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Around the World in 80 Days The Theme of the Novel I have selected the novel entitled Around the

World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to answer the question. The novel tells about a entle!an na!ed "hileas #o who oes around the world in 80 days with his butler$ Jean "asse%artout as they e!bar& on 'ourney which is (ull o( adventures and sur%rises. The the!e o( the novel is %erseverance is the best !otivation towards success. "hileas #o shows his %erseverance by (inishin what he has started and no !atter how di((icult the obstacle is$ he always ives his best e((ort and overco!es the di((iculty. #irst and (ore!ost$ "hileas #o is %ersistent to lead his li(e in a well or anised way such as his shavin water !ust be o( a certain de ree and he eats his lunch every ti!e in the )e(or! *lub at his usual ti!e. In addition to this$ "hileas #o shows his %erseverance when he decides to save Aouda. +e has to ris& his li(e and (reedo! to rescue Aouda but "hileas #o is willin to do whatever is within his reach to (ree her (ro! her &idna%%ers. ,ast but not least$ "hileas #o s %erseverence leads hi! to acce%t a bet to travel around the world and he (inally succeeds in his quest. In conclusion$ the the!e o( the novel is %erseverance is the best !otivation towards success. "hileas #o succeeds in his quest and he also (inds his best co!%anion$ Aouda The Most Interesting Setting in the Novel I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to answer the question. The novel tells about a entle!an na!ed "hileas #o who oes around the world in 80 days with his butler$ Jean "asse%artout as they e!bar& on 'ourney which is (ull o( adventures and sur%rises. The !ost interestin settin is the hut where Aouda is i!%risoned by the &idna%%ers. This settin is the !ost interestin settin because it is the %lace where "hileas #o s rescue actions start. #irst and (ore!ost$ "hileas #o waits until it is dar& and oes to the hut$ he cuts o%en the hut and rescues Aouda who loo&s hal(-dead. In addition to this$ "hileas #o quic&ly runs and cli!bs onto .iouni when the bandits chase a(ter the!. "hileas #o sa(ely tuc&s Aouda in one o( the howdahs with her still slee%in soundly. ,ast but not least$ to !a&e sure Aouda is sa(e$ "hileas #o o((ers to ta&e Aouda to +on .on $ his ne/t destination. In conclusion$ the !ost interestin settin in the novel is the hut where Aouda is i!%risoned by the &idna%%ers. This %lace is the !ost interestin %lace because it is the %lace where "hileas #o s rescue actions start. #inally$ the two o( the! are sa(e and they et !arried and live ha%%ily ever a(ter. The Moral Values that I Have Learnt I have selected the novel entitled Around the World in 80 Days written by Jules Verne in order to answer the question. The novel tells about a entle!an na!ed "hileas #o who oes around the world in 80 days with his butler$ Jean "asse%artout as they e!bar& on 'ourney which is (ull o( adventures and sur%rises. The !oral values that I have learnt (ro! the novel are be or anised$ be brave and be %ersistent. The !oral values are %ortrayed by the !ain character in the novel$ "hileas #o . #irst and (ore!ost$ "hileas #o is an or ani0ed %erson who leads his li(e in a well or anised way such as his shavin water !ust be o( a certain de ree and he eats his lunch every ti!e in the )e(or! *lub at his usual ti!e. In addition to this$ "hileas #o is a brave %erson when he decides to save Aouda. +e has to ris& his li(e and (reedo! to rescue Aouda but "hileas #o is willin to do whatever is within his reach to (ree her (ro! her &idna%%ers. ,ast but not least$ "hileas #o is a %ersistent %erson when he acce%ts a bet to travel around the world and he (inally succeeds in his quest. In conclusion$ the !oral values that I have learnt (ro! the novel are be or anised$ be brave and be %ersistent. All the !oral values have tau ht !e to be a better %erson in !y li(e

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