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Certified HBase Professional

Certified HBase Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified HBase Professional HBase Professional HBase Professional HBase Professional

Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1052
Vskills certification for Apache HBase Professional assesses the candidate for HBase. The
certification tests the candidates on varios areas in Apache HBase !hich incldes
kno!led"e of installin"# ad$inisterin" and developin" applications tili%in" the HBase.
&h' shold one take this certification( &h' shold one take this certification( &h' shold one take this certification( &h' shold one take this certification(
This Corse is intended for professionals and "radates !antin" to e)cel in their chosen
areas. *t is also !ell sited for those !ho are alread' !orkin" and !old like to take
certification for frther career pro"ression.

+arnin" Vskills HBase Professional Certification can help candidate differentiate in toda',s
co$petitive -o. $arket# .roaden their e$plo'$ent opportnities .' displa'in" their
advanced skills# and reslt in hi"her earnin" potential.

/or e$plo'ers# the certification provides skill-verification tools that not onl' help assess a
person,s skills in HBase data.ase .t also the a.ilit' to 0ickl' co$plete on-the--o. tasks
across $ltiple pro"ra$s.
&ho !ill .enefit fro$ takin" this certification( &ho !ill .enefit fro$ takin" this certification( &ho !ill .enefit fro$ takin" this certification( &ho !ill .enefit fro$ takin" this certification(
1o. seekers lookin" to find e$plo'$ent in varios soft!are and *T infrastrctre
co$panies# stdents "enerall' !antin" to i$prove their skill set and $ake their CV
stron"er and e)istin" e$plo'ees lookin" for a .etter role can prove their e$plo'ers the
vale of their skills thro"h this certification.
Test 2etails Test 2etails Test 2etails Test 2etails
2ration3 2ration3 2ration3 2ration3 40 $intes
5o. of 0estions3 5o. of 0estions3 5o. of 0estions3 5o. of 0estions3 50
6a)i$$ $arks3 6a)i$$ $arks3 6a)i$$ $arks3 6a)i$$ $arks3 50# Passin" $arks3 25 75089
There is no ne"ative $arkin" in this $odle.
/ee Strctre /ee Strctre /ee Strctre /ee Strctre
:s. 2500;- 7*ncldes all ta)es9

Certified HBase Professional

Co$panies that hire Co$panies that hire Co$panies that hire Co$panies that hire Vskills Vskills Vskills Vskills Certified Certified Certified Certified HBase Professional HBase Professional HBase Professional HBase Professional
Vskills Certified HBase Professional finds e$plo'$ent in .i" or s$all clod .ased
soft!are develop$ent and *T infrastrctre co$panies. There is a shorta"e of skilled
professionals in this field and co$panies are in a constant look ot of people !ell
ac0ainted !ith the !ork cltre and the processes involved.

Certified HBase Professional

Table of Contents

1. 1. 1. 1. HBase HBase HBase HBase *ntrodction *ntrodction *ntrodction *ntrodction
1.1 History
1.2 Need for Non-relational Databases
1.3 Components

2. 2. 2. 2. *nstallation *nstallation *nstallation *nstallation
2.1 Requirements and installing on linux
2.2 Standalone and distributed modes
2.3 Configuring and deploying
2.4 Cluster install and configure

<. <. <. <. HBase AP* HBase AP* HBase AP* HBase AP*
3.1 Put, get and delete method
3.2 Scans Technique
3.3 Filters class and types (comparison, dedicated and decorating)
3.4 Counter and coprocessor class implementation
3.5 HTablePool class and connection handling

=. =. =. =. Ad$inistration Ad$inistration Ad$inistration Ad$inistration
4.1 Access by Avro, thrift and REST
4.2 Schema definition and HBaseAdmin
4.3 Task and node management in cluster
4.4 Data import and export
4.5 Cluster monitoring using metrics
4.6 Metrics usage in JMX, ganglia or nagios
4.7 Backup and Security

5. 5. 5. 5. 6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce
5.1 Basics
5.2 Classes

4. 4. 4. 4. >p >p >p >pt tt ti$i%in" i$i%in" i$i%in" i$i%in"
6.1 Compression
6.2 Splits and compaction optimizing techniques
6.3 Load testing, fault tolerance and load balancing

Certified HBase Professional

Corse >tline Corse >tline Corse >tline Corse >tline

HBase HBase HBase HBase *ntrodction *ntrodction *ntrodction *ntrodction
Evolution of HBase database
Explaining the need for Non-relational Databases
Illustrating the various components of HBase

*nstallation *nstallation *nstallation *nstallation
Detailing the requirements and installation procedure on Linux
Describing the standalone and distributed modes of HBase
Elucidating the various configuration options and deployment
Explaining the procedure to install cluster and configure it.

HBase AP* HBase AP* HBase AP* HBase AP*
Illustrating the put, get and delete method
Explaining the scans technique and its usage
Describing the filters class and their types (comparison, dedicated and decorating)
Detailing the implementation of counter and coprocessor class
Detailing the HTablePool class and connection handling in HBase

Ad$inistration Ad$inistration Ad$inistration Ad$inistration
Configuring and implementing client access by Avro, thrift and REST
Detailing schema definition and usage of HBaseAdmin
Explaining process to add or remove node and task in cluster
Implementing import and export of block and bulk data and replication
Describing the various metrics used for cluster monitoring
Usage of metrics with monitoring tools (JMX, ganglia or nagios) and implementation
Detailing data backup and security

6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce 6ap;:edce
Illustrating map/reduce and need for integration
Implementation by classes

>p >p >p >pt tt ti$i%in" i$i%in" i$i%in" i$i%in"
Detailing the need and implementation of compression with different codecs
Describing the various optimizing techniques for splits and compaction
Explaining load testing, fault tolerance and load balancing

Certified HBase Professional

Sa$ple ?estions Sa$ple ?estions Sa$ple ?estions Sa$ple ?estions

1. 1. 1. 1. The defalt rn $ode of HBase is The defalt rn $ode of HBase is The defalt rn $ode of HBase is The defalt rn $ode of HBase is @@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@.
A. 2istri.ted
B. Standalone
C. Co$pact
2. 5one of the a.ove

2 22 2. . . . Site specific csto$i%ation in HBase Site specific csto$i%ation in HBase Site specific csto$i%ation in HBase Site specific csto$i%ation in HBase is is is is "iven in the file "iven in the file "iven in the file "iven in the file @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@.
A. h.ase-site.)$l
B. h.ase-defalt.)$l
C. hdfs-site.)$l
2. 5one of the a.ove
< << <. . . . re"ionserver file is a re"ionserver file is a re"ionserver file is a re"ionserver file is a @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@.
A. A6B file
B. TA: file
C. te)t file
2. 5one of the a.ove

= == =. . . . :+ST stands for :+ST stands for :+ST stands for :+ST stands for @@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@.
A. :epresentational State Transfer
B. :epresentational State Transaction
C. :elational State Transfer
2. 5one of the a.ove
5 55 5. . . . All pt $ethod have All pt $ethod have All pt $ethod have All pt $ethod have @@@@@@@@@@ as @@@@@@@@@@ as @@@@@@@@@@ as @@@@@@@@@@ as p pp para$eter ara$eter ara$eter ara$eter. .. .
A. ro!
B. col$n
C. 5a$e;vale pair
2. 5one of the a.ove

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (A), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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