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Statoil governing document

Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment

Work process requirement, WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01 Publisher/follow-up: Prosesseier D&V, Kyrre Nese Classification: Open Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore NG/Krst/Onshore
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Statoil governing document

Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment

Work process requirement, WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01 Publisher/follow-up: Prosesseier D&V, Kyrre Nese Classification: Open Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore NG/Krst/Onshore
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 4 4.1 4.2 5 App A App B App C App D App E App F App G App H App I App J Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Objective ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Warrant............................................................................................................................................... 3 Publication and follow up................................................................................................................... 3 Definitions and abbreviations............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Work process requirements............................................................................................................. 3 Safe use of lifting equipment.............................................................................................................. 3 Additional requirements for the lifting of personnel .......................................................................... 8 Additional requirements for different types of lifting appliances .................................................... 11 Additional requirements for different lifting gear ............................................................................ 13 Permanent attachment points and temporarily assembled lifting appliances ................................... 16 Requirements for transport operations ............................................................................................. 19 Follow up......................................................................................................................................... 20 Improve ............................................................................................................................................ 20 References ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Requirements from Norwegian Authorities ..................................................................................... 25 Statoil requirements.......................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Roles and responsibilities............................................................................................................... 26 Training requirement..................................................................................................................... 26 Requirements to local procedures................................................................................................. 28 Internal Transport ......................................................................................................................... 29 Documentation and marking......................................................................................................... 29 Hand signals.................................................................................................................................... 31 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................... 32 Enterprise of competence............................................................................................................... 33 Risk mapping .................................................................................................................................. 33 Examples of lifting equipment....................................................................................................... 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01



To describe how the requirements in AR12 shall be fulfilled. The work process details how to carry out work using lifting and transporting machinery. 1.2 Warrant

Operation, maintenance and modification (AR12) Statoil group/ All locations, Section 4.10 1.3 Publication and follow up

This document is published by PE O&M pursuant to the requirements set out in "Preparation and administration of governing documents" (WR0001) (Statoil group/All locations/On- and offshore). The handling of dispensations and proposals for improvements of the document is described in D i s p e n s a t i o n s , i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d n o n -c o n f o r m a n c e s ( WR 0 0 1 1 ) ( S t a t o i l g r o u p / A l l l o c a t i o n s / O n - and Offshore).


Work process requirements

Safe use of lifting equipment

This chapter describes how to plan a lift, and how involved personnel shall carry it out. The description is independent of which lifting equipment is used. Subsequent sections state additional requirements that apply to different specific types of lifting equipment. 2.1.1 Overall requirements

All use, maintenance, storage, checks, inspection and examination of lifting equipment shall comply with m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e , a n d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s i n t h i s document. The lifting equipment shall not be modified to suit purposes other than those stated without the consent of the manufacturer and enterprise of competence. Lifting equipment shall only be used by personnel who have and can document competence as described in Annex B. Operators of lifting equipment shall not operate the equipment if they do not feel confident it can be carried out safely. Responsibilities of the company and personnel who are involved in lifting operations are described in OR125. Temporary operational limitations for any lifting equipment shall be posted in the d r i v e r s cabin. For l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t w i t h o u t a d r i v e r s cabin, the limitations shall be made known to the operator by other means (such as a notice on the operator panel). 2.1.2 Management

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 3 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

The operational responsible person shall manage all of the activities with lifting appliances within his area of responsibility. Lifting appliance operator is in charge of the individual lifting operation. When considered to be safer, a person other than the lifting appliance operator can be designated to be in charge of the lifting operation. If a signaller is involved in the lifting operation, he shall be responsible for directing the load. 2.1.3 Risk assessment

All personnel involved shall assess the need for a pre-job talk, SJA or use of other risk analysis methods as described in Annex I. If, during the execution of a lifting operation, there is a change in operational conditions or in the assumptions on which the risk mapping was based, the operation shall cease and the need for a new risk assessment and implementation of any corrective safety measures shall be considered. 2.1.4 Planning

Each lifting operation shall be planned in order to ensure safe execution and that all predictable risks are taken into consideration. The planning shall be carried out by personnel who have the relevant competence. The planning of lifting operations shall, as a minimum, ensure that a l l p e r s o n n e l i n v o l v e d a r e f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e t a s k , i . e . w h a t i s t o b e l i f t e d , w e i g h t o f t h e l o a d , w h a t lifting equipment to use, the travel path and the roles of the persons involved in the lifting operation, c o m p e tent and sufficient personnel are present at all phases of the lifting operation, t h e t r a v e l p a t h i s c l a r i f i e d a n d a n y o b s t a c l e s a r e r e m o v e d b e f o r e l i f t i n g c o m m e n c e s , b a r r i e r s a r e i n p l a c e t o p r e v e n t p e r s o n n e l f r o mw a l k i n g o r s t a n d i n g u n d e r s u s p e n d e d load, m e t h o d o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n i s c l a r i f i e d , t h e l i f t i n g o p e r a t i o n c a n b e e x e c u t e d s a f e l y i n r e l a t i o n t o s i m u l t a n e o u s o p e r a t i o n s , l i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e s a n d l i f t i n g g e a r a r e s u i t a b l e a n d w i l l b e u s e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f or use, t h e l a n d i n g a r e a c a n a c c o m m o d a t e t h e l o a d i n t e r m s o f s i z e a n d w e i g h t , cranes are not positioned on top of drainage channel, manhole cover, or in places where damage may be caused on equipment in the ground, u s e o f t a g l i n e i s c o n s i d e r e d , p e r s o n n e l i n v o l v e d h a v e s u f f i c i e n t c o m p e t e n c e a n d k n o w l e d g e o f t h e r e g u l a t i o n s a n d s t a n d a r d s that govern the operation that is to be executed, w o r k p e r m i t i s o b t a i n e d f o r c r i t i c a l l i f t i n g o p e r a t i o n s , tandem lifts should be avoided, but if necessary, the lifting forces shall be calculated and a SJA carried out, enterprise of competence is involved in tandem lifts where the weight can exceed the lifting capacity of one of the lifting appliances, the lifting appliance shall have sufficient lifting capacity to perform the lifting operation. 2.1.5 Limitations

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 4 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

The lifting appliance operator shall map and take into consideration limitations that can affect the lifting operation, including the capacity of the lifting equipment, weather conditions, movements, landing areas, blind zones and other limitations as a result of the travel path. The wind limitations of the crane shall be adhered to. Outdoor lifts shall not be performed if the wind is gusting over 15 m/s. 2.1.6 User check

User of lifting equipment shall check the lifting equipment and make sure that it is in a safe condition before and after use. The pre-use and post-use checks should include the following: v i s u a l c h e c k o f t h e l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t ; f u n c t i o n t e s t o f t h e e q u i p m e n t i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s ; f u n c t i o n t e s t o f t h e e m e r g e n c y s t o p d e v i c e ; r e p o r t a n y f a u l t s o r d e f e c t s t o t h e t e c h n i c a l r e s p o n s i b l e p e r s o n . Daily check routines of the lifting equipment can cover this user check requirement. Lifting appliances shall not be used if safety systems or parts of safety systems are not functioning or have been isolated. 2.1.7 Communication

At all times there shall be adequate communication between all personnel who are involved in the lifting operation. If radio equipment is used, it shall be appropriate for the relevant lifting operation and the local routines. Radio check shall be carried out prior to the start of the lifting operation. When directing the load, instructions shall be clear and unambiguous. The lifting appliance operator can r e a d b a c k t h e s i g n a l l e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s ( c o n f i r m a t o r y communication) to avoid any misunderstanding during lifting operations. When directing the crane in blind zones, transporting personnel and other lifting operations where radio communication is of prime importance, confirmatory communication shall be used. In order to assist the lifting appliance operator, the desired crane movement can be stated in metres. Where appropriate, a communication method can be chosen whereby the signaller gives a continuous signal to continue the movement. The lifting appliance operator shall then stop immediately the signal stops. The method of communication to be used shall be agreed as part of the pre-job talk or SJA. Unnecessary use of radios shall be avoided. All unnecessary noise or activity that can distract the lifting appliance operator shall be avoided. Unless otherwise agreed, communication shall be in Norwegian. All personnel who are involved shall be competent in the language chosen. When directing the crane, the following instructions shall be used:
Instruction (Norwegian) Hiv Lr Topp bom Legg bom Sving hyre Instruction (English) Pick up Lower Boom up Boom down Slew right Action lift the load lower the load raise the boom lower the boom s l e wt o t h e r i g h t ( f r o mc r a n e o p e r a t o r s p o s i t i o n )

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 5 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Sving venstre Stans Pent/fint/rolig Slakk av Fri krok

Slew left Stop Gently/slowly Slack off Hook free

s l e wt o t h e l e f t ( f r o mc r a n e o p e r a t o r s p o s i t i o n ) stop the movement immediately slow movement release tension in the wire so that the hook can be release lift up released hook

If visual signals are used, the hand signals shown in Annex F should be used, if nothing else is agreed. The lifting appliance operator shall at all times be fully attentive to the operation. 2.1.8 Safe execution Fundamental safety requirements The load and any load carrier shall be properly secured and prepared before the lifting operation commences. For transport of bulk material, a load carrier shall be used that is designed such that material cannot fall out during loading or unloading operations. Liquid products shall be transported in sealed load carriers. For internal transport, load carriers should be used where practical. Relevant areas shall be cordoned off before the lifting operation commences. Loads shall not be transported over personnel. Personnel shall not walk under suspended load. All personnel who are involved in the lifting operation shall ensure that they have an unrestricted escape route in all phases of the operation. Loads shall be attached to the lifting appliance and handled in such a way that the load remains stable throughout the entire lifting operation. The lifting operation shall cease immediately if safety is jeopardised, when instructions are unclear, or in the event of loss of communication. Lifting appliance operator shall only obey instructions from the designated signaller, but shall obey the emergency stop signal at all times, regardless of who gives this signal. L i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e o p e r a t o r s h a l l n o t l e a v e t h e o p e r a t o r s c a b i n o r s t a t i o n with load hanging on the hook. If a lifting appliance is used to hang off a snatch block or similar, the lifting appliance shall be secured against unintentional use. If a block and tackle/chain hoist is used between the hook on the lifting appliance and the load in order to manoeuvre the load in connection with assembly or dismantling work, care shall be taken to ensure that the block and tackle/chain hoist does not become load bearing when the lifting appliance is in motion. Signaller and Slinger All participants in a lifting operation shall, at all times, know who the signaller is. Participants in lifting operations and their roles can be made known through the wearing of special clothing, such as a reflective vest, hardhat or similar. The signaller and slinger shall stand in a safe area at all times when the crane and/or lifting wire is moving. The slinger can manually guide the empty hook to and from the load or load carrier.

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 6 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

If the lifting appliance operator has a good visual overview of the area, the slinger can, with clearance from the lifting appliance operator, handle/manoeuvre the load when it is under control and below shoulder height. If the lifting appliance operator has a good visual overview of the area, the signaller can carry out the s l i n g e r s d u t i e s , s e e O R 1 2 5 . In such circumstances, the signaller can, with clearance from the lifting appliance operator, handle/manoeuvre the load when it is under control and below shoulder height, and manually guide the empty hook to and from the load or load carrier. Blind lifts In connection with blind lifts, there shall always be at least two persons (signaller and slinger) who have visual contact with the load and each other, and have radio contact with the lifting appliance operator. Any closed circuit television that monitors the work area is considered to be an aid, and not a replacement for either of these persons. If a load has to be pushed or pulled into position manually, a signaller shall be present by the load or as close to the load that he can direct the lifting appliance safely and thereby address the safety of other involved persons. Where possible, the signaller should place himself in a position where he can give the stop signal manually in the event of radio failure. Lifting operations through hatches For lifting operations through hatches, the requirements for blind lifts apply, see Lifting through several levels shall be covered by local procedures, alternatively through an SJA. In particular, the risk of the load or load carrier snagging on hatch frames should be assessed. Use of tag line Lifting appliance operator shall assess and approve the use of tag line. The end of the rope shall be secured against fraying, but knots shall not be used at the free end of the rope. Tag line should be used to maintain control of a load, not to gain control over a load. If several tag lines are necessary, personnel who are not slingers can be involved in the operation. This personnel shall have undergone the necessary training related to the use of tag lines. 2.1.9 Transport of scaffolding material and boards

Where practically possible, scaffolding material and boards should be transported in dedicated load carriers. When moving scaffolding material and boards whereby load carrier cannot be used, nylon ratchet straps shall be used to prevent slipping. The lifting slings shall be wrapped round twice and choked around the load. 2.1.10 Radioactive sources, trace elements and explosives

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 7 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Radioactive sources, trace elements and explosives shall be placed and handled in accordance with the material safety data sheets, marking on the load carrier and local procedures. Ref. ADR Receiving of containers with radioactive sources, trace elements or explosives shall be dealt with by the designated person on the installation. 2.1.11 Completion and evaluation

Any undesirable incidents that took place during the lifting operation shall be reported. All incidents shall be reported in Synergi, c a t e g o r i s e d a s L i f t i n g o p e r a t i o n s After the operation is completed, the persons involved shall assess whether experience transfer or improvements to operational procedures are necessary. After the lifting operation is completed, any barriers shall be removed and the area left tidy. 2.1.12 Contractor owned equipment

Statoil is responsible for making sure that contractors involved in lifting and transport operations for Statoil are aware of and complies with the requirements in this document. This entails; - a copy of certificates and control documents for the equipment shall be available at the work place. - the personnel qualifications shall be documented. - a check of the equipment when it enters Statoil premises. This can be taken care of by a Contractors own declaration for the equipment. Knowledge of this document can be documented by a declaration from the contractor, or by having a contact person from the installation present during the lifting and/or transport operation, who is familiar with the requirements in this document. Ac o n t r a c t o r s l i f t i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t o p e r a t i o n s o n S t a t o i l s p r e m i s e s s h a l l b e t h e s u b j e c t o f r e g u l a r verification and inspection. Construction and large modification projects shall have their own HSE inspector for Cranes and lifting (operational responsible person), who shall carry out regular verification and inspection. 2.2 Additional requirements for the lifting of personnel

Moving personnel with the aid of lifting appliance involves a high risk. Such operations are only permitted when other transport or method is not possible or appropriate. The intention of the requirements below is to reduce the use of this type of personnel transport to a minimum. 2.2.1 General requirements

An ongoing assessment shall take place to determine whether routine work can be carried out more safely through establishing permanent access or by identifying other methods of performing the work tasks. This assessment shall be done in consultation with the safety delegate service and the operational responsible person. All lifting of personnel with lifting appliance can be logged in order to maintain an overview of the scope of the lift and type of work operations.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 8 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

All lifting of personnel by lifting appliance shall be voluntary. The lifting appliance operator shall have at least one year experience as operator of equivalent lifting appliances. During operations involving the lifting of personnel over the sea, life vest or survival suit shall be worn. Lifting appliance operator shall assess whether the operational conditions (weather, visibility, movements) permit a safe execution of the operation. Lifting of personnel shall not take place when the wind exceeds 10 m/s. In connection with blind lifts, the lifting appliance operator shall have eye contact with the signaller, who in turn shall have eye contact with the personnel who are being lifted. When personnel are lifted, other lifting or transport operations close by shall be avoided Radio contact shall be established on a separate channel and maintained between one of the persons being lifted, lifting appliance operator and signaller. Confirmatory communication shall be used. If welding is carried out from a work-basket, care must be taken to make sure welding current does not go through the lifting appliance, preferably by use of a connection certified for this purpose. Suspending the work-basket by fibre rope to the hook is not allowed as an isolator during welding operations. 2.2.2 Lifting of personnel

Machines used for lifting personnel shall be type approved for their purpose, according to Regulations for Machinery (DAT regulation 820), 9.3. The operator shall have documented training in use of the particular make and model of lifting equipment. For all planned use of personnel lifting, a general procedure for use of the equipment shall be available, or a SJA shall be performed for the particular operation. In addition the following applies; Check that the machine has valid certificates Check that the machine has had periodic control according to regulations by a competent person and is free from defects The machine shall be stable on the foundation The person on the work platform shall have radio communication available. Fall protection equipment shall be used in connection with use of movable work platform. It shall be possible to escape from the work platform in a safe manner The area below the work platform shall be cordoned off. The area shall be well lit, and weather conditions must allow working from an elevated platform Tools and equipment shall be secured against falling down. 2.2.3 Exceptional personnel lift

Exceptional personnel lifts are lifting of personnel in a work basket by the use of a lifting appliance for goods, in an area without permanent access, and where other lifting appliances approved for the lifting of personnel are not able to get access, and where the safety is best taken care of by the use of a lifting appliance for goods. Exceptional lifts shall be of short duration, see DAT comments to 42 in the DAT regulation 608.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 9 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Lifting of personnel with cranes not especially constructed and built for lifting of personnel, can only in exceptional circumstances be carried out, provided relevant safety measures are taken care of; Safe Job Analysis (SJA) is performed Check that the crane has valid certificates Check that the crane has had periodic control according to regulations by a competent person and is free from defects The crane driver has a valid certificate, has been trained on the particular crane type and operated the crane regularly for at least 12 months. When using a mobile crane for personnel lifts, a basket secured to the crane boom will be safer. The work-basket shall be constructed for its purpose. A work-basket suspended in a hook shall have extra protection from coming off the hook. The employee shall be protected against falling of the movable work platform. It shall be possible to escape from the work platform in a safe manner The crane shall be stable on a stable foundation The crane lifting capacity shall not be utilised more than 50% of its capacity in the lifting table. The crane system shall not allow suspended load or crane to accidentally be moved. This means that cranes with emergency release or freeing of the hook shall not be used for lifting of personnel. The crane driver position shall always be manned, unless the work-basket is equipped with a control panel. Reliable communication shall be established between crane driver and person in the workbasket. Before lifting personnel, the crane shall be inspected with respect to o Wire rope and its end fixing o Wire reeling on the drum o Wire guidance through the sheaves o Function test of limit switches, brakes and emergency stop The area below the work-basket shall be cordoned off. The area shall be well lit, and weather conditions must allow working from a work-basket Tools and equipment shall be secured against falling down. Before lifting of personnel starts, the crane driver shall confirm by signature that relevant safety measures according with this section have been carried out. The document is kept in the crane. 2.2.4 Suspended work platform and elevating work platform

Requirements with respect to competence, use and control of suspended work platforms and elevating work platforms are based on DAT Regulation no. 608. Suspension points for suspended work platforms and elevating work platforms requires certification in accordance with WR0307. When using suspended work platforms and elevating work platforms on installations, necessary considerations shall be given to weather conditions. 2.2.5 Lifting and stacking truck

Requirements for the use of lifting and stacking trucks to lift personnel are given in section 2.2.2 .
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 10 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

2.3 2.3.1

Additional requirements for different types of lifting appliances General requirements

Crane operations shall stop if the magnitude of the load is unknown or the load is stuck (e.g. frozen to the ground) The slinger shall pay particular attention to the load being free before the lift starts. To prevent overload, when using a crane for dismantling, check the load on the load indicator and do not rely on theoretical or assumed weight of the load. If the crane has two independent lifting systems, loose lifting gear should be removed from the hook not in use. 2.3.2 Overhead crane

If the overhead crane is located in an area with a good overview, and there is no blind lifts involved, the lifting appliance operator can carry out the lifting operation alone and perform the slinger and s i g n a l l e r s t a s k s . When operating an overhead crane or bridge crane with two travelling speeds, the load movement should be stabilised by commencing the travel operation at crawl speed. 2.3.3 Cargo winch (tugger)

As part of the pre-use check, the winch operator shall check that the hook and swivel are in order and that nut and split pin are used on shackles. Winch operator shall make sure that the wire rope is undamaged, and that it is spooled correctly to prevent bunching up on the drum which could cause the load to slip. Winch operator shall never use his hands to guide the wire rope onto the drum while it is in motion. For requirements to blind lifts, see 2.3.4 Lifting and stacking truck

Requirements to competence, use and control of lifting and stacking trucks are based on DAT Regulation no. 608. (Forskrift om bruk av arbeidsutstyr) Load accessories for trucks shall be suitable for the vehicle, and be certified as lifting equipment. When using lifting and stacking trucks for transport, see transport operations. 2.3.5 Simple lifting appliances

With respect to training requirements in 48 and 49 in the DAT Regulation no. 608, the operational responsible person shall assess whether a lifting appliance can be classified as simple. The assessment shall focus on s p e c i a l r e q u i r e m e n t s t o c o m p e t e n c e , l i f t i n g i n b l i n d z o n e s , o p e r a t i o n i n a r e a s w i t h p r e ssurized equipment, s i m u l t a n e o u s o p e r a t i o n s / t a n d e ml i f t s , l o a d a n d l i f t i n g h e i g h t.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 11 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

d a n g e r o u s c a r g o c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k personnel transport l o a d i n g a n d u n l o a d i n g o f v e h i c l e s w o r k a r e a s w i t h p e r s o n n e l m o v e m e n t s m a n u a l l y o p e r a t e d o v e r h e a d c r anes If simple lifting appliances are located in an area with a good overview, and there is no blind lifts involved, the lifting appliance operator can carry out the lifting operation alone, including the slinger a n d s i g n a l l e r s t a s k s .


Mobile cranes

Mobile lifting appliances must not be placed on drainage channels, manhole covers or unstable ground (e.g. infill edges etc.) Positioning of a mobile crane shall be in accordance with local routines. The stabilising feet of a mobile crane shall be placed on pads of good quality wood, minimum 60x60x10 cm in dimension. (Larger than the size of the crane support pad) Only the crane driver can allow access to the mobile crane. If entered by other personnel the crane shall be secured against unintentional use. The mobile crane shall not be used during wind conditions above 15 m/s or above the crane suppliers recommendations, if lower. A wind anemometer shall be fitted to the boom tip, alternatively a hand-held anemometer can be used in the area of the lift. Mobi l e c r a n e s u s e d o n S t a t o i l s i n s t a l l a t i o n s s h a l l h a v e a g e n e r a l m a i n t e n a n c e o v e r h a u l i n a c c o r d a n c e with the design parameters from the manufacturer. If data for design criteria and actual usage are not available, then a maintenance overhaul shall be carried out at least every 10 years. This shall be documented. When re-reeving a mobile crane, the procedures for working aloft shall apply. For moving a mobile crane, see section 2.6. 2.3.7 Lorry mounted cranes

Mobile lifting appliances must not be placed on drainage channels, manhole covers or unstable ground (e.g. infill edges etc.) Positioning of a lorry crane shall be in accordance with local routines. The stabilising feet of a lorry crane shall be placed on pads of good quality wood, minimum the size of the crane support pad The lorry crane shall not be used during wind conditions above 15 m/s o r a b o v e t h e c r a n e s u p p l i e r s recommendations, if lower. If necessary a hand-held anemometer can be used in the area of the lift.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 12 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

L o r r y c r a n e s u s e d o n S t a t o i l s i n s t a l l a tions shall have a general maintenance overhaul in accordance with the design parameters from the manufacturer. If data for design criteria and actual usage are not available, then a maintenance overhaul shall be carried out at least every 10 years. This shall be documented. Movement of the lorry shall only take place with the lorry crane in the transport position. If the lorry is located in an area with a good overview, and there is no blind lifts involved, the lifting appliance operator can carry out the lifting operation alone, including the slinger a n d s i g n a l l e r s t a s k s . 2.3.8 Tower crane

In connection with extensive work on an installation, it may be efficient to use tower cranes. Before placing a tower crane in or near plant in operation, a risk analysis shall be performed with respect to erection, use and dismantling. Before use the crane shall be evaluated with respect to the fire and gas philosophy of the installation. A work description shall be available before erection and dismantling takes place. Relevant personnel safety equipment shall be used during erection and dismantling. 2.4 Additional requirements for different lifting gear

U s e a n d d a i l y c h e c k o f l i f t i n g g e a r s h a l l b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e , and requirements in this document. In addition, relevant parts of recognised training material used by certified training enterprises can be referred to. 2.4.1 Storage of loose lifting equipment

All installations shall have dedicated area(s) where loose lifting equipment not in use shall be stored. Loose lifting equipment shall be protected against the weather and other harmful conditions during storage. Sizeable lifting gear such as lifting beams, pendants, internal load carriers and similar shall as far as practically possible, be protected against harmful conditions during storage. An updated index should be kept of the issue and return of lifting equipment used in connection with setting up of temporary lifting appliances as described in this document. The user shall inspect loose lifting equipment for the correct marking, possible overload, wear and damage, before and after use. The user is responsible for returning loose lifting equipment to the storage area after use. Defect and damaged loose lifting equipment shall be marked and set aside at a designated place clearly identified for this purpose. 2.4.2 Slings

The load shall be attached to the hook by means of slings or other suitable lifting gear. Protective material shall be placed between the slings and any sharp edges, and a check shall be carried out to e n s u r e t h a t t h e b e n d d i a m e t e r c o m p l i e s w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e . If several slings are used in the same eye or hook they shall not lay on top of each other. When slings or chains are used, consideration shall be given to the number of legs, the angle and other factors that alter the capacity of the sling.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 13 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

The sling shall be wrapped twice around the object to be lifted, if possible. The sling shall be tensioned with care, and not jerked. Care shall be taken to ensure that the load is distributed evenly between the legs. 2.4.3 Chain

Special care shall be exercised when using connecting links. The pre-use check shall focus in particular on corrosion and free movement of the link halves. 2.4.4 Shackles

In all permanently fitted lifting appliances and for all lifts of personnel, only shackles with double locking shall be used, for example nut plus cotter pin or screwed connection with cotter pin. For single lifts with shackle, an alternative double locking with other locking pins may be used. Shackles without a rotating bolt should not be used in permanently installed lifting arrangement due to the danger of transferring rotating forces to the shackle bolt, but for single lifts a threaded eyebolt may be used. Shackles where the bolt is only secured with a cotter pin (no threaded connection on the bolt) is not permitted. 2.4.5 Eye bolts and eye nuts

Eye bolts and eye nuts shall always be screwed in to the point where the entire collar is in contact with the surface. All use s h a l l b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s . E y e b o l t s s h a l l b e secured against unwinding. Be particularly aware of this when using a single eye bolt. Pre-use check shall include a check of the threads in the material in which the eyebolt will be mounted, and that the thread dimensions and type are the same. Eye bolts of material grade 80 should preferably be used . Eye bolts should be removed after use, and the female threads preserved. 2.4.6 Wire rope clamps

Wire rope clamps shall be of a type with two gripping surfaces. U-bolt clamps shall not be used on lifting equipment. When using wire rope clamps, the minimum breaking load of the wire rope shall be reduced in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e , a n d t h e c o r r e c t n u m b e r o f c l amps shall be used. 2.4.7 Beam clamps and trolleys

If trolleys are used, end stops shall be installed on the beam. Trolleys without automatic brake shall always be secured against unintentional movement during and after use. Beam clamps shall be installed as d e s c r i b e d i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e , a n d n o t b e subjected to load beyond the stated load angles. 2.4.8 Turnbuckles

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 14 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

If turnbuckles are used in the lifting arrangement, they shall be certified and approved for lifting. 2.4.9 Lifting nipples and lifting caps

Lifting nipples and lifting caps shall be certified and approved for lifting. Before use, a check shall always be carried out to ensure that the thread section on the pipe and on the lifting nipple or lifting cap are undamaged, that the lifting equipment is correctly installed, and that the thread dimension and type are the same. When moving a load with lifting nipple or lifting cap, the area below the travel path shall be cordoned off.


Single- and multi-sheave block

When securing snatch block to the load bearing structure, the operator shall ensure that all cotter pins, locking and safety pins are in place and in good condition. The user shall ensure that the load bearing structure is strong enough to withstand the resultant force (load plus wire tension and any friction forces) and that the snatch block is correctly positioned such that the wire rope does not rub against the side plates. For complex arrangements, an enterprise of competence should verify the correct set-up and calculations of resultant forces. 2.4.11 Load carriers

Before use, the slinger shall check that the load carrier and attached lifting set are suitable and that the load is satisfactorily secured. The check shall ensure that l o a d c a r r i e r h a s b e e n c o n t r o l l e d a n d a p p r o v e d , all load is secured in such a way that it cannot move around, load does not protrude out over the sides of the load carrier, m u l t i -leg slings on open load carriers, tanks, special containers and modules are secured against snagging the load etc. Net or canvas can be used as covering, or the legs of the slings can be secured with cable ties, a l l l o a d i s p o s i t i o n e d s u c h t h a t i t i s e a s y a n d s a f e f o r t h e r e c e i v e r t o h a n d l e t h e m a t e r i a l w h e n unloading the load carrier, e q u i p m e n t i s a l w a y s p l a c e d o n p allets when loading containers, p a l l e t s o r t i m b e r a r e a l w a y s u s e d o n t h e f l o o r o f t h e b a s k e t , l o a d i s supported sideways by use of pallets etc., loose items shall be packed in such a way that there is no danger to personnel when emptying the container. E.g. prefabricated pipes and fittings should have slings fitted by supplier. s a f e t y n e t i s u s e d t o p r e v e n t l o a d f r o mf a l l i n g o u t o f l o a d c a r r i e r s w i t h d o o r s , h e a v y a n d / o r u n s t a b l e i t e m s a r e s e c u r e d b y m e a n s o f t e n s i o n i n g a r r a n g e m e n t , t h e r e a re no loose parts on the load that could fall off during the lift, n o l o o s e i t e m s t h a t c o u l d f a l l d o w n a r e i n t h e f o r k l i f t p o c k e t s , m u l t i -leg chain slings are not crossed when attached to load, d a n g e r o u s g o o d s a r e m a r k e d w i t h t h e c o r r e c t h a z a r d s t icker on all four sides in accordance with the DAT Regulation no. 1139.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 15 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

all load carriers shall be placed such that the slings can be hooked on from deck level. it is not allowed to climb onto the top of the load carrier to hook on the sling. load carriers shall not be stacked on top of each other. other loads shall not be place on top of load carriers. extreme caution shall be taken when opening doors of load carriers in case there are loose objects that could fall out. loose items shall be secured in the load carrier in a safe way, so that it will not be a hazard for personnel to empty the load carrier. Prefabricated pipe spools and fittings should be strapped by the manufacturer. load in load carriers shall not be lifted when personnel are in the load carrier. when placing load in load carrier, the load shall be set down on pallets/timber and secured. The weight shall be distributed evenly in the load carrier as far as possible. Heavy loads should be placed at the bottom of containers. 2.4.12 Load carriers for gas bottles

Gas bottles shall be transported with fitted protection cap and in load carrier designed for the purpose. 2.4.13 Big bags

Big bags for repeated use shall be documented as lifting gear. Big bags for single use shall have a type certifica t e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h E F I B C AS t a n d a r d 0 0 5 . S i n g l e u s e m e a n s t r a n s p o r t f r o mt h e manufacturer to the installation. Single use bags shall be discarded after use. Pre-use check shall be carried out. 2.4.14 Claws, clamps and magnet yokes

The working area shall be cordoned off and free of personnel when lifting pipes or sheets with claws, clamps or magnets. When establishing the barrier be aware that pipes may slide and roll and thus be a danger in the surroundings to the cordoned off area. 2.4.15 C o l o u r o f t h e y e a r f o r l ifting equipment

st A l l o f S t a t o i l s l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t s h a l l b y J u l y 1 . each year be clearly marked with the colour code of the year to show that it has been inspected by a competent person. Year 2005 colour Red 2006 Yellow 2007 Green 2008 Blue 2009 Red, and so on, repeating every 4 years.

2.5 2.5.1

Permanent attachment points and temporarily assembled lifting appliances Permanent attachment point for lifting appliance

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 16 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Before a permanent attachment point (typically lifting pad, lifting beam) for a lifting appliance is used for the first time, an enterprise of competence shall issue a confirmation that it is ready for use (ILO certificate for lifting appliance). Any restrictions on use of permanent attachment points shall be specified in the confirmation and be legible on/near the attachment point, or be made known to the user in another way. All permanent attachment points for load shall be clearly marked with SWL and identification number. Lifting equipment that is used on a permanent attachment point, and which is not in regular use, should be removed after use. Where the environment is suitable for storing the equipment and the equipment does not otherwise represent a hazard, it can nevertheless hang on the permanent attachment point over a longer period. Pre-use and post-use check of the attachment point shall always be carried out. If the attachment point is found to be damaged, or cracks are suspected, then NDT inspection or inspection by a competent person shall be carried out. Load test or periodic control is not required unless the enterprise of competence has made this a requirement. See also WR0307 regarding bolted connections. An attachment point which is not permanently marked and approved by enterprise of competence for use, shall be inspected and approved for use each time by a enterprise of competence.


Lifting point on lifted component

Use of a lifting point on a component which is designed to lift only weight of the component itself, s h a l l b e d e s c r i b e d i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e o r d o c u m e n t e d i n a n o t h e r w a y . T h e r e i s n o requirement for certification or control of such lifting points by enterprise of competence. Pre-use and post-use check of such lifting points shall be carried out. The lifting point shall be permanently fixed to the component (cast or welded). If it is possible to dismantle the lifting point, then it is considered to be lifting equipment, and has to be inspected and certified every 12 months. 2.5.3 Attachment point for pulling

Strength of attachment points for pulling shall be documented. There is no requirement for certification or control by enterprise of competence of attachment points for pulling. The execution of pulling operations should be based on relevant parts of this document, see in particular sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. Pre-use and post-use control of attachment points for pulling and sea fastenings shall be carried out. 2.5.4 Temporarily set-up lifting appliances

Use of lifting appliances attached to temporary attachment points should be limited. If there is a repeated need to lift components in connection with maintenance etc., a permanent attachment point should be installed for the lifting appliance. T h e u s e o f S u p e r C l a m p i s p r e f e r r e d whenever possible. This is a double acting flange clamp for Hbeams and angle profiles, which can be locked. I f a n E a g l e C l a m p i s u s e d , t h e n t h e f o l l o w i n g m u s t b e c o n s i d e r e d ; Contamination or slippery paint surface at the attachment point If a sideways pull is unavoidable, be particularly aware of the effect on thin profiles.
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 17 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Use a shackle Inspect after each lift Maximum load on either type of clamp is not exceeding the supplied certificates Clamps shall be removed from the attachment point after use.

The following applies for use of temporarily assembled lifting appliances:

Permanent attachment point for lifting appliance Description Temporary attachment point for lifting appliance Loads less than or equal to 2 Loads greater than tonnes 2 tonnes


Installation or reassembly of equipment where confirmation has been given by enterprise of competence that the attachment point is ready for use. Reference is made to 2.5.1 regarding permanent attachment points for lifting appliance.

Rigging from temporary attachment point where confirmation has not been given by enterprise of competence that the attachment point is ready for use. Rigger assesses whether temporary attachment point is strong enough. Forces on the lifting gear can be determined based on lift technical tables. In order to help the user, tables stating capacities of different profile types can be prepared. If calculation competence is considered necessary, proceed as for loads greater than 2 tonnes. Documented training in accordance with training plan no. O-3.2

Competence for approval:

Competence for user:

Attachment point: enterprise of competence Assembling: Documented training in accordance with training plan no. O-2.2 See table for recognised standard for training in Annex B. enterprise of competence that the attachment point is ready for use. The responsible rigger tags the temporary lifting appliance confirming that the equipment is ready for use. The tag shall state - area/module - weight of the load to be lifted - Description of hang-off point - total lifting capacity - limitations of use - date an d r i g g e r s s i g n a t u r e If rigger is present throughout the work operation, i.e. rigging up, use and rigging down, and this is a continuous operation, then there is no tag req.ment. If the rigger leaves the workplace, the equipment shall be tagged w i t h N o t a p p r o v e d f o r u s e .

Rigging where calculation competence is required for approving temporary attachment point or for calculating forces on lifting appliance or lifting gear. If necessary, perform calculations in order to document the strength of the temporary attachment point. Qualified person shall for each and every case verify the set-up, including instructions for use or operation procedure. Enterprise of competence

Documentation Confirmation from

Enterprise of competence, as described in Annexe H, issues certificate or other user documentation which confirms that the temporary lifting appliance can be used.

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 18 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01


Attachment point built by scaffolding material

Using scaffolding material to construct an attachment point is dependent on the material being approved by the supplier as attachment point for lifting appliances. Construction of an attachment point with scaffolding material (trestle) shall be carried out by a competent scaffolder in accordance w i t h t h e s u p p l i e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s . Trestles shall be clearly marked with T r e s t l e f o r l i f t i n g and maximum SWL, date of approval and the signature of the competent person. 2.5.6 Load arms, movable gangways etc.

Unless load arms, movable gangways etc. are used to lift loads or personnel, they are defined as machines, and shall be designed, documented and maintained in accordance with the Machinery Directive. 2.6 2.6.1 Requirements for transport operations General requirements

When moving mobile cranes, the block and hook shall be secured to avoid swinging and oscillation. Transporting a load suspended in the hook is not allowed. If special circumstances makes this necessary, then a SJA shall be carried out. Load transfer between vessel and quay shall be calculated and planned involving all parties, in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h D N V R u l e s f o r Ma r i n e O p e r a t i o n s L o a d T r a n s f e r . For each installation there shall be documentation to show the limiting loads for quays and transport roads. When moving cranes with long booms, a person shall proceed in front of the crane to warn about the approaching crane, and to signal stop to the crane driver if necessary. 2.6.2 Transport on the installation

The Road Traffic Act applies to all installations, in addition to the Driving Permit for the installation. Maximum axle load, specified for each installation, shall be adhered to Overloading a vehicle is prohibited All vehicles shall be maintained, satisfy national technical requirements, and without defects. 2.6.3 Securing of loads

Loads shall be secured so that they do not fall off during transport, or in any other way become a danger to personnel or equipment. Gas bottles shall have protective caps fitted during transport Loads shall be transported on carriers constructed for that purpose 2.6.4 Width of load and vehicle

For normal transport of width up to 2,6m there are no restrictions

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 19 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Use a rotating beacon for width up to 3m. This also applies if the load exceeds 50% of the width of the road. For width over 3m; o Prepare a work description for the planned route, with description of the vehicle and load, relevant critical parts of the route o Carry out SJA o Use rotating beacon o Place personnel behind the transport to keep an eye on the movement of the vehicle, especially in sharp turns 2.6.5 Length of vehicle

For normal transport of lengths up to 2m over registered length of vehicle; no restrictions. For transport where the load protrudes more than 2m past the maximum length of the vehicle; Prepare a work description for the planned route, with description of the vehicle and load, relevant critical parts of the route Carry out SJA Use rotating beacon Place personnel behind the transport to keep an eye on the movement of the vehicle, especially in sharp turns 2.6.6 Transport of tanks with chemicals

Tanks with chemicals shall be handled and placed in accordance with transport documentation and local procedures. Before transport/lifting it shall be checked that there are caps on drain points, there is no external spillage on the load carrier and that the tank otherwise is properly prepared.

Follow up

Any abnormality or discrepancies discovered during the work shall lead to immediate reaction to correct the fault. 3.1 Improve

Experience with this document shall be used to try to simplify the document without compromising the safety level.


Definitions and abbreviations


blind lifts lifting operation whereby the lifting appliance operator does not have a direct view of the load or landing area
NOTE; Use of closed circuit television monitoring of the work area is not considered to be direct view. Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 20 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

certificate f o r mb a s e d o n I L O s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n , i s s u e d b y t h e e n t e r p r i s e o f c o m p e t e n c e / c o m p e t e n t p e r s o n , confirming that the lifting equipment meets statutory requirements and is designed, embedded, installed, set up, tested, documented and maintained in such a way that use of the lifting equipment is fully justified. The certificate shall state the statutory requirements on which it is based
NOTE 1; The borderline between DAT regulations and the maritime regulations is at the ships side. NOTE 2; The amount of control before certification will vary according to whether DAT rules or maritime rules are applicable. NOTE 3; EU regulations: H e r e , t h e c e r t i f i c a t e i s b a s e d o n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s d e c l a r a t i o n o f c o n f o r m i t y a n d C Em a r k i n g i n accordance with DAT Regulation no. 820, order no. 522. Reference is made to chapter IX of DAT Regulation no. 608, order no. 555, for a description of the scope of the control. NOTE 4; Maritime regulations Here, the certificate can be based on, for example, FOR 1986-01-13 no. 31, or FOR 1978-01-17 no. 04. Similarly, the classification regulations or the declaration of conformity and control tagging in accordance with FOR 1998-12-29 no. 1455 can form the basis where this applies. NOTE 5; Previously, the te r m C e r t i f i c a t e o f U s e w a s u s e d i n s t e a d o f C e r t i f i c a t e . P r e v i o u s l y i s s u e d C e r t i f i c a t e s o f U s e will remain valid documentation that use of the lifting equipment is fully justified.

certified safety training training provided by certified training enterprise in accordance with the requirements in 49 and 50 of DAT Regulation no. 608 competent control control carried out by an enterprise of competence in order to verify that lifting equipment satisfies relevant requirements and is designed, embedded, installed, set up, tested, documented and maintained in such a way that use of the lifting equipment is fully justified
NOTE; There are four types of competent control: - initial control; - periodic control; - extraordinary control; - safety evaluation.

competent person n a m e d p e r s o n a p p r o v e d b y S t a t o i l s e n t e r p r i s e o f c o m p e t e n c e t o c e r t i f y a n d p e r f o r mc o m p e t e n t c o n t r o l on specific categories of equipment controller person in enterprise of competence who has sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and understanding to carry out control of lifting equipment in a satisfactory manner crane lifting appliance whereby the load can be moved horizontally in one or more directions, in addition to the vertical movement critical lifting operations operations requiring a work permit and special safety measures in order to address the interface with adjacent activities
NOTE; These operations include, but are not limited to l i f t o v e r c r i t i c a l a r e a s , p r o c e s s e q u i p m e n t , p e r s o n n e l t r a n s p o r t w i t h t h e l i f t i n g a p p l i ance, unless management has established other approval arrangements, Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 21 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

t a n d e ml i f t w h e r e t h e w e i g h t exceeds the maximum lifting capacity of one of the lifting appliances, o v e r l o a d t e s t i n g o f t h e l i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e w i t h S WLo v e r 1 0 t o n n e s , lift of special loads such as structures, mobile cranes etc, h e a v y l i f t s t h a t a r e n o t considered routine operations

critical transport operations operations requiring work permit or special safety precautions in order to address the interface with adjacent activities.
NOTE; These operations include, but are not limited to Transport of long or wide objects Transport/movement of heavy objects Transport of dangerous goods

dangerous goods load that is classified and marked in accordance with the ADR code documented training training whereby it can be documented that the person who will use the lifting equipment has received practical and theoretical training that provides knowledge about its structure, operation, applications, limitations and scope of use, as well as maintenance and inspection in accordance with the requirements set for safe use and operation stipulated in regulations and instructions for use elevating work platform mechanically operated work platform that moves vertically in guides fixed attachment point for lifting appliance pad eyes, winch and mobile crane foundations, lifting beams and beams for temporary attachment of beam clamps installation facility or plant for processing hydrocarbons. Includes all parts of -, and systems inside the installations area, including projects. lifting and stacking truck fork lift truck and similar mobile motorised work equipment for combined lifting, moving and stacking lifting appliance combined unit that is used to lift loads, with or without horizontal movement
NOTE Examples of lifting appliances are listed in Annex J.

lifting components parts of the structure of, or used as part of, a lifting gear such as hooks, shackles, rings, eye bolts, etc. lifting equipment common term for lifting gear, lifting appliances and lifting components, used together or individually lifting gear components or equipment used between the lifting appliance and the load or on the load to grip it, but which is not an integral part of the lifting appliance
NOTE; Examples of lifting gear are listed in Annex J.

lifting operation all administrative and operational activities before, during and after a load is moved and until the
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 22 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

lifting equipment is ready for a new load load carrier all types of container, baskets, tanks, skids and frames that are used to transport loads material handling plan plan for moving loads on the installation to ensure a safe and efficient operation
NOTE; The material handling plan takes into account among other things; t h e n e e d f o r t y p e a n d n u m b e r o f l i f t i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t e q u i p m e n t , t h e n e e d f o r l o a d i n g a n d u n l o a d i n g a r e a s , p r e p a r i n g f o r t h e u s e o f l i f t i n g a n d s t a c k i n g t r u c k s , t r o l l e y s e tc. a c c e s s t o a r e a s a n d w o r k p l a c e s f o r o p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e . safe placement and foundations for mobile lifting appliances/mobile cranes

nominal capacity (R0 or Rn) the actual hook load that the crane is designed to lift in a given operating condition
NOTE; For example, boom configuration, number of lines, off lead, side lead, radius, etc.

pre-use and post-use check v i s u a l a n d f u n c t i o n a l a s s e s s m e n t ( n o t t e s t ) o f t h e l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t s t e c h n i c a l c o n d i t i o n b e f o r e a n d after use (without disassembly) rigger person who assembles, controls and issues control tags for temporarily assembled lifting appliances safe working load SWL maximum load the lifting equipment is certified to withstand under normal use
NOTE; SWL is normally used by ILO and shall apply on all floating and other mobile installations and ships that are not covered by EU regulations.

simple lifting appliances lifting appliances (overhead cranes, winches, chain hoists, monorail cranes, etc.) where use is not considered to involve a hazard to life, health and/or material assets snatch block lifting equipment consisting of at least one sheave in a frame with an attachment point for rope, wire sling or chain that can be attached to a fixed point or to a movable point on the load. S t a t o i l s e n t e r p r i s e o f c o m p e t e n c e e n t i t y i n S t a t o i l s o r g a n i s a t i o n t h a t a s a u n i t h a v e s u f f i c i e n t t h e o r e t i c a l k n o w l e d g e a n d p r a c t i c a l experience to understand calculations for lifting equipment, its design and function, and to carry out necessary examinations and tests in order to issue certificates. O n e p e r s o n s h a l l h a v e t h e o v e r a l l t e c h n i c a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r S t a t o i l s e n t e r p r i s e o f c o m p e t e n c e . suspended work platform (sky climber) mechanically operated work platform that can move freely NOTE; For example, suspended on ropes. test load s p e c i f i e d l o a d t h a t t h e l i f t i n g e q u i p m e n t s h a l l w i t h s t a n d w i t h i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s s p e c i f i e d l i m i t s
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 23 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

without resulting in permanent deformation or other defects, and thereby confirming that the design, materials and manufacture comply with specification and statutory requirements working load limit WLL maximum load that a sling or a lifting component is certified to withstand under normal use and in a given configuration

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 24 of 35

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Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

4.1.2 ADR CE

Abbreviations Land t r a n s p o r t o f d a n g e r o u s g o o d s D i r e c t o r a t e f o r C o m m u n i t y s a f e t y a n d e m e r g e n c y preparedness Conformit European (CE marking confirming compliance with the basic requirements in EU directives) European Oil Hydraulic and Pneumatic Committee Labour Inspection Directorate Det Norske Veritas European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association hazard and operability study International Maritime Dangerous Goods International Labour Organisation Kompetansesenteret for arbeidsutstyr AS Petroleum Safety Authority Norway safe job analysis safe working load working load limit



Requirements from Norwegian Authorities

DAT (Labour Inspection Authority) F o r s k r i f t o mm a s k i n e r O r d e r n o . 5 2 2 DAT (Labour inspection Authority) F o r s k r i f t o mb r u k a v a r b e i d s u t s t y r O r d e r n o . 5 5 5 Ptil (Petroleum Safety Authority) Midlertidig forskrift om sikkerhet og arbeidsmilj for enkelte petroleumsanlegg p land og tilknyttede rrledningssystemer. 5.2 Statoil requirements

Operation, maintenance and modifications (AR12) (Statoil group. All locations) T i l s y n o g k o n t r o l l m e d l f t e i n n r e t n i n g e r , l f t e r e d s k a p o g h e i s e r ( WR 0 3 0 7 ) ( N o r g e / L a n d ) Rollebeskrivelse for kran og lft i S t a t o i l ( O R 1 2 5 ) ( N o r g e / L a n d )

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 25 of 35

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Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

6 App A

Appendix Roles and responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities within the crane and lifting area in Statoil are documented in OR125.

App B

Training requirement

B1 General Requirements for competency within the crane and lifting area in Statoil are documented in OR125. B2 Training of operators of lifting appliances The requirements for training of operators of lifting appliances are considered fulfilled when the training is implemented in accordance with Table B.2 under. Previous training in accordance with the syllabus as stated in Table B.2 will remain valid. Training in accordance with training plans and training modules shall be documented through certificates of competence. Table B.2 recognised training standards Lifting appliance operator User of Certificate of competency category Syllabus KOSAR Training module 2.3/O-1.1 O2.2 and O3.2 2.4, 3.4 and 4.4 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 2.7, 3.7 and 4.7 2.8, 3.8 and 4.8 Lifting appliance specific training X X S/D

Slinger Rigging Mobile Crane

F-2702 Rigger G1 F-2685 or F-2686 F-2695, F-2696 F-2693, F-2694 F-2706, F-2707 F-2699 F-2685, F-2689, F-2693, F-2706, F-3089 F-2685, F-2693, F-2689, F-2706, F-3089


Tower Crane Gantry- and overhead crane Lorry mounted Crane

G2 G4 G8



Personnel lifters such as scissor lifts and similar Personnel access lifting One of the following; appliances. Winches, G1, G4, G5, G8, G20 Mobile crane etc.


Tugger winch

One of the following; G1, G4, G5, G8, G20

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 26 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Fixed crane with swing or telescopic action

One of; G1, G5, G8, G20 to be used until new syllabus is determined.

Simple Jib Crane

O-2.2 or one of G1, G4, G5, G8 or G20.

F-2685, F-2693, F-2689, F-2706, F-3089 F-2685, F-2693, F-2689, F-2706, F-3089


O-2.2 or (1)

Manual or air driven chain hoists Fork lift truck Electric pusher truck

O-2.2 or one of G1, G4, G5, G8 or G20. Truck Driver Licence Requirements for competence to use and inspect are as in F o r s k r i f t o mb r u k a v a r b e i d s u t s t y r Requirements for competence to use and inspect are as in F o r s k r i f t o mb r u k a v a r b e i d s u t s t y r O-2.2 or one of G1, G4, G5, G8 or G20.

O-2.2 or (1) 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2


Sky climber

Temporarily assembled lifting appliance

F-2685, F-2693, F-2689, F-2706, F-3089

O-2.2 or (1)



Training modules to be completed for the relevant category of Certificate of competence. For definition of which training modules have to be completed reference is made to syllabyses approved by DAT and published on the Web-p a g eo f S a mo r d n i n g s r d e t for kran, truck og masseforflytningsmaskiner o r t os y l l a b u s e s p u b l i s h e do nt h eWe bp a g e s o f K O S A R . N O T E S a mo r d n i n g s r d e t f o r k r a n , t r u c k o gma s s e f o r f l y t n i n g s ma s k i n e r is a collaboration project in industry to assure a uniform training of operators and competent inspectors of c o n s t r u c t i o nma c h i n e r y , c r a n e s a n df o r k l i f t t r u c k s i na c c o r d a n c ew i t h F o r s k r i f t o mb r u k a v a r b e i d s u t s t y r . S= Certified training D= Documented training

Table B.2

B3 Other lifting appliances As recognised standard for training of operators of lifting appliances other than the ones stated in Table B.2, the recognised syllabus or training plans for the specific types of lifting appliances apply. Lifting appliances for which there are no recognised syllabuses or training plans available shall only be operated by personnel with documented training in accordance with the training plan developed by the c o m p a n y . T h e p l a n s h a l l b e b a s e d o n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , t h e c o m p a n y s o w n experiences and official syllabuses or training plans for the most similar types of lifting appliance. B4 Simple lifting appliances Table B.2 differentiates between simple lifting appliances and other lifting appliances for certain types of crane. For classification, see definitions and 2.3.5. B5 Certified and documented training

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 27 of 35

Work process requirement Certified

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

training enterprise shall be responsible for all training in according with syllabus, training modules and training plans, in accordance with requirements in DAT Regulation no. 608. Where reference is made to training modules published on K O S A R s web site, there is no requirement that the training enterprise is approved by KOSAR. Other training shall be documented. B6 Appliance specific training The appliance-specific training shall be in accordance with 47 and 48 in DAT regulation no. 608. B7 Maintenance of competence All competence required in this document shall be maintained. Particular attention should be paid to the following during refresher training; To-days rules and regulations Current internal governing documentation Emergency procedures Correcting undesirable attitudes Maintenance of competence may be internal in the company or by external courses. Maintenance of competence shall be documented.

App C

Requirements to local procedures

Each installation shall have a local addition to WR0235 describing the local requirements and procedures as described in this appendix, detailing; which lifting appliances are classified as simple, ref. section 2.3.5. requirements for competency for operators of special lifting appliances not covered by table B.2 relevant operational limitations for the lifting appliances, such as weather conditions etc. which position in the organisation is operational responsible and technical responsible for lifting appliances references to documentation for the installation that shows the road system, underground systems and approved places for cranes. The addition to WR0235 should also contain a description of; reference to the material handling plan lifting over pressurized areas, dangerous goods etc. placement and handling of different types of load, chemicals, radioactive sources, trace elements, explosives etc.; access to dangerous goods in the event of need to move it as a result of an emergency situation, e.g. fire etc.; simultaneous operations; special lifting operations; heavy lifts and tandem lifts necessary barring off areas on the travel path; radios and use of correct channel; maintenance, inspection and control of lifting equipment and lifting gear; lifting operations related emergency situations; storage and follow-up of loose lifting equipment; plan for bad weather; lifting of personnel
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 28 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

App D

Internal Transport

D1 General All links in the logistics chain shall be familiar with the roles they shall fill and the responsibility they have. The individual shall act in a way that enables the other links in the chain to perform their duties safely. In general, the following applies to all links in the chain t r a n s p o r t o f d a n g e r ous goods shall be in accordance with the ADR regulations heavy transport shall be planned using the map of the road system, r e c e i v i n g o f c o n t a i n e r s f o r r a d i o a c t i v e s o u r c e s a n d t r a c e e l e m e n t s s h a l l b e d e a l t w i t h b y designated responsible person on the installation, or by supplier or subcontractor. D2 Requisitioner Requisitioner shall specify that the equipment shall be delivered in a suitable load carrier. Prior to heavy or special lifts, the requisitioner shall contact the operational responsible person on the installation. Operational limitations and other special conditions related to the lift shall be clarified. When loading, consideration shall be given to the ability of the installation to empty these load carriers in a safe manner. Only chemicals that are authorised for use on the relevant installation shall be ordered. D2 Supplier Focus should be given to packing the load in such a way as to optimise the utilisation of the load carrier. Load carriers shall, to the extent possible, be appropriate for the dimensions and weight of the load. Loads shall if appropriate be made safe for sea transport. Supplier or subcontractor shall issue special consignment note for radioactive sources or trace elements. If relevant, the supplier shall supply a description of safe slinging and lifting of the load.

App E

Documentation and marking

E1 Requirements to user documentation lifting equipment put into use after 1.1.1995 The requirements to marking and documentation below shall apply for lifting equipment that became operational on or after January 1st 1995. All lifting appliances shall be accompanied by a declaration of conformity and shall be CE marked in accordance with DAT Regulation no. 820. All lifting equipment shall be accompanied by instructions for use in accordance with DAT Regulation no. 820. All lifting equipment shall be accompanied by a certificate from an enterprise of competence. Temporarily set-up lifting appliances shall have documentation in accordance with the requirements in 2.5.4.

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 29 of 35

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Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

E2 Requirements to user documentation lifting equipment put into use before 1.1.1995 The requirements to documentation below shall apply for lifting equipment on installations that became operational before January 1st 1995. The same requirements shall apply for lifting equipment that is transported on a ship to the installation. Ref. DAT regulation no. 608. All lifting equipment shall be accompanied by a certificate from an enterprise of competence. E2 Control register Inspections, examinations, repairs and modifications shall be entered in a control register or on a control card. An electronic system that provides a similar overview can be used. The information shall be kept as long as the equipment is in use and be available. E3 Marking and labelling Lifting equipment shall be marked in accordance with DAT Regulation no. 820, or other regulations that apply for the relevant installation. On installations with several cranes of the same type, these shall be clearly marked with identification number in order to avoid mix-up. For cranes with a remote control panel, both the crane and the control panel shall be marked with the standard signs for direction (circle, rectangle, triangle and square). Where appropriate, lifting appliances can be marked with the regulations that apply for the use of the lifting appliance. The regulations can include c o m p e t e n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s t o t h e u s e r , t e c h n i c a l a n d o p e r a t i o n a l r e s p o n s i b l e p e r s o n f o r t h e l i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e , u s e r c o n t r o l , o p e r a t i o n a l l i m i t a t i o n s , i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r s a f e u s e , a n y e m e r g e n c y p r o c e d u r e s . For cranes with a dedicated driver, these instructions will normally be found in other user documentation.

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 30 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

App F

Hand signals

The following hand signals shall be used for directing lifting operations:

Emergency stop

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 31 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Raise the load

Lower the load

Raise the boom

Lower the boom

The crane driver did not understand the signal

App G


Maintenance is a combination of all technical, administrative and managerial measures taken t h r o u g h o u t t h e e q u i p m e n t s l i f e s p a n w i t h t h e a i mo f r e -establishing the condition of the equipment whereby it can perform the intended functions. Maintenance can include preventive activities, monitoring, inspection, testing, repair, replacement, cleaning and tidying. Ma i n t e n a n c e s h a l l b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s . T h e m a i n t e n a n c e p r o g r a m m e shall focus on preventing failure in components that would result in a high risk of hazardous situations. Consideration sha l l a l s o b e g i v e n t o t h e c o m p a n y s e x p e r i e n c e s , a s w e l l a s recognised standards for safe use of lifting appliances.

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 32 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

Maintenance shall be developed and improved continuously based on experiences made during the operation and maintenance of the equipment. Where appropriate, the lifting appliance operator can perform first-line maintenance on the lifting appliance he operates. This contributes to greater knowledge about, and ownership in, the lifting appliance. Before carrying out maintenance on lifting app l i a n c e s , a D o n o t o p e r a t e o r s i m i l a r w a r n i n g s i g n s h a l l be placed by the controls, which should preferably be locked. The lifting appliance shall not be operated before the warning sign has been removed by the person responsible for the maintenance activity. Before the lifting appliance is put into operation, the person responsible for the maintenance activity s h a l l e n s u r e t h a t t e s t i n g i s c a r r i e d o u t i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r u s e , a n d that all safety systems are set for normal operations. After the maintenance has been carried out, and before the lifting appliance is used, the lifting appliance operator shall perform a user check and ensure that the functions have been returned to normal operational status. If the scope of the maintenance is limited, it is sufficient to control the functions related to the maintenance carried out. After maintenance has been carried out on crane boom, the lifting appliance operator shall check the boom visually before it is raised. In particular, he shall check for loose parts, that the wire rope is correctly placed in the sheaves and that wire locks are correctly fitted. Before controls by enterprise of competence and significant maintenance activities are carried out on complex lifting appliances, a pre-job talk shall be held by the personnel involved. The general responsibility that the lifting appliance operator has for the crane operation, also applies in connection with maintenance activities and controls carried out by enterprise of competence. If safety is called into question, the lifting appliance operator shall halt the operation. The maintenance and the technical condition of lifting equipment shall also be monitored through the enterprise of competence carrying out the following activities: c o n t r o l u p o n s t a r t -up of new lifting appliance; p e r i o d i c c o n t r o l ; c o n t r o l a f t e r t h e l i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e h a s b e e n out of use for significant periods; c o n t r o l f o l l o w i n g d a m a g e o r i m p o r t a n t m o d i f i c a t i o n s ; c o n t r o l i n c o n n e c t i o n w i th extension of lifespan.

App H

Enterprise of competence

Organisation, duties and scope of enterprise of competence are described in WR0307

App I

Risk mapping

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 33 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

In order to achieve safe lifting operations, it is necessary that all involved parties are aware of and can reduce the hazards inherent in the operation. In this respect, different types of risk mapping can be used, depending on the complexity of the operations to be performed. The purpose of risk mapping is to try to identify all potential hazards under all imaginable conditions and initiate measures to reduce or eliminate these. The different methods of risk mapping (see I.3) can be used for all types of lifting operations. This mapping is particularly relevant i f a v a i l a b l e p r o c e d u r e s a n d w o r k descriptions are inadequate, i f t h e o p e r a t i o n i n v o l v e s n e wa n d u n p r e d i c t a b l e r i s k e l e m e n t s , i f i t i s p r o p o s e d t o a l t e r e q u i p m e n t , d e v e l o p n e we q u i p m e n t , o r a s s e s s t h e i n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n new solutions and the equipment already in operation, w h e n ensuring that the equipment used is suitable for the purpose, and that the equipment is used correctly, w h e n t h e r e i s a n i n c r e a s i n g f a u l t f r e q u e n c y o r i n c r e a s e d r i s k d u r i n g c e r t a i n o p e r a t i o n s . With all risk mapping, it is particularly important to involve personnel with operational experience. I2 Identification of risk elements Risk elements means all factors that directly or indirectly influence the risk of fatality or injury, damage to the environment, or material damage or losses. Identifying risk elements is important. If the risk elements are not identified, it is not possible to systematically eliminate or reduce them. A successful identification of risk elements is based on k n o w l e d g e o f p r o c e d u r e s , s y s t e m s , e q u i p m e n t a n d c o m p o n e n t s , k nowledge of activities and operations, k n o w l e d g e o f a c c i d e n t s , k n o w l e d g e o f u n d e s i r a b l e e v e n t s a n d n e a r -miss accidents, systematics and analytical methods. I3 Methods In order to ensure that risk mapping is carried out systematically, different methods have been developed, including: Pre-job talk A pre-job talk is a non-documented review before a concrete work task or operation. Everyone who is directly involved in the operation shall participate. Checklists can be used in this connection. Participants in a pre-job talk should always consider the need for a SJA. Safe job analysis (SJA) A SJA is a systematic and documented review of all risk elements before a concrete work task or operation, such that measures can be initiated in order to eliminate or control the identified risk elements during the preparations for, and execution of, the work task or operation. Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) by a competence group HAZOP by a competence group is a systematic and documented review by means of predefined keywords, and is implemented by personnel with special competence within the relevant specialist
Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 34 of 35

Work process requirement

Statoil governing document Safe use of lifting and transporting equipment WR0235, Final Ver. 1, Valid from 2006-01-01

areas. For lifting operations, obvious group members can be the lifting appliance operator, slinger, signaller, technical and operational responsible persons, equipment suppliers, vessel crew, etc. The group shall be headed by a person with sufficient competence to carry out this type of risk mapping.

App J

Examples of lifting equipment

J1 Lifting appliances covered by this document Cranes - all types Gantry girders Lifting davits Lifting tackle - all types Personnel winches Tuggers Trolleys Hydraulic work baskets Elevating platforms Beam clamps (used as attachments for temporarily set-up lifting appliance)

J2 Lifting gear covered by this document Lifting beams Shackles Blocks Slings - fibre/chain/wire rope Load and service containers Slings single/multi-leg Baskets Single/multi-sheave blocks Work baskets Swivels Waste containers Rings Eye bolts/Eye nuts Turnbuckles Beam clamps Hooks Links Wedge sockets Forerunners Lifting nipples and lifting caps J3 Examples of detachable lifting equipment Typical examples of detachable lifting equipment for which European standards have been prepared: Clamps Grabs Grab buckets Vacuum elevators Lifting magnets C-hooks Lifting forks Lifting beam

Validity area: TFL SN/Hammerfest/Onshore; T-S TKV/Kolsnes/Onshore; FOR/Mongstad, Tjeldbergodden/Onshore; NG/Krst/Onshore Classification: Open Page 35 of 35

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