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SWeekly Messenger,



who shall not have registered at Ia least ten days prior to the date of t the primary election. This cont templates, of course, that the ie-I gistration office shall be kept open g prior to such primary election, P and to within ten days of such a election. e "Italso requires that seven days prior to the primary election the r registrar of voters shall make a

Blanchard has sent the folJust received, Ilow i%% letter to the various AssesSiIERT In EniVENI', 'rpri.rtar t.AIZ \IIE1I:I NVENU. Pulhl lwr r srs ,f the State : "Deat Sir: -For the first time invarabl) in Ilvance ' nbacriptioa $8,Ila y'ear in lthe history of the State a primary 'election ordered by law will SATURDAY, SEli'I. 14, 1907. be held, presumably in January, -VVVVYV..VYVVVVWVmFVVYVY complete list of all registered vofor the nomination of all State and F(OR ASSESSOR. ters in every voting precinct in ti local officers. It is the purpose of t I am a candidlate for Asses- the a(dminitration to see to it, as the parish, certify to same, and, sor of this Parish, at the com- far as lies in its power, that this within three days before the priing Deinocratic l'rimary Elec- election is absolutely fair to all mary election, deliver the same to the respective parish committees tion. calndidates. of the parish holding the said pri. If cil:ctcd, I pledge myself S"An important feature of this r mary election, and this without n to I'-RSONALLY make or primary election is the registratton supervise all the assessments, of voters preceding it. As the as- cost or charge whatsoever. "While there is no period of and to faithfully, fairly and sessor of your parish you are the time fixed in the primary election " Fit Well, Look Well, Last Well " impartially discharge the im- registrar of voters for the parish. 11 law when the registration office office. that of duties portant The Legislature intended, and so Our Prices, You Know, Always Right. MARTIN J. UOORIIIES. instruct you, that every facility shall be opened, the fact that the act fixes a date prior to a primary should be given to those entitled Be Sure to Come and Look election when the registration ofStop Fast Driving. to do so to register. at Our Stock Before You Buy. fice shall be closed, seems to carry The accident which occured here 'e "The list of registered voters, with it a legislative interpretation Will Take Pleasure To Show Our Goods. the latter part of last week in n as the same may appear on the rethat the registration office is alwhich the young colored man 11 gistration books of the several paThis Harry Detieg". lst his life, should1 rishes of the State, is a permanent ways open at the courthouse. is the view of the Attorney Genroll, to be added to from to time, serve as a less,on to those who en. eral and in it I concur. gage in fast and reckless driving g and there is therefore no need of "From this time on until ten days at night particularly. The young g an entire new registration. This before the date fixed for the prirt roll may be supplemented by adat town ini man had Ibeen riding mary electioq, you will keep your nD unreasonable speltd and he hap- ding the names of all persons qua. office at the'court house open each lified tto register, who may offer to pened to nieet with a horse hitday except Sundays and legal hoched to a gig which had been u register at any time, provided they I BATON ROUCE, LA. lidays, during the usual hours of present rt themselves for registration t frightened by a dog, the report ft at the court house of the parish. business, and register all who apsays, and they colided, the shaft illmprovellenlta duriing the ithas made mi;aniy The Loulisiana State iUniversity si il the South. The llihl t I, -Ilrl.asiyear, anid offers advantages that cani; last n "Section 23 of Act No. 199 of ply for registration, and who are of the gig struck the young man the youth of Louisianua oblse c:an that nowhere uiiecess of her alllnul proves entitled thereto under the law. in the lower part of the abdomen n 1890 declares that the registration tain preparation for the battle of life. "Clerks of registration are apinflicting a wound which the Doc. Excellent courses in mathematics, sciences:.;alll luguages; civil, lctrlibooks shall be at all times open to pointed by the Governor, and I cr.aii,-lrce anld nerha.ronie aria; i ;agriculituar. cal aind echanical enginieerinrl d inspection, tots considered very serious and provided the same a , lfaw 'ijarl 'rf - I"uial sugar chemuiistry and .sugarengineeriug.. wish you to send me the name of advised that he be taken to New does not intelfere with the work ;iai4 .. d w It .ll li lllum an; alndof philosophy and ileducatilIon. l.argi a competent man for appointment -six 'i',:1 .. -h: ea , i n ws r, laboral up-to-date ully equipped. h rooms. Orleanf for an operation. He was of registia'ion. Copies of what the lita ,1 .:il l-i -it'r iii I ings in most beautiful grounds. For ii-triic: ullill as clerk in your parish. This man seiLion. taken to the city and died there h i 1 forty-tine situdents books show are entitled to be promust be fair and strictly imparIt r a:l . r ,sLalli-ialla. TITION FREE to all students froni the next day. cured by those who desire same. .p , .inr rlla iaas p, (of in ml ii th t . sarv expenses, $126 for ses".lio tial. He most not be an active There is fast driving here durs. athli c.attlolgue. "Section 28 of the same act proi1, 1t!07. For further information or partisan of any candidate. He ing the day which is dangerous; hibits the assessor from opening J. L. WESTBROOK, Sec. must be a man who is far more at night the tlauiger is greatly in- his books on any boat or water anxious to discharge fairly the creased. There is a town ordi1 craft, and prohibits him from go. of his office than to further nance against fast driving that ing to unusual places under pre- duties t the interests of any candidate. He should be strictly enforced. Those e tene.e of affording opportunities to a must himself be a candidate for who want to exhibit the speed of 'f voters to register. 'Section 31 of the same act no office in the parish or State. " their horses should go to the race COMPLETE LINE "Where there are two or more track, and those who are careless s makes the refusal of the registrar ..... OF ....... in rnnuuing about at break-neck of voters or clerks of registration political factions in the parish, the man you name to me for clerk speed at night should find a place e to register any person legally entitled to register, a misdemeanor Ishould be one acceptable to the [t of safety in the Calaboose. It leaders of the factions. They should be stopped. punished by fine or imprisonment. should be consulted in his appoint, The registration office should be ment. r I reserve, of conrsee the A Humane Appeal. kept open all the time during the r right to make an appointment inA humane citizen of Richmond, business hours of each day for the (, ALL KINDS OF purpose of registering voters as dependent of the man you name. Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West it .... O F ...... "I will hold the assessor and Main street, says : "I appeal to all they may appear. The . registrar c of registration strictly repersons with weak lungs to take e of voters, or the clerk of registra- clerk e sponsible for the careful, fair and Dr. King's New Discovery, the on. A. tion, should therefore he every (lay impartial discharge of their duties \ ly remedy that has helped me and during the usual business hours at and for carrying out the instrucfully comes up to the proprietor's the office of the assessor of the pa- tiouns t contained herein. e rish seat of the parish. recommendation." It saves more "Acknowledge receipt of this lives than all other throat and lung K "Act No. 118 of 1904 should be 1 SOLE AGENT remedies put together. Used as a consulted by you as to the hours letter, inform me of your intention .... FOR .... and purpose to carry out the incough and cold cure the world over. r. for keeping the registration office s structions thereof, and send me, Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, open, and for other duties of the with as little delay as possible, the whooping cough, quinsy, hoarse- ' registrar of voters. But in con- , name of a good man to be appoinness, and phthisic, stops hemorr. nection therewith you should also , bages of the lungs anti ulilds them Sconsult tile primary election law ted clerk of registration in your parish. up. Guaranteed at Labbe's drug"Yours very truly, store. 50c and $1 00 Trial bottle (Act No. 49 of 1906). That law e seems to require that theoffices of "N. C. BLANCHARD." tlanufacturer and dealer in all sizes of STEEL and free. registration should be opened HICKERY HOOPS Wilkinson Sentiment in St. prior to the primary election and HOW'S THIS ? kept open since under section 22 Cypress la~oelsos EIarels Martin. We offer One Hurdred Dollars Reward thereof, is permitted to ,for any case of Catarrh that cannot be take e partno in voter the primary election Mr. Alex. Pellerin, cashier of the cured by Hall's Catarrlh Cure. Gentlemen - When you are wanting Cypress MIolasses BarPeoples Bank of lBreaux IJridge, F.J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. rels Half do not forget inc.and I prompt carry a goodand stock andBarrels, can giveplease you reasonable prices was hero several hours Saturday We, the undersigned, have known F. J. service. My work is guaranteed, I pay personal attention to last enrloute to, New Orleans. AskCheney for the last 15 years. and believe trimming. Get my prices before ipurchasing elsewhere and ed of the gubternlatorial situation him perfectly honorable in all businuess Very Truly Yours transactions andt financially able to car- save money. an St. Mrnt'in Parish, Mr. Pellerin ry out any obligations made by his firm. said: "Thte sentiment in favor of s WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, AMO()UR I'ENNIE Col. Wilkinsonu is growing rapidly Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. antd cous'rvatively speaking tIhe Hall's Catarrh Cure is takin internalColonel ought to cirry the parish ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. by at. least .*P)( votes." Lafayette ib IU Send for testimonials free. Democrat. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. The Touch That Heals Sold by all Druggists. G4otton and (otton ' Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation is tihe touch of lucklen's Arnica .Seed Products . Salve,. It's thie happiest comihina-i Believe nothing against another tion of A-rntica floweirs and healing but on good authority; nor report balsamls I''\r (i.oililt ioulled. Nut 922 Gravler Street what may hurt another, unless it matter hw chl thie soret or ulcer. be a greater hurt to concealed it. NEw ORLEaNI S LA. is, this Sdllt e 'til (luri' it. For r "Sells Anything" WILLIAM PENN .urne, scals, cuti ndi siis or piles, , all ptoducts ship to them from the country will It's al absolhe enlre. (iuaranlieed e be given best attention. Fur Sale-A good surry for .35 byV1. ,i La:bbe,druggist. 20 ceute, 't genuine bargaini -- L. Bievenut..




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