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Dear Bros in Christ,

Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Brothers in Christ, this weekly encouragement is sent and meant to be an encouragement to all and to build up and edify in the Lord Jesus Christ. Oikodome means "Builder". The Lord has put this on my heart to send out a monthly ron !an Oikodome "oy#kod#om#ay$% to build up and encourage the men who lo&e and follow Jesus Christ in their walk with 'im. Hebrews 3:13 " ut encoura!e one another dai"#, as "on! as it is ca""ed $oda#, so that none of #ou ma# be hardened b# sin%s deceitfu"ness." PRAYER REQUESTS: f you ha&e any prayer re(uests please send them and will send them out to the bros for prayer, if pri&acy is needed will send in a discreet way.

IRON MAN OIKODOME BOX TOP 0 ! "I #esee$h %o& there'ore, #rethren, #% the (er$ies o' )o*, that %o& +resent %o&r #o*ies a ,i-in. sa$ri'i$e, ho,%, a$$e+ta#,e to )o*, /0hi$h is1 %o&r reasona#,e ser-i$e2 3 An* *o not #e $on'or(e* to this 0or,*, #&t #e trans'or(e* #% the rene0in. o' %o&r (in*, that %o& (a% +ro-e 0hat /is1 that .oo* an* a$$e+ta#,e an* +er'e$t 0i,, o' )o*24/Ro(ans 53:563 NK781 "Bo*% an* Min*4 Bros )od ga&e us free will spirit to belie&e, lo&e and choose 'im or not choose 'im. *e can go through life an yield to 'is lo&e and 'is ways or choose not to follow 'im and go un# yielded doing whate&er we want+both will ha&e eternal conse(uences one will ha&e lifesa&ing conse(uences and the other will ha&e death conse(uences. This analogy might be applicable, if we are dri&ing a car and then come to an intersection -ust as we approach we see a yield sign for our direction so we know we can continue through the intersection without stopping as long as there is not another car coming through at the same time. But if there is another car we must yield and stop for that car and gi&e them the right away to go through the intersection because of the law that is in place we ha&e gi&en up our right or freedom to -ust dri&e through un#yielded. !uch in the same we when we come to Christ we ha&e gi&en up our freedom or right to choose doing things that are contrary to our Lords *ord, we no longer go through life un#yielded to )od but we must present our bodies as a li&ing sacrifice. *e gi&e way to )od, we yield to 'im e&en though we don.t ha&e to+ we could keep going the way we want to go. But now we want to obey 'im and yield to 'is ways to keep us from ha&ing a collision with our body and mind leading to sin+ n order to do this we must yield both our body and mind because our body will do what we concei&e in our minds. Once that thought seed has been concei&ed and planted it is -ust a matter of time before the body will allow that thought seed to sprout or come to fruition. t is so important to not allow our mind to think or meditate on sin pleasures, not e&en for a second# do not allow your mind to go there or your body will be carrying that sin out in the flesh which was concei&ed in the mind first. /Commit your works to the LO01, 2nd your thoughts will be established.345ro&erbs 6789 :;J<= Bros our bodies belong to the Lord we need to ha&e a willingness to be dedicated to )ods commands and will for our life. 2lso by being yielded to )od our mind will be transformed o&er our li&es as we yield to )od through prayer to 'im in e&erything in our life and unceasing meditation on the *ord of )od> /?or though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. ?or the weapons of our warfare 4are= not carnal but mighty in )od for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and e&ery high thing that e@alts itself against the knowledge of )od, bringing e&ery thought into capti&ity to the obedience of Christ+,34ACorinthians 6B89#C :;J<= 1on.t let the enemy get your mind bound up with a barrage of fiery darts while you sit in 'is *ord, but rather do what )ods *ord says an put on the full armor of )od and don.t take it off then you will be able to e@tinguish those un#yielded death darts that are launched against your mind#stay focused on )od+ !editate on and in 'is *ord and pray daily until 'e takes you home#amen>
1aniel *right Iron Man Oi9o*o(e 5ro&erbs AD86D

To ha&e your email address remo&ed from future mailings please reply to and type "5LF2GF 0F!O<F" in the sub-ect bo@, thank you and )od bless you>

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