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Student's Questionnaire/ Soal Selidik Pelajar

Dear student, Please read each of the following questions and try to answer them honestly; it will be of great help for our research about short stories teaching in ESL classroom. Please tick ( / ) 1 only. Sila baca setiap soalan-soalan berikut dan cuba untuk menjawab dengan jujur, ia akan dapat membantu untuk penyelidikan tentang pengajaran cerita pendek dalam kelas Bahasa Inggeris.

1-How much are you interested in short stories as a literary genre? Sejauh mana anda berminat dengan short stories sebagai genre kesusateraan Bahasa Inggeris? * Much/ sangat berminat * Less/ kurang berminat * Not Interested/ tidak berminat

2-Do you read short stories for? Apakah sebab anda membaca short stories? * Pleasure/ Untuk keseronokan dan kegembiraan *Improve knowledge/ Meningkatkan ilmu *School obligation/ subjek wajib di sekolah

STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SHORT STORIES IN ESL CLASSROOM 3-What is your favourite genre for short stories? Apakah genre kegemaran anda bagi short stories Bahasa Inggeris? *Science fiction/ Fakta sains *Fantasy/ Fantasi *Mystery/ Misteri *Crime detective/ Detektif Jenayah *Romance/ Romantik *General/Umum *Others (please state) / Lain-lain (nyatakan) __________________________

4-Among these elements in short stories, tick the one you are familiar with? Sila pilih satu elemen yang biasa dijumpai oleh anda dalam short stories. *Themes/ Tema *Characters/ Watak *Settings/ Tempat *Plot/ Plot *Moral Values/ Nilai nilai murni *Literary devices/ Gaya Bahasa

STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SHORT STORIES IN ESL CLASSROOM 5-What problems do you face when reading of short stories? You can tick (/) more than one. Apakah masalah-masalah yananda hadapi secara langsung apabila membaca short stories? Sila tanda ( / ) lebih dari satu.

*To infer and to read beyond the text/ Untuk kesimpulan dan membaca teks melebihi pemahaman sepatutnya. *To identify the major themes and the poet's point of view/ Untuk megenal pasti tema utama dan idea utama penulis. *To recognize the connotative and the denotative meaning in text/ mengenal pasti maksud tersirat dan tesurat dalam teks. *To interpret the text/ untuk memberi menterjemah teks. * All of the above/ semua di atas * None/ tiada

6-How do you evaluate your performance in short stories exams? Apakah penilaian prestasi anda bagi bahagian short stories dalam peperiksaan? *Very good/ Sangat baik *Average/ Sederhana *Very bad/ Sangat kurang baik

7-How is the short stories course in your classroom? Bagaimanakah pembelajaran short stories di dalam kelas anda? *Relaxing and lively/ Tenang dan menyeronokkan *Ordinary/ Biasa *Boring and not interesting/ Membosankan dan tidak menarik

STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SHORT STORIES IN ESL CLASSROOM 8-Does the method of the teacher satisfy your need for short stories learning? Adakah cara pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh guru anda memenuhi keperluan pembelajaran short stories? *Yes, completely/ Ya, keseluruhannya *Yes, partly/ Ya, sebahagian *Not at all/ Tidak Say why (Ulasan):.. .. ..

9-What is your idea of a good short stories lecture? Apakah pendapat anda bagi pengajaran short stories yang baik? *Discussing themes/ Perbincangan tema cerita *Dealing with the different literary devices/ penerangan kepelbagaian gaya bahasa dan komponen sastera. *Reading aloud and listening to short story/ Kegiatan Membaca Nyaring dan mendengar short stories *Doing activities about short story writing/ Membuat aktiviti berkaitan penulisan short stories *Others/ Lain- lain *None/ Tiada Say why (Ulasan).

STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SHORT STORIES IN ESL CLASSROOM 10-What are the main difficulties that affect your learning of short story? Apakah masalah utama yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran short stories? *Few time for lectures only/ Hanya beberapa kali waktu pembelajaran *Teacher's method/ Teknik yang digunakan oleh guru *Lack of knowledge about short story / kekurangan pengetahuan tentang short stories *All of them/ Semua di atas Say why (ulasan):. .. .

STUDENTS DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING SHORT STORIES IN ESL CLASSROOM Appendix B : The Interview Questions: 1- How long have you been teaching literature? 2-Have you been trained in teaching literature? 3-What are your main aims in teaching short story as a literary genre? 4-How often do you teach short story in the classroom? 5- How often you apply approach in teaching short story? 6- In teaching short story reading and analysis, what do you focus on developing? 7-How much do you make your students feel involved in the process of short story? 8-What problems do you face in teaching short story? 9-What problems do your students face in learning short story? 10-How do you rate your student's literary competence in general? And in short story in particular? 11-How do you evaluate their written performances in exams? 12-How do you evaluate their participation and preparation in the course? 13-How do you find their responses to the selected texts? 14-Comment on you experience as a literature teacher and what possibly could be the factors influencing the teaching of short story and novel?

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