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Aug 22, 2009 5:40 PM

FRANCIONE’S BLACK HOLES: Human Nature, Over-Population & Economics

By Bea Elliott & Camille Marino

Gary L. Francione
Megan: you ask: “where the heck is our movement.” The answer is plain. It is

That is why some of us are trying to build an abolitionist movement based on

ethical veganism and non-violence. As difficult as that may seem, there really is
no alternative.
(Monday, August 17 at 11:11 a.m.)

A fundamental tenet of the Francione Doctrine is that a single-issue approach to

reduce demand for animal products is the most prudent method of achieving rights
for nonhuman animals.

The theory espoused goes something like this: in order to eradicate the property
status of nonhuman individuals, people must be educated out of speciesism and into
the morally consistent philosophy of veganism. Once vegan, demand ceases, a person
no longer perpetuates the holocaust, and nonhuman slavery will be abolished.

Francione fails to address human nature. African-American slavery was abolished

and we have a black president; yet there is still racism. The second person in
line for the presidency of the United States (after Biden) is Hillary Clinton, a
woman; yet there is still sexism. Senator Barney Franks is openly gay (and Larry
Craig has a wide stance – haha); yet homophobia is still rampant. The point is
that if we are trying to educate people into being decent human beings — and thus
affect demand — we are waging a losing battle. Had the abolitionists in the
antebellum south tried to eradicate racism in an effort to mitigate the property
status hoping that this would effect liberation, we would still have the
institution of slavery today.

Francione fails to address the issue of over-population and, in fact, the subject
seems to annoy him.

The planet is dying around us. The ice caps are melting. Corporations rape the
planet and pollute the environment with impunity. Humans are casually rendering
entire species extinct. The ever-increasing demand for flesh is “choking the
world’s waters“. Animal product consumption hit an all-time high in 2008. And
the holocaust is growing in scope and intensity, trying to feed a population of
people that’s estimated to reach 7 billion by 2011. Third world countries look
to America and strive to create their own corpse-ingesting societies. And China’s
escalating meat consumption threatens to deplete world grain supplies by 2010.

It it sheer idiocy, or disingenuity, to propose that the exploding population of

flesh-eaters can be countered with one-plate-at-a-time vegan advocacy. And Gary
Francione is not stupid.

Francione unintentionally concedes that the situation is so dire, that conditions

affecting supply — NOT DEMAND — will ultimately impede corpse production; and, as
Francione points out, once the supply side is effectively rendered useless, demand
becomes inconsequential:

Gary L. Francione
Christine: You answered your own question. As the population explodes, it is going
to be harder and harder as a practical matter to maintain animal agriculture
because there simply are not enough resources to support it.

Francione fails to address the economic realities. Through an enormous amount of

government funding there is now a symposium called CAST – Council for Agricultural
Science and Technology: The 8-member international Task Force of this new Issue
Paper suggests that the government develop a regulatory process that addresses
consumers’ apprehension while offering realistic expectations of biotechnology.

This new paper, “Animal Productivity and Genetic Diversity: Cloned and Transgenic
Animals,” discusses two of the most recent reproductive technologies used to
improve agronomic traits in livestock. The issues of environmental impact and
sustainability are being addressed here on page 9:

And animal exploitation will remain sustainable and economically attractive as


“Consumer demand through vegan advocacy is all it will take to decrease animal
exploitation – If we just let the marketplace speak for us - the animal industries
will cease”.

This single tactic will never be effective in this economy: The dairy industry
is suffering dramatic decline in profitability – But through Capper-Volstead Act
they are permitted to avoid anti-trust laws by “retiring” herds - The dairymen can
then eliminate “excess” cows and reduce supply, keeping their operation solvent.
And this cow “cull” also floods the slaughterhouses with hamburger flesh and other
cheap meats. Thereby keeping these animal products readily available and
economically practical.

It is no wonder that through these tough economic times McDeath has had it’s most
profitable year to date.

Furthermore on the dairy “slump” –

USDA said it will give $150 million to dairy farmers hurt by low prices : USDA
will raise the price paid for nonfat dry milk from 80 cents per pound to 92 cents
per pound; the price paid for cheddar blocks from $1.13 per pound to $1.31 per
pound, and the price of cheddar barrels from $1.10 per pound to $1.28 per pound.
The administration’s economists estimate these increases will boost dairy farmers’
revenue by $243 million.

The announcement will result in the government purchase of an additional 150

million pounds of non-fat dry milk (NDM) and an additional 75 million pounds of
cheese. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the move should provide
“immediate relief to dairy farmers” by increasing the all-milk price producers
receive. These animal products are purchased by the government to go into feeding
programs such as school lunches, institutions and of course the military.


And here’s how “Federal Orders” with the dairy industries are maintained through
tax dollars.

This is just information on how the commodities market in the dairy sector
operates – A declining “pork” industry is also in the red – and the federal
government will be bailing them out too (again). Pork industry asks USDA for $250
The United States government influences “demand” on all animal products - from
eggs to bacon… There is no effecting demand in any meaningful way. In fact, if
you want to get an idea how controlled animal products and slaughterhouse blood
money is regulated – Google “usda carlot” for a daily breakdown of how many bodies
pass through government holdings.

The US is in constant negotiations with other countries – namely China – to “buy”

our meat. This is because we are up to our eyeballs in (war) debt to them –
Cattle = Capital and Meat = Money

Believe this – We are paying off our debt to them in tons of innocent, murdered
flesh –

This summation does not even cover other animal exploitations that the American
tax dollar (unwittingly) support such as grants given to test labs, money for
controlling “predatory” species, funds to breed “prey”, US “swim with the
dolphins” programs - ad nausea.

It is naive to think that by just avoiding the purchase of animal products, and
encouraging everyone else to “go vegan” will have any real effect on the
money/supply side of this horrific holocaust. Sorry Mr. Francione – and followers…
it’s just a fantasy.

Coming Soon: The ALTERNATIVE — the one Francione keeps telling you doesn’t exist…
Our New Page/Group with REAL information: “Forget Francione: Abolition by Any
Means Necessary!”

Emotion & passion drive action; not sterile debate. Attitudes change when people
Negotiation Is Over, please send an email with the subject “subscriptions” to


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