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THEORY We were chosen classical realism in this research.

We were chosen idea from Thucydides for related the research. The classical realist lineages begin with Thucydides representation of politics as a law of human behavior. The drive for power and the will to dominate are held to be fundamental aspect of human nature. The behavior of the state as a self-seeking egoist is understood to be merely a reflection of the characteristic of the people that compromise the state. It is human natures that explain why international politics is necessary power politics. Characteristic of classical realism is its adherents belief in the primordial character of power and ethic. Classical realism is fundamentally about the struggle for belonging, a struggle that is often violent. Patriotic virtue is required in order for communities to survive in this historic battle between good and evil, a virtue that long predates the emergence of sovereignty. Based nation community in the middle seventeenth century. The big idea of Thucydides is international politics is driven by an endless struggle for power, which has its roots in human nature. Justice, law, and society have either no place or are circumscribed. Thucydides was the historian of the Peloponnesian war, a conflict between two great powers in the ancient Greek world, Sparta and Athens. Thucydides exploitations of underlying cause of the war was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this cause in Sparta. Thucydides make it clear that Sparta national interest, like that of all states, was survival, and the charging distribution of power represented a direct threat to its existence. Sparta was, therefore, compelled by necessity to go to war in order to forestall being vanquished by Athens. Thucydides also makes it clear that Athens feet equally compelled to pursue power in order to preserve the empire it had enquired.

Therefore, clearly cause in context treaty of Versailles, Germany was launching the war because went freedom and get back their power. This is some method can use archive power back after diplomatic method. We look spirit the unemployment Germany people is higher after Hitler offer to join NAZI party to get back their right back. Germany launch war because went justice from country was pull their power on treaty. We look, the treaty is not balance because were effect decreases at Germany at all factor. Example, after their territory was loss, their economic was decreases because main source of economic was loss and control at another power. This is related which Peloponnesian war, Sparta launch war to Athens because injustice power.

LEVEL OF ANALYSIS We were use waltz model in level of analysis we research. We was use waltz level of analysis for analysis the causes of World War II. Waltz searched for the causes of war at three different level of analysis. First is the level of the individual, second level of the state and third is the level of the systemic. Level of individual The main character in cause of world war II because treaty of Versailles is Adolf Hitler. The Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of fascism and Hitler in Germany. Hitler established the NAZI party in year 19191. He was an ardent nationalist as were many Germany, as a result of how weak the treaty of Versailles had made their nation.2 Hitler was a very charismatic person who was able to gain massive support by denouncing the treaty of Versailles and the Weimar republic that German people hated so much.3 Hitler was the culmination of what the Germany people wanted when he told a storm trooper Ill get rid of Versailles.4 The Germany people believed he would and on January 30, 1933, Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. Hitler took steps to begin to restore the military power that Treaty of Versailles had taken away when announced the restoration of enlistment and the expansion of the Germany army.5 He created the naval pact with Britain allowed Germany naval strength to be expended until it thirty five percent of British naval establishment.6 Hitler reverses the provision of the treaty of Versailles

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Grunberger61 Grunberger69 3 Richard J. Evans, the coming of the third reich( new york: the penguin press,2004) 447 4 Grunberger90 5 Watt 501 6 Grunberger 122

when he ordered that the Rhineland be re militarized.7 Hitler accomplished part of this goal by annexing Austria in March 1938.8 Hitler succeeds continued when Germany was given the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in the Munich agreement in September 1938.9 Finally, Hitler made one more attempt to truth end the restriction put on Germany by the treaty of Versailles when he invaded Poland to get back the polish corridor and then world war II began two day later.10

Level of state The main state of cause the World War II in treaty of Versailles is German. The treaty of Versailles forced Germany to lose territory, caused serious economic problem which were only worsened by the depression of the 1930, left thousands of Germany outside of German, and these entire thing created German resentment forward the western world. The effect of the treaty of Versailles weakened Germany government. Certain part of the countries of the territory was used to from new countries. Next, Germany military power also include in treaty of Versailles. Germany was allowed an army of one hundred thousand and a navy of fifteen thousand.11 Under the treaty Germany wasnt allowed an air force, armored cars, tanks, heavy gun, submarine or dirigible.12 Then, the treaty of Versailles laid Germany solely responsible for World War 1 and ordered that Germany pay the entire cost of it through an undefined amount of reparation. The economic Germany also decreases because main economic of Germany are coal and iron was

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Grunberger124 Watt 501 9 Grunberger 139 10 Grunberger148 11 Margaret macmilliam, paris 1919: six months that changed the world (new work: random house,2001)176 12 Macmillan176

loss and was take because the treaty. Many factories were close and people unemployment. While the treaty of Versailles was successful in making Germany weak, its terms would later lead to World War II

Level of systemic In context systemic, we can look the state involve in treaty of Versailles. Firstly, after the Germany territory was took and distributed it to other countries like the Saar Basin and Upper Silesia was given to France and Poland respectively13. Another territory are alsacelorraine, Eupemalmedy and North Schleswig was took by France, Belgium and Denmark respectively.14 This was make the state was more power and rich because economy of Germany at territory was their control and conquer. While in Germany, was make Germany feel disappointed and want to take back the territory. Germany was launch war at the country. This was made the country not stabilize and uncontrolled. A South African statesman named Jan Christian Smuts wrote to Prime Minister David Lloyd Goerge, this treaty breathes a poisonous spirit of revenge, which may yet scorch the fair face not of a corner of France but of Europe.15 Alfred Lord Milner, the British colonial secretary, called the treaty of Versailles the peace to end peace.16 All of these men correctly described the treaty of Versailles, but they would not know that until 193917

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Keynes 82-84 Richard Grunberger, germany 1918-1945 (new york: harper & row, publisher 1964)55 15 Hughes and seligmann24 16 Hughes and seligmann24 17 Grunberger148

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