write control signalsaft producedby the bus controller? 65. Wlat type of basic logic devicesis providedby the 74F373? 66. Specilythe logic .ererrol Bl-tLL.lTwRC. raRDC.aodAa $hen rJre 808bIn l-r8. 8 24 rcadsa word of datafrom address12340H.


The 8088 and 8086 ^,licroorocessoE Chao. I

67. Make a truth tab1e. using the circuits in Figs. 8 27 and 8 28, to speciryine logic levels of RDu, RDr, wRu, wRb BIIEL, MRDC. MWTC, and AoL when the (a) readsa byte from address 01234H (b) writesa byteto address 01235H (c) reads 01234H a word from address (d) writes a word to address 01234H 68. wlat logic devicesare Fovided by the 74F245? be dpptied ro the DE\ and DT/R 6c. lD lhe circuirof Fig. 8 30. $ha' logic level.muqr be transferred to the microprocessor inputs to causedata on the systemdatabus to 70, MaLe a drawing lite ihat shownin Fig. 8-30 to illustrate the data bus tansceiver microcomputersystem. circuit neededin an 8088-based five chip selectsignals? 71. How nany address iines must be decodedto generate 72. Name an IC that implementsa twoline to tbur-Linedecoderlogic tuncrion. - l0l 7 3 . I f l h e i n p u r " r o7 a 'r e r 4 F l l 8d e c o d e C LC,^ 0.G.8 0.anaCBq , which output is active! 7,1. MaLe a drawing for a ninimum-mode 8088-base.d microcomputerfor which a MEMR and MEMW from the RD, WR, and 74F138 decoderis used to generate IO,M sigftls.

Section 8. | 3
75. 76. 77. 78. 79. What doesPLA standfor? List tkee properies that measue the capacityof a PLA. wlat is the programmingmechanism usedin the PAL called? What doesPAL standfor? Give the key diftbence betweena PAl- and a PLA. Redmw the circuit Eol,n in Fie. 8-3?(b) to illostrate how it can implement lhe logictunctionF: (AB + AB). input/outpuis.and 80. How many dedicatedinputs, dedicatedoutputs, prograrnmable Foduct tems are suppoftedon the 16L8 PAl? 81. what is the rnarimun numberof inputs on a 20L8 PAL? The maximun Dunber of 82. How do the outputsof dre 16R8differ ftom thoseof the 16L8? addre- line' ArTLLluougn Arqr to generaF Ch through CLa. 83. Usea lol8 ro decode

Section B.l4
84. Name the two types of inpuUoutput. 85. What type of I/O is in use when peripheraldevicesare rnappdto the 8088's l/O address space? space giYen that part of the address 86. Which type of I/O hasthe disadvantage up to implementI/O ports? ihat all I/O datatransfersmust take place 87. wlich type of I/O has the disadvantage rhrcughthe AL or AX register?


8.l5 Section

andd'itabuslires relaiilc to an isoof the 8088s address St Wr.ata.. tle runctions l latedl/O operation to Dxremal microcompulerwhich lignal indicates 89. In a mininun-node 80118 nol lhe menory cifcuiry that the curent bus cycle is lbr rhe t/O inledaceand betweenrhe 8088'snininun-mode l/O inrerlacein Fig' 90. List the differences 8-46(a) andtharofthe 8086in Fig s-46(b) IO/M andM OI rhesignals beiwecn 91. Whatis lhe logic relationship theinput(rexd)output(wnte)' prcduces whichdevice svstem' 92. In a m.tiimum-modc I/O interlace? for Lhe .mdbuscontd sign.tls the functionof eachblock in the I/O inteifacecircuit in Fig 93. Briefly describe 817(a). an inputbus codeidentifics what status microcomputer 80i16 94. ln a maximum'node Jrownin l:a c 4-'ur' whJlarethcloSr(levLo,nrerla.e 95. ln rhemax.mum-rn.d< bJ' clcle'l ara atOuC d rins31uurpur .r' ot ibnC, iOrr,C.

8.I 6 Section

I/O address'l 96. How manybits arei)r the 8088's spdce? in lhe 8088'sI/o address addresses of byte 9?, wblt is therange I/o porls? wotd-wide lerms ol in space 98. What is the sizeof ihe 8086'sI/o 0ddrss ol Ao 4ndBHE whatArethe logic levels syslem, lnicrocomPuter 99, ln rn 8086-based of dalais If a word A00016l addrcss to l/O written *lr"n o tyr" ul aomis beilu A000r6? beingwriltento address outputa how mrny buscyclesare I equired $yslem, microco[]puter an 8088 100. In -to system? microcomputef In aI1801t6 AOO0ld? wordof datato I/O address

8.l7 Section

IN AX' 1AH by the instfuction perforned the operalion 101, Describe as thatof theinstruc operution to pedbrn the same sequence 102. Write an instluclion I/O or indirec! variable tion in problem101.but this tinreuse OUT 2AH AL' pertbrncdbv the instruction 103. Delcribethe operation dala0Fr6to an dutpulpod at of the byie thatoutputs sequence 104. Write an insirltction 10006 address thatinputsthebvteof darafion1inputpofs at l/O of insructions 105. Write a sequencc the sun in and saves addsthesevaluestogether' and 800016. A.OOO* aaaresses lO SUM. lnemorylocation pl o n a r l / O rh l einpJ h l 'r r l i n T ulrn c c o n l e n l ' o ' e q u e r t r \ 'io nl' r r t r c L rr u n 1 0 6 .W r : r e J h v l h eL r b e l d e n l i h < d i ro J e n h ( r o J l i n e d o d r e '8 0 J n Jj l m p r o r h eh ( e r n r g " I is bit of the data ACTIVE INPUT if the lcastsignilicanl


The 8088 and 8086 Microprocesso6

Chap S

Section 8.l8
10?. In the 8088's input bus cycle, during which T siate do the IO/M, ALE. m. and DEN control signalsbecomeactive? 108. During which T statein the 8088'sinput buscycle is the ad&essoutputon the bus? Arc darareadftom the busby rhe MPU? 109. If an 8088is midne at 5 MHz, wharts tte durationof the outputbusoperationperlbrmed by executingthe insEuctionOUT 0C0H, AX? 110. If an 8086 running at l0 MIIZ tusertstwo wai. statesinto aI UO bus cycles,what is the duation of a bus cycle in which a byte of daia is being output? 111. If the 8086 h problem 110 ouFuis a wod of dala to a \yod-wide porr ar I/O address1A116, whar is the dumrion of the bus cycle?


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