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I take off my shoes in the sacristy while the cantor leads the Litany of the Saints. I p ll off my socks and hike p the !lack sweat pants I"#e !een wearin$ nder my al!% stole% and chas !le. I take off the chas !le so it will stay dry. I also remo#e the wireless microphone. I"m not an electrician% ! t somethin$ tells me that wearin$ a !attery pack into a well of water is not a $ood idea. Each Easter &i$il we !apti'e !y immersion at o r parish. When the Lit r$y of Baptism !e$ins% I !riefly lea#e the sanct ary to ad( st my clothin$. I ret rn and step into the pool of water. Then I e)tend my hand across the rim to steady the first catech men who has prepared all year to enter this font. Bapti'in$ in the *atholic *h rch so nds simple eno $h+ ,o immerse or po r water three times while sayin$% -I !apti'e yo in the name of the .ather and of the Son and of the /oly Spirit.0 B t there are ways to !apti'e well. Immersion or pouring Perhaps the first decision to make is whether !aptism will !e conferred !y immersion or po rin$. The *atholic *h rch has a lon$ tradition of !aptism !y po rin$% ! t recent le$islation has e)pressed a preference for the more ancient practice of immersion. Baptism is to be conferred either by immersion or by pouring; the prescripts of the conference of bishops are to be observed (Code of Canon Law 854). Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by trip e immersion in the baptisma water. !owever" from ancient times it has a so been ab e to be conferred by pouring the water three times over the candidate#s head. ( Catechism of the Catholic Church $%&'). (s the rite for bapti)ing" either immersion" which is more suitab e as a symbo of participation in the death and resurrection of *hrist" or pouring may awfu y be used (Christian Initiation: General Introduction %%). +In, the ce ebration of baptism the washing with water shou d ta-e on its fu importance as the sign of that mystica sharing in *hrist#s death and resurrection through which those who be ieve in his name die to sin and rise to eterna ife. .ither immersion or the pouring of water shou d be chosen for the rite" whichever wi serve in individua cases and in the various traditions and circumstances to ensure the c ear understanding that this washing is not a mere purification rite but the sacrament of being /oined to *hrist (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults %$&). 0he ce ebrant bapti)es each candidate either by immersion" option (" or by the pouring of water" option B. . . . If baptism is by immersion" of the who e body or of the head on y" decency and decorum shou d be preserved. .ither or both godparents touch the candidate. 0he ce ebrant" immersing the candidate#s who e body or head three times" bapti)es the candidate in the name of the 0rinity (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults %%1).

Baptism by immersion is the fu er and more expressive sign of the sacrament and" therefore" is preferred. ( though it is not yet a common practice in the 2nited 3tates" provision shou d be made for its fre4uent use in the baptism of adu ts. (t the east" the provision of the 5ite of *hristian Initiation of (du ts for partia immersion" name y" immersion of the candidate#s head" shou d be ta-en into account (6ationa 3tatutes for the *atechumenate $7). The font should be large enough to supply ample water for the baptism of both adults and infants. 3ince baptism in *atho ic churches may ta-e p ace by immersion in the water" or by infusion (pouring)" fonts that permit a forms of baptisma practice are encouraged (Built of Li ing !tones 1'8%).

Baptism !y immersion indicates complete a!andonment of oneself to God in *hrist. It was almost certainly the method of the apostolic ch rch. The #ery word comes from the Greek baptizo% a #er! meanin$ -dip0. Pa l"s Letter to the 1omans% proclaimed at e#ery Easter &i$il% compares !aptism to ! rial+ -2o yo not know that all of s who ha#e !een !apti'ed into *hrist 3es s were !apti'ed into his death4 Therefore we ha#e !een ! ried with him !y !aptism into death% so that% ( st as *hrist was raised from the dead !y the $lory of the .ather% so we too mi$ht walk in newness of life0 56+789:. The Letter to the *olossians makes a similar point+ -When yo were ! ried with him in !aptism% yo were also raised with him thro $h faith in the power of God% who raised him from the dead0 5;+<;:. =ther !i!lical passa$es se ima$es of !irth% new clothin$% and flood. 9esus answered +6icodemus," :;ery tru y" I te you" no one can enter the -ingdom of <od without being born of water and 3pirit= (9ohn &>5). (s many of you as were bapti)ed into *hrist have c othed yourse ves with *hrist. 0here is no onger 9ew or <ree-" there is no onger s ave or free" there is no onger ma e and fema e; for a of you are one in *hrist 9esus (<a atians &>%7?%8). (nd baptism" which +the saving of 6oah, prefigured" now saves you@not as a remova of dirt from the body" but as an appea to <od for a good conscience" through the resurrection of 9esus *hrist ($ Aeter &>%$).

All these ima$es s $$est that a lar$e > antity of water was sed to !apti'e well. Instr ctions for !aptism thro $ho t the first millenni m of ch rch history preferred immersion. The Didache% or the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles% pro!a!ly comes from Syria aro nd the year <??. It says% -Bapti'e in r nnin$ water% into the name of the .ather and of the Son and of the /oly Spirit. If yo do not ha#e r nnin$ water% !apti'e in some other water. If yo cannot !apti'e in cold water% then se warm. If yo do not ha#e either% then po r water on the head three times% into the name of the .ather and of the Son and of the /oly Spirit. Before the !aptism% the one !apti'in$% the one !ein$ !apti'ed% and all others who can sho ld fast. ,o sho ld e)hort the

!apti'ed to fast for one or two days0 5@:. 5Anless otherwise noted% these citations come from Pa l T rner% Ages of Initiation% *olle$e#ille+ The Lit r$ical Press% ;???:. The Apostolic Tradition pro!a!ly reports practices from 7rd to Bth cent ry 1ome and other areas. It says% -Let the water !e drawn into the pool or flow down into it. . . . And let them strip naked. And first !apti'e the small children. . . . Afterward% !apti'e the $rown men% and% finally% the women% loosin$ all their hair and layin$ aside the (ewelry of $old and sil#er that they are wearin$. Let no one take any forei$n thin$ down into the water with them. . . . Let Cthe pres!yterD $i#e Cthe catech menD to the !ishop or the pres!yter standin$ !y the water to !apti'e. And likewise let the deacon $o with him down into the water0 5;<: 5Einneapolis+ .ortress Press% ;??;% p. <<;8<<9:. The Fth cent ry Gelasian Sacramentary 599G: says% -Then yo immerse the candidate three separate times in the water.0 In the <?th cent ry% the 1oman8Germanic Pontifical 57@B: sed three different #er!s to descri!e the immersion+ -Then the !ishop recei#es the infants from the $odfathers or $odmothers. /e !apti'es the males and then the females with a triple s !mersion% in#okin$ the /oly Trinity only once% sayin$+ H2o yo wish to !e !apti'ed4" Each responds% HI do." HI !apti'e yo in the name of the .ather" I he dips once I Hand of the Son%" I he lowers a second time I Hand of the /oly Spirit" I and he pl n$es a third time.0 Grad ally the *h rch permitted three forms of !aptism I immersion% po rin$% or sprinklin$. Sprinklin$ is no lon$er allowed. Today"s preference for immersion is part of the Second &atican *o ncil"s r$e to ret rn to the so rces for a more a thentic cele!ration of the lit r$y. 0he Bont To offer !aptism !y immersion% a ch rch needs a font s ita!le for the task. Beca se of the lon$ recent history of !apti'in$ infants !y po rin$% many ch rches ha#e shallow !owls raised on pedestals. These catch drops of water rollin$ off an infant"s head% ! t they are inade> ate to meet the needs of ad lt immersions. Eany parishes ha#e redesi$ned their fonts. A pool of water lar$e eno $h for the immersion of ad lts may !e attended !y a raised !owl lar$e eno $h for the immersion of infants. =ther parishes erect a temporary pool for !aptism at the Easter &i$il. They carry in a stock tank or other lar$e #essel% and decorate it with drapery% plants% rocks% candles or lilies. They fill it with warm water !efore the ser#ice starts. This allows immersion% ! t it makes !aptism seem like a seasonal decoration. If a parish has no permanent font lar$e eno $h to s pport ad lt immersions% it is time to !e$in the lon$8ran$e plan for its installation. Cethods If the priest enters the water with the ad lt he can !etter mana$e a f ll immersion. The method depends on the depth of the water. In some e#an$elical *hristian traditions% for e)ample% the water is o#er waist8deep. The minister enters the water and lowers the person !ackward. Sometimes those !ein$ !apti'ed pinch their own nose% or the minister c ps a cloth o#er their nose and mo th.

B t recent immersions in the *atholic tradition ha#e taken place in a shallower pool I a!o t knee8 deep. =nly the most m sc lar priest will lower a catech men !ackward there. Eore commonly% catech mens kneel in the water% and the priest places his hands aro nd the !ack of the catech mens" sho lders and neck. /e !rin$s the catech men face forward% while the catech men !ends at the waist. The catech men may cross his or her arms in front of the chest or reach down to the !ottom of the pool to help maintain !alance. The action is performed three times. In other instances% catech mens kneel while the priest po rs water o#er their head. This !lends the two methods of !apti'in$% ! t resem!les po rin$ more than immersion. Dress *atech mens !ein$ !apti'ed !y immersion will $et completely wet. In many parishes they come to ch rch in swimwear co#ered !y a loose8fittin$ #estment resem!lin$ an al!% tho $h not white. They are clothed in a white $arment later. Godparents help the newly !apti'ed o t of the font. They may wrap them in a towel. After confirmation% the neophytes $o to a dressin$ area where they dry off and chan$e into their Easter clothes. The priest who !apti'es also needs to dry off. 5In the *atholic *h rch% a deacon may also !apti'e% ! t at the Easter &i$il it is s ally a priest. The priest has the fac lty to confirm those whom he !apti'es% not those whom a deacon !apti'es. See canon FF7J;.: When I lea#e the font% I $o !ack to the sacristy and remo#e my wet al! and stole. Beca se of the depth of o r font% I"m still pretty dry from the knees on p. Still% I chan$e into !lack s it pants% p t my shoes and socks !ack on% wire p the microphone% don a dry al! and stole% and reposition the chas !le. 0he baptisma year Baptisms take place thro $ho t the year. Ad lts sho ld !e !apti'ed at the Easter &i$il 5Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults <@:% ! t may !e !apti'ed at other times d e to - n s al circ mstances and pastoral needs0 5;6: with permission of the local !ishop 579:. The !aptism of infants is recommended d rin$ the Easter &i$il or on S nday 5 Rite of Baptism for Children G:. Baptism is permitted on other days% ! t it is preferred on days that carry a paschal character. Baptism may take place d rin$ mass or o tside of it. *ele!rations d rin$ mass allow the entire assem!ly of the faithf l to !e present to cele!rate the welcome of its new mem!ers. Se#eral principles learned at the Easter &i$il will help cele!rate !aptism well thro $ho t the year. Baptism !y immersion is preferred. The sin$in$ of acclamations !y the assem!ly is enco ra$ed. Processions interpret the parts of this e#ent.

&ery often when !aptism is cele!rated apart from mass% no one leads any sin$in$% and processions are omitted. B t the Rite of Baptism for Children calls for the people to !e$in at the door of the ch rch 57B:% mo#e to -a separate place0 for the Lit r$y of the Word 597:% approach the font where#er it is located 5B;:% and concl de in front of the altar 56F:. These processions foc s the attention of the comm nity on the si$nificance of enterin$ the ch rch% hearin$ the word of God% cele!ratin$ !aptism and remem!erin$ the E charist. These fo r places also call to mind the fo r parts of the Easter &i$il% when !aptism has its preeminent cele!ration. This s ally takes care of itself when !aptism is cele!rated d rin$ mass. The faithf l ha#e already $athered. E sicians are in place. The processions of the S nday lit r$y will happen. /ere are a few points to keep in mind when cele!ratin$ infant !aptism at a S nday mass+ <. Introd ce people !efore mass. Especially if more than one family is presentin$ a child for !aptism% take a few moments to let people meet one another. E#en if there is only one family% it"s possi!le that some family mem!ers won"t know a $odparent or will ha#e for$otten the names of in8laws and their co sins who ha#e come to cele!rate. Set a friendly% (oyf l tone. Let the assem!ly know what"s happenin$. Before the cantor anno nces the openin$ hymn% he or she co ld anno nce the !aptism. The cantor sho ld pro!a!ly not say the name of the !a!y% !eca se the parents will anno nce the name as the rite !e$ins. If #isi!ility will !e o!str cted when e#eryone stands% consider ha#in$ the assem!ly remain seated for the reception of the child at the !e$innin$ of mass. The cantor co ld se words like these+ -Good mornin$% e#eryone% and welcomeK Today we cele!rate with 3oe and Amy Smith the !aptism of their new !a!y. Please remain seated and t rn to the !ack of the ch rch for the !e$innin$ of the rite.0 2ecide what to do with the openin$ hymn. Sin$ only one #erse. =r ha#e the priest start with the si$n of the cross% and let e#eryone sin$ the hymn d rin$ the entrance procession after the reception of the children. Atili'e the stations of the !aptismal lit r$y. Start at the door of the ch rch. Let the family process in with the ministers 5after the ser#ers% !efore the lector.: Seat the family in reser#ed places near the front. In#ite at least the parents and $odparents to the font for the !aptism. Locate the font in a #isi!le place. If the parish !aptismal font is not located in f ll #iew of the assem!ly% a temporary font may !e esta!lished for mass. The entire assem!ly sho ld !e a!le to see and hear the cele!ration. In#ol#e children. If little children cannot see the !aptism from where they sit% in#ite them p closer after the homily. It will keep their attention and help them cele!rate the (oy of this day. Po r water $enero sly. If yo r font is not lar$e eno $h for immersion% the priest sho ld po r a $ood stream of water o#er the child I not ( st a few drops. Eake the ima$e of the water8!ath as clear as possi!le. If the font is shallow ! t wide% he co ld sit the naked !a!y in a few inches of water !efore po rin$ water o#er its head.








Anoint $enero sly. When anointin$ the child% se a $enero s amo nt of oil. Especially with chrism% the priest mi$ht po r a ta!lespoon or more into the c p of his hand and r ! it all o#er the crown of the child"s head. Enco ra$e the se of f ll !aptismal $arments. Eost parents !rin$ their children to ch rch already dressed in a !aptismal $own% ! t the point of the $own is to show the new creation the child !ecomes after !aptism. If parents !rin$ the child to ch rch dressed more simply% the !aptismal $own can !e the white $arment presented to the child. E#en if parents ha#e to wait till after the ceremony to reclothe their child completely% the $own takes on m ch more si$nificance if it is the white $arment presented d rin$ the rite. *hoose a memora!le !aptismal candle. Get a candle s !stantial eno $h to !e relit at home on the !aptismal anni#ersary. And !e prepared for a moment of drama at mass when the $odparent li$hts the candle. It doesn"t always catch fire the first time. 3 st !e patient. Iss e con$rat lations. After the !aptism the priest mi$ht e)press the (oy of the comm nity. /e co ld say% for e)ample% -*on$rat lations% 3oe and Amy% and welcome% *hristopher% to the *hristian familyK0 Then he co ld kiss the !a!y while the assem!ly appla ds.




A!o#e all% !aptism sho ld !e a time of cele!ration for the comm nity. Some ch rch$oers feel that !aptisms at S nday mass impose on their time. B t cond cted re#erently% p rposef lly and (oyf lly% they do not add m ch more time to the mass% and they fill e#eryone with a sense of cele!ration. Bapti'in$ well is an incon#enience on the assem!ly who prays% the catechists who prepare% the catech mens who $et wet% and the priest who nlaces his shoes. B t cele!ratin$ life in *hrist is worth it% isn"t it4 This article first appeared in Rite 7@J< 53an ary8.e!r ary ;??6:+F8<?. It was reprinted as LBaptisin$ WellL in Lit r$y+ a P !lication of the A ckland 2iocesan Lit r$y *entre.

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