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Excerpts on the call of God.

God called Jonah to evangelize, but his prejudice prevented it until God demonstrated His power. God is looking for willing, obedient people to do His work. Are you willing How far can He send you !nly as we allow God to mold us like "oses and break us like Jonah will we be ready to evangelize under the power of the Holy #pirit.

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%he biblical idea of God&s calling is not simply that He invites men to serve Him. %he call of God is more than that. 'ou might say the calling of God is an invitation with clout in it. (t is more like a summons. %he summons comes through His )ord and the power of the Holy #pirit laying hold of the one summoned, convincing him or her that God has spoken. %he purpose of the call is that the one summoned might participate in and enjoy the blessed benefits of God&s redemptive purposes and participate in the Great *ommission to reach the world for *hrist. + Appointed to Leadership (n his book Transforming Leadership, ,eighton -ord writes, .Genuine leaders operate out of a sense of calling, not a sense of drivenness./+ He adds, .%he writer George "ac0onald has said somewhere that real *hristian leaders are people who are moved at God&s pace and in God&s time to God&s place, not because they fancy themselves there, but because they are drawn./1 %he call of God to a place of leadership may come in a variety of ways2 )hen alone with God in a time of prayer. )hen hearing an appeal for volunteers who will serve others and sensing an inward drawing to answer the appeal. )hen one is burdened with the hopeless plight of the world&s unevangelized population and there arises a sense of call to proclaim the gospel. )hen one is spoken to by an elder in the faith who senses the hand of God upon him or her for leadership. (n whatever manner one may receive his or her call, true spiritual leaders do not serve out of a sense of compulsion or a sense of being driven. 4ather, they are drawn to lead by God&s #pirit. (n God&s timing they are brought into the leadership He has chosen for them.

God&s voice is calling for leaders today. He is saying, .)hom shall ( send, and who will go for 5s / 6(s. 7289. )hen Jesus said to "atthew the ta: collector, .-ollow "e,/ "atthew arose and followed Him 6"att. ;2;9. )hen He said .-ollow "e/ to a group of fishermen, they also immediately responded by leaving their nets and following Jesus 6<2$8=++9. "ay those whom God calls to spiritual leadership today be as prompt in their response. #aul of %arsus was a dreaded persecutor of the church when he received the call of God. )hen he encountered *hrist on the 0amascus 4oad, his eyes were blinded by the brightness of His glory. !ut of that glory came the voice of Jesus, who identified Himself as the one whom #aul was persecuting. $Hayford, J. )., *urtis, G., Anderson, 4. )., >eeson, 4., Howse, G., "arshall, >., ? #tarr, @. $;;A, c$;;B. Answering the Call to Evangelism : Spreading the Good News to Everyone. #piritC-illed ,ife Dingdom 0ynamics #tudy Guides. %homas Eelson2 Eashville +Hayford, J. )., ? 4osenberger, H. $;;A, c$;;<. Appointed to Leadership : God's Prin iples for Spirit!al Leaders. #piritC-illed ,ife Dingdom 0ynamics #tudy Guides. %homas Eelson2 Eashville + ,eighton -ord, Transforming Leadership 60owner&s Grove, (,2 (nterFarsity @ress, $;;$9, 1A. 1 (bid. 1Hayford, J. )., ? 4osenberger, H. $;;A, c$;;<. Appointed to Leadership : God's Prin iples for Spirit!al Leaders. #piritC-illed ,ife Dingdom 0ynamics #tudy Guides. %homas Eelson2 Eashville

%rembling and astonished, #aul asked, .,ord, what do 'ou want me to do / 6Acts ;2$=79. He was ready to obeyG Jesus said of #aul, .H he is a chosen vessel of "ine to bear "y name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of (srael. -or ( will show him how many things he must suffer for "y name&s sake/ 6vv. $B, $79. #ometimes the call comes to the most une:pected persons, in the most une:pected ways. (f God chooses to do so, He will call the educated or the uneducated, the addict or criminal, the professional or unprofessional. )ho would have thought that #aul of %arsus, the persecutor, would become a chosen vessel of the ,ord ,et God be God, and let Him choose whom He will for spiritual leadership. !ur responsibility is simply to respond when H

God&s voice is calling for leaders today. He is saying, .)hom shall ( send, and who will go for 5s / 6(s. 7289. )hen Jesus said to "atthew the ta: collector, .-ollow "e,/ "atthew arose and followed Him 6"att. ;2;9. )hen He said .-ollow "e/ to a group of fishermen, they also immediately responded by leaving their nets and following Jesus 6<2$8=++9. "ay those whom God calls to spiritual leadership today be as prompt in their response. #aul of %arsus was a dreaded persecutor of the church when he received the call of God. )hen he encountered *hrist on the 0amascus 4oad, his eyes were blinded by the brightness of His glory. !ut of that glory came the voice of Jesus, who identified Himself as the one whom #aul was persecuting. %rembling and astonished, #aul asked, .,ord, what do 'ou want me to do / 6Acts ;2$=79. He was ready to obeyG Jesus said of #aul, .H he is a chosen vessel of "ine to bear "y name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of (srael. -or ( will show him how many things he must suffer for "y name&s sake/ 6vv. $B, $79. #ometimes the call comes to the most une:pected persons, in the most une:pected ways. (f God chooses to do so, He will call the educated or the uneducated, the addict or criminal, the professional or unprofessional. )ho would have thought that #aul of %arsus, the persecutor, would become a chosen vessel of the ,ord ,et God be God, and let Him choose whom He will for spiritual leadership. !ur responsibility is simply to respond when H

*all to ministry, Genesis $+2$I J:odus 12+=$KI Eumbers +A2$8=+1I 0euteronomy 1$2+1I Joshua $2$=;I <2$=$7I Judges 72$$=$<I $ Dings $72$;I (saiah 728=$KI Acts +72$7. *hild&s call, $ #amuel 12<=$K 6A>9. God&s chosen ministers, @salm 7B2<. 4ejecting God&s call, @salm 8$2$$I (saiah 7B2$+I Jeremiah A2$1I Jonah $2$=+. *alled before birth, (saiah <;2$I Jeremiah $2<=$K 6,>9. #electing priests, ,evites, (saiah 772+$. %hose not called, Jeremiah +12+$. #pecific call, Jzekiel $21. #hepherd called to preach, Amos A2$<=$B 6*JF9. <Hayford, J. )., ? 4osenberger, H. $;;A, c$;;<. Appointed to Leadership : God's Prin iples for Spirit!al Leaders. #piritC-illed ,ife Dingdom 0ynamics #tudy Guides. %homas Eelson2 Eashville BHayford, J. )., ? 4osenberger, H. $;;A, c$;;<. Appointed to Leadership : God's Prin iples for Spirit!al Leaders. #piritC-illed ,ife Dingdom 0ynamics #tudy Guides. %homas Eelson2 Eashville ab Amplified >ible lb ,iving >ible cev *ontemporary Jnglish Fersion

0onkey chosen to serve, "att +$2+=1. *alling of disciples, "ark $2$7=+KI +2$1=$A. "acedonian vision, Acts $72;=$K. Jesus& kindness, 4omans $2B 6*JF9. 4elation between call, ability, 4omans $$2+;. Apostolic credentials, Galatians $2$, $B=$A. .5pward call,/ @hilippians 12$< 6EA#>, EDJF9. *hrist Himself ordained for service, Hebrews B2<=7. *hosen of the ,ord, $ %imothy $2$+ 6,>9. #aved, called, + %imothy $2;. .*onfirm your call,/ + @eter $2$K 6E4#F9.
See "inistry, #ision$

>elievers had a responsibility to live holy lives for the glory of God, and their concept of the .holy calling/ 6that one&s occupation, whatever it was, was a calling from God9 gave dignity to all the callings or careers or walks of life people pursued. %heir philosophy of history saw God working sovereignly in human affairs to accomplish His purposes.A

nasb Eew American #tandard >ible nkjv Eew Ding James Fersion nrsv Eew 4evised #tandard Fersion 7Anderson, D. $;;7. %here to find it in the &i'le. %. Eelson @ublishers2 Eashville AFos, H. -., ? %homas Eelson @ublishers. $;;7. E(ploring h!r h history. !riginally published in $;;< under title2 (ntroduction to church historyI and in series2 EelsonLs Muick reference. EelsonLs *hristian cornerstone series. %homas Eelson @ublishers2 Eashville

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