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CHM3102 Polymers in Chemistry


Objective : To understand by explanation about a polyamide synthesis especially by the low-temperature polycondensation method To understand the parameters used to change the polymerization conditions To better understand the molecule mass average calculation from various monoscattered samples Methodology : Set 1 5 ml sebasil chloride (B was put in a small bea!er "#1 g of soap powder was diluted in $ ml hexamethylenediamine (% (% was then mixed into (B dropwise % thin layer formed in the interface of the non-mixable solution The polymer was rolled using a glass rod or a stic! Set & 'rocedures are as that of set 1( with an exception of 5 ml of (B was mixed with 1 ml of (% with constant stirring# Set $ 'rocedures are as that of set 1( with an exception of 5 ml of (B was mixed with 1 ml of (% containing half of )a*+ with stirring# Result: Calculations : )+&)(,+& -)+& . n,l*,(,+& /,*,l Sebasil chloride +---[NH(CH2)6NHOC(CH2)8CO]n---,l . &(n-1 +,l )ylon -(1"


,oncentration for 0% (sebasil chloride 1 "#2 0

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CHM3102 Polymers in Chemistry

,oncentration for 0B (hexamethylenediamine 1 "#"- 0 3ield 4 1 weight of polymer ( number of moles ( weight of repeating unit 5eight of repeating unit 1 12#""6 . 1#""/ . -71&#"11 . &(1#""/ 8 . 12#""6 . 1#""/ . 15#999 . 1&#"11 . /71&#"11 . &(1#""/ 8 . 1&#"11 . 15#999 1 $1"#2/& g mol-1 The number of moles for % 1 0:;1""" 1 ("#2 ($#" ;1""" 1 1#& x 1"-$ moles The number of moles for B 1 0:;1""" 1 ("#"- (5#" ;1""" 1 $#" x 1"-2 moles Therefore( 3ield 4 (set 1 1 "#15&6;7(1#5x1"-$ x $1"#2/&8 x 1"" 1 $&#2/4 3ield 4 (set & 1 "#1$1&;7(1#5x1"-$ x $1"#2/&8 x 1"" 1 &/#1/4 3ield 4 (set $ 1 "#"91&;7(1#5x1"-$ x $1"#2/&8 x 1"" 1 19#594 Discussion : <rom this experiment( students can train themselves to actually prepare a polymer( where in this experiment( )ylon( in the lab by using a method called the interface polycondensation# The hypothesis for this experiment is that the yield of )ylon for set & should be the highest( whereas for set $( the yield is the lowest# This experiment can be considered as a failure since the yield for set & was slightly lower than set 1( maybe due to minor errors that occurred while the experiment was done# =xplanation for the difference in yields got from all three sets can be made# Set & should have the highest yield form because of the stirring# This is because by stirring( not only the !inetic energy was increased( new interfaces will appear with every round of stirring# This explains why set & was more efficient than set 1# <or set $( with the presence of )a*+( appeared some sort of >competition? in the reaction# The reaction between sebasil chloride and hexamethylenediamine x 1""

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CHM3102 Polymers in Chemistry

was interfered because the )a*+ will actually gain opportunity to react with both of them to form more stable compounds# Thus( the competition causes the yield to be lower# The physical properties of the polymers were also observed# The differences were caused of the different compositions used in the experiment# The nylon formed in set 1 has @uite a low elasticity( as well as the bending force and the adhering force# The same goes with set &# *n the other hand( for set $( the presence of )a*+ actually caused the polymer formed to be more elastic( has a better bending force as well as adhering force#

Precaution Steps : =verything used in this experiment was assured to be absolutely clean to avoid unwanted reactions to occur Solution % must be poured into solution B dropwise to produce as much polymer as possible Conclusion : )ylon -(1" was produced in a small scale in the lab by using the low temperature interface polycondensation method# Set 1 produced $&#2/4 amount of )ylon Set & produced &/#1/4 amount of )ylon Set $ produced 19#594 amount of )ylon =very polymer produced were observed of their featured and discussed The experiment was considered inaccurate References : A#B#:# 'ar!er( 'olymer ,hemistry( %pplied Science 'ublisher Btd# Bondon( 1962 C#5#D# ,owie( 'olymers E ,hemistry and 'hysics of 0odern 0aterial

Q& : 1# The reaction e@uilibrium for the production of )ylon -(-( nylon -(1" and )ylon -(11 are as follows E )ylon -(- E n+&)(,+& -)+& . n+**,(,+& 2,**+ )ylon -(1" E n+&)(,+& -)+& . n,l*,(,+& /,*,l )ylon -(11 E +--7--)+(,+& -)+*,(,+& /,*--8n--,l . &(n-1 +,l +--7--)+(,+& -)+*,(,+& 2,*--8n--*+ . &(n-1 +&*

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CHM3102 Polymers in Chemistry

n+&)(,+& -)+& . n+**,(,+& 9,**+

+--7--)+(,+& -)+*,(,+& 9,*--8n--*+ . &(n-1 +&*

&# )+&)(,+& -)+& . +examethylenediamine

n,l*,(,+& /,*,l Sebasil chloride

+---7)+(,+& -)+*,(,+& /,*8n---,l . &(n-1 +,l )ylon -(1" 'oly (hexamethylene sebasate

$# The same stoi!iometry was not re@uired for all reactants#

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