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Do you realize what the specifrc ,l0g prorised true Christians in the World Tomorrow is? Are you preparing for it intelligently and realistically?
by RoderickC. Meredith

ms is a HELL-BENT wonlo! Again, He said: "To him that and all dominionsshall serveand With the stark specterof ovERcoMErH will I grantto sit with obeyhim" (Dan.7:27). worldwide with the infamine. me in my throne.. . " (Rev 3:21). Goalof a True Christlan. Accordcreasing amountof crime and vioSharing His throne, of course, ing to the Bible, then, what is the lenceof all descriptions - with the would denotesharing in the ruling. real colL of the Christian? steppedup tempo of racial conflict, The man or woman who overIt is, through the acceptance of the skyroc,keting incidence of porno- ': comes, then,who yieldsto God and JesusChrist as personalSavior, to graphy and FILru, and the break- MASTERS the temptations and pulls be forgiven his past sins-his nrdown of respect for all law and Af the flesh-this person will be givBELLToN against the government constitutedauthority-it should be en the tremendous opportunityof and laws of God. "For sin rs the obvious that this world needs RULTNG the nations transgression of this earthunof the law" (I John straightening out! der the personaldirection of Jesus 3:4).Next, throughthe powerof the But How? And by wHorrl? Christ! Holy Spirit given by Christ, he Men have been experimenting Although few professing Chris- strivesto cRow spiritually,to be an and theorizing with solutions to tians today seemto realizeit, your ovERcoMER-masteringhis vain, world problemsfor about six thouwith this Bible is literallysaturated lustful, lawlesshuman nature and sandyearsof recorded history.And message! yieldingto let God makehim Rr to the war-torn, hate-filled,divided, *' This ISthe TRUE GosPEL-thesood be a xlNc. starving world you seearound you " newsof the comin g world-ruling-govRemember, rulershipwith Christ and read about is-to a large exernment of Jesus Christ e,NoHIs splnis givenonly "to him that OvERCOMtent-the RESULT of man'sendeav- rr-BoRN sArNrs!The Apostle Paultold rru" (Rev.3:21). ors. Man's endeavors, that is, apart the brethren at Corinth: "Do ye not God's way is to choosethe most know that the saintsshalljudge the capable personsfor the job among from GOD! The greatest Prophet who ever world?andif theworldshallbejudged those who are surrendered to His liveddescribed our day: "But as the by you, are ye.unworthyto judge the rule. In choosingrulers and judges daysof Noah were,so shallalsothe smallest matters?Knowve notthatwe over Israel, Moses was instructed: coming of the Son of man be" -shatl judge angelsi" (I Cor. "Moreoverthou shalt provideout of (Matt. 24:37\. In the Genesis ac6:2-3.1 all the people ABLEmen, such as countof thosedaysbeforethe flood, In Revelation 5:10,the true saints fear God, men of truth, hating covewe read: "The earth also was corare picturedas rejoicingthat Christ tousness; and placesuchover them, rupt beforeGod, and the earth was has redeemedthem, "And hast to be rulersof thousands. and rulers filledwith vroLENcE" (Gen.6:l l). made us unto our God kings and of hundreds,rulers of fifties. and Yes,just like today! priests:and wE SHALLRErcN oN of tens" (Ex. l8:21). Lulers 'What is GOD'S Solution? The T HE EART H.'O The conl of the true Christian is destinyof man-as purposed by his The ProphetDaniel described Nor to "roll aroundheaven the all day"! Creator-is to join the God Family comingrule of Christ and His saints It is not to strum idly on a harpin ruling this world and later, the on earth AFTER the soon-coming rewatchingthe fleecycloudsgo by! It entireuNrvnnsn! vival of the Roman Empire in Euis to nuln with Christ on rHrs JesusChrist promised: "And he rope is crushed."And the kingdom EARrH-making it a beautiful,hapthat ovERcourrH and keepeth my and dominion,and the greatness py, productive and peaceful place of works unto the end. to him will I the kingdom under the whole heav- for the millions of our children and give powerover the nations:and he en, shall be given to the peopleof grandchildren who will live over shall nulu them with a rod of the saintsof the most High, whose into the World Tomorrow! iron . . . " (Rev. 2:26-27). kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, Every thinking personshouldbea


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gin getting ready to attain THAr cort-! We should askour Cteatorto helpmakeus nrr to join the saints in rulingthisworldunderJesus Christ. God has set His true ministers to help His peopleattain the coAL. They are to teachand inspireGod's peopleto cRow sPrRrruALLY more like Christ in everyway, "Until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,unto a PERFECT man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ" (Eph.4:13). But How do webecome /ifte Christ? Wheredo we sncIN?Are theredefinite nnnesof life we shouldconcentrateonimproving? Certainly! Thereareat least sEVEN AREAS of life which needspecial development if you are to be qualified for nuLrnsHrp under Jesus Christ. Study them. Developthem. PREPnRE, now, to be a King under JesusChrist and to straighten out this world's ness Goo's way! l. Develop the MIND of a Klng. Certainlythe most importantthing that separates us from the dumb brutesis the humanmind. Through it we have creative powers which, though limited, are like those of God Himself.Also.we havethe capacity of learning and acting on spiritual truths-even when these go againstthe normal lust of our fleshand brain.We havethe capacity of oEcrsroN. We can REsrsr the wrongand we can cHoosE to do the good. - Besides the total surrender of wil/ demandedof all true Christians, the most important mental quality needed by a ruler in God's government is wtsoou. This is the ability to takeall factors of any given situationinto properconsideration and then make the right is the mostimportantsingle quality really neededin any high government office. Other men may supply the technical knowledge of how to produce an H-bomb,but it is up to the heads of state to have the wisdom not to use it to blast human life off this planet! Knowledge,of course,is merely the possession of various facts and bits of information. Understanding is a tremendously importantmental and spiritualgift. It involves the ca-

pacity to grasp the true principles and laws which govern success or failurein life, and the true coem of life. Understandingalso involvesa graspof the true origin and outcome of things-why we are here, why thingsare the way they are in this world, what is the purposeof life and whereare we headed? This kind of complete understanding,of course,is a gift from the Creator.But an importantmeasure of true understanding is sometimesgivento human leaders in this worldsuchasSir WinstonChurchill who spokeof "the great PURPoSE and DEsIGN" beingworkedout here below. To be a leader in the World Tomorrow, then, you should seek most of all for wisdom and understanding, and then diligently acquire such knowledgeas is useful and necessary in order to be a true Christian and a real help to others in this life. The Eternal God says: "Wisdom is the principal thing; gel wISDoM: therefore and with all t-hy getting get understanding" (Prov.4:7). Learn to be alert and to exercise perceptionin discerningthe trends and the motivesin the situations around you. Learn also to seethe BIc PIcruRr. Br ABLETo vIEw

eral one.And that you NEED To BE pnnpnnno! ll. Glorify God in Your Body. The human body is called, in the Bible, the "temple" of God'sSpirit (I Cor. 6:I 9). We are madein the outwardform and shape of God-though He is composed of Spirit and we are composedof rotting, decayingcorruptible flesh. But the responsibilityof caring for this physicalbody-preservingit intact, keeping it in wellconditioned, vibrant, vigorous health, keeping it graceful and lithe, keepingit physicallyclean and mor4lly pure-this responsibilityis a VITAL part of the basic character training requiredby Almighty God for all potential Kings in His sooncomingkingdom! We modernshave been entirely too lax and lazy in caring for our bodies.Millions evenin our Western world are soon going to have that lesson BURNED into their hearts and mindsas the epidemic of heart attacks,cancerand other "modern" diseases brought on by our way of livingl.akes its toll-and is suddenly multiplied by the prophesieddisease epidemics that will soon be ragingup and down the land! Many of our troublesare caused by frustrated, confused,tormented EACH PROB LE M. TR IA L OR S ITU A minds-which in turn cause or T ION IN R E LA TION TO ITS R E LA TIV E heavily contribute to more bodily TMPoRTANcE rN youR whole urn, ills than most peopleeven begin to tun whole world xvo EvEN THE realize.The maintenance of a dywhole universe!Be stc-minded. namic,positiveand cheerfuloutlook Don't let little things upsetor disis most important in maintaining turb your judgment. physical health. God instructsus: "Let this mind Anotherkeystone of healthwhich be in you, which was alsoin Christ most people"know about" but do (Phil 2:5).Certainly Jesus" practicalf y NorHrNGaboutis proper even the humanJesus, mind wasBIc_praC_ diel. Millions-especially in Ameriticed in the exercise of understand- ca- are going on variousdiets and ing, wisdom, and self-control. "cures" for an overweight condition. Ask Gon to help you exercise But very few indeed are carefully qualities these of the mind of Christ. assuring themselves that they get Study God's Word to learn more enough of the NATURAL healthabout them. Read widely-espebuilding elementsin their diet to cially the writingsand examples of build radiant health and guard the truly great men of historywho against sickness. And, of course, have had, at least in degree,these mostof us needto befar more carementalqualities. ful about our intake of refined This article givesa brief overview starches,sugars, fats and greases. of Ihe wholepicture. It shouldhelp These items need to be cut vrny you to seethe many facetsof ovEnLow not only to guard againstobecoMINGthat are needed-and the sity, but to avoid a high cholesterol fact that the coAL of the true Chriscontent in the bloodstreamleading tian is a very positiveand a very litto possible heart attock, and alsoto

persuasive personality prevent the ruining of many a stoas long as these didn't conflict with and ctvr of the laws of God. They would worft himselfto others. mach! hard six days-producing uucH In preparingto become a literal Regular, vigorous exercise is angovern- PRosPERITY. KtNc in God'ssoon-coming And they would rest other vital keystonein building and ment,learnto cIVE of your person- on the seventh day, worshiping the ma i n taining r adi a n t h e a l th . ality warmth and genuinefriendli- Creator God and renewing not only Hundreds of fine exercise programs ness their physical strength but their to others! are available. It is the wrlt- to follV. Develop the CHARACTER spiritual energies and convictions. low them which is sadly lacking. of a (Y ou mi ght w ri te for our r nnr King. The development of right But one who would be a leader, a characteris paramount for anyone booklet Which Day Is the Christian King, must have vibrant health and in a position The honSabbath?) Murder would be practiof rulership. energy if he is to command the whole-hearted respect and admiraesty,purity, fairness, self-discipline cally unheard oJ. Divorce, broken homes and crime would soon beand lovs exemplified in the life of a tion of his people. He needsthis to possi- come almosl obsolete. king or ruler is the strongest be constantly "on top" of every trial And in their rainfall, their overall ble influenceon his subjectsto be and problem-dominating and acweather, their crops and the entire this way themselves. tively lrnoING as a king should. Throughout the historyof ancient produce of their fields and forests, In this physical life, your health lakes and streams,plus the fabulous Israelin the Old Testament, the inhas a tremendous effect on the zeal wealth of their underground respired Record shows again and a n d e ner gy wit h w h i c h y o u a p p ro a c h ev en m ent a l o r s p i ri tu a l againthat the entirenationfollowed sources, they would be slnssro with problems.And the Godly character the exampleof its king's personal overflowing wealth and riches. you develop through DrscrPLrNrNc honesty, moralityand willingness Fantastic? to N ot at al l ! follow and osrv the Eternal God. this physical body will be vital to your future as a king! When the king was a murderer, For this describes literally what (More information on this subwhoremonger i s prophesi ed to happen in t he or idolator,the vast ject is contained in our free booklet , majority of the peoplefollowed his World Tomorrow when kings and governors over nations will be leadderelict example.When any king Principles of Healthful Living.) yielded himself wholeheartedly lll. Develop the Personality of a to ling their peoplein rsn wnv of God! the Eternal to walk in His comFor when leaders everywhere have King. The next point to develop is your personality. A friendly interest mandments,statutes and judgthe character to discipline themments,the entire nation was swept selves, to worship and oerv the in and an outgoing concern for by this sentiment and quicklybegan Creator-living by ALL rEN of the others is a tremendousasset to any potential leader. For a leader is one to experiencethe sr-EssrNcs and Ten Commandments-then the truprotection who lenos-not of the Creator. one who shouts ly "great society" will be estabPeople do follow their leaders. lished on this earth under the /iving and screams or physically forces his ideas on others. The basis of e,ll true character is JesusC hri st. The outgoing concern, the courfound in Matthew 22:35-40 in your For an extremely helpful, readBible.It is Jesus age, the dynamic enthusiasm and Christ'sanswerto able and detailed exolanationof this ringing conviction of Sir Winston the question of which is the "great basis of all right character,write for commandment." He said: "Thou Churchill for the cause of Britain our FREE,fully illustrated booklet, shaltlovethe Lord thy God with all The Ten Commandments. and free peoples everywhere was a thy heart,and with all thy soul,and V . D evel op Y our FA MILY LI FE. truly powerful factor-all by itwith all thy mind. This is the first self-in helping to prepare the way If we human beings are in training for Allied victory in the Second and great commandment. And the to be literal Kings in the soon-comWorld War. Dozens of times, in secondis like unto it, Thou shalt ing government of God, what better fact, the history of entire nations lovethy neighbor as thyself." training could we have in guiding, has been affected and altered by the protecting and, in great love, nuLIf any national leader truly personality of their LEADERS. yieldedhimself to the will of His INc ovER human beings than with "A merry heart doeth good like a Creator-the God of Abraham,Isour own children and families? medicine: but a broken spirit drieth wouldbe aacand Jacob-his people The fact is that each family is like the bones" (Prov. 17:22). This stateblessedindeed. If such a leader a miniature kingdom. It should be me n t in G od' s W o rd s h o w s th e .-.wouldfollow, obey and woRSHrp ruled over-but by a father and a powerful effect of a happy, positive the true God with ALL Hrs BETNG, mother who truly t-ovn each other frame of mind not only on one'sself, the character,accomplishments, and work together to set the right but on othersl happiness and prosperity of his naattitudes and patternsof behaviorin "A man that hath friends must tion would be absolutelyand littheir home. show himself friendly: and there is a erally incredible. The father should play the part of friend that sticketh closer than a Following his example, his people a strong, wise, masculine, yet probrother" (Prov. 18:24). To inspire would becomehonest, fair to each tective and beneficent King. The his subordinates other and completelyloyal to their and command their mother is his Queen-set 6ys1 ths respect and loyalty, a real leader king. They would honor their parhousehold affairs and exercising her certainly will cultivate a friendly ents.obevthe laws of the nationresponsibilitieswith love and wis-

dom, and in completeaccordwith wishes. her husband's The childrenare taught,trained, nurtured and disciplined for rsetn are cooD. Familydutiesand chores alloted to each member of the Family play and recreahousehold. to which everyone tion is something looksforward.There is order,harin this miniamony, and discipline ture kingdom.There is rov. And thereis PEAcE. A beautiful descriptionof this type of family "kingdom" is extendedto the man who obeysGod: "Thy wife shallbe as a fruitful vine thy chilby the sides of thine house: dren like olive irlantsround about thy table" (Ps. 128:3). In anticipationof your ultimate GoAL, go to work and build lftis area of your fife. UnderstandGod's purpose in it-and be.slessEo. Vl. Grow in SERVICE and LEADERSHIP. Jesus Christ will soonreturn to this earth with majestic PowER to rule this earthas King of kings and Lord of lords. Tremenwill accompany doustrumpetblasts His return. His face will shinelike the sun in full strength. Men will neveragain talk about whetherGod is "dead"! Rather, they will finallywakeup to the fact that human life did not just "happen."They will stand in awe and nrnn of their Creator! In person, Christ will nulr this earth at last! But wHY doesHe want to rule? What is His ruorrvr? He will do it in orderto saveman from blastinghimselfoff this planet. He will do it in order to bring about peace,happiness, and prosperity. In a word, He will do it in orderto sERVE His own Creationthe humanrace. In His earthly ministry, Jesus taught: "Whosoeverwill be great amongyou, let him be your minister: And whosoever will be chief amongyou,let him be yourservant" (\{att. 20:26-27\. Jesus' entiremopeople tive in ruling and directing is to help and ssRvethem.It is Nor to "shos off." exalt the self. or crush othersdown through human pride and vanit;-. It is onll' to help them,Iift them up. pointthem in the right direction for their ou'n good.

ouR MorlvE, This shouldbecome always. In this life, then,we shouldcultivate the attitude and HngIt of snnvrce and LEADERsHIP-leading only So think ahead,be in orderto serve. alert to the opportunitiesyou may the welfareof your haveto advance family, your friends, your group. your time and Learn to concentrate in thoseareaswhere you energies are just naturally able to leadand abilwhereyour naturaltalents ities are greater.Be willing to take it affords the lowest job first-if your felyou an opportunity to serve lowman. Master that responsibiligreater opportunitiesof - ty-then will present serviceand leadership themselves. In the attitudeof serving others, in carrylearnto leadand dominate ing out any of your responsibilities at work, at home,in your club or group. By friendliness, enthusiasm, preparation and oRIvE, confidence, learn to lead othersin the right way THEM. and thussERVE Christian leadership based on preparasERvrcE is the bestpossible tion for your job as a King under 'JesusChrist in the World Tomorrow! Vll. Seek and Learnto EXERCISE the POWERof God. In preparing to be a literal King in Christ'ssoonof coming government, awareness God'spowen an ability to exercise vital. For althoughwe is absolutely are not givenanywherenear the depower in this gree of supernatural we life aswe will in God'sKingdom, certainly need to becomefamiliar with it, appreciate it, and learn to the wisdom,patience, and exercise in exercising it that we self-control should. It is sad but true that many of you readerswill simply not know what I "mean" by God'spower.For most professingChristians today think that it is a sort of generalized "force for good," or that it is a type Pentecostal of so-called emotionalism which involvesshouting and screaming, chills up and down the spineand other productsof crowd psychology and mass hysteria.Or perhaps, many of you will have no clear-cut ideaof what it is. The ApostlePaul prophesied that this would be so. He warned:"This

know also, that in the last days periloustimes shall come. For men shall be loversof their own selves, covetous,boasters,proud, blasphemers.. . Having aform of godthe pownn therelinessbut denying of: from such turn awey" (lI Tim. 3:I -5). But what is the true exerciseof that power? It is, first and most important of all, the spiritual strengthof character that enables the truly converted HIS owN Christian to ovERCoME

God putting His very own nature in us throughthe pownn of His Holy Spirit! The Apostle Peter speaksof the preciouspromisesgiven us, "That by theseye might be partakers of the orvlNs NATURE..." (II Pet. l:4). Pauldescribes the Divinehelpwe receive through the Holy Spirit: "For God hath not givenus the spirand of love, it of fear;but of PowER, mind" (II Tim. l:7). andof a sound As begotten sonsof God, we receive His very nature. This gives us-as we yield to God and grow spiritually-the spiritual strength to inMAsTER creasingly the wrong ways, habits, lusts and vanities that beseemed impossibleto overcome fore. This powrn comesfrom personal, direct, yielded contact with the God of the Bible-the God of Peter and Paul-the God of Jesus Christ. Notice the illuminatingaccountin Mark l:32-35.Jesus had beencasting out demons and healing every sickness and,every disease of those who came to Him. Then: "And in the morning,risingup a greatwhile before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and therePRAYED," in Jesusspent countless HoURS communion with the Father. He walkedwith God, talkedwith God, yieldedHis will to God and osrYro His commandments. He was Godcentered----constantly seekingin all in God's thingsto be an instrument hands.And so the powrn of God's Holy Spirit literally surgedthrough Him like a torrentand cntnt utucLESwere performed! That is the "key" to this facet of

ator God is corNc to straighten exercising God's power! (To find things out through the direct nulr, out more about God's power and the government of the /iving Jesus how you can exercise that power in your own life, be sureto requestour Christ and His spirit-born saints. Then, as the world begins to cofree reprintentitled "How You Can Be Imbued With the Power of operate, there will be permanent peace, prosperity and deep rov. God.") Act on These Points. Remember, Those who assist Jesus Christ in though, this world nE,c,LLy needs straightening out this world's staggering problemswillneed tobe dedstraighteningout! Whether this world believes icated and snLeNcEo leaders.They it or not, likes it or will be those who-as zealousdedinot, prepares for it or not, the Cre-

cated Christians in this life-understood and AcrED on the matter of glorifying God in the development of mind, body, personality, character, family life, service and leadership, and in'seeking and exercising the POWER of God. So go to work on these qualities. Carefully read and study the following articles which magnify several of these vital points. Prepare, now, to be a King! l


Do you have the capacity to inspire-to influence-to to building a powerful and eftective personality-and
A n ew age is c om i n g . A n d th e right kind of LEADERS are goA L to be needed.Those who ^ins haveproied the Word of God-who know that the Bible says what it means, and means what it saysrealize that Christians are now in training to be those leaders.Notice Revelation 2:26-27: "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:And he shall R UL E t hem wit h a ro d o f i ro n .... " But in the World Tomorrow, as today, you can either lead people, or you can DRIVEthem. You can cause them to want to follow you, or you ca n MA K Et hem . Which is it going to be? When Jesus spoke, the people were warmed and inspired. The jealous, bickering religious leaders of His day were fearful lest the whole nation begin to follow Him (Jo h n ll: 48) . His t ea c h i n ga n d H i s personality had such a profound effect on people that His disciplesremarked: "Did not our heart BURN within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?" (Luke 24:32.) He re ar e t hos e " k e v s " J e s u s

lead others for good? Here are vital KEYS to making your life more abundant!
friendship that will enduremany a trial. And you yourself will be the one mostblessed in the end. All of us shouldlearn to st',ttLn more!We shouldput more warmth and enthusiasm in our voices and in our handshakes. We shouldbuild a sincerefeelingof empathyor "atoneness" with our fellowmen-having rnetn welfareand tHErn happiness at heartas much as our own. This quality of outgoinginterest and warmth toward others is the snslsfor the typeof personal charm and magnetism we all desire.It is, of course,basedon sincereLovr toward God and fellowman-the kind of love that cannot be mimicked or "put on." So don't try to. But oo exercise the faith and cheerfully expressthe love you do feeland go to Almighty God and ask Him for more! Learn to think of love and warmth as something you ctvE, not get. For, to quote a popularsong, love is more real "when you ctve it away." ll. Build Zest and Humor into Your Life. Oneof the mostendearing qualities in 2 man-sspeciallya leader-is the ability to seethe humorousside of things, even about

had-five of the.m-to help build a powerful personality-the personality of a rtNc. l. Develop an Outgoing Interest and Warmth for Others. What is the thing that strikes you most aboutsomeone who easilywinsyour loveand respect? Chancesare, it is the sincere warmth and affectionhe'shows. It may be the light in his eyesor his smile.It will ofteninclude the pleasant, friendlysoundof his voice.For peoplewho possess a great deal of personal charm really like theirfellow human beings and are genuinely interestedin them. Learning to love and enjoy others-to ctvs of yourself to them in personalrelations-is certainly the foremostkey to building a radiant personality. Jesus Christ-the greatestpersonality of all timesstated this universally applicable spiritual principle: "lt is more blessedto cIVE than to receive" (Acts 20:35). If you can sincerely learnto share your warmth,your love,your plans, hopesand dreamswith others-to givekindness, encouragement and a sense of beinglovedand appreciated to them-you will build bonds of

himself. Mr. Armstrong has told about one of the great American b a n k pr es ident s he k n e w ma n y years ago who had a sign hung up on the wall behind his desk procl a i mi ng: " Don' t t ak e y o u rs e l f to o se ri o u s ly ! " This is excellentadvice. For most men of ability are, alas. too busy b u i l d i ng up and pr o te c ti n g th e i r "i ma g e" or gr eat ness a n d g ra n d e u r to maintain their childhood zest for sma l l oc c as ions and th e i r a b i l i ty to l a u g h at and enjoy ma n y th i n g s i n th i s t em por al lif e- e v e n th e m selves. A num ber of t his w o rl d ' s o u tsta n d ing leader s a n d s ta te s me n have maintained the hearty zest and h u mo r of y oungerda y s -a n d i t h a s e ve n i nc r eas ed t heir s ta tu rea s l e a d ers. Learn to laugh even at yourselfa n d a t t he m any f un n y th i n g s th a t happenin life. Of course,always try to laugh with people, not at them. Learn also to preserve, or recapture, \o u r y out hf ul z es t f or th e ri g h t k i n d o i u p b uilding f un an d g a m e s -a n d fo r th e new and dif f e re n tth i n g s a n d e rp e ri enc es t hat m ak e l i fe i n te re s tingi l l l . L ear n t o B e P at i e n t, C o m p a s si o n a te and M odes t. Pe rh a p sth e th i n g t hat ir k s ot he rs m o s t a b o u t ma n l s o- c alled" im p o rta n t" p e o p l e i s th a t t hey ar e s o i m p re s s e dw i th SEL Ft hat t hey s eem b l i n d to th e needs and wis hesol o th e rs .T h e y a re p o mp ousand v ain. Th e y a re i m p a ti e n t a nd dem anding -c u tti n g o th e r people off in conversation and expecting super-humanefforts of their su b o r dinat est hat ev e n th e y th e mselveswould not be able to accomplish. They utterly lack real compassion-the ability to share in the plans, hopes,dreams and sufferings of others. N o tic e J es us 'ex am p l e :" An d J e sus, moved with compassion put fo rth his hand. . . " (Ma rk l :4 1 ). "An d when t he Lo rd s a w h e r, h e had compassionon her. . . " (Luke 7 : l 3 ). "But when he s aw t h e mu l ti tu d e s , he was moved with compassion on rh e m.. . " ( M at t . 9: 36). Ge n uine out goin g c o n c e rn fo r others-as Jesus had-will be expressedin hundreds of little ways. Ta ct. c our t es v . c on s i d e ra ti o n -w e

have many different names for such s m a l l a ttenti ons. Y et i t i s often th ro u g h th ese acts of thoughtful k i n d n e s s t hat w e demonstrate to p e o p l eth e depth of our concern,our fri e n d s h i pand our l ove. Ag a i n , l earn to " gi ve" yoursel fto others with sincere love and outgoi n g c o n s i derati onfor them. H ave empathy-express compassion for them when they are suffering, or w h e n th e y are dow n and out. B ecome more patient and tolerant of th e mi s takes of others-real i zi ng your own human frailty. And be l o y a l to your fl ri ends and l oved o n e s -n o t expedi entl y " throw i ng th e m a s i d e" w hen you thi nk you have become "important." D o a l l thi s-and you w i l l i nspi re the love'. confidence and personal d e v o ti o no f others i n a manner that w i l l e n ri c h your l i fe beyond meas u re . l V. Be S trong, C onfi dent and C o u ra g e ous. S trength of w i l l and p e rs o n a l i ty, i nfecti ous opti mi sm and ra w c o u rage are qual i ti es al l of us a d mi re . The greatest l eaders and p e rs o n a l i ti es of al l ti me have had, at l e a s t i n m e asure,thesequal i ti es. T o b e thi s w ay, you must, of course,have a purpose in which you fervently believe-and for which you are willing to die if necessary. The greatest examples of faith a n d c o u raseare found i n the B i bl e.

In A cts 5:17-42w e read the account of the apostlesof God being put in prison and threatenedby the Jewish hi erarchyof the ti me. The Jews had al most deci ded to ki l l them unt il Gamaliel, a wise counselor, spoke. " A nd to hi m they agreed:and when they had called the apostles, and B E A TE Nthem, they coMMANDED that they shoul d not speak in t he name of Jesus, and l et them go" (verse40). After being threatened for their very lives-and their backs raw and bl eedi ng from a cat-o' -ni n e- t ails beating-you would certainly think they w oul d at l eastsl ack off in t heir preachi ng, or perhaps go " u nder ground." Qui te the contrary! "And they departed from the presence of the council, REJorcrNcthat they were counted worthy to suffer shamefor his name.And netlv in the templ e, and i n every hous e, t hey CF.ASED NOT fo teech and preach JesusChrist' '(verses4l-42). They had ab.tolute confdence in the l l vtN c; God, and pl enty o f RAw couR A GEto go through the t er r ible trials and sufferingsoften necessary i n H i s servi ce. The man who has this type of courage and confidence, the man who is bold and suRn of his convictions. will inspirethe admiration and respectof his friends and associates. Anv real


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What ls the MEANrlrGltf,:ste


leader of men must have this bold power of decision, this senseof "capof life, taincy" in storming the beaches scaling the mountainsand conquering all obstacles. Learn to cultivate and build courage and absolute confidence into your life! Practice these qualities when the little trials and tests come along-then it will become second nature to exercisethem on the great occasions. Most important of all, surrender your life to your Creator and to His punposr-then you can in faith ask Him for His strength, confidenceand courage! V. En t hus ias m , Dri v e a n d PU R POSE . No m at t er w h a t h i s o th e r faults, a person or a public speaker wi l l a lway s c apt ur e a t l e a s t o u r mo me nt ar y at t ent ion a n d i n te re s ti f h e h as an abundan c e o f j u s t o n e q u a l i ty - T NT HUS I A S M . F o r i f th e poorest speaker in the world is on fre-completely clvElv to his message-he is going to speak, gesture and perhapsshout with such ringing

conviction and force as to wake up even the sleepiestaudience. But most people seem only rtelr ALrvE.They have no goal or purpose. They have lost their youthful zest for living and doing. They are often dull, boring and uninteresting. But the interesting person is lively and enthusiastic-and he usually makes life more interestingfor others. F i n d th e R eal Goal . To si ncerel y be enthusiasticand driving ahead in all your activities, you must have a goal, or PURPosE. So learn to set goals for yourself and cultivate enth u s i a s ti c D R rvE and zE nr- i n al l that you do. In your voice,your face and your actions,show that you are excited and thrilled about the opportunities and challengesof life. God says: "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,do it with thy might; for there is no work nor device,nor knowledge,nor wisdom,in the grave,whither thougoest"(Eccl.9: I 0). A n d i n the N ew Testament, the A p o s tl e P aul states: " A nd w hat-

soeverye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord . . . " (Colossians3:23). So be zealous for those things that are right and good in this life, and put your whole sElNc into seeking your Creator and HIs PURPosE in giving you life and breath. Then you will REALLYhave something to be "ENTHUSTASTTc" about! As IIis servant and llis begotten son, become more outgoi ng and warm to all those about you; build zest and humor intg your life; be pati ent, compassi onateand modest toward your fellow human beings; with God's help becomestrong, confident and courageous;and finally, w i th God' s supreme P U R PosEin mind, build drive and enthusiasm i nto al l you thi nk, say and do. Do these things!-and you will have a richer and happier life. You will extend additional happiness and courageto others, and you will have made great progress toward fulfilling the great purpose of your loving Creator. n


Here are vital Behind every great nation or institution is one or more persons of strong CHARACTER. possible people and LEADERSHIP! SUCCESS of character- keys that make "keys" fottnd in these
PEoPLE ouNrLESs of ability, personalityand intelligence, traininshavefailedto achieve
woman young enough to be his own daughter. And the junior executive who suddenly jumps the tracks, begins embezzlingcompany or bank funds, g e ts c a u g h t and ends up i n onl tvroN or perhapsa suicide. These human tragedies failed to keep their eyes on the goal. The man who "overcomes," who d i s c i p l i n e s hi msel f and devel ops character. is the one whom God will use as an instrument under Christ to help rule the earth in the World Tomorrow. God can always add mental ability and strength. But character cannot be manufactured or artificially produced-it is something we must willingly develop now as 'free moral agents under God. Here, then, are seven keys ro building the character of the kind of RULER God will bless and use-the character of a xtNc. l . H umi l i ty and the Fear of G od. To have a lasting and prosperous reign, any king, ruler or leader ruusr learn the lesson of humility. Your Bible says: "When pride cometh, then cometh shame" (P rov. I l: 2) . Again, "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit befqre a fal l " (P rov. l 6:18). By contrast, God's Word says: "The fear of the Lord is the beginni ng of w rsD oM" (P rov. 9:10) . A

Time, chance, circumstance,and "bad breaks" are often assumed to be the cause. But they. are not the real answers.The heart of the probl e m i s lec n on c Hnn n c rs n ! Yo u hav e hear d o f th e ri s i n g young executive who begins hitting the bottle and completely shattersa promising business career almost in its infancy. You've heard about the "happy" family man and civic leader who suddenly loses everything through a clandestineaffair with a I

man who comes to have a deep awe and respect for his Creator is just "beginning" to acquire the basis for real wise and understanding deci5ions.For he will be basing all of his plans and programs on the ultimate REALI T Y ! T his enti re mi x e d -u p world is soon going to learn that lesson! To know the true Gon of Creation, the God of the Bible, is the basis for all right thinking and will keep you properly HUMBLE.It will make you realize th a t y ou ar ejus t a lit tl e a n t o n a b a l l we ca ll t he ear t h. Yo u w i l l q u i t playing "God" and wake up to real-

ll. GOD'S Standardof Right and Wrong. God says:"There is a way which seemeth ntcsr uNro A MAN,
BUT THE end thereof ARETHE wAYS oF DEATH" (Prov. 14:12). Yes, the way that "seems" right to human reasonusually leads man to his own destruction. Men need to learn that there is a great Gon who sets the standard of right and wrong. He has not left it up to us to decide what the right way is, but only wHETHERwe will obey His laws and ways! God doesNor say: "Worship God according to the dictates of your conscience." Or, "Worship in the church of your choice." Or, "Do the best you can and it will all work out s o me h o w ." Yet supposedly educated people in our society have accepted these v a g u e , i rrati onal , unreasonabl e, contradictory platitudes! What is God's way, God's character, God's love'?"For this is the love of God, that we KEEPHrs coMMA N D M EN TSand : hi s commandments are not grievous" (l John 5:3). From Genesisto Revelationwe find that God's lnw-summarized in the Ten Commandments-is the wAY oF I-rrE. He ordained the Law for man's own good, to guide him in d e v e l o p i ng the very nature and cHARAcTER of God. If all men had l/ris kind of character, there would be no wers, no murders, no robberies, no lies, no disobedienceto parents, no vanity a n d l u s t- vi rtual l y N o uN H A pprNess! For a full explanation of this tre me n d ous spi ri tual pri nci pl e, write for our extremely challenging and informative free booklet ?"fte Ten Commandments. G o d ' s defi ni ti on of " ri ght" i s keeping His Commandments. But w h a t d o w e mean by " w rong" ? What is "sin"? The specffic Bible definition of sin-with which al I otfter scriptures p l a i n l y agree-i s found i n I John 3:4: "Whosoever committeth sin transgressethalso the law: for s i n rs th e TR A N S GR E S S ToN oF TH E L n w ." H o w c lear! We snr rHAT RIGHTEousNESS rs K EE PIN G God' s Law as summari zed i n th e Ten C ommandments. " W ro n g ," or si n, i s snrl rrN c that

itv. Think of Yourself as a Servant. Jesus Christ said:"Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humblehimselfshall be exalted" (Matt. 23:12).Jesus showed that one who surrenders his will to God, who humblesthe self and thinksonly of beinga servant of Godand fellow-man-that manwill be blessed, usedas an instrument in the handsof his Creator,and empowered ultimatelywith eternallife and a spirit body. The Apostle Paul wrote: "Let this mind be in you, which wasalso in Christ Jesus:who being in the form of God,thoughtit not robbery to be equal with God: but made himselfof no reputationfor,'emptied himself], and took upon him the form of a servant, and wasmade in the likeness of men" (Phil. 2:5tt.

Too few understand this tremendous example of the willingness of Jesus Christ to "empty himself"' of His divine power and glory in order to die for humanity. Very soon now, ALL THE EARrH will come to grasp and understandthat because of this willingness to ctvE of Himself-to HUMBLEHimself-Jesus has qualified not only as our High Priest but a s th e K I NG oF K r N G S a n d R u r-e R over all nations! This is the very basis of the chara cte r t he t r ue G on d e ma n d s o f every leader and king! Even in this present man-made society, this livi n g s pir it ual pr inc i p l e o p e ra te s . Those who yield to excesspride and vanity soon"fall" into utter oblivion and disgrace. Those who resist the temptation come out on top.

same eternal, moving, inexorable spiritualLaw! True character is basedon obedienceto the broadspiritualprinciplesof God'sLaw. Here,in general terms,is a good basicdefinitionof "True character true character: involvesthe capacityand willingness to find what is right, the will to choosethe right way, then the strength of will to resist all otheractions and impulses and po what is right." Learn Gon's standardof right and wrong.Live by ir. Thenyou will ANDlead in your own be fit to RULE family, your business and chosen profession; and you will certainly havea vital part in the government of Almighty God in the World Tomorrow! lll. Practice Wise and lmpartial Judgment. Any king or leaderof men will be watchedby his followers as to his completefairness and impartiality in judgment. Nothing can harm moralemorethan the discovery that a leader is hypocritically acceptingbribes,playing favorites or resortingto someother similar stratagem. True wisdon-pointed out in a previousarticle in this series-is perhapsthe most important single quality of a great leader.Such a man will constantly haveto be making decisions-and that calls for wisdom. "Where no counGod says: selis, the people fall: but in the multitudeof coun$ellors thereis safety" (Prov. ll:14). Most peopledon't really want "counsel."They want their own way! However.a real leader of men must learnto exercise the character to seekand acceptwise counselin any importantmatter.And he must be completely fair and impartial in the decision or actionhe may take. "These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of personsin judgment" (Prov. 24:23). So in your own life, your family and your business, learn to be impartial and fair. Learn to get ALL the facts.Learn to getwisecounsel. Learn to admit your own mistakes. Thenact on the rRUTH with fairness and mercy! lV. Exercise Strength and Determination. A real "leader" is one

who LEADS. You cannotjust"hand" a man authority and expecthim to lead and dominateoverothersautomatically.He must have built into his characterthe strength,the leadto ership and the determination properlydirect othersand command their respect. . Many times, he may have to make hard and unpleasant decisions. But makethem he must.And he must see that they are carried out. A great leader must have the in any strength of will to DoMINATT crucial situationto guide the affairs institution of his family, company, or nation in the right way. Disdaining his own doubts,fears and hesitations, every truly great leader must exerciselftis type of character! V. Practice Patience and Mercy. Any man who dealswith the lives a great and fortunesof othersneeds deal of patience.For everyonehas human natureand eachof us must be patientwith others. We must also be merciful.Even the so-calledl'Lord's prayer" re"For cordsthis importantprinciple: if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenlyFather will also forgive you: but if you forgivenot men their trespasses, neither will your

Father forgive your trespasses" (Matt.6:14-15). God's Word instructs us: "He that oppresseththe poor reproachethhis Maker: but he that honoreth him hath mercy on the poor" (Prov.l4:31). Again: "He that followethafter and mercy findeth righteousness and honor" life, righteousness, (Prov. 2l:21). Any great leader must develop for this capacityfor understanding, mercy, and for forgiving the minor faults and irritationsof others."For he shall have judgment without mercy,that hath showedno mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment" (James 2:13). Vl. Practice Diligence and Selfto Discipline. Oncea nationbegins flourish or the businessbegins to prosper, it is all too easyfor the man at the helm to let down, begin to "take it easy,"and give way to human lust and vices.A great leader must so discipline himself that this NEVER happens! God says:"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute" (Prov. 12:24\. The man who works hard and produces-this man is going to end up "in charge." But the man who lets down and is lazv will

Liketo KnowMore lf t/ou'd

In C al i forni a, U .S .: 1 -8 00-423-4444. Alaskaand Hawaii call 213-577-5225 collect). Kingdom, Eire, Europe andMidUnited d l e Ea s t:P .O.B ox 111.S t. A l bans. Herts., England AL2 2EG (or dialthis n u mb e r i n U .K .: R adl ettt092 761 2670\. and Pacificlsles:P.O. New Zealand Box 2709. Auckland1. New Tealand (or dial Auckland 686-114-reverse the charges). P .O. B ox 202, B url ei gh A u s tra l i a: 4220 (or dialthis Heads, Queensland n u mb e r: the 0 75-35-4233-reverse charges). P.O.Box 44, Station A, VanCanada: c o u v e r,B CV OC 2M2 are as follows: ohonenumbers . U nit ed S t at es P : . O. Bo x 1 1 1 , Pa s a - . SouthAfrica:P.O.Box 1060,Johandena,California 91 123(or simply dial nesburg2000 (or dial this number: thistoll-free number in the continental 0 11 -2 1 6 406) havewrittenasking Manyhundreds if we haverppresentatives in theirlocal areasto counsel with them personally and to answeriheirquestions. . The answeris yes, we do. The Worldwide Churchof God sta(most tions personalrepresentatives in the United are ordainedministers) Statesand British Commonwealth and . manyotherareasof the world.These local ministers will visit you, if invited, directly in your own home. So if you have spiritual matlersto . discuss or ouestions to ask aboutbiblical topics such as repentance, baptism,etc., pleasefeel free to writeus and request a private appointment. Wo rldwide m ailing a d d re s s e s a n d .

soon find his job taken by others. Again, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he his spirit than he that that RULETH taketh a city" (Prov. 16:32).For the sakeof his position-and as an exampleto his followers-a true leader must learn to disciplinehimselfin what he eatsand drinks, how much away from the job in time he spends recreationalactivities, the kind of he keeps, the kind of companionship spiritual character he is and portrays to others. Nearly everygreat nation or institution is merely the length and shadowof one man. Peoplefollow If a king is a drunken their leaders! woman-chaser, so will his subjects be. If the headof a companyor family is irresponsible,lazy andgivento personalindulgence,so will be his and his family! employees Through God's help, learn to yourself. Self-mastery MASTER comes first-the opportunityto lead and direct others follows as a result. Vll. Have LOVE for God and Felfeellowman. Finally,the sincere ing of outgoing concern,compassion and lovE for othersis an absoof anyone lute mustin the character who would be a real leader or king. Christsaid:"By this shallall Jesus if ye menknowthatyearemy disciples, have lovn one to another" (John l3:35).His entirelife wasa continual andservice. In theend, example of love He cnvE His very /r/e to redeemhuto their God. manbeings Throughouthistory and throughis indeliblywritout life, the lesson ten that a man who does not have sincere love for others will never commandtheir deeployalty, respect and obedience. They may be cowed into fear, goadedon through greed and avarice in anticipation of the spoils; but when the going gets rough,it is lovE which truly binds together the right kind of family, the true Church of God and the right kind of nation or people. Coupled with humility and the fear of God, guidedby Goo's standard of right and wrong,inspiredby wise and impartial judgment, empowered by strengthand determinaby patience and mertion, tempered cy, protectedby diligenceand self-


discipline, this outgoing lovn will lead any father and head of his fami l y, a n y c om pany p re s i d e n t, a n y team captain, any national leader, to crvE and snnve unselfishlythose who share with him in the common task, trials and blessings. If you would truly build Goo's

kind of characler, then ask, seek, cry out and then yield yourself to EXERCISE this kind of love in your life and in your relationswith others and with Almighty God! There is NorHrNG more important. For this kind of love is far from a religious p l a ti tu d e . It i s a l i vi ng, abi di ng,

moving, active spiritual principle which is as real as tomorrow, as active as the law of gravity, as eternal as God Himself. To be a leader, a servant of your fellowman,and a xlttc in the World Tomorrow, think on and llvr by these things. n

Here is a vital article in our series on personal development. Here is the way to joy, happiness, stability in your home.
;;-uch of today's youth have been giv en r o p u n p o s n fo r l Vl J- Y r- lif e. no r ealt r a i n i n g ,n o d i s c i p l i n e . and pr ec iouslit tl e l o v e ,a tte n tion and interestfrom their parents. Yet thel are ouR cHTLDREN----or our neighbor's just down the way. They' live on our street,in our citynow! They will certainly affect our future-for they are to be leadersof tomorrow. Increasingly,law enforcementofficials have come to realize that parents of mixed-up children are often the chief culprits. How many a sherifls officer has warned: "The real trouble here is that too many parents don't know--or d6n'1 s21swhere their children are at night." It's t im e par ent s e v e ry w h e re woKE ur! If you are a parent, then you have a God-given responsibility to teach and train your children. You also have the opportunity to make your family life joyful and productive-thereby enriching your own life immeasurably while preparing leaders for the World Tomorrow! How to Share in the Abundant Life. The great Goo of Creation inspired the Psalmist to write: "Except the Lord build the house,they l a b o ur in v ain t hat b u i l d i t . . ." (Psa l m 127: l) . How many homesare built Gon's way instead of man's way? I

what Have you ever considered the Psalmist continues to say?"Lo, children arean heritage ofthe Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.As arrowsare in the handof a mighty man; so are childrenof the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed,but they shall speakwith the enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127:3-5). Our Creator-yeS, thereis a Creator God-is telling us here that children are a BLEssTNc-nota Yet, all too oftenparents curse! feel frustrated and "bothered"that they have to take time to play with, to give attentionto, and to teachand train their darling children. Children shouldbe "darling" if parents have given them right attention. "Happy" is the man who has his quiverfull of them. Again, the God whom most educators refuse to admit into their knowledgesays: "B/essed is every onethat feareththe Lord: that walketh in his ways. . . .Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sidesof thine house: thy childrenlike olive plants round about thy table" (Psalm128:l-3). What an uplifting and inspiring picture!Here is the father with his lovely and submissive wife by his side, surrounded by the clean, wholesome, uplifted facesof their

children-the fruit of their bodies and of their lives.Here is pictureda miniature"kingdom,"if you please, with the father as the king and the mother as the queen over this small-but very happy-kingdom. Every family shouldbe just such a kingdom!Every home shouldreflect a balanced, warm, dedicated, giving and loving atmosphere. It shouldbe a happy placefilled with Joy. From infancy,childrenshouldbe taughtand trained.But they should also be loved, protectedand nurtured. Your willingnessto spend time with your children-to love them, to play with them, and to train them-is a tremendous responsibility. It will usuallymakethe differencebetween their having a great feelingof warmth, love and respectfor you - or a "distant," unresponsive attitudetowardyou. If a husband and wife are willing to spendthe proper time and effort with eachother.and with the children,they will certainlyhavean extremely happy "family kingdom." This little unit will teachthem lessonsof love,happiness and self-diswhichwill carryon overinto cipline the very responsibilities for which God has placedus on this earth having a part in His government, His society, His kingdom in the World Tomorrow.

Here, then, are seven steps to having a truly happy family kingdom: Ma ke F am ily S t u d y a H a b i t. Teach yourself to sit down regularly with your children-at least a few times each week-and study with them and explain to tlfem important principles of successful living. Go over basic articles from The PlntN Tnuru magazine with them and inspire them to want to make a success of their lives. Have father-son o r mot her - daught e r ta l k s w i th them, telling them about your past life experiencesand lessonswhich you hope they will not have to learn personally by suffering as you did. Teach them positively, also, principles of success and happiness. Teach your children the basicshonesty and integrity, the value of hard work and productivity. Teach them NsvEn to lie or be deceitfulteach them to respectand vnlur human life. Teach them to be clReRul in playing, swimming and driving, so that you will never have to have a funeralceremonyfor your own child! Exp l ain t his t o t h e m h e a rt-to heart-make it meaningful. Teach your children-as they get up toward the fourth, sixth, and eighth grades-to read newspapers and magazines,to be aware of what is going on in the world. Teach them to read worthwhile books-books on geography, history, the biographies of great and successful men. Inspire the right kind of ambition and desire for successin your sons and daughters! Take time to go over with them certain outstanding articles in various magazinesand newspapers that you read regarding principlesof life and successwhich you want your children to know. Teach them wisdom and balance in applying these things. Remind them, for instance, that many multimillionaires would give all they had simply to have one happy marriage! Teach them that the grasping,clawing, greedy, competitive way of getting ahead is Nor the real way to permanent happiness and true success. But do-in right balance-inspire them to develop their minds, bodies,personalities and character so that they may be productive human beings and leaders as God directs their lives!

Read to them sections of that most neglected of books-the Bible-and explain the lessonsof life. Read chapters of the Proverbs, explaining how to apply the wisdomcontained in thesepages. Your little children will never forget this kind of teaching, training, love, and inspiration.It will be a help and havean impactupontheir lives which will last not only throughthis age-but througheternity. And that is a fact! Make FamilyChoresa Habit. Milgrowup withlions of modern children to thediscipline outeverbeing exposed In their idle of work and productivity. wasteful hourstheydevelop countless and foolish habits. And theynever developthe habitof work andsuccess in thismanner. Teach your children, therefore, the habit of work. Evenin the city, childrencan be givenmany thingsto do if you properly organizethem. Your boys can mow the lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow, carry in woodandkindlingfor the fireplace, and evenhelpwith the vacuuming, washingand scrubbing of the floors. Your girlscan regularly help do the dishes,clean the house,polish the furniture, and other similar chores.Each child should be taught to keep his own room clean, to make his own bed daily,and to be responsible for putting thingsback wherethey belong and to organize his things'throughout the house.This will give each child a sense of responsibility and accomplishment-and may help more than you can imaginein contributing to his future success. Make FamilyFellowshipa Habit. Warm and lovingfamily fellowship is a major key in the development of a child's senseof security.It will personalihelphim havea balanced ty and a positiveaproachto life. Everyfamily should talk, laugh,and sharetheir liveswith eachother at all times-especiallyat mealtime. Having "family" mealsis certainly a greatassetin the development of your children. In fact, the l28th Psalm,cited earlier,givesthe picture: " . . .thy childrenlike olive plants round about thy table." Here, indeed,is an opportunityto talk overthe events of the dav with the children.

Ask Johnny, "What did you learn in schooltoday?" And show yourself interested in his answer, in his analysisof the eventsof his life! Learn to know who your children with and what kind are associating of peoplethey are! In a positive way-not picking and naggingguideyour childrento choose right companionships, to play gamesin a positivemanner without fighting and quarreling, and to develop habits for success in their future lives. Learn to listen to your children! Notice their voice inflection,their personality and the enthusiasm-or lackof it-which theyconvey. Then try to guide and encourage them toward further development-making sure that you set the example above all else.For childrenwill follow your examplemore than anything else. Learnto laughwith and loveyour children deeply.Share with them the knowledge of their origins-the typeof people their great-grandparents and grandparents were, how you yourselfgrew up, and things that will give their livesa sense of continuity and purpose.Although you should always retain proper dignity as the parent and leader, you can certainlyjoke and laugh with the child and bring out his personalityand give him confidence in the family situation more than in any other! Make Family Outings a Habit. just visitingand fellowshipBesides ping at the table and around the house,build the habit of playing regularly with your children and sharingmany hours of good times with them.Often, childrenwill vividly rememberthe fact that father usedto take them "piggyback" and laugh and romp with them on the floor. This type of activity-kept in right balanceand without undue roughness-canestablish a sense of rapport and closeness with your childrenmore quickly than almost any other type of activity. Family gamescan be taught as your children'sagespermit. When the opportunity arises. have family picnics,hikes, campouts, or fishingtrips. Thesefamily outings will be experiences your sonsand daughters will alwaysremember. In my own life, the dozens

-.: times my father and mother took me down to our cabin on a small river--or on picnics or outings-stand out in my mind as some of the happiest moments of my childhood. You fathers need to teach your sons healthful, invigorating activities.Take them hunting or canoeing. Teachthem to take care of themselves under many circumstances.Teach them to work hard, to accomplish and produce. Teach them to be self-reliant and not be weak or effeminate.Teach them to keep their voices low and speak like men. If you orient your children's play and activities around the family and occasionallyallow them to bring in one or two other children of good character, you will prevent a great deal of the tendencytoward juvenile delinquency, an evil into which so many unattended children fall. You will be establishinga close contact wi th them whic h will e n a b l ey o u to g u i d e t heir liv es f or ma n y y e a rs i n the future. Fa mi l y T r aining and D i s c i p l i n e . Many peopletrain their dogs better than they train their own flesh and blood! They will spend hours teaching their dog to sit, to heel and to respondto commands. Yet practically no time is given to te a ch ing t heir own c h i l d re n s i m i l a r habits of obedience. Th e liv ing G od i n s tru c ts u s : "Tra i n up a c hild i n th e w a y h e should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 2 2 :6 ). A s a par ent , y o u h a v e b o th the responsibility' and the opportunity not onll' to teach your children obedienceand respectfor the rights and property of others, but also to te a ch t hem per s on a l i ty d e v e l o p ment, proper culture. and the imp o rta nc e of s elf - di s c i p l i n e a n d study. You have in 1'ourown hands potential leaders of the World Tomorrow! lt all depends upon how much time and effort you are willi n g to put int o t r ainin g th e m. "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him" (Prove rb s2 2 : 15) . Her e G od s h o w su s th a t a l l ch ildr en ar e pote n ti a l j u v e n i l e delinquents!It is a matter of training and teaching them the right way; and if necessary,with comp l e te r es t r aint and s e l f-c o n tro l ,

spanking them when.they disobey explicit commandsand instructions. T h i s d o e s N or ME A NTo U N ME R C IFULLYBEAr a child in anger, but to quietly, calmly, and with complete self-control spank him, in the place which Almighty God provided,until his little mind is truly sorry for his foolishness!This kind of r-ovrNc correction is something that gives a child a deeper senseof security and balance in his mind and personality than he will ever get by any other method! So be sure that you make this matter of family training and discipline an important part of your family's life. Teach your children not only to control themselves physically but also to control their emoti o n s , th e i r tempers, and thei r thoughts. Guide them away from competition, greed, violence, envy, fo o l i s h d a ydreami ng, and l ust. Teach them to think positively, to live positively,and to have the goal of fulfilling their Creator's purpose and preparing for the fantastic life ahead in the World Tomorrow! B u i l d F a mi l y Loyal ty and Love. Your Bible reveals that God Himself is a family. There is the Father, and the firstborn Son, Jesus Christ (R o ma n s 8 :29). A nd al l of us have the fantastic opportunity to become born sonsof God in the future! (Request our booklets Just What Do You Mean . . . Born Again? and Why Marriage? They fully explain the beautiful analogy between the human family and the God family.) Your Bible shows that the Father and the Son deeply love one another-that they share all things tog e th e r-th a t they are " one" i n mind, personality and character. So then, as long as family loyalty and love are subordinated to the love and obedience we should give to Go d H i m s el f, they are a good th i n g . Teach your sonsand daughtersto love one another, to help each other, a n d to re m ai n l oyal to any member o f th e fa mi l y i n the w ay God w oul d have us do. This does nor mean approval of the conduct of a rebellious c ri m i n a l o r support of a si nner a g a i n s t God H i msel f ! B ut i t noas mean that-even when a brother's a tti tu d e i s w rong-you w i l l sti l l "help" him by having concern and

by appealing to him to listento reasonand to wakeup whilethereis yet time. It meansthat in the eventof physical dangeror hardship, all the other brothersand sisterswould go to the rescue of the one in trouble! This kind of esprit de corpsorNos a family together in the right wayand protects and preserves family characterand integrity in the way Almighty God intended! Make Family Prayer a Habit. Teachyourselfto lead your family daily in gettingon its kneesbefore the CreatorGod. Ideally,this may be doneeitherin the morningbefore schooland work, or in the evening before going to bed. Teach your childrento talk to God as a Father. Do Nor stress prayers memorized or stiff, formal approaches to God. Rather,teachyour childrento talk from their heartsto the One that they can increasingly feel is a "Father"-the One who has made them, loves them, protects them, and has in mind their everlasting good. Folfow the approacft of Jesus' outlineof prayer-falsely calledthe "Lord's Prayer"-given in Matthew 6:9-13. Help them to learnto ask God for their daily needs,for strengthand wisdom,and for His blessing and guidance in their daily lives. And in all their praying, teach them to be thankfulfor living in the blessed circumstances which most of us in the Westernworld do! At mealtime, set the example by givingsincere, heartfelt,nonmemorized thanks for the blessings of food and shelter from the Creator God. Occasionally, the father or mother may wish to have the children themselves lead in prayer at mealtimes-guidingtheir prayer if they falter. Then,in the morningor evening family prayer sessions, the father should takethe leadand talk to God about the blessings that havebeen given to the family. Ask Him for help and guidance in the problems and activities that the family faces. And ask also for His guidancein world affairs,in your nation and for its rulers,and for His special blessing on His Work, whichis announcing to the world the MessageGod sent by JesusChrist. Then, the mothershouldbriefly pray from her

heart and add thosethings which are fitting, and then each child should in turn pray-with the fawith a brief sumther concluding mary prayerat the end. In conclusion,I would like to point out that the abovepointsprovide a marvelousopportunitythrough family training, study, prayer, work, play and fellowship, loyalty and lovE-to preventmen-

tal sicknessin your children, to insure that they will NEVERbecome juvenile delinquentsor criminals, to give them the keys which will lead in this life, and to to genuinesuccess and give them the basic guidePosts the inspiration to achieve the only real and final success-eternal life and a position of nuI-eRsHIpin the Kingdom of Almighty God! Remember the blessings Prom-

ised to every one that fears the Lord and w al ks i n H ts u' ets (Psalm I 28:l -6). The great Creator of the heavens and the earth i s corcrnsro about your opportunitl' to build stabilitl' and joy into your home and famill' life. He has revealed to 1ou "Hts part in wAYS." Be sure do -v-ou )'our putti ng them i nto practi cealways. tr

Why do so few know the real secrets to leadership? Why do so many lack a deep sense of fulfillment in their iobs and in day-to-day lite?
here are two kinds of "leaders." One is the kind who uses I "3u1t r 6r it y " a n d c o m p e l s grudging obedience by his follow-

ers. The other kind inspires,persuades, and setsan example. The authoritarian-typeleader generallyconsiders only himself and the grandeurhe hopesto produce in his empire,nation or business.He doesnot give properconsiderationto the legitimateneeds, wishes and aspirations of his followers. But the right kind of leader leads in order to
S E R V E.





be? JesusChrist, who brought a messa g e a bout wor ld g o v e rn m e n t, showedthat the greatest Ieader will be the servant of those whom he heads. He described how the leaders of the Gentiles-the strutting dictators and czars-"exercise dominion" over their followers and strut about to "exercise authority" o ve r them . " B ut , " He s a i d ," l t s h a l l not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; and whosoever will be chief among you, let h i m b e y our s E Rv A N r" (Ma tth e w 2O:26-27). Th e D es ir e t o S E R V E C o me s First. All too often, men desire positions of leadership and responsi'14

bility primarily for the sakeof exThis is alting self- not for service. a great mistake,and often leadsto grievous not harm and unhappiness only for the individualsinvolved, but for many others. Jesussaid: "For whosoeverexalteth himself and he that humshall be abased; bleth himself shall be exalted" (Luke l4:l l). If one humbleshimself to serve he may find that, in his fellowman, due time, he has becomea leader and.ability to because of his desire help. This spirit of humility-this desireto serve-and the spirit of selfless dedicationto a cause is the foundationalapproachto all true The man who is willing leadership. to sacrffice himself to the task at will followers handis the onewhose and who will most be most inspired quickly tend to emulatetheir leader. For he is leading by sacrifice He is leadingby Exeuand service.

l mp o rta n c e of V i si on, l magi nation, and a Goal. Every great leader must possess at least a certa i n d e g ree of i magi nati on and v i s i o n . He must be abl e to vi sual i ze and th i n k a h e ad-to p l a n o n b eyond the i mmedi ate present. He must also have a conl. If his goal is practical and right, if he has

the foresight to realistically create plans and programs leading to that goal-he will certainly command the respect of others and be a true leader. A Leader Must LE A D and DECIDE. A certain amount of speed and decisivenessis found in the makeup of every great leader. For a leader has got to be ahead of those who are following him: He must be alert, charting the course aheadand able to decide quickly the right course of acti on w hen prob lem s come up. This requires a degree of mental toughness and cour age w hi ch many j ust do not have. But these are qualities of Christ H i msel f, and they may b e acquired-to a degree at least-by any Christian who asks Almighty God for them in prayer and seeksto build, use and exercisethese qualities. When Jesusfound God's Temple being turned into a house of merseason,He chandiseat the Passover did not go off to meditate, call a committee meeting, or ponder what to do. He took decisive action. As the Son of God, He had the right to clean out that temple-and He did! He courageously and vigorously strode through the temple courts, overturned the tables of the money changers and ordered the money

changersout. He then made a whip of cords and drove the cattle out. A leaderwith this type of decisiveness and couragewill bounce back from defeat or adversity.He will Nor be a "quitter." Even though his course of action may sometimesbe unpopular, a true leader will have the spiritual and mental resources to seeit through and not be deterredby criticismor adversity. Comradeship and Delegation. A leadermust know how to work with other people.He must command their admiration and respect-their trust, loyalty and responsiveness. Also, he must be able to so prod and organizethem that they achieve their maximumpotential under his guidance. Genuinefriendliness and outgoing concern for othersare two hallmarks of a great leader. He has time for a smile, a friendly chat, and showssincereinterest in the lives, hopes and dreams of those underhis charge.He buildsa sense of comradeship with those under him, so that they feel free to share their ideas and suggestions with him. A leader does not live in a remote ivory tower. He doesn'thesitate to call conferences and meetingsat which his assistants and subordinates can havean opportunity to sharetheir viewsregarding problemsthat facetheir nationor organization. A leadermust be willing to delegate aulhorily to othersor he will find himself running a one-man army. a one-manstore or a oneman enterprise. He must have the discernmentand insight to select as his administrators men and womenof ability, honesty and balance. Indeed,an executive's ability to do this very thing and to tain the newcomers,organize those functioning under him and inspire them to accomplishment is one of the greatest tests he must face. Character and Integrity. If a leader's motives are continually being calledin question by his followers, he is through as a leader.He must consistently setan example of

fairness, integrity and high moral characterif his group or enterprise is worth "leading" in the first place. Self-discipline is an absolute must for a man of leadership. The minute he allowshis moralsto begin to erode,the minute he begins letting down,hitting the bottle,engaging in unethicalconduct-that minute may well be the point at which his leadership begins to erodeand thus be the turning point in his entire future. Very few men indeedcan havea feelingof faithfulnessand loyalty to an example of instability, dishonesty, weakness, or debauchery. A true Christian leader-the kind that will last-is one who adheresscrupulously to the principles of the Ten Commandments.He will be thinking far more about what is "right" than what is expedient.His personal integritywill be above question to everyonewho really knowshim, and his sense of faithfulness and loyaltywill permeate his institution. It is herethat in a very real and immediate sense pays off. There can righteousness be no substitute for Christiancharacter. WHEREand HOW to Lead. In exercisingtheseprinciplesof service you will find many and leadership, opportunities to use them. First of all, you can beginright in your own previously, family; for, asexplained your family is "a miniature kingdom." Apply the principles of this article on your job, in your business or on your farm. Learn to think ahead and employ right imaginationand vision, decisiveness and courage. Learn to get thoseunderyou organized-and developa proper method of delegatingresponsibility to others,yet beingfaithful and fair to them as you want them to be to you. Born to Rule. Perhaps you never realizedthat man was createdwith powers far transcending the animal realm. Read it, in your own Bible:"Let us [God is speaking]make man in our image,after our likeness: and let them have nolrrNroN over the fish of the sea,and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle. and

(G en. over al l the earth..." l:26). Why have so few understood what the Bible says? Notice what Jesustold His disciples:"I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me; that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones j udgi ng R U LTN G] t he Ior tw el ve tri bes of Israel " ( Luke

Again, "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my worksunto the end, to him will I give powerover the nations: and he shallp.ut-E them with a rod of iron. . . " (Rev.2:2627\. We humanbeings are put on this earth to learn lessons in preparation for ruling this earth-and ultimately the entire universe-with and underGod! That's one big reason why there are trials and tests, heartaches and headaches, and lessonswhich are learnedthroughhuman suffering.Even Jesuslearned " . . .by the things which he suffered" (Hebrews5:8). That's how He became a leader. But, even here, many elderly peopleand womenofton ask: "But why shouldI want to domineer over othersor give peopleorders?Why shouldI be interested in this ideaof being a ruler in God's Government?" Why, indeed? Have you ever wanted to give real and lastinghelpto the starving peopleof India and Africa? Have you ever wantedto really and permanently help the lonely, pitiful, lost-looking orphan children around the world? Have you ever genuinelywanted to quickly help the blind, deaf and crippled? As a servant and a leader in God's Kingdom,you will havethat very kind of opportunity! Preparefor that day. It is coming soonerthan you think! Try to help and serve others with the knowledge that you have.Develop and usE these qualities of leadership in your everyday life. Christian leadershipbased on sERVrcE is the best possible preparation for your job as a king under JesusChrist in the World Tomorrow! !

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