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Cane Preparation Equipment

Cane Preparation Equipment Installed Power Specific Power Tip Speed Tip Clearance [kW/tfh] [m/s] [mm] Leveller knives 6 50 1000 First knives 15 60 150 Second knives ( eav! dut!" #0 60 50 S redder 60 100 $otal 111 Sout ern %&rican industr! avera'e ()

Installed Specific Power for Millin

$a*le o& required installed power &or a millin' tandem !um"er of Mills Four mills Five mills Si, mills -i&&user . two mills Specific Power per Mill [kW/tfh] ++ +0 1( +5

Mill Capacit# Calculations

$ ere are a lar'e num*er o& &ormulae &or t e calculation o& t e capacit! o& a millin' tandem/ 0u'ot 'ives t e &ollowin' &ormula1 % 2 0/3 c4n4564(170/064n4-"4L4-+8& w ere

c is a &actor dependent on t e cane preparation equipment9 c 2 1/# i& t e tandem is preceded *! a s redder n is t e mill speed in rev8min ! is t e num*er o& rollers in t e tandem $ is t e len't o& t e roll in metres % is t e mean diameter o& t e rollers in metres f is t e &i*re percent cane

$ e pro*lem wit :/ 0u'ot;s equation is t at is a &unction o& t e square o& t e mill speed9 w ic means mat ematicall! t at t e mill capacit! will increase wit speed9 reac a ma,imum and t en deacrease9 as t e speed increases/ $ is could *e interpreted in an en'ineerin' sense t at t e mill will ave an optimum speed to operate at *e!ond w ic t e capacit! deacreses due to slippa'e o& *a'asse in t e mill/ It does not seem prudent to desi'n t e mills so t at t e capacit! could *e in t e decreasin' re'ion/

Mill and Trash Plate Settin

Settin' a mill includes t e calculation o& t e openin's *etween t e various mill rolls and well as t e s ape and position o& t e tras plate/ $ e work openin's are calculated &irst/ $ e work openin's are t e 'aps *etween t e top roll and t e &eed roll on t e one and and t e openin' *etween t e top roll and t e disc ar'e roll on t e ot er9 w en t e mill is in operation/ $ e ne,t step is to calculate t e set openin's9 t at is9 w at t e 'aps s ould *e w en t e mill is empt!/ $ e positions o& o& t e mill rolls and t e tras plate are ad<usted until t e set openin's are ac ieved/

Geometry of Mills

Tooth Profile

Mill Geometry Parameters

Top roll mean diameter [mm] Discharge roll mean diameter [mm] Feed roll mean diameter [mm] Tooth Pitch [mm] Tooth Flat [mm] Tooth Angle [] MDT MDD MDF TP Tfl Tang

Tooth Depth [mm] "oll #ength [mm]

Tdepth = (TP - Tfl) / ( tan(Tang / )) lroll

$ertical distance %et&een top and side roll centres $rest at rest [mm]

Mill Operating Parameters

'ane thro(ghp(t [ton cane/h] Fi%re content of cane as a percentage Mill lift [mm] Fi%re thro(ghp(t[*g/min] Fi%re fill in the discharge opening [*g/m .] Fi%re fill in the feed opening [*g/m .] /peed of top roll [rpm] tch f)c l fi%rethp(t = tch ! +,,,/-, ! f)c ffD ffF = ffD / millratio n

"atio of feed opening to discharge opening in the millratio &or*ing position

A0erage peripheral 0elocit1 of top/feed rolls 0TF = [mm/min] / A0erage peripheral 0elocit1 of top/discharge rolls 0TD = [mm/min] / 6scri%ed [m./min] 0ol(me in the discharge opening ! 2 ! n ! ,34 !(MD T 5 MDF) ! 2 ! n ! ,34 !(MD T 5 MDD

0ol6scrD = fi%rethp(t / ffD &oD = 0ol6scrD/ (0TD ! lroll)/+,,, 0olescrF = fi%rethp(t / ffF &oF = 0ol6scrF/ (0TF ! lroll)/+,,, TF = MDT / TD = MDT / 5 MDF / 5 MDD / 5 &oF 5 &oD

Discharge 7or* 8pening [mm] 6scri%ed 0ol(me in the feed opening [m./min] Feed 7or* 8pening [mm] Top - Feed roll 'entres (7or*ing) [mm] Top - Discharge roll 'entres (7or*ing) [mm]

9ori:ontal distance %et&een top roll and feed roll 9F = ;(TF - ($rest 5 l) ) centres [mm] 9ori:ontal distance %et&een discharge roll centres [mm] top roll and 9D = ;(TD - ($rest 5 l) )

/et feed opening (Tip to <ottom) [mm] /et discharge opening (Tip to <ottom) [mm]

soF = ;(9F 5 $rest ) - MDT / MDF / soD = ;(9D 5 $rest ) - MDT / MDD /

5 5

Trash Plate Settings

$ ere are a num*er o& met ods o& settin' out a tras plate &or a mill9 t ese are discussed *! 0u'ot9 Handbook of Cane Sugar Engineering 9 =enkins9 Introduction to Cane Sugar Technology9 1366 and :a,well9 Modern Milling of Sugar Cane9 13#+/ In addition a num*er o& papers discussin' t is topic ave *een pu*lis ed amon' t em %s e9 >>9 SASTA9 136# and ?an 0en'el9 % and -ouwes -ekker9 @9 SASTA9 135(/ Eac &actor! t at I ave knowled'e o& as t eir own idios!ncratic met od o& la!in' out a tras plate9 *ut w en anal!sed all t ese met ods amount to muc t e same t in'/ 0u'ot notes t at t e ideal s ape o& a tras plate is t e lo'arit mic spiral9 and points out t at t e simplest appro,imation to t is is an arc w ose center is o&&set &rom t e centre point (in t e workin' position" o& t e top roll alon' a oriAontal line towards t e disc ar'e roll/ $ e lo'arit mic spiral can *e calculated in a spreads eet and t en set out in a cad drawin'9 t e appro,imate arc can t en &itted to t e lo'arit mic spiral

Mill Pinions or Crown Wheels

$ ere are normall! t ree mill pinions on a cane su'ar millB one on eac o& t e mill rolls9 namel!

$op roll Feed roll -isc ar'e roll

In mill wit and under&eed roll (also known as a t e &ourt roll" t ere is o&ten a additional pair o& mill pinions/ $ e under&eed roll is driven *! a pinion mounted on t e non7drive end (also called t e pintle end" o& t e top roll/ C ereas t e mill crown w eels all ave an equal num*er o& teet t e 'ears drivin' t e under&eed roll are o&ten speed reducin'/ t e purpose o& t e mill pinions is to transmit torque &rom t e top roll to t e ot er mill rolls/ $ e &eed and disc ar'e rolls normall! run at t e same rotational speed as t e top roll/ Dnlike normal 'ears in a normal 'ear*o,9 mill pinions need to a*le to accomodate a c an'in' centre distance/ $ is is &or t ree reasons

$ e top roll floats9 so t e centre distance c an'es &rom second to second $ e &i*re content o& t e cane c an'es and to accomodate t is9 t e mill rolls centre distance is c ecked and ad<usted weekl!/

$ e mill rolls wear and to accomodate t is wear t e centre distcance will c an'e &rom season to season/

$ e c an'e in operatin' centre distance means t e pinion toot pro&iles need to *e su&&icientl! flexible to accomodate t ese c an'es/ Contrar! to w at as *een written in -r Eein;s *ook9 Cane Sugar Engineering *! Fruce St C :oor it is essential t at t e toot pro&ile is involute9 no ot er toot pro&ile can accomodate a c an'in' centre distance/ C at is clear t ou' 9 is t at a mill pinion toot pro&ile can not *e in accordance wit t e two current %>:% toot pro&ile standards/ $ e %>:% standards are *ased on &i,ed centre distances/ %>:% Standard >ears and :ill Pinions Parameter &'M& ()* and (+* Mill Pinion $oot Pro&ile Involute Involute Pressure %n'le +0G or +5G 16G to +0G %ddendum 18P 1/18P -edendum 1/+58P 1/58P to 1/38P Fillet Eadius 0/#8P 0/68P to 0/H58P Circular $oot $ ickness 0/5I8P 0/)I8P to 0/)5I8P C ile t e toot pro&ile o& a mill pinion is an involute curve9 t is &act is not elp&ul to t pattern maker in t e &oundr! w ere t e pinion will *e cast/ $ e involute curve is appro,imated *! two arcs1 one &rom t e *ase circle to t e pitc circle9 t e second arc e,tends &rom t e pitc circle to t e start o& t e tip radius o& t e toot /

Mill ,earin s
Bearing Pressures
$ e ma,imum pressure t at a *earin' can wit stand is mainl! a &unction o& t e *earin' material/ $ e *ronAes t at are common in su'ar mills ave a recommended ma,imum *earin' pressures o& up to 100 :Pa &or p osp or *ronAe and 50 :Pa &or tin7*ronAes/ Standard su'ar mill practise limits t e *earin' pressure to a*out 10 :Pa/

Materials For Plain Bearings

$ e two essential elements in a plain *earin' are t e *earin' or *earin' material itsel&9 and t e s a&t or movin' mem*er/ $ e *earin' or *earin' material is located in a ousin' or structure9 and ma! or ma! not *e inte'ral wit it/ Separatin' t ese two elements is t e lu*ricant9 introduced9 'enerall! in t e case o& su'ar mills9 *! e,ternal pressure &eedin'/ $ e material o& t e s a&t or <ournal is esta*lis ed &rom considerations o& stren't and ri'idit!9 and will invaria*l! *e steel/ Fecause t e conditions under w ic *earin's must operate in service ma! var! over a wide ran'e9 it is necessar! t at *earin' materials *e used w ic ave certain desira*le properties/ %mon'st t ese we must include suc &actors as

mechanical strength=

softness and lo& melting point= lo& mod(l(s of elasticit1= corrosion resistance= high thermal cond(cti0it1= and of co(rse> economic considerations3

/ince these factors cannot all %e o%tained to a desira%le degree in a single material> it is necessar1 in practice to ma*e a compromise3

$ e most common *earin' materials consist o&

a3 &hite metals> %3 copper%ase allo1s> and c3 al(mini(m-%ase allo1s3 White Metal

C ite metals is a term used to include t e tin and lead7*ase metals9 *roadl! re&erred to as Fa**itts (a&ter Isaac Fa**itt9 1(#3"9 and since suc metals are i' l! competitive9 t e! are recommended &or most applications w ere t e loadin' is not severe/ Fa**itt *earin's are manu&actured wit t e w ite metal lined onto steel9 cast iron and copper *ase allo!s/ Since w ite metal su&&ers a reduction in &ati'ue stren't wit increase in temperature9 and t is reduction is a &unction o& t ickness9 it is usual to limit t e t ickness to *etween a*out 0/1007 0/1H5 mm9 and t icknesses o& onl! 0/0+570/050 mm are used wit copperlead over t e *ack7 up material/ C ite metal is not commonl! used as a s'ar mill *earin' material
Copper-base Alloys

Copper7*ase allo!s includin' lead7*ronAe9 'un7metal and p osp or7*ronAe are widel! used as *earin' materials/ Lead7*ronAe is t e c eapest9 and is used &or 'eneral service *earin's/ It as a low tendenc! to seiAure9 in common wit t e w ite metal *earin's9 and as 'reater &ati'ue stren't to wit stand i' er temperatures/ Lead *ronAe *us es are &requentl! used in t e &orm o& sin'le9 solid units9 i/e/ as *us es wit out t e supportin' s ell surroundin' t e *earin' material9 as is required o& t e Fa**itt or w ite metal *earin' materials/ >un7metal provides a relativel! c eap and eas! to mac ine material9 avin' 'ood *earin' properties and capa*le o& wit standin' somew at i' er loads t an t e lead7*ronAe allo!s/ $ is allo! also as 'ood resistance to corrosion in sea water/ P osp or7*ronAe is used &or eavil! loaded *earin's9 w ere i' &rictional stresses are likel! to occur/ Fecause o& t e i' ardness o& t is material9 it demands t e use o& a ardened steel <ournal/

Typical Sugar Mill Bearings

Eein in Cane Su'ar En'ineerin' states t at t!picall! su'ar mill *earin's are tin *ronAes wit t e &ollowin' composition
' ?@ ( ) / +, n ) P% .) A .) n

Su'ar mill s a&ts do not turn su&&icientl! &ast &or a !drod!namic &ilm o& lu*ricant to *e &ormed *etween t e <ournal and t e *earin'/ Consequentl! !drostatic lu*rication is required/ $ is is ac ieved *! suppl!in' lu*ricant to t e *earin' under pressure/ Dnder t ese conditions9 attention must *e 'iven to t e adequate suppl! o& lu*ricant at all times9 and in particular to t e location o& oil suppl! oles and 'rooves/ Fitumin *ased lu*ricants are o&ten used in su'ar mill *earin's/

Bearing oa!s an! Si"es

Speci&ic roll loads are in t e ran'e o& + to # :6 per square metre o& pro<ected roll area/ $ is to'et er wit t e allowa*le *earin' pressure mentioned a*ove indicates t at t e total *earin' area s ould *e a*out +0J to #0J o& t e pro<ected roll area It is usual practise to allow t e top roll o& a su'ar mill to &loat in t e vertical direction to1

*eep a nearl1 constant press(re on the mat of %agasse in the mill allo& some thro(ghp(t 0ariation &itho(t sacrificing eBtraction protect the mill from damage from tramp iron

$!picall! !draulic rams to'et er wit a 'as accumulator provide t e downward &orce on t e *earin' caps to resist t e upward &orce o& t e *a'asse on t e mill roll/ $ e 'as accumulator acts as an air sprin'/ $ e !draulic oil in t e s!stem is not compressi*le9 *ut t e 'as in t e accumulator is and it is t is 'as t at as t e give t at allows t e roll to &loat/ $ e 'as in t e accumulator is prec ar'ed wit a particular 'as pressure/ $ e higher t e prec ar'e pressure t e softer t e sprin' rate/ % low prec ar'e pressure will make t e s!stem ver! sti&& and ma! not allow su&&icient &loat to let tramp iron t rou' t e mill9 w ic ma! cause dama'e/ % i' prec ar'e pressure will make t e s!stem ver! so&t and t e top roll *earin' ma! continuall! rise up to its ma,imum li&t/ $ is means t e mill eadstock ma! *e su*<ected to ver! i' &orces9 not anticipated in desi'n/

$ e correct prec ar'e pressure w ic ensures t at t e top roll &loats a*out its desi'n position is important to ensure 'ood e,traction and to protect t e mill &rom dama'e

Su ar Mill $u"ricants
Castrol SM# Gra!es
Castrol S:E lu*ricants are especiall! &ormulated &or su'ar mill roll *earin's and 'ear*o,es/ $ e! are viscous *lack oils &orti&ied wit load *earin' additives and incorporate emulsi&iers to resist t e arm&ul e&&ects o& t e inevita*le contamination wit su'ar <uices encountered in use/ $ e! also &ind use in ot er eavil! loaded open 'ears and pinions/ $ ese 'rades are now lead &ree/
SM# M$%&'M Densit1 C ,' $iscosit1 C @,' (mm /s) $iscosit1 C +,,' (mm /s) $F6 'olo(r Po(r Point (') Flash Point ''' (') <it(men 'ompo(nding 6P Additi0es ,>D@D + ,4 4,>4 ?@ <lac* , 4, Hes Hes SM# ($A)* C $A# ,>D+@ +D 4 + ->, +-, "ed/Green + Iil Hes Hes ASM# M$%&'M+ ,>D4 + 4,>4 ?. <lac* , 4@ Hes Hes Hes ? ASM# ($A)*+ ,>DD4 ++@4, +-E>, E@ <lac* 5+ 4Hes Hes Hes

,a asse Calorific -alue

>ross calori&ic value9 also known as t e i' er calori&ic value (0C?" o& *a'asse9 is calculated &rom t e &ollowin' &ormula1 0C?2K13 605 7 136905(moisture J sample" 7 136905(as J sample" 7 #191)(*ri, J sample"Lk=/k'71 $ e net calori&ic value9 also known as t e lower calori&ic value (LC?"9 assumes t at t e water &ormed *! com*ustion and also t e water o& constitution o& t e &uel remains in vapour &orm/ In industrial practice it is not practica*le to reduce t e temperature o& t e com*ustion

products *elow dew point to condense t e moisture present and recover its latent eat9 t us t e latent eat o& t e vapour is not availa*le &or eatin' purposes and must *e su*tracted &rom t e 0C?/ F! %S$: standards t e 0C? is calculated at atmosp eric pressure and at +0GC/ LC? o& *a'asse is calculated *! t e &ormula1 LC?2K1( #03 7 +0H96 (moisture J sample" 7 136905 (as J sample" 7 #191) (*ri, J sample"L k=/k'71 -o online calculations o& 0C? and LC?/ Select t e parameter to *e used as t e 'rap ;s ,7 a,is *! clickin' t e appropriate radio *utton

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