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0 Introduction:
To enhance the knowledge an to make the students practical Lahore School of economics has made thesis research a compulsory part of the bachelors degree. I will be conducting research on Human resource management focusing the recruitment policies procedures and practices that are being implemented in Standard Chartered, CITI Bank and nited Bank Limited. The ob!ecti"es of this study are to identify general practices that Banks in #akistan use to recruit the employees. This study also aims to determine which recruitment policies and practices are most effecti"e. $etermine how the recruitment policies and practices affect organi%ational outcomes.

&or recruiting managerial'professional candidates, the Internet is the most popular ad"ertising medium used by organi%ations. (rgani%ations also regularly utili%e internal resources )e.g., internal !ob postings and employee referrals* when recruiting both internal and e+ternal candidates. $ifferent kinds of agencies are used to recruit for positions at different le"els. Temporary and go"ernment agencies are used mainly to recruit non,management candidates. -mployment agencies, colleges, and professional organi%ations are used more often to recruit managerial'professional candidates.

(rgani%ations with the most effecti"e selection systems were more likely to use the practices such as, beha"ior,based inter"iews, training and e+perience e"aluations, ability tests, and biographical data. (rgani%ations with highly effecti"e selection systems e+perienced higher business outcomes )i.e., financial performance, .uality of products and ser"ices, producti"ity, and customer satisfaction* and employee outcomes )i.e., employee satisfaction and retention of .uality employees* than those with ineffecti"e selection systems.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

The study of this proposal highlights the effects of recruitment, how it affects sales and the final output of the organi%ation and whether better recruitment policies would lead the organi%ation to achie"e economies of scale.

1.1 Background:
In the Banking sector the success or the failure mainly results on the performance of employees. The better the performance of the employee the better will be the output. The H3 department of the banks keeps on looking for the person who they think is suitable for their !ob. 3ecruitment is a part of Human 3esource 5anagement and no organi%ation can progress without proper Human 3esource #ractices. 3ecruitment refers to the process of finding right people for the right !ob or function. 3ecruitment polices and practices refer that how that person should be hired and are followed and carried out by the recruiters or the H3 managers. #rocedures refers that through which channel the policies and practices are implement, how the policies are implement and what ways should be adopted to carry out the human resources practices. 3ecruitment is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates from within and outside an organi%ation to begin e"aluating them for future employment. (nce candidates are identified, an organi%ation can begin the selection process. This includes collecting, measuring, and e"aluating information about candidates6 .ualifications for specified positions. (rgani%ations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring indi"iduals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their !obs. Today6s tight labor market is making it more difficult for organi%ations to find, recruit, and select talented people. The competition for talent is intensifying, as there are fewer .ualified applicants a"ailable. This shortage of applicants makes it all the more important for organi%ations to be able to effecti"ely attract, select, and retain .uality candidates.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

1.2 Objectives:
Standard charted and CITI bank are one of the leading international banks where as nited Bank was pre"iously owned by the 7o"ernment of #akistan and later on due to the pri"ati%ation the bank is owned by some pri"ate company. (b!ecti"es of the study are to8 compare the recruitment polices of the three banks $etermine who is actually following the policies in a manner to get the ma+imum benefits. $etermine the policies and criteria regarding the hiring of e+perienced people and fresh graduate students. The study of this proposal highlights the effects of recruitment, how it affects the final output of Standard Chartered, CITI Bank and nited Bank Limited and whether better recruitment policies would lead the organi%ation to achie"e the ma+imum benefits.

1.3 SCOPE:
This work will co"er the recruitment policies, procedures and practices in Standard Chartered , CITI Bank and nited Bank Limited, the implementation and the factors that effects the recruitment polices and procedures. The scope of this work is to analy%e the H3 recruitment policies in order to know their implementation with in Standard Charted, CITI Bank and e+plore the factors that effect the recruitment polices. This research work will be conducted in a way to get the ma+imum knowledge about the main recruitment procedures that are being followed by the banks i.e. Standard charted, CITI bank and nited bank limited. The human resource department of these banks will be e+amined and studied for the analysis: sur"eys will be conducted from the resource department personals as well from the employees through .uestioners or inter"iews to get the re.uired data. nited Bank Limited. 9lso to

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

1.4 usti!ication:
This research study will help in understanding the recruitment polices of banks and will e+plain the practices and procedures carried out by the Banks. &or the students this research study will become a secondary data and will help in understanding the recruitment system of banks in #akistan 1." Prob#e$ %e!inition & %eve#o'$ent The topic under study is Recruitment Policies and procedures. This study shall seek to e+plore the traditional model of recruitment practice, which deals with selection design < "alidation, !ob analysis, competency models, reliability, "alidity and utility. To conduct this study .uestionnaires need to be filled and a field research needs to be conducted in order to find out what different policies organi%ations pursue in hiring their employees. 9fter this, we will do hypothesis testing where our dependent "ariable is selection of candidates and the independent "ariables are age, gender, race, work e+perience, educational le"el, educational institution, pre"ious on,!ob training, leadership .ualities, attitude, commitment, and !ob application. The problems which can be faced $o the recruitment policies procedures and practices play an important function with in Standard Chartered, CITI Bank and nited Bank Limited= 9re these #olicies properly implemented with in these Banks= $o the procedures that has been followed by these banks are in accordance with the policies= Is there any role of gender discrimination= Is there a role of biasness of managers in the recruitment= $oes the recruitment #olicy gi"e e.ual opportunity to e"ery person=

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


1.( )uestions !or *anagers 4. 0. ;. >. @. ?hat are the effects of the recruitment of a particular candidate for a proposed !ob= $oes effecti"e recruitment affect sales and the final output of the organi%ation= ?hether better recruitment policies would lead the organi%ation to achie"e economies of scale. $oes effecti"e recruitment mean e.ual opportunities for all applicants= How can managers ensure effecti"e recruitment procedures=

2.0 +ariab#e Identi!ication: %e'endent variab#e: 3ecruitment polices procedures and practices. Inde'endent +ariab#es:
7ender Biasness 5anagers Hiring Cost (utsourcing 9d"ertisement 3eacti"ely Hiring Auality and .uantity of skilled people Human resource practices of industry

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

3.0 %e!inition o! +ariab#es: ,ender: 7ender states the recruitment of male and female Biasness: The hiring of any candidate on personal fa"or and carrying out any policy according to own interest. *anagers: Those people who carry out the recruitment policies, procedures and practices. -iring Cost: The cost that arises in hiring the employees .dvertise$ent: The source through which the organi%ation informs the people about its !ob and re.uirement. Out Sourcing: The recruitment of employees through recruiting agents or companies outside the organi%ation. /eactive#0 -iring: Hiring of employees according to the situation. )ua#it0 and )uantit0 o! ski##ed 1abor: The a"ailability of skilled labor in e+cess .uantity produced by the different institutions and uni"ersities.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

3.1 23eoretica# 4ra$e5ork:

Biasness 7ender


Human 3esource #ractices (f Industry


3ecruitment policies #rocedures and practices

Auality and Auantity of skilled people

(utsourcing H3 manuals In sourcing 3eacti"ely Hiring

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics

4.0 1I2/.26/E /E+IE7: $3. Dohn Suli"an discussed the top trends and tips that are being applied today in his article EBest recruiting #ractices to CopyF. The article discussed the different recruitment polices applied by the H3 heads of the world leading companies e.g. Starbucks H3 head demonstrates that the recruiting organi%ations can prepare for the future by identifying statistical correlations between e+ternal en"ironment. Some organi%ations use simulations to both recruit and train employees. College recruitment is also a fine practice. The article Eto outsource or not to outsourceF discuses both the points of outsourcing and hiring the employees by the organi%ation itself. The outsourcing recruitment responsibilities of reasons of e+pertise, specialism, access to thousand of .uality candidates whereas in house recruitment benefits in a way that outside recruiters are unable to portray the culture and "alues of the company. $r. Ishrat Husain the former 7o"ernor of SB# states in his article that structural reforms in the banking industry ha"e brought about some unintended conse.uences that are creating serious pressures on the future growth of the industry. ?hat can be done to smoothen this transition and enhance the re.uisite supply of skills= The starting stage is the .uality and .uantity of student intake into our uni"ersities, professional colleges and institutes, along with strong accreditation bodies. The recruitment practices initiated by SB# se"eral years ago ha"e been adapted by almost all the banks and are becoming industry,wide standard practices. #ost,entry training is also catching on rapidly but the efforts of indi"idual banks should be supplanted by a collecti"e effort of #akistan Banks 9ssociation )#B9* and the Institute of Bankers, #akistan )IB#* to de"elop standardi%ed curriculum, appro"ed list of trainers, pedagogical tools, testing methodology, and minimum acceptable grading system. There is o"erall shortage of trainers in these areas, the #B9 and IB# should enter into strategic alliances or !oint "entures with foreign and international banks or training institutions

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He says that I ha"e mostly relied upon the e+amples of banking industry as I am more familiar with the de"elopments there. If it is not happening, then I will urge the uni"ersities, institutes, industry associations to work together and test this model, adapt it and apply it widely and in a systematic manner.. The article E3ecruitment ,a constant challengeF written by Dones ?. states that finding and hiring competent, capable and .uality staff is a constant challenge facing large, medium and small businesses. 5any companies find that it is e"en tougher today for to compete for talent and that as a result, many hire new staff .uickly !ust to ha"e somebody fill a position. This often leads to the e+pensi"e conse.uences of a bad hire , workplace disruption, lost producti"ity, increased stress, and deceased morale. In addition, firing a Gbad hireG creates workplace an+iety and legal and personal complications and e+penses. To make the best hiring choice, companies must make a commitment to the importance of the hiring process, instead of rushing through it. Creating 3ecruitment #olicies is the first step. Companies who de"elop common,sense recruitment policies are the most effecti"e at identifying, attracting and retaining .uality employees. Howe"er, few companies and recruiters ha"e policies in place that address issues surrounding effecti"e recruitment. The 3ecruitment #olicy #ackage will help your company de"elop sound policies that will help eliminate e+pensi"e errors of !udgment and procedure. 9s organi%ations begin to recogni%e the importance of effecti"e recruitment to the bottom line, the need for clear and concise policies that outline how new staff are treated become paramount. High orientation, recruitment and turno"er costs can be a"oided if all new staff is treated e.uitably. Constantly hiring new staff hinders production which in turn hurts the bottom line. This can easily be a"oided if new employees are hired using the same criteria and if they know how they will be treated as new employees. 9 solid recruitment strategy reduces turno"er and training and their associated costs which in turn create a loyal and skilled staff, increasing producti"ity < profits. ?hile it is difficult to determine the e+act cost of hiring a new employee, research in this area estimates that it costs the a"erage company between H2,111 and H40,111 to hire and

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train each new employee. This e+pense cannot be ignored as these costs directly impact the companyJs producti"ity and the bottom line. Hiring the right person the first time will help reduce the number of new staff your company has to hire and train, thereby reducing o"erall operating costs. Hiring a bad employee can be deadly, especially in small,medium si%ed companies. They can tie the company up for months because management is afraid to do anything for fear of a lawsuit, but at the same time, the companyJs needs are not being met. 9"oid this situation by de"eloping and implementing effecti"e 3ecruitment #olicies. Consistent application of your hiring process will ensure you minimi%e bad hiring decisions. The article EThe importance of recruitment and selection process for sustainability of total .uality managementF by Sohel ahmed and 3oger 7. Schroeder. In this article management literature discusses that the beha"ioral traits of employees can play an important role in the success of total .uality management )TA5*. Howe"er, little empirical research e+ists in this regard. sing an international dataset, the present study in"estigates8 the impact of .uality management practices on plant competiti"eness: and the moderating effect of an employee selection process on the relationship between .uality management practices and plant competiti"eness. 3esults show that .uality management practices positi"ely impact plant competiti"eness. &urthermore, the beha"ioral traits of employees seem to ha"e a significant impact on the effecti"eness of .uality management practices. This implies that managers should pay close attention to prospecti"e employees6 beha"ioral traits and their fit with the TA5 philosophy. 5anagers should not limit their attention to potential employees6 technical skills.

The article ESelecting your team8 how to find the right peopleF by 9lison Dago. This article emphasi%es that the success of the library'information ser"ice is largely dependent on the ability of the manager to select the right people to make up the team. Stresses that recruitment and selection of staff is a professional skill, essential to the portfolio of management skills re.uired by the library'information specialist at senior le"el. 3ecommends practical training in inter"iewing and selection. Suggests that when a

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"acancy occurs allow time to think before taking action and consider all the options a"ailable. 9 !ob description is essential and forms the basis of the recruitment process. The person specification is based on the !ob description and outlines the .ualifications, professional e+pertise, and other attributes re.uired by the person to do the !ob. Concludes with a summary of key points.

The article is EIssues in recruitment strategies8 an economic perspecti"eF by 7io"anni 3usso, #iet 3iet"eld, #eter Ki!kamp, and Cees 7orter. In the last two decades the economic literature has de"oted significant attention to the mechanisms behind firmsJ recruitment strategies as a possible way of reducing )un*employment problems. 9t the work floor many efforts ha"e also been made by firms to de"elop strategies that both alle"iate conflicts with employees and at the same time lead to acceptable le"els of producti"ity. This effort has resulted in the broad acceptance of the personnel management function in the firm. -+amines how successful this approach has been by focusing on the gap between practice and theory in recruitment, by in"estigating the e+tent to which and the way in which e+periences and findings from actual recruitment )personnel management* ha"e been incorporated in economic theory. 7i"es an o"er"iew of findings on recruitment and selection strategies of firms, with a particular emphasis on economic moti"es.

This article E3ecruiting e+ecuti"es in business8 an organi%ational and conceptual perspecti"eF by &rancesca Spinelli Sou%a and Day D. La!as. -+plores the dimensions of recruiting e+ecuti"es from an organi%ational and conceptual perspecti"e. $iscusses se"eral key topics such as selecting team players, internal and e+ternal recruitment and identifying career re.uirements. 9lso deals with identifying and fostering organi%ation "alues, and the selection inter"iew. ?ith the increased competition and international demands of a changing market, business e+ecuti"es face formidable challenges in the 4II1s. TodayJs e+ecuti"e must be capable of

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responding to the greater re.uirements for increased producti"ity, inno"ation, leadership, and managerial adaptability. Companies, to remain competiti"e, must be able to attract and retain the most .ualified leaders and employees. In the search for top .uality e+ecuti"e candidates, critical decisions are made that ensure a Egood fitF is achie"ed between a finalist and the organi%ation.

This article e+plores the dimensions of recruiting from an organi%ational and conceptual perspecti"e to highlight the tremendous impact e+ecuti"e recruitment has on an organi%ationJs success or failure. -+amples are pro"ided to illustrate the importance of key factors in the recruitment decision,making process.

This article is E3ecruiting and de"eloping female managers for international assignmentsF by 5argaret Linehan and Dames S. ?alsh. (ne of the most significant features of the global labor market in the last half of the twentieth century has been the increasing labor force participation rate of women. It is e"ident from the e+tant research that women are not progressing to senior international management positions at comparable rates to their male counterparts. #re"ious research has estimated that only ; percent of e+patriate managers are women. This paper argues that female international managers ha"e to o"ercome o"ert and co"ert barriers in their home organi%ations before being de"eloped for international assignments. Based on an e+tensi"e empirical research study conducted with senior female international managers in a -uropean conte+t, the findings suggest that organi%ations may ha"e to re"iew their organi%ational policies in relation to the recruitment, selection, training and de"elopment of international managers if they want to ha"e Ethe bestF people to represent their companies o"erseas. In particular, the paper focuses on some of the barriers in relation to recruitment, selection, training and de"elopment faced by female managers in preparation for international assignments in a wide range of industry and ser"ice sectors throughout -urope.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


This article is E$iscrimination in inter"iewsF by $a"id 5arshall. The purpose of this paper is to e+amine what .uestions the potential employer may and may not ask in an inter"iew. Contrasts the beha"ior of Sir 9lan Sugar, on the tele"ision program The 9pprentice, with how inter"iewers should beha"e in more EnormalF circumstances. Highlights the "alue of training to help to ensure that this happens. 3e"eals that online training can help to keep employees up to date with the latest changes in the law. #eople can access !ust,in,time learning in their own way, and concentrate on the topics of most interest or "alue to them. They can find out answers discreetly, without losing face in front of their peers in a classroom. nderlines that legal pro"isions often reinforce what organi%ations should be doing anyway, in the interests of good H3 practice. #ro"ides clarity on an often,misunderstood area of the law.

This article EBetter than Brand M, Brand image plays an important role in the recruitment and retention of staffF 3e"iews the latest management de"elopments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting,edge research and case studies. This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in conte+t. 9ttracting customers is not the only way in which brand images can benefit corporations. In a competiti"e !ob market, firms need to de"ise strategies for recruiting the best potential employees. It makes sense. ?ithout e+cellent staff, companies canJt create e+cellence in any other area. (ne way of doing this is to de"elop a strong employer brand. 9n employer brand pro"ides !ob applicants with a realistic image of what it would be like to work in a particular company. It encompasses all the factors that make the

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company a good place to work. These might include8 bright and cheerful office space, an ethos of collaboration and team work, fle+ible working hours, crNche facilities, or e"en an e+cellent canteenO ?hile these factors canJt replace salary differentials, they can influence employment choices. #ro"ides strategic insights and practical thinking that ha"e influenced some of the worldJs leading organi%ations. The briefing sa"es busy e+ecuti"es and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the "ery best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy, to,digest format. This article E9"oiding ageism at Coca,Cola Company initiati"es earn -mployer Champion statusF by Catherine ?ebb. In this article describes how Coca,Cola -nterprises has established forward,thinking, di"erse anti,ageism policies in order to comply with new P legislation and achie"e age positi"e Eemployer championF status. (utlines the steps the company followed in order to combat ageism in all its forms. It also re"eals that, o"er the last si+ months, 40 percent of the people the company has recruited Q mostly on the sales side of the business Q are o"er the age of >1. Kot only is the business hiring more people across the age spectrum, but also potential candidates "iew Coca,Cola -nterprises as an employer focused on skills, not age. $eals with a topic that will become increasingly important in countries where the a"erage age of the workforce is increasing. Highlights the fact that age di"ersity is not something that can be introduced to a company o"ernight. It in"ol"es a complete change in culture, with a real understanding from across the organi%ation that it is an indi"idualJs skills and abilities that count, not his or her age.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


Coca,Cola -nterprises, the worldJs largest soft,drink bottler, has taken steps to ensure it takes an anti,ageism standpoint and complies with laws banning age discrimination at work that came into force in the P earlier this year.



".1 Po'u#ation The research conducted is a .ualitati"e research to find out the recruitment policies procedures and practices of the three banks i.e. Citibank, standard chartered and united bank towards increasing !ob satisfaction of their employees. #eople who belong to these banks are considered as highly paid people. The employees of these three banks were selected as the population to carry out the research that are the fully satisfied with the recruitment policies of their banks and is there bank is following the policies in a proper manner. ".2 Sa$'#ing 4ra$e The sampling frame will be people from Lahore belonging to the upper, middle and upper lower class and are currently working for the three banks i.e. citibank, standard chartered and united bank. The ma!or part of the sampling frame will be from the upper and middle class because this is the ma!or chunk of population who are banking professionals. ".3 Sa$'#ing Procedure The sampling procedure used is con"enient sampling and according to this sampling techni.ue all the people that roughly fit into my sampling frame and which belong to these three banks under research were used to find out the most important "ariables that effect the recruitment policies of the bank employees. The sample si%e was a total of 411 people who were currently working for the banking sector in Lahore. Total >11 .uestionnaires were distributed out of which I only recei"ed 411 filled .uestioners. ".4 %ata Co##ection 'rocedure

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The data collected is through #rimary and secondary sources and through the responses to the .uestionnaires conducted. 9lso, through the internet, published articles and inter"iews. Hypothesis testing was applied on the data and summary of the testing is also pro"ided. $escripti"e analysis of the data and fre.uency tables are also included in the thesis. The sampling procedure used was con"enient sampling and sample si%e was si+. The .uestionnaire6s were coded in S#SS and test were applied from S#SS .The thesis includes 9K(R9SS, fre.uency tables, fre.uency tabular, descripti"e and report summaries. The .ualitati"e research was basically a re"iew from the internet sources, books, and H3 manuals.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


Ho8 3ecruitment policies does not in"ol"e the gender discrimination -o: 91 : 0 H48 3ecruitment policies in"ol"e the gender discrimination. -1: 91 ; 0

Ho8 Banks are not following the proper procedure for policy implementation -o: 91 : 0 H48 Banks are following the proper procedure for policy implementation. -1: 91 ; 0

Ho8 3ecruitment practices are not conducted in accordance to the policies. -o: 91 : 0 H48 3ecruitment policies are conducted in accordance to the policies. -1: 91 ; 0

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(.0 /ES612S
The data that was collected is first analy%ed and summari%ed in a readable and interpretable form by using S#SS. The structured and unstructured data was collected through .uestionnaires and personal sur"ey .I also used the data from internet, newspapers, and secondary data a"ailable in different research papers that ha"e been written before. The data was thoroughly analy%ed and .uantified on the bases of the responses. The data is analy%ed through different statistical techni.ues such as cross tabulation, regression and fre.uency distribution. The regression automatically included the chi,s.uare and other related tests. In regression satisfaction from the recruitment policies is taken as dependent and all the other "ariables were taken as independent. By this we ha"e got an idea about the impact of these "ariables on !ob 3ecruitment policies. Chi, s.uare is used because most of the data that we are using is .ualitati"e while some of the data is .ualitati"e. &re.uency distribution ga"e us the percentages of the employees who responded to the .uestionnaires. This will help us in analy%ing the data accurately.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


Frequency Table
What is your age? Cumulative Percent 30.0 59.0 80.0 100.0


18-25 25-35 35-45 45 or above otal

Frequency 30 29 21 20 100

Percent 30.0 29.0 21.0 20.0 100.0

Valid Percent 30.0 29.0 21.0 20.0 100.0

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.1

The abo"e .uestion has been asked to know about the age of the candidate to find out in what age he has started his !ob. The age also reflects the e+perience of a person and his attitude towards the practical life. The result showed that ;1 T of the people who were employed are between the ages of 42,0@ which shows that Banks are recruiting those people which are in this age bracket as it is normally anticipated that young blood is more passionate towards the achie"ement of the goals. Similarly the results showed that 0IT people were employed who are between the age of 0@,;1 and usually #eople between the age brackets >@ or abo"e are those people who ha"e e+perience and are on the higher posts.

What is your Gender? Cumulative Percent 5".0 100.0


!ale Female otal

Frequency 5" 44 100

Percent 5".0 44.0 100.0

Valid Percent 5".0 44.0 100.0

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.2

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


This .uestion is asked !ust to know about the ratio of male and female and according to the results the ratio is @B T to >>T. Showing that the past trends are changed in which males were dominated and females were on the side lines. Kow banks are hiring the employees on the bases of there abilities not on their genders.

What describes your situation best before you took on the current job?
Frequency Valid #on-$raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience #on-$raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Fre)& $raduate $raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience otal 9 12 13 35 24 + 100 Percent 9.0 12.0 13.0 35.0 24.0 +.0 100.0 Valid Percent 9.0 12.0 13.0 35.0 24.0 +.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 9.0 21.0 34.0 "9.0 93.0 100.0

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.3

3esults showed that ;@ T people were those who were graduated and they ha"e the rele"ant e+perience in there particular field ?here as 0>T people were those who were post graduate with rele"ant e+perience. Banks are in search of those people who are highly .ualified with rele"ant e+perience.

How did you hear about your current job?

Frequency Valid #e%)(a(er ,dverti)ement -eb ,dverti)ement .niver)ity Career Fair /m(loyment ,*encie) otal 42 14 12 32 100 Percent 42.0 14.0 12.0 32.0 100.0 Valid Percent 42.0 14.0 12.0 32.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 42.0 5".0 "8.0 100.0

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.4

Kewspaper and employment agencies are the most acti"e medium of pro"iding information to people. The results showed that >0 T people came to know about the !obs through the newspaper and ;0 T through the employment agencies. -mployment agencies also do head hunting to find out the right personal for their client organi%ations. Were you asked to sit through a qualifying exam before you were interviewed for the current job?
Frequency 3+ "3 100 Percent 3+.0 "3.0 100.0 Valid Percent 3+.0 "3.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 3+.0 100.0


0e) no otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1."

#olices are need to be followed in order to achie"e the goals of the organi%ations. Aualifying e+ams shows the analytical abilities of a candidate. 9ccording to the results only ;;T of the employees went through the .ualifying e+ams. In banking sector .ualifying e+am is usually only for those people who are freshly graduates or entering into the banking industry. So B;T people said they did not had any .ualifying e+am while going through the recruitment process of this organi%ation as they were already into the banking industry and most of them had the e+perience of certain years.

How long did the recruitment rocess take?

Frequency 28 +2 100 Percent 28.0 +2.0 100.0 Valid Percent 28.0 +2.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 28.0 100.0


t&ree -ee1) Four -ee1) or above otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.(

Kormally the recruitment process of any firms re.uires > or more weeks and the results of the sur"ey confirmed that C0T people said that it took them > or more weeks.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


!uring the recruitment rocess" how many times were you interviewed?
Frequency "3 32 5 100 Percent "3.0 32.0 5.0 100.0 Valid Percent "3.0 32.0 5.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent "3.0 95.0 100.0


2nce t%ice t&rice otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.>

5ost of the employees said that they went trough the inter"iew once. Infect e"ery one agreed that they had gone through the inter"iew process. Inter"iews are conducted to find out the personality of the candidate. This .uestion was asked to know about how the banks are implementing the policies and what kind of procedures they are adopting to go though the proper recruitment procedures.

How many of these interviews included a anel of two or more interviewees?

Frequency ++ 13 1 9 100 Percent ++.0 13.0 1.0 9.0 100.0 Valid Percent ++.0 13.0 1.0 9.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent ++.0 90.0 91.0 100.0


one %o &ree none otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.?

5ost of the people said they only went through the inter"iew once and this inter"iew was conducted by a panel. The percentage of this category was CC Tthere were I people who / 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics 00

said that they ne"er went through any panel inter"iew. There was only one person who said that he went trough the paneled inter"iew three times as for the !ob he was applying was of a "ery higher scale and for that organi%ations carry out inter"iew to find out each and e"ery aspect of a person.

Have you felt any gender discrimination during the recruitment rocess?
Frequency 20 80 100 Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 80.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 20.0 100.0


0e) #o otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 1.@

The recruitment polices do not in"ol"e the gender discrimination. They want the right person who e"er he is. 21 percent of the people said that they did not feel any gender discrimination and those who said that they felt the gender discrimination were mostly those people who applied for the !obs of personal secretaries or receptionists. Have you been rovided with any on#job training on the current job?
Frequency 84 1" 100 Percent 84.0 1".0 100.0 Valid Percent 84.0 1".0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 84.0 100.0


0e) #o otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 2.0

-"ery organi%ation has its own setup and its methods of doing work. This is not possible for the new employee to start working efficiently after !oining the firm. Training is re.uired to know about the system. 5ost of the employees said that they were pro"ided on !ob training which actually helped them out to work efficiently. !o you think that the bank is following the olicies in a ro er way?
Frequency 8 Percent 8.0 Valid Percent 8.0 Cumulative Percent 8.0


3ome%&at 4i)a*ree

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


di)a*ree a*ree 3ome%&at a*ree 3tron*ly ,*ree otal

1 5" 15 20 100

1.0 5".0 15.0 20.0 100.0

1.0 5".0 15.0 20.0 100.0

9.0 "5.0 80.0 100.0

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 2.1

9round @BT employees agreed that the organi%ation is following the policies in a proper manner as they went through certain stages which depicts the policies. There were only 2 persons who were somewhat disagree with it but they were the low le"el employees who were not satisfied with their !obs. $re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment olicies?
Frequency 29 54 1" 1 100 Percent 29.0 54.0 1".0 1.0 100.0 Valid Percent 29.0 54.0 1".0 1.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 29.0 83.0 99.0 100.0


5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 3ati)6ied #eutral 3tron*ly 4i))ati)6ied otal

4or c3arts< '#ease re!er to t3e .''endi= tab#e 2.2

?hen things go according to the e+pectations of a person he is always satisfied but in case of relation between the organi%ation and its employees the degree of satisfaction "aries. If the things are going according to the policies and the procedures no one will be able to make any ob!ections and comments. 9s the banks were following the policies in a proper way most of the employees were satisfied with the recruitment policies and procedures @> T of the sample population was satisfied with the recruitment polices and 4B people were neutral as they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. There was only one person who was not satisfied with the recruitment policies of his organi%ation.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


C/OSS2.B61.2IOA &ross tab ' (

&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # 4o you t&in1 t&at t&e ban1 i) 6ollo%in* t&e (olicie) in a (ro(er %ay7 8 5o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%ee)7 Percent # !i))in* Percent # otal Percent






!o you think that the bank is following the olicies in a ro er way? + How many of these interviews included a anel of two or more interviewees? &ross tabulation 5o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%ee)7 one 4o you t&in1 t&at t&e ban1 i) 6ollo%in* t&e (olicie) in a (ro(er %ay7 3ome%&at 4i)a*ree di)a*ree a*ree 3ome%&at a*ree 3tron*ly ,*ree otal 8 0 35 15 19 ++ %o 0 1 12 0 0 13 &ree 0 0 0 0 1 1 none 0 0 9 0 0 9

otal one 8 1 5" 15 20 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestion E$o you think that the bank is following the policies in a
proper way

and How many of these inter"iews included a panel of two or more

inter"iewees= The result shows that out of CC people ;@ agreed that Bank is following the policies in a proper way and they were inter"iewed once during their recruitment process. The / 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics 0@

ma!ority agreed with the fact that banks do follow their policies where as only 2 person disagreed with it. By concentrate looking at those 2 persons I found out that they are the low le"el employees, which are not satisfied with their !obs.

&rosstab ' ,
&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # -&at de)cribe) your )ituation be)t be6ore you too1 on t&e current :ob7 8 -&at i) your a*e7 100 Percent 100.09 # 0 !i))in* Percent .09 # 100 otal Percent 100.09

What describes your situation best before you took on the current job? + What is your age? &ross tabulation

-&at i) your a*e7 18-25 -&at de)cribe) your )ituation be)t be6ore you too1 on t&e current :ob7 #on-$raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience #on-$raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Fre)& $raduate $raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience otal 9 8 13 0 0 0 30 25-35 0 4 0 25 0 0 29 35-45 0 0 0 10 5 " 21 45 or above 0 0 0 0 19 1 20

otal 18-25 9 12 13 35 24 + 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions E?hat describes your situation best before you took on the current !ob and ?hat is your age=F The result showed that out of 0I people 0@ were 7raduate with rele"ant e+perience and there ages were between 0@,;@ were as there were 4I people with the age of >@ or abo"e

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


were post graduate with rele"ant e+perience and one said post graduate with out rele"ant e+perience.

&rosstab ' &ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # -&at i) your a*e7 8 5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e7 100 Percent 100.09 # 0 !i))in* Percent .09 # 100 otal Percent 100.09

What is your age? + How long did the recruitment rocess take? &ross tabulation

5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e7 &ree -ee1) -&at i) your a*e7 18-25 19 25-35 35-45 45 or above otal 4 5 0 28 11 25 1" 20 +2 Four -ee1) or above

otal -ee1) 30 29 21 20 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions E?hat is your age= U How long did the recruitment process take=F The results showed that C0 people said that it took four weeks or abo"e and most of them were between the age of 0@,;@. This showed that a"erage recruitment process usually take four or more week. There were 4I people who said that there recruitment process took only three weeks and all those people were between the ages of 42,0@.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


&rosstab ' .
&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # 5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e7 8 -&at de)cribe) your )ituation be)t be6ore you too1 on t&e current :ob7 Percent # !i))in* Percent # otal Percent






How long did the recruitment rocess take? + What describes your situation best before you took on the current job? &ross tabulation

5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e7

-&at de)cribe) your )ituation be)t be6ore you too1 on t&e current :ob7 #on#onPo)t*radu $raduate $raduate $raduate Po)t*radu ate %it&out %it& %it& ate %it& %it&out relevant relevant Fre)& relevant relevant relevant e'(erienc e'(erienc $radua e'(erien e'(erienc e'(erienc e e te ce e e 9 0 9 10 2 12 4 9 13 0 35 35 0 24 24 5 2 +


t&ree -ee1) Four -ee1) or above otal

28 +2 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions EHow long did the recruitment process take and ?hat describes your situation best before you took on the current !ob.F The results showed that graduates with rele"ant e+periences consisted of ;@ people and they all said that it took four or more weeks for their recruitment process and none of them said that it took those three weeks. 9fterwards considering the postgraduates with

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


rele"ant e+perience with has a figure of 0> they also said that recruitment process took four or abo"e weeks.

&rosstab ' /
&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # 4urin* t&e recruitment (roce)); &o% many time) %ere you intervie%ed7 8 5o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%ee)7 Percent # !i))in* Percent # otal Percent






!uring the recruitment rocess" how many times were you interviewed? + How many of these interviews included a anel of two or more interviewees? &ross tabulation Count 5o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%ee)7 one 4urin* t&e recruitment (roce)); &o% many time) %ere you intervie%ed7 otal 2nce t%ice t&rice 4" 31 0 ++ %o 8 1 4 13 &ree 0 0 1 1 none 9 0 0 9 otal one "3 32 5 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions E4urin* t&e recruitment (roce)); &o% many time) %ere you intervie%ed and &o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%ee)< &e re)ult) )&o%ed t&at ++ (eo(le *ave one (aneled intervie% out o6 %&ic& 4" (eo(le %ere intervie% once 31 (eo(le %ere intervie%ed t%ice. 13 (eo(le )aid a (anel t%ice out o6 %&ic& 8 *ave t%o intervie%) intervie%ed t&em. 9 (eo(le )aid t&at a )in*le (er)on never intervie%ed t&em neit&er in a (anel.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


&rosstab ' 0
&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # 5ave you been (rovided %it& any on-:ob trainin* on t&e current :ob7 8 ,re you )ati)6ied %it& your or*ani=ation) current recruitment (olicie)7 Percent # !i))in* Percent # otal Percent






Have you been rovided with any on#job training on the current job? + $re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment olicies? &ross tabulation

,re you )ati)6ied %it& your or*ani=ation) current recruitment (olicie)7 5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 5ave you been (rovided %it& any on-:ob trainin* on t&e current :ob7 otal 0e) #o 28 1 29 3ati)6ied 40 14 54 #eutral 1" 0 1" 3tron*ly 4i))ati)6ied 0 1 1

otal 5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 84 1" 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions EHa"e you been pro"ided with any on,!ob training on the current !ob and 9re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment policiesF The results showed that @> people were satisfied with there organi%ations recruitment policies out of which >1 people said yes on being asked whether they were pro"ided with on !ob training or not and 4> people said no. There were 0I people who were highly satisfied with there organi%ation recruitment polices and 02 got on !ob training where as only one employee said that he did not get any on !ob training.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


&rosstab ' 1
&ase )rocessing *ummary Ca)e) Valid # ,re you )ati)6ied %it& your or*ani=ation) current recruitment (olicie)7 8 4o you t&in1 t&at t&e ban1 i) 6ollo%in* t&e (olicie) in a (ro(er %ay7 Percent # !i))in* Percent # otal Percent






$re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment olicies? + !o you think that the bank is following the olicies in a ro er way? &ross tabulation 4o you t&in1 t&at t&e ban1 i) 6ollo%in* t&e (olicie) in a (ro(er %ay7 3ome%&at 3ome%&at 3tron*ly 4i)a*ree di)a*ree a*ree a*ree ,*ree ,re you )ati)6ied %it& your or*ani=ation) current recruitment (olicie)7 5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 0 3ati)6ied #eutral 3tron*ly 4i))ati)6ied otal 1 9 0 19 29

otal 3ome%&at 4i)a*ree

0 8 0 8

0 0 0 1

39 8 0 5"

15 0 0 15

0 0 1 20

54 1" 1 100

This cross tab was run between the .uestions E9re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment policies and $o you think that the bank is following the policies in a proper way=F There were @B people who agreed that the banks are following the policies in a proper way and out of which ;I people were satisfied with there recruitment polices 2 people were neutral and I people were highly satisfied with the recruitment polices. 01 people were strongly agreed that the banks are following the policies in a proper way and out of which 4I people were highly satisfied with the policies.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2odel *ummary
!odel 1 > > 3quare ,d:u)ted > 3td. /rror 3quare o6 t&e /)timate .+1" .+12 ."91 .532+

a8 #redictors8 )Constant*, Ha"e you been pro"ided with any on,!ob training on the current !ob=, How many of these inter"iews included a panel of two or more inter"iewees=, Ha"e you felt any gender discrimination during the recruitment process=, $uring the recruitment process, how many times were you inter"iewed=, How long did the recruitment process take= .AO+.
!odel 1 >e*re))io n >e)idual otal 3um o6 3quare) 23.532 22.421 45.953 d6 5 +9 84 !ean 3quare 4.+0" .284 F 1".583 3i*. .020

a: #redictors8 )Constant*, Ha"e you been pro"ided with any on,!ob training on the current !ob=, How many of these inter"iews included a panel of two or more inter"iewees=, Ha"e you felt any gender discrimination during the recruitment process=, $uring the recruitment process, how many times were you inter"iewed=, How long did the recruitment process take= b: $ependent Rariable8 9re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment policies=

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


.n)tandar 3tandardi= di=ed ed Coe66icient Coe66icient ) ) !odel ? 3td. /rror ?eta @Con)tantA 2.1"8 .""0 5o% lon* .204 .1"8 .12+ did t&e recruitmen t (roce)) ta1e7 4urin* t&e .500 .104 .398 recruitmen t (roce)); &o% many time) %ere you intervie%e d7 5o% many .124 .080 -.150 o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6 t%o or more intervie%e e)7 5ave you -.9+9 .149 -.5"5 6elt any *ender di)criminat ion durin* t&e recruitmen t (roce))7 t 3i*.

3.284 1.219

.022 .02"







5ave you .219 .108 .1+4 2.03+ .015 been (rovided %it& any on-:ob trainin* on t&e current :ob7 a 4e(endent VariableB ,re you )ati)6ied %it& your or*ani=ation) current recruitment (olicie)7

b8 independent "ariables are 5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e7 4urin* t&e recruitment
(roce)); &o% many time) %ere you intervie%ed 5o% many o6 t&e)e intervie%) included a (anel o6

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


t%o or more intervie%ee) 5ave you 6elt any *ender di)crimination durin* t&e recruitment (roce))7 5ave you been (rovided %it& any on-:ob trainin* on t&e current :ob.

5ultiple regressions was run between the dependent and the independent "ariables satisfaction from recruitment policies was taken as the dependent "ariable and was independent "ariables are 5o% lon* did t&e recruitment (roce)) ta1e; intervie%); (aneled
intervie%); *ender di)crimination on-:ob trainin* on t&e current :ob

which were the

independent "ariables. The 3 s.uare came out to be 1.C40 or C4T which shows that this much of data is significant and the data is reliable and consistent. The significant "alue or the #,"alue of the model came out to be 1.1> which is less than 1.1@ which shows that there e+ists a significant relationship between the dependent and the independent "ariables 23e individua# PBva#ues o! t3e inde'endent variab#es: The #,"alue of time taken by recruitment process and are you satisfied with the recruitment policies came out to be 1.10B which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables and that the changes in salary would lead to a significant change in !ob satisfaction. The #,"alue of how many times u were inter"iewed and satisfaction with the recruitment policies came out to be 1.1; which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables. The #,"alue of paneled inter"iew and satisfied with the recruitment policies came out to be 1.10> which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables and that the increased in paneled inter"iews would lead to a significant change in satisfaction with the recruitment policies . The #,"alue of gender discrimination and satisfied with the recruitment policies came out to be 1.1>1 which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables and that increase in gender discrimination would lead to a decrease in satisfaction with the recruitment policies. The #,"alue of on !ob training and satisfied with the recruitment policies came out to be 1.14@ which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables and that the changes in training would lead to a significant change in satisfaction with the recruitment policies.

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


The #,"alue of manager6s encouragement and !ob satisfaction came out to be 1.1;C which shows a significant relationship between the two "ariables and that increased manager6s support would lead to a greater !ob satisfaction.

134 &onclusion
The results of the cross tabulation and regression show that the independent "ariables such as time taken during recruitment process, inter"iews, paneled inter"iews, gender discrimination, and on,!ob training all ha"e a significant effect on the policies. of the bank ,thus in order to keep the employees satisfied with the recruitment policies procedures and practices there is a need to focus on H3 policies and must incorporate a proper mi+ of the abo"e mentioned "ariables while preparing these policies. It is e"ident from the study that these "ariables are incorporated in the banks under consideration and are playing a "ital role recruitment policies procedures and practices. recruitment

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


?.0 /E4E/EACES
555.$'.gov.'k 555.e$$ 555.'$'Insight'" <containerIdV4>IBB'011B'1I'0@'40,best,recruiting,'ractices,to,co'0'artic#e.cfm'0III;>@'cW;1;B1B;'Spotlight.asp=I$V;@.;;@'iiee'tota#WCua#it0W$anage$ent.htm'Insight'" contentTypeV.rtic#e<hd9ctionVlnkhtml<con...

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics



2ab#e 1.0

What is your age?

18-25 25-35 35-45 45 or above

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.2

What is your Gender?

!ale Female

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.3

What describes your situation best before you took on the current job?
#on-$raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience #on-$raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Fre)& $raduate $raduate %it& relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate %it&out relevant e'(erience Po)t*raduate %it& relevant e'(erience

2ab#e 1.4

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


$re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment olicies?

5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 3ati)6ied #eutral 3tron*ly 4i))ati)6ied

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1."

Were you asked to sit through a qualifying exam before you were interviewed for the current job?
0e) no

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.(

How long did the recruitment rocess take?

t&ree -ee1) Four -ee1) or above

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.>

!uring the recruitment rocess" how many times were you interviewed?
2nce t%ice t&rice

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.?

How many of these interviews included a anel of two or more interviewees?

one %o &ree none

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 1.@

Have you felt any gender discrimination during the recruitment rocess?
0e) #o

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 2.0

Have you been rovided with any on#job training on the current job?
0e) #o

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 2.1

!o you think that the bank is following the olicies in a ro er way?

3ome%&at 4i)a*ree di)a*ree a*ree 3ome%&at a*ree 3tron*ly ,*ree

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


2ab#e 2.2

$re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment olicies?

5i*&ly 3ati)6ied 3ati)6ied #eutral 3tron*ly 4i))ati)6ied

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


.PEA%ID B )uestionnaire

A.48 ?hat is your age= 4* 42,0@ 0* 0@,;@ ;* ;@,>@ >* >@ or abo"e A.08 ?hat is your 7ender= 4* 5ale 0* &emale

A.;8 ?hat describes your situation best before you took on the current !ob= Kon,7raduate without rele"ant e+perience Kon,7raduate with rele"ant e+perience &resh 7raduate 7raduate with rele"ant e+perience #ostgraduate without rele"ant e+perience #ostgraduate with rele"ant e+perience

A.>8 How did you hear about your current !ob= Kewspaper 9d"ertisement

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


?eb 9d"ertisement ni"ersity Career &air -mployment 9gencies

A.@8 ?ere you asked to sit through a .ualifying e+am before you were inter"iewed for the current !ob= Xes Ko

A.B8 How long did the recruitment process take= (ne ?eek Two ?eeks Three ?eeks &our ?eeks or abo"e

A.C8 $uring the recruitment process, how many times were you inter"iewed= (nce Twice Thrice

A.28 How many of these inter"iews included a panel of two or more inter"iewees= (ne Two Three

A.I8Ha"e you felt any gender discrimination during the recruitment process= Xes Ko

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


A.418 Ha"e you been pro"ided with any on,!ob training on the current !ob= Xes Ko

A.448 $o you think that the bank is following the policies in a proper way= Somewhat $isagree $isagree 9gree Somewhat agree Strongly 9gree

A.408 9re you satisfied with your organi%ations current recruitment policies= Highly Satisfied Satisfied Keutral Strongly $issatisfied

/ 0112 Hussain 3a%a , Lahore School Of Economics


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