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T24 - Security Management System

The T24 Security Management System course is designed to teach you the SMS related topics like Overrides, Dispo and Constraint Processing Click the ta!s on your le"t to vie# the course introduction, o!$ectives and structure

Course %ntroduction&

'T24 Security Management System( is a sel"-paced learning course This course is recommended "or anyone #ho #ishes to learn a!out the SMS settings in T24 This does not need any pre-re)uisites courses to !e attended

'T24 Security Management System( is an audio-ena!led course Please keep your speakers s#itched on to optimi*e your learning e+perience ,ou may click the -otes !utton on the le"t pane to vie# the course notes

Course O!$ectives&

%n this course, you #ill learn the SMS related settings in T24

."ter completing this course, you #ill !e a!le to&

/+plain in detail a!out various applications involved in SMS

/+plain override and error processing in T24

/+plain the pass#ord related settings in T24

/+plain the concept o" Dispo and Constraint Processing

Course Structure&

The course is divided into "our learning units, each comprising o" simple, sel"contained topics Concepts are e+plained using simple animations, demos and practices .t the end o" each learning unit, you #ill !e presented #ith a small )ui* ,ou #ill receive immediate "eed!ack on your responses to assess your level o" understanding

0hy does SMS need to !e a part o" T241

%rrespective o" #here you #ork today, you have a role to play in your organisation ,ou can do certain things, and you are restricted "rom doing others %n a !ank, there are di""erent $o! pro"iles that an employee can have 2or e+ample, one can !e a Teller, another can !e a 3oan Dis!ursal Manager, or $ust the housekeeper -o# should a Teller !e a!le to dis!urse a loan1 0ill the housekeeper even !e allo#ed access to T241

The so"t#are that the !ank uses must !e a!le to control #hat an employee can and cannot do once logged on ,ou are going to learn ho# this is done in T24

To login to T24, an employee needs to input a sign on name and pass#ord

T24 validates the data entered and i" correct, the employee can access T24 %" not, an error message 4S/C56%T, 7%O3.T%O-8 is displayed This is the "irst encounter that an employee has #ith T24 SMS

-o# i" T24 has to validate this data entered, it must !e stored some#here in the "irst place These login details are stored in an application called 5S/6 So i" you #ant to login to T24, you need a user pro"ile, in other #ords a record created "or you in the 5S/6 application

9oth sign on name and pass#ord are masked #hen typed

Once a user is success"ully logged in to T24, SMS checks do not end there .nything that a user tries to do is tracked and can proceed only i" the user has necessary permissions 9e"ore the !ank allo#s all users to log on to T24 and start using it, it must decide #hat a user has access to #ithin this system This must !e done !ecause #hen a user tries to input a record in any application, T24 checks to see i" the user has the permission to do so !e"ore allo#ing to create the record Permissions that are checked here include #hether the user has access to the %nput "unction and the application in use This is #here the user #ill encounter T24 SMS "or the second time To save the record created an employee #ill click on the validate !utton, !e"ore storing the record in the data!ase the T24 application may re"erence various static ta!les o" data to complete the record $ust input The user does not need to have implicit permission to do so This is not part o" T24 SMS %" all goes #ell and no overrides are encountered, the record is no# stored in the unauthorised "ile

/very record in T24 must !e authorised 0hen a user tries to authorise a record, T24 must check to see i" the user has the authorisation permission "or the application 5ser #ill not !e allo#ed to authorise the record #ith insu""icient permissions

Once the record is authorised, it moves to the authorised "ile

Static in"ormation could !e updated at this stage as #ell, "or e+ample accounting entries etc /+plicit SMS setting is not re)uired "or all this Close O" 9usiness is the process #hich does not need any user intervention and hence no SMS check is re)uired The user administering CO9 must have the relevant SMS setting "or CO9 related applications SMS comes into the picture even i" you $ust #ant to e+ecute an en)uiry in T24 %n other #ords, even though you only #ant to vie# data, you must have necessary permissions to do so

To create a record in T24, you need to input all the mandatory "ields and then get the record authorised

%nputter is the person #ho inputs data into the "ields in a record The user must have access to the %nput "unction

.uthoriser is the person #ho checks the record and authorises it The user must have access to the .uthorise "unction

The error message '/9 6T- S.M/ -.M/ .5T:O6%S/6;%-P5TT/6( #ill !e displayed i" the same user tries to input and also authorise the record < /very user #ho needs login and to per"orm any action in T24 needs to have a pro"ile or in other #ords a record in 5S/6 application

2 6ights and privileges "or a user are de"ined in his user pro"ile 2or e+ample, access given only to 25-DS T6.-S2/6 and C5STOM/6 application and also restrict the access only to %nput and 3ist "unctions

= The user pro"ile is nothing !ut a record in the 5S/6 application To create a user in T24, you #ill "eed values into some mandatory "ields in the 5S/6 application ,ou #ill no# learn to create a simple 5S/6 pro"ile To create a user record, type 5S/6 and the %D o" the record you #ant to create in the command line 5S/6 %D and the 5S/6 -.M/ can !e the same !ut the S%>- O- -.M/ has to !e di""erent "rom the 5S/6 %D

%D & This is the %D o" the record in the 5S/6 application #hich can !e any alphanumeric te+t

5S/6 -.M/ & This "ield holds the name o" the user

S%>- O- -.M/ & -ame #hich the user #ill use to sign on to T24 :as to !e di""erent "rom the name given in the "ield 5ser -ame

P.SS0O6D & The pass#ord is also stored as part o" the user pro"ile %t is encrypted at data!ase level and is not displayed as part o" the record in the 5S/6 application

C3.SS%2%C.T%O- & %nt ?%nternal@ %ndicates #hether the 5ser is A%nternalA, i e an employee o" the !ank using T24 /+t ?/+ternal@ is currently not #orking

3.->5.>/ & ,ou have to set up the language "ield in the 5S/6 application "or all the messages, instructions, help te+t etc to !e displayed #hen possi!le in the language indicated The language codes are pre de"ined in the 3.->5.>/ ta!le The model !ank setup o" T24 supports "our languages namely & /->3%S:, 26/-C:, >/6M.-, SP.-%S: %" the translation is not availa!le "or other languages, then /->3%S: #ill !e de"aulted

T24 allo#s the user to access multiple companies as it supports M53T% COMP.-, set up

COMP.-, COD/ & Speci"y the companies to #hich the user has access to The "irst company code speci"ied here #ill !e the de"ault company to #hich the user #ill log on to The companies de"ined in a T24 installation can !e "ound in the COMP.-, application The key#ord .33 can !e used to access all companies

%" the value in the COMP.-, COD/ "ield is speci"ied to .33 and in the ne+t multivalue set i" the company code is speci"ied as /5BB<BBB<, then #hen the user logs into T24 /5BB<BBB< is the de"ault company into #hich he #ill log into .ll users must !elong to some department or the other in the 9ank Department Code #ill allo# an easy identi"ication o" any user o" the T24 System Department Codes must !e prede"ined in the static ta!le D/PT .CCT O22%C/6 in T24 The purpose o" this ta!le is to identi"y each Department and .ccount O""icer in the !ank !y means o" a code

D/P.6TM/-T COD/ & Speci"ies the department to #hich the user !elongs to

%t is al#ays advisa!le in any so"t#are to change the pass#ord at speci"ied "re)uency to ensure that there is no "raud happening on using the same pass#ord "or a long

time T24 allo#s the user to speci"y the pass#ord valid date and the "re)uency o" change

P.SS0O6D 7.3%D%T, & Speci"ies ho# o"ten and on #hat date the 5ser must change his Pass#ord -e+t Change Date entered, must !e greater than todayAs date ?machine date@ and not more than C months "rom today Date until #hich the pass#ord is valid "ollo#ed !y the "re)uency o" change

MBCB< & MBC D /very si+ months a"ter <st Dec 2BBE B< D <st day o" the Fth month a"ter <st Dec 2BBE #hich is <st Gune 2BBH

The ne+t change date #ould !e <st Dec 2BBH and so on There are "ields in the 5S/6 application that controls the validity o" the user pro"ile This period is controlled !y the "ollo#ing "ields

ST.6T D.T/ P6O2%3/ & Date "rom #hich the pro"ile o" the user #ill !e active 5ser #ill !e a!le to login into T24 "rom this date on#ards This "ield takes machine date and not T24 date Date entered in this "ield should not !e less than today8s machine date

/-D D.T/ P6O2%3/ & Date until #hich the user pro"ile is active The user #ill not !e a!le to login into T24 a"ter this date

%" a user has access to T24, #ould the !ank #ant to give him a 24hr access to the system1 -o, in most cases the #orking hours o" the !ank #ill determine #hen a user must !e allo#ed to use the system The "ields Start Time and /nd Time control the time span in a day #hen the user can log in to T24 %nput can !e like B-2=IH, BBBB-2=IH, BB&BB-2=&IH, etc

ST.6T T%M/ & 9ased on the 24 hour clock ?one denotes BBB<@

/-D T%M/ & 9ased on the 24 hour clock %rrespective o" the time speci"ied here, i" the user is logged in to the system, he #ill !e allo#ed to continue accessing T24 :o#ever, once logged o"" user #ill not !e allo#ed to login a"ter the time speci"ied in this "ield

These t#o "ields "orm a multi-value set, ena!ling multiple periods o" time to !e de"ined per day %" you #ant to open a savings account #ith a 9ank, the user o" the !ank has to "irst open a ne# record "or you in the C5STOM/6 application %n this process, i" the user #ho is opening the record "or you is called "or some other important #ork, he might have to leave your record #ithout completing and may #alk a#ay -o other user is allo#ed to open your record and edit it as it #ill !e locked !y the "irst user %n such a scenario, ho# long #ould you #ait "or the same user to return !ack and complete your record1 This is practically not possi!le There"ore T24 supports the concept o" Time Out Minutes The .dministrator can speci"y the num!er o" minutes the user can !e active #ithout actually #orking on the system %" the time limit lapses "or the "irst user, he is signed o"" automatically and another user can complete your record

T%M/ O5T M%-5T/S & Speci"ies the ma+imum time in minutes during #hich the 5ser may !e inactive #ithout !eing Signed O"" automatically Once this time is reached the user is not allo#ed to per"orm any action The user has to login again to per"orm any action in T24 Ma+imum o" three numeric characters #hich is HHH minutes

Most #e!sites that re)uire a user name and pass#ord, have a check on the num!er o" times that a user can incorrectly type in a pass#ord The account is then locked and the user is "orced to reset his pass#ord T24 also supports this "unctionality that allo#s the administrator to de"ine ho# many unsuccess"ul sign on attempts a user can have !e"ore locking his account This helps sa"e guard the pro"ile against hackers

.TT/MPTS & .llo#s only one numeric character to input and hence the ma+imum can only !e nine . user in T24 may not !e allo#ed to per"orm same set o" actions in di""erent companies %t is possi!le to speci"y application, "unction and "ield level restrictions "or a company These set o" permissions can !e set up in the .ssociated multi value set "rom COMP.-, 6/ST6 to D.T. TO The company to #hich you #ant to restrict the access should have !een mentioned in the COMP.-, COD/ "ield

COMP.-, 6/ST6 & Contains a valid company code This company should !e de"ined as part o" the COMP.-, COD/ "ield Permits to input J.33J to allo# the access "or all companies listed in the COMP.-, COD/ "ield

.PP3%C.T%O- & Can contain a valid application name or i" it contains .33 P>, the user #ill have access to all applications in T24 in to the company entered in the "ield COMP.-, 6/ST6 25-CT%O- & 3ist o" valid "unctions that the user can use in the company Type .33 to give access to all the "unctions 0hen the record is committed it #ill display the values . 2 9 C D / 2 : % 3 P 6 S 7 automatically The K "unction does not appear !y de"ault K stands "or .udit 6evie#

4.8 is a "unction #hich allo#s the user to authorise an unauthorised record

428 is not a "unction This is used along #ith the "unction 4.8 to allo# the user to authorise a record #hich needs a second authoriser ?6ecord status o" a record #hich needs a second authorisation #ould !e %-.2@

4C8 is a "unction #hich allo#s the user to copy a record

4D8 is a "unction #hich allo#s the user to delete a record #hich is not yet authorised . live record cannot !e deleted

4/8 "unction allo#s the user to list the unauthoirsed records

4:8 "unction is used to move a record "rom history to live "ile

4%8 "unction allo#s the user to input a record in an application

438 "unction is used to list live records

4P8 is used "or printing

468 is used to reverse a record #hich is no longer used

4S8 allo#s user to only vie# the records

478 is a special "unction #hich is supported only !y some applications in T24 %t is used to produce some e+tra in"ormation and also per"orms some e+tra actions .ll the actions per"ormed !y the user may or may not !e logged P6OTOCO3 is the "ile in T24 #hich stores the logging in"ormation o" a user %" you #ant to record all the actions per"ormed !y the user, the "ollo#ing "ields have to !e set to ,/S This "ile is updated !y T24 and there"ore records cannot !e edited !ut only vie#ed

S%>- O- O22 3O> & %" set to ,/S, #ill log sign on and sign o"" details o" the user in the P6OTOCO3 "ile

S/C56%T, M>MT 3 & %" set to ,/S #ill log details in the P6OTOCO3 "ile #hen the user accesses the "ollo#ing SMS related "iles in T24

P.SS0O6D ?5sed to change companies@ P.SS0O6D 6/S/T 5S/6

.PP3%C.T%O- 3O> & %" set to ,es #ill log details o" applications that the user uses on to the P6OTOCO3 "ile

25-CT%O- %D 3O> & %" set to ,es #ill log the "unctions and the %Ds used !y the user on to the P6OTOCO3 "ile

%-P5T D., MO-T: & 2ormat "or the user to input dates -o matter ho# the date is input !y the user, T24 #ill store the data in ,,,,MMDD "ormat C3/.6 SC6//- & This is a mandatory "ield This "ield is more oriented to#ards C5% %nter"ace #here once a deal is committed the screen is cleared i" set to 4,8 %" you set the "ield C3/.6 SC6//- to 4-O8, even a"ter the transaction is complete the record is still displayed on the screen %" you set the "ield C3/.6 SC6//- to 4,/S8, a"ter the transaction is complete the record gets closed and the screen is cleared Create a user pro"ile #ith sign on name as your name #ith values into all the mandatory "ields that you have $ust learnt .uthori*e the record and try logging in to T24 #ith the ne# user you have created %" in a particular company you #ant the user to have access only to "e# speci"ied applications and "unctions1 Can you also restrict the user access !ased on actual data contained in the records that the user is going to access %s this possi!le in T241

,es These speci"ic restrictions can !e achieved !y using the "ields "rom COMP.-, 6/ST6 to D.T. TO #hich "orm a multi value set The "ield COMP.-, 6/ST6 can have the company code in #hich the user #ill !e allo#ed access only to "e# applications The .PP3%C.T%O- "ield #ill hold the name o" the application #hich can !e accessed !y the user The "ield 7/6S%O- can contain a valid version name o" the application speci"ied in the "ield .PP3%C.T%O- The "ield 25-CT%O- #ill hold the "unction #hich the user can access in the particular application

2%/3D -O & Must enter the actual "ield num!er o" the re)uired "ield "rom the record in an application

D.T. COMP.6%SO- & Must select the valid operand you #ould #ant to use "or comparison This "ield can !e le"t #ithout any input also Di""erent operands availa!le are

/K #hich resem!les /)ual To This operand can also !e used to speci"y a range o" values

>/ resem!les >reater than or /)ual To

>T resem!les >reater than

3/ resem!les 3esser than or /)ual To

3T resem!les 3esser than

-/ resem!les -ot /)ual To

3L resem!les 3ike

53 resem!les 5nlike D.T. 26OM & Must enter a valid value "or the "ield speci"ied in 2ield -o This may also contain the starting range

D.T. TO & This "ield holds the end range o" the selection

2or e+ample, #ith re"erence to the screen shots& 5ser can access records in the C5STOM/6 application "or the company >9BB<BBB< in %nput mode only and provided the "ield S/CTO6 is /K to <BBB

5ser can access records in the .CCO5-T application "or the company >9BB<BBB4 in .uthori*e mode only and provided the "ield C.T/>O6, ranges "rom <BBB to 2BBB The operand to use to select the range is /K The "ollo#ing set o" "ields gives the in"ormation "or .udit purposes .ll these "ields are updated !y the system and hence are no input "ields

.TT/MPTS S%-C/& %ndicates the num!er o" unsuccess"ul attempts to S%>- O- since the last success"ul S%>- O- %t is displayed on the S%>- O- screen

D.T/ 3.ST S%>- O- & %ndicates the date this 5ser last Signed On success"ully %t is displayed on the S%>- O- Screen This date is the actual date ?system date and not T24 date@ on #hich the 5ser Signed On

T%M/ 3.ST S%>- O- & %ndicates the time o" day at #hich this 5ser last Signed On success"ully %t is displayed on the S%>- O- Screen

P.SS0 C:.->/ D.T/& %ndicates the date on #hich the pass#ord #as changed last time

P.SS0 /-D D.T/& %ndicates the end date o" the pass#ord

D/.CT%7.T%O- D.T/ & The date that de"ines the start o" the deactivation period This can only !e entered or changed !y the 5ser via the P.SS0O6D .pplication

6/.CT%7.T%O- D.T/ & The date that de"ines the end o" the deactivation period This can only !e entered or changed !y the 5ser via the P.SS0O6D .pplication

C3/.6 SC6//- & This is a mandatory "ield This "ield is more oriented to#ards C5% %nter"ace #here once a deal is committed the screen is cleared i" set to 4,8

The code speci"ied here #ill !e de"aulted #hen a transaction is input in some applications like 25-DS T6.-S2/6, 2O6/M, etc , !y this user The code to !e speci"ied here should have an entry in D/.3/6 D/SL ta!le The currency position speci"ied "or this dealer #ill !e used "or the transaction input !y this user

D/.3/6 D/SL & %denti"ies the dealer desk position #hich needs to !e updated !y the deal !eing created %denti"ies the dealer desk code applica!le to the user %" le"t !lank T24 #ill de"ault code 4BB8

P6%-T/6 2or 6pts & -ame o" a T24 printer to #hich reports #ill !e spooled and printed Printer names speci"ied in other report generation speci"ic applications take priority over this Printer is set up using the application P6%-T/6 %D in T24

Printer 2or P 2unc & -ame o" a T24 printer to #hich reports #ill !e spooled and printed #hen the user uses "unction P to print

>9 5S/6 .DD6 & .ddress that #ill !e printed on the report !anner page /ach multivalue represents one line on the !anner . ma+imum o" three lines can !e used %" le"t !lank then the delivery point "rom the D/PT .CCT O22%C/6 "ile is used

6PT TO 6/C/%7/ until 3ast Spool Time& This is a associated multi value set

6PT TO 6/C/%7/ & The name o" the reports this user is to receive "rom the overnight !atch run Must !e a valid entry on the 6/PO6T CO-T6O3 "ile

6PT COP%/S & The num!er o" copies this user should receive

3.ST SPOO3 D.T/ & The date #hen the report #as last spooled

3.ST SPOO3 T%M/ & The time the report #as last spooled 9oth the 3.ST SPOO3 D.T/ and 3.ST SPOO3 T%M/ are no input "ields

The "ield .TT6%95T/S on the 5S/6 pro"ile can !e used to control speci"ic T24 "unctionality 0hat you set in this "ield #ill decide #hat the user can or cannot do Some o" the attri!utes can only !e used i" the "ront end is D/SLTOP The various options availa!le are e+plained in detail !elo#

96.-C: M.-.>/6 & Only i" the client has 96.-C: 6/S%3%/-C/ product, this attri!ute can !e set "or the user 9ranch 6esilience is a !ackup system "or !ranches to !e used #hen communications to the head o""ice system are interrupted Once repairs to the communication in"rastructure at head o""ice are complete and relia!le, the local administrator #ill !egin the process o" s#itching users, !ack to the head o""ice system and ensures that updates to and "rom the !ranch and head o""ice are processed The !ranch administrator #ill use the T24 Tool!o+ to monitor and maintain the !ranch !ackup data!ase To use the T24 Tool!o+ the user must have the value 96.-C: M.-.>/6 selected in the .ttri!utes "ield in the 5S/6 application

COMM.-D 3%-/ & The user is allo#ed the use o" the command line in T24 9ro#ser

D/7ST5D%O & This is reserved "or "uture use

/-K5%6, %-D/M and /MP3O6/6 & These options does not have enough in"ormation 3OCL D/.CT%7.T%O- & Prevents user access to the 5ser Deactivation listed in Tools dropdo#n list

3OCL D/S%>-/6S & Prevents user access to the listed Designer Tools dropdo#n list

3OCL M%SC %T/MS & 0ill !ring up a Security 7iolation #hen the 5ser .!!reviations Tool!ar, /n)uiry and 6eport lists are used

3OCL P6/2/6/-C/S & %" the user is given this option then the 45ser Pre"erences8 option under the 4Tools8 menu on the Desktop tool!ar #ill !e disa!led This #ill prevent the user "rom gaining access to various Desktop settings including "ile locations and some system administrative "unctions

-O /-K5%6, 6/PO6T & Prevents user e+porting /n)uiry data "rom an /n)uiry screen, the icon #ill !e dimmed and non reactive

6/.3T%M//-K5%6, & .llo#s the use o" real time en)uiries "or this user 0hen signing onto T24, 9ro#ser #ill create another session "or use !y the real time en)uiries This does use an additional data!ase license, !ut not an additional T24 license -ot enough in"ormation is availa!le "or this option as #ell

S5P/6 5S/6 & The user has access to all o" the "eatures detailed a!ove, and "or all "uture "unctionality #ith the e+ception o" 6/.3T%M//-K5%6, %" you #ant T24 to per"orm some e+tra action during sign o"" process, you have to de"ine the "ollo#ing "ield

S%>- O22 %T/M & The name o" any 9.S%C su!routine can !e entered into this "ield During the S%>- O22 process, any su!routines de"ined in this "ield #ill !e called #ith one parameter %" this parameter returns #ith the values -, or -O the S%>- O22 processes #ill !e halted S%>- O- %T/M and P6OC/SS D/PT "ields are o!solete

OT: 9OOL .CC/SS and OT: 9OOL 93OCL "ields are used only i" T24 Multi 9ook product is installed . 9ank may not #ant its users to login to the system out o" its #orking hours or may even limit the user8s access to a speci"ic time period These settings can !e done using the "ollo#ing .ssociated multi value set

.33O0/D D.,S & This "ield is used to speci"y the access to T24 in particular days ,ou can choose a num!er "rom the drop do#n list #hich can contain a value "rom one to seven #here one is Monday and seven is Sunday

D., ST T%M/ & Time is !ased on 24 hour clock This "ield indicates the start time o" the user8s access to T24 in a particular day

D., /-D T%M/ & This "ield indicates the end time o" the user8s access to T24 in a particular day

/+ample #ith re"erence to the screen shot & 5ser C:.%T.-,.< can access T24 on Monday "rom <B&BB to <I&BB and on 0ednesday "rom <C&BB to 2=&BB

%" the a!ove set o" multi value "ields is not speci"ied "or a particular day, then the values set in the "ield Start Time and /nd Time #ill !e used %" you #ant to sign on to T24 as soon as you signed on to your system, ho# can you do it1 This is possi!le in T24 in the "ollo#ing "ields 3dap %d and 3dap Dn & These "ields are used to con"igure the Temenos Connector to use 3D.P as part o" the authentication mechanism %t is most #idely used as part o" a corporate single sign on mechanism The advantage o" this system is that the T24 username and pass#ord are never kno#n outside the T24 server 3dap Dn !ecomes mandatory "ield once 3dap %d is entered

3ead Pre" & %s an o!solete "ield in T24

%rrespective o" the date "ormat given in the 5S/6 application, T24 stores the date in a single "ormat across :o#ever you can set the display "ormat o" the date at the user level

Date 2ormat & Descri!es the "ormat "or displaying the date Options availa!le are

< - DDMO-T:,/.6 2 - DD;MM;,,,, = - ,,,,;MM;DD 4 - ,,,,MMDD

O223%-/ SMS P6O2%3/ "ield is used only i" the 96.-C: 6/S%3%/-C/ product is installed 0hen a record is commited or authorised, T24 updates the "ollo#ing audit "ields They are no input "ields attached to the end o" every record across applications

6/CO6D ST.T5S& :olds the status o" the record Possi!le values are %-.5, %:3D, %-.O, etc , %" the record is in live "ile, then there is no entry in this "ield

C566 -O & :olds the num!er o" times the record #as edited

%-P5TT/6 & :olds the %D o" the user #ho has inputted the record

D.T/ T%M/ & :olds the date and time #hen the record #as last edited

.5T:O6%S/6 & :olds the %D o" the user #ho has authori*ed the record

CO COD/ & De"aults !ased on current company logged into

D/PT COD/ & De"aults to the user8s department code

The t#o "ields !elo# are populated only #hen a record is audited ?K "unction@,

.5D%TO6 COD/ & :olds the code o" the auditor #ho has revie#ed the record

.5D%T D.T/ T%M/ & :olds the audit date and time .nother SMS check that you may encounter #hen you try to login outside the time sla! speci"ied in your user pro"ile ?in the "ields Day St Time and Day /nd Time@ T24 pass#ords must "ollo# the rules discussed !elo#

< Pass#ord should not have more than t#o repeated characters

2 3ast three pass#ords cannot !e used

= .t "irst sign on, Temenos T24 #ill ask "or Pass#ord to !e input t#ice

4 Pass#ord should have a minimum o" si+ and a ma+imum o" si+teen characters The !ank can decide the "ormat o" all it8s user8s pass#ords Many corporate organi*ations "ollo# this standard and thus T24 has options o" implementing it

This "ield de"ines the num!er o" di""erent pass#ords a user must input !e"ore !eing a!le to repeat the "irst one

< The de"ault num!er o" pass#ords is three

2 This "ield de"ines the minimum num!er o" characters in the pass#ord The minimum num!er o" characters "or a pass#ord is si+ #hich #ill !e de"aulted

= This "ield de"ines the num!er o" upper case characters mandatory in the pass#ord

4 This "ield de"ines the num!er o" lo#er case characters mandatory in the pass#ord

I This "ield de"ines the num!er o" numeric values mandatory in the pass#ord

C This "ield de"ines any other special characters or num!ers or alpha!ets that needs to !e part o" the pass#ord

F Total o" P.SS 5PP/6 .3P:., P.SS 3O0/6 .3P:., P.SS -5M/6%C and P.SS OT:/6 should not e+ceed a ma+imum o" <C characters and cannot !e less than si+ characters S,ST/M P.6.M/T/6 2%3/ is an application #here all the con"iguration details are stored This application has only one record S,ST/M Pass#ord characteristics are controlled in this record in si+ "ields /arlier, T24 used a proprietary one #ay hash algorithm to store pass#ords This hash mechanism is replaced to ena!le use o" standard encryption or hashing algorithms that are generally accepted in the industry The system can !e setup "or using a locally developed algorithm "or pass#ord encryption -o#, the client has the option o" !y-passing the in-!uilt security "or user-login provided !y T24 This can !e achieved !y attaching the algorithm to the SP2 application

The "ields P.SS0D 6O33O7/6 26 and /-C6,PT%O- .3>O6%T are used to ena!le this "unctionality

/-C6,PT%O- .3>O6%T & This "ield is used to attach the G.7. routine #ritten to encrypt the pass#ord This routine should !e pre-de"ined in /9 .P% %" this is done, then the system #ill skip the normal T24 pass#ord encryption mechanism and "ollo# the user-de"ined encryption method #ritten in the routine %" this "ield is le"t !lank, the normal T24 pass#ord encryption #ill happen

P.SS0D 6O33O7/6 26 & This "ield is a "re)uency "ield containing the pass#ord rollover "re)uency This is used #hen /-C6,PT%O- .3>O6%T:M speci"ied to reencrypt the pass#ord #ith ne# security settings "or the speci"ied "re)uency 0hat i" you "orget your pass#ord1 0hat i" your account is locked since you unsuccess"ully tried di""erent pass#ords and e+ceed the ma+imum num!er o" attempts1 The application P.SS0O6D 6/S/T #ill allo# an administrator to reset your account ,ou may not have access to this application

The %D o" a record in P.SS0O6D 6/S/T can !e any alphanumeric te+t

5S/6 P0 .TT/MPT& This "ield speci"ies the %D o" the user #hose record has !een locked 0hen this record is authorised T24 resets the pass#ord and ena!les the pro"ile at the same time ,ou must set a ne# pass#ord the ne+t time you log in %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# to reset your user account #hich has !een locked due to ma+imum unsuccess"ul attempts -ote that the "ield .TT/MPTS in 5S/6 application is set to three

The pass#ord has !een reset "or locked user account

%" a user crosses the num!er o" pass#ord attempts or i" the user "orgets the pass#ord, these can !e set in the "ollo#ing "ields&

5ser .ttempt & /very user is given a speci"ic num!er o" pass#ord attempts a"ter #hich the user account gets locked Ma+imum num!er o" pass#ord attempts is speci"ied in the application 5S/6 Such locked user accounts can !e unlocked !y giving the user name in the "ield 5ser .ttempt

0hat i" an administrator #ants to activate a pro"ile o" an user even !e"ore the end o" the deactivation period1 ,ou can achieve this !y setting the "ollo#ing "ield

5ser Deact Perd & Speci"ies the %D o" the user "or #hom the security administrator #ants to reactivate the pro"ile !e"ore the end o" the deactivation period

5ser 6eset & This "ield has the %D o" a user #hose pass#ord is to !e reset

5ser Pass#ord & . ne# pass#ord must !e set in this associated "ield This pass#ord #ill !e set up as e+pired once you login and thus the user #ill !e "orced to change it on the sign-on %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# T24 thro#s an error i" you do not enter a ne# pass#ord a"ter its is reset

The ne# pass#ord holds good "or this user %D < Create a user named MMMMM ?0here MMMMM is your name@

2 5ser should have access to any one company only D >9BB<BBB<

= 5ser should !e allo#ed to access only the .CCO5-T and C5STOM/6 applications

4 5ser should !e allo#ed to use only "unctions See, 3ist and Print "or the C5STOM/6 application See and /+ception listing "or the .CCO5-T application

I 5ser should !e a!le to use the command line

C 5ser should !e a!le to use the system only !et#een <B&BB and BC&BB on all days %n this demo, you #ill learn to create a user record in T24

The user record has !een created

P6OTOCO3 "ile in T24 stores all the details o" actions per"ormed !y user This "ile is updated !y T24 and there"ore records cannot !e edited !ut only vie#ed

Stores login and logo"" details i" the "ield Sign On O"" 3og is set to ,/S in 5S/6 application 5nsuccess"ul attempts to S%>- O- are al#ays logged, regardless o" the value in this "ield

Stores the log details i" the user accessed SMS related "iles i" the "ield Security Mgmt 3 is set to ,/S

Stores the details i" the "ields .pplication 3og and 2unction %d 3og are set to ,/S

P6OTOCO3 "ile can !e accessed in t#o #ays

9y typing P6OTOCO3 3 in the command line to list all the records in the "ile 9y running an en)uiry /-K NP6OTOCO3, #hich takes you to the selection !o+

The contents o" a P6OTOCO3 record include-

O%D & This is the code !y #hich a record is identi"ied The "ormat !eing&

,,,,MMDD is the date on #hich the recorded event ?security violation or other activity@ occurred

---------- is the se)uence num!er allocated to the event #hen it #as recorded The "irst event recorded each day is BBBBBBBBB< and so on

MM is the se)uence num!er to identi"y the num!er o" activities per one second

Process Date & Date on #hich the activity took place Displayed in the "ormat #hich #as selected in the D.T/ 2O6M.T "ield in 5S/6 application

T%M/ & %denti"ies the time at #hich the recorded event took place

T%M/ MS/CS & Time #hen the activity took place denoted in the "ormat hh&mm&ss&msc

T/6M%-.3 %D & The input is in the "ormat -- MM The "irst part o" the terminal id denotes the data!ase user num!er and the second part denotes operating system port num!er

P:.-TOM %D & Denotes the terminal at #hich the activity took place COMP.-, %D & Denotes the company in #hich the activity took place

5S/6 & :olds the 5S/6 %D o" the user #ho has per"ormed the action

.PP3%C.T%O- & %denti"ies the .pplication #hich #as !eing used !y the user

3/7/3 25-CT%O- & %denti"ies #hether the .pplication had !een accessed directly or via APA 3evel < indicates that the .pplication #as accessed directly 3evel 2 indicates

that the .pplication #as accessed "rom another .pplication via APA mark P 0orks only on the classic user inter"ace o" T24 and is used to drilldo#n "rom one application8s "ield to another

%D & :olds the record %D o" the application used

6/M.6L & This "ield denotes the activity per"ormed and #hy the system did not allo# the attempted activity < P6OTOCO3 "ile gets accumulated #ith all the activities per"ormed !y the user and hence this "ile can gro# very huge in si*e

2 9ased on the re)uirements, this "ile has to !e cleared periodically !y attaching a routine to CO9 9ased on the re)uirements, this $o! could !e e+ecuted daily, #eekly, monthly or on an adhoc !asis < 0hat do you do i" you have to set the same set o" privileges to a group o" users1

2 0ill you set the privileges in every single user8s user pro"ile1

= 0ould you like to create something like a role in Oracle ?set o" privileges@ and apply it to the relevant users1 There are a!out <B account managers in the !ank "or #hom the "ollo#ing privileges need to !e granted

< 6estrict usage to the "ollo#ing "unctions only & %nput, See, Delete and .uthori*e

2 .pplication that they can have access to is C5STOM/6 provided the "ield Sector is <BBB This can !e done using an application 5S/6 SMS >6O5P in T24 Open a record in the application 5S/6 SMS >6O5P %D can !e any alphanumeric te+t

>9 D/SC6%PT%O-& Mandatory "ield used to input the narrative o" the record %D

.PP3%C.T%O-& Multi 7alue 2ield #hich is used to input all the applications #hich this user group can have access to

25-CT%O-& This "ield is used to input all the allo#ed "unctions "or the group o" users

2%/3D -O& Speci"ied #hen used together #ith "ields Data Comparison, Data 2rom and Data To 2or e+ample, a C5STOM/6 record can !e accessed only i" the "ield no 2= in the C5STOM/6 record, #hich happens to !e "ield S/CTO6 is e)ual to <BBB

The record %D created in 5S/6 SMS >6O5P has to !e attached in the pro"ile o" the user in the "ield .pplication as 'O%D( 0hen you attach the SMS group "or a particular user, you cannot speci"y individual privileges to the user 2or e+ample, you cannot input in the "ields 7ersion, 2unction, 2ield -o , Data Comparison, Data 2rom and Data To in the 5S/6 application < .mount 2ormat "ield speci"ies the separators to !e used #hen "ormatting amounts

2 Speci"ies the separators to !e used #hen "ormatting amounts "or /n)uiries, 6/P>/-8s and screen input;display

= The millions Q thousands separator can !e a comma, "ull stop or apostrophe The decimal separator can only !e either a comma or "ull stop

%nput is restricted to t#o character pair 2or e+ample , or 4, or 4 The "irst value is the separator used "or millions and thousands The second value is the one used as a decimal separator %" you only enter the amount #ithout any separators in the "ield De!it .mount and validate the record, the separators are de"aulted as set in the .mount 2ormat "ield in user pro"ile

."ter completing this learning unit, you #ill !e a!le to&

Descri!e and di""erentiate types o" overrides in T24 /+plain the applications used "or Override Processing Setup up multi level restrictions on Override access .n override in T24 is re)uired in a situation #here the user needs to !e #arned that he has to con"irm the action #hich he #ould !e per"orming

2or e+ample, . customer #ants to #ithdra# R<BB "rom his savings account #hich has a !alance o" R<IB .ssume that !y T24 norms, the minimum !alance in the savings account should !e R<BB -o# i" you input the transaction to de!it R<BB, #hen committing it T24 must #arn you a!out the insu""icient "unds availa!le T24 cannot stop you, !ut it can #arn you T24 generates an override to do this ,ou #ill have only t#o options, to accept it and complete the transaction or re$ect it and stop 0hen you input a record in any .pplication in T24 and commit it, it is possi!le that you come across t#o types o" messages

/rror Messages& Such type o" messages are displayed -

Due to data not !eing input in mandatory "ields Due to incorrect data input

Due to incorrect relationship !et#een "ield name and the data that is input

%n case o" /rror Messages, you need to correct the data input in the particular "ields and commit the transaction again . record is not saved till all errors are corrected ,ou cannot even put the record on hold

Override Messages& These are #arning messages, at least most o" the time . user may accept or re$ect override %" accepted, T24 saves the record and the override message is stored as part o" it in the "ield O7/66%D/ %" you do not #ant to accept the Override, you may either put the record on hold to correct it later or amend the record and commit it again %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# overrides are handled in Classic mode o" T24

,ou have learnt ho# to handle overrides in C5% < 4Override8 is the name o" the "ield #hich stores the override messages generated on committing the record

2 This "ield is part o" almost all the applications in T24

= %t is a no input "ield and updated !y T24

4 Old overrides are over#ritten #ith ne# ones < There can !e t#o di""erent types o" override messages They are -on 9locked and 9locked overrides

2 . record #hich generates non !locked overrides can !e authorised !y any user in T24

= . record #hich generates !locked overrides can !e authorised only !y users #ith appropriate privileges %" you do not have su""icient privileges the record #ill go to %-.O ?%nput -ot .pproved due to Override@ status

4 9y de"ault, all overrides in T24 are -on 9locked in nature 0here are Override messages stored1

%n the O7/66%D/ .pplication T24 applications generate override messages stored here

%D & %D o" the record can !e any meaning"ul alphanumeric string

>9 Message & This "ield contains the actual override message that is displayed on committing the record

So are override messages only static te+t messages1 0hat i" they need to hold values "rom the transaction1 %n that case, the override message #ill also contain a special character 4Q8 and each 4Q8 is then replaced #ith a value #hen T24 actually generates the override

%n the override .CCT 5-.5T: OD, the "irst Q is used to denote Currency, the second Q to denote .mount and the third Q to denote .ccount num!er

Type, Channel and .pprove Method & These "ields are used only in .6C %9 and are not in the scope o" this learning unit :o#ever, to give you little in"ormation a!out Channel "ield, !ased on the type o" Channel you select to access T24 ?like call center, !ranch, internet, etc ,@, you can set this Override message to act di""erently such as a #arning message, an error message, a con"irmation message, etc , -o# #hat i" #e decide to change an override message in T241

Prev Message & This "ield in the O7/66%D/ application holds the message #hich #as previously displayed "or that particular Override Only overrides that have changed over the years #ill have a value in this "ield

-umeric %d & This is a no input "ield T24 generates a uni)ue num!er "or every record in the O7/66%D/ application on committing the record This num!er is pre"i+ed #ith 4O8 #hich resem!les Override

.pp 7ersion, Su!routine and 7alidation "ields is used only in Desktop and does not have any relevance in 9ro#ser ,ou #ill no# see an illustration to prove that all overrides in T24 !y de"ault are non!locked %n other #ords, no special permission is re)uired to accept it

,ou #ill see ho# the override .CCT 5-.5T: OD is generated #hen you try to trans"er "unds "rom a *ero !alance account to another account The screen shot a!ove is o" an account record created e+clusively "or this illustration This account no# has a *ero !alance The account created earlier is de!ited in this 25-DS T6.-S2/6 transaction The override message is displayed and you can accept it The record is no# committed ."ter the record gets committed, open it in 4S//8 mode and check the "ield O7/66%D/ ,ou #ill notice that all the Overrides generated are stored in the record and are never deleted < -o# that you realise #hat a non-!locked override is, the ne+t thing to learn is ho# to !lock an override

2 .ny user can accept !locked overrides #hen generated and commit the record thus moving it into %-.5 status

= To !lock an override in other #ords is to restrict access to particular users #hen it comes to authorising a record #ith this override

4 %" the record #hich has generated !locked overrides is accepted !y the user #ith appropriate permissions, then the record !ecomes live or else it #ill move to %-.O status

To grant the privilege to authorise records that have generated !locked overrides, you must use the O7/66%D/ C3.SS "ield in the 5S/6 application This "ield accepts any string data The relationship o" this data entered here and the override is clearly visi!le "rom the screen shots

The override record has !een modi"ied to include the user class details thus making it a !locked override

The user T6.%-//< can no# authorise the record #hich generated the .CCT 5-.5T: OD override

,ou #ill no# learn more uses o" the "ields .PP3%C.T%O- and C3.SS in the O7/66%D/ application

.pplication & Speci"y a S to denote, irrespective o" the application "rom #hich this override is generated, only users #ith Class T6> in their 5ser pro"ile can accept the override

,ou can also speci"y Class .pplication #ise 2or e+ample, i" the Override is generated in the 25-DS T6.-S2/6 application, then only users #ith Class T/M in their 5ser pro"iles can accept it

Class & This "ield speci"ies a group name 5sers !elonging to this group alone #ill !e a!le to approve this override Class name can !e any descriptive te+t Ma+imum o" "our characters only The group name speci"ied in this "ield should !e attached in the 5ser pro"iles in the "ield 4Override Class8 -ote that the user Chaitanya is not attached to the class T6>

-o# login as the user Chaitanya and input an 2T transaction, accept the overrides and commit the record Open it in S// mode and see the "iled Override = !eing su""i+ed #ith S T6> #hich implies that only a user !elonging to the class T6> can authori*e the record

-ote that the user C:.%T.-,.< is not attached to the class T6>

-o# login as C:.%T.-,.< and authori*e the record ,ou #ill see the message 4,O5 C.--OT .PP6O7/ .33 O7/66%D/S8 This is !ecause, the user #ho tried to authori*e the record is not one among the class speci"ied in O7/66%D/ application

,ou can see the record status has gone to %-.O Only users #ith the "ield Override class set to 4T6>8 in the user pro"ile can authori*e the record

-ote that the user T6.%-//< is attached to the class T6>

-o# login as T6.%-//< and authori*e the same 2T record Open the record in S// mode and check "or the "ield Override = !eing su""i+ed #ith 4ST6>ST6.%-//<TO2ST96O0S/6TC8

T6> is the Class name

T6.%-//< resem!les the name o" the user #ho has approved the override

O2ST96O0S/6TC denotes that the record has !een authori*ed "rom 9ro#ser "rontend

-ote that the "ield .uthori*er still holds the user C:.%T.-,.< and does not change to T6.%-//< -o# #hat i" you login as T6.%-//< #ho !elongs to the class T6>, and input a 25-DS T6.-S2/6 transaction and commits it1

Open the record input !y T6.%-//< in S// mode and look at the value in the Override "ield su""i+ed #ith ST6>S% #hich implies that the user !elonging to the class 4T6>8 has only input the record %n such a case, since T6.%-//< has only input the record, any other user #ho does not !elong to the class also can authori*e the record -o# #hat i" you login as T6.%-//< #ho !elongs to the class T6>, and input a 25-DS T6.-S2/6 transaction and commits it1

Open the record input !y T6.%-//< in S// mode and look at the value in the Override "ield su""i+ed #ith ST6>S% #hich implies that the user !elonging to the class 4T6>8 has only input the record %n such a case, since T6.%-//< has only input the record, any other user #ho does not !elong to the class also can authori*e the record

< There might !e many such cases in a 9ank that a simple Class restrictions may not !e su""icient

2 0hat i" there is a need to restrict access to authori*e the record #hich has a speci"ic value1

5sing an illustration you #ill learn ho# to !lock overrides !ased on conditions < 0hen an unauthori*ed overdra"t override message is generated in T24, only the "ollo#ing users should !e a!le to approve the override !ased on the "ollo#ing conditions

2 .ccount O""icer classi"ication Ta!le 6o# < & Only the user .CCTO22< can approve the override i" the currency is 5SD and the overdra"t amount is in the range one to <BBBB

Ta!le 6o# 2 & Only the user .CCTO222 can approve the override i" the currency is 5SD and the overdra"t amount is in the range one to <BBBB

= Manager classi"ication Ta!le 6o# < & Only the user M.-.>/6< can approve the override i" the currency is 5SD and the overdra"t amount is in the range <BBB< to IBBBB Ta!le 6o# 2 & Only the user M.-.>/62 can approve the override i" the currency is 5SD and the overdra"t amount is in the range <BBB< to IBBBB

4 >M classi"ication Ta!le 6o# < & Only the user >/-M>6< can approve the override i" the overdra"t amount is in the range IBBB< to <BBBBBB To set the multiple level restrictions to approve an override you have to use the application O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S ,ou can set di""erent groups #ho can approve overrides only i" the conditions speci"ied in their groups are satis"ied

Data De" & This "ield re"ers to the Q values in the override message .CCT 5-.5T: OD is the Override in #hich Q< re"ers to Currency, Q2 re"ers to .mount and Q= re"ers to .ccount %n this e+ample, conditions are speci"ic to only Currency and .mount and hence only Q< and Q2 are de"ined

Classi"ication to Data To "ield is a multi value set

Data De" -o to Data To "ield is a su! value set

Classi"ication & This "ield holds any user de"ined te+t that !est de"ines the group classi"ication

Data De" -o & This "ield indicates #hich data item, as de"ined in the "ield D.T. D/2 is to !e used "or the classi"ication

The num!er in this "ield identi"ies #hich multi-value "rom the "ield D.T. D/2 is to !e re"erred 2or e+ample, the num!er A<A indicates that it is the data item de"ined !y "ield D.T. D/2 < and the num!er A2A indicates that it is the content o" "ield D.T. D/2 2 ,ou can also de"ine one D.T. D/2 and use it "or all the classi"ications Comparison & %t re"ers the operand to !e used Must select the valid operand you #ould #ant to use "or comparison This "ield can !e le"t #ithout any input also Di""erent operands availa!le are

/K #hich resem!les /)ual To , >/ resem!les >reater than or /)ual To,

>T resem!les >reater than, 3/ resem!les 3esser thank or /)ual To,

3T resem!les 3esser than, -/ resem!les -ot /)ual To,

3L resem!les 3ike, -6 resem!les Out o" range,

6> resem!les the range, 53 resem!les 5nlike

Data 2rom & This "ield holds the value indicated in the "ield D.T. D/2 ?according to the "ield D.T. D/2 -O@, is compared against the value in this "ield according to the operator in the "ield COMP.6%SO- %" the outcome o" the comparison is true, the corresponding C3.SS%2%C.T%O- group #ill !e allocated the override

D.T. TO & This "ield holds the end value o" a range 0hen the override message is raised "rom the application 25-DS T6.-S2/6, the conditions speci"ied in the record T6.%-%-> in the O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S application #ill !e checked and appropriately validated

%" the override message is raised "or an amount #hich is !eyond the amount speci"ied in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S then only the users #ho !elong to the class T6> can approve the override

0hen the override message is generated "or applications other than 25-DS T6.-S2/6 ?Denoted using a S@, users #ith the "ield Override Class set to T6> in their user pro"iles #ill !e a!le to approve the override Speci"y the value given in the "ield C3.SS%2%C.T%O- ?"irst multi value set@ in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S and in the "ield O7/66%D/ C3.SS in the 5ser pro"iles o" .CCTO22< and .CCTO222

Speci"y the value given in the "ield C3.SS%2%C.T%O- ?second multi value set@ in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S and in the "ield O7/66%D/ C3.SS in the 5ser pro"iles o" M.-.>/6< and M.-.>/62

Speci"y the value given in the "ield C3.SS%2%C.T%O- ?third multi value set@ in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S and in the "ield O7/66%D/ C3.SS in the 5ser pro"iles o" >/-M>6< 3ogin to T24 as any user and input a 2T de!iting an account #ith nil !alance #ith 5SD HBBB

3ogin as .CCTO22<;.CCTO222 and authori*e the 2T %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# to set simple multi level restrictions to approve overrides in T24

/nd o" demonstration Multi 3evel 6estriction % < 3ogin as any user and input an 2T de!iting an account #ith nil !alance #ith 5SD <B4BB

2 3ogin as .CCTO22<;.CCTO222 and authori*e the 2T

= -ote that the record status is %-.O as .CCTO22< does not have the privileges to authori*e transactions #ith overdra"t amount !eyond 5SD HBBB

4 3ogin as M.-.>/6< and authori*e the record

I The authori*er "ield #ill still sho# value o" .CCTO22< only as initially the record #as authori*ed !y the user .CCTO22< %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# the record moves "rom %-.5 to %-.O to 3%7/ status #hen authori*ed !y users #ho do not have enough permissions to approve overrides

/nd o" demonstration Multi 3evel 6estriction %% < 3ogin as any user and input a 2T de!iting an account #ith nil !alance #ith 5SD I<BBB

2 %" .CCTO22<;.CCTO222;M.-.>/6<;M.-.>/62 login and try to authori*e the record, the record #ill go to %-.O status

= Only user >/-M>6< #ill !e a!le to approve the override and authori*e the record %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# to set multi level restrictions to approve overrides and try to authori*e the record #ith di""erent users in T24

/nd o" demonstration Multi 3evel 6estriction %%% < 3ogin as any user and input an 2T de!iting an account #ith nil !alance #ith 5SD 2BBBBBB

2 -ote that the Override message is su""i+ed #ith ST6>

= Since the overdra"t amount does not "all into any o" the ranges de"ined in the O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S application, the de"ault class T6> de"ined "or 2T has !een used

4 There"ore, this override can !e approved only !y users #ho have class set to T6> in their 5ser pro"ile %n this demo, you #ill learn ho# to any T24 user can approve overrides #hich do not "all under the amount #hich are set in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S

/nd o" demonstration Multi 3evel 6estriction %7 T24 al#ays checks "or conditions in the order speci"ied in the O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S record

2or e+ample, %" an 2T is input and the overdra"t amount is HBBB, the override message #ill al#ays appear as UOverride MessageVS .CO2

. user #ith M>6 override class set #ill not !e a!le to approve the a!ove mentioned override

0hen an override is to !e approved T24 checks to see i" the override class mentioned in the user pro"ile matches the override class su""i+ed #ith the override message %" yes, approval is possi!le, else, record #ill got to %-.O status 3ogically a user #ith M>6 override class set should !e a!le to approve an override o" HBBB 5SD To get this done, you need to add 4.CO28 apart "rom the 4M>68 class in the user pro"ile o" M.-.>/6< and M.-.>/62 < .mend the .CCT 5-.5T: OD override to allo# only the "ollo#ing users to approve the override

2 Create the necessary users

= De"ault class to !e used is T6>

4 T#o trainees to "orm a group

The "irst group needs to create a record in O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S application The %D should !e T/M/-OS T6> The "irst group to create the record and add in details appropriate to >6P< Once done, >6P2 needs to edit the record 4T/M/-OS T6>8 and input appropriate details Then, record passes on to >6P= and so on >6P<B to link the O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S record to O7/66%D/ application .ll groups #ill then have to create ne# accounts and input 2Ts de!iting the account and check override processing ,ou are no# "amiliar #ith the concept o" override processing in T24 Can an override message !e triggered as an error in T241 The ans#er is yes The "ield T,P/ in O7/66%D/ application has the "ollo#ing options D /rror, .uto, Message and 0arning 0hen T,P/ is set to /rror, the override message !ecomes an error 0hen T,P/ is set to .uto, the override message #ill !e automatically accepted !y T24 , the user acceptance is not re)uired ,ou #ill not !e allo#ed to commit the record #hen an error is raised in T24 %n the previous e+ample, the override #as displayed as an error message -o# can you display customised error messages "or overrides1

To display customised error messages "or overrides, create a record in /9 /66O6 application The message is speci"ied in the "ield /66O6 MS>

The a!ove created record should !e attached to the O7/66%D/ application in the "ield M/SS.>/ 0hen the override is triggered in a transaction, you could see the customised error message displayed

< Can you simply create a ne# Override #ithout any hassels1

2 -o O7/66%D/ is one o" the core applications in T24 %t is not possi!le to simply create a ne# record in O7/66%D/ application and let it to populate "or any records in any applications Only T/M/-OS D/7/3OPM/-T can do it :o#ever Client customi*ation is possi!le !ut is not as simple as creating any record in O7/66%D/ application .ll the override messages to !e generated should !e de"ined in the O7/66%D/ application in T24

2or e+ample, 0hen T24 #ishes to raise an override stating that a particular account has !een over dra#n, it #ill only say that an override .CCT 5-.5T: OD needs to !e raised T24 core then picks up the actual message "rom the "ield >9 Message in O7/66%D/ application and displays it

D%SPO P6OC/SS%->& ."ter completing this learning unit, you #ill !e a!le to&

Di""erentiate !et#een !locking and non !locking overrides

/+plain the use o" the "ollo#ing applications - O7/66%D/, D%SPO %T/MS, D%SPO O22%C/6

Create D%SPO O""icers in T24

/+plain the process D%SPO Processing has on overrides

/+plain the use o" en)uiries D%SPO D/T.%3S and D%SPO S5MM.6,

Di""erentiate partial and "ull D%SPO processing

Sometimes #hen committing a transaction in T24, one or more #arning messages are generated These messages are called Overrides

2 There can !e t#o di""erent types o" override messages They are -on 9locking and 9locking overrides

2 < . record #hich generates non !locking overrides can !e authori*ed !y any user in T24

2 2 . record #hich generates !locking overrides can !e authori*ed only !y users #ith appropriate privileges %" you do not have su""icient privileges the record #ill go to %-.O ?%nput -ot .pproved due to Override@ status

9y de"ault, all overrides in T24 are -on 9locking in nature

Teaching you ho# to !lock and un-!lock overrides are not in the scope o" this learning unit :o# can you make a non-!locking override a !locking override1

,ou are a!solutely right i" you think that this can !e achieved through O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S

:o#ever, you can also achieve this using D%SPO Processing 0hat is D%SPO Processing1 .n e+ample #ill make this clear

Tom #ants to trans"er "unds "rom his account to Tim8s account The T24 #ay to do this is !y using the application 25-DS T6.-S2/6 0hat i" Tom8s account does not have enough "unds1 0ill the transaction a!ort1 -o T24 #ill allo# him to per"orm the transaction !y overdra#ing his account The system #ill raise an override on committing the transaction, telling the T24 user that Tom8s account does not have enough "unds and is !eing overdra#n

0hat i" the !ank #ants to set a limit on the amount o" overdra"t that a particular user can authori*e1

/ven though this can !e achieved using O7/66%D/ C3.SS D/T.%3S, Dispo Processing allo#s you to do this #ith e+tra options < The same override can !e generated !y any application depending upon !usiness re)uirement The Override .CCT 5-.5T: OD, is raised !y many applications like 25-DS T6.-S2/6, 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS etc , the applications that involve an account in the transactions

2 To ena!le D%SPO Processing "or a particular application set the "ield .PP3%C.T%Oto either the name o" the application or 4S8 ?star ena!les D%SPO "or all applications generating the override@ and the "ield D%SPO to 4,/S8, in the Override record %n the override record, you have to speci"y a valid D%SPO O""icer %D in the "ield D%SPO O22%C/6

-o# that you have done the !ase #ork, #ill it !e "easi!le i" any T24 user can vie# the records in D%SPO %T/MS and approve or re$ect or comment it1

%" this is done than the #hole idea o" D%SPO Processing is in vain

To control such a situation, you need to assign a D%SPO O""icer to a particular user in the 5S/6 application The "ield D%SPO O22%C/6 is used to assign the O""icer The input in this "ield should !e a valid o""icer de"ined in D%SPO O22%C/6 application D%SPO O""icer is the one o" the important "ields in the D%SPO %T/MS application D%SPO O""icer has the right to approve or re$ect or comment on D%SPO %tems

. D%SPO o""icer can !e created using the D%SPO O22%C/6 application

%D & The %D o" a record can !e any alphanumeric input

S:O6T T%T3/ & This is a multi lingual "ield #hich holds the description "or the D%SPO o""icer in di""erent languages

O7/66%D/ %D & This "ield holds the %D o" an override record, "or #hich D%SPO processing has !een ena!led This is a multi value "ield and #ill hold all the override %Ds that this o""icer #ill deal #ith

D%SPO .MO5-T & This "ield holds the amount up to #hich the O""icer can comment on an override

O7/6D6.2T .MT & This "ield holds the amount up to #hich the O""icer can approve or re$ect an override

O7/6D6.2T .MT should !e less than or e)ual to D%SPO .MO5-T

-/MT D%SPO O22 & This "ield holds the %D o" the ne+t level O""icer "or "inancial Overrides, to #hom the D%SPO %tem #ould !e assigned, in case the current O""icer does not have privileges to approve an override 0hen a particular D%SPO O""icer is not availa!le "or a speci"ic time, you can set an alternate D%SPO O""icer #ho #ill !e acting like the actual O""icer "or the speci"ied time

6O5T/ TO & This "ield holds the %D o" the D%SPO O""icer to #hom the D%SPO items should !e routed "or the dates and times speci"ied in the D.T/ 26OM, D.T/ TO, T%M/ 26OM, T%M/ TO "ields Only i" this "ield contains a valid D%SPO O""icer %D, the other "ields like D.T/ 26OM, D.T/ TO, T%M/ 26OM, T%M/ TO #ill !e input a!le Other#ise all these "ields are no input "ields

D.T/ 26OM & This "ield holds the date "rom #hich the D%SPO %tem should !e routed to the alternate D%SPO O""icer

D.T/ TO & This "ield holds the date till #hich the D%SPO %tem should !e routed to the alternate D%SPO O""icer

T%M/ 26OM & This "ield holds the starting time on a day "rom #hich a particular D%SPO item should !e routed to the alternate D%SPO O""icer

T%M/ TO & This "ield holds the ending time on a day till #hich a particular D%SPO item should !e routed to the alternate D%SPO O""icer 0henever an override, that has !een su!$ect to D%SPO Processing, is accepted in a transaction, a record is created in an application called D%SPO %T/MS

5ser inputs an 2T transaction 0hen the user accepts the override message generated, the transaction is complete and the record goes to %-.5 status .t this stage a record in D%SPO %T/MS is created . record in D%SPO %T/MS is created internally !y the system only #hen the transaction generating the override ena!led "or dispo is committed The record %D is Transaction%DSCompanyMnemonic /+ample & 2TBEBBH4=C6HS9-L .PP3%C.T%O- & This "ield holds the application name !y #hich the override has !een generated O7/66%D/ T/MT & This "ield holds the actual override message as generated in the transaction C566/-C, & This "ield holds the currency o" the account #hich has !een de!ited in the transaction .MO5-T & This "ield holds the total amount overdra#n on the de!ited account .CCO5-T O22%C/6 & This "ield holds the %D o" the account o""icer responsi!le "or the account D.T/ and T%M/ & These "ields hold the date and the time in #hich the override #as raised in the transaction C5STOM/6 -O & This "ield holds the %D o" the customer #ho holds the account O7/66%D/ %D & This "ield holds the %D o" the override record that is generated .CCO5-T -O & This "ield holds the de!it account num!er %n the O7/66%D/ record, .CCT 5-.5T: OD, set the "ield D%SPO O22%C/6 to <B< %n the D%SPO O22%C/6 record #ith %D <B< set the 6O5T/ TO "ield <B2 This means that the D%SPO item should actually !e approved or re$ected or commented upon !y D%SPO o""icer <B<, ho#ever since he is not availa!le the item #ill !e assigned to D%SPO O""icer <B2 %nput an 2T transaction, accept the overrides and commit the record . record in D%SPO %T/MS should have !een created #ith %D as Transaction%D S Company mnemonic -o# open the record in the D%SPO %T/MS application and check "or the "ields D%SPO O22%C/6 and COMM/-T O22%C/6

,ou #ill note that !oth these "ields are de"aulted to o""icer <B2 and not <B< though the amount "alls under the o""icer <B< range This is !ecause, the 6O5T/ TO "ield in

the o""icer <B< record is set to o""icer <B2 "or Hth Gan "rom <B.M to BCPM, and the 2T transaction #as input and committed #ithin this time "rame D%SPO %T/MS is the application used to vie# the D%SPO items :o#ever, you can use an en)uiry D%SPO D/T.%3S to vie# the items speci"ic to an o""icer

2 /n)uiry D%SPO S5MM.6, can !e used to vie# all the pending D%SPO items "or approval

= ,ou have !een hearing the #ords approve, re$ect, comment a D%SPO item all through the course Can you simply open a record in D%SPO %T/MS and authori*e it1 The system #ill not allo# you to do so ,ou can per"orm this action only !y using the en)uiry D%SPO S5MM.6, or D%SPO D/T.%3S Try authori*ing a D%SPO item The system #ill not allo# you to do so This is !ecause, the record status is %-.5 To authori*e a D%SPO item, the record should !e in %-.O status Try to authori*e the record #ith a user #ho is not assigned an appropriate D%SPO o""icer and then check the record status The record #ill no# !e in %-.O status and is ready "or authori*ing or re$ecting or commenting

4 Only a user #ho is assigned a D%SPO o""icer can open the record in see mode :o#ever, a user #ho is not assigned any D%SPO o""icer can still list the D%SPO items .lso remem!er, user #ith an appropriate D%SPO o""icer can only approve or re$ect or comment an item #ith in his limits de"ined in the D%SPO O22%C/6 application 0henever an override, that has !een su!$ect to D%SPO Processing, is accepted in a transaction, a record is created in an application called D%SPO %T/MS

5ser inputs an 2T transaction 0hen the user accepts the override message generated, the transaction is complete and the record goes to %-.5 status .t this stage a record in D%SPO %T/MS is created

Open the item and note that the "ields D%SPO O22%C/6 and COMM/-T O22%C/6 are de"aulted to o""icer <BB as the transaction amount "alls in his approval limits

3ogin as another user #ho do not have the D%SPO o""icer set and try authori*ing the 2T record

3ogin as the user #ho has appropriate D%SPO authorities and approve the D%SPO item Open the en)uiry D%SPO D/T.%3S "or the o""icer D <BB .ll the D%SPO items availa!le "or the o""icer <BB are displayed Click on the !utton 4.DD COMM/-T8 to either approve or re$ect or comment the item ."ter the record is open, approve it and commit the record -o# you should !e a!le to authori*e the corresponding 2T record The transaction is complete and the 2T is authori*ed !y the appropriate D%SPO o""icer %" the D%SPO o""icer re$ect the D%SPO item, then you #ill not !e a!le to authori*e the 2T transaction

The record is in live status /n)uiry D%SPO S5MM.6, #ill display all the records ena!led "or D%SPO processing "or all the D%SPO o""icers %" the user has su""icient privileges, he can add the re)uired comments, approve or re$ect the D%SPO item .ll the comments made are recorded in the D%SPO %T/MS record /n)uiry D%SPO S5MM.6, #ill display all the records ena!led "or D%SPO processing "or all the D%SPO o""icers %" the user has su""icient privileges, he can add the re)uired comments, approve or re$ect the D%SPO item .ll the comments made are recorded in the D%SPO %T/MS record O""icers can either comment or approve or re$ect !ased on the amount involved in the override generated !y a transaction

< The amount up to #hich an O""icer can comment on an override is given in the "ield D%SPO .MO5-T and the amount up to #hich an O""icer can approve or re$ect an override is in the "ield O7/6D6.2T .MO5-T in D%SPO O22%C/6 application

2 The o""icer #ho can comment an override is the COMM/-T O22%C/6 and the o""icer #ho can approve or re$ect the override is the D%SPO O22%C/6

0ith re"erence to the ta!le in the slide&

Ta!le Column < holds the record %Ds o" D%SPO O""icers

Ta!le Column 2 holds the amount up to #hich an O""icer can comment on

Ta!le Column = holds the amount up to #hich an O""icer can approve or re$ect an override

Ta!le Column 4 holds the %D o" a D%SPO O""icer #ho is the ne+t level "inancial approver

.n e+ample #ill make things clear

The o""icer #ith %D <BB can comment on amounts lesser than or e)ual to 2B,BBB and can approve or re$ect overrides #ith overdra"t amount lesser than or e)ual to <B,BBB %" this D%SPO O""icer cannot approve or re$ect overrides, then <B< is the ne+t O""icer #ho has privileges to approve or re$ect or comment on the override

%llustration o" the ta!le

0hen an 2T transaction #as input "or 2B,<2=, #hich "alls under the o""icer <B<, !oth the D%SPO O22%C/6 and COMM/-T O22%C/6 "ields are populated #ith the respective o""icers in D%SPO %T/MS record This implies that only o""icer <B< can comment and either approve or re$ect this override -o# try ans#ering the "ollo#ing )uestions The transaction amount is 2B,<BB

< -o, !ecause the limit to comment on is only 2B,BBB

2 -o, !ecause the limit to approve is only <B,BBB

= O""icer <B< can do it, !ecause his limit to approve;re$ect is up to =B,BBB

4 O""icer <B< can do it, !ecause his limit to comment on is 4B,BBB

I O""icer <B<

C O""icer <B2 < .ll that you have seen till no# is partial D%SPO processing There is much more added "unctionality "or D%SPO processing

2 %" D%SPO "ield is set to 4,/S8, then D%SPO processing can !e ena!led #ith limited "eatures < To ena!le an override "or "ull D%SPO processing, the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D in O7/66%D/ application should !e set to 4,/S8

2 D%SPO .33O0/D "ield is set at the core and cannot !e modi"ied !y any user The "ield D%SPO should also !e set to 4,/S8

= %" an override is ena!led "or "ull D%SPO processing, then the "ields P6/C/D/-C/, T6.-S.CT%O- %-D, CO-D%T%O- CO- in the O7/66%D/ application can !e used

4 ,ou can also set the "ields D%SPO .MO5-T and O7/6D6.2T .MT in D%SPO O22%C/6 application < Most o" the overrides in T24 are stored in an application called O7/66%D/ The e+ample #hich #as discussed in the previous slide is a record in the O7/66%D/ application #ith %D as .CCT 5-.5T: OD 9ased on the special certi"ications re)uired "or a transaction, D%SPO Processing may or may not !e allo#ed "or an Override

2 To ena!le "ull D%SPO Processing "or an Override, the "irst step is to check i" the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D is set to 4,/S8 in the O7/66%D/ application This "ield is set at

the core #hich means #hether or not an Override is allo#ed "or D%SPO is decided !y Temenos and T24 user cannot modi"y this "ield

-o# you should !e a!le to di""erentiate that i" the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D is set to 48 ?-533@ and the "ield D%SPO is set to 4,/S8, then the override is ena!led "or partial D%SPO processing %" the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D is set to 4,/S8 and the "ield D%SPO is set to 4,/S8, then the override is ena!led "or "ull D%SPO processing %n the O7/66%D/ application, the "ields "rom .PP3%C.T%O- to D%SPO O22%C/6 "orm a multi-value set The "ields C3.SS and D/T.%3 are not to !e used #hen an override is ena!led "or dispo processing .ll the other "ields are used "or dispo processing :o#ever, the "ields CO- O7/66%D/, T6.-S.CT%O- %-D, P6/C/D/-C/ can !e used only i" the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D is set to ,/S #hich implies that an override is ena!led "or "ull dispo processing

< . D%SPO o""icer can !e set in the C5STOM/6, .CCO5-T, POST%-> 6/ST6%CT and 3%M%T applications apart "rom the O7/66%D/ application

2 %" the "ield P6/C/D/-C/ is set "or an override, then the o""icer assigned in that particular application #ill take precedence over the o""icer set in the O7/66%D/ application 0hen no o""icer is identi"ied in the application, then the item #ill !e assigned to the de"ault o""icer speci"ied in the override record

= The value in this "ield must !e input in the "ormat 4.PP3%C.T%O- -.M/V2%/3D -.M/ 2O6 O22%C/6 %- T:/ .PP3%C.T%O-8 /+ample & .CCO5-TVD%SPO O22%C/6

To check the "unctionality o" the "ield P6/C/D/-C/, set the D%SPO O22%C/6 "ield in .CCO5-T record - =I4FI to a valid D%SPO o""icer - <B< Open the record .CCT 5-.5T: OD in the O7/66%D/ application, and set the "ield P6/C/D/-C/ as .CCO5-TVD%SPO O22%C/6 and in the "ield D%SPO O22%C/6, set an o""icer other than the one set in the .CCO5-T record - <BB .ttach the o""icer <B< in the "ield D%SPO O22%C/6 in a user record %nput an 2T transaction !y de!iting the account =I4FI .ccept the overrides and vie# the transaction in D%SPO %T/MS -ote that the "ields D%SPO O22%C/6 and COMM/-T O22%C/6 are de"aulted to <B< as set in the .CCO5-T record and not to <BB as set in the O7/66%D/ record

< To disa!le D%SPO processing "or a transaction, the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- %-D should !e set to 4,/S8

2 0hen an accounting entry is raised, a small description is given a!out the transaction #hich is called as 4-.66.T%O-8 T24 descri!es di""erent types o" transactions in an application called T6.-S.CT%O- The %D o" a record should !e numeric and a ma+imum o" three num!ers 2or e+ample, record 2<= is used "or 4T6.-S2/68, #hich means any transaction #hich involves trans"er o" "unds !et#een accounts #ill have the T6.-S.CT%O- %D set to 2<=

To ena!le the "unctionality o" the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- %-D, the "irst step is to open an 2T record, and note the statement num!er generated "or the transaction Open the corresponding STMT /-T6, record and note the value in the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- COD/ - 2<= -o# vie# the record - 2<= in the T6.-S.CT%Oapplication and note the "ield >9 -.66.T%7/ Set the "ield D%SPO /M/MPT to 4,/S8 Set the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- %-D in the O7/66%D/ application to 4,/S8 %nput a ne# 2T record #ith T6.-S.CT%O- T,P/ 4.C8 as the transaction code is 2<= and commit the record -o# try to vie# the same record in D%SPO %T/MS application There #ill !e no D%SPO item "or this transaction as you have e+empted transaction type 2<= "rom D%SPO processing

There #ill !e no dispo item as you have ena!led T6.-S.CT%O- %-D

%n T6.-S.CT%O- application set the "ield D%SPO /M/MPT to 4,/S8

,ou already kno# that a particular transaction can !e e+empted "rom D%SPO processing in spite o" the override !eing ena!led "or D%SPO %t is also possi!le to e+empt overrides generated "or a particular .CCO5-T or C5STOM/6 record "rom D%SPO processing This can !e done !y speci"ying the "ield D%SPO /M/MPT to 4,/S8 in a record in .CCO5-T or C5STOM/6 application

< ,ou can set conditional D%SPO processing using the "ield CO- O7/66%D/ #hich #ill hold the %D o" another override

2 2or the transaction to !e ena!led "or D%SPO processing, the actual override and the override speci"ied in this "ield should !e generated %" either o" the overrides is generated, the transaction #ill not !e su!$ect to D%SPO processing and #ill not have an entry in D%SPO %T/MS

= 9oth the overrides generated in the transaction #ill !e su!$ect to D%SPO processing

To understand the "unctionality o" the "ield CO- O7/66%D/, check out "or override records #hich have the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D set to 4,/S8 Open the record 3%M%T 5-.7.%3 in the O7/66%D/ application and set the "ield CO- O7/66%D/ to 4/MC/SS %D8 #hich is %D o" an override record and is ena!led "or "ull D%SPO processing Check i" !oth the records 3%M%T 5-.7.%3 and /MC/SS %D has the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D set to 4,/S8 and D%SPO O22%C/6 set to the same o""icer D <BI %n the record <BI in D%SPO O22%C/6 application, add !oth the override %Ds %nput a ne# 3D record and note that !oth the overrides are generated .ccept the overrides and commit the transaction -o# vie# the record in D%SPO %T/MS -ote that !oth the overrides generated are recorded in the D%SPO item %nput another 3D record and validate the transaction -ote that only one override has !een generated "or this record .ccept the overrides and commit the record Copy the record %D and check i" there is any D%SPO item "or this transaction There #ill not !e any D%SPO item as the 3D has generated only one override and there"ore the transaction is not ena!led "or D%SPO processing

-o dispo item #ill !e "ound #hich matches the %D, as this record has generated only one override and is there"ore not ena!led "or dispo processing

< The "ield D%SPO should !e set to 4,/S8 and the "ield D%SPO .33O0/D to 48 ?-533@ to ena!le partial D%SPO processing The "ield D%SPO .33O0/D should !e set to 4,/S8 along #ith the "ield D%SPO set to 4,/S8 "or "ull D%SPO processing %" an override is ena!led "or partial D%SPO processing, then the "ields P6/C/D/-C/, T6.-S.CT%O- %-D, CO-D%T%O- CO- in the O7/66%D/ application cannot !e used ,ou cannot set the "ields D%SPO .MO5-T and O7/6D6.2T .MT in D%SPO O22%C/6 application

2 Create O""icers using D%SPO O22%C/6 application

= Set up the override record #ith all the re)uired options

4 %" the P6/C/D/-C/ "ield is set, then set the D%SPO O22%C/6 "ield in the appropriate application

I .ssign the D%SPO o""icers to 5S/6 pro"iles

C %nput a ne# transaction and get the record status to %-.O

F Open the record using the en)uiry 33S to re$ect or approve or to add a comment

< Create an account

2 .sk the trainer to modi"y .CCT 5-.5T: OD in your training area #ith precedence set as .CCO5-TVD%SPO O22%C/6

= Create a D%SPO O22%C/6 record #ith your name

4 .ttach the O""icer to a ne# 5S/6 pro"ile

I 3og in as another user, enter an 2T

C .uthori*e the 2T, transaction #ill go to %-.O

F 3og in as the 5S/6 to #hose account the D%SPO O22%C/6 is attached

E Open the Dispo %tem assigned to you

H .uthori*e the Override

."ter completing this learning unit, you #ill !e a!le to&

/+plain the need "or constraint processing in T24

De"ine the steps in constraint processing

Create single and cumulative constraints

/+plain the constraint related applications in T24

0hen you input a record in any .pplication in T24 and commit it, it is possi!le that you come across t#o types o" messages

/rror Messages& Such type o" messages are displayed Due to data not !eing input in mandatory "ields Due to incorrect data input Due to incorrect relationship !et#een "ield name and the data that is input

%n case o" /rror Messages, you need to correct the data input in the particular "ields and commit the transaction again

. record is not saved till all errors are corrected ,ou cannot even put the record on hold

Override Messages& These are #arning messages, at least most o" the time 5ser has only one option to .ccept Overrides %" accepted, T24 saves the record and the override message is stored as part o" it in the "ield O7/66%D/ %" you do not #ant to accept the Override, you may either put the record on hold to correct it later or amend the record and commit it again < Constraint means limitation or restriction

2 2rom a T24 perspective, constraints are a set o" conditions on transactions to prevent certain activities

= One can either ena!le or disa!le constraint processing in T24 < :ave you ever !een a!le to generate an override message "or a condition o" your choice1

2 :ave you ever !een a!le to generate an error message "or a condition o" your choice1

.t this point you may !e thinking i" you really can generate errors and overrides "or a condition o" your choice in T24

T24 allo#s you to create errors and overrides "or custom de"ined conditions using the Constraint Processing Constraint Processing may or may not !e ena!led at di""erent levels in T24 Di""erent applications are used to set this at di""erent levels

The application /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 is used to ena!le constraint processing "or all the companies in a T24 set up The %D should !e 4S,ST/M8

The application /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 is used to ena!le constraint processing "or a speci"ic company The %D should !e UCOMP.-, COD/V /g & >9BB<BBB<

The application /9 >C .CT%7/ is used to ena!le constraint processing "or a speci"ic application in T24 The %D should !e U.PP3%C.T%O- -.M/V /g & 25-DS T6.-S2/6 The "ield COM P6OC/SS%-> in /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 decides #hether or not constraint processing is ena!led "or a speci"ic company or "or all companies %" this "ield is set to 4-O8, then constraint processing is disa!led and i" set to 4,/S8 constraint processing is ena!led /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 can have t#o types o" records The %D o" the record may !e 4S,ST/M8 or UCOMP.-, COD/V /g & >9BB<BBB<

7alues set at the glo!al level ?in the S,ST/M record@ #ill !e overridden !y the values set in the records created "or speci"ic company /9 >C .CT%7/ is a 2%- type "ile and the values that are set here are company speci"ic This application is used to disa!le or ena!le constraint processing "or a particular application The %D o" the record should !e U.PP3%C.T%O- -.M/V /g 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS The "ield .PP P6OC/SS%-> should !e set to 4,/S8 to ena!le or 4-O8 to disa!le constraint processing

The "ollo#ing is the order o" precedence in setting up constraint processing .pplication level ?/9 >C .CT%7/@ Company level ?/9 >C P.6.M/T/6 record #ith %D as UCOMP.-, COD/V@ >lo!al level ?/9 >C P.6.M/T/6 record #ith %D as 4S,ST/M8@ 2or e+ample, i" the "ield COM P6OC/SS%-> in the records 4S,ST/M8 and 4>9BB<BBB<8 is set to 4-O8 in the /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 ta!le and i" the "ield .PP P6OC/SS%-> in the record 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS is set to 4,/S8 in the application /9 >C .CT%7/ ?in >9BB<BBB< company@, then constraint processing is still ena!led "or the application 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS

0hat could !e the ne+t step a"ter constraint processing is ena!led "or an application1

The ne+t step to do a"ter an application is ena!led "or constraint processing is to de"ine the conditions and the message to !e generated This can !e achieved through /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS The %D should !e the application name /g & 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS

T/ST 2%/3D & This "ield holds a valid "ield "rom the respective application ?record %D is the application name@ /g &The value in this "ield is given as %-T/6/ST 6.T/ #hich is a valid "ield in the application 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS T24 per"orms a validation check on this "ield %" a #rong "ield name "rom the application is entered, an error is thro#n at the user OP/6.-D & This "ield holds the operand against #hich a condition is generated /7.3 7.35/ & This "ield holds the value or set o" values "or comparison against #hich an override or an error is generated S/P/6.TO6 & This "ield holds the separator to !e used "or the values mentioned in the "ield /7.3 7.35/ /66O6 O7/66%D/ & This "ield holds the type o" message to !e generated, either an override or an error -.66.T%7/ & This "ield holds the actual message to !e generated as an error or override 2%6ST 7.3%D D.T/ & This "ield holds the value date "rom #hich the constraint !ecomes active The date in this "ield should !e current date or a date greater than today ,ou are no# ready to generate the override set in constraint processing %nput an 3D record #ith the value in the "ield %-T/6/ST 6.T/ greater than "ive -ote that the overrides set !y the core and the overrides set in constraint processing are generated The value given in the "ield -.66.T%7/ in the 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS record in the /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application is generated as the override .n override 4De!it .mount is less than <BBBBB8 needs to !e generated #hen a record in the 25-DS T6.-S2/6 application is committed #ith the "ield D/9%T .MO5-T set to a value less than <BBBBB -o# that you kno# ho# to generate an override, you can generate an error message also >ive the conditions "or an application ?/g &25-DS T6.-S2/6@ in the /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application To generate a message as an error, set the "ield /66O6 O7/66%D/ to 4/66O68

/g & %" a record is committed in the 2T application, an error should !e generated i" the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- T,P/ is not e)ual to 4.C8 -ote that the error message is generated as it is given in the "ield -.66.T%7/ in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application #hen the "ield T6.-S.CT%O- T,P/ is not set to .C in 25-DS T6.-S2/6 application .n error 4D/9%T C566/-C, S:O53D 9/ 5SD8 needs to !e generated #hen a record in the 25-DS T6.-S2/6 application is committed i" the "ield D/9%T C566/-C, has a value other than 5SD 0hat i" you #ish to generate same errors or overrides "or di""erent applications1 /g & 0hen contracts are input in applications such as 3D, MM and 2T, i" the loan amount or deposit amount or de!it amount transacted is greater than 2BBBBB, an error message '.mount should !e less than 2BBBBB8 needs to !e generated

,ou could simply create three records in /9 >C .CT%7/ and /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS ?one "or each application@ and set appropriate conditions "or the speci"ic "ields 9ut #hat i" the !ank #ants several applications to generate same override or error message1 Creating di""erent records in these applications !ecomes a tedious $o! So then #hat else can you do to accomplish this setting1

< T24 has the "unctionality to generate the same error or override message "or multiple applications, !ased on speci"ic "ields

2 >rouping users is done to set same set o" privileges "or a group o" users in 5S/6 SMS >6O5P >rouping applications "or constraint processing is similar to that

= To group applications that generate same error or override, /9 >C >3O9.3 is used

/9 >C >3O9.3 is the application in #hich all the application names and their respective "ields "or #hich you #ish to check the condition and raise the same override or error are stored The %D o" the record in /9 >C >3O9.3 can !e any user de"ined value /g & .9CD, 2T, <2=I, TOM, etc

.PP3%C.T%O- & This is a multi value "ield #hich speci"ies the application name "or #hich the override or error has to !e generated T.6>/T 2%/3D & The "ield holds the "ield name "rom the application mentioned in the previous "ield "or #hich the condition has to !e checked 9oth these "ields "orm a associated multi value set /ven !e"ore you set up the record, the applications that are to !e used in /9 >C >3O9.3 should !e ena!led "or constraint processing .s you kno# !y no#, this can !e achieved !y using the application /9 >C .CT%7/

/g & The "ield D/9%T .MO5-T in 25-DS T6.-S2/6, the "ield .MO5-T in 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS and the "ield P6%-C%P.3 in MM MO-/, M.6L/T should generate an error message i" the respective "ields holds a value greater than 2BBBBB ."ter the applications are grouped in /9 >C >3O9.3, a record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS is to !e created #ith %D set to >3O9.3 0hen there are multiple applications involved in constraint processing, the %D o" the record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS should !e 4>3O9.38 %" only one application is involved, the %D is the application name itsel"

The "ield T/ST 2%/3D should contain a "ield name o" the application #hich is the %D o" the record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application 0hat #ill you speci"y in this "ield i" the %D is set to 4>3O9.381

%n the record 4>3O9.38 the "ield T/ST 2%/3D should hold the %D o" the record ?in #hich the applications are grouped@ "rom /9 >C >3O9.3 application < .n application can have t#o constraints de"ined in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS

%" you recollect the e+ample you have seen in the earlier slides, the applications 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS and 25-DS T6.-S2/6 have application speci"ic records in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS The conditions #ere - %" interest rate is greater than IN, an override to !e raised and i" T6.-S.CT%O- T,P/ is not .C, an error to !e raised respectively

,ou have also set the group #hich is a part o" the record 4>3O9.38 in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application in #hich 3D, 2T and MM are included The constraint set "or this record is - %" amount is greater than 2BBBBB, then an override is to !e raised

2 0ill the conditions set in the application speci"ic records as #ell as the conditions set in the >3O9.3 record !e e+ecuted "or 3D and 2T1 ,es %" !oth the conditions are e+ecuted, then this is kno#n as Cumulative constraint processing

= Can you speci"y that the conditions speci"ied in application speci"ic records alone should !e e+ecuted "or 3D and 2T1 ,es This is kno#n as Single constraint processing The "ield COM M/T:OD in /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 and the "ield .PP M/T:OD in /9 >C .CT%7/ are the ones #hich decide #hether or not a company or an application is ena!led "or 4S%->3/8 or 4C5M53.T%7/8 constraint processing

. value S%->3/ denotes that only one constraint can !e applied

%" an application has constraints set up in the application speci"ic record as #ell as >3O9.3 record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS, #hich constraint takes the precedence i" the "ield .PP M/T:OD is set to S%->3/1 The constraint #hich is de"ined in the application speci"ic record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS takes the precedence and only the error or override stored in this record can !e generated

. value C5M53.T%7/ denotes that multiple constraints can !e applied

%" an application has constraints set up in the application speci"ic record as #ell as >3O9.3 record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS, then, !oth constraints #ill !e generated

The value set in the "ield .PP M/T:OD in /9 >C .CT%7/ takes precedence over the value set in the "ield COM M/T:OD in /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 application

Since C5M53.T%7/ processing is ena!led "or 2T, constraint set "or the application as #ell as the constraint set in the >3O9.3 record are e+ecuted Since S%->3/ processing is ena!led "or 3D, only the constraint set "or the application in the application speci"ic record is e+ecuted

-ote that though the value in the amount "ield is greater than 2BBBBB, an error is not generated !ut the application speci"ic override is generated as the "ield .PP M/T:OD in 3D record in /9 >C .CT%7/ is set to S%->3/ and the application level setting takes the precedence Since C5M53.T%7/ processing is ena!led "or MM, constraint set in the >3O9.3 record is only e+ecuted as it does not have a constraint set in the application record 0hen contracts are input in applications such as 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS, MM MO-/, M.6L/T and 25-DS T6.-S2/6, i" the "ields C566/-C, and D/9%T C566/-C, is not e)ual to 5SD, an error message 4C566/-C, S:O53D 9/ 5SD8 is to !e generated < 0hat i" you #ish to restrict a user to use only a particular value in a "ield1

2 .n error should !e generated i" any other value is used !y the user

/g & 0hen contracts are input in 3D application !y the user C:.%T.-,., she should only !e allo#ed to use a value 2<BI< in C.T/>O6, "ield %" she inputs any other value other than 2<BI< , an error 4C.T/>O6, S:O53D 9/ 2<BI<8 is to !e generated

This is almost similar to setting up a group in /9 >C >3O9.3 To set constraint "or a speci"ic user, create a record in /9 >C >3O9.3 #ith %D as any te+t and speci"y the application and the "ield name against #hich condition is to !e set

/g & 5S/6 is the record %D in /9 >C >3O9.3

."ter creating the record in /9 >C >3O9.3, a record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS is to !e created #ith %D set to >3O9.3;;;;;U5S/6 -.M/V 5se "ive "or#ard slashes in !et#een /g & >3O9.3;;;;;C:.%T.-,.

.s you already kno#, the "ield T/ST 2%/3D should hold the %D o" the record ?created "or user speci"ic constraint@ "rom /9 >C >3O9.3 application The other "ields should hold the conditions and the error message to !e generated

The actual e+pansion o" the %D in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS is >3O9.3;C5STOM/6;PO6T2O3%O;.CCO5-T;C566/-C,;5S/6 #hich means that you can also set conditions speci"ic to a customer, an account, etc , %" you recollect the constraints set "or 3D 3O.-S .-D D/POS%TS, it has application speci"ic record, record #ith %D as >3O9.3 and a user speci"ic record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS The constraints #ere - %" interest rate is greater than IN, an override to !e raised W %" amount is greater than 2BBBBB, an override to !e raised and %" category is not e)ual to 2<BI<, an error message to !e raised

%" the "ield .PP M/T:OD is set to S%->3/, then the user speci"ic constraints are only e+ecuted One important thing to note here is the order o" precedence "or constraints to !e e+ecuted 5ser speci"ic constraint is to !e e+ecuted "irst, application speci"ic constraint is the second and group speci"ic constraint is the last

/g & 0hen a contract is input in 3D #ith .MO5-T set to =BBBBB C.T/>O6, set to 2<BI2 and %-T/6/ST 6.T/ set to HN, only one error "or the "ield C.T/>O6, is raised and no other constraints are e+ecuted as 3D ena!les only S%->3/ constraint processing .s you kno# i" you set the "ield .PP M/T:OD in /9 >C .CT%7/ "or 3D to C5M53.T%7/, all the constraints #ill !e ena!led "or a contract i" it is input !y this speci"ic user %" any other user inputs the contract, then the constraint pertaining to the "ield C.T/>O6, #ill not !e e+ecuted as it is user speci"ic 5ser should only !e allo#ed to input 4/568 in the "ield D/9%T C566/-C, in 2T application .n error 4C566/-C, M5ST 9/ /568 should !e generated i" any other currency is used 9y no# you should kno# that a record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS can !e created speci"ic to a user, an account, a customer, etc , -o# i" there are di""erent speci"ic conditions de"ined in this application "or a customer, port"olio, account, currency

and user #hich means di""erent speci"ic records created and i" the constraint processing is set to single "or the company, then #hich constraint #ill take the precedence1 :o# #ill you control the precedence in such a scenario1

To overcome this, there are a set o" "ields in /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 #hich controls the precedence o" constraints #hen single constraint processing is ena!led The "ields P6/C/D/-C/ 5S/6, P6/C/D/-C/ C566, P6/C/D/-C/ .CCT, P6/C/D/-C/ PO6T and P6/C/D/-C/ C5ST #ill de"ine the order o" precedence These "ields can hold a value "rom one to "ive . value o" one in any o" the "ields means that, this speci"ic constraints takes the precedence over the other ,ou can achieve this !y creating another record in /9 >C >3O9.3 #ith the re)uired applications and relevant "ields, attach the %D o" this record in the "ield T/ST 2%/3D and speci"y other conditions in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS This is similar to #hat you have already done

:o#ever, you can also achieve this !y using another application /9 >C >6O5P

-ormal #ay o" achieving this grouping is to create a record #ith the re)uired applications ?#hich #ere already a part o" the group@ in /9 >C >3O9.3, and attach it in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application #ith the condition

/g & Create another group "or 3D and 2T #ith their relevant "ields, #ith %D set to C566/-C, .ttach this %D in the record >3O9.3 in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS To create a su!group use the application /9 >C >6O5P %D o" the record can !e te+t

.PP3%C.T%O- & This is a multi value "ield #hich speci"ies the list o" applications #hich are mem!ers o" this su!group Only the applications #hich have a record in /9 >C .CT%7/ can !e input in this application

/g & >enerate an error 8C566/-C, M5ST 9/ 5SD8 "or the applications 3D and 2T i" the currency used is not e)ual to 5SD

.s soon as a record is created and authori*ed in /9 >C >6O5P, the "ield >6O5P is updated #ith the %D o" the su!group record in the corresponding record in /9 >C .CT%7/ application

>6O5P & This is multi value "ield and is not inputta!le !y the user This "ield holds the %D o" the records in /9 >C >6O5P Create a record in /9 >C >3O9.3 #ith the re)uired applications and their relevant "ields Create a record in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS #hose %D is the same as the %D in /9 >C >6O5P .ttach the %D o" the record created in /9 >C >3O9.3 in the "ield T/ST 2%/3D in /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application and speci"y the relevant conditions

/g & The "ield D/9%T C566/-C, and C566/-C, in 2T and 3D should !e 5SD Other#ise, an error should !e thro#n Take a look at the records %n !oth 2T and 3D the error 4C566/-C, M5ST 9/ 5SD8 is raised .s the "ield .PP M/T:OD is set to S%->3/ in /9 >C .CT%7/, in 2T, error is raised "or D/9%T .MO5-T "ield as the value in this "ield should !e less than 2BBBBB 2or applications MM MO-/, M.6L/T and 25-DS T6.-S2/6, the "ields C566/-C, and C6/D%T C566/-C, respectively should accept only /56 Other#ise an error 4C566/-C, -OT /K5.3 TO /568 should !e raised 5se /9 >C >6O5P application to achieve this 2or applications MM MO-/, M.6L/T and 25-DS T6.-S2/6, the "ields C566/-C, and C6/D%T C566/-C, respectively should accept only /56 Other#ise an error 4C566/-C, -OT /K5.3 TO /568 should !e raised 5se /9 >C >6O5P application to achieve this :o# can an override generated !y constraint processing !e made a !locking override1

/g & 0hen a credit account #ith currency other than 5SD is input in a 2T transaction, an override message 4C6/D%T C566/-C, %S -OT 5SD8 needs to !e raised This override should only !e approved !y user !elonging to a particular class

The "ields COM D%.> and .PP D%.> can hold the value 4,/S8 or 4-O8 . value 4,/S4 denotes that diagnostics recording is ena!led This "ield decides #hether or not the constraints are to !e logged

The "ield COM D%.> 3%2/ holds the num!er o" days a"ter #hich the logs should !e deleted

The settings in the "ield .PP D%.> in /9 >C .CT%7/ takes the precedence over the settings in the "ield COM D%.> in /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 application

0hen the condition set "or a particular "ield is !reached or violated, the constraint is triggered .t this point, a log #ill !e created in the "ile /9 >C D%.>-OST%C This is a live "ile and updated !y the system .ll the details o" the constraint are stored in this record The "ield D.T/ holds the date on #hich the log #as entered and the "ield D/.T: D.T/ #ill hold a date #hich is e)uivalent to the date o" the log X the num!er o" days given in the "ield COM D%.> 3%2/

/g & %" the log date is Fth .ugust 2BBE and the COM D%.> 3%2/ #ill hold a value o" E, then the death date #ill !e <Hth .ugust 2BBE

< 0ho #ill actually delete the logs "rom the "ile /9 >C D%.>-OST%C and #hen1

. CO9 $o! named /9 >C D%.>-OST%C CO9 deletes the log i" the value in the "ield D/.T: D.T/ is less than today

2 /9 >C D%.>-OST%C CO9 checks the "ield D/.T: D.T/ "or all the records and i" this is less than today, then the log record is deleted "rom the "ile

= The $o! /9 >C D%.>-OST%C CO9 is a 4D8 "re)uency $o! and is run daily

/g & %" the log date is Fth .ugust 2BBE and the COM D%.> 3%2/ #ill hold a value o" E, then the death date #ill !e <Hth .ugust 2BBE This record #ill !e deleted "rom the "ile during CO9 on 2Bth .ugust 2BBE -ote that only #orking days are calculated to arrive at death date < T24 allo#s you to create override and error messages using the 4Constraint Processing8

2 /9 >C P.6.M/T/6 is used to ena!le constraint processing at company level or S,ST/M level

= /9 >C .CT%7/ is used to ena!le constraint processing at application level

4 /9 >C CO-ST6.%-TS application decides #hether an error or override message has to !e generated

I /9 >C >3O9.3 allo#s constraints to !e esta!lished at >lo!al level across multiple applications

C /9 >C >6O5P ena!les creation o" su! groups

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