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LESSON PLAN ON DEPRESSIVE NEUROSIS Name of the student teacher Su !ect Un$t 'o($c )"ass No.

of students Method of teach$n% 'each$n% a$ds Date and t$me Durat$on of teach$n% Venue : Ms. Parvathy Santhosh : Menta" #ea"th Nurs$n% : Un$t &

: De(ress$ve neuros$s : : Post *Sc Nurs$n% +,, year. -.

: Lecture )um D$scuss$on : )hart/ hand outs/ O#P : : &- m$n : : Post *Sc Nurs$n% +,, year c"assroom

Prev$ous 0no1"ed%e of the %rou( : 'he students 1$"" have some (rev$ous 0no1"ed%e a out de(ress$ve neuros$s/$ts c"$n$ca" features and treatment from the$r %enera" nurs$n% c"asses.

2ENERAL O*3E)'IVES: On completion of this class the student will able to develop knowledge on depressive neurosis, understand the courses, pathology, symptoms and management and apply this knowledge in their nursing care. SPE)I4I) O*3E)'IVES: The students are able to Define depressive neurosis Identify the etiology Determine the epidemiology Classify the types of depressive neurosis Identify the clinical features of depressive neurosis Justify the diagnosis ecogni!e the various treatment modalities "#plain the course and prognosis Identify the nursing care aspects in depressive neurosis.







Introduces the topic with introduction

Depressive neurosis is commonly called as dysthymic disorder. The term dysthymia means ill Teacher humored and was introduced in the year %&'(. begins the topic with introduction

)tudent listens the introduction

2lack board

5hat do u mean by an#iety neurosis6

$ min

Define depressive neurosis

DE4INI'ION: Teacher The revised division of D)*+I, defines depressive defines neurosis as the presence of depressed mood that lasts depressive most of the day and is present almost continuously. neurosis )tudent listens to the definition and writes notes. O34 5hat is the definition of depressive neurosis6

$ min Identify the etiology

E'IOLO25: The e#act cause of depressive neurosis is based on the following factors. *$o"o%$ca" factors: The biological basis for the symptoms of dysthymic disorder are same as that of ma-or depressive neurosis )leep studies. Decreased rapid eye movement/ "*0 latency and increased "* density are two state markers of depression in ma-or depressive disorder that also

"#plains the etiology

1istens to the O34 class

5hat is the etiology of depressive neurosis6

SUMMAR5 AND RE)AP'ULA'ION Depressive neurosis is a common form of neurotic condition. )o till now we were disussing the meaning, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and nursing management of persons with depressive neurosis. ASSI2NMEN' 5rite the difference between depressive psychosis and depressive neurosis and submit it on at & am in *sc nursing classroom .The criteria of the evaluation is based on the sub-ect content and neatness.The distribution of the assignment is $marks 7neatness,8+ matter of content,$+bibliography. efer 2imla 9apoor te#t book of psychiatry. S'UDEN' RE4EREN)E: %. 9aplan, )addock.)ynopsis of psychiatry.8th edition.elsievier publications.$(( no.:8$+:8: $. *ary CT.4sychiatric mental health nursing concepts of care.%&&;.<rd edition = Davis Company. 4age no.;&%+;&&.

<. 1alitha 9.*ental health and psychiatric nursing * > publications.4ge.<;8+<:$ 'EA)#ER RE4EREN)E: %. 9aplan, )addock.)ynopsis of psychiatry.8th edition.elsievier publications.$(( no.:8$+:8:. $. *ary CT.4sychiatric mental health nursing concepts of care.%&&;.<rd edition = Davis Company. 4age no.;&%+;&& <. 1alitha 9.*ental health and psychiatric nursing * > publications.4ge.<;8+<:$.

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