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Part 1
Understanding the Great Correction


Chapter 2
The Clash of Belief and Truth
The Paradox of the Human Mind
The Paradox of Popular Belief
Great Lies and Sacrosanct Beliefs
The Current Era of Universal Deceit
The Dangers of Living in Ignorance
Applying the Principles of Unbiased Criticism



vi The Great Correction

Self-Assessment: Part I


Part 2
Correcting our View of the World


Chapter 3
The Nature of the Universe
Expanding Reality beyond the Physical
Putting Influential Beliefs to the Test
The Wisdom of the Ancients
Understanding Divine Law


Chapter 4
The Chain of Cause and Effect
Understanding Human Destiny
Divine Law in Action
Self-Assessment: Part 2



Part 3
Correcting our View of Ourselves as Humans


Chapter 5
The Scale of Good and Evil
The True Nature of Man
The Greatest Weakness of the Human Species
Mans Ten Divine Virtues
Mans Six Principal Vices
Good and Evil as Mutually Exclusive States of Being
The Paradox of Human Brotherhood
The Paradox of Human Knowledge
The Illusion of Progress
Tempered and Untempered Human Reason
The Creation of Man


Chapter 6
Understanding American Slavery and its Effects
The Systematic Brainwashing and Enslavement of Man



American Slavery White Racists and the Negro

Myth-Based Racial Roles and Fraudulent Societies 124
The Handicap of the Typical U.S. Mentality
Chapter 7
Binding Ourselves to the True and the Good
Identifying Great Truths and Great Falsehoods
Identifying the Brainwashed and the Brainwashers
Man and woman: the First Team of Human Life
The Global Erosion of Male-Female Relations
Re-examining the Clash of Belief and Truth
The Paradox of Civilization


Applying the Principles of Unbiased Criticism


Self Assessment: Part 3


Part 4
A Critical Look at Mans Religious Heritage


Chapter 8
Blind Faith Monotheism
The Clash of Belief and Truth in Religion 163
Abuse of the Power of Belief in Religion 164
The Edicts of Theodosius
Monotheism and the Privatization of Religion
The Cult or Dictatorship of Prophet and Scripture
Blind Faith Monotheism and Racial Prejudice
Blind Faith Monotheism Imperialism and Slavery
Blind Faith Monotheism and Religious Intolerance
Blind Faith Monotheism and Totalitarianism
Blind Faith Monotheism and Weaponized Religion
The Historical versus the Mythical Jesus
The First Christian Bible
The Major Faults of Blind Faith Monotheism


Chapter 9
The Ancient Paganism



viii The Great Correction

Modern Evolution versus Ancient Creation Theory 214

The Sacred Science of the Ancients
The Origin of Religion
Religion Divided into Corrective Action and Mythology
The Significance of the Life Force in Religion
Religious Worship an Ancient Magical Practice
Pre-Pagan or Totemic Religion
Good-Shepherds versus Bad-Shepherds
Ancient Bad Habits Die Hard
The Exoteric versus the Esoteric in Religion
Understanding Supernaturalism
The Gods and Goddesses: Natures Laws Personified
The Pagan Doctrine of the Savior or the Redeemer
The Major Phases of the Ancient Paganism
The Major Faults of the Ancient Paganism
Applying the Principles of Unbiased Criticism
Notes 257
Index 259




Part 5
Universal versus Proprietary Religious Beliefs


Chapter 10
Paganism versus Monotheism
Why Organized Religions Must Change Over Time 1
The Universality of Solar Paganism
Idolatry Intrinsic to Supernatural Religion
Dualism in Monotheism
The Limits of Supernatural Religion
All Religions Essentially the Same
The Hidden Scientific Foundation of Religion
The Fallacy of New and Improved Religions
Monotheisms God Derived from Paganism
African Paganism in the Americas
Monotheism a Modified Paganism
Chapter 11
Correcting Our View of God and Nature
The Origin of the Universe
The Concept of the Fundamental Truth
True Divinity versus Mythical Divinity
Nature: The Divine Interface


vi The Great Correction

The Supreme God Theory


Chapter 12
Returning to True Religion
Bringing Truth Back to Religion
Learning to do the Work of Man, not God 74
Know Thyself
Religion and the Programming of the Human Mind
Moving Beyond Supernatural Religion
The Major Precepts of True Religion
Self-Assessment: Part 5


Part 6
Correcting Our View of Politics


Chapter 13
The Driver Seat of Human Life
Human Polities and the Power of Belief
Tribes and Ethnicities as Political Constructs 93
Religion and Politics: A Symbiotic Relationship
Religions Effect: More Political than Supernatural
Politics and the Struggle between Good and Evil
The Concept of the True Political Condition
The Age-Old Agenda of Organized Evil
Chapter 14
Good and Evil as Political
States of Being
The Two Possible Types of Human Government
The Master-Slave Paradigm
Politics and the Power of Belief
States of Health and Sickness in the Human Polity
The Three Human Social Models
The Well-Defined Human Polity
The Paradox of Power




Chapter 15
Acquiring Genuine Political Acumen
The Clash of Belief and Truth in Politics 142
The Modern Hoaxocracy
The Modern Kindergarten State
U.S. Capitalism or Monopolism
The Illusion of Progress in Politics
The Fraud of Contemporary Representative Democracy
The Myth of the Emperors New Clothes
The Illusion of Political Freedom
Understanding Imperialism: Ancient Rome
The Age-Old Racket of War
Chapter 16
True Politics and the Great Game 187
The Major Precepts of True Politics 193
Waking Up to the Great Game
Self-Assessment: Part 6


Part 7
Applying Correctionism in Everyday life 213
Chapter 17
Acquiring the Big Picture Perspective


Chapter 18
Graduating to a More Effective
Way of Living
A Brief Review
Working From the Inside Out
Cultivating Self-Control
The Eight Motives
Rightly Judging Man and His Works
Identifying Good and Evil in Everyday Life 239
Key Benefits of the Great Correction
Mankind at a Critical Crossroads










oday we live in a world that has literally been turned

upside-down where humanity appears to have badly
lost its way. We humans have arrived at this point after
several thousand years of massive mistakes and crimes. Ironically, much attention has been given to mans corruption and
distortion of the natural environment, yet little or no attention
has been given to mans corruption and distortion of important
institutions such as religion, politics and science. This has resulted in the wholesale deception and manipulation of mankind
as well as an alarming degeneration in human life. This book is
based on the brutal reality that much of what weve been taught
in key areas for thousands of years up to today is wrong. It addresses this problem by rethinking some of mans most important beliefs and institutions. In light of current realities, nothing
could be more appropriate.
Four decades of direct experience as a traditional African priest
and independent philosopher have led me to the ideas presented herein. My background has required me to delve deeply into
the topics covered; it has also taught me the vital importance of
thinking for oneself. This book posits the idea that not only can
humanity lose its way but also that it must be prepared to correct itself whenever this occurs.

x The Great Correction

Humans are most certainly thinkers when they want to be;

however, due to current social conventions, people are generally becoming less inclined to think for themselves. This makes
it more likely that they will sink deeper into deception and
manipulation rather than rise above them. At present there are
many influential people and organizations that intentionally
or unintentionally discourage people from thinking for themselves. For mankind questioning influential beliefs is sooner or
later unavoidable; we neglect this vital necessity at our collective peril. At the Institute for African American Thought and
Philosophy (IAATP) based in Miami, Florida, our mission is:
To contribute to the building of a better world through the
medium of independent thought and philosophy.
This project readily lent itself to a philosophical approach, yet
it also required an unobstructed vista on reality. One need look
no further than the African American Experience for just such
a vantage point. Most people are familiar with the conventional
view of the Black Experience in the Western Hemisphere yet
few realize its true significance. It is well known that millions of
African captives were forcibly transported to the Americas during the Atlantic Slave Trade. It is equally well known that they
and their descendents endured centuries of slavery and racism.
If we focus on the U.S. chapter of this saga, it usually culminates in the Civil Rights Movement and the end of Jim Crow
segregation during the 1960s.
The Great Correction, however, is based on a total rethink of
key beliefs and institutions; hence, the Black Experience and
similar events become the key to a better understanding of the
Human Experience. Few think of the Black Experience in this
light, yet when viewed realistically, it is the epitome of the story
of humanity over the last several thousand years and counting. Moreover, the brutal realities of the last five centuries have
made the plight of Black people an accurate indicator of the
true condition of humanity itself. The Great Correction not
only makes us wiser it is an idea whose time has come.



In acknowledging the legacy of American slavery and racism, I

would also like to make something perfectly clearon this path
we dont play the blame game, nor do we play the victim game
because we have far bigger fish to fry. The goal is nothing short
of attaining a higher-level understanding of human life for the
benefit of humanity as a whole. Regardless of your ethnic background, if you agree that mankind is in serious need of better
perspectives, then you will find this work of great help. This is
not a book about Black History per se, but a book that utilizes
the Black Experience and other relevant events to achieve a
higher-level understanding of the Human Experience.
Furthermore, this book teaches the philosophy of the Great
Correction or Correctionism. This philosophy takes a critical
look at key human beliefs and institutions over the last several
thousand years up to the present. This period is characterized
by the massive corruption and moral decay of vital institutions
including civilization itself. Largely because of this, the vast
majority of mankind now suffers from wholesale deception and
manipulation. Human history during this period is not so much
about mankind progressing towards better and better things
as is commonly believed; on the contrary, it is about humanity
drifting farther and farther down the path of criminality and
error. In Correctionism we move from a belief-based view of
human life to a more accurate structure-based view.
This is rooted in the concept that human life is essentially a
truth or reality based system with an inherent structure and
balance. However, mankind has a propensity to distort or evade
reality; so the most influential human belief systems often
suffer from this fault and are often hegemonic. These systems
are known for theorizing and see it as paramount. Hence, they
usually focus on certain proprietary theories or beliefs. On the
other hand, the inherent structure of human life is not readily apparent. In reality, it is best ascertained by moving beyond
current established belief systems. Therefore, structure-based
systems like Correctionism are primarily concerned with getting to the bottom of things; they tend to focus on universal

xii The Great Correction

truths. Correctionism sees this as mans best option because

human life is more about structure and balance than popular
beliefs and dogma.
In the most influential belief systems, such as organized religion, mainstream politics and mainstream science, the most
important issue is orthodoxy or political correctness. These
systems are also known for persecuting dissent. In the Great
Correction, by contrast, the most important issue is getting as
close as possible to the Truth.
The Great Correction is badly needed today because after
several thousand years of massive mistakes and crimes, mankind
has stumbled into the current era of universal deceit and utter
contempt for the Truth. Better perspectives are now needed
that elevate mans level of awareness which has been far too
low since ancient times. These perspectives must also address
the principal stumbling blocks for our species. The teachings
presented herein more than meet these requirements.
This book is by no means for everyone because elevating our
level of awareness requires questioning influential traditional
and modern beliefs. This is something that many people are
unwilling or unable to do. The Truth, however, is of vital importance in this current era of universal deceit. To this end, this
book is also a self-directed philosophical inquiry which applies
philosophy to everyday life. This makes it relevant and accessible to those who may be more accustomed to viewing philosophy as something far removed from everyday life. Regardless
of your views on philosophy, if you are interested in acquiring a
better understanding of the world and mankind and willing to
question established belief systems, this book is for you.
In the pages that follow our inquiry commences with the idea
that much of what people have been taught in key areas for
thousands of years up to today is wrong. On this path our mandate is to find our way back to the Truth in key human beliefs
and institutions. This is undoubtedly a task for the genuine



truth-seeker, so those who will benefit most from this book understand that few actually seek the Truth because few can actually handle it. The Great Correction affords us an opportunity
to achieve much needed change for the better, one individual
at a time. It addresses the following key issues which are applicable to all mankind:
The vital importance of building a world view based on the
collective experience of the many rather than the powerful
That ethnic and cultural traditions are neither infallible nor
set in stone and may require periodic correction over time
That any group is benefited by enlightened and virtuous
That although humanity has been adversely affected by
various forms of brainwashing we dont have to remain this
Hopelessness in the face of the worlds many problems is certainly a common perception, yet this is not how things have to
be. The problems plaguing humanity today are certainly formidable, but understanding such problems is exactly what our
minds were made for. Even non-philosophers can understand
these issues if they are willing and able to challenge themselves
to think independently.
In conventional thinking the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is
considered of the utmost importance. On the path of the Great
Correction we are concerned with something that is arguably
even more importantthe Capacity for Independent Thought
(CIT). Among the goals of this book is to give your CIT a serious workout.
The great problems of human life affect all mankind; they also
have roots in the realm of ideas and often go back for thousands
of years. Moreover, history has conclusively proven that mans
greatest problems cant be effectively addressed by more con-

xiv The Great Correction

ventional means such as organized religion, mainstream politics

or mainstream science. Of all the arts and sciences, philosophy
offers a more effective approach because mans greatest problems cant be properly addressed until they are truly understood. After millennia of massive mistakes and crimes, erroneous beliefs now dominate human life. What better way to
overcome this problem than by learning a new philosophy that
puts some of the most influential beliefs of mankind to the test?
Today nothing could be more appropriate.
Through the challenging inquiry that follows, may we also realize and overcome the often vast difference between what most
people believe is true in this world and what's actually true.
These are two entirely different things which under no circumstances should ever be confused. Undoubtedly, providing better
perspectives for humanity and elevating human awareness in
key beliefs and institutions will be among the great challenges
of the 21st century. We are about to embark on the path of the
Great Correctiona way of truth in this era of universal deceit
which helps rectify major errors in how people commonly see
man and his world.
O.S. Ekunkonye
Founder, IAATP

Chapter 1
Embarking Upon the Path

e shall begin this journey by defining the Great

Correction. Briefly put, it is the process of placing
the Truth in its rightful position over and above all
human systems of belief regardless of the source. It is certainly
safe to say that human life today cant truly be understood
unless this critical adjustment is made. Moreover, the Great
Correction teaches a philosophy called Correctionism that
challenges us to see things as they really are, free of the typical
prejudices and distortions. For this reason, Correctionism holds
that human life is more about structure and balance than popular beliefs and dogma.
One of the most important structural elements of human life
is its binary nature. Thus, mans earthly life takes place on two
opposing tracksthe right track and the wrong track. The
right track of human life is synonymous with truth while the
wrong track of human life is synonymous with falsehood. We
humans operate on both the right track and the wrong track,
yet our greatest troubles arise when too many of us get on the
wrong track. This upsets one of the most important balances of
human lifethat which exists between good and evil. Mankind
winds up on the wrong track primarily by succumbing to erroneous beliefs.

Understanding the Great Correction

When man is on the wrong track he is more inclined to suppress the Truth and block out reality; in this state the most
influential beliefs are usually seen as more important than the
Truth. This has led to the gross corruption and distortion of
some of mans most vital institutions as well as the general deception and manipulation of mankind. Man can operate on the
wrong track for thousands of years before he runs into serious
trouble. It takes a long time for humanitys errors to become
massive or too enormous to hide or ignore. We are now living
in such a time; today mankind is confronted by rising problems in many areas for which there are no viable conventional
solutions. Furthermore, key institutions like religion, politics
and science no longer work as they were originally intended.
This has resulted in an alarming degeneration in human life.
Rethinking how we commonly view the world and mankind is
now of the utmost importance.
While all readers are welcome on this journey, my message will
be especially relevant to the student of Correctionism. Many of
the things related in the following pages I know to be true from
personal experience or available evidence, yet the Great Correction is based on a self-directed learning program. Students
are encouraged to question and verify the teachings for themselves as needed. Genuine truth-seeking tends to foster agreement rather than disagreement because it usually leads people
to similar conclusions.
This path requires familiarity with a new and diverse terminology that facilitates thinking beyond erroneous traditional and
modern beliefs. It is, therefore, helpful to get acquainted with
the terminology of Correctionism early on. To this end, an
extensive glossary is provided at the end of Volume Two. As we
embark the path of the Great Correction, we must first ask two
important questions:
Why is there so much misery in human life?
What can people do to actually make the world a better

One Embarking Upon the Path 3

Among the primary goals of Correctionism is cultivating the

will and courage required to firmly establish oneself in the
Truth. Both will and courage are instrumental in overcoming
major obstacles such as deeply engrained prejudice and erroneous popular beliefs. When I speak of firm establishment in the
Truththis refers to an enhanced ability to distinguish great
truth from great falsehood. Answers to the foregoing questions
can also be obtained in addition to a higher-level understanding
of human life.
In Correctionism we learn the vital importance of truth and
truth-seeking; many today view these ideas as abstract philosophical concepts with little relevance to everyday life. On the
contrary, truth and truth-seeking are just as important to everyday life as they are to philosophy, yet for most people this isnt
readily apparent. Philosophical inquiry need not be limited to
philosophers nor need it be abstruse or irrelevant because it is
most valuable when applied to everyday life.
The Principal Stumbling Blocks for Our Species
When we move from a belief-based world-view to a structurebased world-viewwe move from blindly adhering to how
humans believe things ought to be to acknowledging how
things actually are and why. There is, in reality, quite a difference between the two points of view. When we look at things
as they really are, we become aware of certain problems and
paradoxes that are inherent to human life. These issues are usually overlooked or ignored due to mans propensity to distort or
evade reality. In Correctionism these particular problems and
paradoxes form the principal stumbling blocks for our species.
Humans are routinely tripped up by these obstacles in everyday
life. We will begin our study of these issues in the next chapter.
Moreover, additional man-made stumbling blocks for our species have been created by the gross corruption and distortion of
the following key ancient and modern institutions:

4 Understanding the Great Correction

This has largely been the work of hegemonic belief systems
which continue to dominate human life. Mankind, for the most
part, is unable to think outside of the influential beliefs disseminated by the foregoing institutions; therefore, humanity has
been traumatized by repetitive cycles of massive lying, robbing
and killing for roughly the last six thousand years up to today.
Because of a primary emphasis on orthodoxy or political correctness, mans most influential belief systems often distort or
evade reality for their own ends. Because of a primary emphasis
on truth or reality, the Great Correction seeks to get to the bottom of things.
Massive Human Error
Rather than distort or evade the more difficult realities of human life those on this path seek to better understand them. It
is through such understanding that we may truly grasp what it
means to be a human being as well as the essential ground rules
of human life. It is often difficult for us to fully appreciate the
grave challenges and responsibilities confronting living, breathing humans. Moreover, such an achievement demands that we
seek answers to difficult questions such as:
What are the consequences for mankind when men commit
massive mistakes and crimes over long periods of time?
Because of the criminal use of nations, many great mistakes
and crimes have been perpetrated on earth yet often called
progress. Correctionism focuses the reality of the last six thousand years of human history up to the present. The prevailing
criminality of this critical time-span is probably older than the

End of Excerpt

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