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13, 2013

NR # 3316

Solon seeks removal of CSC confirmation requirement for PNP officers appointments and promotions
A House member is seeking the modification of the role of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in the appointment of uniformed personnel in the Philippine National Police to expedite processing of their appointment and promotion. ep. !eopoldo "ataoil (#nd $istrict% Pangasinan) proposed that the re&uirement of attestation from CSC should be removed to expedite government transactions and reduce bureaucratic red tape and processing time for appointments of police personnel. '(ur police officers )ho offer their lives and limbs to serve and protect our countr* should not be restricted in their career advancement b* re&uiring a tedious process before approval of their appointment and promotion%+ said "ataoil% a former Police Communit* elations director. "ataoil further said considering that the National Police Commission (NAP(!C(,) has administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP% civil service la)s should onl* have suppletor* application to avoid an* conflicting issuances that ma* affect personnel management of police operations. 'Clearl*% it is the NAP(!C(, )hich is vested )ith the po)er to effectivel* supervise and control the PNP. As such% the NAP(!C(, is the most competent authorit* to determine the &ualification for appointment and promotion of police officers%+ "ataoil said. At present% he said the appointment of police officers still re&uires an attestation from the CSC% )hich is undul* unnecessar* since the NAP(!C(, should alread* exercise this function. '-he appointment and promotion of personnel from other armed services or la) enforcement agencies in our government no longer re&uire an attestation from the CSC. -hus% this should also be applied to the PNP since there is alread* a NAP(!C(, )hich is given such authorit*%+ said "ataoil% a vice chairman of the House committees on appropriations% public information% and veterans affairs and )elfare. .nder Section / of epublic Act 0//1% other)ise kno)n as the 'Philippine National Police eform and eorgani2ation Act of 1330%+ the NAP(!C(, exercises administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP )hich shall mean the po)er to develop policies and promulgate a police manual prescribing rules and regulations for efficient organi2ation% administration and operation% including criteria for

manpo)er allocation% distribution and deplo*ment% recruitment% selection% promotion% and retirement of personnel and the conduct of &ualif*ing entrance promotional examinations for uniformed members. 4n House "ill #35#% "ataoil sought the amendment of Sections 61 and 35 of A 537/% other)ise kno)n as 'An Act 8stablishing the Philippine National Police under a eorgani2ed $epartment of the 4nterior and !ocal 9overnment% and for (ther Purposes+ b* removing the re&uirement of attestation from the CSC to expedite government transactions and reduce bureaucratic red tape and processing time for appointment of police personnel. -he amendment to Section 61 provides that '-he PNP shall be considered as closed:career positions. Provided further that the appointment of non:uniformed personnel shall be governed b* civil service la)s% rules and regulations.+ ,ean)hile% the amendment to Section 35 provides '-he civil service la) and its implementing rules and regulations shall have suppletor* application.+ (6;) rbb

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