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3. REPORTS Reports are classified into two types: formal and other.

A formal Barents Group report is typically the final product of a study, submitted to the client as the official documentation of our findings and recommendations. Proposals to undertake major engagements often also use the report format. ther reports are generally much shorter than formal reports! they may resemble formal reports, perhaps without some of their elements "such as a table of contents# or they may take the form of a letter, or a demonstrator report. $his chapter discusses both formal and other reports. A. FORMAL REPORTS $he three basic designs for a Barents Group formal report are: the narrati%e, outline, and numbered formats. $he narrati%e format is used in full, detailed reports! the outline format in outlines and presentations! and the numbered format in %ery detailed documents that re&uire item identification. 'n nearly all formal reports, the te(t is arranged in chapters, which are gi%en arabic numbers. $hese chapters may be subdi%ided by %arious types of headings, which are defined later. 'n addition to its te(t, a formal report usually contains: a title and)or co%er page, a letter of transmittal, a table of contents, a table of e(hibits, e(hibits "statistical or graphic material that supplement the te(t and are referred to in it#, and appendices "supplementary materials placed at the end of the te(t#. All reports, as well as all other written material, should ha%e a reference name located on the bottom right corner of the page. $he reference name, in $imes *ew Roman + point, should contain the document,s file name and directory. ur templates are designed so that -ord will insert the proper reference name as soon as you name your file. .icrosoft -ord templates will automatically adjust setups for the different formats. $he e(hibits at the end of this chapter show the different characteristics embedded in these templates: narrati%e format, portrait layout! narrati%e format, landscape layout! outline format, portrait layout! outline format, landscape layout! and numbered format.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

Exhibit 3-1: Sample First Page of a hapter! "arrati#e Format 1. $APTER T%TLE

'f a chapter is di%ided by center heads, the chapter title and the first center head must be separated by at least one paragraph, as shown here. $he chapter title and the first center head may be put on the same page. /%ery other center head, howe%er, starts a new page. A. E"TER $EA&

A center head, as shown abo%e, is used if a chapter of a report is broken down into se%eral long sections. MA'OR S%&E $EA&%"( .ajor side headings "all caps, bold# are used either as breakdowns under a center head or as the first breakdown when there is no center head. )**+mbere, Mi*or $ea,i*g .inor headings "initial caps, bold# are used as breakdowns under a major side heading. $hey may or may not be numbered. 1. "+mbere, Mi*or $ea,i*g .inor headings "initial caps, bold# with numbers may also be used. Rarely will you find both types in one chapter, howe%er, because the difference between them is not clear enough to most readers. Lea,-i* "initial caps, bold# is actually part of the paragraph. 't ends with a period. $his may be used to subdi%ide a minor, whether numbered or unnumbered. $he lead0in also may be numbered or unnumbered. *ote: 'f you use a heading, you must ha%e at least two of each. 1ou cannot di%ide something and get less than two. $his means at least two major side headings, two minor headings, and so forth. $his sample does not follow this rule due to space limitations. 2iamond lists start at flush left. $hey can be single spaced "single line each# if the items are short. $he ne(t e(ample illustrates where typing begins on all subse&uent pages of a chapter in narrati%e format and where the page number is placed. 't also shows further breakdowns of the te(t that are used occasionally.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

$he three formats described in this chapter ha%e se%eral functions. $hey constitute Barents, 3trademark4 or 3image4 with clients. $he clear se&uence of headings makes it easy for the client or prospect to read documents. 5or the consultant, the formats are an important aid in organi6ing the report and are sufficiently fle(ible to accommodate almost any type of subject matter. 5inally, by being standardi6ed, they help to reduce production time and cost. f all the reasons for knowing Barents formats and abiding by them, howe%er, the chief reason is that the standard formats offer you in%aluable assistance in organi6ing your material. /ach one gi%es you a strictly functional se&uence of headings that enables you to sort your material by si6e and significance and to build a logical structure for your writing. $hese structures pro%ide a means to show logical subordination, supporting arguments, and e(amples. nce you ha%e learned how to use the Barents formats, you,%e ac&uired a first0rate analytical tool. "ARRAT%-E FORMAT $he narrati%e format is used for proposals and reports that are comple(, contain a lot of detail or are sensiti%e. $he important feature of the narrati%e report is the headings. 7eadings should not be inserted after the fact. $hey should be an integral part of structuring the report. Template $he .icrosoft -ord template for the narrati%e format is for portrait layout !"#le$Ne%$ and * for landscape !"#le$Ne%$ $his template should be used to create the narrati%e format. $he template will automatically adjust margins, spacing, and format for the %arious headings described below. $hroughout this book, instructions on how to create each heading are set out in brackets. $ea,i*gs 8i( types of headings, all in $imes *ew Roman font, may be used in narrati%e format: chapter titles !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(&! center heads !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,*Center+ead$Appl(& major side headings, which are ne%er numbered !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 3*Ma.or$Appl(&! minor headings without arabic numbers !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /*M#nor$Appl(&! minor headings with arabic numbers !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 0*M#nor Numb$Appl(&! and lead0ins, which may or may not carry arabic numbers or lower case letters, depending on how and where they are used: for general lead0ins !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n$Appl(&* for lead0ins that carry arabic numbers !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n Numb$Appl(&, for lead0ins that carry lower case letters !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n Alp+a$Appl(& .

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

Report $itle 9hapter $itle Exhibit 3-.: o*ti*+atio* Page! "arrati#e Report/ $ea,ers a*, Footers for Lo*g Reports

After the first page of a chapter, typing begins :;.+<mm "= inch# from the top of the page. Breakdowns below the le%el of subheading are unusual, but there are times when they are necessary. $his le%el will not be a part of the table of contents. $he breakdowns are shown below. a. Se0o*,-le#el lea,-i* !"ormat$'t(le$Lead 'e2 Le3$Appl(&. $he indentation under a numbered minor or a numbered lead0in is usually identified by a lower0case letter. A subheading is always typed lower0case, in bold face, and is always part of the paragraph. A diamond list may be inserted after a second0le%el heading !"ormat$'t(le$D#am 'e2 Le3$Appl(& or !"ormat$'t(le$D#am 'e2 Le3 D'$Appl(& for double0spaced lists. $he diamond is placed =:.>: mm "=): inch# from the left margin and the te(t starts +.<= mm "=)< inch# from the diamond. ? A third indent with a long dash !"ormat$'t(le$Long Das+ 4+#rd$Appl(& , "or !"ormat$'t(le$Long Das+ 4+#rd D'$Appl(& for double space# is occasionally permitted when there is no easy way to a%oid it. ? $he long dash is placed =@.:A mm "A)< inch# from the left margin and the te(t starts +.<= mm "=)< inch# from the long dash. Again, the rule of a minimum of two of any symbol applies.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

All headings listed throughout this manual are also listed in the style pull0down menu if the formatting toolbar is displayed. *ot all types of headings may be needed in a chapter! a chapter may skip directly from the chapter title to a minor heading. 7eadings must occur in the se&uence shown abo%e, howe%er. 1ou cannot, for e(ample, use major side headings to subdi%ide a minor or use minor side headings to subdi%ide lead0ins. Lists 2iamond lists !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Appl(& in the narrati%e format are usually blocked at the left margin, with + points between each item, as illustrated on page A0A. Pagi*atio* a*, Refere*0e "ames Page numbering starts on the first page of the te(t. $e(t page numbers are centered in the footer, with an arabic numeral for the chapter joined with a hyphen to an arabic numeral for the page, for e(ample, :0>. Page numbers in the tables of contents and e(hibits are located in the same position as in the rest of the document! howe%er, the number is a small, stand0alone roman numeral with no hyphen. Print double sided whene%er possible. Right hand pages always ha%e odd numbers! left hand pages always ha%e e%en numbers. $ea,ers a*, Footers Reports that are long and comple( "e.g., ha%e chapters with :BC pages# may re&uire headers to denote title and chapter on each page. 'f headers are needed, place the report title at left margin, and chapter title at right margin! they should be italici6ed, as shown on page A0<. 5ooters should appear in most reports. $heir content is italici6ed and contain the following: Barents Group DD9: at left margin. Page number: center. !9lick on E icon at center tab)block page number $5nsert$Page Number$"ormat$Number "ormat$)*,*3 . . .$5n2lude C+apter Number.& 2ate: at right margin. Fpdate the date according to the date the document was sa%ed !5nsert$"#eld$Date and 4#me$'a3e Date&. 2ocument reference name: second line, at right margin, + point font. nce you sa%e the document, the reference name will automatically be inserted if you use the template.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

Exhibit 3-3: &i#i,er Page -- Portrait! "arrati#e Format


Barents Group LLC


December 1998

5or long, comple( reports, use a line in the header and footer, as shown on page A0<. 5or the header !"ormat$Border and '+ad#ng$Border$click on the bottom of Border diagram$l#ne st(le 3$/pt&. 5or the footer !"ormat$Border$2l#26 on t+e top o7 t+e Border d#agram$l#ne st(le 3$/ pt& . R+les for Reports 2ith a Portrait Orie*tatio* Page A0: shows the proper setup for typing the first page of a chapter of a narrati%e report that is done %ertically "portrait orientation#. $he chapter title is centered at the top of the page, with :< points abo%e and =: points below. 1ou can automatically place the chapter title at these measurements !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(&. n all subse&uent pages of a chapter, typing begins on line = with the te(t ideally ending on line A> . Right and left margins are set at :;.+< mm "= inch#. Page numbers are centered in the footer, :;.+< mm "= inch# from the bottom of the page. $he template will automatically adjust your document to these measurements. R+les for Reports 2ith a La*,s0ape Orie*tatio* $he same margins used in the reports bound on the :@G mm "==0inch# side "portrait orientation# apply to reports bound on the ":=B mm# >0=): inch side. $he chapter title is centered at the top of the page, with :< points abo%e and =: points below when the report is to be done hori6ontally "landscape orientation#. 1ou can automatically place the chapter title at these measurements !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(&. n all subse&uent pages of a chapter, typing begins :;.+< mm "= inch# from the top of the page with the te(t ideally ending A>.<+ mm "=0=): inches# from the bottom of the page. 5or a hori6ontal report, the right and left margins are set at :;.+< mm "= inch#. Page numbers are centered in the footer, and set at =:.>: mm "=): inch# from the bottom of the page. $he template !"#le$Ne%$ will adjust your document to these measurements. &i#i,er Pages /ach chapter in a report is preceded by a di%ider page. A period and : spaces are inserted between the arabic numeral and the title of the chapter. $he chapter title should be set up on the di%ider page e(actly as it appears on the first page of te(t "including the same line breaks if it is more than one line#. $he title should be capitali6ed and in boldface. 'f the title is more than two lines long, it is single spaced. 'n the narrati%e format, the di%ider page shows only the title of the chapter. As shown on page A0+, a =0line title is placed at the %isual center, or centered on the page !"#le$Page 'etup$La(out$ 8ert#2al Al#gnment$Center&. 'f you type in the title and then press /nter ; times, you will be at the %isual center. =

$his placement is referred to as the 3%isual center4 because a title typed at the e(act center of a page looks too low.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

Exhibit 3-3:

hapter Titles! "arrati#e Format

=0line $itle:


:0line $itle:


Better0looking Hersion of the 8ame :0line $itle: 3. A"AL1S%S OF )"%TE& STATES MAR4ETS A"& T$E%R %"FL)E" E O" T$E MAR4ET%"( PLA"

A0line $itle:

5. MA'OR &EF% %E" %ES %" T$E PRESE"T OR(A"%6AT%O" A"& MA"A(EME"T POL% %ES A"& PRA T% ES

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

"7int: An easy way to produce narrati%e format di%ider pages is to create them in a separate document, one di%ider page after another since they are not paginated.# hapter Titles $he opposite page illustrates the setups for chapter titles of =, :, and A lines in the narrati%e format. A chapter title !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(& is placed at the top of the first page of a chapter. $he chapter title spacing is set at :< points abo%e and =: points below. 2o not add e(tra lines between the chapter title and the te(t that follows it. $he chapter title is centered, typed in full caps, is in boldface, and is preceded by an arabic numeral, a period, and : spaces. 'deally, a A0line title should be set up as a pyramid or an in%erted pyramid 00 that is, either the first line or the last line should be the longest 00 only rarely the middle line. Generally, chapter titles and other center heads should be broken after prepositions "of, to, for, with, and the like# or conjunctions "and, but#, and before articles "the, a#. *ote the :0line illustration opposite, howe%er, where the 3and4 has been put on the second line for better appearance and easier reading. A narrati%e chapter title should be typed e(actly as it appears on the chapter di%ider page. 'f the table of contents is generated automatically, it will copy the chapter title e(actly as it is worded in the chapter. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents if you use the automatic table of contents generation function in -ord.

Barents Group LLC


December 1998

Exhibit 3-5:

e*ter $ea,s! "arrati#e Format

=0line 9enter 7ead:


:0line 9enter 7ead:


A0line 9enter 7ead, According to the 8trict Rule:


Better0looking Hersion of the 8ame A0line 9enter 7ead:


Barents Group LLC



December 1998

e*ter $ea,s 9enter heads !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,*Center+ead$Appl(I are used only in the narrati%e format. $he center head is in boldface, preceded by a capital letter, a period and : spaces, centered on the line, and is typed in full caps. $he center head spacing is set at :< points abo%e and =: points below. 2o not add e(tra lines between the center head and the te(t that follows it. 'f a chapter of a report is broken down into se%eral %ery long sections, it is di%ided by center heads. $he chapter title and the first center head must be separated by at least one paragraph. $he chapter title and the first center head may be put on the same page. /%ery other center head starts a new page. $he opposite page illustrates the setups for center heads on =, :, and A lines. As shown, the center head is centered and in boldface. Dines in center heads generally should be broken before articles and after prepositions or conjunctions "see the table below#. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

As the e(ample of the A0line center heads shows, howe%er, the appearance of the head can sometimes be impro%ed by breaking this rule. $he same rule applies to chapter titles and e(hibit titles. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents if the automatic table of contents generation function in -ord is used.# $he first center head 3A4 within a chapter usually does not start a new page. 5or all the following center heads, put the center head at the top of a new page. " ccasionally, center head 3A4 may also be at the top of the page, especially if it occurs se%eral pages from the beginning of the chapter.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-:: Ma9or Si,e $ea,i*gs! "arrati#e Format

"=0line .ajor# SALES MA"A(EME"T 2EA4"ESS not SALES MA"A(EME"T 2EA4"ESS




Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Ma9or Si,e $ea,i*gs .ajor side headings are used in all three formats: narrati%e, outline !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 3*Ma.or$Appl(& and numbered outline !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,$Appl(&. $hey are used as breakdowns under a center head or as the first breakdown when there is no center head. /ach le%el of headings re&uires at least two headings. 1ou cannot di%ide a chapter into major side headings and ha%e = heading. 1ou must ha%e : or more. $his rule applies to all headings and symbols in all forms "two0item rule#. .ajor side headings start at the left margin. Dike most headings, major side headings are capitali6ed, in boldface, and left justified. 'deally, a major side heading should be only = line long, measuring about : to A inches. 't is, of course, not always possible to do this. 'f the major side heading is longer than = line, edit it so that only the key words are used. 7eadings longer than = line should be a%oided. -ords should not be broken in a major side heading.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-<: Mi*or Si,e $ea,i*gs! "arrati#e Format

"Fnnumbered 8entence .inor# The Pa0e of Te0h*olog= apabilit= E#ol+tio* a*, ompetiti#e Mar8et For0es Ma8e Te0h*olog= %*#estme*t &e0isio*s More riti0al a*, More omplex

"=0line *umbered 8entence .inor# 1. The 7a*8 2ill 7e halle*ge, to Mai*tai* %ts Large orporate +stomers

":0line *umbered 8entence .inor# .. &+ri*g the Same Perio,! the 7a*8i*g %*,+str= Experie*0e, Sig*ifi0a*t Mar8et &e#elopme*t! 2ith %*0reasi*g ompetitio* a*, Reg+lator= ha*ge Posi*g A,,itio*al Strategi0 halle*ges

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Mi*or Si,e $ea,i*gs .inor side headings are used as breakdowns under a major side heading in the narrati%e and outline formats. $hey may be sentences "as illustrated opposite#, words or phrases. .inor headings may be either unnumbered !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /* M#nor$Appl(& or numbered !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 0*M#nor Numb$Appl(& in the narrati%e format. -hiche%er you select, be consistent, that is, all unnumbered or all numbered. $he initial letter of e%ery word is capitali6ed "initial capped# e(cept for articles, conjunctions and prepositions, as shown below. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

.inor headings, like most headings, are done in boldface. *o final punctuation is used unless the minor is written as a &uestion "which is rare#. -ords may be broken at the end of minor headings. .inor headings, like all headings, are not right justified. La=o+t of +**+mbere, mi*or hea,i*g. An unnumbered minor heading starts at the left margin. 't continues to the right margin if necessary and may be continued onto additional lines. 8ubse&uent lines are all blocked under the first line. La=o+t of *+mbere, mi*or hea,i*g . $he number of a numbered minor heading is typed at the left margin. $he first word begins : spaces after the period after the number. $he minor e(tends to the right margin if necessary, and additional lines are blocked under the first word of the first line.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3->: Lea,-i* a*, Lists! "arrati#e Format Example of Lea,-i* ?e0h Rep+bli0. Barents Group assisted the 96ech 8a%ings Bank to design and implement operations and procedures for managing the bank,s mutual funds. 7a%ing the largest sa%ings base in the country prior to pri%ati6ation "appro(imately @B percent of the country,s retail sa%ings#, and gi%en its strong position in the financial sector, the bank became the manager of the largest mutual fund for pri%ati6ation %ouchers in the 96ech Republic. Examples of Lists .embers of the 'nternational /conomics Practice ha%e worked in a large number of countries, including: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Boli%ia, Bulgaria, 9anada, 9hina, 9olombia, 96ech Republic, /gypt, and /l 8al%ador.

'n our e(perience we ha%e: analy6ed current structures and administrati%e systems in detail! de%eloped computeri6ation plans for go%ernments! performed feasibility studies for go%ernment computeri6ed applications! computeri6ed re%enue collection, budgeting, accounting, and financial management systems! and de%eloped ta(ation, budgeting, accounting, and treasury systems.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Lea,-i* A lead0in may be used to subdi%ide a minor heading, whether numbered or unnumbered. Dead0ins may also be numbered or unnumbered. 't is called a lead0in because it is actually part of the paragraph. 't is in boldface and ends with a period. Breakdowns below the le%el of lead0in are unusual, but sometimes necessary. $his le%el will appear in the table of contents. $he breakdowns are shown briefly below. a. Se0o*,-le#el lea,-i* !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n$Appl(&. $he indentation under a numbered minor or a numbered lead0in is usually identified by a lower0case letter !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n Alp+a$Appl(&. 'f a number prefaces it, use !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n Numb$Appl(&. b. A lead0in is always typed lower0case and is always part of the paragraph. A diamond list after a second0le%el heading !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond 'e2 Le3$Appl(& must be placed at the second indent "=:.>: mmJ=): inch& from the left margin# for a list that is single spaced. 5or a list that is double spaced, use !"ormat$'t(le$D#am 'e2 D'$Appl(&. A third indent with an open diamond is occasionally permitted when there is no easy way to a%oid it! !"ormat$'t(le$ pen D# 4+#rd$Appl(& for a single0spaced list or !"ormat$'t(le$ pen D# 4+#rd D'$Appl(& for a double0spaced list. 't starts =@.:A mm "A)< inch# from the left margin.


Dists are set out by solid diamonds !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Apply& as shown on page A0=+. $hey are flush left. 't is %ery important that all of the items in a list be parallel in structure! for e(ample, they should either be all nouns, all phrases, or all sentences. 'f some of the items are : lines or longer, double space the entire list !"ormat$'t(le$D#am L#st D'$Apply&. 'f the list of items is %ery short or %ery long with short items, single space the entire list "see list of countries on opposite page#.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-@: Sample Page! O+tli*e Format



'n the outline format, a chapter is usually introduced by a paragraph, like this one. therwise there are no paragraphs in this format. Fnlike the narrati%e format, the outline format is not right justified. MA'OR S%&E $EA&%"( .ajor side headings may be used as breakdowns under a chapter title. -ith rare e(ceptions, e%ery item in the outline format starts with a symbol ? a solid diamond, an open diamond, a long dash, or a short dash. -ith few e(ceptions, each indentation consists of a single sentence. ? $his long dash is the second le%el of indention. $he third le%el of indentation is the short dash. $e(t following a major side heading must follow the indentation scheme and carry the proper symbols! narrati%e paragraphs appear only beneath new chapter titles. Mi*or $ea,i*g .inor headings are used essentially as described for the narrati%e format. .inors can be numbered or unnumbered! howe%er, they should not both be used in the same chapter because they would conflict with the indentation scheme. ? 'f it is necessary to use both numbered and unnumbered minors in the same chapter, the numbered minors would replace the solid diamond le%el. Lea,-i*. $his de%ice may be used at any of the four le%els, but all lead0ins in a section must carry the same symbol. *ote: $his sample page does not follow the two0item rule, due to space limitations.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

O)TL%"E FORMAT 'n the outline format, each chapter has a title. /ach chapter also begins with an introductory paragraph, as shown on the opposite page. therwise there are no paragraphs. /%ery sentence should be preceded by a symbol: a solid diamond, an open diamond, a long dash, or a short dash. Template $he .icrosoft -ord template for portrait layout !"#le$Ne%$ and for landscape layout !"#le$Ne%$ will automatically adjust margins and spacing, and format the different heading paragraph styles, as e(plained in detail in this section. /(hibit A0@ shows all of the different characteristics embedded in the and templates. $ea,i*gs $he types of headings that may be used in the outline format are: chapter titles !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(&, major side headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,*Ma.or$Appl(&* and unnumbered minor headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 3*M#nor$Appl(&. Dead0ins may also be used, but they must be combined with the diamond0dash indentation scheme, just as they are combined with paragraphs in the narrati%e format. %*,e*tatio*s $he typing is blocked as follows: A solid diamond "# at the first le%el is flush left, with the te(t blocked +.<= mm "=)< inch# in from the first symbol !"#le$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Appl(&. An open diamond "# is at the first indent "+.<= mm "=)< inch# from the left margin#, with te(t blocked =)< inch from the open diamond !"#le$'t(le$D#amond pen$Appl(&. A long dash "?# is at the second indent "=:.>: mm J=): inchI from the left margin#, with te(t blocked =)< inch in from the long dash !"#le$'t(le$Long Das+$Appl(&. A short dash "K# is at the third indent "=@.:A mm JA)< inchI from the left margin#, with the te(t blocked +.<= mm "=)< inch# in from the short dash !"#le$'t(le$'+ort Das+$Apply&.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1A: Sample Page! O+tli*e Format! La*,s0ape La=o+t 1. $APTER T%TLE therwise, there

'n the outline format, each chapter has a title. /ach chapter also begins with an introductory paragraph like this one. are no paragraphs in the outline format. MA'OR S%&E $EA&%"( .ajor side headings may be used as breakdowns under a chapter title.

-ith rare e(ception, each item in the outline format starts with a symbol "solid diamond, open diamond, long dash or short dash#! each item consists of a single sentence. ? $his long dash is the second le%el of indentation since the solid diamond is flush left. $he third le%el of indentation is a short dash.

.inor 7eading .inor headings are used essentially as described for the narrati%e format. .inors can be numbered or unnumbered! howe%er, they should not both be used in the same chapter because they would conflict with the indentation scheme. ? 'f it is necessary to use both numbered and unnumbered minors in the same chapter, the numbered minors would replace the solid diamond le%el of the outline format. Lea,-i*. $his de%ice may be used at any of the four le%els, but all subheadings in a section must carry the same symbol. *ote: $his sample page does not follow the two0item rule due to space limitations.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Pagi*atio* a*, Refere*0e "ames $he first page of e%ery chapter in the outline format is numbered. As with the narrati%e format, page numbers are centered in the footer, with an arabic numeral for the chapter joined by a hyphen to an arabic numeral for the page, for e(ample <0=B. $ea,ers a*, Footers Dong and comple( outline reports "e.g., that ha%e chapters with :BC pages# may re&uire headers to denote title and chapter on each page. 'f headers are needed, place the name of client "at left margin# and chapter title "at right margin#! they should be italici6ed. 5ooters should appear in most reports. $heir content is italici6ed and contain the following: Barents Group DD9: at left margin. Page number: center. !9lick on E icon at center tab)block page number$5nsert$Page Number$"ormat$Number "ormat$)*,*3 . . .$5n2lude C+apter Number& 2ate: at right margin. Fpdate the date according to the date the document was sa%ed !5nsert$"#eld$Date and 4#me$'a3eDate&. 2ocument reference name: second line, at right margin, + point font, all caps. nce you sa%e the document, the reference name will be inserted automatically if you use the template. 5or long, comple( reports, use a line in the header and footer. 5or the +eader !"ormat$Border and '+ad#ng$Border$click on the bottom of the Border diagram$l#ne st(le 3$/pt&. 5or the footer !"ormat$Border)click on the top of the Border diagram$l#ne st(le 3$/ pt&. R+les for Reports 2ith a Portrait Orie*tatio* Page A0=> shows the proper setup for typing the first page of a chapter in an outline report that has a portrait orientation. $he title is typed on line :. $e(t begins at =: points, or : lines below the title. Deft and right margins are set at :;.+< mm "= inch#, and page numbers are centered in the footer and set at =:.>: mm "=): inch# for the bottom of the page. $he template !"#le$Ne%$ will automatically adjust your document to these measurements. R+les for Reports 2ith a La*,s0ape Orie*tatio* As shown on page A0:B, the same margins used in the reports bound on the :@G mm "==0inch# side "portrait orientation# apply to reports bound on the :=B mm ">0=): inch# side. $he chapter title is centered at the top of the page, with :< points abo%e and =: points below when the report is to be done hori6ontally "landscape orientation#. 1ou can automatically place the chapter title at these measurements !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(&.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-11: &i#i,er Page! O+tli*e Format



Barents Group LLC



December 1998

n all subse&uent pages of a chapter, typing begins on line = with the te(t ideally ending on line A>. 5or a hori6ontal report, the right and left margins are set at :;.+< mm "= inch#. Page numbers are centered in the footer, =:.>: mm "=): inch# from the bottom of the page. $he template !"#le$Ne%$ will automatically adjust your document to these measurements. &i#i,er Pages /ach chapter in an outline report is preceded by a di%ider page. A period is used between the arabic numeral and the title of the chapter. $he chapter title should be set up on the di%ider page e(actly as it appears on the first page of te(t "including the same line breaks if it is more than one line#. $he title should be in boldface. 'f the title is more than two lines long, it is single spaced. 'n the outline format, the di%ider page contains the title of the chapter followed by a solid diamond list of the major side headings. As shown on the opposite page, a one0line title is spaced at the %isual center:, or centered on the page !"#le$Page 'etup$La(out$8ert#2al Al#gnment Center&. $he longest line of the solid diamond list is centered under the title with the other lines blocked abo%e or below it. $he first solid diamond is placed on the fourth line below the title. 2iamond points are double spaced. 'f the list of diamonds is long, single space them. "7int: An easy way to produce di%ider pages for the outline report is to create them in a separate document, one di%ider page after another since they are not paginated. Fse the template !"#le$Ne%$ in order to access the diamond list.#

$his placement is referred to as the 3%isual center4 because, to most people, a title typed at the e(act center of a page looks too low.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1.:

hapter Titles o* &i#i,er Pages! O+tli*e Format

=0line $itle:


:0line $itle:


A0 line $itle: 3. &%RE T %MPA T OF T$E PAT%E"T PROTE T%O" A T O" EMPLO1ER! EMPLO1EE A"& (O-ER"ME"T E;PE"&%T)RES %" T$E STATE Better0looking Hersion of the 8ame A0line $itle: 3. &%RE T %MPA T OF T$E PAT%E"T PROTE T%O" A T O" EMPLO1ER! EMPLO1EE A"& (O-ER"ME"T E;PE"&%T)RES %" T$E STATE

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

hapter Titles $he opposite page illustrates the setups for chapter titles of =, :, and A lines in the outline format. A chapter title !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )*C+apter$Appl(& is placed on the first page of a chapter. $he chapter title spacing is set at :< points abo%e and =: points below. 2o not add e(tra lines between the chapter title and the te(t that follows it. $he chapter title is centered, typed in full caps, is in boldface and is preceded by an arabic numeral, a period, and : spaces. 'deally, a A0line title should be set up as a pyramid or an in%erted pyramid 00 that is, either the first line or the last line should be the longest 00 only rarely the middle line. $he A0line title on page A0 :< e(emplifies this guideline. Generally, chapter titles should be broken before articles and after prepositions or conjunctions, as shown below. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

An outline chapter title should be typed e(actly as it appears on the chapter di%ider page. 'f the table of contents is generated automatically, it will copy the chapter title e(actly as it is worded in the chapter. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents if the automatic table of contents generation function in -ord is used.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-13: Ma9or Si,e $ea,i*gs! O+tli*e Format

"=0line .ajor#








Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Ma9or Si,e $ea,i*gs 'n the outline format, major side headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,*Ma.or$Appl(& are the breakdowns under a chapter title. /ach le%el of headings re&uires at least two headings. 1ou cannot di%ide a chapter into major side headings and ha%e one heading. 1ou must ha%e : or more. $his :0item rule applies to all headings and symbols in all formats. $he major side heading starts at the left margin. Fnlike the narrati%e format, the outline format is not right justified. .ajor side headings, like all headings, are done in boldface. 'deally, a major side heading should only be = line long, with the line measuring about ;=.:> to G+.@: mm ": to A inches#. 't is, of course, not always possible to do this. 'f the major side heading is longer than = line, edit it so that only key words are used. 7eadings longer than = line should be a%oided. -ords should not be broken in a major side heading. S=mbols - Mi*or Si,e -ith rare e(ceptions, each item in the outline format starts with a symbol: a solid diamond, open diamond, long dash, or short dash. /ach item consists of a single sentence. 'ndentations are generally used for additional sentences under a key point. $his sometimes leads to the use of a third indent, which uses a short dash as a symbol. 8olid 2iamond: pen 2iamond: Dong 2ash: 8hort 2ash: !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Appl(& !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond pen$Appl(& !"ormat$'t(le$Long Das+$Appl(& !"ormat$'t(le$'+ort Das+$Appl(&

$e(t following a major side heading must follow the indentation scheme and carry the proper symbols! narrati%e paragraphs appear only beneath new chapter titles.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-13: Mi*or Si,e $ea,i*g! O+tli*e Format

"Fnnumbered 8entence .inor# A 2ell-,esig*e, Appli0atio* S=stem a* S+pport M+ltiple &eli#er= ha**els 2ith Margi*al &e#elopme*t Effort

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Mi*or Si,e $ea,i*gs .inor side headings are used in both narrati%e and outline formats. .inor side headings in the outline format !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /*M#nor$Appl(& may be sentences "as shown on page A0:>#, words, or phrases. nly unnumbered minors should be used in the outline format because numbered minors create a conflict with diamonds. 'f numbered minors must be used, they would take the place of the solid diamond !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /* M#nor Numb$Appl(& . $he initial letter of e%ery word is capitali6ed e(cept for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, as listed below. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

.inor headings, like all headings, are done in boldface. *o final punctuation is used unless the minor is written as a &uestion "which is rare#. -ords may be broken at the end of a line in minor headings. A minor heading starts at the left margin. 't is not right justified. 't continues to the right margin if necessary, and may be continued onto additional lines. 'n the outline format, the te(t is not right justified. 8ubse&uent lines are blocked on the left under the first line. Lea,-i* $his de%ice may be used at any of the three basic le%els of indentation, but all lead0ins in a section must carry the same symbol.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-15: Sample First Page of a hapter! "+mbere, Format



'n the numbered format, each chapter has a title. /ach chapter also begins with an introductory paragraph like this one. $his format uses major side headings and minor side headings, but they are called le%els as noted on this page. $he numbered format has fi%e le%els and also uses lead0ins and diamond lists. 1.1 SE O"&-LE-EL $EA&%"( 8econd0le%el headings are used as the first breakdown under the chapter title. 1.1.1 Thir,-le#el $ea,i*g $hird0le%el headings are used as breakdowns under a second0le%el heading. Fo+rth-le#el $ea,i*g $his may be used to subdi%ide a third0le%el heading. De%els one through four will appear in the table of contents. Fifth-le#el $ea,i*g A fifth le%el heading may be used to subdi%ide a fourth0le%el heading. Lea,-i*. A lead0in is actually part of the paragraph. 't ends with a period. Dead0ins or symboli6ed indentations may be used below any le%el of heading. 2iamond lists start at flush left. $hey can be single spaced if the items are short. *ote: $his sample page does not follow the two0item rule due to space limitations.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

")M7ERE& FORMAT 5or technical proposals and reports, the numbered format may be used. 't enables the writer to outline information in a %ery detailed way. Because each item may re&uire more detail than a single sentence will allow "as in the outline format#, the numbered format permits items to ha%e more te(t. At the same time, the numbered format enables the reader to retrie%e information &uickly. Template $o create the numbered outline format, use the -ord template 't will automatically adjust margins, spacing, and format for the %arious headings described below. $ea,i*gs 7eadings used in the numbered format go down to the fifth le%el. Any le%el may also be followed by lead0ins or lists. 9hapter title "first0le%el heading#: !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )$Appl(& 8econd0le%el heading: !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,$Appl(& $hird0le%el heading: !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 3$Appl(& 5ourth0le%el heading: !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /$Appl(& 5ifth0le%el heading: !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 0$Appl(& $e(t is blocked under headings in the numbered format as illustrated on page A0A:. 't is fully justified. Dead0ins may also be used, but they must be combined with paragraphs just as they are in the narrati%e format. Lists 2iamond lists !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Appl(& in the numbered format are usually blocked at the left margin, with + points between each item, as shown abo%e.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1:: &i#i,er Page! "+mbere, Format


Barents Group LLC



December 1998

$ea,ers a*, Footers Dong and comple( reports "e.g., with chapters that ha%e :BC pages# may re&uire headers to denote report and chapter titles on each page. 'f headers are needed, place the report title at left margin and chapter title at right margin! they should be italici6ed. 5ooters should appear in most reports! they are italici6ed and contain the following: Barents Group DD9: at left margin. Page number: center. !9lick on E icon at center tab)block page number $5nsert$Page Number$"ormat$Number "ormat$)*,*3. . . $5n2lude C+apter Number.& 2ate: at right margin. Fpdate the date according to the date the document was sa%ed !5nsert$"#eld$Date and 4#me$'a3eDate&. 2ocument reference name: second line, at right margin, + point font, all caps. nce you sa%e the document, the reference name will be inserted automatically if you use the template. 1ou can create the line for the header !"ormat$Border and '+ad#ng$Border)click on the bottom of the Border diagram$l#ne st(le 3$/pt&! for the footer !"ormat$Border$click on the top of the Border diagram$l#ne st(le 3$/ pt&. R+les for Reports 2ith a Portrait Orie*tatio* /(hibit A0=; shows the setup for typing the first page of a chapter of a numbered report that is done in portrait orientation. $he chapter title is centered at the top of the page, with :< points abo%e and =: points below. 1ou can automatically place the chapter title at these measurements !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )$Appl(&. n all subse&uent pages of a chapter, typing begins on line = with the te(t ideally ending on line A>. $he template automatically sets these margins. &i#i,er Pages /ach chapter of a report is preceded by a di%ider page. $he chapter title is preceded by an arabic numeral, a period, and : spaces. $he title should be set up on the di%ider page e(actly as it appears on the first page of te(t "including the same line breaks if it is more than one line#. $he title should be in boldface. 'f the title is more than two lines long, it is single spaced. $he di%ider page shows only the title of the chapter. As shown on page A0A:, a one0line title is spaced at the %isual center, or centered on the page !"#le$Page 'etup$La(out$8ert#2al Al#gnment Center&. $ype in the title and press /nter ; times after the title to create a %isual center. A "7int: An easy way to produce numbered format di%ider pages is to create them in a separate document, one di%ider page after another since they are not paginated.#

$his placement is referred to as the 3%isual center4 because a title typed at the e(act center of a page looks too low.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1<:

hapter Titles! "+mbere, Format

=0line $itle:


:0line $itle:


Better0looking Hersion of the 8ame :0Dine $itle: 3. A"AL1S%S OF )"%TE& STATES MAR4ETS A"& T$E%R %"FL)E" E O" T$E MAR4ET%"( PLA"

A0line $itle:

5. MA'OR &EF% %E" %ES %" T$E PRESE"T OR(A"%6AT%O" A"& MA"A(EME"T POL% %ES A"& PRA T% ES

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

hapter Titles BFirst-le#el $ea,i*gC $he opposite page illustrates the setups for chapter titles of =, :, and A lines in the numbered format. A chapter title !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng )$Appl(& is placed on the first page of a chapter. $he chapter title spacing is set at :< points abo%e and =: points below. 2o not add e(tra lines between the chapter title and the te(t that follows it. $he chapter title is centered, typed in full caps, is in boldface, and is preceded by an arabic numeral, a period, and : spaces. 'deally, a A0line title should be set up as a pyramid or an in%erted pyramid 00 that is, either the first line or the last line should be the longest 00 only rarely the middle line. Generally, chapter titles should be broken before articles and after prepositions or conjunctions, "see below#. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

*ote, the :0line illustration opposite, howe%er, where the second 3and4 has been put on the second line for better appearance and easier reading. A chapter title should be typed e(actly as it appears on the di%ider page. 'f the table of contents is generated automatically, it will copy the chapter title e(actly as it is worded in the chapter. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents if you use the automatic table of contents generation function in -ord.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1>: Se0o*,-le#el $ea,i*gs! "+mbere, Format

"=0line, 8econd0le%el# 1.1 PROPOSE& TEAM not 1.1 PROPOSE& TEAM 1.1 $A"(E MA"A(EME"T





Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Se0o*,-le#el $ea,i*gs 8econd0le%el headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng ,$Appl(& are the breakdowns under chapter titles. /ach le%el of heading re&uires at least two headings. 1ou cannot di%ide a chapter into second0 le%el headings and ha%e = heading. 1ou must ha%e : or more. $his rule applies to all headings. 8econd0le%el headings are created by adding a period, another arabic numeral to the number, and : spaces "for e(ample, =.=#. 8econd0le%el headings start at the left margin, are typed in full caps, and are boldface. $he chapter title and the first second0le%el heading should be separated by at least one paragraph of te(t. $he chapter title "which is the first0le%el heading# and second0le%el headings may be put on the same page. $he opposite page illustrates the setups for second0le%el headings on = or : lines. As shown, the second0le%el heading is at the left margin, not justified, and in boldface. Dines in second0le%el headings generally should be broken before articles and after prepositions or conjunctions, "see below#. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

"7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-1@: Thir,-le#el $ea,i*gs! "+mbere, Format

"=0line, $hird0le%el 7eading# 1.1.1 Sales Ma*ageme*t 2ea8*ess not 1.1.1 Sales Ma*ageme*t 2ea8*ess 1...1 The Exe0+ti#e ommittee

1...1 The Exe0+ti#e ommittee


":0line, $hird0le%el 7eading# ..3.1 Establishi*g Priorities for %mpleme*tatio* of a omp+teri?e, +stoms S=stem i* the %mmigratio* &epartme*t not ..3.1 Establishi*g Priorities for %mpleme*tatio* of a omp+teri?e, +stoms S=stem i* the %mmigratio* &epartme*t

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Thir,-le#el $ea,i*gs $hird0le%el headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 3$Appl(& are the breakdowns under second0le%el headings. $hey are created by adding a period, another arabic numeral to the number, and : spaces "for e(ample, =.=.=#. $hird0le%el headings start at the left margin and are in boldface. $he second line is blocked under the te(t of the first. $he initial letter of e%ery word is capitali6ed e(cept for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions, as listed below. 7rea8 Li*e After o*9+*0tio*s and if but

7efore Arti0les a the

After Prepositio*s to at on in by

*o final punctuation is used unless the third0le%el heading is written as a &uestion "which is rare#. $he opposite page illustrates the setups for third0le%el headings on = or : lines. As shown, the third0le%el heading is at the left margin, not justified, and in boldface. Dines in third0le%el headings generally should be broken after prepositions or conjunctions and before articles "see below#. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents if you use the automatic table of contents generation function in -ord.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-.A: Fo+rth-le#el $ea,i*gs! "+mbere, Format

"=0line, 5ourth0le%el 7eading# %*ter*al M%S Feat+res

":0line, 5ourth0le%el 7eading# ....3.1 F+*0tio*al ReD+ireme*ts for the omp+teri?atio* of the S=stem for the (o#er*me*t of El Sal#a,or +stoms A,mi*istratio*

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Fo+rth-le#el $ea,i*gs 5ourth0le%el headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng /$Appl(&, which are the breakdowns under third0 le%el headings, are created by adding a period, another arabic numeral to the number, and : spaces "for e(ample =.=.=.=#. 5ourth0le%el headings, in boldface, start at the left margin. $he second line is blocked under the te(t of the first. $he initial letter of e%ery word is capitali6ed e(cept for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. *o final punctuation is used unless the fourth0 le%el heading is written as a &uestion "which is rare#. $he opposite page illustrates the setups for fourth0le%el headings on = or : lines. As shown, the fourth0le%el heading is at the left margin, not justified, and in boldface. Dines in fourth0le%el headings generally should be broken after prepositions or conjunctions, and before articles. "7int: -hen you need to break up a title, hold down the shift key while you press /nter. $his will enable the entire title to appear in the table of contents.#

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-.1: Fifth-le#el $ea,i*gs a*, Lists! "+mbere, Format Fifth-le#el $ea,i*g Protot=pe A00o+*ts Re0ei#able Mo,+le Barents Group is aware of some of the current difficulties in Lamaica for identifying and tracking large o%erdue ta( cases. Barents Group proposes to implement the $A98 Account Recei%able module in order to pro%ide immediate computeri6ed access to three large o%erdue ta(payer accounts. Lists $he computer system must be able to track cases of the following types: delin&uency "non0filers, late filers, short payers, non0payers#, collections "past due disabilities#, audit, and appeals.

0or0 'n our e(perience we ha%e: =. :. A. <. analy6ed current structures and administrati%e systems in detail! de%eloped computeri6ation plans for go%ernments! performed feasibility studies for go%ernment computeri6ed applications! computeri6ed re%enue collection, budgeting, accounting, and financial management systems! and ;. de%eloped ta(ation, budgeting, accounting, and treasury systems.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Fifth-le#el $ea,i*gs 5ifth0le%el headings !"ormat$'t(le$Head#ng 0$Appl(& are the breakdowns under fourth0le%el headings. $hey are created by adding a period, another arabic numeral to the number, and : spaces "for e(ample, =.=.=.=.=#. 5ifth0le%el headings start at the left margin and are in boldface. $he opposite page illustrates the setups for fifth0le%el headings. Breakdowns below the fifth le%el are unusual, but sometimes necessary. $he fifth le%el and subheadings below it will not be appear in the table of contents. $hese breakdowns are shown briefly below. =. Se0o*,-le#el lea,-i* !"ormat$'t(le$Lead1#n$Appl(&. $he indentation under a numbered minor or a numbered lead0in is usually identified by a number or a bullet. :. A lead0in is always typed lower0case and is always part of the paragraph. A diamond list after a second0le%el heading !"ormat$'t(le$D#am 'e2 Le3$Appl(& must be placed at the second indent "=:.>: mm J=): inchI from the left margin#. A list can contain single word items, phrases, or sentences, but the structure should be consistent, that is, all single word items or all phrases, or all sentences. Lists 'n the numbered format, lists can be preceded by solid diamonds !"ormat$'t(le$D#amond L#st$Appl(& as shown on /(hibit A0:=, or by numbers. $hey are flush left. 't is %ery important that all of the items in a list be parallel in structure, that is, they should either be single word items, all phrases or all sentences. 'f some of the items are : lines or longer, double space the entire list !"ormat$'t(le$D#am L#st D'$Appl(& . 'f the items are short, single space the entire list. 5or a numbered list use !"ormat$'t(le$NumbL#st$Appl( or "ormat$'t(le$NumbL#st D'&. *ote: 'tems in lists should not end with punctuation unless they are sentences. 'f a list is preceded by a colon, the last item should close with a period. A third indent with an open diamond !"ormat$'t(le$ pen D#am 4+#rd& is occasionally permitted when there is no easy way to a%oid it. $his third indent starts =@.:A mm "A)< inch# from the left margin.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-..: Format $elp Sheet for "arr.,ot a*, "arrls.,ot Templates

"ame of F+*0tio*
Deft , Right, Bottom and $op .argins 9hapter $itle 9enter 7ead .ajor 8ide 7eading .inor 8ide 7eading -ithout *umbers .inor 8ide 7eading with *umbers 2iamond Dist "use when items are = line or less# 2iamond Dist 2ouble 8paced "use when items are more than = line# 2iamond Dist After 8econd De%el 7eading 2iamond Dist 2ouble 8paced After 8econd De%el 7eading Dong 2ash $hird 'ndent Dist Dong 2ash 2ouble 8paced Dist Dead0in Alphabeti6ed Dead0in *umbered Dead0in 8econd0le%el Dead0in *ormal $e(t 7eader 5ooters Page *umbers Page *umber, $ables of 9ontents and /(hibits

St=le "ame
00 7eading =,9hapter 7eading :, 9enterhead 7eading A,.ajor 7eading <,.inor 7eading ;,.inor *umb 2iamond Dist 2iam Dist 28 2iam 8ec De% 2iam 8ec De% 28 Dong 2ash $hird Dong 2ash$hird28 Dead0in Dead0in Alpha Dead0in *umb Dead 8ec De% *ormal 7eader 5ooter 00 00

:;.+< mm "=4# from side of page Bold, all caps, centered, preceded by arabic number, period, and : spaces, :< pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, all caps, centered, preceded by cap. letter, period, and : spaces, :< pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, all caps, left justified, => pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, left justified, initial caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, left justified, initial caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below, preceded by arabic number and period, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4# Deft justified, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below Deft justified, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, indent =:.>: mm ".;4#, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below Deft justified, indent =:.>: mm ".;4#, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, indent =@.:A mm ".G;4#, preceded by long dash, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below Deft justified, indent =@.:A mm ".G;4#, preceded by long dash, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below 5ull justified, lead0in is bold, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below 5ull justified, preceded by bold small letter, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, lead0in is bold, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below 5ull justified, preceded by bold arabic number, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, lead0in is bold, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below 5ull justified, indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, preceded by bold small letter, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, lead0in is bold, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below 5ull justified, B points abo%e, B points below =:.>: mm ".;4# from top of page, italic, border bottom "single#, client name or report name flush left, chapter name 5lush right =:.>: mm ".;4# from bottom of page, 3Barents Group DD94 flush left, page E centered, date flush right, document name with path second line flush right, border top "single# 9entered in footer, include chapter number, chapter starts with style heading =, separator is hyphen, number format arabic, restart numbering at each new chapter 9entered in footer, number format small arabic

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-.3: Format $elp Sheet for O+t.,ot a*, O+tls.,ot Templates

"ame of F+*0tio*
Deft , Right, Bottom and $op .argins 9hapter $itle .ajor 8ide 7eading .inor 8ide 7eading 2iamond Dist pen 2iamond Dist Dong 2ash Dist 8hort 2ash Dist Dead0in *ormal $e(t 7eader 5ooter Page *umbers Page *umber, $ables of 9ontents and /(hibits

St=le "ame
00 7eading =,9hapter 7eading :,.ajor 7eading A,.inor 2iamond Dist 2iamond Dong 2ash 8hort 2ash Dead0in *ormal 7eader 5ooter 00 00 pen

:;.+< mm "=4 # from side of page Bold, all caps, centered, preceded by arabic number, period, and : spaces, :< pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, all caps, left justified, => pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, left justified, initial caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below 'ndent +.<= mm ".:;4#, preceded by open diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, indent =:.>: mm ".;4#, preceded by long dash, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, indent =@.:A mm ".G;4#, preceded by short dash, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, lead0in is bold, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below 5ull justified, B points abo%e, B points below =:.>: mm ".;4# from top of page, italic, border bottom "single#, client name or report name flush left, chapter name flush right =:.>: mm ".;4# from bottom of page, 3Barents Group DD94 flush left, page E centered, date flush right, document name with path second line flush right, border top "single# 9entered in footer, include chapter number, chapter starts with style heading =, separator is hyphen, number format arabic, restart numbering at each new chapter 9entered in footer, number format small arabic

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Exhibit 3-.3: Format $elp Sheet for "+mb.,ot Template

"ame of F+*0tio*
Deft , Right, Bottom and $op .argins 9hapter $itle "5irst0le%el 7eading# 8econd0le%el 7eading $hird0le%el 7eading 5ourth0le%el 7eading

St=le "ame
00 7eading = 7eading : 7eading A 7eading <

:;.+< mm "=4 # from side of page Bold, all caps, centered, preceded by arabic number, period, and : spaces :< pts. abo%e, => pts. below Bold, chapter number followed by period and :nd0le%el number "=.=#, hanging indent =:.>: mm ".;4#, left justified, all caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, chapter number followed by period, :nd0le%el number, period and Ard0le%el number "=.=.=#, hanging indent .;+4, left justified, all caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, chapter number followed by period, :nd0le%el number, period, Ard0le%el number, period and <th0le%el number "=.=.=.=#, hanging indent .G4, left justified, all caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Bold, chapter number followed by period, :nd0le%el number, period, Ard0 le%el number, period, <th0le%el number, period and fifth0le%el number, full justified, all caps, =: pts. abo%e, =: pts. below Deft justified, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below Deft justified, preceded by solid diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below 'ndent +.<= mm ".:;4#, preceded by open diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, B pts. below 'ndent +.<= mm ".:;4#, preceded by open diamond, hanging indent +.<= mm ".:;4#, B pts. abo%e, =: pts. below 5ull justified, B points abo%e, B points below =:.>: mm ".;4# from top of page, italic, border bottom "single#, client name or report name flush left, chapter name flush right =:.>: mm ".;4# from bottom of page, 3Barents Group DD94 flush left, page E centered, date flush right, document name with path second line flush right, border top "single# 9entered in footer, include chapter number, chapter starts with style heading =, separator is hyphen, number format arabic, restart numbering at each new chapter 9entered in footer, number format small arabic

5ifth0le%el 7eading

7eading ;

2iamond Dist "used when items are = line or less# 2iamond Dist 2ouble 8paced pen 2iamond Dist "used when items are = line or less# pen 2iamond Dist 2ouble 8paced *ormal $e(t 7eader 5ooter Page *umbers Page *umbers, $able of 9ontents and /(hibits

2iamond Dist 2iam Dist 28 2iamond 2iam *ormal 7eader 5ooter 00 00 pen

pen 28

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

7. OT$ER REPORTS ther reports may take the form of a letter that circulates outside the organi6ation or a report that circulates within Barents Group. $hey may resemble the format of a formal report, but they are generally shorter and do not include all elements of a formal report. ther reports can be di%ided into three types: the letter report, general report, and demonstrator report. LETTER REPORT A letter report is simply a narrati%e report in the form of a letter. "8ee instructions for letters in 9hapter :.# Page numbers are put at the top of each page after the first, along with the addressee,s name and the date. 9enter heads are ne%er used in a letter report. 'f the document is long enough to need center heads, it should not be in the form of a letter report. therwise, use the standard major and minor side headings and diamond lists. (E"ERAL REPORT $he general report format is used for reports that are not long enough to warrant formal treatment, or for reports of any length that should be clearly differentiated from final reports. $ypical e(amples of this category are interim or progress reports. Titles a*, hea,i*gs. A general report in narrati%e format carries its title "and usually the client,s name# on the first page of te(t as well as on the title page, and the setup "line breaks# of the copy is e(actly the same for both pages. 'f the report is brief, it is usually subdi%ided only by major and)or minor side headings. 9enter heads, if used, designate 3sections4 "not chapters# and are identified by capital letters "not arabic numerals#. Str+0t+re. A general report in outline format is rare. 'ts structure typically resembles that of a chapter in a formal outline report, e(cept that it should begin with a page of narrati%e, headed by the title "and usually the client,s name#, as described abo%e. $his page should also identify all of the section heads to be used subse&uently. Pagi*atio*. Pages of a general report "whether narrati%e or outline# are usually numbered consecuti%ely throughout. /ach page after the first "e(cept di%ider pages, if they are used# bears an arabic numeral at the bottom. &EMO"STRATOR REPORT $he term 3demonstrator4 is used to describe a report in which the emphasis is on the e(hibits. 'f a report is printed double0sided, an e(hibit and the accompanying te(t will be on facing pages. $he actual format of the te(t may be narrati%e, outline, or the way you would set up te(t for a slide "see Presentations, 9hapter <#. *o matter which format is chosen for a report, it must be used consistently throughout the report. Page numbering is usually se&uential.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

$his document is an e(ample of a demonstrator report.

Barents Group LLC



December 1998

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