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Unit 4: 1450 to 1750 Global Interactions Key Concept 4.1 State Consolidation and Imperial E pansion !

I. Rulers and their need to legitimize and consolidate their power a. Use of the arts (ex. monumental architecture, urban design, courtly literature, and the visual arts) b. Use of religious ideas (ex. uropean idea of divine right, !hinese emphasis on !onfucian rituals) c. "reatment of various ethnic and religious groups (ex. #ttoman treatment of non$%uslim sub&ects, %anchu policies towards !hinese) d. Use of bureaucratic elites and military professionals (ex. #ttoman devshirme, !hinese civil service exam) e. Use of tribute and tax collection for territorial expansion II. Imperial expansion and the use of gunpowder and cannons a. uropean$established trading$post empires in 'frica and 'sia b. (and empires (ex. %anchu, %ughals, #ttomans, Russia) and maritime empires (ex. )ortuguese, *panish, +utch, ,rench, -ritish) III. !ompetition over trade routes, state rivalries, and local resistance as challenges (ex. piracy, #ttoman$*afavid conflict, "hirty .ears /ar, peasant uprisings)

#eadin$ % &ocab"lary (0 not in textboo1)

'opic: (estern E"rope sovereign !harles 2 3apsburgs )eace of 'ugsburg0 3enry 2III ,ernando 4 Isabel 'opic: C-ina 6reat /all ,orbidden !ity )a$es: 4*+,507 tax standing army *panish In5uisition constitutional state nglish !ivil /ar 6lorious Revolution )a$es: 57.,57+ eunuchs %anchus scholar$bureaucrats 8angxi 9*on of 3eaven: civil service exam +utch Republic absolute monarch divine right Richelieu (ouis 7I2 2ersailles tariffs czar )eter I !atherine II serfs )ugachev )russia /estphalia gun foundries

'opic: !ttomans % /"$-als )a$es: 5*0,0041 00*,01. #sman *;leyman 9divine faith: devshirme -attle of !haldiran 'urangzeb ghazi -abur kanun '1bar 3;rem *ultana

"a& %ahal *;leymaniye "op1ap1i

3agia *ophia printing press <anissaries

G"ided #eadin$ 2"estions

=. /hat attempts did states ma1e to consolidate their power> 3ow does constitutionalism compare to absolutism> /hat measures did states ta1e empower themselves> ?. 3ow were the %ing able to stabilize themselves after the collapse of the .uan> /hat factors contributed to the decline of the %ing> 3ow did @ing rule differ from that of the %ing> 3ow does imperial rule in !hina compare to /estern urope> "o what degree was the !hinese bureaucratic system successful> A. 3ow does the formation of the Islamic empires compare to !hina and /estern urope> /hat role did religious diversity play for the #ttomans and %ughals> 6ive examples of cultural patronage for the #ttomans and %ughals. /hat factors contributed to their decline>

Unit 4: 1450 to 1750 Global Interactions Key Concept 4.. Globali3in$ 4et5or6s o7 Comm"nication and E c-an$e !"tline
I. "rade in the Indian #cean, %editerranean, *ahara, and overland urasia II. uropean technological developments built on previous 1nowledge from the Islamic and 'sian worlds a. Bew tools (ex. astrolabe, revised maps) and innovations in ship design (ex. caravels) III. Bew transoceanic maritime reconnaissance by !hina, )ortugal, and *pain I2. Bew global circulation of goods facilitated by the state a. Rise of merchants, circulation of silver from the 'mericas, and mercantilism and &oint$stoc1 companies 2. Bew !onnections between the astern and /estern hemispheres resulted in the !olumbian xchange a. *pread of diseases (ex. smallpox, measles, influenza) b. *taple crops (ex. potatoes, maize, manioc) and cash crops (ex. sugar, tobacco) c. +omesticated animals (ex. horses, pigs, cattle) and other foods brought by 'frican slaves (ex. o1ra, rice) d. Butritional benefits to 'fro$ urasian population e. nvironmental effects of uropean agriculture and settlements in the 'mericas 2I. Increase in interactions between peoples expanded the spread and reform of existing religions a. *pread of Islam ('fro$ urasia),!hristianity (globally), and -uddhism ('sia) b. *yncretic and new forms of religions (ex. 2odun in the !aribbean, cults of saints in (atin 'merica) 2II. Increase in funding for the visual and performing arts a. Innovations (ex. Renaissance art in urope, miniature paintings in the %iddle ast and *outh 'sia, wood$bloc1 prints in <apan) b. xpansion of literacy in 'fro$ urasia (ex. *ha1espeare, *undiata, <ourney to the /est, 8abu1i theater)

#eadin$ % &ocab"lary (0 not in textboo1)

'opic: Capitalism % E ploration )a$es: 50+,5111 C-apter .. mercantilism0 &oint$stoc1 companies compass 'dam *mith (pg. C=?) putting$out system astrolabe capitalism %ala1u monsoon winds famine missionaries )rince 3enry ban1s lateen sail da 6ama 'opic: C-ina sil1 'opic: Islamic Empires coffee )a$es: 57*,5+. *panish merchants )a$es: 004,007 tobacco dhimmi jizya !olumbus %agellan spice islands trading posts !alicut trading companies *even .earsD /ar !olumbian xchange galleons (not wizardsD currency) caravel0

Eheng 3e


G"ided #eadin$ 2"estions

=. /hat factors in urope contributed to the changes in their economy> /hat prompted uropeans to explore and what new forms of technology enabled this> 3ow were uropeans able to control trade routes> /hat role did urope play in *outheast 'sia> 3ow does Russian expansion compare to /estern urope> ?. 3ow did the !olumbian xchange affect !hina> /hat role did !hina play in *outheast 'sia> /hat role did technology play in !hinese trade>

A. 3ow did the !olumbian xchange affect the Islamic empires> 3ow receptive were the Islamic empires to foreign trade> 3ow did new contacts affect religion>

Unit 4: 1450 to 1750 Global Interactions Key Concept 4.8 4e5 9orms o7 Social !r$ani3ation and /odes o7 )rod"ction !"tline
I. Increase in peasant agriculture, expansion of plantations, and increase in demand for labor a. Intensification of peasant labor (ex. frontier settlements in Russian *iberia, cotton textile production in India, sil1 production in !hina) b. *lavery in 'frica and the exportation of slaves in the %editerranean, Indian #cean, and the 'mericas c. !oercive labor in the 'mericas (ex. chattel slavery, indentured servitude, encomienda and hacienda systems, mita system) II. Bew political, ethnic, racial, and gender hierarchies a. Bew political and economic elites (ex. %anchus in !hina, !reoles in *panish 'merica, uropean gentry) b. xisting political and economic elites (zamindars0 in %ughal India, nobility in urope, daimyo in <apan) c. Restructuring of gender and family (ex. demographic changes in 'frica due to the slave trade, smaller uropean families) d. Bew ethnic and racial classifications in the 'mericas (ex. mestizo, mulatto, creole)

#eadin$ % &ocab"lary (0 not in textboo1)

'opic: :atin ;merica encomienda smallpox cash crops tobacco sugar )a$es: C-apter .4 conquistador !ortes epidemic Pizarro %exico !ity viceroy audencias "reaty of "ordesillas settler colonies mestizo peninsulares criollos mulattoes )otosi mita quinto hacienda engenho indentured labor fur trade missionaries 2irgin of 6uadalupe

'opic: ;7rica *onghay 8ongo 'fonso I 'opic: C-ina filial piety foot binding 'opic: <apan "o1ugawa Ieyasu shogun

)a$es: C-apter .5 'ngola Bzinga slave "riangular "rade %iddle )assage 'frican +iaspora maroon o1ra gumbo

)a$es: 57+,57*1 5+.,5+5 gentry Journey to the West Beo$!onfucianism %atteo Ricci )a$es: 5+5,5*. daimyo Bagasa1i 9native learning: ukiyo


kabuki +utch (earning

G"ided #eadin$ 2"estions

=. /hat effect did the uropean presence have on (atin 'merican societies and how did they organize them> /hat industries were important> ?. /hat effect did the uropean presence have on 'frica> 3ow did various 'frican peoples respond to their presence> 3ow did the slave trade affect 'frica> A. 3ow did !hinese philosophy influence the arts and how they organized themselves> /hich classes were considered more significant and why> F. 3ow did <apan organize themselves socially> 3ow did <apan respond to foreigners and what effect did this have on them> 3ow did philosophy influence art>

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