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A LONG TIME AGO domesticating animals (herds).

This new
age was called the Neolithic Age or New
Stone Age. This new way to get food led
to a surplus of food which caused the
population to grow. Once people could
The term history means “his-story” and
make their own food they settled down in
refers to the period that ended when
permanent structures and villages were
humans learned how to read and write.
formed. People began to have individual
Although people lived for thousands of
jobs. This is called the “division of
years before this, but little changed
labor.” They became potters,
from generation to generation. This
weavers, farmers and metal workers
time period is called Pre-History. Pre
to name a few.
history lasted until about five
thousand years ago, when people
learned how to write in Egypt and
Because the villages were larger
Mesopotamia. Through the use of
than families, arguments over land
artifacts, archaeologists have traced
and personal property led to a
the history that paved the way from
chief being chosen and you had
prehistory to the rise of civilization or
your first governments. The
what we call history.
chief would direct all the activities
for the village, settle arguments
and even lead into battle so as to
Although there were no written
protect the village.
records during prehistory scientists
have learned a great deal about the
Then religion started. Experts
people that lived during that time
believe that the chiefs of these
period. Scientists call the first age in
villages were the priests.
which people lived the Paleolithic Age or
Since the happenings of
“Old Stone Age”.
nature were so important,
During this time period people lived
the people prayed to these forces of
in small family groups of 30 to 50 and
nature that they saw around them- the
they lived as nomads. Nomads are people
sun, moon, river, and the most important,
who have no permanent home. The
the Earth Mother. After a time they
primary way of people getting food was
created physical gods and goddesses to
that men hunted animals and women and
represent these forces. The chief would
children gathered wild plants, berries, eggs
handle the religious duties of the village
and whatever they could gather with their
such as offering prayers to the gods and
hands. During this time they learned how
bringing the offerings and sacrifices.
to make tools, shelter, clothing, and most
Archaeologists believe that fancier
important they learned how to make fire.
religious customs started at this time such
When there were no more animals to hunt
as building special building such as altars
or plants to gather, they moved to a new
and even large temples. All of these things
were leading to civilization but one thing
was missing- a written language.
Two important discoveries brought on a
new age. One was learning to grow food
(farming) and the other was
Prehistory refers to the period before p__________ learned how to r______
and w________. Prehistory ended about 5500 years ago in
M____________________ and E________. In *p__e__i__to__i__ times,
people lived as n__________ and would follow their food. Men were
h____________ while the women and children were g______________.
Once people learned to f________, a new age began called the
N_____________ Age or “new stone” age. The two major factors leading
to this new age was the development of f___________ and d_____________
animals. With people making their own food a s____________ of food led
to more p__________ working different jobs as potters, weavers, known as
d__________ of l____________. Villages grew larger and people had
a___________ which led to local village g_______________ where chiefs
were chosen. They settled arguments, directed village activities, and were
also the p______________ in charge of the religion of the villages.

Answer in complete sentences

Use your study sheet to find the correct answers.
* are required to do but do not count against your grade.
*1. Why do we refer to the period before writing as prehistory?
2. What is a nomad?
*3. Why do you think it would it not be possible for people to live a nomadic
lifestyle today in most parts of the world?
*4. Why did men hunt and women gather in prehistoric times?
*5. Why do you think writing is so important to civilization? Please include
a topic sentence, at least two support sentences and a conclusion in your

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