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Visoka kola strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitaa u Kikindi

TEMA: Marija Montesorri PREDMET: Engleski jezik

Mentor: mr Tanja Brklja

Student: Milana ilas

Kikinda, Novembar 20 !"


Earl$ li%e &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""! Earl$ #'ild'ood Ed()ation Resear)'&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"! Montesorri ed()ation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&*+, T'e Role o% t'e Tea)'er in Montesorri s)'ools&&&&&"""&&&&&&&""",+T'e #'ild and .earning&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-+/ Ed()ation and 0o)ial #'ange&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&/+1 .iterat(re&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1

Earl$ li%e

Maria Montessori

as born on !u"ust #$% $&'(% in the provin)ial to n o* +hiaravalle% parents/ !t the time that Montessori as "ro in" omen0s roles/ 1rom a -oun" a"e% she

,tal-% to middle.)lass%

up% ,tal- held )onservative values about 2ome% hen she biolo"-/

)onsistentl- broke out o* those pros)ribed "ender limitations/ !*ter the *amil- moved to as $3% Montessori attended )lasses at a bo-s0 te)hni)al institute% here she *urther developed her aptitude *or math and her interest in the s)ien)es4parti)ularl-

1a)in" her *ather0s resistan)e but armed ith her mother0s support% Montessori ent on to "raduate ith hi"h honors *rom the medi)al s)hool o* the 5niversit- o* 2ome in $&67/ ,n so doin"% Montessori be)ame the *irst *emale do)tor in ,tal-/

Earl$ #'ild'ood Ed()ation Resear)' !s a do)tor% Montessori )hose pediatri)s and ps-)hiatr- as her spe)ialties/ 8hile tea)hin" at her medi)al.s)hool alma mater% Montessori treated man- poor and )hildren intelli"en)e as present in )hildren o* all so)io.e)onomi) ba)k"rounds/ Montessori be)ame the dire)tor o* the :rthophreni) S)hool *or developmentall- disabled )hildren in $6((/ There she be"an to e;tensivel- resear)h earl- )hildhood development and edu)ation/ <er readin" in)luded the studies o* $&th and $6th )entur- 1ren)h ph-si)ians =ean.Mar).>aspard ,tard and ?douard S@"uin% ho had e;perimented ith the )apabilities o* disabled )hildren/ Montessori be"an to )on)eptualize her o n method o* appl-in" their edu)ational theories% hi)h she tested throu"h hands.on s)ienti*i) observation o* students at the :rthophreni) S)hool/ Montessori *ound the resultin" improvement in students0 development remarkable/ She spread her resear)h *indin"s in spee)hes throu"hout Aurope% also usin" her plat*orm to advo)ate *or )hildren0s ri"hts/ omen0s and orkin".)lass ho attended the *ree )lini)s there/ 9urin" that time% she observed that intrinsi)


Montessori edu)ation o**ers a uniBue e;perien)e desi"ned to help -our )hild ma;imize her potentialC an edu)ational environment that is purpose*ull- desi"ned to meet her uniBue developmental needs and adults ho are spe)i*i)all- trained to observe and put her in tou)h ith e;a)tl- hat she needs at that ver- moment to learn/ ! s)hool is a "roup o* people ho )ome to"ether ith a )ommon purposeC edu)ation is ork ill serve her no and *or

the e;perien)e that -our )hild has the rest o* her li*e/ The traditional edu)ational s-stem

ith these people/ !M, Montessori s)hools

dili"entl- to provide a positive and *ormative e;perien)e that

as desi"ned durin" the industrial revolution%


the masses moved into urban areas to ork in *a)tories/ The- )reated an e**e)tive method o* trainin" the *ollo in" "enerations o* *a)tororkers/ +hildren ere instru)ted to memorize and re"ur"itate *a)ts D to stop orkin" hen the bell rin"s D to sit in ni)e% neat ro s o* desks and ask *or permission to move/ ,t is no lon"er relevant in our modern )ulture/ Toda-% su))ess*ul people )han"e ork on proje)ts not *a)tor- lines/ The- are re arded *or orkin" at the same job *or E( -ears/ !s e

)reatin" thin"s rather than *ollo in" orders/ !nd% the- are e;pe)ted to adapt Bui)kl- to ithin their pro*ession% rather than peek into the un)ertain *uture o* the 2$st )entur-% !M, Montessori pro"rams o**er a sa*e harbor *or parents: a resear)h.based method that has been proven to develop some o* the bri"htest minds o* our times and is tomorro / Montesorri edu)ation simpl- is a develop *ull- into the person he a- o* bein" ith )hildren that allo s ea)h )hild to ell ell positioned to develop the movers and shakers o*

as destined to be/ =ust as -ou make ever- e**ort to ork dili"entl- to ensure that the ph-si)al

ensure that -our home is lovin" and sa*e D so that -our )hild *eels se)ure and adjusted D !M, Montessori s)hools

environment% the tea)hers and the student )ommunit-

ill meet -our )hildFs needs


respe)t and support at ea)h step in his edu)ational journe-/ ,nstead o* e;pe)tin" that he pa- attention to the tea)her in *ront o* a )lass o* #( )hildren% it is the Montessori tea)her ho pa-s )lose attention to -our )hild hi)h *osters a trustin" relationship D an edu)ation partnership o* sorts D in trans*ormin"/ hi)h he ill have *aith that his hi)h he is tea)her trul- understands and respe)ts him *or the human bein" into

T'e Role o% t'e Tea)'er in Montesorri s)'ools !nd so e dis)overed that edu)ation is not somethin" hi)h the tea)her does% but that it hi)h the )hild a)ts on his

is a natural pro)ess b- listenin" to

hi)h develops spontaneousl- in the human bein"/ ,t is not a)Buired

ords% but in virtue o* e;perien)es in

environment/ The tea)herFs task is not to talk% but to prepare and arran"e a series o* motives *or )ultural a)tivit- in a spe)ial environment made *or the )hild/ GMaria Montessori% The !bsorbent Mind% translated b- +laude !/ +laremontH / / / the task o* the edu)ator lies in seein" that the )hild does not )on*ound "ood immobilit-% and evil ith a)tivit-% as o*ten happens in old.time dis)ipline / / / ! room in hi)h all the )hildren move about use*ull-% intelli"entl-% and voluntaril-% ould seem to me a )lassroom verell ith

ithout )ommittin" an- rou"h or rude a)t% >eor"eH

dis)iplined indeed/ GMaria Montessori% The Montessori Method% translated b- !nne A/

The instru)tions o* the tea)her )onsist then merel- in a hint% a tou)h4enou"h to "ive a start to the )hild/ The rest develops o* itsel*/ GMaria Montessori% 9r/ MontessoriFs : n <andbook% translator unkno nH ! tea)her% there*ore% throu"h stud- alone ho ould think that he )ould prepare himsel* *or his mission

ould be mistaken/ The *irst thin" reBuired o* a tea)her is that he be

ri"htl- disposed *or his task/ GMaria Montessori% The Se)ret o* +hildhood% translated bM/ =oseph +ostelloe% S/=/H The tea)her% hen she be"ins ork in our s)hools% must have a kind o* *aith that the )hild ill reveal himsel* throu"h +laude !/ +laremontH ork/ GMaria Montessori% The !bsorbent Mind% translated b-

T'e #'ild and .earning Be*ore elaboratin" an- s-stem o* edu)ation% e must there*ore )reate a *avorable

environment that ill en)oura"e the *lo erin" o* a )hildFs natural "i*ts/ !ll that is needed is to remove the obsta)les/ !nd this should be the basis o*% and point o* departure *or% all *uture edu)ation/ The *irst thin" to be done% there*ore% is to dis)over the true nature o* a )hild and then assist him in his normal development/ GMaria Montessori% The Se)ret o* +hildhood% translated b- M/ =oseph +ostelloe% S/=/H 8hen a )hild is "iven a little lee a-% he s)hools% do it alone/K !nd these ill at on)e shout% I, ant to do itJK But in our

hi)h have an environment adapted to )hildrenFs needs% the- sa-% I<elp me to ords reveal their inner needs/ GMaria Montessori% The Se)ret o*

+hildhood% translated b- M/ =oseph +ostelloe% S/=/H 8hat is to be parti)ularl- noted in these )hild )onversions is a ps-)hi) )ure% a return to hat is normal/ !)tuall- the normal )hild is one ho is pre)o)iousl- intelli"ent% learned to over)ome himsel* and to live in pea)e% and *utile idleness/ 8hen e see a )hild in this li"ht% e ho has ho pre*ers a dis)iplined task to ould more properl- )all his

I)onversionK a Inormalization/K GMaria Montessori% The Se)ret o* +hildhood% translated b- M/ =oseph +ostelloe% S/=/H ! )hild in his earliest -ears% hen he is onl- t o or a little more% is )apable o*

tremendous a)hievements simpl- throu"h his un)ons)ious po er o* absorption% thou"h he is himsel* still immobile/ !*ter the a"e o* three he is able to a)Buire a "reat number o* )on)epts throu"h his o n e**orts in e;plorin" his surroundin"s/ ,n this period he la-s hold o* thin"s throu"h his o n a)tivit- and assimilates them into his mind/ GMaria Montessori% The 9is)over- o* the +hild% translated b- M/ =oseph +ostelloe% S/=/H <ere is an essential prin)ipal o* edu)ation: to tea)h details is to brin" )on*usionC to establish the relationship bet een thin"s is to brin" kno led"e/ GMaria Montessori% 1rom +hildhood to !doles)en)e% translator unkno nH


Ed()ation and 0o)ial #'ange Sin)e it has been seen to be ne)essar- to "ive so mu)h to the )hild% let us "ive him a vision o* the hole universe/ The universe is an imposin" realit- and an ans er to all alk to"ether on this path o* li*e% *or all thin"s are part o* the ith ea)h other to *orm one hole unit-/ This idea helps the ith all thin"s/ GMaria anderin" in an aimless Buest *or kno led"e/ Buestions/ 8e shall

universe and are )onne)ted

mind o* the )hild to be)ome *i;ed% to stop

<e is satis*ied% havin" *ound the universal )entre o* himsel* Montessori% To Adu)ate the <uman Lotential% translator unkno nH The la s "overnin" the universe )an be made interestin" and the task o* man in this evilM 8here onder*ul universeM 9o

onder*ul to the )hild%

more interestin" even that thin"s in themselves% and he be"ins to ask: 8hat am ,M 8hat is e merel- live here *or ourselves% or is e stru""le and *i"htM 8hat is "ood and there somethin" more *or us to doM 8h- do translator unkno nH Adu)ation toda-% in this parti)ular so)ial period% is assumin" trul- unlimited importan)e/ !nd the in)reased emphasis on its pra)ti)al value )an be summed up in one senten)e: edu)ation is the best eapon *or pea)e/ GMaria Montessori% Adu)ation and Lea)e% translated b- <elen 2/ NaneH !n edu)ation )apable o* savin" humanit- is no small undertakin": it involves the spiritual development o* man% the enhan)ement o* his value as an individual% and the preparation o* -oun" people to times in translated b- <elen 2/ NaneH hi)h the- live/ GMaria Montessori% Adu)ation and Lea)e%

ill it all endM GMaria Montessori% To Adu)ate the <uman Lotential%


.3TERAT4RE http:OOmariamontessori/)omOmmOMpa"ePidQ3E' http:OOen/ ikipedia/or"O ikiOMariaPMontessori https:OO /amshB/or"OMontessori.Adu)ationO<istor-.o*.Montessori. Adu)ationOBio"raph-.o*.Maria.MontessoriORuotes.b-.Maria.Montessori/asp;

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