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"Oryx and Crake" is a dystopian novel which examfaines the negative aspects of t he western society and explores advancement

in technology and the alteration of existing species. Oryx and Crake highlights the consequences of putting wealth over justice and turning unethical acts into a commodity. Furthermore, Atwood it erates the detrimental effects of modifying bodies until they are perfect . The ideology Atwoo d talks of in her novel isn't too far from the world we currently live in. Snowman grows up in a world in which animals are genetically modified to benefit the society. Humans are disconnected from nature and are taught that animals ar e useless, emotionless creature who only live to serve humans. Both of Snowman s parents are biologists who work to change and alter animals with the hopes of making them mo re useful and efficient. They recreate wolvogs , pigoons , rakunks and other genetically modified organisms. This is quite similar to the mass farm production and alterations we do to the animals of today. Oryx and Crake shows that we live in an era where wealth is more important than ju stice. Snowmans mother complains about her husbands job when she says, At NooSkins price, it is. You hype your wares and take their money and then they r un out of cash, and it s no more treatments for them. They can rot as far as you a nd your pals are concerned. Don t you remember the way we used to talk, everything we wanted to do? Making life better for people-not just people with money. You used to be so... you had ideals, then. In Oryx and Crake , humans transform cities and towns into compounds (an urbanized area where people live in) which are full of businesses striving to make money b y creating cures to diseases which only the rich can afford. The cost of living is unreasonably e xpensive and humans cannot even afford to satisfy their basic needs. This is als o very similar to the society which we currently live in. Banks are literally stealing money fr om people and numerous citizens are in huge debts, citizens cannot even afford t o have decent shelter and the government seems to give more importance to wealth rather than justice. Oryx and Crake shows us the results of modifying bodies until they are seen to be p erfect . Crakers are what Crake believed to be an ideal form of humans. Worry free and free of all forms of awkwardness. They were all made beautiful so no one had to worry about their physical characteristics. Crake created Crakers w ith the hopes of making perfect human beings. This too is not that different from the so ciety which we currently live in. Humans are going through surgery and applying several different products to their face to simply change the way they look because they feel that they are not attractive. In conclusion, the world which Margaret Atwood lives in effects the construction of Oyrx and Crake in the sense that Oryx and Crake examines the negative aspects of this society and highlights the consequences if we continue genetically modify organisms, put wealth over justice and modify bodies until they are seen as perfect . Oryx and Crake is Margaret Atwoods interpretation of the not-so-distant future.

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