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Novak English 301

Fallacies of Pathos
A. B. C. D. E. Veiled Threat Either/Or: #lippery #lope #enti%ental Appeals &and'agon Appeals

Fallacies of Ethos
L. Appeals to False Authority M. oral E!uivalen"e N. Ad $o%ine%

Fallacies of Logos
F. G. H. I. J. K. $asty (enerali)ations *overgenerali)ation+ Faulty ,ausality &egging the -uestion Non #e!uitur #tra' an Faulty Analogy

Identify the fa lty logic in the follo!ing clai"s#

.on/t 'orry so %u"h a0out 'hi"h kind o1 1alla"y it is2 i1 you "an e3plain 'hat is 'rong the logi" o1 the "lai%. $. That parking attendant 'ho gave %e a ti"ket is as 0ad as $itler. Faulty analogy4 it %akes an ina""urate "o%parison 0et'een t'o "o%pletely di11erent people o1 the parking attendant and $itler. %. 5e "an either stop using "ars or destroy the earth. Either/Or4 it gives t'o options o1 either stop using "ars or destroy the earth. 3. (reen 6ea"e/s strategies aren/t e11e"tive 0e"ause they are all dirty2 la)y hippies. Ad ho%ine%4 it atta"ks the %e%0ers o1 the (reen 6ea"e group rather than the "lai% itsel1 in 'hi"h their strategies aren/t e11e"tive. 7. 6eople 'ho don/t support the proposed state %ini%u% 'age in"rease hate the poor. #tra' %an4 it atta"ks an argu%ent that is not there 8. One 'ay to end the pro0le% o1 over"ro'ded prisons is to e3e"ute everyone 'ho 0reaks the la'. Non se!uitur4 the argu%ent and "lai% do not "onne"t logi"ally 0e"ause the pro0le% o1 over"ro'ded prisons %ay not have to do 'ith the a%ount o1 people 'ho 0reak the la'. 9t "ould 0e due to a s%all pre%ises or so%e other reason. :. 9t is "lear that do"tors are not as "are1ul as they used to 0e 0e"ause %edi"al %alpra"ti"e la'suits have in"reased dra%ati"ally over the past de"ade. $asty generali)ation 4 insu11i"ient eviden"e to %ake a "lai%. &. The govern%ent is like a 0enevolent parent and %ust prote"t the rights o1 the "ri%inal as vigorously as it prote"ts our rights to vote. oral e!uivalen"e4 proposing that the govern%ent %ust prote"t the rights o1 the "ri%inal like

ho' it prote"ts our right to vote '. The streets o1 our "ity 'ill soon 0e"o%e a du%p site 0e"ause people "an/t 1it all their trash into the allotted t'o "ans. $asty generali)ation4 an in1eren"e is dra'n 1ro% insu11i"ient eviden"e o1 so%e people not 1itting their trash in the trash"an. (. 91 you 'ere a true A%eri"an2 you 'ould support the rights o1 people to "hoose 'hatever vehi"le they 'ant. &and'agon appeals4 it urges people to 1ollo' 'ith everyone else and support the rights o1 people to "hoose 'hatever vehi"le they 'ant ;ust 0e"ause they are a true A%eri"an. $). ,ongress%an < "an/t 0e guilty o1 a""epting 0ri0es 0e"ause he is an honest person. &egging the !uestion4 it is 0asing a "on"lusion on an assu%ption that ;ust 0e"ause ,ongress%an < is an honest person2 he "ant 0e a""used o1 a""epting 0ri0es. $$. Tens o1 thousands o1 A%eri"ans have seen lights in the night sky 'hi"h they "ould not identi1y. The e3isten"e o1 li1e on other planets is 1ast 0e"o%ing "ertainty. =ed herring4 The su0;e"t o1 A%eri"ans seeing lights in the night sky shi1ts to the su0;e"ts o1 the e3isten"e o1 li1e on the other plants.

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