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July 13 2009

Part One: Articles Veterinary Notes Rev. Mehitabel Astrology Rev. Leona Psychic Vampire or Energy Vampires Nita Hickok Quote & Thought of the Day Rev. Nehal Roumanian Fairy Tales The Slippers of the 12 Princesses Poets Retreat Poem, Maiden, Mother, Crone

Part Two: Tradition Announcements & Adverts New Announcements: Temple, Shrine, Order and Study Group Services Listed Orders & E-Groups Other Publications Correllian Herald Subscriptions

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Veterinary Notes
Rev. Mehitabel

Advice from the RSPCA dvice&marker=1&articleId=1024473693863

Foxes are generally fearful of people and will try to avoid both adults and children. Occasionally, foxes are a little bolder and will enter gardens in broad daylight when people are about. They may be in search of a quiet place to rest, foraging for food scraps, or are simply being inquisitive. Their boldness is not a sign of aggression - a healthy fox would only attack a person if provoked.

Many people derive tremendous pleasure from watching foxes in their garden. But it is important to remember that foxes are wild animals, which may carry disease, and that you should not try to touch or tame them.

If you choose to feed foxes, you can put out cheese, boiled potatoes, cooked or raw meat, bread, fat scraps and cooked vegetables at dusk. Provide only enough food for one meal otherwise leftovers may go off and cause sickness or attract unwanted visitors. The RSPCA has produced a fox fact sheet - Living with foxes.

Rev. Leona
This week we move away from the planets and into the third element that makes up astrology. This week we will begin to examine the different houses of the astrology chart. Each house represents a certain part of our life. This week we will look at the first house. The First House deals with you personally. There is a variety of lessons that can be learned by working together with your First House. In this house you will see your physical self as well as your own self-image. Here are the workings of your mind and body. In the First House you will find all of your own likes and dislikes. This house makes up the self and is where you will be able to find out who and what you are. Through the personal you will learn how to react in constructive manners. You will learn the key to interacting with yourself as well as others whom you will encounter upon this journey. The First House will function as the stage upon which you will build the whole performance of your life. This House holds all of the elements that will define your path upon which you will walk. There is nothing within the First House that you cannot overcome. The First House brings into the focus the first elements with which you will associate and will function as your introduction to the world. Here you will have to look honestly at yourself. When you look at your life you will be faced with very difficult questions which you must answer openly and honestly if you are to grow and develop during this lifetime. You will be able to see how the different events and lessons that you have faced have made you the person you grew to be. Some of the questions posed by the First House are: Are you living your life the way you have been meant to live? Are you fulfilling all of your dreams and developing all of your own talents? The qualities of the First House will help you to determine the type of person you will eventually grow to be. When working harmoniously with the First House you will develop the ability to move back through time and space to a place where you will see how and when your own character was developed. For this reason a great deal of emphasis is placed upon your formative years. During this period of your life you will have laid the foundations for your own characteristics as well as your beliefs and attitudes. Your childhood is the time when you spend your energies on growing and developing into a healthy and whole person. Should your path have detoured or deviated during this time, your work with the First House will then able to identify the key events which led you to become the person you are today. The First House will provide you with the tools necessary to develop your personality and character traits that will follow you throughout life. A key element to remember when working with the First House is that even if you have negative personality or character traits you will always have the chance and freedom to change these. The most important lesson of the First House is to learn to accept yourself. For this reason you will spend time coming to know your own body. You need to spend a great deal of time with yourself in order to feel comfortable inside your own skin. Many people will never feel comfortable and happy with their own physicality. This is why there are so many people with low self-esteem. When you have a healthy relationship with yourself then you will not be fooled by the images of society and you will be happy and content inside your skin. The First House will show you different activities that you can do to help you learn how to love and accept yourself. This house reminds you that you are always looking at yourself through many different lenses. These different lenses can have the effect of distorting your own personal views. The First House will show you how you can remove the lenses and restore your own views to normal. Here you will learn how to look through your own eyes free of the biases and the structures of society. The power of the First House will follow you throughout all of your life. There are some qualities that are bestowed upon you by the First House that you can never change while others are always in flux and can never remain the same. How tall you are, how many fingers you have on your hands, your freckles and complexion are all things that are decided upon in the First House. These are the characteristics you cannot change. There are those who will look at their physical characteristics and alter them until they feel that they have reached perfection. The evolution of cosmetic surgery comes

from the deep human need to be perfect. There have always been those who have tried to alter their own appearances to make themselves look and feel better about themselves and their role in society. The First House calls you to look upon the trends in different societies and asks you just how far are you willing to go to fit in? Whose standards do you live by? When you are working with the First House you must always remember that people are always harder when judging themselves. For this reason you will be willing to notice all of the strengths and talents in other people but often fail to take notice of these same traits in yourself. Take time to look at yourself. When you have mastered the skills of the First House you will look around at the world free of lenses of criticism and will be able to see yourself for the truly wonderful being you are. Without these lenses the questions of the First House are easily answered. Does it matter that you may not have blonde hair? Does it matter if you have green eyes? Does it matter if you do not have a rounded nose? Does it matter that you may be a little rounder this year than you were last year? When was the last time you looked at all of your physical characteristics and gave yourself credit for your own beauty? The First House is the key to learning how to love yourself and how to use this love to make your life better and happier. There is nothing wrong with a person who has a healthy self-image. The First House prides itself on being able to teach you how to be balanced and fair. When you are working with the First House you will be able to see and appreciate that not everyone is the same. Not everyone will have the same features, same characteristics and same strengths. This diversity is what makes the world a wonderful place. Accepting the diversity will allow you to grow in your own personal development. Along with your personal characteristics the First House will highlight your talents and skills. This house has the ability to show you talents that you did not even recognize before. This will be the time when you should look at the hobbies and the interests that have followed you throughout your life. There may be a stronger message hidden there than you never thought possible. Working with the First House you will meet many challenges that will force you to test out these talents and skills in an attempt to define your own limits. With these tests you will discover ways to move beyond your limitations and in the process improve your life for the better. When the First House comes into play there is something that has come out of balance in your personal life. This means that you have to take the time to commune with your higher self. When you refuse to listen or when you allow the self to be ignored you are creating blockages that will seep into all other areas of your life. You are the only one who can listen. You are the one who must make the choices in your life. No one else can make these choices for you. You need to stop and see what has fallen out of balance in your personal life. The First House asks you: Who is in control of your life? Who is the one who makes you feel bad/good about who you are? Who are you trying to prove things to? Working with the First House is the only way to answer these questions. When you are working with the First House you will be taking time to know yourself. This is the time when you will be your best friend and you will need time alone to meditate upon what it is that truly makes you unique.

Rev. Leona Dineen-Hass

Psychic Vampires or Energy Vampires

Nita Hickok (c)2008
I always think of the psychic vampires as the beautiful self-centered people. They are the ones who set the emotional standards and ethics of the world by what is convenient too them and benefits them. I stated my opinion of psychic vampires upon one internet group and the person instantly said in another group how cruel people were about vampires on that first list. They did good things too as they did not drain their victims where they would die, and could actually remove depression and upset. Psychic vampires are also known as energy vampires. I had one person say they were born a psychic vampire and made a life choice not to do vampirism on others. They and about four other people who have said the same thing show that it is possible for vampires to act differently. Yet the set comments on the internet are that the vampire can do nothing about it. They form vampire houses and learn magic to be the superior ones not their victims. They call themselves the wolves and everyone else is the sheep meant to be the victims and slaughtered. I read that on one of the vampire houses websites and felt horrified. They are a hazard of this world when joining any group of people. They are a particular danger of the spiritual world. Vampires are narcissists and they do everything for themselves and the particular image they want to portray to the world. I cannot stress enough how important reading a book about narcissists is to anyone who is learning any spiritual discipline where a person is considered special or psychic. Narcissists are people who know they are special. They typecast people and spend a great deal of time and interest learning about the psychological make up of their victims. They are those people that are good friends and then all of a sudden you find yourself playing a role in their soap opera of life. It does not need to be a bad role but the moment you deviate they show vicious and instant actions to push you back into your role. They are manipulative and try to have a group of friends that they can use to control and force you back into your role. They use set phrases to remove all blame from themselves and then move on as if nothing ever happened. I grew up in a family with three narcissists of varying degrees. I have loved and cared for the narcissists in my life and observed how they have behaved. I started to study spiritual practices and realized that narcissists love magic and spirituality. It gives them a chance to feel special and evolved. They had such dramatic roles and things they could do. They also had such high energy and victims they could suck dry to look special. I had joined a group of people that had more narcissists than any other social group in the world. They could be self-proclaimed gurus, group leaders that had the lesser ranks wait upon them hand and foot proclaiming how great, and special they were to everyone. They could be tragic and the victims of a curse where nothing could cure it. They could judge others on how evolved they were and be sure they were special and more evolved than anyone else was. They are a definite hazard of the spiritual world, as not only are they sucking the life out of others. They are also being the leaders who are full of ego and get everyone hurt by their actions. They give everyone a bad name and cause countless health problems for their victims. My first experience with psychic vampires was during my childhood. They would blame others for things they did not do yet never remembered it. It was as if they could cloud peoples minds and convince them to do what they wanted them to do. They would make obvious mistakes in front of witnesses yet everyone would lie about it. The set phrases were always I do not do things like that or I am not a person that acts that way. They would believe it and move on in their lives happy they were perfect. They would state everything necessary to fit into their roles to show the self-image they wanted others to believe. Yet their actions always gave them away. Yet if they did not remember those actions or changed them by a set phrase why would they feel badly? The rules always changed to suit them and make everyone else take the blame. They do not take responsibility unless it is part of their role now. They always have high drama in their lives and ignore anyone elses suffering. I grew up promising myself that I would never do that to others. I had

horrible health problems at home, and I instantly became healthy when I left home except for the illnesses that had already taken root so to speak. I had more energy and actually had people tell me how smart and nice I was as a person. I was so used to being manipulated that I had never developed energetic boundaries or barriers. The first thing that happened was set to throw me into the lives of the next group of vampires I met. They were group leaders of a magical group. The set phrase they had was to do what I said not what I do. I had years of problems but it had been the only life I had known. The other students who did not cooperate with them were driven crazy, tried to commit suicide. The final straw was when the group leader offered up the souls of his students for his mistakes. Yet the group leader always was such a nice person. He was not a person who did things like that. I can go on with examples but this should give you an idea of what I am talking about in spiritual life. I always look at any guru or teacher and see what type of aura they show. Psychic vampires always have the images of spiders or snake like creatures with in them. Psychic vampires can form an illusion or glamour that hides these symbols. Yet the students and people who follow the guru or teacher will also show you what they are about by their actions and interactions. Always take the time to check out everyone. A toxic group can be more than a problem as it can cause so much more traumas and taking on others choices where you are the person suffering. The psychic vampire is normally the leader of a group. The reason for this is that they are smart, manipulative and love being the center of attention. The only time they are not the leader is when they are a person who can play and manipulate everyone else. Yet we also have to deal with them in everyday life. I plan to show some ways to spot and avoid them and their actions. Psychic vampires are not benign even when they are not sure of what they are doing. I can state that any time I have spent around psychic vampires has drained me mentally, physically, and energetically. Any person with immune system illnesses should check to be sure they are shielded and not allowing others to harm them. It is what psychic vampires affect by their energies along with cancer. The energy system takes years to heal and by then it has harmed the victim to the point of illness. The aura cleansing ritual and the self-banishing ritual on this website should help to remove the energy vampires connections. Psychic vampires will feed off other psychic vampires. I know when I was unavailable for their feeding I discovered that the others involved developed illnesses of an autoimmune nature. It could be hereditary weaknesses aggravated by the energy loss but it happened. Healers have to be especially careful. I have past cases where people who were psychic vampires claimed to be victims of incurable curses so they could suck the healers dry while they abused them for curing them. The things to watch for are as follows. I will talk about them in order and try to give examples. Psychic vampires have glamour or glow about them. Not the healthy aura glow of a person who has worked upon himself or herself. The glow seems to show them in a glorified light and as stylized in a way. The image of what they try to portray that shows how beautiful, special and perfect they are and is called a mask or glamour. A healthy energy for a guru is a golden ring around the aura and they do not need to glamorize it. You can feel what they are trapped in a human form. I have noticed many hidden masters and spirits that are here to help mankind in people that would never be thought to be evolved or special. The next thing to notice is whether they actually admit to their mistakes or rationalize it. Everyone can be unsuccessful. Yet it has two sides. Every person has to do the actions necessary and follow instructions. A certain amount of blame happens to both parties in this way. Yet a narcissist will try to have you accept all of the blame while stating that what you asked them to do was not important. They are the patient who goes to the doctor because they are ill and then does not follow instructions or take the remedies. Yet they blame the doctor when they do not get better and tell them it is their fault. They always use a set phrase to make themselves feel better and to insult the people involved in the problems. People who can do horrible things and then claim what good people they are in life are psychic vampires and narcissists. You will notice nothing goes right for anyone but them in a group.

They never do anything wrong or admit something they did was wrong. A few more phrases I am a good person , you are not evolved enough to understand, and other denials and comments that lessen the other person to get them to feel guilt. Once guilt is felt then the energy vampire has its next victim. The next thing is ego. Narcissists always have big egos even when trying to act like a victim. They claim how great they are and never are able to get the results that they claim. They always delegate it to someone who is of a lesser rank in a group or blame not getting results upon them. If you are in a group with leaders that cannot produce results do not stay in it. It can mean they are incompetent. Yet it can also mean they are a role-playing narcissist that will bale out or hurt everyone if they ever do get results. They are normally exaggerate and are liars that want to accuse everyone else of what the narcissist is doing to them. They become surprisingly vicious when they have someone else prove they are better at getting results. The next thing to look for is everyone ill or drained of energy. The leader of one of the groups I knew made a big deal of how everyone was to be physically perfect. In hermetic magic, many books state as above so below. Yet that is the spiritual above and spiritual below. You are able to draw down a healthy body or good things in life yet it does not remove the experiences the soul is to go through in life. It does not change the challenges you picked in this life such as clearing family karma by taking on the family illnesses. No one is perfect or would not be on this plane going through the experiences of life. One of the major illnesses of this time is chronic fatigue. It is blamed on many things such as the environment, allergies, chemical sensitivities, and other illnesses. Yet it has been statistically proven that a third of our population has narcissistic tendencies or is full-blown narcissists. What can we do about this so we are not the people becoming ill? The first thing to do is to learn how to shield and filter your energies. Shields are just as they sound they protect and shield people from influences. Filters are for not allowing certain energies inside of you and not accepting others energies. You have a choice in being vampirized. Psychic vampires may be able to drain most shields but a filter will not allow them to take out or remove energies in a way that will help them. Either that or it will let them only get energies that they do not like such as illness or death energies. Either way they will stop feeding quickly or it will make them ill. Protective symbols and stones will help with this so the vampire cannot feed. Rhodonite is good for closing down the psychic centers of others who are trying to feed off you. Petrified wood can be used to hook them up to petrifaction and the earth element. They are both easy to find and not very expensive. Clearing the chakra exercises and aura strengthening exercises can be found on the internet so you can stay healthy.

Quote & Thought of the Date

Rev. Nehal

Quote of the Day: An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea. Buddha Source: Thought of the day: The way to know how is to know why. The way to find enough motivation, inspiration, commitment and strength is to know why. Why do you seek what you seek? Why do you desire to reach the goals you have set? There is a purpose within you that will push you to overcome every obstacle. When you truly feel that your efforts are connected to that purpose, those efforts will surely bring the desired results. It's easy to imitate the dreams and aspirations of those around you, and to think you want what they want. But remember that you have your very own, unique dreams, and those are the dreams to follow. Instead of frustration, you can experience joy. Instead of disappointment, you can know fulfillment. It all comes from truly knowing why. Allow yourself to understand why, and whatever you can imagine will be yours to create.

-- Ralph Marston Source:

Compiled by: Rev. Nehal

Rumanian Fairy Tale

ONCE on a time, in the good old times, there lived a cow-herd, who had neither father nor mother. He was called Jonica, that is to say Johnnie, but people had given him the name of Gura Casca (open mouth) because when he led his cows to pasture, he bellowed at every thing which he met on the way. Otherwise he was really a very pretty boy, his face was fair, and his eyes as blue as a morsel of the sky, with hair curling, and as yellow as the rays of the Sun. The young girls of the village teased him sadly. "H! H! Jonica, where are you going with your open mouth"? "What does that matter to you"? he would reply tranquilly, and pass on his way. Though only a cow-herd, he was sufficiently proud of his good looks, and he knew quite well the difference between beauty and ugliness, so the young peasant girls with their faces and throats tanned by the sun, their large hands red and cracked, their feet shod in "opinci" (a rough sort of sandal) or other common leather, were not at all to his mind. He had heard tell, that, down there, a long way off, in the towns, the young girls were quite different; that they had throats as white as alabaster, pink cheeks, delicate and soft hands, their small feet covered by satin slippers, that in short they were clad in robes of silk and gold, and were called Princesses. So that, while his comrades only sought to please some rustic villager, he dreamed, neither more nor less, that he should marry a Princess. One noon-day in the middle of August, when the sun was so scorching that even the flies did not know where to put themselves, Jonica sat down under the shadow of an oak to eat his mammaliga (thick Indian meal porridge) and a morsel of sheep's milk cheese; seeing that his flock was lying peaceably about, he stretched himself at fall length, and was soon asleep. He had a charming dream! a Zina, a fairy, appeared to him, beautiful as the day, fresh as a rose, and clad in a robe sparkling with diamonds. She said to him-"There is a country where precious stones grow; go to the Court of the Emperor who reigns there, and you will marry a Princess." In the evening, when he took his cows back to the stable, Jonica recounted his dream to several of his friends, who freely laughed at him. But the words of the Zina had such an influence on him, that he laughed himself at the ridicule of which he was the object. The next day, at the same hour, and the same place, our cow-herd came to take his siesta. He had the same dream; and the same fairy, more radiant than ever, appeared again to him, and repeated: "There is a country where precious stones grow; go to the Court of the Emperor who reigns there and you will marry a Princess." Jonica again repeated his dream, and it was again turned into ridicule. "What does it matter to me," said Jonica, "if they laugh! I know one thing, that if that fairy appears again to me, I'll follow her advice." On the following day he had the same dream, he got up joyfully, and in the evening they heard him in the village singing: "I quit the cows and calves, for I am going to marry the daughter of an Emperor." His master, who overheard him, became thoughtful, but Jonica said to him, "You may do, and think as you like, but it is decided! I am going away!" He began to make his preparations, and in the morning he left. The people of the village held their sides with laughing, when they saw him with his little bundle on a stick, slung across his shoulder, descend the hill, traverse the plain, and then slowly disappear, in the dim distance. In those days, people did say that there was really a country where precious stones grew, as grass, plants, and flowers grow in other places. It was said that the Emperor of these parts had twelve daughters--twelve Princesses, the one prettier than the other, but all as proud as they were beautiful. It was said also, that they only went to sleep at sunrise, and got up at mid-day.

They lived altogether in one large room of the Palace, and slept in beds of gold, encrusted with flowers of diamonds and emeralds. When the Princesses retired in the evening, the nine doors of their apartment were locked outside with nine padlocks. It was impossible for them to get out, and yet each night something very extraordinary took place. The satin slippers of the twelve Princesses, were literally worn out each morning. One might have thought that the daughters of the Emperor had danced all night. When they were questioned, they declared that they knew nothing, and could understand nothing about it. No one could explain this strange fact, for, notwithstanding the greatest watchfulness, not the least noise had ever been heard in the chamber of the Princesses, after they had retired to rest. The Emperor, their father, was most perplexed, and determined, at any price, to penetrate this mystery. He had a trumpet sounded, and it was published throughout all the country, that if any one succeeded in finding out, by what means his daughters, the Princesses, wore out their slippers in a single night, he might choose from amongst them, his wife. At this news, a great number of Emperors' sons, and Kings' sons, presented themselves to explore this adventure. They hid themselves behind a great curtain in the chamber of the Princesses. But once there, no one ever heard any more of them, and they never re-appeared. Our Jonica, who arrived just then at the Court of the Emperor, heard talk of all these matters, and succeeded in being taken into the service of one of the Imperial Gardeners, who) had been obliged to send away one of his best helps. His new master did not find him very intelligent, but he was convinced that his curling light hair and good looks, would make him acceptable to the Princesses. Thus his daily duty, then, was each morning to present a bouquet to the daughters of the Emperor. Jonica posted himself at their door, at the hour of their awakening, and as each came forth, he presented her with a bouquet. They found the flowers very beautiful, but disdained to cast a look or smile on poor Jonica, who remained there more than ever, Gura Casca, open-mouthed. Lina, alone, the youngest, the most graceful, and the prettiest of the Princesses, let fall by hazard on him, a look as soft as velvet. "Ah! my sisters," cried she, "how good looking our young gardener is!" They burst into mocking laughter, and the eldest remarked to Lina, that it was unbecoming a Princess to lower her eyes to a valet. Nevertheless, Jonica intoxicated by the looks and the beauty of Lina, thought of the promise of the Emperor, and it entered into his head to try and discover the mystery of the slippers. He did not mention it to any one though, for he was afraid that the Emperor might hear of it, be angry, and have him driven away from Court, as a punishment for his audacity. While these thoughts were passing through his brain, Jonica dreamed again of the fairy with the sparkling robe. She held in her right hand two small laurel branches, one was as red as a cherry, and the other like a rose; in her left hand was a little golden spade, a watering can of the same metal, and a silken veil. She gave all these to Jonica, saying, "Plant these two laurels in large boxes, turn over the earth with this spade, water them with this watering-can, and wipe them with this silken veil. When they have grown three feet high, say to each separately, "Beautiful laurels, with a golden spade I have dug you, with a golden watering-can I have watered you, and with a silken veil I have wiped you." "This said, you can ask anything you wish, and it will be accorded you." When Jonica awoke he found the two laurels and the other objects on the table, and fell on his knees to thank the good fairy. He at once began to carry out her instructions. The shrubs grew rapidly, and when they had attained the necessary height, he went to the cherry laurel, and said: "Beautiful cherry laurel, with a golden spade I have dug you, with a golden can I have watered you, with a silken veil I have wiped you; grant me in exchange, the gift of becoming invisible whenever I desire." Immediately he saw grow out from the laurel, a beautiful white flower. He gathered it, placed it in his button-hole, and at once became invisible. When night arrived, the Princesses went up to their bedroom, and Jonica, bare-footed, so as to make no noise, glided up behind them, and hid himself underneath one of the twelve beds. Then, instead of preparing themselves to go to bed, each of the Princesses opened a wardrobe, and took out their


richest dresses and finest jewels. Each assisting the other, they dressed en grande toilette. Jonica could see nothing from his hiding place, but he heard them laugh, and dance with joy. The eldest, who seemed to have great authority over them, hurried them, and kept exclaiming: "Be quick, my sisters, our dancers are dying of impatience." At the end of an hour, the laughing and talking ceased. Jonica carefully put out his head, and saw that the Princesses were dressed like fairies. They wore quite new satin slippers, and held in their hands the bouquets which he had offered to them in the morning. They placed themselves one behind the other, and the eldest who was at the head, struck three blows in a peculiar manner, on a certain part of the wall. A door quite invisible opened, and the Princesses disappeared. Jonica followed them noiselessly, but by accident he placed his foot on the train of the Princess Lina. "There is some one behind me," she cried, "some one trod on my dress." The eldest turned round quickly, but seeing no one, exclaimed, "how foolish you are Lina, you must have caught it against a nail." The twelve daughters of the Emperor, descended, and descended, and descended until they arrived at an underground passage, at the end of which was an iron door with a strong bolt. The eldest opened this, and then they found themselves in an enchanted bower, where the leaves of the trees were in silver, and sparkled in the moonlight. They walked on until they came to a second bower, and here the trees had golden leaves; still on, and then a third bower, where the leaves were of emeralds and rubies and diamonds, and their rays were so bright that one might have thought it was full daylight. The princesses continued their walk, and (Jonica still following), arrived soon on the borders of a large lake. On this lake were twelve boats, and in each boat one of the lost sons of an Emperor, who, oar in hand, each waited for a Princess. Jonica took his place in the boat of the Princess Lina. The boat, being more heavily laden, could not float so quickly as the others, and so was always behind. "I do not know," said Lina to her cavalier, "why we do not go so quickly as at other times, what can be the matter?" "I do not understand it either," said the Emperor's son, "for I row with all my force." On the other side of the lake the little gardener perceived a beautiful palace, illuminated a giorno, and heard harmonious sounds of violins, trumpets and cymbals. The Emperors' sons each having a Princess on his arm entered the palace, and after them came Jonica into a saloon lighted by ten lustres. The walls were immense mirrors, in gold frames set with precious stones. On a centre table a massive golden vase contained an enormous bouquet of flowers which gave forth an exquisite perfume. Poor Jonica was literally dazed and petrified by the sight of so much splendour. When able to look at, and admire the Princesses in the midst of this dazzling light, he lost his wits completely, and looked so ardently with his eyes, that one would have thought that he wished to taste them also with his mouth. Some were fair, some were brown, and nearly all of them had let fall their beautiful hair down their pretty white shoulders. Never, even in his dreams, had the poor boy seen such enchanteresses. But amongst them all, and above all, it was Lina, who seemed to him the most graceful, the most beautiful, thee most intoxicating, with her dark eyes and long-hair--the shade of a raven's wing. And with what fire she danced! leaning on the shoulder of her cavalier, Lina turned as light as a spindle. Her face was flushed, her eyes shone like two stars, and it was evident that dancing was her great delight. Poor Jonica let fall envious looks on the Emperors' sons, and heartily regretted not to be on the same footing, so that he also might have had the right to be cavalier to such beautiful young creatures. All these dancers, to the number of fifty, were Emperors' sons who had tried to discover the secret of the Princesses. These latter had enticed them to a midnight expedition, and had given them to drink at table, an enchanted beverage, which had frozen their blood, killed in them every sentiment of love, every remembrance, or worldly desire, leaving them only the ardent pleasure of the dance, in the bosom of this splendid palace, become henceforth their eternal habitation.


The Princesses danced until their white satin slippers were in holes, until the cock had crowed three times. Then the music ceased, black slaves arranged a princely table, which was instantaneously filled with the most succulent meats, and the rarest and most exquisite wines. Each one took his place, and ate and drank at his ease, excepting our poor Gusa Casca, who had to content himself with feasting his eyes alone. When the repast was over, the Princesses re-entered their boat, and Jonica who followed them step by step, arrived with them in the wood with the silver leaves. There, to prove to himself, and to prove also to others, that what he had seen was no dream, Jonica broke off a branch of the tree with the beautiful leaves. The noise which he made, caused Lina to turn round. "What can that be?" said she to her sisters. "Probably," said the eldest, it is the rustling amongst the branches of some bird, that has its nest in one of the towers of the Palace." Jonica then got in advance of the Princesses, and mounted rapidly to their chamber, opened the window, and glided silently along the trellis which covered the wall, and began his daily work. While preparing the flowers for the Princesses, he hid the branch of Silver Leaves in the bouquet destined for Lina. Great was the astonishment of the young girl, who asked herself, in vain, how it was possible that the branch could have come there. Without saying anything to her sisters, she went down into the garden, and there, under the shade of a large chestnut tree, she found the gardener. She had for the moment, a great mind to speak to him, but on reflection, thought it better to wait a little, and so passed on her way. When evening arrived, the Princesses again returned to the Ball, Jonica followed them, and a second time entered Lina's boat. Again the Emperor's son complained of the labour required in rowing. "No doubt it is the heat which you feel," replied Lina. All passed as on the previous evening, but this time, on returning, Jonica broke off a branch of the Golden Leaves. When the daily bouquets were distributed, the Princess Lina found, concealed in hers, the golden branch. Remaining a little behind her sisters, and showing the golden branch to Jonica, she asked, "From whence, hadst thou these leaves?" "Your Highness knows quite well." "So thou hast followed us?" "Yes, Highness." "And how didst thou manage that?" "It is a secret." "We did not see thee." "I was invisible." "At any rate, I see that thou hast penetrated the mystery. Speak of it to no one, and take this purse as the price of thy silence," and she throw to the poor boy, a purse of gold. "I do not sell my silence," said Jonica, with a haughtiness which astonished the Princess. "I know how to hold my tongue, without being paid for it." And he walked away, leaving the purse on the ground. The three succeeding days, Lina neither saw nor heard anything particular, during their nocturnal excursions; but the fourth night, there was a distinct rustling in the wood of Diamond Leaves, and the next morning she found a Diamond Branch, hidden in her bouquet. Then she was fully convinced that the young gardener knew all their escapades, and calling him to her, she asked: "Dost thou know the price, which the Emperor, our father, offers for the discovery of our secret?" "I know it, Highness." "Then why dost thou not go to him, and betray it?" "I do not wish." "Art thou afraid?" "No, Highness."


"Then, why wilt thou not speak?" Jonica looked up at her, his eyes full of expression, but did not reply. While Lina was talking with the youth, her sisters were laughing at her, and when she came back they still went on with their ridicule, until she became quite red with anger. "Thou canst marry him," said her sisters, "there is nothing to prevent; thou wilt be the gardener's wife, and thou wilt live in the cottage at the bottom of the garden. 'Thou canst help thy husband to draw the water from the fountain, and thou canst offer us our daily nosegays." Lina became still more angry, and the weight of her anger fell on poor Jonica. When he again presented her with flowers, she took them with supreme indifference, and treated him with the greatest disdain. The poor fellow could not understand it, for he was always most respectful. He never dared to look her full in the face, and yet she felt he was present with her all day long. At length, she came to the resolution to confide to her sisters all that she knew. "What!" cried they, "this stupid boy has learned our secret, and thou hast kept it from us! We must, at once, absolutely get rid of him." "By what means?" "Have him stabbed, and thrown into a cave." This was the usual way by which troublesome people were disposed of. But Lina would not hear of this, saying that the poor boy had committed no fault. "If you touch a hair of his head," she said, "I will go and confess all to our father the Emperor." To tranquilise Lina, it was decided to get Jonica to go again to the Ball, and to make him drink the enchanted beverage, which would put him in the same state as the other Cavaliers. So they called the young gardener to them, and the eldest sister asked him by what means he had discovered their secret? but he would give them no answer. Then they informed him of the decision which they had come to respecting him. He replied, that he accepted it, and that he would drink willingly the enchanted beverage, so as to become the Cavalier of her whom he loved. On the day fixed, wishing to have as fine clothes, and to be able to make as handsome presents as the Emperors' sons, Jonica went to the rose laurel, and said "my beautiful laurel, I have dug you with a golden spade, I have watered you with a golden watering can, I have wiped you with a silken veil, grant that, in one moment, I may be as richly dressed as an Emperor's son." Immediately he saw a beautiful flower expand, and gathering it, he was at once clad in velvet as dark and soft as Lina's eyes, a toque to match, with an agraffe of diamonds, and a flower in his buttonhole. From being tanned and brown, his complexion became fair and fresh as an infant's and his beauty was marvellous. Even his common, vulgar manner changed completely, and any one might have thought him really an Emperor's son. Thus metamorphosed, he presented himself before the Emperor, to ask his authority to try in his turn, to unravel the secret of the Princesses. He was so changed that the Emperor did not recognize him. When the Princesses went back to their bedroom, Jonica was waiting for them behind the door. After their usual excursion, Jonica gave his arm to the eldest Princess, and afterwards danced with each of the sisters successively, and with so much dignity and grace, that they were all enchanted. When it was Lina's turn, he was in raptures; but he did not address a single word to her. While conducting her to her place, the Princess said to him, jokingly, "Being treated like an Emperor's son, thou must be in blissful happiness." "Never fear, Princess," replied he, "you shall not be a gardener's wife." Lina looked at him, half frightened, but he walked away, without waiting for her answer. When the Princesses had once more danced until their slippers were in holes, the music ceased, the black slaves prepared the table as usual, and Jonica was placed at the right hand of the eldest Princess, and facing Lina. He was served with the most delicate meats, the choicest wines; compliments and praises were showered on him, but he was neither intoxicated by their wines, nor by their flatteries.


Presently the eldest Princess made a sign, and one of the slaves came forward bearing a massive golden cup. "This enchanted Palace has no longer any secrets for thee," cried the Princess to Jonica, "Let us drink to your triumph!" The young man casting tender glance at Lina, raised the cup to his lips. "Do not drink it," she cried impetuously, "do not drink it, I would rather be a gardener's wife," and she began to weep. Jonica threw the enchanted beverage over his shoulder, cleared the table, and fell on his knees at the feet of the Princess Lina. All the other Emperors' sons fell each at the feet of their respective Princesses, who choosing them for their husbands, held out their hands and raised them from the ground. The charm was broken! The twelve couples crossed the lake in boats, traversed the forests, passed through the cellar, and arrived at the Emperor's chamber. Jonica, with the golden cup in his hand, explained to him the mystery of the worn-out slippers. "God give thee life, young man," said the Emperor, "take thy choice from amongst my daughters." "My choice has been made for a long time," said he, taking by the hand the Princess Lina, who blushed and could not look up. The Princess Lina did not become a gardener's wife, for Jonica became a Prince. Before their marriage took place, Lina enquired of him, how he had discovered their secret. Jonica showed her the two laurels. Lina, like an intelligent woman, thought that Jonica would have too great an advantage over her, if he enjoyed the power which was given to him by possessing these shrubs, so she tore the laurels up by their roots and flung them into the fire. A short time afterwards, the marriage took place with imperial splendour. It was followed by festivities which lasted three days and three nights, and the young people lived very happily together, to a good old age.


Poets Retreat
Poetry supplied by members of the Order of Bards

Maiden, Mother, Crone

Laughing ageless child, butterflies and hyacinths. Spring showers raining down upon your fresh young face. Embrace the morning, heart lifted by the sweet smell of life reborn, New loves and all things undiscovered. Gentle caressing hand sweeping across the stars. Ever watchful as we sleep. You cradle us within your earthy arms, protected. A lullaby sung by night birds fills the air and it carries to all corners. Teacher of all things, sprinkle the sleep sand of the ever rest into our eyes. Silently turning the wheel of time. We pass into the Summerlands, restful and all knowing. Guided by your wrinkled hand, We travel in peace and in love to join in the spiral dance of time.

Sajamoonstone Jan 2009

All poetry provided here is the copyright of its author, if you wish to use any of the poems supplied by the Order of Bards please ask permission first.



Announcements: New announcement Correllian Degree Program Through Witchschool Witchschool Referral Program Online Courses through Temples & Shrines Clergy and Outer Court Applications Temples and Shrines Online Rituals Services Provided by Temples, Shrines, Orders and Correllian Study Groups Correllian Award Orders Correllian E-groups Other Correllian Publications Correllian Herald Subscriptions


New Order
Order of the Open Door Mulkeytown IL USA Keeper: Rev. Rebecca Doolin The Order of the Open Dorr is a Correllian Order bringing together members of the Correllian Tradition that are in need of a support system for those who are in or are coming out of the broom closet and all that that entails. Open to everyone. Egroup: For more information please contact Rev. Rebecca Doolin:


Correllian Clergy Degree Program

A new membership has been created called the Correllian Clergy Degree Program. This is a 3-year program that can help you earn your Wiccan Degrees and Legal Clergy Status. Of course every lifetime and supporting member has access to this main program. The purpose of this level is for those individuals who are interested in gaining their clergy status, and this offers an opportunity for members to do so affordably. This program is only $49.99. To find out more: htttp://

Witchschool Referral Program

Witch School, our long-time educational partner, has made an offer to the Tradition and its member Temples and groups. Witch School has created a new Referral Program. The Tradition itself has enrolled in this program as you can see from the button in the left-hand menu on You are encourage to consider enrolling your Temple or group as well, as a means of generating potential passive income. The program works like this: members receive their own button which they can put on their website, in their email signature, etc offering Witch School memberships. If anyone purchases a membership through your button, you will receive (approximately) 25% of the payment that is $4 of a $19.99 yearly membership, or $25 of a $99.99 Lifetime Membership. Each button has its own unique code which tracks payments made through it. If someone buys a membership through your button, then you get the abovementioned 25%. If you are interested in finding out more about this program, or in signing up for it, go to Witch School are offering a discount on supplies to Correllian Temples and groups in good standing: for example the Witch School books at 40% off cover price, and other discounts on the various items the school produces. If you would like to learn more about this, contact Lady Virginia at and she will be happy to explain further. These offers are being extended to all of our Correllian Temples, Proto-Temples, Witan Shrines, Formal Shrines, Personal Shrines, Orders, and Study Groups who might wish to sign up.


Online Courses through Temples & Shrines

Online Rituals Workshop provided by Sedna Temple and Isis Temple
A four lesson course held over four weeks. This course is ongoing with an opportunity to retake it as it restarts every four weeks. Lessons and tests provided through a yahoo egroup with back up lessons online. Please go here to sign up: Course re starts on 4 November 08 and each further four week intervals For more information: or phone: +44 7528 092692

Goddess Sedna Course provided by Sedna Temple

A two lesson course held over two weeks. This is an ongoing course with an opportunity to retake it as it restarts. Lessons and tests provided through a yahoo egroup with back up lessons online. For more information go here: or phone: +44 7528 092692

Goddess Isis Course provided by Isis Temple

A two lesson course held over two weeks. This is an ongoing course with an opportunity to retake it when it restarts Lessons and tests provided through a yahoo egroup with back up lessons online. For more information go here: or phone: +44 7528 092692

Witches Runes Course provided by the Proto Temple of Lilith

Membership to the Proto Temple of Lilith is a requirement to access the course. Any questions can be submitted to Rev. Lilith: Web Site: Egroup:

If you have a course or class you would like to advertise here please send all information to the editor


Clergy and Outer Court Applications

To apply for Clergy status with the Correll Mother Temple you may use the automated application at listed under applications in the left hand menu bar, or you may write directly to one of several High Priestess who oversee the Correll Mother Temple Clergy Application Process. These are: Rev. Virginia Powell, HP (US) at Rev. Anna Rowe, HP (EU/UK) at Rev. Raene Packery, HP (Africa) at The Temple of Selu Headquartered in Hoopeston, Illinois, the Temple of Selu is Headed by High Priestess the Reverend Virginia Powell. At the time of writing, the Clergy Requirements of Selu Temple are identical to those of the Correll Mother Temple. Clergy application fee: $45 Website: Apply to: Rev. Virginia Powell, The Temple of Sedna Headquartered in Suffolk, UK, the Temple of Sedna is Headed by High Priestess the Reverend Anna Rowe. At the time of writing, the Clergy Requirements of Sedna Temple are identical to those of the Correll Mother Temple. Clergy application fee: 27 Website: Apply to: Rev. Anna Rowe, The Temple of the Enchanted Realm/PURE Sanctuary With offices in Hoopeston (Enchanted Realm) and Danville (PURE Sanctuary) Illinois, Enchanted Realm/PURE Sanctuary is Headed jointly by High Priestess the Reverend Reanna Marie (Hoopeston) and High Priest the Reverend Jason Mycroft (Danville). At the time of writing, the Clergy Requirements of Enchanted Realm Temple are identical to those of the Correll Mother Temple. Website: Apply to: Rev. Alexander Ping at The Clan of Kheper Temple Headquartered in Cape Town South Africa, Clan of Kheper Temple is Headed by High Priestess the Reverend Raene Packery. Clan of Kheper Temple holds legal status through the Correllian Nativist Tradition of South Africa, which is an official Religious Organization in South Africa. At the time of writing the Clergy Requirements for Clan of Kheper Temple are identical with those of the Correll Mother Temple except for additional lesson assignments which are compulsory. In addition the Clan of Kheper Temple asks a one-time non-refundable application fee of R350 payable before you are registered with the Mother Temple and certificates are issued, should your application be successful. Website: Apply to: Rev. Raene Packery at Northern Lakes Temple Headquartered in southern Wisconsin, Northern Lakes is Headed by Rev. Peter Hertzberg. At the time of writing the Clergy Requirements for Northern Lakes are identical with those of the Correll Mother Temple except for requiring an additional course: to whit Rev. Terry Powers Ethics Course. Website: Apply to: Rev. Peter Hertzberg at


Temples and Shrines Online Rituals

If you would like to advertise your Temple Shrine Order or Correllian Study Group services please contact the editor:

Online Rituals Healing Temple Healing Rituals

Date: Every Friday Times: 9pm UK & 9pm EST.
Australian East Coast 7pm.

Place: Please go to the web site to request healing and candles or email: Request a healing: Request a healing candle: Request a healing for Gaia: Request an animal or pet healing: Or phone: +44 7528 092692

8 Festival Temple Sabbat Rituals

http:// Sabbat online rituals dates are announced online. Rituals held on or near the Sabbat date. phone: +44 7528 092692

Temple of the Moon New & Full Moon Rituals

http:// Moon Rituals (Full & New) Date: On the actual date (will be announced) Times: 9pm UK & 9pm EST Place: phone: +44 7528 092692

Temple of Gaia Rituals for Healing Gaia

Healing Gaia Rituals, monthly online rituals for all of the earths inhabitants, flora fauna and the Earth itself. For more information or to request a healing ritual for anything relating to Gaia: phone: +44 7528 092692

Living Stones Memorial Temple Memorial Rituals Memorial Rituals. Last Monday in the month 9pm UK Last Sunday in the month;: 9pm EST To request a memorial ritual or to have a loved one included in ritual email: phone: +44 7528 092692


Isis Temple Monthly rituals dedicated to Isis. For more information please email: or phone: +44 7528 092692

Shrine of Serenity U Healing Rituals Date: last Thursday of the month Time: 9pmK (BST) Place: Full Moon Rituals on the Date, Time: 7PM GMT Place: For more information please contact the Shrine: For inclusion in the Healing Rituals please contact Rev. Silver- Moonblossom:

Animal Shrine of Sothistar Animal Healing Rituals

Rituals are held on the first quarter of the moon, at 9pm UK time. Requests for animal healing and/or to join the Shrine and group may be sent to me at For more information about the Shrine of Sothistar and online rituals please contact Rev. Mehitabel

Hall of the Ancestors Formal Healing Shrine A monthly Healing Ritual will be held in the webpage chatroom. This ritual benefits all whom request healing energies for friends and families. Another benefit is assisting with healing Mother Earth. Find the ritual chat room through the website above. Healing Rituals held every 2nd Thursday of the month at 8PM EST. Contact Rev. Lee for any questions or to add names to the monthly healing list: Healing Shrine Yahoo group:


Services Provided by Temples, Shrines, Orders & Correllian Study Groups

Temple Services
Our Lady of the Sylvan Wood Temple
Accepting new memberships for both Local Membership, if you live any where within 150 miles of New Boston, Texas - including Northeastern Texas, Southwestern Arkansas, Northwestern Louisiana, and Southeastern Oklahoma, and to Distance Membership, defined as residing any where on planet Earth Our Lady of the Sylvan Wood Temple offers Clergy Initiations and Ordinations within the Correllian Nativist Tradition.

Clan of Kheper Temple (Cape Town - South Africa)

On-going correspondence and real-time basic Wicca and Correllian Degree courses Priesthood Training All rites of passage Legal Handfastings (Civil Unions) Inner and Outer Court Applications Clergy Initiations Correllian patches and stoles available locally New members welcome Visit our Website:

Temple of Our Lady of the Sacred Earth

Temple of Our Lady of the Sacred Earth (no web page at current) Golden Valley, Arizona (928) 208-4161 (Leave Message) Classes, Rituals, Socials, Rites of Passage For more details and Information contact Rev. Isarma:

Temple of the 8 Festivals

http:// Online Sabbat rituals and Sabbat information Online Sabbat Rituals in the Ritual Room: 9pm UK and 9pm EST

Temple of the Moon

http:// Full & New Moon online rituals and moon information Esbat Rituals in the Ritual Room: www.templeofthe 9pm UK and 9pm EST


Temple of Sedna Suffolk UK 1st 2nd and 3rd Degree Clergy Applications Please go to for all applications or alternatively apply on the web site. Requirements for application: 1. Mentor Recommendation 2. Bio 3. Two forms of ID one with a photo for 1st Degree only 4. Clergy Fee 27

Degree patches and manuals available

Temple courses: Online Ritual workshop: Free Goddess Sedna: Free Goddess Isis: Free Rites of Passage online course: fee 7.50 1st Degree Correllian Wicca and associated courses: 10 2nd Degree of Correllian Wicca and associated courses: 10 3rd Degree of Correllian Wicca and associated courses: 10 Free Online Classes: Runes, automatic writing, past life exploration, Celtic & Egyptian Divination.

Free Support Groups: Psychic support, empathy support and disability and illness support. Eating disorders support. For more information please go to Or email: For information on anything provided by Sedna Temple please email: or phone: +44 7528 092692

Living Stones Memorial Temple & War Memorial

Permanent online Memorial Stones for your Loved Ones beyond the veil Light a permanent candle for Remembrance
Book of Remembrance Monthly Online memorial rituals

To request a memorial ritual contact the Temple: or phone: +44 7528 092692 Monthly Memorial Rituals: Last Sunday in the month 9pm EST Last Monday in the month 9pm UK [BST/GMT] Place: Living Stones Memorial Temple. Ritual Room: Forum: All Living Stones services are free to the Correllian Membership .


Rainbow Bridge Temple, Pet Memorial: For all your pet memorial needs: Permanent Memorials Candles Inclusions in Rituals for Pets Special Ritual requests

Healing Temple Incorporating the Distance Healing Network Weekly Healing Rituals

Day: Friday Times: 1. 9pm UK 2. 9pm EST. 3. Australian East Coast 7pm.

Please go to the web site to request: Healing Candles Distance Healing Network through the Healing Temple
Provides healers on a permanent basis to send all types of healing on request: send your healing requests to Healing for: All your loved ones and friends family, Pets, Countries, Animals, Gaia, Earth. If you would like to help with Distance Healing please join the Healing Group, Reiki, Spiritual, Prayer, all types of healers are needed:

Gaia Healing Temple Information on all aspects of conservation, pollution etc. and the state of the Earth Healing for Gaia Rituals: Every 3rd Tuesday in the Month 9pm UK 9pm EST Healing Gaia Temple Ritual room: Request a healing for Gaia and her flora a fauna:

Proto Temple Services

Shrine of Serenity Proto Temple Healing Rituals Date: last Thursday of the month Time: 9pmK (BST) Place: Full Moon Rituals on the Date, Time: 7PM GMT Place: For more information please contact the Shrine: For inclusion in the Healing Rituals please contact Rev. Silver- Moonblossom: 25

Hall of the Ancestors Proto-Temple Accepting memberships for Outer Court. Local membership: available to individuals living within 40 miles of Glen Burnie, MD. Distance memberships are available to the entire World. We provide online and offline rituals for all of the Sabbats, please check the main webpage for future dates. Classes held include Meditation Made Simple, Usui Reiki, Wicca 101, Wisdom within Words, and the Correllian Nativist First Degree. Contact Rev. Lee for more details: Proto-Temple Yahoo group:

Animal Shrine of Sothistar Proto Temple

Animal Healing Rituals Rituals are held on the first quarter of the moon, at 9pm UK time. Requests for animal healing and/or to join the Shrine and group may be sent to me at For more information about the Shrine of Sothistar and online rituals please contact Rev. Mehitabel

Spiral Light Proto-Temple

PO Box 405, Groton, Connecticut, 06340 USA 1-860-449-1207 Ext 0 for General Information Ext 3 for Public Relations Check out our Yahoo! Group - We host public rituals for all 8 Sabbats, monthly group get-togethers, day trips, and public information sessions. We also provide live study groups and online support for members joining the Outer Court and studying for their First Degree. Watch our online outlets for classes that will be launched in the coming year!

July Events
Saturday, July 18, 2009 Coffee Break at Borders Books Waterford, CT 2-4pm Come, sit, have a cup of coffee and find a good book with members of Spiral Light Proto-Temple. Questions? Please email us as Sunday, July 19, 2009 Open Arts & Crafts Session Groton, CT 2-4pm Come and be crafty! Please rsvp at Sunday, August 2, 2009 Public Lammas Ritual Shelton, CT 12 noon to gather, Ritual to start at 1pm Come and celebrate the First Harvest with us! Please rsvp at


Formal Shrines Services

Shrine of Reiki
Come and learn Usui Reiki. Become a reiki Master and teach through your own group for the Order of Reiki. E-group:

Prison Ministry Formal Shrine

The Prison Ministry Formal Shrine is to function as a bridge to breach the gap between inmates that are still called by Deity and who want to learn and/or correspond with members of the Correllian Tradition. This is a dedicated group that will not judge others' past, but help them pave a way into their future growth. If you are interested in or already assisting with any type of Prison Ministry, please consider joining. You are required to be a registered member of the Correllian Nativist Tradition and at least 21 years of age. I am looking for people to assist with correspondence, and possible mentoring of inmates. If interested, please sign up at the following group: Contact Rev. Lee for more information:


Order Services
The World Wide Crystal Web Monthly Ritual
The World Wide Crystal Web Club monthly ritual on the 11th of each month (Time you do the Ritual is up to you as long as it is done on the 11th.) The Ritual is for Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity. The energy sent out through the Web is for anyone to use through out the world if they so desire. Ritual and instructions are in the file section of each group

Order of Self Empowerment: This Order is for all members of the Correllian Tradition who have or are suffering domestic abuse. We are open to both male and female members. A place for moral support, information on where to find help and a place to discuss your predicament with those who have suffered the same. Please contact either Lady Karla: or Lady Anna:

Order of Spiritual Advisors Closed Order membership by invitation only. If you need spiritual advice please go to the web site and submit a request for help form.

Order of Bast
Cat order:

Order of Sirius
Dog order Information and online rituals for all cat and dog lovers. Pet memorials in the Online Rainbow Bridge Memorial. For all information on the Order of Bast and the Order of Sirius please contact Lady Anna:


This is a closed group, members must belong to the Correllian Tradition either Inner or Outer Court. This group is for friends, families, partners of love ones who are addicted to either alcohol or drug abuse or both, or who have been addicted who are in recovery or thinking about going into recovery. You can contact Windy at

The Order of Reiki: The Order of Reiki takes healing requests. Please go to the Order web site and fill in the healing request form. Or email: If you are a Reiki Master/Teacher and would like to teach your discipline through the Order please contact Lady Anna: Alternatively go to the web site


List of Reiki Teaching Groups

Path of Reiki Energy Formal Shrine : Shrine of Reiki Healing Formal Shrine : Silver-Moonblossomss Usui Reiki group: Katherinas Usui Reiki group: Motokis Usui Reiki group: Ings Usui Reiki group: Nikki 2 Mehitabels Usui Reiki group: Lees Celtic Reiki group: Lees Elemental Reiki group: Nikki's Usui: Aletas Usui Reiki group: Brians Reiki Grove: Gloria Gypsys Complete Usui Reiki Course: If you are not sure which group to apply to, please go to the Order of Reiki web site and check out the Reiki Teachers bio pages.

This is a closed Order members must belong to the Correllian Tradition either Inner or Outer Court. This group is for women 18 and over who have been victims of domestic or sexual abuse or both. A place to talk to others who have gone through this kind of assault. If you have questions please contact Windy at

Order of Recovering Correllians

This is a closed Order members must belong to the Correllian Tradition either Inner or Outer Court. Actively working towards recovery from addiction to alcohol and/or drugs. There is no minimum time in recovery to be a member of this order; only an honest desire to become clean and sober. You can contact Windy at


Order of the Magic Quill

The Order of the Magic Quill providing Pagan and Wiccan literature for children, resources, where to find literature and any literature that the members would like to contribute for Pagan children. Parents egroup: Parents and children egroup: This Group is for members of The Order of the Magick Quill and their children, here the children can access material, and post to other Correllian Children. Please be aware should you wish your child to be a member of the sub-group Order of the Magick Quill, then you, yourself first must be, and must remain for the duration of their membership, a member of the parents group. Both groups will be strictly monitored and the childrens group will be moderated at all times.

Order of Divination Order Egroup: The Order of Divination for discussion and teaching of different divinations we also provide a number of different groups specializing in aspects of divinations: Tarot: Astrology: I Ching: Automatic Writing: Celtic & Egyptian Divination: Runes: Scrying: Numerology: Please see the Orders web page for a full list of current divination methods: THE ORDER OF WEB WEAVERS CRYSTAL WEB MAPPING PROJECT
The Order of the Web Weavers has been working diligently on mapping the Crystal Web. If any of you have a crystal that you have added or removed from the Crystal Web contact us to ensure are records up to date and accurate. The information we need in order to best catalogue your crystal/s is the following. Your Craft Name and E-mail Address along with your City, State, Country, Latitude, and Longitude. Sent to the following e-mail address: Please include the above information, if you have removed your crystal from the Crystal Web along with Remove in the subject line. If you have added several crystals then we would need a separate entry for each crystal, unless they are located together. If they are located together then please include how many crystals are at that location. We are excited about this project and hope that you will be too. Once the crystals have been properly catalogued we can then begin placing them on the map program. This will give us a good visualization on the Crystal Web. Thank you in advance for your participation in this wonderful project. Bright Blessings, The Order of Web Weavers



This Correllian order is headed by the Rev. Krystel High Correll and she is offering training for those who wish to join the order. The training consists of twelve lessons, one a month, for a year, offered through e-mail. The purpose of this order is to fulfill the deeper purposes of the Correllian Tradition--advanced psychic and spiritual work, primarily conducted on multi-dimensional levels. This work includes: Learning to connect and work with your spirit guides. Conscious dying and conscious incarnation. Advanced dream work. Exploring the known boundaries of the multi-dimensional universe, then conducting independent work to go beyond those boundaries. The study of time and advanced work within it. Soul rescue (helping those who are not aware they have died, or are not willing to cross over). Mediumship (being a voice for the so-called dead, visiting the land of the dead and ommunicating with them, and building a pathway between the living and the dead). Healing, both personal and of our Earth. These purposes are divided among five houses that consist of the members who are dedicated to the work of the House. The Order of World Walkers is a working order. The training is only the beginning. Each of the houses offer work that can be done for the rest of your life, if you choose to do it. I believe that everyone who chooses to become a member of the order chose this before coming into this life time to continue work begun in other lives. For more in-depth information, including the cost of the lessons, contact me at May You Blessed Be Krystel

Correllian Award Orders

Orders which are awarded only rarely and in recognition of extreme accomplishment
The Order of Orpheus: The Order of Orpheus is awarded to people in recognition of outstanding services to the Correllian Tradition. The Order of the Round Table: The Order of the Round Table is awarded to people in recognition of outstanding services to the Pagan community. The Order of Tsalv: The Order of Tsalv (Selu) is awarded to people in recognition of outstanding services the cause of peace in the world. In addition to the above Orders which are awarded only rarely and in recognition of extreme accomplishments, we have also Meritorious Orders awarded twice yearly at the Lustrations, to recognize the work and achievements which keep our Tradition running on a daily basis. Meritorious Orders The Order of the Copper Athame: The Order of the Copper Athame is awarded for outstanding service in the field of the occult or mundane Sciences. The Order of the Golden Wand: The Order of the Golden Wand is awarded for outstanding service in the field of Service to Others. The Order of the Silver Chalice: The Order of the Silver Chalice is awarded for outstanding service in the field of the Arts. The Order of the Iron Pentacle: The Order of the Iron Pentacle is awarded for outstanding service in the field of teaching. The Order of the Thurible: The Order of the Thurible is awarded for outstanding service in the field of Spirituality. For more information on all Correllian Orders please go to:


Faces of Correllianism Faces of Correllianism is a place where Correllians can send photos of themselves, their altars, their pets, as well as artwork, autobiographies, descriptions of events and projects, essays and poetry to share with all Correllians. Through Faces of Correllianism we hope to show what a strong, diverse, and positive community we are.

If you would like to have your photo, writing, or artwork included, please email it to me at together with your authorization to use it at You will of course retain any copyright. Please do not send us anything that is copyrighted to anyone other than yourself, unless you include their permission.

Correllian Calendar

All tradition events can be found in the Correllian Calendar including birthdays of Tradition members.

Adventures Check out the adventures page on and find out what other Correllians have been doing

Symbols & Robes

Explanations of some of the symbols and robes used by the Correllian Tradition


Correllian E-groups
Clergy & Mentors
Correllian Outer Court: Correllian Clergy: Correllian Clergy Mentors:

Countries & Languages

Correllian Wicca Africa: Correllian Wicca Australasia: Correllian Wicca Austria: Correllian Wicca Belgium: Correllian Wicca Brazil: Correllian Wicca EU: Correllian Wicca French Language: Correllian Wicca German Language: Correllian Wicca Greek Language: Correllian Wicca India: Correllian Wicca Ireland: Correllian Wicca Netherlands: Correllian Wicca Norway: Correllian Wicca Portuguese Language: Correllian Wicca Southern Hemisphere: Correllian Wicca Spanish Language: Correllian Wicca Sweden: Correllian Wicca Switzerland: Correllian Wicca UK: Correllian Wicca World:

Astrology: Automatic Writing: Celtic & Egyptian Divination: Deities & Celebrations: Geomancy: Past Life Exploration: Poetry: Ritual Writing: Runes: Tarot: Politics: Online Ritual Workshop:

Support & Healing Groups

Disability & Illness Support: Empath Support: Eating Orders Support: Past Life Exploration: Sexually Abused Male Support: Gaia Healing:

Correllian Temple Heads: 33

Correllian Formal Shrine: Correllian Personal Shrines:

Correllian Order Heads: Order of Bards: Order of Bast: Order of Buddhist Wiccans: Order of German Shepherds: Order of Herbal Healers: Order of Krystel Guardians: Order of the Open Door: Order of Recreational Fantasy Connoisseurs: Order of Reiki: Order of Self Empowerment: Order of Self Reliant Living: Order of Sirius: Order of Tcheft: Order of The Eagle: Order of The Muses: Order of Web Weavers: Order of Wolves:

Study Groups
Correllian Study Group Keepers: Clan of Tetu Study Group: Loki's First Degree Students:

For Children & Parents

Order of the Magic Quill: Parents egroup: Parents and children egroup:

Other Groups
Correllian Social Club: CorrellianHouseofWisdom_Elder_Sage_Crone: Correllian Social Club: Witan Council: Witan Heralds Court: Kindred Spirits:

If you have a group you would like to add to the list please contact the editor


Other Correllian Publications The Correllian Times

The magazine for the Correllian people!
Subscribe to the Correllian Times

A special E-list has been established for the Correllian Times. The Correllian Times magazine is now available by subscription. Excerpts from the magazine are available free of charge in the above e-list. Featuring articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! For subscriptions and submission for the Correllian Times please contact Lady Windy The Correllian Times E-Magazine is a free publication, we are offering space for you to advertise your goods and services at a low price. Rates: Banner $10.00 a month Text box..$10.00 a month, 50 Word Maximum Banner & text..$15.00 a month Banner.$100.00 yearly Text.$100.00 yearly Banner & Text$150.00 yearly You can send your ad to: Go to ,then click on Correllian Times Go to bottom and the payment options are there including where to send a check if you prefer that. You can read the Correllian Times E-Magazines at: or


Correllian Herald Subscriptions

Subscribe to the Correllian Herald: E-group: The Correllian Herald is best viewed in PDF Format: E-group: Managing Editor: Rev. Anna Rowe HPs Co-Editor Rev. Nehal Sub-Editor Rev. Andi Todays writers and articles sourced by: Rev. Mehitabel, Rev. Leona, Rev. Nehal Rev. Anna Poetry provided by the Order of Bards Reminder: You are responsible for all submissions please ensure that all links are working the staff of the Correllian Herald do not check for working links. Disclaimer: Any views expressed within the articles in this publication are not necessarily the views of the Correllian Tradition the Correllian Herald Publication or the Correllian Herald Editors. Send your adverts, articles and inclusions to: If you would like to write articles or be an online reporter for the Herald please contact the Herald editor:

Correllian Herald Publications 2007-2009


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