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Perfect Health Part 2: The Quantum Mechanical Human Body Chapter 6: Quantum Medicine for a Quantum Body Quantum Medicine 1. Everythin !e thin" and do ori inate# in#ide the $uantum mechanical %ody and then %u%%le# up to the #urface of life. The Po!er of &!arene## 1. 'hat he had to reco ni(e !a# that hi# condition depended on the #tate of hi# a!arene##. 2. )f you can let o of imperfection* perfection !ill appear %y it#elf. Chapter +: ,reedom from &ddiction# 1. Every addiction ha# it# o!n profile of #ymptom#* %ut amon chronic a%u#er# !e have al!ay# found that Pitta i# ro##ly a ravated* ivin ri#e to irrational mood# of violence* flu#hed #"in* a%normal #!eatin and thir#t* and variou# di e#tive di#order#* amon other thin #. 2. -ata do#ha #eem# particularly crucial* %ecau#e it# im%alance i# re#pon#i%le for impul#ive %ehavior. 'hen -ata i# #everely a ravated* any impul#e to drin" or to #mo"e a ci arette or to ta"e a fi. ha# to %e o%eyed. &# impul#e control #tart# to deteriorate* a hu e amount of uilt i# %uilt up* #ince the addicted per#on identifie# !ith hi# lac" of control. /ot "no!in that he i# follo!in the command of -ata 0a# !e all do* %ut in healthier form#1* the addicted per#on #ee# only that hi# re#olution# to $uit are failin mi#era%ly. 2. -ata !ill enerally o throu h the follo!in #ta e# of decline. Mild im%alance: re#tle##* #cattered thou ht#3 increa#e of !orrie#3 ea#ily #tartled3 lo## of memory and concentration3 a%#ence of inner fre#hne## Moderate im%alance: in#omnia3 lo## of phy#ical coordination3 tremor in hand#3 an.iety* nervou#ne##3 lo## of appetite3 di#connected thin"in 3 pa##in feelin # of phy#ical !ea"ne## and hollo!ne## 4eriou# im%alance: chronic in#omnia3 impaired perception 0thin # loo" di#tant and unreal13 uncontrolla%le #ha"in of head and hand#3 no appetite3 apathy* eneral lo## of all de#ire#3 delu#ion# and hallucination#. 5. &t the very end of an alcohol or dru addiction* -ata i# often #o out of control that the #ymptom# are practically indi#tin ui#ha%le from mental illne##. & terminal alcoholic in the throe# of 6T# and a #chi(ophrenic are %oth e.ample# of -ata ta"en to it# furthe#t limit#. 7. The catch822 of all addiction# i# that the #ame #ymptom# of di#tre## are cau#ed %y the ha%it and %y #toppin the ha%it. 'hen the nervou# #y#tem ha# %ecome chemically un%alanced* -ata ha# no anchor* no normal daily rhythm of re#t and activity to #ta%ili(e the hundred# of other %ody rhythm# that mu#t %e coordinated in a healthy per#on. 9e ular meditation provide# the #ta%ility of deep re#t alternatin !ith activity. That i# !hy people in the early #ta e# of ci arette #mo"in and dru u#e find that they can drop their ha%it# !ith no effort at all. 6. /o addiction treatment can #ucceed in the lon run !ithout compa##ion and under#tandin . )f

you decide to #ee" coun#elin * loo" for the#e $ualitie# in a p#ycholo i#t* pa#tor* doctor* or :u#t a ood friend. ;. <ne cripplin dra!%ac" of conventional reha%ilitation i# that con#tant vi ilance mean# con#tant #tre##. The rationale %ehind our hand#8off approach i# that nature can %e tru#ted. &n addict=# %ody !ill return to %alance if it i# treated correctly. Chapter >: & in i# a Mi#ta"e 1. The #imple#t !ay to vie! her%# i# a# concentrated food. 2. Her%# are more potent and #pecific in their action than food. & %itter her% li"e $uinine can %rin Pitta do!n immediately* ma"in it u#eful for reducin fever and inflammation. & pun ent chili can in#tantly drain e.ce## mu#cu# a# it reduce# ?apha &n a#trin ent #pice li"e turmeric can dry the phlem in a #ore throat in a matter of minute#. 2. @otu "ola and in#en are #pecific# for -ata &loe vera* comfrey root* and #affron are #pecific# for Pitta Elecampane and honey are #pecific# for ?apha 0althou h not an her%* honey i# con#idered the #hu"ra* or pure#t e##ence of the plant !orld1. 5. Thi# li#t e.clude# the mo#t po!erful ra#ayana#* amon them amla* u ul and a#h!a handa.

7. 'hat ma"e# ra#ayana# comple. i# not :u#t their reliance on fruit# and her%# un"no!n in the 'e#t. There i# reat difficulty #trai htenin out the authentic "no!led e of ho! to prepare each her%. To e.tract the de#ired effect from an i redient* one mu#t "no! !hen to pic" it* ho! lon to coo" it and %y !hat method* and in !hat proportion to %lend it !ith other her%#. The recipe for a #in le ra#ayana can call for fifty i redient#* each of !hich mu#t %e meticulou#ly handled thi# !ay and no other.

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