Anda di halaman 1dari 28

1.1e|| me about yourse|f.

Ans: Cood mornlng slr/mam,

lLs greaL pleasure Lo lnLroduce myself ln fronL of you.
l am vlshal kumar. l belong Lo nalanda 8lhar. CurrenLly l am pursulng 8L. ln Lhe sLream of compuLer sclence &
englneerlng. l have secured 76 marks Llll 6Lh semesLer.
l goL 77 ln 12Lh and 63 ln 10Lh. Comlng Lo my famlly, we are 6 ln my famlly. My faLher ls a Leacher. l have 3
broLhers and a slsLer.
1alklng abouL my lnLeresLs and hobbles, l llke llsLenlng Lo muslc, readlng books (novels) , gardenlng, roamlng
wlLh frlends and l love compuLer programmlng.
My sLrengLhs are l am qulck learner, hard worker, poslLlve Lhlnker, Leam player and also l can geL ad[usLed Lo
challenglng envlronmenL easlly.
My weakness ls l am a blL emoLlonal buL l can conLrol lL and l am sure lL'll noL affecL my professlonal llfe.
Cverth|nk|ng, I won't say "NC" who needs my he|p, I trust peop|e eas||y, sens|t|veness, qu|ck trust on others
and emot|ons w|th fam||y, I fe|| d|sappo|nt when I can't comp|ete my work on g|ven t|me.
Slr, my shorL Lerm goal ls Lo geL placed ln a repuLed organlzaLlon. My long Lerm goal ls Lo be an lmporLanL parL
of a MnC.
1haLs brlef abouL me.
1hank you
2.Why shou|d I h|re you?
Slr, even Lhough l am a fresher, Lhe vacancy presenL ln your company ls besL flL for me. l have good sound of
knowledge Lo Lheory relaLed Lo Lhls [ob. So, lf you glve me an opporLunlLy l wlll prove my self Lo by puLLlng
100 efforLs ln Lhls [ob and do Lhe besL. l can work aL any sLressful condlLlons and belleve ln conLlnuous
learnlng and l en[oy Lhe [ob whlch leads Lo self saLlsfacLlon for me
S|r as you know I'm fresher and don't have any |ndustr|a| exper|ence but I'm a good |earner, hard work|ng,
and have sound theory know|edge wh|ch |s he|pfu| for th|s [ob.

S|r I do my we|| for the organ|zat|on and made you proud for h|r|ng me. In much few t|me I w||| be |n row of
best emp|oyees
As a fresher I have no pract|ca| exper|ence, but I assure you that I w||| work s|ncere|y to ach|eve the goa|s of
my organ|zat|on. I a|ways keep two th|ngs |n m|nd be|ng perfect |n my work and to try my |eve| best at any
cost to comp|ete the work. 1hank you
3,What are your strengths and weaknesses?

- l can adapL myself ln any worklng condlLlon.
- l m a Leam worker and llke Lo work ln a Leam.
- l m self moLlvaLed and on cerLaln slLuaLlons l can moLlvaLe oLhers Lo geL work done.
- l am a lnnovaLor, l always Lake lnlLlaLlves.
- l work wlLh pre-plannlng. l manage my Llme very nlcely. Cood llsLener.
- Culck learner.
- Pard worklng.
- lnlLlaLlve.
- 1akes poslLlvely Lhe work granLed Lo me

- lL seems dlfflculL Lo me someLlmes Lo say "n0".
- Weak ln communlcaLlon buL worklng for lmprovemenL
4.Why do you want to work at our company?
llrsL of all, l wanL Lo work wlLh an organlsaLlon where l can apply my knowledge and skllls and also Lo lmprove
Lhem whlle galnlng experlence.
l belleve LhaL Lhls company helps me ln bulldlng successful career.
l feel LhaL lLs a greaL opporLunlLy lf l geL a chance Lo work wlLh your company
I am fresher. I know about th|s company. It |s reputed company and a|ways |unch new techno|ogy and
new product |n the market. So, I want to work |n your company and I want to deve|op my sk|||. Can
deve|op my career and I can be a part of company's Growth.

As you know I am fresher and I don't have any exper|ence but s|r I have know|edge and sk|||. Ior that I
want a p|atform where I can show my sk|||s and I th|nk your company |s best p|atform for me show my
potent|a| and sk|||s. And I a|so th|nk that your company w||| he|p me to enhance my know|edge and
deve|op my techn|ca| sk|||.
S|r, as I am a fresher I want good p|atform to start my career and |mprove my sk|||s very we|| and prov|ng
my ta|ent. I th|nk your organ|zat|on |s best for |mprov|ng myse|f and |earn|ng new th|ngs so I am very
g|ad to [o|n |n your organ|zat|on. S|mp|y I am wa|t|ng to say your organ|zat|on as our organ|zat|on
S.What are your goa|s?
My shorL Lerm goal ls Lo be placed ln your company.
My long Lerm goal ls Lo become a key person ln your company.
My short term goa| |s to get a good [ob and fu|f||| my become se|f-dependent and g|ve some contr|but|on
|n support|ng my fam||y.

My |ong term goa| |s to have a s|mp|e and respectab|e ||fe, much enhanced know|edge and sk|||s, be
successfu| and happy |n whatever I do

6.Lxp|a|n how wou|d be an asset to th|s organ|zat|on?
Work ls my passlon, l always do my work wlLh full of energy and dedlcaLlon. And my Lhls aLLlLude wlll make
me an asseL for Lhe company
ua||f|cat|on and exper|ence |s |mportant to the company but I am a fresher I don't have work
exper|ence but I have se|f conf|dence and r|ght att|tude towards my work.So,|n th|s way I w||| asset to
your organ|zat|on.
I am a qu|ck |earner and I have anx|ety about |earn|ng new th|ngs. If you g|ve me an opportun|ty then I
can g|ve my 100 effort for my work. 1hus, I w||| be asset to the organ|zat|on
7.Where do you see yourse|f f|ve years from now?
l am very much passlonaLe abouL learnlng new Lhlngs LhroughouL my llfe, afLer 3-10 years also l wanL Lo
keep lL up Lhls passlon wlLh more energy. l see myself as more knowledgeable, more skllled, more
hardworklng and aL a poslLlon ln company where Lhe organlsaLlon wlll noL wanL Lo loose aL any cosL
S years from now, I wou|d ||ke to see my se|f as an |mportant part of organ|zat|on, An eff|c|ent emp|oyee
who w||| be more competent |n sk|||s, more know|edgeab|e, We|| ta|ented, exper|enced person and
whom a company wou|d not want to |ose at any cost.
In next f|ve years, I wou|d ||ke to be more know|edgeab|e and sk|||ed person and ach|eve h|gher pos|t|on
w|th more accountab|||ty and more respons|b|||ty
8.Wou|d you ||e for the company?
Slr, lL depends on Lhe slLuaLlon. usually l do noL prefer Lo lle because geLLlng success based on lle
would never be call success.
8uL lf my lle ls for Lhe beneflL of Lhe company and l know LhaL ma[orlLy of people would noL geL
affecLed wlLh Lhls Lhen l can lle

I wou|d prefer to f|nd a|ternate so|ut|on to so|ve the prob|em. 8ut when |t |s for the benef|ts of the
organ|sat|on and |t doesn't affect anyone persona||y, I wou|d ||e. nowever |y|ng at any s|tuat|on
cou|d never be a permanent so|ut|on to any prob|em.
9.1e|| me someth|ng about our company.
lL ls one besL fasLesL growlng company ln lndla. 1he work envlronmenL of Lhe company ls very good.
eople feel proud Lo be parL of Lhe company. lL has many branches across Lhe world so l have good
opporLunlLy Lo show my LalenL

1CS |s the the |argest and fast grow|ng I1 company |n Ind|a.
Current|y kA1AN 1A1A |s the cha|rman of 1CS.and k DAMDCkAI |s the v|ce cha|rmn, N
CnANDkASLkAkAN |s the CLC &MD .
1CS has devo|oped |n the year 1969.It has 142 branches a|| over the wor|d |n around 42
countr|es.Around 1|ack 98thousand emp|oyees work|ng |n 1CS r|ght now.
and |t |s one of the mot|vat|ng I1 company and |t |s current|y undertak|ng _ _ _ _ _ pro[ect .. much sa|ary do you expect?
Slr/mam As a fresher, l need a plaLform Lo lmprove my skllls and knowledge. As money ls Lhe baslc need for
anyone Lo survlve l excepL a conslderable salary accordlng Lo company norms and my work
8e|ng a fresher, r|ght now my focus |s on|y on enhanc|ng my sk|||s and know|edge. Sa|ary |s not a
ma[or concern for me. I hope that you w||| g|ve me the sa|ary as per your company norms
S|r, be|ng a fresher I [ust need a p|atform where I can stand a|one, enhance my sk|||s and sharpen my
work|ng att|tude. Sa|ary |s not a ma[or concern for me but I do hope that you w||| prov|de me a
sa|ary that he|ps me surv|ve |n th|s c|ty.
11.If you won 510 m||||on |ottery, wou|d you st||| work?
?es. l would work, slmple reason belng money can be losL and Lhe knowledge, sklll, experlence galned wlll
noL be losL.
es I st||| work. 1oday's 10 m||||on 5 |s not equa| to tomorrows 10 m||||on 5. L|fe |s mean|ngfu|
on|y when I make good name |n the soc|ety. I w||| |nvo|ve my se|f |n |nvestment as we|| as
he|p|ng needy
es S|r, I w||| cont|nue my work. 8ecause as per my concern money can not sat|sfact|on of success to me,
but the work wh|ch I do w|th my know|edge can g|ve sat|sfact|on of success. If we conf|dent about our
know|edge and ab|||ty we can earn doub|e of 510 m||||ons.
12.Who has |nsp|red you |n your ||fe and why?
ln our every day llfe we meeL so many people havlng dlfferenL aLLlLude, quallLles and so many such
Lhlngs whlch mark on our mlnd and somewhere we geL lnsplred wlLh such Lhlngs.
My mlsLakes and my fallures are also lnsplred me a loL. 1hey encourage me Lo move ln llfe and help me ln
geLLlng success
My ma|n |nsp|rat|on |s my fa||ure and success |n each step of my ||fe. Ia||ure teaches me what
not to do and success teaches me how to do much better way to ach|eve anyth|ng. 8y success I
mean to say sma|| steps to arch|ve towards my goa| and dreams
I am |nsp|red by my dad because he |s a hardworker. 8ecause my grandfather had dead |n my
father ch||dhood and my father strugg|e for these t|me and he never |ake h|s conf|dence. And my
father done every th|ng and th|s t|me he |s a successes person. I rea||y |nsp|red w|th my father.
13.What was the toughest dec|s|on you ever had to make?
1he Llme afLer l flnlshed +2 educaLlon my faLher passed away. We Lhen became flnanclally weak & afLer a few
days l had Lo face CL1 counselllng. AL LhaL momenL l Look a LoughesL declslon Lo choose Lnglneerlng even
Lhough l had no supporL flnanclally.

l have pald college fees Lhrough Lhe scholarshlps l was geLLlng & Loday l have flnlshed 8L ln lSL domaln wlLh an
aggregaLe of 77
I th|nk I make 2 dec|s|on very toughest |n my ||fe.
I|rst one: dec|s|on was to choose between h|gher educat|on (M.1LCn) and [ob. I choose [ob because gett|ng
more pract|ca| know|edge rather than theoret|ca| know|edge |s more |mportant for a better carr|er. |ong wou|d you expect to work for us |f h|red?
l wlll wlll work for Lhls company Llll my knowledge and sklll are requlred by your company and l can learn and
develop my skllls
I fee| that th|s |s someth|ng that I am not at a pos|t|on to be answer|ng |t. 8ut I wou|d st||| say that I
wou|d work t||| the t|me company |s be|ng benef|ted by my know|edge and efforts. And ||| make sure
that I |mprove my know|edge and efforts to st|ck to the company t||| my ex|stence.
I w||| work for the company as |ong as company requ|res my serv|ce and as |ong as I w||| grow techn|ca||y
and econom|ca||y
I w||| work w|th the company as |ong as my presence benef|ts both company and m|ne. L|ke company get
good resu|ts and I w||| reach h|gher pos|t|on profess|ona||y and econom|ca||y.
1S.Can you work under pressure?
Slr whaL l Lhlnk ls pressure ls a sLaLe of mlnd. lf a person ls noL good aL someLhlng he/she wlll always be ln
pressure. lf you have sLrong deLermlnaLlon and dedlcaLlon Lowards your work and you love whaL you do you
wlll never flll Lhe pressure of your work
es I can work we|| under pressure. 8ecause |t make me to concentrate more on work and reduce
some m|stakes and w|thout pressure no one can be stronger. And actua||y work|ng under pressure
Shows your rea| qua||t|es and ta|ent because everyone can sw|m w|th the f|ow of water but the tru|y
ta|ented sw|mmer can sw|m aga|nst the f|ow of water.
16.Are you w||||ng to re|ocate or trave|?
?es slr, lf l love my [ob Lhen l Loo love Lo Lake my responslblllLles relaLed [ob. lL wlll be beneflclal for me Lo
relocaLe as lL wlll lncrease my communlcaLlon skllls as well as knowledge relaLed Lo oLher culLure. l'm frlendly
ln naLure so lL wlll be no lssue aL all. And lf l know my work l can be besL anywhere.
es s|r, It |s best opportun|ty to |earn new th|ngs from new peop|e of new cu|ture |n new env|ronment
.17. What mot|vates you to do good [ob?
My chlldhood dreams and my famlly sacrlflcaLlon moLlvaLes me.
nexL my work saLlsfacLlon and worklng envlronmenL moLlvaLes me.
My parents |nsp|red me a |ot, by g|v|ng the|r efforts and sacr|f|ces for my future they proved that they are
good parents, now |t's my turn to prove my se|f as good son
A Good work|ng env|ronment, commun|cat|on w|th other emp|oyees, mot|vat|on by h|gher author|ty, work
respons|b|||ty, and cont|nuous feedback, mot|vates me to do a good [ob apart from my own efforts.
18.Descr|be your |dea| company, |ocat|on and [ob.
ln My olnL Cf vlew.
ldeal company Means : where cusLomer saLlsfles for employees pro[ecL Where managers SaLlsfles for
employees performance.
ldeal locaLlon Means : Where l wlll geL a new skllls, knowledge, communlcaLlng wlLh ulfferenL peoples.
ldeal !ob Means : Where l Wlll Lhlnk my LheoreLlcal knowledge 8ased on LhaL l Wlll geL racLlcal knowledge
An |dea| company |s one where emp|oyees sat|sf|es |ts customer and management sat|sf|es |ts emp|oyees.
And these both th|ngs mutua||y ref|ects |n |ts overa|| growth. Sma|| but means a |ot
19.Are not you overqua||f|ed for th|s pos|t|on?
no slr, l am noL overquallfled for Lhls [ob. l am a beglnner and l have loL Lo learn pracLlcally. ?our company
provlde a plaLform Lo learn and enhance my knowledge. llnally everyone knows LhaL no one ls overquallfled
and learnlng has no end
S|r, thank you for your percept|on about me but I am not overqua||f|ed because I am [ust a beg|nner and
have |ots more to |earn. Accord|ng to me, Learn|ng |s a cont|nuous process and ga|n|ng know|edge at every
step of ||fe he|ps me to grow both profess|ona||y and persona||y
20.What are your career opt|ons r|ght now?
My career opLlons rlghL now ls Lhe selecLlon ln your company Lhrough my efflclenL and poslLlve lnLervlew. lf
selecLed, l wlll do my besL ln Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe organlsaLlon and lf re[ecLed Lhen, l wlll Lry my luck agaln Lo
reappear for Lhe lnLervlew afLer pracLlclng agaln for communlcaLlon skllls.
k|ght now my career opt|on |s to get p|aced |n a reputed company ||ke yours. If g|ven an opportun|ty for
me to work |n your company, I wou|d ||ke to enr|ch my profess|ona| sk|||s and w||| contr|bute myse|f for
the growth of the company.
k|ght now my carr|er goa| |s to gett|ng [ob |n a reputed mnc company ||ke yours and to convert the
theoret|ca| know|edge |n to pract|ca| know|edge and to be a |ntegra| part |n your company
At present my carr|er ob[ect|ve |s to get p|aced |n good reputed company ||ke yours to |mprove my sk|||s
and know|edge and a|so I want to be a asset of your company
21.G|ve me an examp|e of your creat|v|ty.
My creaLlvlLy ls Lhlnklng everyLhlng ln a dlfferenL manner.

WhaLever we are Lhlnklng should be dlfferenL from oLhers and also accepLable by oLhers.

lor example:Lvery splder has lLs own creaLlvlLy ln deslgnlng Lhe web and lL ls dlfferenL from one anoLher.
ln Lhe same way l used Lo creaLe my own sLyle ln every slLuaLlon
. 22.What are your outs|de |nterests?
My ouLslde lnLeresLs are malnly readlng books and browslng lnLerneL, whlch helps me Lo keep my
knowledge updaLed.
Also l love Lo spend Llme ln waLchlng Pollywood movles whlch helps me Lo lmprove my spoken Lngllsh
My outs|de |nterests are watch|ng mov|e and ||sten|ng mus|c. I want spent t|me w|th my parents. I
spend some t|me for net surf|ng w|th my |aptop to know the new th|ngs
My outs|de |nterests are photography, trave|||ng, cook|ng. I don't ||ke s|tt|ng |d|e at a||, so I keep
myse|f busy |n one or the other act|v|ty
23.What |s the d|fference between conf|dence and over conf|dence?
Confldence: knowlng your ablllLles ls confldence.

Cverconfldence: 1hlnklng LhaL you are Lhe only capable person ls over confldence (wlLhouL knowlng Lhe
oLhers poLenLlal, never underesLlmaLe anyone).
Conf|dence:- 8e||ev|ng our se|f |s conf|dence.

Cver Conf|dence:- Neg|ect|ng some one's strength |s over conf|dence
Cn|y d|fference |s the word "CVLk".

Conf|dence - k|ght est|mat|on of my sk|||s and trust myse|f.

Cver-conf|dence - Lxtra est|mat|on of my sk|||s and proud of myse|f.
Conf|dence : I can do th|s work we||.
Cver conf|dence: I am the on|y person to do th|s work we||.
I th|nk conf|dence |s the stepp|ng stone to success, and overconf|dence causes the
24.What makes you angry?
Anger ls human naLure. We can'L avold lL buL we can able conLrol lL. l geL anger when someone lnLerrupLed ln
my [ob. l wlll manage lL wlLh a smlle & l won'L show Lo Lhem
Lvery one get angry but some peop|e don't show the|r anger. It |s to ma|nta|n re|at|ons. Ir|end|y anger |s
good do you fee| about work|ng n|ghts and weekends?
lf works comes l wlll noL see wheLher lL ls a nlghL or weekend, normal peoples sacrlflces buL successful
people manage
Work|ng at n|ghts and weekends doesn't matter |f the |nterest on the work dom|nates. So f|rst|y I'|| try
to |ove the work
S|r, I am honest|y say|ng I am a fresher f|rst and I do anyth|ng |n my career so I need a p|atform to |earn
and show my ta|ent and hard work|ng capac|ty, so def|n|te|y I w||| do my work at any t|me. I mean. Not a
my work my extra works. do you def|ne success and how do you measure up to your own
l mean success ls an alLernaLlve word for achlevemenL. When you achleve one ob[ecLlves anoLher goals
geL's ready. Success can'L be measured lL can be en[oyed. lL ls sLepplng sLone for recognlLlon
1o me success |s ne|ther a dest|nat|on nor an ach|evement.Its a constant [ourney of
hardwork,w|||power,pass|on,conf|dence,pos|t|ve att|tude..etc., wh|ch he|ps us to atta|n and accomp||sh
our goa|s and m||estones |n our ||fe.1o me success |s start|ng of new hope and des|re, wh|ch w||| never
Success |s not to earn a b|g amount of money, success |s sat|sfact|on of heart and to g|ve p|easure to the
organ|sat|on, parents and fam||y.
27.Cn a sca|e of one to ten, rate me as an |nterv|ewer.
l'm noL ln a poslLlon & l am noL a rlghL person Lo raLe you. ?ou have more degree, knowledge & experlence
am a fresher. 8uL as a parL of lnLervlew, really l am feellng comforLable ln fronL of you so l would llke Lo
glve 9/10. l deducL one mark because no one ls perfecL Lhere ls always be a scope of lmprovemenL. l'm
really sorry lf l'm wrong anywhere. 1hank you.
S|r, I am not the exact person to rate you because you are here to rate me, you have more degree,
know|edge and exper|ence. 8ut as a part of an |nterv|ew I wou|d rate you 9. S out of 10 because I fee|
comfortab|e |n front of you and your fr|end|y att|tude to me. I don't rate 10 as no one |s perfect |n th|s
28.Do you have any quest|ons for me?
yes slr, llrsLly l wlll Lhank ?ou Slr, 8ecause ?ou gave me Lhls opporLunlLy.
Slr could you Lell me whaL are all Lhe requlremenLs you are searchlng ln freshers llke me ln your company
because lL helps me Lo prepare myself Lo full flll your requlremenLs before [olnlng your company
1hank you s|r for th|s go|den opportun|ty, s|r I have one quest|on that |s what are the qua||t|es wou|d
you expect from freshers ||ke us and what are my m|stakes dur|ng the |nterv|ew
1hank you s|r for g|v|ng me th|s opportun|ty. I wou|d ||ke to know the sk||| you found m|ss|ng |n me, that
you and your company needs, so that I cou|d |mprove myse|f to f|t for the company.
29.WhaL changes would you make lf you came on board?
llrsL of all l undersLand Lhe company goals and envlronmenL, lf Lhere ls any changes needed Lhan l wlll change
by Laklng suggesLlons from Lhe respecLed experlenced person for effecLlve resulLs. AparL from LhaL lf no
changes needed Lhan l wlll glve my besL Lo Lhe company as a board member.
I|rst of a|| | wou|d ||ke to say that | wou|d not change anyth|ng but | wou|d add someth|ng addt|ona| to
the ongo|ng work]p|an]env|ronment w|th my exper|ence and sk|||s do you fee| about report|ng to a younger person?
Age has noLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe capablllLles as long as Lhe person has all Lhe callber Lo hold Lhe poslLlon, l
would feel comforLable Lo reporL a person who ls younger Lo me
I don't fee| shy]gu||t report|ng to a younger person. 1h|s |s because for me a person |s recogn|sed by
h|s or her work and not by age.
Ior me my work |s |mportant, I don't bother to whom I'm report|ng to, whether he]she |s younger or
o|d o|der, to me everybody are the emp|oyees so |t w||| not effect my work

Common interview questions and their probable answers

Review these typical interview questions and think about how you would answer them. Read the
questions listed; you will also find some strategy suggestions with it.

1. Tell me about yourself?
Ans : The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in
your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed
otherwise. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position you are
interviewing for. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.

2. Why did you leave your last job?
Ans: Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a majorproblem with management
and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one
looking bad. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, a chance
to do something special or other forward-looking reasons.

3. What experience do you have in this field?
Ans: Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you do not have specific
experience, get as close as you can.

4. Do you consider yourself successful?
Ans:You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that you have set
goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others.

5. What do co-workers say about you?
Ans: Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will
work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith Company, always said I was the hardest workers she had ever
known. It is as powerful as Jill having said it at the interview herself.

6. What do you know about this organization?
This question is one reason to do some research on the organization before the interview. Find out
where they have been and where they are going. What are the current issues and who are the major

7.. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job. A wide variety of activities can be
mentioned as positive self-improvement. Have some good ones handy to mention.

8. Are you applying for other jobs?
Be honest but do not spend a lot of time in this area. Keep the focuson this job and what you can do for
this organization. Anything else is a distraction.

9. Why do you want to work for this organization?
This may take some thought and certainly, should be based on the research you have done on the
organization. Sincerity is extremely important here and will easily be sensed... Relate it to your long-
term career goals.

10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organization. This can affect your answer even
though they asked about friends not relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well
thought of.

11. What is your Expected Salary?
A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not
answer it. Instead, say something like, That's a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this
position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on
the details of the job. Then give a wide range.

12. Are you a team player?
You are, of course, a team player. Be sure to have examples ready. Specifics that show you often
perform for the good of the team rather than for yourself are good evidence of your team attitude. Do
not brag, just say it in a matter-of-fact tone. This is a key point..

13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Specifics here are not good. Something like this should work: I'd like it to be a long time. Or As long
as we both feel I'm doing a good job.

14. Have you ever had to fire anyone?
How did you feel about that? This is serious. Do not make light of it or in any way seem like you like
to fire people. At the same time, you will do it when it is the right thing to do. When it comes to the
organization versus the individual who has created a harmful situation, you will protect the
organization. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in force.

15. What is your philosophy towards work?
The interviewer is not looking for a long or flowery dissertation here. Do you have strong feelings that
the job gets done? Yes. That's the type of answer that works best here. Short and positive, showing a
benefit to the organization.

16. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?
Answer yes if you would. But since you need to work, this is the type of work you prefer. Do not say
yes if you do not mean it.

17. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
If you have not, say no. If you have, be honest, brief and avoid saying negative things about the people
or organization involved.

18. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization ?
You should be anxious for this question. It gives you a chance to highlight your best points as they
relate to the position being discussed. Give a little advance thought to this relationship. .

19. Why should we hire you?
Point out how your assets meet what the organization needs. Do not mention any other candidates to
make a comparison..

20. Tell me about a suggestion you have made ?
Have a good one ready. Be sure and use a suggestion that was accepted and was then considered
successful. One related to the type of work applied for is a real plus.

21. What irritates you about co-workers?
This is a trap question. Think real hard but fail to come up with anything that irritates you. A short
statement that you seem to get along with folks is great.

22. What is your greatest strength?
Numerous answers are good, just stay positive. A few good examples: Your ability to prioritize, Your
problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on projects, Your
professional expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude

23. Tell me about your dream job ?
Stay away from a specific job. You cannot win. If you say the job you are contending for is it, you
strain credibility. If you say another job is it, you plant the suspicion that you will be dissatisfied with
this position if hired. The best is to stay genetic and say something like: A job where I love the work,
like the people, can contribute andcan't wait to get to work.

24. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
Give several reasons and include skills, experience and interest.

25. What are you looking for in a job?
See answer # 23

26. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
Do not be trivial. It would take disloyalty to the organization, violence or lawbreaking to get you to
object. Minor objections will label you as a whiner.

27. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
Money is always important, but the work is the most important. There is no better answer.

28. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
There are numerous good possibilities: Loyalty, Energy, Positive attitude, Leadership, Team player,
Expertise,Initiativ e, Patience, Hard work, Creativity, Problem solver

29. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor?
Biggest trap of all. This is a test to see if you will speak ill of your boss. If you fall for it and tell about
a problem with a former boss, you may well below the interview right there. Stay positive and develop
a poor memory about any trouble with a supervisor.

30. What has disappointed you about a job?
Don't get trivial or negative. Safe areas are few but can include: Not enough of a challenge. You were
laid off in a reduction Company did not win a contract, which would have given you more

31. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an example that relates to the type of
position applied for.

32. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
Probably this one. Do not give fuel to the suspicion that you may want another job more than this one.

33. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
This is a personal trait that only you can say, but good examples are: Challenge, Achievement,

34. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
This is up to you. Be totally honest.

35. How would you know you were successful on this job?
Several ways are good measures: You set high standards for yourself and meet them. Your outcomes
are a success. Your boss tell you that you are successful

36. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
You should be clear on this with your family prior to the interview if you think there is a chance it may
come up. Do not say yes just to get the job if the real answer is no. This can create a lot of problems
later on in your career. Be honest at this point and save yourself future grief.

37. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
This is a straight loyalty and dedication question. Do not worry about the deep ethical and
philosophical implications. Just say yes.

38. Describe your management style ?
Try to avoid labels. Some of the more common labels, like progressive, salesman or consensus, can
have several meanings or descriptions depending on which management expert you listen to. The
situational style is safe, because it says you will manage according to the situation, instead of one size
fits all.

39. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
Here you have to come up with something or you strain credibility. Make it small, well intentioned
mistake with a positive lesson learned. An example would be working too far ahead of colleagues on a
project and thus throwing coordination off.

40. Do you have any blind spots?
Trick question. If you know about blind spots, they are no longer blind spots. Do not reveal any
personal areas of concern here. Let them do their own discovery on your bad points. Do not hand it to

41. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
Be careful to mention traits that are needed and that you have.

42. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
Regardless of your qualifications, state that you are very well qualified for the position.

43. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
First, if you have experience that the interviewer does not know about, bring that up: Then, point out
(if true) that you are a hard working quick learner.

44. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
Be generic and positive. Safe qualities are knowledgeable, a sense of humor, fair, loyal to subordinates
and holder of high standards. All bosses think they have these traits.

45. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute ?
between others. Pick a specific incident. Concentrate on your problem solving technique and not the
dispute you settled.

46. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
Be honest. If you are comfortable in different roles, point that out.

47. Describe your work ethic ?
Emphasize benefits to the organization. Things like, determination to get the job done and work hard
but enjoy your work are good.

48. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
Be sure that you refer to something that was beyond your control. Show acceptance and no negative

49. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.
Talk about having fun by accomplishing something for the organization.

50. Do you have any questions for me?
Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the
organization are good. How soon will I be able to be productive? and What type of projects will I be
able to assist on? are examples.
And Finally Best of Luck Hope you will be succussful in the interview you are going to face in coming
"Never take some one for granted,Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up
one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones."
Remember this always in life.

8as|c Interv|ew uest|ons:
1e|| me about yourse|f.
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Why do you want th|s [ob?
Where wou|d you ||ke to be |n your career f|ve years from now?
What's your |dea| company?
What attracted you to th|s company?
Why shou|d we h|re you?
What d|d you ||ke |east about your |ast [ob?
When were you most sat|sf|ed |n your [ob?
What can you do for us that other cand|dates can't?
What were the respons|b|||t|es of your |ast pos|t|on?
Why are you |eav|ng your present [ob?
What do you know about th|s |ndustry?
What do you know about our company?
Are you w||||ng to re|ocate?
Do you have any quest|ons for me?
8ehav|ora| Interv|ew uest|ons:
What was the |ast pro[ect you headed up, and what was |ts outcome?
G|ve me an examp|e of a t|me that you fe|t you went above and beyond the ca|| of duty at
Can you descr|be a t|me when your work was cr|t|c|zed?
nave you ever been on a team where someone was not pu|||ng the|r own we|ght? now
d|d you hand|e |t?
1e|| me about a t|me when you had to g|ve someone d|ff|cu|t feedback. now d|d you
hand|e |t?
What |s your greatest fa||ure, and what d|d you |earn from |t?
What |rr|tates you about other peop|e, and how do you dea| w|th |t?
If I were your superv|sor and asked you to do someth|ng that you d|sagreed w|th, what
wou|d you do?
What was the most d|ff|cu|t per|od |n your ||fe, and how d|d you dea| w|th |t?
G|ve me an examp|e of a t|me you d|d someth|ng wrong. now d|d you hand|e |t?
What |rr|tates you about other peop|e, and how do you dea| w|th |t?
1e|| me about a t|me where you had to dea| w|th conf||ct on the [ob.
If you were at a bus|ness |unch and you ordered a rare steak and they brought |t to you
we|| done, what wou|d you do?
If you found out your company was do|ng someth|ng aga|nst the |aw, ||ke fraud, what
wou|d you do?
What ass|gnment was too d|ff|cu|t for you, and how d|d you reso|ve the |ssue?
What's the most d|ff|cu|t dec|s|on you've made |n the |ast two years and how d|d you
come to that dec|s|on?
Descr|be how you wou|d hand|e a s|tuat|on |f you were requ|red to f|n|sh mu|t|p|e tasks
by the end of the day, and there was no conce|vab|e way that you cou|d f|n|sh them.
Sa|ary uest|ons:
What sa|ary are you seek|ng?
What's your sa|ary h|story?
If I were to g|ve you th|s sa|ary you requested but |et you wr|te your [ob descr|pt|on for
the next year, what wou|d |t say?
Career Deve|opment uest|ons:
What are you |ook|ng for |n terms of career deve|opment?
now do you want to |mprove yourse|f |n the next year?
What k|nd of goa|s wou|d you have |n m|nd |f you got th|s [ob?
If I were to ask your |ast superv|sor to prov|de you add|t|ona| tra|n|ng or exposure, what
wou|d she suggest?
Gett|ng Started uest|ons:
now wou|d you go about estab||sh|ng your cred|b|||ty qu|ck|y w|th the team?
now |ong w||| |t take for you to make a s|gn|f|cant contr|but|on?
What do you see yourse|f do|ng w|th|n the f|rst 30 days of th|s [ob?
If se|ected for th|s pos|t|on, can you descr|be your strategy for the f|rst 90 days?
More About ou:
now wou|d you descr|be your work sty|e?
What wou|d be your |dea| work|ng env|ronment?
What do you |ook for |n terms of cu|ture -- structured or entrepreneur|a|?
G|ve examp|es of |deas you've had or |mp|emented.
What techn|ques and too|s do you use to keep yourse|f organ|zed?
If you had to choose one, wou|d you cons|der yourse|f a b|g-p|cture person or a deta||-
or|ented person?
1e|| me about your proudest ach|evement.
Who was your favor|te manager and why?
What do you th|nk of your prev|ous boss?
Was there a person |n your career who rea||y made a d|fference?
What k|nd of persona||ty do you work best w|th and why?
What are you most proud of?
What do you ||ke to do?
What are your ||fe|ong dreams?
What do you u|t|mate|y want to become?
What |s your persona| m|ss|on statement?
What are three pos|t|ve th|ngs your |ast boss wou|d say about you?
What negat|ve th|ng wou|d your |ast boss say about you?
What three character tra|ts wou|d your fr|ends use to descr|be you?
What are three pos|t|ve character tra|ts you don't have?
If you were |nterv|ew|ng someone for th|s pos|t|on, what tra|ts wou|d you |ook for?
L|st f|ve words that descr|be your character.
Who has |mpacted you most |n your career and how?
What |s your greatest fear?
What |s your b|ggest regret and why?
What's the most |mportant th|ng you |earned |n schoo|?
Why d|d you choose your ma[or?
What w||| you m|ss about your present]|ast [ob?
What |s your greatest ach|evement outs|de of work?
What are the qua||t|es of a good |eader? A bad |eader?
Do you th|nk a |eader shou|d be feared or ||ked?
now do you fee| about tak|ng no for an answer?
now wou|d you fee| about work|ng for someone who knows |ess than you?
now do you th|nk I rate as an |nterv|ewer?
1e|| me one th|ng about yourse|f you wou|dn't want me to know.
1e|| me the d|fference between good and except|ona|.
What k|nd of car do you dr|ve?
1here's no r|ght or wrong answer, but |f you cou|d be anywhere |n the wor|d r|ght now,
where wou|d you be?
What's the |ast book you read?
What magaz|nes do you subscr|be to?
What's the best mov|e you've seen |n the |ast year?
What wou|d you do |f you won the |ottery?
Who are your heroes?
What do you ||ke to do for fun?
What do you do |n your spare t|me?
What |s your favor|te memory from ch||dhood?
8ra|nteaser uest|ons:
now many t|mes do a c|ock's hands over|ap |n a day?
now wou|d you we|gh a p|ane w|thout sca|es?
1e|| me 10 ways to use a penc|| other than wr|t|ng.
Se|| me th|s penc||.
If you were an an|ma|, wh|ch one wou|d you want to be?
Why |s there fuzz on a tenn|s ba||?
If you cou|d choose one superhero power, what wou|d |t be and why?
If you cou|d get r|d of any one of the US states, wh|ch one wou|d you get r|d of and why?
W|th your eyes c|osed, te|| me step-by-step how to t|e my shoes.


1. 1e|| me about yourse|f.
2. What are your strengths?
!"# %&'( strength '#)#'* +& %",+ -&. (& %#//0 -&.' 1&*2+23# 4.,/2+2#* &' #))#5+23# *62//*7
3. What are your weaknesses?
!"# %&'( weakness '#)#'* +& %",+ -&. (&89+ (& %#//0 -&.' 8#:,+23# 4.,/2+2#* &' *62//*7
4. What do you see as a ma[or success |n your ||fe?
Ma[or ;#,8* 2;1&'+,8+ &' <2:7
S. Descr|be a ma[or d|sappo|ntment |n your ||fe.
= d|sappo|ntment 2* *&;#+"28: -&. %#'# /&&628: )&'%,'( +& ,8( (2(89+ ",11#87
6. What mot|vates you?
!"# %&'( mot|vate ;#,8* +& :23# -&. +"# '#,*&8 +& (& *&;#+"28:0 +& 28*12'# -&.0 +&
#85&.',:# -&.7
7. What does success mean to you?
8. What are three of your greatest accomp||shments?
!"# %&'( accomp||shment ;#,8* ,8 ,5"2#3#;#8+0 *&;#+"28: -&. (2( %#//7
9. What are your p|ans for the future?
10. nave you done any vo|unteer work?
11. What are your hobb|es?
12. What do you ||ke to do |n your spare t|me ] free t|me?
Spare t|me ;#,8* %"#8 -&.9'# )'##0 %"#8 -&.9'# 8&+ %&'628:7
13. Where do you see yourse|f f|ve years from now? 1en years from now?
14. Descr|be a t|me when you fa||ed.
1S. What |s your favour|te book ] mov|e?
16. What do you do for fun?
17. What wou|d you do |f you won the |ottery?
18. 1e|| me about your educat|ona| background.
19. What academ|c courses d|d you ||ke the most ] the |east?
20. Wh|ch academ|c course d|d you f|nd most d|ff|cu|t?
21. Do you have p|ans for further educat|on?
22. Why d|d you choose your ma[or?
>&.' ma[or 2* -&.' ;,28 ,'#, &) *1#52,/2?,+2&8 28 .823#'*2+-7
23. Why do you want th|s [ob?
24. Why shou|d we h|re you?
!& h|re ;#,8* +& '#5'.2+0 &' :23# *&;#&8# , @&<7
2S. Why are you the best person for the [ob?
26. Lxp|a|n how you wou|d be an asset to th|s company.
=8 asset 2* *&;#+"28: 3,/.,</#7
27. Why do you th|nk you w||| be successfu| |n th|s [ob?
28. What are your qua||f|cat|ons for th|s pos|t|on?
ua||f|cat|on ;#,8* +"# #(.5,+2&8,/ ,8( 1'&)#**2&8,/ <,56:'&.8( &' #A1#'2#85# 8##(#( 28
, @&<7
29. What can you offer our company?
30. What do you know about th|s |ndustry?
31. What |s your persona| m|ss|on statement?
32. Why do you th|nk you're su|ted for th|s pos|t|on?
Su|ted ;#,8* ,11'&1'2,+#0 , :&&( ;,+5"7
33. Descr|be your work eth|c.
>&.' work eth|c 2* -&.' ,++2+.(# +&%,'(* %&'6 ,8( <#",32&' ,+ %&'67
34. Descr|be your management sty|e.
3S. What are your short-term goa|s?
Short-term ;#,8* 28 +"# 8#,' ).+.'#7
36. What are your |ong-term goa|s?
Long-term ;#,8* 28 +"# (2*+,8+ &' ),' ).+.'#7
37. Why d|d you choose th|s f|e|d?
I|e|d ;#,8* ,8 ,'#, &) %&'60 *.5" ,* 5&;1.+#'*0 #8:28##'28: &' ;#(2528#7
38. |ease descr|be your work exper|ence.
39. Why do you want to work for our company?
40. What do you know about our company?
41. What |s most |mportant to you |n a [ob?
42. Descr|be your prev|ous [obs.
!"# %&'( prev|ous ;#,8* %",+ 5,;# &' ",11#8#( <#)&'#7
43. Why d|d you |eave your prev|ous [ob?
44. What were your respons|b|||t|es |n your prev|ous pos|t|on?
!"# %&'( respons|b|||ty '#)#'* +& %",+ -&. ,'# *.11&*#( +& (&0 %",+ -&. ,'# 28 5",':# &)7
4S. What d|d you ||ke the most about your |ast [ob?
46. What d|d you ||ke the |east about your |ast [ob?
47. What d|d you |earn |n your prev|ous [ob?
48. Do you work we|| under pressure?
!"# %&'( pressure ;#,8* *+'#**7
49. Are you punctua|?
!& <# punctua| ;#,8* +",+ +& ,''23# &8 +2;#0 +& 8&+ <# /,+#7
S0. now |ong do you p|an to stay |n th|s [ob?
S1. Can you mu|t|-task?
!& mu|t|-task ;#,8* +& (& ;,8- +"28:* ,+ &8# +2;#7
S2. Descr|be your |dea| [ob.
B(#,/ <,*25,//- ;#,8* perfect "#'#7
S3. now wou|d your co-workers descr|be you?
S4. now do you fee| about |earn|ng new th|ngs?
SS. nave you ever had troub|e w|th a boss? now d|d you hand|e |t?
S6. What ma[or prob|ems or cha||enges have you faced?
S7. Why d|d you res|gn?
S8. Why were you f|red?
S9. Are you a r|sk-taker?
= r|sk-taker 2* *&;#&8# %"& 2* %2//28: +& +,6# 5",85#*7
60. What have you been do|ng s|nce your |ast [ob?
61. What's the best mov|e you've seen |n the past year?
62. What's the most |nterest|ng book you've read |n the past year?
63. now soon can you start work?
64. Do you have any quest|ons?
Iob Spec|f|cs
6S. Are you |ook|ng for fu||- or part-t|me work?
66. Are you |ook|ng for a day or n|ght [ob?
67. Are you seek|ng a permanent or temporary pos|t|on?
68. Can you work weekends?
69. Are you w||||ng to work overt|me?
Cvert|me ;#,8* "&.'* &.+*2(# &) '#:./,' %&'6 "&.'*7
70. Can you work n|ghts?
71. Are you w||||ng to trave|?
72. Are you w||||ng to re|ocate?
!& re|ocate ;#,8* +& ;&3# +& ,8&+"#' /&5,+2&87
73. Do you have a dr|ver's ||cence?
74. Do you ||ke work|ng w|th the pub||c?
7S. Do you ||ke work|ng w|th numbers?
76. now are your wr|t|ng sk|||s?
77. now's your spe|||ng?
78. What computer programs are you fam|||ar w|th?
79. Do you know any fore|gn |anguages?
80. nave you worked |n a mu|t|cu|tura| env|ronment before?
Mu|t|cu|tura| ;#,8* ;,8- 5./+.'#*7
81. now do you re|ate to peop|e from d|verse cu|tures?
D|verse ;#,8* (2))#'#8+7
82. What are your sa|ary expectat|ons?
Sa|ary expectat|on 2* "&% ;.5" ;&8#- -&. +"286 -&. %2// :#+7
83. What sa|ary do you want to earn?
!& earn ;#,8* +& ;,6#0 +& '#5#23#7
84. What k|nd of compensat|on are you |ook|ng for?
Compensat|on '#)#'* +& *,/,'- 1/.* <#8#)2+*7
8S. Do you cons|der yourse|f a |eader?
86. What |eadersh|p or manager|a| pos|t|ons have you he|d?
87. Do you ||ke work|ng a|one?
88. now we|| do you work |ndependent|y?
89. now do you fee| about work|ng by yourse|f?
90. Are you a team p|ayer?
91. Do you work we|| w|th others?
92. What strengths wou|d you br|ng to a team?
93. Do you prefer work|ng on a team or by yourse|f?
94. May we contact your prev|ous emp|oyers?
9S. Can we contact your references?
keferences ,'# 1#&1/# %"& ,'# %2//28: +& +,/6 ,<&.+ -&.0 -&.' ,<2/2+2#* &' -&.' 5",',5+#'7
uest|ons ou Can Ask the Interv|ewer
96. If you were to offer me the [ob, how soon wou|d you want me to start?
97. When cou|d I expect to hear from you?
98. Are there any further steps |n the |nterv|ew process?
99. What are the ma[or respons|b|||t|es of th|s pos|t|on?
100. Are there poss|b|||t|es for advancement?
lnLervlew quesLlons for experlenced person
1.Why d|d you res|gn from your prev|ous [ob?
Am very Lhankful Lo my prevlous organlzaLlon because l have learnL loL Lhlngs from Lhere. Accordlng Lo me
changes are necessary for everyone Lo enhance my skllls, knowledge personal growLh and flnanclal growLh.
?our organlzaLlon ls Lhe good plaLform where l can learn more.
Moreover new envlronmenL ls always moLlvaLe us and glves Lhe energy Lo do someLhlng beLLer ln Lhe llfe
I am very thankfu| to my prev|ous company because of wh|ch today I am on th|s p|atform. I have
|earnt many th|ng from there. I th|nks that changes are necessary for me to enhance our sk|||,
know|edge and persona| growth and f|nanc|a| growth. Its [ust ||ke c||mb|ng a |adder to move to the
next |eve|. So I took my dec|s|on to change my [ob for new opportun|ty where I can bu||d up my
carr|er because everyone knows now |ts a cha||eng|ng wor|d. Moreover new env|ronment |s a|ways
mot|vate us and g|ves the energy to do someth|ng better |n the ||fe
2.Why have you been out of work so |ong?
1lll now walLlng for Lhe good opporLunlLles. buL durlng Lhe break, l kepL on lmprovlng my skllls and
communlcaLlon. now l Lhlnk l am more organlsed, beLLer declslon maker an emoLlonally sLable Lo perform
Lhe [ob efflclenLly
rofess|ona| and persona| ||fe go para||e||y, both are |mportant & depend on each other up to
great extent. 8ut somet|mes we have to choose one.
Most of the peop|e |eave the|r fam||y and go to another c|ty for [ob and growth, |n the same
way, somet|mes we have to qu|t [ob for fam||y demands wh|ch cannot be |gnored
3.Why have you had so many [obs?
l don'L see Lhem as many [obs. l see Lhem as many sLeps LhaL l have cllmbed up and sLandlng
poLenLlally capable lnfronL of you wlLh all Lhose sLepplng experlences.
1hough I have changed |ot of [obs but due to th|s I have |earn d|fferent set of sk|||s. And these
sk|||s he|p me a |ot |n dea||ng w|th d|fferent k|nds of ch||dren and peop|e. It show negat|v|ty on
my part but my sk|||s and |earn|ng ab|||ty have |ncreased.
I had so many [ob but I fee| that I had |earn a |ot and make so many re|at|on |n company. I d|d
my [ob perfect|y that's why I offered a|ways |ncrement |n my prof||e and I persona||y fee| that |f
we have ab|||ty and ta|ent to |earn more and g|ve our best effort then change so, many [ob |s not
an |ssue for anyone.
4.1e|| me about a s|tuat|on when your work was cr|t|c|zed.
?es slr someLlmes buL lLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo correcL our mlsLake lf someone crlLlclze for work l wlll Lake
lL as poslLlve way and wlll glve poslLlve resulL. 1hrough lL we can learn loL of Lhlngs. And we can recLlfy
Lhe mlsLakes.
es, somet|mes but I take |n a|ways |n pos|t|ve way and |earned many th|ngs and try|ng to
reduce those types of m|stakes |n future.
es there was a movement when I was cr|t|c|zed for my work but I took |t pos|t|ve|y and
|mproved on that therefore I got apprec|at|on too
It's an opportun|ty to correct our m|stakes |f someone cr|t|c|se us.
3.Cou|d you have done better |n your |ast [ob?
l performed well ln all my prevlous asslgnmenLs Lo Lhe besL of my efforLs, same has been well
appreclaLed by my peers and managers. Cfcourse Lhere ls always a room for lmprovemenL, whlch l am
worklng on lL, Lo be even more beLLer
Cf course |n my |ast [ob I d|d more best th|ngs, I hand|e the dea|s n|ce|y, bu||d the good
customer re|at|on and persona||y I eva|uate my performance week by week.
I have done a|| my g|ven ass|gnments w|th my 100 efforts and know|edge. Some how,
|n some cond|t|on I fe|t that I can do better up to my expectat|ons th|s because no body
|s 100 perfect
6.May I contact your present emp|oyer for a reference?
?es slr, of course you can conLacL buL rlghL he ls noL aware of my [ob search. lf l geL selecLed Lhen you
can conLacL hlm, l am confldenL LhaL you wlll geL good response.
es s|r w|th p|easure, but not r|ght now, as he |s not aware w|th my [ob search. Cnce |
se|ected you can, | am conf|dent that u w||| get pos|t|ve response,because | have a|ways
g|ven my best...
7.1e|| me about the most bor|ng [ob you have ever had.
ln my vlew no [ob ls borlng because lLs LoLally depends on us lf we llke Lhe [ob and do lL slncerely lL wlll
keep us more comforLable and we can go forward ln our llfe
S|r, No [ob |s bor|ng |t |s tota||y depend upon |nd|v|dua| |nterest, and not upon
qua||f|cat|on,exper|ence,etc. If I w||| be |nterested about any [ob then we can take th|s as a
cha||enge and |earn new th|ngs and can make |t en[oyfu|||||..
Lvery Iob have |ts own va|ue. We make |t bor|ng or |nterest|ng based on |nd|v|dua|
percept|ons. We|| I en[oy my [ob, but at t|mes I get bored of monotonous [ob many hours a week do you norma||y work?
lor me, work ls more lmporLanL and also my company. l am noL here Lo counL Lhe number of hours l
work buL l am here Lo galn my knowledge, new skllls, work experlence and Lo flnlsh my work wlLhln Lhe
glven deadllne
I never count |t, because for me gett|ng the work f|n|sh |s |mportant and not count|ng the
hours |mportant. I am a|ways ava||ab|e whenever I fee| my company needs me.
In the f|e|d where I am work|ng, there |s no such th|ng ||ke ||m|ted hour work. Whenerver
s|tuat|on demands we a|ways stand for work.
9.What was the toughest cha||enge you have ever faced?
As a fresher l dlnL face any challenge ln my professlonal llfe. buL ln personal llfe many challenges
lnvlLed me buL noLhlng was LoughesL as l accepLed all Lhose challenges ln a poslLlve way and l was
successful ln achlevlng
S|r every day |s a cha||enge. 1he cha||enge comes to us |s on|y because we are capab|e of
reso|v|ng that |n the r|ght way and |n pos|t|ve att|tude
10.What changes wou|d you make |f you came on board?
llrsL of all l undersLand Lhe company goals and envlronmenL, lf Lhere ls any changes needed Lhan l wlll
change by Laklng suggesLlons from Lhe respecLed experlenced person for effecLlve resulLs. AparL from
LhaL lf no changes needed Lhan l wlll glve my besL Lo Lhe company as a board member
S|r may be there are so many exper|enced persons |n board. May be they know someth|ng
better than me. So I respect the|r |deas. 1here |s much d|fference between chang|ng and
updat|ng. Where chang|ng resu|ts good outcome w|th bad. And where as updat|ng resu|ts
more product|v|ty and |nnovat|ve thoughts. So I w||| update the process If I came on board. cou|d you have |mproved your career progress?
Slr, l plan Lo lmprove my career progress each and every day. Lven durlng Lhls lnLervlew l am learnlng
Lhlngs whlch wlll be useful for my career. l learn from my mlsLakes and Lry Lo correcL my self each and
every day.
8y reso|v|ng weak po|nts.
2. ersona| |nterest to |earn new th|ngs.
3 pos|t|ve att|tude towards work.
4 try to po||sh my sk|||s.
I w||| try to po||sh my sk|||s and use my exper|ence, new cha||enges he|p me to ut|||ze
my |earn|ngs thus re|at|ng to my career progress
12.1e|| me honest|y about the strong po|nts and weak po|nts of your boss
(company, management team, etc.)
1here are many sLrong polnLs and lL ls dlfflculL Lo choose a few buL l have learnL Llme managemenL,
dlsclpllne from my boss. "A coln has boLh sldes" ln Lhe same way everyone has weak polnLs also buL l
can noL say weak polnLs because l feel l'm noL Lhe rlghL person Lo reveal.
Lveryone has the|r pos|t|ve and negat|ve s|des. My boss |s a|ways true to the|r words and
very creat|ve m|nd and energet|c too. And |n negat|ve way I am not the person who [udge to
h|m. I a|ways |earn from h|m so many th|ngs from d|fferent ways
S|r once I get th|s [ob I w||| be one of the empoyee to th|s organ|zat|on.
So |ts my respons|b|||ty to save the |nformat|on regard|ng our company, boss, emp|oyees etc.
If I te|| th|s |nformat|on I am not an honesty person.
So how can I answer th|s quest|on. Sorry s|r.
13.Look|ng back on your |ast pos|t|on, have you done your best work?
l have done my besL work ln my prevlous poslLlon. Lven whaLever l am Loday LhaL ls Lhe resulL of my
pasL hard work. l have lmproved myself a loL by dolng hard work and LhaL experlence wlll lnsplre me Lo
loL Lo do well ln fuLure
In my |ast company I have g|ven my cent percent for the betterment of the organ|sat|on as
we|| as po||shed my career sk|||s ||ke Cff|ce adm|n|strat|on, commun|cat|on sk|||s,
coord|nat|on sk|||s. I am proud that I cou|d ga|n and |mprove my personne| sk|||s and pos|t|ve
att|tude towards career advancement.
Lveryone knows that nobody |s perfect as the|r |s a|ways a scope for |mprovement. 1hough I
don't get any reward for my work done |n my prev|ous [ob but I am sure I was g|ven my 100
and my sat|sfact|on |s more va|uab|e to me.
14.Why shou|d I h|re you from the outs|de when I cou|d promote someone
from w|th|n?
romoLlng Lo exlsLlng employees ls a good and poslLlve approach, buL comblnaLlon of old branches and
new leaves always make a beLLer Lree. So lL wlll be always beLLer for a organlzaLlon lf a fresh new
aLLlLude/LhoughL mlxed wlLh an experlence LhoughL
S|r, I th|nk |t |s a|ways good to have Iresh Iru|ts |n your basket. If you h|re peop|e from
outs|de |t w||| def|n|te|y add some new sk|||s and know|edge to your organ|zat|on and the
fresh fru|t w||| he|p |mprove your organ|zat|ona| hea|th. :-).
D|fferent peop|e have d|fferent thoughts. A guy from outs|de w||| br|ng new |deas wh|ch he
|earn somewhere, wh|ch can |mprove your organ|sat|on. It may be way of g|v|ng a chance to
a ta|ented person to prove h|mse|f
1S.Look|ng back, what wou|d you do d|fferent|y |n your ||fe?
l belleve LhaL no one ln Lhls world ls rlch enough Lo buy hls own pasL. So Lhere ls no use of worrylng
abouL pasL buL l can declde my fuLure by maklng besL use of presenL. So l llke Lo llve each momenL
of my llfe
We|| Look|ng back |n ||fe does not go|ng to change anyth|ng |n past. So I focus on my present
and future. 8ut I w||| understand the m|stakes what I done |n past w||| not be repeated |n
We are not change our past but present and future |s tota||y depend on our se|f that why |f
we are focus on our present then our future def|n|te|y good. In our ||fe every moment teach
us someth|ng new that's why not don't waste t|me on th|nk past focus on present
16.Why are not you earn|ng more money at th|s stage of your career?
My flrsL alm Lo geL as Loo much Lechnlcal knowledge ln nexL few years where more money
don'L maLLer. l can make money any Llme where my excellenL skllls break all barrlers Lo make
more money.

Larn|ng money |s not a b|g dea|s we can do |t |n many ways but gett|ng the ta|ent and
exper|ence |n work |s more |mportant for me. If we have ta|ent and exp. In work then money
w||| automat|ca||y fo||ow us
We|| s|r there are so many segment where I cou|d earn more money, 8ut I have my own
pr|nc|p|es, persona| goa|s, and pass|on and I am go|ng through |n my r|ght track. I strong|y
be||eve that at one t|me I wou|d reach great he|ghts |n terms of h|rearchy a|so |n monetary

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