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Green Communication Networks

Najwa Binti Is ak
!acu"t# o$ E"ectrica" En%ineerin% an& Com'uter En%ineerin% (BENT )*+*, najwa-is ak.#mai"/com

Abstract Use of telecommunications has developed in recent years and will continue to expand as developing country until the wires as choice communications medium Telecommunications world now only handling environmental impact that is apparent it created and cost that is extraordinary in power consumption. This awareness has led to push towards Green Communication that strives to enhance energy efficiency and telecommunication energy freedom. A study metric that is present for energy efficiency discussed with certain adaptation for communication base on views[ !. "ecently wor# review progress energy efficiency are made at certain point in communication cycle such as component$ networ# operation and topology$ and combine renewed and alternative energy to base station[%!. &'m also surveyed a few holistic approaches which effect reliance between communication layers and operation(deployment. This approaches including design cross layers and wireless computing circulated [)!. Index Terms0 green communications$ wireless and energy efficiency. I/ INTRODUCTION T e c"as 1etween t e two streams is not necessari"# ine2ita1"e3 increasin% ener%# costs an& t e ra'i& %rowt o$ consumer communications3 e"& an ur%ent nee& to a&&ress t e &e2e"o'ment o$ e$$icient communication in terms o$ ener%# 'ro&uction/ Ce""u"ar network is t e 1i%%est $actor in accountin% $or t e en2ironmenta" im'act o$ t e in&ustr# to mo2e 'ro&uction $rom t e 1usiness sector an& estimate& te"ecommunication 1etween 4/56 789 an& *6 car1on trackin% wor"&wi&e 7(9/ W i"e t at &oes not soun& im'ortant3 t e seriousness o$ t e rea" issues $rom t e 'ers'ecti2e o$ t e more si%ni$icant ener%# costs/ In some o$ t e te"ecommunications market3 t e costs associate& wit ener%# e:'"aine& 1# a"$ $rom one mo1i"e o'erator to an o'eratin% e:'ense 7;3 59/ Ener%# e:'ectation t at suc costs can 1e increase& to t ree times in t e ne:t se2en #ears is a 1i% cause o$ concern/ 789 More recent"#3 t e term <Green Communications< as 1ecome a

s"o%an to market an& w en a sett"ement $or a risin% cost an& en2ironmenta" im'act on te"ecommunications/ =owe2er3 t ere is a "ack o$ e:'"icit &e$initions an& metrics $or ener%# e$$icienc# wi"" 'ro2i&e a Wire"ess Te"ecommunication %oo& $oun&ation $or assessin% t e o2era"" increase an& re&uce t e im'act o$ t e Green Communications/ II/ S>STEM ARC=ITECTURE

!i%ure *? T e im'ro2in% ener%# $or Green Communication Network

!or a 1etter un&erstan&in%3 as s own in !i%ure *3 to inte%rate a"" as'ects o$ im'ro2in% ener%# e$$icienc# t rou% out t e entire "i$e c#c"e an& to in2esti%ate t e re"ations i' amon% t e tra&itiona" "a#ers se'arate"#/ T is e$$ort wi"" 1ene$it t e a''"ication o$ co%niti2e ra&io tec ni@ues to create awareness to t e situation o$ t e %ri& communication networks wit more an& a&a'ti2e 'ower contro" an& 'ro'ose a 'ara&i%m $or &istri1ute& com'utin% to coor&inate in&i2i&ua" communication stations in t e s#stem area o$ t e w o"e $ramework/

Trans$er &ata sets are %reat/ T ese ca'a1i"ities a""ow communications to 1e reser2e& to t e re@uirements o$ t e a''"ication wit re&ucin% an& o2er ea& 'ower usa%e/ III/ AAACICATIONS In t is re'ort3 t e &e$inition o$ Green Communications is an e$$ort to re&uce ener%# costs w i"e sti"" maintainin% Eua"it# o$ Ser2ice )EoS, re@uirements in terms o$ co2era%e3 ca'acit# an& nee&s/ W en com'arin% t e &esi%n o$ t e s#stem an& im'ro2ements in ener%# e$$icienc# com'onent o$ %reen ouse %as re&uctions a"one are not su$$icient 7F9/ Ne2ert e"ess3 'ower consum'tion is one o$ t e core $actors in e$$ort to re&uce s#stem car1on e$$ect in e2er# o'eration3 we a"so recommen&e& t at e2er# metric w ic nee& taken into consi&eration in usa%e interna" ener%# e2er# o'eration use&/ W at a1out im'ro2ements in t e 'ro'er or&er as 1roa& e$$ort inter'rete& in a wa# t at accurate"# re$"ects t e sa2in%s ac ie2e&G Ao'u"ar metric is 'rotecte& "on% es'ecia""# w en $ocusin% on t e measurement o$ t e 'ower consum'tion o$ t e s#stem 7H9/ A EOS CROA IS consistent wit t e nee& to consi&er ener%# e$$icienc#/ It is &i$$icu"t 1ut it is 'ossi1"e t at t e most im'ortant task w en it is re"ate& to %reen to measure t e e$$ecti2eness o$ communication an& an a"ternati2e a''roac // In most cases3 t ere is a $actor in terms o$ 'ower an& ener%# t at is o$ten misuse& interc an%ea1"#/ ID/ ISSUES+C=ACCENGES Unti" now3 t ere are t e $ew Ra&io Access Tec no"o%ies )mice, t at a2e 1een use& in a manner consistent3 to meet a nee& in t e &i$$erent ser2ices in t e same area eac an& 'ro2i&e mu"tiBRAT an&o2ers/ =owe2er3 t is so"ution as man# o$ its own network '"annin% an& resource mana%ement met o&s/ In our met o&3 t ere is t e same network as t e &esi%n %oa" o$ w ic is to o'timiIe t e s#stem ca'acit# an& co2era%e w i"e meetin% t e EoS re@uirements o$ eit er t#'e o$ communication a''"ications in 2er# &i$$erent scenarios3 in terms o$ major macro $or $em to ce""s $or its &i$$erent en2ironment/ T is so"ution as 1een o'timiIe& $or a s#stem o$ i% "oa& o'eratin% 'oint/ =owe2er3 t e most o$ t e time t e s#stem as 1een o$$ "oa&e&/ Recent"# t ere was an ori%ina" e$$ort $or joint mana%ement o$ mu"tiBRAT tec no"o%# t at $ocuses on t e norma" ca'acit# an& co2era%e o'timiIation 789/ T e joint e$$ort 1# t ese is not inc"u&e consi&eration o$ t e IEEE an& wi"" not necessari"# resu"t in o'tima" use or 'er$ormance $rom t e 'oint o$ 2iew o$ ener%# consum'tion/ D/ STANDARDS RECATED WIT= T=E TOAIC T e e"ectronics in&ustr# as 1een 'ut as a matter o$ im'ortance $or im'ro2in% ener%# e$$icienc# t rou% a more narrow"# $ocuse& 'ro%rams an& t e "ack o$ %ui&ance '"annin% 1oar&/ !or e:am'"e3 two in&ustr# a""iances3 t e Si"icon Inte%ration Initiati2e an& "a# narrow $ocus an& "ack o$ &irection in t e '"annin% area/ !or e:am'"e3 two in&ustr# a""iances3 t e Si"icon Inte%ration Initiati2e an& t e Aower !orwar& Initiati2e su''orts "ow 'ower &esi%ns3 w i"e t e

!i%ure 8? T e $ie"& o$ Wire"ess in Green Communication Network

In T e !ie"& O$ Wire"ess3 De2ices Connecte& To Eac Arocess Or A"ant E@ui'ment/ T is De2ice Is Known As Wire"ess=ART De2ices Wit Bui"tBIn Or E:istin% Insta""e& =ARTBEna1"e& De2ices Suita1"e !or Suc Wire"ess=ART Attac e& To It/ Gatewa#s Ena1"e Communication Between De2ices An& =ost A''"ications Connecte& To T e =i% B S'ee& Back1one Or Ot er E:istin% A"ant Communications Network/ As A Network Mana%er3 It Is Res'onsi1"e !or Con$i%urin% T e Network3 Sc e&u"in% Communications Between De2ices3 Mana%in% Messa%e Routes3 An& Monitorin% T e =ea"t O$ T e Network/ Network Mana%er Can Be Inte%rate& Into t e Gatewa#3 =ost Automation Contro""er3 A''"ication or Arocess Automation Contro""er/ Eac De2ice In T e Mes Network Can Ser2e As A Router !or Messa%es !rom Ot er De2ices/ In Ot er Wor&s3 A De2ice Nee& Not Communicate Direct"# To A Door3 But On"# !orwar& T e Messa%e To T e Ne:t C"osest De2ice/ T is E:ten&s T e Ran%e O$ T e Network An& Aro2i&es Re&un&ant Communication Aat s Increase Re"ia1i"it#/ Network Mana%ers Set E:cessi2e Routes Base& On Catenc#3 E$$icienc# An& Re"ia1i"it#/ To Ensure Re&un&ant Routes Remain O'en An& Not O1structe&3 Continuous Messa%es Inter2a" Between Re&un&ant Aat s/ As A Resu"t3 Suc As T e Internet3 I$ A Messa%e Cannot Reac Its Destination B# A Cane3 It Is Automatica""# Route& Back To !o""ow A We"" Renowne& Re&un&ant Aat s Wit No Data Coss/ Net Desi%n A"so Makes A&&in% Or Mo2in% Sim'"e Too"s/ As Con% As A De2ice Is In T e Ot er Ran%es In T e Network3 It Can Communicate/ Because O$ t e !"e:i1i"it# to Meet Di$$erent Usa%e Con&itions3 Wire"ess=ART Stan&ar& Su''orts Mu"ti'"e Dis'atc Met o&s Inc"u&in% OneBWa# Au1"is in% Arocess an& Contro" Da"ues3 S'ontaneous Noti$ication B# E:ce'tion3 A& =oc Re@uest + Res'onse3 An& Auto Se%mente& B"ock

major IT com'anies &ea"in% wit com'uter 'ower inter$ace 759/ A"t ou% "ar%e te"ecommunications 'ro2i&ers suc as Do&a$one as wi&es'rea& 'romise to re&uce car1on emissions 1# 546 7F9 on"# to see an increase in t eir actua" use 1# a"most *H6 7;9/ Green Awar& winner t is #ear at t e con$erence G"o1a" Mo1i"e is a ser2ice 'ro2i&er t at use& renewa1"e ener%# resource risk "ow $or o$$ %ri& 1ase station 7J9/ T e te"ecommunications in&ustr# as on"# recent"# taken t e 'osition in a&&ressin% re%u"ator# %reen communication3 1ut ere too t ere is a s ortBsi% te& 2ision wit "itt"e $ocus on an inter&isci'"inar# a''roac an& tec nica" ri%or 7F9/ T e Euro'ean A""iance3 844J in news"etter 're$erence "ist o$ eB mo1i"it# researc $ocus as Knew materia"s3 ener%# e$$icient ra&io3 an& a more $"e:i1"e 1usiness mo&e"L 7H9/ Des'ite t ese e$$orts &emonstrate a commitment to t e 2ision o$ %reen communication3 i% Brisk+ i% rewar& strate%ic 2isionar# e$$ort re@uire&/ Moreo2er3 in t eir 844H re'ort3 ACAST as i&enti$ie& as a 'riorit# t e nee& to o2ercome t e tra&itiona" &esi%n ' i"oso' # associate& wit t e inte%ration o$ c#1er an& ' #sica" s#stems 7J9/ T is 'ara&i%m s i$t &irect"# corre"ates wit an em' asis on Green Communications on cross "a#er &esi%n ana"#sis t at 1in& to%et er t e ' #sica" "a#er an& me&ium access "a#er o$ t e network/ T e Nationa" Science !oun&ation as recent"# aske& $or recommen&ations in t e $ie"& o$ C#1er A #sica" S#stems 7(93 owe2er3 more em' asis as 1een '"ace& on t e main t eme areas suc as trans'ortation3 me&ica" s#stems3 $inancia" an& ener%# researc as a w o"e/ DI/ CONCCUSIONS In our e$$ort to use wire"ess tec no"o%# to meet e2er# in&ustria" &eman& is a sure t in%3 1ut t ere are some restrictions to consi&er/ Amon% t em3 t e me&ium we use tec no"o%#3 w ic use s are& an& &oes not %uarantee t e transmission ca'acit# o$ wire"ess an& ra&io wa2es is a1sor1e& an& re$"ecte& 1# t e 1arrier an& t ere$ore &oes not in an# case it is "ike"# 'ossi1"e connections 7M9/ Cicense $ree 1an& as on"# "imite& &istance3 as we"" as ot er wire"ess s#stems ma# use a 1an& an& make a"" t ese issues 1ecome coBe:istence 7H9/ ACKNOWCEDGMENT I wou"& "ike to e:'ress m# %ratitu&e an& a''reciation to a"" t ose w o %a2e me t e 'ossi1i"it# to com'"ete t is re'ort/ A s'ecia" t anks to m# "ecturer o$ Data Communication S#stem3 Mr/ AI"is a 3 w ose e"'3 an# su%%estions an& encoura%ement3 e"'e& me to coor&inate m# 'roject es'ecia""# in writin% t is re'ort/ DII/ RE!ERENCES 7*9 NT e Wor"& Te"ecommunication+ICT In&icators Data1ase3N Internationa" Te"ecommunications Union3 844H/

789 =/ O an%3 NCo%niti2e Ra&io $or Green Communications an& Green S'ectrum3N in CHINACOM3 =an%I ou3 C ina3 844J/ 7(9 P/ T/ Cou i3 KEner%# e$$icienc# o$ mo&ern ce""u"ar 1ase stations3L in Telecommunications Energy Conference, 200 ! 7;9 P/ Row"e# an& D/ =ai%BT omas3 KUnwirin% t e A"anet B Wire"ess Communications an& C"imate C an%e3L in IT" International #ym$osiums ICT%s and Climate C&ange3 Con&on3 UK3 844J/ 759 S. Fletcher. Green radio-sustainable wireless networks. Mobile VCE Core, 5, February 2009. Online: http: www.!obile"! dloadspubl !t#2$%&te !'50(.ppt. 7F9 =/ Sistek3 K'reen(tec& base stations cut diesel usage by )0 $ercent3L 844J/ 7H9 KT e Wor"& Te"ecommunication+ICT In&icators Data1ase3L Internationa" Te"ecommunications Union3 844H/ 7J9 Ericsson3 K'reen *o+er to ,ring Mobile Tele$&ony to ,illions of *eo$le3L 844J/ 7On"ine9/ A2ai"a1"e? tt'?++www/ericsson/com+ericsson+'ress+2i&eos+844J+4J*8*5B %reenB'ower/s tm"/ 7M9 KCore 5 B Green Ra&io? Aro%ramme O1jecti2es an& O2er2iew3L Aresentation $rom Mo1i"e DCE/

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