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Loijc>iLuJii iTilOix PUxiiRTO ilZCO

The Fouler FaiiiLly

20oi Paseo Alfa

LevittoTjn, (oo^nnclo Seccior) Catano

Paerto Rico 00632
febrero-mrzo de 197h



The Fowler family is praying about the possibility of returning to the States for a short furlough

Thank you for praying!


has been real victory in the

penitentiary riiinistry.
Jesus as their Lord.

In fact, one

this sumraer, (Possibly May, June, July). Ue*d like very rauch to see you again (lt*s been 2 years now)
and to share with you first-hand how God^s
been blessing our lives and ministries here-and to hear how He's been working x-jith you, too Can you agree vriLth us

prisoners are seeking help every day. Several more have accepted

of them (Louis Robles Rodriguez)

was one of those Sa-banists I men
tioned in the last newsletter who

in prayer (Mt. I8sl9) about such

matters as transportation arrangemsnts once we get there? Honey for travel? Scheduling of speaking engagements in your churches? VJe*ll try to meet every spealcing request vfe receive, if God makes it possible. Please write quickly and

were casting hexes and voodoo curses on me and our ministry, e rejoiced together as he emptied his
cell of xiTitchcraft booics and imple
ments as the first demonstration of

his New Allegience, Just lilce in Acts 19j19! Another new Christian

(Norman Cordero Helendez) has asked

God to deliver him from the bondage

let us know. We've been praying for you constantly and lon^ to see you again.

of homosexuality, sin, drug addiction, and the penitentiary.

God has delivered him from ALL FOUR

during the past few days.

He's a

-new creature in Christ and free in

every sense as of the day before yesterday, YAHOO11


I guess it*s just another stage I'm going through..but I'm sure enjoying iti I'm beginning to recognize a progression (levels?) in riiy thinlcing about praise^ When vie were with you there two summers ago in the States, we were praising God for all "ciie good things He was shovdng us and the needs He was supplying
us mth.

That's the first stage:

But then He began showing us

Praising for good things God does for you. some interesting things abouts


Praising in ALL situations.; not just in response to pleasant situations, but actually praising Him in the midst of real problems, Whewl That's not so easy! But check it out in Philippians Us6-12 (Have no anxiety,,,in EViiUrtYTKING.,,with thanksgiving.,,") But now He's leading us to praise Him
not in response to either a corofortable or an uncoi.ifortable situation in

which vre find ourselves, but to praise Him because of HIS situation.
worthy of praise, TMs iss

He is


ft'aising in response to God's worthiness (Not to our situation). If x^e are able to get back to the States this summer, I'm looking forward to
spending some time PRAISING with you. He's worth it!
Non-profit Org.

Plrst Christian Church

1801 College Blvd.

Boise, Idaho


Permit^^^^ No.
Boise, Idaho








For some time now, both our older children, Curtis and Christy, have been thinking seriously about their place in Christ's ICingdom and ministry# A few weeks ago, our oldest, Curtis, confessed to feeling much guilt and a need for cleansing. After counseling,

The gas shortage has given me the opportunity to ride the twenty-some miles to the penitentiary from home on nQT bicycle every day. Thank you, Jesus, I'm feeling great! God takes
Satan's attacks and i/orks them to

His good and ours when we deal with

them in terms of having,"no anxiety

prayer, and study, he invited Jesus to be Savior and permanent Master of his life; after church Sunday evening, we
buried him in baptism in the ocean in front of our house. What a thrill to

about anything, but in everything, by prayer and sux^plication vjith Tlmnlisgi'v^g let your requests be^.
made knom to God,"

welcome another meniber of the family into The Family!

SiaiMS OF THE TlixiilS



I'larQT, many strilces (tmcks, school teachers, gas stations, etc.) power failures,
gas shortages, phone black-outs, Anti-Araericrn sentiiiient, economic crisis, political upheaval, a massive turning to Occult, Spiritism, or other Satanic influences, and a general feeling of fear and tension over the whole island All these, I read as indications that the "birth pangs" of the Kingdom and Jesus' return are coining closer and harder. At the very least, these indicate a reijtless anciety of the Puerto Ricans and a spiritual hunger that seems to have intensified even during the time we have been here. This little island is seething with apprehension, spiritual unrest, and reminds me of a kettle
about to boil over. And I'm sure that P.R, isn't an exception in the world, judging from the newspapers lately! JESUS IS SOILING! That means we Christians

MUST be confident of our authority and position as His chilciren because He's

going to use us to get His liorld ready.

See I Jn, 2:23-29 and Matt, 2Usll|

Would you hold us up in prayer for the following regTilar ministries in which we
are involved;


Therapy group in the penitentiary

studying 1st. John.

Tuesdayss Bible "rap tiine" with the prisoners. God's blessing this Qreatlvy'" Wednesdays; College and young adult study at Guaynabo CoriMunity Churchi^We're
Thursdays; I've just started a ncj Bible study among the teachc
private school in San Juaji,

a big

Sundays;. In churches as.:,GQd'~d^c^ NOTE; Please use oSa^fome' address^^208l Paseo AlfaJ^^stead of Box 66
oi'jn P.O, box sliiUe ICUlias requested we not have our iiiail sent to theirs#
Fold paper around all checks, Thanlcs!
Christ's love to you, and yours,

Fridays; Individual counseling in the pen, Saturdays; itoriage-counseling with prisoners and

(iCU^s b o x ) - t h i s May, V7e are waiting in line for our

Bruce, Judy, Curtis, Christy


Craig Fowler


1 6 1974

From the Fowlers in Puerto Rico

abril de 1974

SEE YOU SOONI ' ' With the I^fd as Scheduling Direct

the plans for oui: State

side furlough this summer are fitting into place beautifullyi We're reilly getting excitWd' to see you again** We are moving
out of our house here on Paseo Aifa, so we'11 have no mailing

address here, in P.R. after A^jril 27th.until we retuJ^aJ^ August.

(After August, mail addressed to iP.oy Box-577, Catano, Prl^#
00632 will reach us). During tjiiis summer all mail to us could

be sent through >Judy* s mother J Carie of i Mrs# Eunice McFarland, 400 Bacon Dr.,, Boise, Idaho 83702, phone (20B) 342-6476,

April 27:

Fly from San Juan, P.R. to Indiahaipolis, Ind.

Christian Church con^egation,


plan to be in the Jndianapolis area about a week (?) with headquarters among those of .the E, 49th
?May 7-19 ?: Generally around I^inois are^. May 21-25: Traveling from Mic^west to West, stopping in Missouri.
May 26-June 2: Boise, Idaho

. '

June 3-9: Oregon (Oakridge-Dexter area) Headquarters.: Oakridge

Christian church.

June 26 until 1st. week in July: Washington (Seattle-Tacoma area)

July 7: Bethel Christian Church, JEugene, Oregon
As the Lord leads July 8-27 J

June 10(?)-25:

Salem, Oregon area.

July 28-Aug.3:. Jr. High camp at. Cove, Oregon

Week of August 5th; Home again to Puexto^gj^co. T": T - . .. . .
YOU : PRAY . .

.For our family, that ""ourselves" (egos) would be subjected So that people would see and love Jesus through what is
presented this summer, not just the Fowlers;
the Word and .grow in faith with boldness.

made committments to Christ; specifically that they keep in

...For the guys, in the prison here, especially those who have

...abput our transportation from place to place while on

Do you know of one that we might rent, buy, or borrow while
we are in your area?


We still, don't have a- car available for our use.

..for God's continued guidance and confirmation of our sc e u e,

etiough to get us to our first stop (Indianapolis). Praise nim with us as. He supplies all at once' or one step at a time.
...concerning situation. As of today, we

we can get everything done and ready in time to go. _. . , ...for each of the churches and groups to which o wou ea

o^f our time these next few days

to groups and individuals across the nation who need the love of Jesus as much as any in P.R. or "other lands". ..for our preparation, here for traveling and spea ing* especially that we might have wisdom and discretion

...for wisdom, boldness, and clarity of thought in speaking

mind^ can-* t-comprehend how-

us; that God's Holy Spirit would even now be preparing them for He will plant and fertilize in their hearts.
1801 College Boulevard


U.S. Postage
Boise, Idaho

Permit No. 29






We had an idol smashing ceremony last Monday night in the prison as "Smiley" (Edwin, Montalvo Colberg) brought his Vqpdoo cl^arms, Spiritist saints, and Satanist paraphernalia
and traded them for a newborn faith in Jesus the Christ,

Another prisoner, Willie,Rodriguez, is also in the midst of making the same committment. (Both have life sentences) Smiley was concerned about rejection,from his family who is even deeper into Spiritualism that he was, but after some
struggle in prayer, he decided God was sending him to his

own family as their evangelist.'

When Smiley's mother came

-^oth^prisonto visit him, ^Defore he could tell her-iiirs good news, she announced that God had led her to g^t rid

of her idols (a whole room full., she said) and all her religious charms, and serve the living Jesus. What a double rejoicing.we had! !

Will you take time to pray for Smiley (and his mother) and Willie who are going to need all the strength they can get in the face of heavy opposition. Because of his stand for Jesus, Smiley's life has actually been threatened by the head of the Satanist Coven in the prison. That's not an idle threat; they have averaged about a murder a month among the inmates. Please support him i* prayer that he can
remain firm and have continued evidence that "greater is He that is within you than he that is within the world."

(I Jn.4:4)

Also pray specifically for George, Sal, Richie,

and Julio, prisoners who at the moment each have spiritual

h^eds for which they need prayer support from the rest of thfe Body. Will you also pray that God will send them support ^from others of His peop>le Whil6 I*m gone to the States? I know I've presented a lot for you to pray about, and it's
so easy to just read over these requests without really

and actually praying about them.

I know, I do sometimes

(usually) when presented with such a list.

Let's just stop


arid do it now while we're thinking about it...

Cristo viene...prontol
Our love to you, and His,
. The Fowlers

Bruce, Judy, Curtis, Christy

and Craig

MISSION X^^SSAQES from the Fowlers

Puerto Rico: August and September 1974

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce i


Paseo Alfa 2081

Levitown, Catano Puerto Rico 00632

When an exciting summer! Almost too crammed full to believe and too good to be true! As we were five miles above

the Atlantic Ocean, jetting back to P. R. was the first time we stopped to realize what God had really done in blessing our
summer. We have hundreds of new brothers sind sisters in Christ whom we

"Jesus is Coming... "

wae anaaain thme of our

love as we've never J.Qvjed^^y before.

message to the Christians in the

States. We lifted up different as

Through the love and encouragement of

many of the churches and prayer groups

pects and implications of that theme

in different churches as the Spirit

we feel spiritually refreshed and ready to

start a whole dimension of our mini

directed in each place. We found

that He kndw the need of each group and often would direct specifically

stry here. We are feeling a need to pre

pare for a few days before thrusting full

ahead in the prison ministry again: to

as we prayed specifically about

pray about each prisoner and his situation,

to contemplate new directions and em

what to say before meeting each


phasis in which God may be leading, to

get into the Word to receive encourage
ment and further instruction on what God has in mind for us this year in P. R.


A week of retreat near Tallahassee with kids from Florida State University. rmTtiil agio with the enthusiam I "bsmoss^d" from them.

--Almost throught we'd have a summer ministry just in Milwaukee, Wise, when
had other plans! Special thanks to the Fulks, the Evans, the Daughterys and the Diakanos class (E. 49th. St. Christian Church, Indianapolis) for being ^sdj>y God to implement those plans. The outcome? We ended up with a dependable re placement to drive all summer, recovered the stolen car, and finally sold bo h
to help pay for our plane tickets home.

our car and contents were stolen two weeks after we got to the States. The Lord

Disciples, Assembly of God. Open Bible Standard, and well, most other brands, you could think of, including some just plain old Christians! We especially ap preciate the faith and prayer power of several home fellowship and Bible study
groups. Thank you Jesus!

--Shared in many charches..andr4ieffiominaMa;^ar.ffftfrfi-thff country: Lutheran,

--Inadvertantly missed a fowler family reunion.planned around pur schedule

in Salem, Oregon. Sorry Family.

faith and baptism this summer... witnessed several others who opened their
.in the U, S. what Isaiah said He would do. (Luke 4:18).

--Shared in decisions of nine or ten people who responded tb Jesus through

delivered of oppressing demonic spirit. Hallelujah! Jesus is still doing today

lives to the fullness and blessing of God's Holy Spirit and still others who were

We're just beginning our 3rd. year of ministry here in P. R., our main emphasis being counseling and teaching amoung the inmates of the Commonw-ealth.^Pe^tentiary in San Juan. We came here under the authority of Jesus the Christ and by

the power, promises, and direction of the Holy Spirit who has filled and continues

to empower us. We are sei^g^^^i3^^=wed to continually submit our

ing, and confirmation concerning the work He's commissioned us to do here. Therefore, we encourage and invite you to be open and candid in sharing with us

selves to the churches in the States for encouragement, admonishment, caution

what God teaches you concerning His work here ar there. We rely heavily upon
vour oraver suooort and upon your communication with us as God's Spirit leads

vou to llis J-lrc tions vnth us.

dutrdi, your fniiily, your

S. 1 os so vrc cr.n s:. . rt /our imsiry in .rayer

Let us !;n ;v/

s gjing on with your

too, will you? V/o need ench otheri wejpice with us in our

*For God's understanding, gentle nature that is constant in patience and never

says "I told you so; so there!" when you blow it, but goes to greatest measures to come up with clever new blessings to convince us of the se
curity of His love and completeness of His forgiveness.

*For our friends in Puerto iUco who found us a house (the same one we had ' toed ItiBB. aJids;m?ved our f^rniturp in^^ we re^-turh^ij th^felanduv/ ^ ib v;il ri

*For the way all our physical, spiritual, and material needs were supplied
V .this^su^nmer.-,

*For such warm response to the preaching of God's Word in the States.

For the love and support of Christtans in many states. There's no way to
US and ministered His blessings,

really express our thanks for all the ways you confirmed God s love to

*For homes and hearts that were open to us as we stayed in your town; We
were refreshed and ministered to in each place. Thank you.
of the Holy Spirit who will accomplish it.
And Share with us in our


an urgent ministry to come back, to, and for toe assurance of the, power

hare. Our car's transmission decided to

give up (again) while we were in this States.

iFor'several fimilies W6 iftet this summier who

fields. The W. Malone family expects to be here tn P-

respond to God's calll to leave their comfortable pews an go _


*For Sal (in prison) who needs Christian fellowship desperately and for
*For Bruce, that he might go into the prison in the right

who is very near to recognizing God's acceptance of^Mm as "a chosen child

his own insight,

h^g sensUive to the diregfeoJ'-ai-tfeg-i::-JLX1

will be

*For our ability to.learn Spanish more effectively.

one of our top priorities this year.

*Foror our sensitivity, to those around us; and that we might not become^arro^ limited in our concept of''ministry*'. God's special love to each of you.
The Fowler Family:

Bruce, Judy, Curtis, Christine,

1 '01 Co1lQ-:e Ooulev rd 3 oi ne, Tviilio -3706
Christian Church

CvMg. and (r)


Per i t :!o.29


"ofsej, .Idnhc



IMD. 46901

/I V;74

MISSION MESSAGES from the Fowlers

Paseo Aifa 203!j Lev!ttown, Catano

Puerto Rico 00632.

October, 1974

have come out of drugs, Eastei^n religions, each tell his own story, using a separate leadership in racial violence^ but have newsletter to feature e^'.cJi testimony. So
His cure: (Forgiveness). Many are coming for (except one) has received the Lord to tay office in the penitentiary every and been baptized. This summer on fur-

SEVERAL MORE PRISONERS ACCEPT JESU$ Praise be to Jesus! These new brothers

' praying and giving, it may be best to let

accepted Jedus* word for it: (SIN), and

far, every man we have asked you to pray

mu^ to tell of the testimony of each one, August 24, 1974. George is praising for and because they are the fruits of your your prayersi ^

Christian ministry. Because there is so

day hungering for God's Word, and are accepting God's ordination into the

made his commitment to Jesus on Saturday,

lough we asked many to pray for George Bell Pound, a penitentiary inmate who

A big, athletic black man from Miami, Florida, George is the best example I know of

of a broken home, he has spent most of his years of accountability in detention homes and prisons. He has served four years of his current thirty-year sentence for armed robbery of a jewelry store. Although he attended a Baptist church and was
baptised when he was a youngster, Jesus was neither his Savior or Lord until this

that "if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation..."(II Cor. 5:17) The product

August. The one passion of his life was his intense^ hatred for white people and their society; thus George fpT2gh](: a violent path to leadership of Black Racist groups.
To him, the word "brother" has had a special meaning; a ccmmon-bond commitment of violence to others who shared his hatred of whites and all they stood for. How exciting to now receive his loving hug as he calls me;"Brother" because of our common commitment to Jesus the Lilseratorl When I told him many of you had been praying for his conversion, George was overwhelmed wi'th love for his new brothers

atid sisters who would do that for him. Will you continue to share with Trtm by
writing: George Bell Pound
Penitenclaria Estatal

Box AF, Gal. 403 Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico


It is with special meaning that he calls you "Brothers and Sisters" as he writes:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I'm told that many of you already knot^ me, but for the benefit of those who may
not, my name is George Bell Pound, a man who for thirty-three years tried desperately to live life his own way. After many years of struggling, hardship, and much failure,

I found myself at the ^nd. of my rope, and had to face myself as I really was: a big
fat zero. As I look back now, I know that God had to be with me for me to be able to look at what I saw; it was so discouraging and sinful. I felt as I was the scum
of the earth.

Well, there I was with two choices: to make the final drop, or to pull myself
back up. And thus the fight for survival began. It worked well I found out I could not go it alone. I thought about God, but I and how it would w0rk out, not from what I had learned about God put terror into me just to think about Him. However, I began to for a while. Then didn't see where as a young man; it talk about the

Bible and God; then I started to argue.

Satan and me found everything ^Trong with

the Bible and God that we could. Then God made me stop arguing, and I had to sit and listen. This is when things began to happen in my life. First, I found out things weren't the way I thought they were, and I began to read the Bible and other
scriptural literature.

About this time, I began to meet other people who gave freely of their time and
concern as if they had known me a lifetime.
experience for me.

This within Itself was a wonderful

At about this time. Brother Bruce Fowler, whom most of you already know, who works with us here at the prison, told us he was going to take a trip to the States and that he planned to tell all the people he met over there about us here, and ask
them to pray for us that we might find new life in Christ.

A few others here, and myself have done just that;

lieve what is happening to meI

ccane face to face with our

need for a complete change and give our lives over to him. With me, things haven't

been the same since I did so; everything has changed in my life. I can hardly be

I'm writing this letter to thank;all of yoM whb^a part in my making this wonderful decision, and to let'ybu-know that your'pr'ay^rs were not in vain. Through
God, I'm having all kinds wonderful experiences.

I've always thought that'I ^ad. to do so-mu(t:h for God, but I can't begin to do
for him what He has done for me.' I" find also that He doesn't want me to.

that great? When all one has to do is to thank him and have faith in him, I tell
you, I can spend a lifetime doing that!

ify thanks and love to all my beautiful* brothers and sisters. May God keep you supplied with faith, love, and the will to always want to help others, for this is what he asks of us, not to help him. If our brother falls, through Christy we can
help him stand again and again.
May life, love, and happiness be yours.
Luke 6;38 .

Luke 12:27, 28,.31

(Yours everylasting,
George Bell Pound


I m sitting here wrapped in enough plaster, some of tihe prisoners had discarded when
to build a patio! Last week I had a

motorcycle wreck, breaking my elbow, collarbone, and rib. (All healing well,

thanks to Jesus.)

We really began "to ..

they renounced their religions to serve Jesus. Mistakenly thinking I had thrown the stuff away, I discovered it packed

wonder what was going on when within one

week of the accident, every mechanical device in our home mysteriously stopped working (Gar, washer, typewriter, record
er, etc.), our house was broken into and

away in the bottom of an old box: broken pieces of spiritist idols, voodoo charms,
and one charm that had been given to .me

robbed, and many other tragedies occured. A couple of days ago, some Christians who were praying for us came to our house

by a.SatQxiist as a death-hex. The Bible clearly states that that kind of junk is to be completely destroyed as evidence of Jesus' ultimate supremecy over all the

power of the Enemy.

Needless to say, we

we prayed about it together,, sure enough,

some of the prisoners had discarded when

did immediately and at once, felt a real and told us that God had showed them we release from a burdening oppression. . How had been the object of a curse put on*us important to carefully put on the whole Asarmor of ^Godj not letting uamlessneBs or

God's Spirit led us to. a forgotten bundle

of dem6h^^orship and voodoo trinkets that

disobedience rob you of Jesus' protection

and victory,

they renounced their religion

Yours and His,

The Bruce Fowler F^ily-

This Was not Bruce's fault, but ours as we did not get the addressograph plates made up in time. If yoii"^would still like to have a copy, .please contact either the Fowlers or the The Crusaders, First Christian Church, 1801 College Bo^evard, Boise, Id^o 83706. Also, ple^e let. the Fowlers know if at ^y time you do not
receive a teceipt. for money that you have sent them^ . '


We regret that some of you did not receive the Isist newsletter.

First Christian Church

1801 College Boulevard

Bbijse, Idaho 83706

Non-Profit Org. ;U.: S. Postage


Permit No. 29

Boise, Idaho

W. E. McGILVSY ';:

KOKOMO, . :IND.' 46^01

2 ? 19/5
miSSION MESSAGES from the Fowlers

Paseo Alfa 2001, Levittown, Ruertp Rico

December 1974 - January .1975



This month we're featuring the

Christmas Party in oui? Boffle ^

affectionately by us "Gringos" as
Check-it-Out Joe. Since his con

testimony of Jose Arce, know

version, his one burning interest

is to share the love of Jesus with

everyone, including the prisoners

in the Commonwealth Penitentiary.

Joe has been going into the prison with me, teaching, witnessing, and Jia5_tiaBji-an imporjtaat 41art o^ the_
prison ministry here. In this first year of his New Life, he has baptized more people than most preachers do in years. He wrote pages, of testimony to share with
you, but here's a shortened ver
sion I

liJe had a celebrat|ion for \ Jesus' birthday last week in our home. 14 prisoner's (most of ,ihom were new-born Christians) were given permission to be re for a few hours to attend.. After a BIG meal, the 80 in attendance

fellowshipped, and spent a gloriousH:-ime in -pr^a^s^ ajid -p ra ye r.

presented gifts to the prisoners,

Afterglow responses from the' pri

soners on the ride back to the
Ulillv i "These people dig us .

'^'^nraoorvi "1 really feel rpuei" ;

I've never seen anything like it I Ceoroe: "How I envy you oh the^ outside who get to have fellowship like this with Christians through
out the week!"

Dear Brothers,

He does everything right!" stronger in the Body of Christ. I, Richard: "Glory Hallelujah! in the past, was being led by Satan, Thank you, Jesijs!" the god of this world (II Cor. 4'4/> but he was stopped by God.. I had^ Preaching OoDortunities ,
just been discharged from the army,

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all so that we may lift each other up in the faith and grow

Africa; "That Guy Jesus^^is O.K.


when, one night in March 1973 as .I was driving along the beach toward

home I saw a big group of people down by the water. The headlights of many parked cars were spot^lighting the crowd and shining
out across the water. The first

Bruce has been taking advantage of invitations to preach in vari ous groups and churches around San

speaking Full-Gospel Businessmen s Luncheon. We have applied to the : Commonwealth Dept. of Corrections thing that came to my mind was for permission to'get a few prison that someone was drowning, so I parked my car and ran over to check ers released to attend and share
out the scene.. As I came closer^

Juan. This Saturday he^will be ^ preaching at the island's English-T

their testimonies.
PTfiase Fnr .

I heard them singing, and said,

"Wow, it's just some Jesus freaks."

But as I turned back, I spotted this real "cute" girl among them.

Being very much in the world at

this time, I tried to catch her attention hoping for some heavy
action. I learned that her name

, . . Jose Rivera Mangual,.one of the prisoners who accepted Jesus

family background of Spiritism and

demon-worship. Jose witnessed to
his brother, Raul, and when we

last month, coming from^a^long

was Cindy, that she was an excited

Christian, and that what was .hap

someone being baptized into Christ.

I played it so cool that she start ed rapping to me about Jesus, but the Lord was just using one of His
servants to turn me on to His love. Ule talked until the baptism was
what I didn't know then was that

pening on the beach that night lyas

visited Raul, he too accsp|eg the Lord, repented of his Spiritist

involvement, smashed a; huge expenr

sive family idol, and asked to have the demonic forces cast out ,
of him in the powerful, name.of Jesus. After severalc;e?<hausting but victorious,hoursi there re mained only one evil spirit who

fused to come out. We decided to about to go when she said, "Would ^ spend time in prayer and fasting you like to come over to our plade?" and to come, against it again the and man, 1 thought, "Check it oUi^,
here's a blue-eyed blond asking me out!" So I went with her and some

over, and would you believe I was ,

gave his name as "Conga" but re

next day? but. by the next day, r

other Christians to her place and I began to see something strange,

but good in their faces.

I didn't

know what i t was then, but i t was

Jesus shining in them all.

asked me if I'd like a drink, and,

I (thinking something else) said,

ance, committing himself to Conga instead of to Jesus, and has sincr: been deep into alcoholism, demon worship, and occult practices. PLEASE pray with us for Raul 'Rivera Mangual, that he might re ceive salvation before it's too
late. Jesus died and rose that he might be free!

Raul refused to submit to deliver

"Sure," and man, I couldn't believe



85 Degrees Under a Cold Cloud!

cJigging this chick Cindy, sp t . pre

tended it was what I expected. then one of the guys gave me a

ft was Kool-aid but I w^s really

- ^,

Bible, God's Ulord, and brothers, check it out, that's when i t all

If you think missionaries are all martyrs who must give up the pleasures of life, we wish you could come Christmas shopping with

Shortly afterwards, I was bap

tized into Christ, and I spent all my time studying %nd having fellow ship, asking questions, and check ing out the Wew Life, In July 1973,

us this year wearing a t-shirt and

sandles instead of sloshing through

snowor pass put tracts with us

to .sunbathers on the beach this

New Year's Dayor pick coconuts

and bananas in our own yard in stead of shoveling snow off the. walk! Come and join us! There is

Cindy moved; back, to the States, but I was really into Jesus, praying,

and asking. Him to show me His will

for my life, i imas so excited
about what He was showing me, I

a hunger for the Gospel here and

much to be done. For those who

couldn't help telling my family and

friends what Jdsus Christ did for

can discern it, in spite of the

85 degree weather, there's a cold,

dark cloud of demonic Spiritism

me and the change that came into my life. Soon I saw that there

just wasn't time enough to share with everyone I wanted to talk to about Jesus and go to school and
carry on my part time job too, so

covering this little island and a frighteningly large percentage of

her-three million people. Jesus promises victory in Him to those who are faithful. Pray that we
have boldness to preach as we

I quit my job and just spent full time telling others about Jesus. He says if we'll do His will. He will supply our needs, so I start ed living on faith and He.supplied

Prison Jiinistrv Exoandino

The prison officials have re

modeled and doubled the size of

my needs.

(Ask and you shall. riBFrom what the

ceive. Jn. 14:14)

my office, and are paying one of

the prisoners, Richard Houser, to

lAlord of God tells us, I believe we

are in the last days. I hope to see you all someday perhaps in our Real Home! Right now I am pray

be my receptionist/secretary.
Richard accepted Jesus last month, iviore prisoners are coming in every
week to hear the Word of God and

ing constantly for my family (they

ro Spiritists) and I would like you ,to,help me pray,for them. I would like you to pray for rne also^ and for the ministry at the prison. I hope that the Lord would send some of you down to help us, if

s hairs in pra yR^p an d r 1^1 riMr.s h ,i p lAle have been bringing new Christ
ians from local churches into the

prison to share their testimonies; many are heads of Commonwealth and

Federal agencies (IRS, HUD, USGS)

and executives of international

that's His will that we may work

together for Him. I would ask that you pray for the new Christians at the prison and the brothers that are working "in different minister-

companies here in Puerto Rico.

Church Buvs Building

ies here in Puerto Rico. If you would like to share

with me, write to
Joe 0. Arce

The church we helped to start

two and a half years ago wheri we

first came to P.R. (Levittown Church of Christ) bought a build

ing this month, almost next door to;our house. It's been a pro ductive fellowships we're hoping to neisd another building soon.

FJ-32 Calle Maria Cadilla

Levittown Lakes, Puerto Rico

May the Lord bless you forever.



Your new brother in Christ,

PERSQNAL NOTES I In February you'll find.the face of the final factor in the Fowler family. Judy is.doing fine! All bones are mended from

Bruce's motorcycle accident in October, and our friend's cycle is re

paired and paid for. Thanks for your prayers. Instead of sending;

Christmas cards this year, we got fruit and gifts for prisoners; we're
praying your Christmas was the most special and that Jesus was its cen-.

tral focus.

Philippians 1 t2-ll conveys wjjat' we.^ want to :say in closing.

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Boise, Idaho 83706
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Boise, Idaho


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