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I) Providin T!"#$in "nd R!%!"r#$ A%%i%&"n&%$i'% &o in#r!"%! !nro()!n& in !*i%&in PG 'ro r"))!% in En in!!rin di%#i'(in!%, (Fund allocated: 20% 25% - R%.1--.-- (".$%) To increase and Doctorates. To encourage the passing out Graduates to oin PG progra!!es To pursue "esearch progra!!es for #eing e!plo$ed as facult$. %tarting of ne& PG progra!!es could also #e a part of the 'DP (started latest during the calendar $ear 20(() )ncourage to see* enhance!ent of +asters degree seats fro! ,'-T) so as to increase the enrol!ent in PG progra!!es. %tudents sponsored fro! 'ndustr$ &ill #e allo&ed to #e enrolled in all PG progra!!es. G,T) .ualified students &ill recei/e scholarships as per ,'-T) nor!s fro! the Go/ern!ent sources. The non0G,T) .ualified students selected #$ the institutions &ill recei/e teaching 1 research assistantships2 for &hich the$ &ill de/ote 30(0 hours per &ee* in classroo! and la#orator$ assign!ents. 'nstitutions should plan to utili4e fund allocated for the assistantship to +asters and Doctoral students. The institutions !a$ also see* per!ission to con/ert the unfilled G,T) and 'ndustr$ sponsored seats to non0G,T) and A#&ivi&i!% output of Postgraduates P!r)i&&!d Teaching ,ssistantships and "esearch ,ssistantships for non0 G,T) .ualified +asters and Doctoral students Foreign fello&ships not e5ceeding 6 !onths duration for Doctoral candidates su# ect to 7oG appro/al on case0 to0case #asis "nd n!+

No& P!r)i&&!d %cholarships for G,T) .ualified students for +asters and Doctoral progra!!es are to #e secured fro! -entral2 %tate and other agencies

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

:on0'ndustr$ sponsored seats to open1general respecti/el$ so that seats do not re!ain /acant.

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II) En$"n#!)!n& o/ R!%!"r#$ 0 D!v!(o')!n& "nd In%&i&1&ion"( Con%1(&"n#2 A#&ivi&i!%, (Fund allocated: 5% (5% - R%.3-.-- (".$%) A#&ivi&i!% To pro!ote increased participation of facult$ in research2 pro ects and consultanc$ 'nstitutions that alread$ ha/e Doctoral progra!!es should encourage +asters students to oin Doctoral progra!!es. 'nstitutions need to !ar*et their ser/ices to the industr$. The 'ndustr$ should #e encouraged to gi/e li/e pro#le!s to the institution for solutions. The facult$ &ho ha/e e5pertise should #e encouraged to ta*e up consultanc$ assign!ents2 &hich &ould directl$ and indirectl$ #enefit the institution2 facult$ and students. 'nternal "e/enue Generation ('"G) &ould recei/e a #oost2 and so!e of the inco!e should #e shared &ith facult$2 staff and students as per the nor!s appro/ed #$ the 7oG. "egular interactions through consultanc$ are li*el$ to pro!ote a health$ and useful relationship #et&een the 'ndustr$ and institution. -are should #e ta*en that consultanc$ ser/ices offered to 'ndustr$ do not affect the teaching schedules and processes. 'nstitutions need to de/elop a strateg$ for ena#ling facult$ to secure consultanc$ assign!ents and to co!plete the! ti!el$ and successfull$. The strateg$ in this regard is to #e detailed in the 'DP. P!r)i&&!d %ecuring sponsored pro ects and consultanc$ assign!ents Pu#lication of "esearch Papers in peer re/ie&ed ;ournals -o!!erciali4ation of research products Patenting of research products Tra/el cost2 hospitalit$ and honorariu! paid to -onsultant for participation in "esearch < De/elop!ent and for deli/ering )5pert lectures Fiscal incenti/e (as per nor!s appro/ed #$ the 7oG) to students that /oluntaril$ associate &ith 'ndustr$ oriented "<D pro ects Tra/el cost of students that associate &ith an 'ndustr$ for a#out 6 0 = &ee*s during /acations to continue &or* on "<D pro ects. No& 4 P!r)i&&!d Fiscal incenti/es for increased participation in research2 sponsored pro ects and consultanc$ &or* (the incenti/es can2 ho&e/er2 #e gi/en fro! 'nstitutional resources including '"G) ,ll e5penditure including tra/el and !eetings associated &ith i!ple!entation of sponsored pro ects and consultanc$ assign!ents 7oarding and lodging and sundr$ e5penses for spending ti!e in 'ndustr$.

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

III) F"#1(&2 "nd S&"// D!v!(o')!n& /or I)'rov!d Co)'!&!n#! 5"%!d on Tr"inin An"(2%i% 6TNA) , (Fund allocated: (0% 60% - R%.12-.-- (".$%)
A#&ivi&i!% 6") En$"n#in D!v!(o')!n& o/ F"#1(&2, Facult$ De/elop!ent needs to #e carried out through the follo&ing !ain acti/ities. 9p gradation of .ualifications '!pro/ing co!petence in teaching0training De/elop!ent of !odern learning resources and teaching aids :e& techni.ues in research '!pro/ing co!petence in research and consultanc$ Deputation to se!inars2 conferences and presentation of research papers 'nteraction &ith peer groups &ithin 'ndia and a#road )sta#lishing lin*ages &ith acade!ic and research institutions and 'ndustr$. +anage!ent of 'ndustr$ interactions %tudent counselling %tudent perfor!ance e/aluation 65) En$"n#in S&"// D!v!(o')!n&: The staff in an )ngineering )ducation institution fall under t&o categories: Technical Staff: To #e trained in their functional areas2 operation and routine !aintenance of #oth the e5isting and ne& e.uip!ent. Training on &or*shop instructions2 up*eep of institutional ser/ices2 etc. The training can #e organi4ed &ithin the institution or at the supplier1!anufacturer pre!ises or at reputed technical training institutions. Administrative Staff: The ,d!inistrati/e %taff also needs training in respecti/e functional areas2 particularl$ in the use
%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

No& P!r)i&&!d ,n$ other pa$!ent to the facult$ for attending the -ourse. ,n$ other pa$!ent to the staff for attending the training progra!!e . T,<D, to participants

P!r)i&&!d Fees charged for -ourse &or* and use of research facilities and consu!a#les #$ the 'nstitution (other than the parent 'nstitution) &here facult$ is enrolled for .ualification upgradation either through full0ti!e or part0 ti!e or #$ sand&ich oint arrange!ent. )5penses to&ards Thesis &riting and pu#lication of Thesis0#ased "esearch Papers. -onsu!a#les if facult$ is registered for .ualification upgradation on fullti!e or part0 ti!e #asis &ithin the parent 'nstitution. -ourse fee2 tra/el e5penses2 #oarding and lodging2 and sundr$ e5penses1allo&ances as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen facult$ is deputed out0station to another 'nstitution (&ithin 'ndia or a#road) for the duration of the -ourse2 tra/el ti!e and the ti!e per!itted #$ the 7oG for /isits to institutions1 >rgani4ations of interest and rele/ance to the facult$ in the /icinit$ of the location of training. -ourse fee and local tra/el e5penses as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen facult$ attends a -ourse in- station #ut at an 'nstitution other than the parent 'nstitution. -ourse fee2 tra/el e5penses? #oarding2 lodging2 and sundr$ e5penses1allo&ances as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen the technical support staff is deputed outstation to another 'nstitution1 >rgani4ation &ithin 'ndia and tra/el ti!e. -ourse fee and local tra/el e5penses as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen training is attended in0station #ut at an 'nstitution

of !odern office e.uip!ent2 soft&are2 office auto!ation2 !aintenance of records2 procedures2 etc. >rgani4ing su# ect area training progra!!es2 &or*shops2 se!inars and conferences

other than the parent 'nstitution. @ospitalit$ to participants Aenue and logistic arrange!ents "eplication of printed training !aterials Pu#lication of proceedings Tra/el2 #oarding < lodging for in/ited e5perts

IV) En$"n#!d In&!r"#&ion +i&$ Ind1%&r2, 6Fund allocated: 5% (0% - R%.7-.-- (".$%) A#&ivi&i!% 6") T$! .!2 "#&ivi&2 "r!"% in +$i#$ Ind1%&r2 #"n '"r&i#i'"&! /or &$! 5!n!/i& o/ &$! in%&i&1&ion "r!: Participating in curriculu! design2 curriculu! i!ple!entation2 student assess!ent2 training of students2 e5posing students to ne& technologies2 and pro/iding e5perts for certain instructional sessions? Pro/iding opportunities for student groups to underta*e pro#le!0sol/ing pro ects Participating in such #odies as the 7oard of Go/ernors2 ,cade!ic -ouncil2 7oards of %tudies2 facult$ recruit!ent2 etc? ,ssisting institutions in esta#lishing ne& la#oratories2 pro/iding literature on ne& technologies2 and offering their shop floors as su#stitutes for la#oratories? Training students2 facult$ and technical staff in ne& technologies and processes? -olla#orating in sand&ich progra!!e offerings? Participating in oint "<D acti/ities? B Deli/ering e5pert lectures? 'ndustr$ senior personnel ser/ing as ad unct facult$? 9tili4ing institutional resources (!anpo&er and ph$sical) for industrial !anpo&er training? De/eloping Postgraduate )ducation in areas of current and potential high de!and? and Pro/iding assistance for i!pro/ing e!plo$a#ilit$ including entrepreneurial training2 speciali4ed s*ill training2 and training in softer s*ills re.uired #$ 'ndustr$. 65) T$! .!2 "r!"% in +$i#$ "#"d!)i# in%&i&1&ion% #"n 5!n!/i& Ind1%&ri!%,
%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

P!r)i&&!d Tra/el cost2 hospitalit$ and honorariu! paid to 'ndustr$ personnel for participation in -urriculu! De/elop!ent 1 re/ision1 restructuring2 student assess!ent and 'nstitutional #odies2 and for deli/ering )5pert lectures )5penditure for increasing '0 '0' through P-%,G )5penditure to&ards in/iting 'ndustries (e5cluding tra/el cost and lodging #oarding) for ca!pus inter/ie&s and hospitalit$ during ca!pus inter/ie&s ,rranging tutoring #$ 'ndustr$ )5perts to prepare students for on0 and off ca!pus o# inter/ie&s

No& P!r)i&&!d @onorariu ! to facult$ +e!#er 'n0 charge of '0 '0' acti/it$ ('t can #e paid fro! the 'nstitutions '"G)

The e5isting e5pertise a/aila#le &ith pro ect institutions can #e utili4ed #$ the 'ndustries for technolog$ assess!ent2 up0 gradation and a#sorption. Ca#oratories in the institutions !ust create a niche for the!sel/es #$ targeting in the select areas of e5cellence. 'nstitutions need to encourage and enhance the acti/ities to #oost the countr$Ds econo!$ through de/eloping ne& *no&ledge inno/ations and technologies &hich can #e adopted #$ 'ndustries. The professionals fro! 'ndustries can act as ad unct facult$ in the institutions and facult$ can #e deputed to 'ndustr$ to gain industrial e5perience.

V) In%&i&1&ion"( M"n" !)!n& C"'"#i&2 En$"n#!)!n&, 6Fund allocated: 2% 5% - R%.2-.-- (".$%) A#&ivi&i!% 6") I)'rovin M"n" !ri"( "nd Ad)ini%&r"&iv! "5i(i&i!% o/ 8!"d% o/ In%&i&1&ion%9 D!"n%9 8!"d% o/ D!'"r&)!n&%9 %!nior /"#1(&2 "nd o//i#i"(%, Through specificall$ designed training progra!!es is an i!portant Pro ect acti/it$ to support effecti/e i!ple!entation of refor!s2 to i!pro/e de/elop!ent2 planning and i!ple!entation2 and !onitoring. The :P'9 &ill de/elop appropriate training curricula in this regard2 identif$ training institutions and organi4ations2 and de/elop an annual training schedule. 'nstitutionDs leaders are also encouraged to participate in other rele/ant orientation and training progra!!es. The e5pected outco!es are enhanced !anage!ent capacit$2 helping the institution to gain increased autono!$2 and i!pro/ed internal and e5ternal efficiencies of institutions. 65) A(( SPFU%9 in #on:1n#&ion +i&$ &$! in%&i&1&ion%9 "r! r!;1ir!d &o, -onduct >rientation Progra!!es for 7oG +e!#ers to *eep
%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

P!r)i&&!d 6") Tr"inin o/ In%&i&1&ion O//i#i"(% "nd S!nior F"#1(&2, -ourse fee? tra/el e5penses2 #oarding and lodging2 and sundr$ e5penses1 allo&ances as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen deputed out0 station to another 'nstitution (&ithin 'ndia or a#road) for the duration of the -ourse2 tra/el ti!e and the ti!e per!itted #$ the 7oG for /isits to 'nstitutions1 >rgani4ations of interest and rele/ance to the facult$ in the /icinit$ of the location of training TrainerDs fee and o/erheads? and sundr$ e5penditure if

No& P!r)i&&! d ,n$ other pa$!ent to the officials and senior facult$ for attending the -ourse

the! &ell infor!ed of the Pro ect design and i!ple!entation re.uire!ents2 and their role in respect of #oth pro ect '!ple!entation and o/erall institutional de/elop!ent. 6#) A##o1n&"5i(i&2, ,ll officials and facult$ &ho ha/e undergone this training are e5pected to: Prepare a report on the training underta*en and the e5perience gained. The report should also include the aspects that can #e used for efficienc$ i!pro/e!ent in +anagerial and ,d!inistrati/e functions. %hare their e5perience &ith other facult$ and staff &ithin the institution through se!inars. The reports fro! all #eneficiaries should #e hosted on the institutionDs &e# site and lin*ed to :P'9Ds &e# site.

training progra!!es organi4ed &ithin the parent 'nstitution 65) Ori!n&"&ion o/ BoG M!)5!r%: Tra/el costs2 #oarding and lodging e5penditure and sitting fee to 7oard +e!#ers? sundr$ e5penses on organi4ing >rientation Progra!!e. 6#) S&1d2 To1r%: Tra/el e5penses2 #oarding and lodging2 and sundr$ e5penses1 allo&ances as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen deputed for stud$ tour &ithin 'ndia or a#road for the duration of the tour and tra/el ti!e.

VI) I)'(!)!n&"&ion o/ In%&i&1&ion"( R!/or)%, 6Fund allocated: (% 6% - R%.12.-- (".$%)

A#&ivi&i!% P!r)i&&!d No& P!r)i&&!d

,cade!ic "efor!s : Curricular Reforms, The -entral ,d/isor$ 7oard of )ducation (-,7)) has suggested that each institution should e5ercise inno/ati/e approaches in underta*ing periodic re/ision of curriculu! e/er$ t&o to three $ears and an intensi/e re/ision e/er$ four to fi/e $ears depending on the de/elop!ents in the su# ect area. The !ain purpose of re/ision of curricula and s$lla#i for )ngineering )ducation disciplines at 9G and PG le/els is to effecti/el$ prepare students to !eet the la#our !ar*et re.uire!ents. 'n/ol/e!ent of e!plo$ers including core 'ndustr$ is an essential re.uire!ent. 'nstitutions2 &hich are autono!ous2 can carr$ out the curricula de/elop!ent and re/ision the!sel/es #$ esta#lishing !echanis! that &ould ensure that the curricula !eet la#our !ar*et re.uire!ents. ,ll ne& and re/ised curricula2 a!ong others2 need to i!#i#e the
%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

a) Curricular Reforms: Tra/el cost2 hospitalit$ and honorariu! paid to 'ndustr$ personnel for participation in -urriculu! De/elop!ent1 re/ision1 restructuring and -urricular refor!s?

Fiscal incenti/es for increased participation in research2 sponsored pro ects and consultanc$ &or* (the incenti/es can2 ho&e/er2 #e gi/en fro! 'nstitutional

follo&ing: 'nno/ations in teaching and student e/aluation !ethodologies? Design s*ills2 co!!unication s*ills2 entrepreneurial s*ills2 infor!ation processing2 creati/e and inno/ati/e thin*ing2 leadership s*ills? Pro#le! sol/ing pro ects fro! 'ndustr$? )lecti/e courses? )5tensi/e use of !edia? 'n/ited e5pert lectures fro! 'ndustr$ and field? Aisits to and training in 'ndustr$? and +ulti0le/el and !ulti0#ac*ground entr$ credit e5e!ptions. '!pro/ed %tudent Perfor!ance )/aluation: Perfor!ance appraisal of facult$ #$ students: Facult$ incenti/e for -ontinuing )ducation (-))2 -onsultanc$ and "<D: ,ccreditation of eligi#le 9G < PG progra!!es: :on0,cade!ic "efor!s : )5ercise of autono!ies: ,cade!ic2 ,d!inistrati/e2 +anagerial and Financial: )sta#lish!ent of -orpus Fund2 Facult$ De/elop!ent Fund2 ).uip!ent "eplace!ent Fund and +aintenance Fund: Generation2 retention and utili4ation of re/enue generated through /ariet$ of acti/ities: Filling0up all e5isting teaching and staff /acancies: Delegation of decision0!a*ing po&ers to senior institutional functionaries &ith accounta#ilit$: VII) A#"d!)i# %1''or& /or +!". %&1d!n&%: (Fund allocated: 2% - "s.3.00 la*hs) A#&ivi&i!% To i!pro/e the acade!ic perfor!ance of %-1%T1>7acade!icall$ &ea* students through inno/ati/e !ethods such as re!edial teaching in professional su# ects and soft s*ills

%undr$ e5penditure on holding !eetings of the concerned -o!!ittees. b) Incentives to Faculty for Continuing Education Programmes Consultancy and R!": @onorariu! for organi4ing and ad!inistering -) progra!!es @onorariu! for deli/ering lectures and training in -) progra!!es as per nor!s decided #$ the 7oG c) Accreditation: ,ccreditation fee to :7,1:,,-.

resources including '"G) ,n$ pa$!ent to ,ccreditatio n -o!!ittee !e!#ers in cash or *ind

P!r)i&&!d @onorariu! to facult$ and staff for ta*ing #ridge courses2 re!edial teaching

No& P!r)i&&! d -ost to&ards the

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

de/elop!ent for increasing transition rate2 pass rate and e!plo$a#ilit$. To constitute a Finishing %chool &ith a senior facult$ as coordinator:

classes and s*ills de/elop!ent training @onorariu! to facult$2 staff2 honorariu!2 T, and D, to outside )5perts for speciali4ed training in soft co!ponents including co!!unication0 presentation s*ill

The key activities under the aegis of the Finishing School will be: a) -onducting re!edial teaching throughout acade!ic sessions for i!pro/ing transition rate and pass rate of students2 #) -onducting speciali4ed soft s*ills and professional s*ills de/elop!ent training during se!ester0#rea*s and /acations (prefera#l$ starting fro! 5th %e!ester on&ards) for increasing e!plo$a#ilit$2 c) -onducting high intensit$ training (of at least =0&ee*s duration) for de/elop!ent of soft and professional s*ills in the students that graduate #ut fail to secure an$ e!plo$!ent2 d) >rgani4ing ca!pus inter/ie&s and !a*ing other efforts to secure e!plo$!ent for graduate engineers that co!plete the training under acti/it$ (c) a#o/e. There &ill #e no course fee for students for either acti/it$ at (a) or (#) or (c). The #enefit of acti/it$ at (c) of the Finishing %chool can #e e5tended to graduate0engineers fro! other institutions in the /icinit$ &ho fail to secure e!plo$!ent. ,ll students attending training under acti/it$ (c) &ill #e responsi#le for their #oarding and lodging arrange!ents and e5penditure.

#oarding and lodging of students for attending the Finishing %chool

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

VIII) In#r!)!n&"( o'!r"&in A#&ivi&i!% The 'ncre!ental >perating -ost !eans the costs of operation and !aintenance of e.uip!ent2 office e5penses2 hiring of /ehicles2 salaries and allo&ances of additional staff and tra/el and super/ision costs incurred for the purposes of carr$ing out the Pro ect. The cost includes organi4ing &or*shops2 se!inars etc.2 all e5penses for training progra!!e including training 1 course fee2 consu!a#les2 -onsultants (e5perts) fee related to "<D. Technical ,ssistance2 %alaries2 +aintenance of

Co%&, 6Fund allocated: (0% - R%.7-.-- (".$%) No& P!r)i&&!d ,n$ other pa$!ent to the facult$ for attending se!inars2 &or*shops2 conferences2 etc. if organi4ed &ithin the parent 'nstitution or at another 'nstitution #ut &ithin0station. %alaries to contract facult$ and staff appointed against e5isting /acancies %alaries of ,d unct facult$ appointed against e5isting /acancies (These are to #e #orne #$ the 'nstitution) +aintenance of #uildings and furniture (this should #e carried out through 'nstitutionDs o&n #udget.

P!r)i&&!d E*'!ndi&1r! on: 7oG and other -o!!ittee +eetings T, < D, for facult$ and staff attending &or*shops and !eetings organi4ed #$ the :P'9 and %PF9s T, < D, for facult$ and staff attending training in the Horld 7an* procedures as arranged #$ the :P'9 and %PF9s -ontract fee for outsourced ser/ices %tudent training !aterials and other consu!a#les >ccasional hiring of /ehicles for pro ect related &or* onl$ >ffice operation including stationer$2 postage2 electronic co!!unication2 telephone2 electricit$2 &ater2 etc. )5penditure on participation #$ facult$ in se!inars2 conferences2 &or*shops2 etc. "egistration fee? tra/el e5penses? #oarding2 lodging2 and sundr$ e5penses1allo&ances as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen facult$ is deputed outstation to another 'nstitution (&ithin 'ndia or a#road) for the duration of the se!inar2 conference or &or*shop2 tra/el ti!e and the ti!e per!itted #$ the 7oG for /isits to 'nstitutions1 >rgani4ations of interest and rele/ance to the facult$ in the /icinit$ of the location of se!inar2 &or*shop or conference "egistration fee and local tra/el e5penses as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen participation is &ithin station2 #ut at an institution other than the e!plo$er institution. -onsultanc$ ser/ices engaged for technical assistance related to: Pedagogical training2 +entoring2 hand-holding for pro ect i!ple!entation as re.uired #$ &ea* institutions2 e5ternal financial auditing2 %alaries of additional full0ti!e regular and contract facult$ and staff appointed against posts created under the Pro ect. In<$o1%! )"in&!n"n#! o/ !*i%&in "nd n!+ !;1i')!n&, +aintenance of e.uip!ent including co!puters and related de/ices and assets pro/ided under the Pro ect through ,nnual +aintenance -ontracts

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions

e.uip!ent including co!puters

"egistration fee and local tra/el e5penses as per applica#le nor!s and rules &hen participation is &ithin station #ut at an 'nstitution other than the e!plo$er 'nstitution.

%- (.2 8 Pri/ate 9naided 'nstitutions


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