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In Devine Order ("Thy will be done") NESARA Announcement Everyday Draws s Nearer !estowed !

lessin"s Throu"h #reator $on %lanet Earth (&aia) I reali'ed that the dee$est s$iritual lessons are not learned by (is lettin" us have our way in the end) but by (is ma*in" us wait) bearin" with us in love and $atience until we are able to honestly $ray what (e tau"ht (is disci$les to $ray+ Thy will be done, -ove) -i"ht) (eart./elt &ratitude) A$$reciation) and !lessin"s to+ All "0hite (ats" (sur1ace) o1 the "-i"ht" All "%ositive" 2ilitary (sur1ace) o1 the "-i"ht" All &alactic !rethren (above earth) o1 the "-i"ht" All A"artha !rethren (inner earth) o1 the "-i"ht" All "-i"ht.wor*er !rethren (sur1ace) o1 the "-i"ht" 0orldwide #overa"e o1 2ass Arrest throu"h all media 1orms3 Television3 Radio) Internet) etc, 0orldwide %ublic Announcement o1 NESARA) which includes all #ountries o1 the 0orld) that will "/ormally sher" in "The &olden A"e" NESARA "Restores" Re$ublic 0orldwide) returns "Soverei"nty" to all %eo$le 0orldwide, %ublic Announcement o1 "Release" o1 "%ros$erity %ro"rams 0orldwide %ublic Announcement o1 "Revaluation o1 all 0orld4s currencies) all currencies will be bac*ed by $recious metals and or commodities, %ublic Announcement o1 "Release" o1 many) many su$$ressed advance technolo"ies) includin" "/ree Ener"y," %ublic Announcement o1 "/or"iveness o1 all Debt" includin"3 2ort"a"e Debt) #redit #ard Debt) #ar -oans Debt) Student -oan Debt) and much) much more, Those blessed with *nowin" the when) where) and how all will ta*e $lace) are sworn to secrecy) cannot and will not disclose, %lease utili'e "reat discernment with all those claimin" otherwise, National Economic Security and Re1ormation Act) a*a) NESARA) would $rovide immediate relie1 throu"h+ 1or"iveness o1 credit card and mort"a"e debt as remedy 1or ban* and "overnment 1rauds3 abolishes the IRS3 creates 1lat rate non.essential "new items only" sales ta53 initiates ,S, Treasury !an* system) which would absorb the /ederal Reserve3 restores #onstitutional law3 re6uires resi"nations o1 current administration to be re$laced by constitutionally acce$table NESARA $resident and vice $resident3 re6uires the NESARA $resident desi"nate to declare "$eace") and ends ,S, a""ressive military actions immediately, 0e on the sur1ace ($lanet earth &aia) have much to be "rate1ul o1 and "rate1ul 1or) let us raise our vibrations ("-i"ht7) to unite all "-i"ht," Don4t "believe" a word I say here8 $lease do your own search) re.search8 "See* and 9e Shall /ind," %eace) !lessin"s o1 -ove) &ood (ealth) :oy) (a$$iness and %ros$erity to 9ou and 9ours, 9our !rethren in "-i"ht" Event Situation $date See+ htt$+;;<=><$ortal,blo"s$ot,com;<=>?;><;event.situation.u$date,html

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