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Teknik Fisika in Action

FTI Motivation Day 2012
Antonius Aji Teknik Fisika 1986

Why We Are Here Today?


5 Core Steps to a More Satisfying Career

Reconnect with the early you
Everything you are today was nurtured from seeds !anted then"

Move away from what you hate

Wrong career# you$re doing a %&T of what you hate"

Honour your unique values

'nte!!ectua! curiosity( he! ing others( innovating( turning chaos into order( )ringing )eauty in the wor!d *

Em ower your relationship with money

+oney is no !onger the )oss"

Try 't On
E, !ore and try on a new rofessiona! identity# 1- new c!ass( 2- vo!unteering( .- interning( /- consu!ting( 0- gaining new credentia!s( 1- shadowing rofessiona!s in the desired fie!d


ortunity 2 3ha!!enges &f The 4uture

Energy generation Energy conservation

Economic growth Energy cha!!enge

Environmenta! cha!!enge
3&2 emission and other o!!utants Water Waste )oth so!id and !i5uid

6ot enough engineers * 7too many

o!iticians 2 o)servers-


'ndonesia Economic 8rowth

1.0 mi!!ion consuming c!ass in 20.0 3onsuming 3!ass#
+ore than 9:; .(100 annua! net income er ca ita 7<<< in 2000 A)out 9:; /(.00 annua! net income er ca ita 7today <<< to currency rate# 2=> 72012- ? ';R 00 mi!!ion er annum er ca ita

Water 3ha!!enge in future 'ndonesia

1@> ga AAA 6eed serious !an on water conservation
Reuse of water need advance fi!tering techno!ogy advance materia! science


Energy 3ha!!enge in 'ndonesia

How to generate more energy?
6ew energy sources Renewa)!e energy from so!id waste( )iomass( microBhydro etc"

How to conserve energy?

Efficient system B !ight design through materia! techno!ogy High!y efficient )ui!ding 7!ess artificia! !ight( !ess coo!ing !oad etc" Etc"

6ot Enough Engineers*

9C case# more than dou)!e the num)er of engineering graduates 7to meet the !iDe!y demand in 201=%ess than 00> of engineering graduates worDing within the fie!d 1 months !ater"


A)out Antonius H A!i

Eorn in :o!o 7191= Education#
Engineering degree in TeDniD 4isiDa F 'TE 719@1 +aster ;egree in Eusiness F +onash 9niversity / '<+' 72000-

WorDing E, erience#
:ch!um)erger 71991B1999 'ndo"com and se!f venture 72000B2000 :ch!um)erger 72000B200@ We!!tec 7200@ F resent-

Why ' 3hose GTeDniD 4isiDa$

' !ove two things 7since ' was a Did +athematics 6atura! :cience 7es " <hysics and 3hemistry-

' Dnew TeDniD 4isiDa when ' was in :+A !i)rary#

't was mentioned in 'TE cata!ogue 2 sy!!a)us TeDniD 4isiDa F Hust right match


Antonius A!i where a)out

Where TeDniD 4isiDa 3an 8o

Techno!ogy )ased careers in various sectors
&i! and 8as Energy 3onsu!tant 8overnment
Techno!ogy Entre reneur


Etc" 8reen Eui!ding ;esign

Techno!ogy 9niversity


"aul #unawan F T4$@1

4ounder and owner of %'TA3 F techno!ogy )ased entre reneur" %'TA3 3onsu!tant F a firm that s ecia!iIing in the !ighting design and acoustica! design <au! started %'TA3 in 199/ with more than /00 )ui!dings using his !ighting design as of today" %'TA3 is with 21 em !oyees inc!ude TeDniD 4isiDa engineers( interior design engineers( and architects" His young age was immersed with art( architectura! design( and interior design" His father is <rof" Widagdo( and her mother is +rs" Rita WiIemann Widagdo F )oth !ectures of 'TE <au! managed to )!end his assion in art with physics" And he thanDs to TeDniD 4isiDa for that"

<au! 8unawan$s ;esign


$usetia%i &ahar!oF T4$@/

He owns HEC:A HJ;R& HEC:A HJ;R& is an engineering com any that deve!o s and manufacture microBhydro tur)ine" He started the com any in 1992" The com any has roduced more than .00 microBhydro tur)ine with @@> marDeted in 'ndonesia( and 12> for e, ort" After he graduated from TeDniD 4isiDa( he tooD severa! courses in :wiss to !earn a)out microB hydro

HeDsa Hydro <roducts 2 :ervices


HeDsa Hydra 'nsta!!ation )ase

Cusetiadi on TeDniD 4isiDa

'!mu TeDniD 4isiDa sangat mem)antu De!ancaran usaha saya( minima! saya tidaD Desu!itan dan masih ingat )uDu a a

teknis 'aik pro'lem yan( 'ersi)at mekanikal* elektrikal* material* termasuk sistem kontrol %an vi'rasi" +ungDin multi+pro'lem
di atas aDan !e)ih su!it saya hada i( )i!a saya tidaD ernah Du!iah di 4T"

yang harus saya ruHuD untuD mencari solusi


Thomas ,uhartanto F T4$@.

K< Engineering for <T <ertamina 8as Education#
:1# TeDniD 4isiDa F 4T' 'TE 19@9 :2# TeDno!ogi 8as F <asca :arHana 4T 9' 1990 :.# 3hemistry ;e t" / '3% B <hysica! :ciences( &,ford( 9C 1999

WorDing E, erience#
1990 1991B2009 2009Bnow # <T <hi!!i s ;eve!o ment 3or oration # ;ireDtorat Hu!u <T <ertamina 7<ersero# <T <ertamina 8as

Thomas :uhartanto on TeDniD 4isiDa

Studi Reduksi Orde Model Matematis Suatu Sistem Menggunakan Metoda Penyeimbangan Internal
Pengujian Katalis Logam M (VIIB)/ -Al2O3 pada Reaksi Reformasi Metana dengan Karbondioksida (CO2 Reforming)

TeDniD 4isiDa mem'eri 'ekal %an mem'uka pola pikir untuD mam u menHawa) tantan(an tu(as yang di)eriDan o!eh <erusahaan

Modified Nickel Catalysts for Carbon Free Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane to Synthesis Gas



Ichwan Mur%ianto Has'ullah F T4$@1

3ommercia! Eva!uation +anager( 3hevron 'ndoAsia Eusiness 9nit( LaDarta" He has s ent more than 10 years in 3hevron with various assignment# ;uri( Houston( ToDyo and LaDarta" He is roud that he has on!y )ache!or degree in TeDniD 4isiDa( yet he managed to c!im) the !adder" ThanDs to strong foundation of ana!ytica! sDi!!s in TeDniD 4isiDa

Janto on TeDniD 4isiDa

&ne great advice ' remem)er very we!! from one senior !ecturer in T4B'TE )acD then( <aD Rachmad +ohammad( was that T4 re ared its students to ada t to a wideBrange of worD !ace re5uirements and dynamics" The wideB

a stron( )oun%ation )or %evelopin( my analytical skill and !ed me to

range of su)Hects ' tooD and the 5ua!ity of the !ecturers during my study in T4B'TE rovided )eing ready to taDe on the cha!!enges of various assignments" 3hevron hired me as a <etro!eum Engineer( not )ecause they had confidence in me )eing a)!e to do the Ho) from dayB1 )ut more )ecause that they cou!d deve!o me to )ecome a strong <etro!eum Engineer in re!ative!y short time( and ' have roven they were right on" ' have )een worDing as a commercia! rofessiona! for more than 10 years without any sing!e )usiness degree" How

they saw the potentials in mysel)

the stron( analytical )oun%ation I %evelope% %urin( my stu%y in TF+IT- allows me to continue my in)ormal learnin( of many things ' have never imagined )efore"
is that ossi)!e at a!!? That$s )ecause



Arie) .ur -u%iman F T4$9@

+arDet ;eve!o ment ;irector B 8E 'ndonesia
%eading 8E marDet deve!o ment activities in 'ndonesia encom assing different 8E )usinesses and ursuing different industry segment( oi! 2 gas( ower generation( mining( trans ortation and te!ecommunication"

'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung 7'TE-M Eache!or( Engineering <hysicsM 199@ F 200. 3ranfie!d 9niversity( 9CM +aster( AerodynamicsM 200@ F 2009 Eco!e nationa!e su Nrieure de !OANronauti5ue et de !OEs ace( 4RM +aster( EngineeringM 2009 F 2010

WorDing E, erience#
K'3& 'ndonesia 7200.B2000T&TA% E2< 'ndonesie 72000B200@Air)us 720108enera! E!ectric 72011 F resent-

Dwi Trisno ,usanto F T4$9.

:ection Head 'nstrument 2 3ontro! Engineer at :63B%ava!in" Education#
Eache!or degree in Engineering <hysics at 'nstitute Techno!ogy Eandung( Eandung( 'ndonesiaM 199.B199@" +aster degree in Eusiness +anagement at <rasetiya +u!ya Eusiness :choo! LaDarta( 'ndonesiaM 200=B2009

WorDing E, erience#
:63B%ava!in 72011 F resent3'T'3 :ERA+ E6ER8J %td 72001 F 2011<T" Honeywe!! 'ndonesia 7200/ F 2001<T :iemens 'ndonesia 2 others 7199@ F 200/-



An%hi Mar!ono F T4$9=

<hysicist in R2; :ch!um)erger Techno!ogy 3entre La an Education#
Eache!or of Engineering( Engineering <hysics B 'TE 199= F 2001 +aster of Engineering( Eiomedica! & tics B The 9niversity of E!ectroB3ommunications F 200/B01 ;octorate( Eiomedica! & tics B The 9niversity of E!ectroB 3ommunications F 200/B01

WorDing e, eriences#
<T Wor!ey arsons F 2001B0.# 'nstrument Engineer :ch!um)erger F 200=# 'nternshi in R2; Piosoft F 200@# +edica! 'maging ;eve!o er :ch!um)erger F now# hysicist in :ch!um)erger La an R2;

:ch!um)erger <roduct 3entre La an

<ure c!ass of Engineering <hysics
;ownho!e 4!uid Ana!yIer 3rysta! QuartI 8auge

Rea! time downho!e f!uid ana!yIer to determine Hydrocar)on and water resent for oi! and gas e, !oration This too! can survive u to 1=0 deg3 and 10 D<si To revenue maDer in :ch!um)erger

Cnown as the )est downho!e ressure sensor in the wor!dA +easure )oth rea! time ressure and tem erature simu!tenous!y This too! can survive u to 1=0deg3 and 20D<si



Andhi +arHono on TeDniD 4isiDa

Where ' do is pure class o) /n(ineerin( "hysics" +y o)Hective is )ecoming /n(ineerin( Mana(er in any

technolo(y centre an% 'uil% up relationship with ITespecially TF after that"""

Mulya%i F T4$9=
<rinci a! +ateria!s Techno!ogist 7+eta!!urgy- at Ro!!sBRoyce <!c( ;er)y B 9C"
@ years e, erience in titanium meta!!urgy / years e, erience in stee! meta!!urgy

Eandung 'nstitute of Techno!ogy( Eache!or of Engineering 7Hons-( Engineering <hysics( 199= F 2002 ToDyo 'nstitute of Techno!ogy( 8raduate 3ertificate( +echanica! Engineering( 2002 F 200. The & en 9niversity( 9C( <h;( +ateria!s Engineering/+eta!!urgy( 200. F 200=



+u!yadi on TeDniD 4isiDa

'$ve a!ways )een interested in wanting to Dnow how things worD" ' rea!!y

en!oye% science an% particularly physics an% maths"

After studying at :+9 !eve!( ' wanted a ractica! su)Hect that com)ined these disci !ines" Engineering <hysics in 'TE did that and( for me( it is a!so a

'ri%(e 'etween the theoretical sciences an% en(ineerin( )iel%s" Karious courses which ' !earned during my undergraduate study in /n(ineerin( "hysics have provi%e% me a stron( )oun%ation which then ena)!ed me to s ecia!ise further into my research of
interest during <h;" This strong foundation a!so he! s me in my current ro!e to face engineering ro)!ems with structured a roaches and so!ve them )y using my s ecia!ist sDi!!s as we!! as multi%isciplinary point o)


Me%y ,atria F T4$90

Research Engineer at 8E 8!o)a! Research" +unich( 8ermany
worDing on mode! )ased contro! design for mu!ti !e 8E roducts from !ocomotive( gas engine( centrifuga! com ressor( home refrigerator and 3T scan coo!ing system"

'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung 7'TE-M EEng( Engineering <hysicsM 1990 F 1999 %ough)orough 9niversityM <h;( Automotive EngineeringM 2000 F 200=

He has )een stationed in various 8E R2; such as in +unich and Eanga!ore( 'ndia"



+edy :atria on TeDniD 4isiDa

' worD on mode! )ased contro! design for mu!ti !e 8E roducts from !ocomotive( gas engine( centrifuga! com ressor( home refrigerator and 3T scan coo!ing system" These re5uire Dnow!edge of mu!tiBdomain hysica! system mode!!ing from mechanica!( therma!( e!ectrica! and even chemica! domains" And indeed T4 rea!!y he! ed me with stron(

)oun%ation in multi+ %omain physics mo%ellin(* an% )or sure* control %esi(n"

+ost of the students get confuse on what is T4 focused on if it teaches OeverythingO" Their confusion wi!! )e answered when they go into a rea! !ife" Eecause in a rea! !ife( we a!ways face engineering ro)!ems which are multi%isciplinary in nature" :ay for e,am !e a 8enset" 't is a com)ination of engine 7mechanica!( therma!( chemica!- cou !ed with generator 7e!ectroB mechanica!- and then connected to the grid/!oad 7e!ectrica!-" This sim !e e,am !e is se!f e, !anatory on how mu!ti disc!i !inary a rea! engineering !ife is" Eeing T4 graduate wi!! he! a !ot

to think in a system level* multi+%omain( which are very critica! in

roduct design as we!! as so!ving engineering ro)!em in genera!"

/ry D!unae%y F T4$90

Research :cientist in 'ntegrated ;esign %a)( 9niversity of 'daho Educations#
EEng# Engineering <hysics( 'TE( 'ndonesia 71990 +:c# Eui!ding :cience( 69:( :inga ore 72000 <h;# Eui!ding <hysics( T9E( 6ether!ands 72000-

WorDing e, erience#
Assistant <rofessor# 9AE 9niversity 3onsu!tant# Aru ( :inga ore Research :cientist# ';%( 9 of 'daho



Ery$s e, ertise in Eui!ding :imu!ation

Eui!ding simu!ation is Dey#
to redict energy re5uirement of )ui!ding To redict comfort !eve! of a )ui!ding

Ery ;Hunaedy on TeDniD 4isiDa

Domain knowle%(e is the determining factor whether you have a 0olour)ul Flui% Dynamics* or 0omputational Flui% Dynamics" Engineering hysics gave me the 'asics o) the whole spectrum o) physics* that it was very easy )or me to (ain a %omain knowle%(e in any fie!d of simu!ation



/stiyanti /kawati F T4$@=

%ecturer at 'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung Education#
1992 :arHana TeDniD( Lurusan TeDniD 4isiDa( 'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung( '6;&6E:'A 199= +aster TeDniD( 'nstrumentasi dan Contro!( 'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung( '6;&6E:'A 200/ ;octor of Engineering :choo! of Engineering( +urdoch 9niversity( WA 111@( A9:TRA%'A

:he is very roud )ringingTeDniD 4isiDa at higher !eve! of accreditation B AEET

Estiyanti on TeDniD 4isiDa

The 'roa% knowle%(e an% stron( physics an% math un%erstan%in( ' have !earned in E< he! ed me to a%apt quickly into %i))erent roles after ' graduated"
4irst few years after graduation ' was a <roHect Engineer for a roHect deve!o ing a Refinery E5ui ment ;ata)anD for a!most a!! units of a nationa! oi! com any" The roHect management sDi!! re5uired to conduct such roHect at that time was !iDe o ed from nowhere and )ecame natura! to me" %ater on ' rea!iIed that it was due the contro! rinci !es !earned in E<( and the organiIationa! e, eriences in H+4T and <;"



.oer A%i 1ar%o!o F T4$@1

;e uty ;irector( :tandards and Techno!ogy M +inistry of Environment( 'ndonesia"
%eader for ':&/T3 20=/:3 = 8reenhouse 8as +anagement( AH8 8H8 +easurement 2 +onitoring +ethodo!ogies %eader for Loint ':&/T3 20=/:3 1 and :3 =( AH8 on 8reenhouse 8as +RK management system standard %eader of 'ndonesia 6ationa! 4orum on :ustaina)!e 3onsum tion and <roduction 7:3<-

'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung 7'TE-M Eache!or of Engineering 7EE-( Engineering <hysicsM 19@1 F 1991 Rensse!aer <o!ytechnic 'nstitute B The %a!!y :choo! of +anagement and Techno!ogyM +aster of :cience( Environmenta! +anagement and <o!icy

6oer Adi
EerdasarDan enga!aman saya( eduDasi di T4 mem)eri )eDa! Dom etensi mendasar# 1"

"en(uasaan paket len(kap %alam keilmuan %an rekayasa teknis( dari sinergi )e)era a i!mu dasar sam ai dengan a !iDasi reDayasanya untuD me!aDuDan suatu fungsi rii!M 2" "ola pemikiran sistemik( untuD
mengidentifiDasi ermasa!ahan( faDtor utama yang )er engaruh dan intervensi untuD me!aDuDan engenda!ian atau eru)ahan sistem" <enting )agi a!umni T4 untuD

menam'ah kompetensi %asar di )e)era

di i!ih" And

a )idang !ainnya( dan seDa!igus menga !iDasiDan dan mengasah Dom etensinya di !ahan )erDi rah yang

the (rowth still continues as I move alon( "



Muchama% Ha%iyana F T4$@1

;e uty ;irector of :tandardiIation for Qua!ity of :ervice( +inistry of 'nformation and 3ommunication Techno!ogy of 'ndonesia" Education#
'nstitut TeDno!ogi Eandung 7'TE- B Eache!or of Engineering <hysicsM 19@1 F 1992 Kander)i!t 9niversity B +asterOs degree( +anagement of Techno!ogyM 199= F 199@

Hadiyana on TeDniD 4isiDa

;a!am Da asitas se)agai enguHi saya sudah tentu er!u memahami teDno!ogi te!eDomuniDasi dan harus tahu cara menguHi atau menguDur" 9ntung saHa mem ero!eh dasarBdasar engetahuan dari Lurusan TeDniD 4isiDa 'TE se)agai )eriDut# E!ectromagnetic 4ie!ds( <rinci !e of +easurement( 'nstrumentation 74ourier :eries( 4ourier Transform( 4ourier Ana!ysis( +odu!ation( etc"-( 4undamenta!s of E!ectronics 2 E!ectronics( Wave <henomenon( %aser and & tica! 4i)er EidangB)idang terse)ut sangat erat dengan teDno!ogi te!eDomuniDasi dan teDniD enguDuran di !a)oratorium uHi sehingga saya tidaD su!it untuD me!aDuDan tugas saya"

Den(an pen(etahuan terse'ut yan( %ilen(kapi %en(an 'uku+'uku manual alat ukur* saya men!a%i pionir %alam menyusun instruksi ker!a pen(u!ian



What We 3an %earn from Them

;o what we !ove to do F consistent in the fie!d of engineering
Reconnect with the ear!y you

'f we !ove math and science( TeDniD 4isiDa is the )est match F it is their )e!ief#
The first ste ing stone in techno!ogy 2 engineering )ased career The foundation for further advanced !earning The foundation of who!e s ectrum hysics( mu!tiBdisci !inary for mu!tiB ro)!ems"

Cee !earning"


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