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For use by Stonewall Democrats of Dallas 2014 Judicial Candidate Questionnaire: (Note: Judicial candidates are asked to ONLY

answer the Judicial Candidate questionnaire, and NO the Count! or "tate Le#el questionnaire$% 1. Why are you seeking the endorsement from Stonewall Democrats of Dallas? ANSWER: !elie"e# with $rofound transgression# in the $ower of an indi"idual to make a difference and further !elie"e that is our %o! to create e&uality and o!tain ci"il %ustice in our $olitical li"es. res$ect the mission that the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas has in o!taining social awareness among Democrats and !eyond. feel the organi'ation has a strong "oice and would !e honored to ha"e the su$$ort of an organi'ation that has the same ideals that stri"e to $rogress. (. What are your $lans to $artici$ate in a coordinated cam$aign in the general election? ANSWER: coordinate my cam$aigns on the !asis of su$$orting all those who ha"e the same ideals and $olitical "alues that are im$ortant to my ethics and "ision for our Democratic $arty. do not ha"e any $ro!lem with a coordinated cam$aign that ad"ances any ideals of fairness)e&uality in our democratic $rocess. *urrently su$$ort and ha"e recei"ed the endorsement of many other elected officials that !elie"e in a united front for the ad"ocacy of Democrats. +ne "oice is strong# many are stronger. ,. Will you use the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas endorsement in or on: a- your we!site ANSWER: A!solutely. !- your cam$aign literature and mailers ANSWER: A!solutely. c- your social media assets ./witter# 0ace!ook# etc.ANSWER: A!solutely. d- your cam$aign ad"ertisements ANSWER: A!solutely.

1. When elected# how will you recruit# retain# and create a friendly en"ironment for 234/ and 234/5friendly staff? ANSWER: ha"e always !een an ad"ocate for a staff of e&uality. What mean !y that is that !elie"e that e"ery single worker should not !e %udged !y their race# religion# or gender# se6ual orientation. was the $re"ious sitting 78 for 951 for ten years and in those ten years ha"e ne"er discriminated or had any com$laints of the same from any staff mem!ers. A court:s en"ironment should !e that of res$ect# $rofessionalism and a $lace where an indi"idual cannot !e %udged. think that if em$loyees and indi"iduals know a %udge:s ideals on this issue alone# it will hel$ in allowing 234/ a$$licants to feel comforta!le in a$$lying for a $osition. A 7udge cannot $er se s$ecifically recruit any $articular gender# race or se6ual orientation for a staff $osition; howe"er# ha"e and will !e an ad"ocate in creating a fair en"ironment for any 234/ a$$licants. $ersonally !elie"e a di"erse staff hel$s con"ey the message of e&uality. 9. Would you !e willing to a$$oint a liaison to meet with the 234/ community on a ongoing !asis? f not# why? ANSWER: A!solutely. would not ha"e a $ro!lem !eing the liaison myself# howe"er# if time did not $ermit another indi"idual could !e a$$ointed as well. ha"e# and ha"e always !een# "ery o$en to ha"ing indi"iduals $artici$ate in my courtroom. <. =nderstanding that administrati"e matters can take u$ a significant $ercentage of your work day# what are some ideas for $olicies or $rocedures that you think you can im$ro"e court o$erations for the court which you are seeking office? What are the most im$ortant $olicies or $rocedures you>"e identified as needing im$ro"ement? ANSWER: When was in the 78 951 office enacted many new $olicies that hel$ed im$ro"e the efficiency of the courtroom. Some of these $olicies were cross training all staff5this sounds like a sim$le act# howe"er# at that $oint no courtroom had a staff where each em$loyee would !e a!le to work any $osition whether it was truancy# tickets# weddings# court litigation or small claims. 4y cross training all em$loyees# we were a!le to !ecome one of the highest rated efficient court room:s with a large docket. Another im$ortant factor# would !e ad"ocating for more technology in the courtroom; sim$le measures such as ha"ing an o"erhead in the courtroom would allow for more demonstrati"e e"idence to !e utili'ed. 0urther# ha"ing access to case information online is another sim$le yet "ery effecti"e to hel$ not only attorneys !ut $ro se litigants to further their case. ?a"ing online access to general information creates a more cost effecti"e court room for not only the city:s funds !ut for the $eo$le of Dallas as well. When was in office# was an ad"ocate for creating court access on Saturdays which allows for many of the $ro se litigants to efficiently manage their cases without the financial !urden of a weekday. /his was a $rocedure that tried to instill in my courtroom# howe"er# at the time# the city did not ha"e funds. 2astly# was

one of the first Dallas 78:s to institute other means .such as community work- to allow indi"iduals to $ay for tickets and fines. # 2uis Daniel Se$ul"eda # am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas.

Signed 1()(,)1,

Luis &aniel "e'ul#eda


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