Anda di halaman 1dari 42


1. A Study of God’s Word ……………….…...1

2. A Study of God…………………………………......3
3. A Study of Gods Torah……………………10
4. A Study of Gods Holy Days…………...15
5. A Study of Gods Calendar.....................19
6. The God I Worship…………............................21
7. What I believe…………….……………….……….23
8. Tenakh Questions……………………..………24
9. Tenakh Terms………………………………..….…32
10.A More Excellent Way…………………….38
11.A Study of Gods Calendar.....................19
12.The God I Worship…………............................21
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

13.What I believe…………….……………….……….23
14.Tenakh Questions……………………..………24
15.Tenakh Terms………………………………..….…32
16.A More Excellent Way…………………….38

17. Basic Study Rules……………………...…….39


A Study of God’s Word

A Study of Gods’ Word is important because we must learn what it is and where it came
from. We must understand its purpose and how it helps us in everyday life.

The Infallible Word of God

The Tenakh is the word of God. That means that God has chosen a way to speak to us in
writing so we wouldn’t be afraid to hear from Him if He spoke to us directly. It was written by
men who were moved or inspired by God. These men printed out what they heard or felt the
Spirit of God saying to them. They wrote these things in their own words and writing styles as
best they knew how. The word of God is infallible because it is truth directly from God. It will
interpret itself if allowed to. No matter whom God speaks through, He cannot lie. Even if He
could lie, His words would become the truth. The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among
us as Yeshua the Messiah or Jesus the Christ.

The Final Source of Doctrine and Belief

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

So many people claim that their beliefs are based on the Tenakh. When truly put to the
test of the whole word of God, most doctrines and beliefs fail miserably. For instance, a search to
prove that Sunday is the Christian day of worship, may turn up three to five scriptures and most
of them in the Apostles. The same search to prove the Sabbath is the Christian day of worship
turns up a dozen or more in the Old Testaments, the Gospels, Acts and the letters of the Apostles.
All of the real proofs for Sunday are from sources outside the Tenakh. Outside sources should
only confirm the Tenakh. Where outside sources do not confirm the Tenakh they are false and
must be discounted as true. If a change occurred in doctrine or belief and there is no evidence in
the Tenakh, then the change is error and must go.

The Final Historical and Traditional Source for Israel and the Church

The same as doctrine, historical information should confirm the Tenakh. A lot of human
historical accounts are often filled with bias for or against the Tenakh and are often brought into
question. If outside historical sources can relate clearly and confirm the Tenakh, then the source
would be true and vice versa. Citing Church history and tradition only from the second, third and
fourth century and making the Tenakh line up with that is wrong. If a change in worship, days or
time has occurred and there is no mention of it in the Tenakh, then it too is error and must go.


The Tenakh of the Jews

The “Bible”, of the Early Church, was the Tenakh of the Jews. We call this book the Old
Testament. This book consisted of The Teaching or Instructions (Torah), The Prophets (Nevi’im)
and the writings (Ketuvim). No person of that time ever heard of a New Testament Bible. There
was no such thing for centuries after Messiah. All references in the early Church were to the
Tenakh and to letters being circulated by the Apostles, which were later compiled into a Bible.
Naming the Tenakh Old and New Testament or Covenant only rebuilds the wall of separation
between Christians and Jews that Messiah destroyed. The Messiah said that the Tenakh spoke
about him. References to Messiah are everywhere in the Tenakh. His first and second comings
are clearly revealed.

The New Testament Bible

The New Testament Bible should really be called The Apostles. The Apostles is the story
of the coming of the Messiah, the history of the early Church and letters to various early
churches with instructions regarding doctrine, belief and tradition. These letters were
clarifications to believers of the teachings of the Tenakh and of the Messiah. The Apostles is not
a replacement for the Tenakh but an appendix to it. A huge percent of it is quotes from the

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Tenakh. To eliminate the Tenakh is to eliminate the Apostles. The Apostles explains and reveals
what God had in mind in the Tenakh.

With these things in mind, my hope is that your studies of the Tenakh may be without
bias and pure. Let outside sources confirm what you study not twist it. Let God be true and every
man a liar. His word is truth.


Study of God

I am starting this journey, A Study of God, because there is so much confusion in

Christianity about who and what God is. It seems clear from the Tenakh to me. Why the
confusion, I don’t know. I do want to know the truth and I want to find a way to clearly explain
who and what God is from the Tenakh and no other source. Different translations, a concordance,
a holy land dictionary and encyclopedia were helpful in my journey.

This study began for me a long time ago, as a teenager. I was baptized in the Baptist
church in 1968. I slowly began to disregard my beliefs because of what I saw as hypocrisy. I
explored Catholicism, Islam and many other Protestant denominations. I found the same
hypocrisy and more confusion than ever.

I soon began to explore outside of Orthodox Christianity and started looking at non
Trinitarian groups. The Worldwide Church of God caught my attention immediately through a
television show. Soon I was also watching Amazing Facts, by the Seventh Day Adventist
Church. These two groups seemed very similar but I gravitated toward the Worldwide Church of
God. I became a member in 1986.

I could never understand how churches concluded that God is a Trinity. The “God is a
family” idea was easier to grasp because it made more sense. God the Father and Jesus the Son,
two Spirit beings united as one God. The family was to grow into many sons and daughters of
God. This idea seemed clearer in the Tenakh than anything else.
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Then, the Worldwide Church of God began to break down and accept the Trinity. They
also started renouncing all their doctrine in favor of a more Protestant view. Once again I was off
on my search for the truth about God.

In the spring of 2005, I downloaded some literature titled “God-General Information”

from I browsed it then filed it away for later not
knowing this would be instrumental in my conclusions. I also downloaded the statement of
beliefs from Christian Churches of God at
I also browsed and filed this away. In the fall of 2005, I relocated these documents and began
reading them and I was astonished. My study began by investigating the bible study literature on
the latter site.


Where do I Begin?

It seems that no matter what I decide to study in the Tenakh, I always end up somewhere
near Gen 1:1. Here I found that “God created the heavens and the earth”. I decided to lookup all
the words in the Tenakh used for God. WOW, there were so many. I will not exhaust this by any
means but I want to list a few and define them.

• Gen 1:1 Elohim – mighty ones, angels, judges, magistrates, god(s)

• Gen 2:4 Yahovah (YHVH) – self existent, eternal, lord, master (Elohim as suffix)
• Gen 14:20 Elyon – most high God, supreme God, mighty God, almighty God
El – god, strength, power, strong
• Gen 15:8 Yahovih – variation of Yahovah (Adonai – lord, master = Yahovah prefix)
• Prov 30:4 Eloah, Elahh – The deity, God
• John 20:28 Kurios – lord, master = Yahovah
Theos – God = Elohim

Eloah, Elyon and Yahovih seem to be exclusively used for the Father. El, when used in
conjunction with other words, can apply to false gods and any or all of the spirit beings including
the Father. Yahovah seems to be a title delegated to any spirit being sent by the Father or to the
Father himself. Elohim can be used of the Father, all spirit beings and man.
So we can see how we can become confused when trying to understand God in our studies.
We must be careful to read the scriptures without prejudice. We must also try to eliminate our
preconceived ideas when we search for the truth.

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

The next thing I came across was that Gen 1:1 shows us an original first creation and Gen
1:3 is the beginning of a re-creation. Something caused the earth to become without form and void
with darkness over the face of the deep in Gen 1:2. I also found that prior to all this creating, there
had to be a creation of the spirit world (Job 38:4-7). God is still creating and He has a plan for us.

Who is God and where did He come from?

It is hard for us to believe or understand but God has always existed. He appears to have
been alone prior to the creation of anything. He is the only immortal being (1 Tim 6:16) which
means He alone cannot die. He is all powerful and there is none greater than He. He can give life
to nothing or destroy everything.
Nothing else is immortal outside His will. He is invisible and no one in the physical
realm can or ever has seen Him (John 1:18, 5:37, 6:46, 1 John 4:12, 1 Tim 6:14-16) He is all
knowing (Is 44:6-8) and omnipresent (Ps 139:7). He can be everywhere or anywhere as He
chooses. He is pure spirit but with form as He chooses. Only those in the spirit world can see and
hear him. No human, except Jesus, ever saw His form or heard His voice.


He can be known and understood (Jer 9:23). He desires that we know him and
encourages us to. The trinity is a mystery and cannot be understood. God is not a mystery. Any
attempt to say that any being is equal to Him is error (Deut 32:39, Is 44:6,8, 45:5,21, 46:9, Hos
13:4 ). There is only one supreme God and there is none like him.

Who is Jesus and where did He come from?

Jesus the Messiah is a son of God. His Hebrew name is Yeshua. He is the beginning of
the creation of God (Rev 3:14). He is the first begotten of the creation (Col 1:15) and the only
born son of God (Mat 3:17, John 1:18, 1 John 4:9). He was born a human by an act of God the
father by the power of the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:26-35). He is the Messiah (Mat 16:16, John 1:41).
Jesus is one of many sons of God in the spirit world. He was the first of the spirit creation of
God. He existed before all other spirits except the Father and before the physical creation (John
Jesus began as a Spirit Being in God’s creation. He was the first of the generation of the
Sons of God. It could be said that He was with God and that He was God in the beginning of the
physical creation. His generation was the beginning of the spiritual creation. He is not God as the
Father is God because the Father has no beginning. He is not worshiped as the father is
worshipped because only the Father should be worshipped. We worship the Father through him.
He is however to be given the highest honor, praise and thanks as our Lord, Savior and High
Priest. His pre-existent name is not known to us but He is called by many recognizable names.
He is called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel,
God with us, the Word of God, the Son of God, The God of Israel, The Angel of the Lord, The
Angel of the Covenant, The Rock of Israel, The Pillar of Cloud by day and the Pillar of Fire by
night, the Holy one of Israel, The Anointed One and Jesus the Messiah. He was the first of the
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

many Sons of God. This is important because it clears up a multitude of confusion when you
understand it. It helps explain the term “sons of God” in Gen 6:1, Job 1:6 and Job 2:1. He was
Jesus in the flesh was this Great Spirit Being who gave up His Divinity and God status to
become a man just like us except He submitted to allowing the fullness of the Nature of The
Deity (The Father) dwell in him. This is the same thing Christians are called to do. Jesus made it
possible for the fullness of The Deity (The Father) to dwell in us by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Many of us find it hard to believe that Jesus could be a created Spirit Being. The Tenakh
does not say that he wasn’t. It seems to say in many scriptures that he was. We should believe
what we read and seriously scrutinize any man who comes up with concepts developed by
wrestling scriptures into place and ignoring others.
Jesus came to us as the Lamb of God to die for our sins. Some think he had to be supreme
God to do this. The lesser is always sacrificed for the greater. Animals, for instance,were always
used as a sacrifice for human sin. Jesus was not an animal, but he was made a little lower than
the angels and became as a lamb, lower than a man, to be sacrificed for all of creation. If we kept
God’s Passover, we would understand this. In doing this he could redeem everything that was
equal to or less than himself. There was nothing between him and the Father that needed to be
redeemed. He is a God among many under the Father (Heb 1:8-9, Ps 82:1, 89:7). He is an Image
of the invisible God (Col 1:15).


What is the Holy Spirit?

The confusion about the Holy Spirit is amazing. I can’t begin to list the enormous amount
of scriptures in the Tenakh that prove that this Spirit is the power of God. Because the Spirit is
personified, like wisdom in Proverbs, people think it is a person. They turn to a smaller body of
scriptures that call it by names or uses pronouns to prove the Holy Spirit is a person. If more
evidence proves that the Holy Spirit is the Power of God, why don’t we just believe it? Instead
we hold on to fables and less evidence to the contrary. Jesus said the Holy Spirit comes from the
Father and that he (Jesus) sends it (John 15:26, John 16:7).
The Holy Spirit is the means by which God does everything. It is the way we can know
God. It is what makes us one with him. It is the means by which The Father and The Son lives in
us. It transforms us to be more like them. It gives us what to pray when we don’t know what to
say. It teaches us and comforts us. It helps us obey God. It links God to Jesus and us to them. It is
the Spirit of Truth. That Truth Is Jesus, which is the Word of God. It helps us worship God and is
the way in which we do this. It is what makes us “Born Again”. Read John 14 to 18.
If the Holy Spirit is a person then he is the father of Jesus and not God the Father. Luke
1:35 says “the Holy Spirit will overshadow her and the Power of the Most High will come upon
her”. Knowing the Holy Spirit is not a person shows that God is the Father of Jesus and that He
used His Holy Spirit to accomplish this in Mary. The Holy Spirit can be called God because it
comes from Him. Jesus can be called God because the Father appointed him so. Both are
subordinate to and under the will of The Father.

How does God deal with man?

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

God the Father deals with man through his Spirit Sons by the power of the Holy Spirit. In
my study it appears that there are God-like beings in a Council of God (Ps 82:1, 89:7). These
beings appeared for, spoke for and acted for and by The Fathers will. They were seen, talked to,
wrestled with and eaten with yet no physical person has ever seen the Father or heard his voice,
(John 1:18, 5:37, 6:46, 1 John 4:12). These beings are willingly subordinate to God the Father.
They are the Sons of God and they show up everywhere in the Tenakh.
They visited Adam and Eve. Satan was one of them. Some sinned with human women
and fell in disobedience. They appeared to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Balaam,
Joshua, other prophets, John the Baptist father Zechariah, Mary and Jesus. This is how God
spoke to us through the prophets. Finally, He sent his only human begotten Son into the world as
a lamb to be sacrificed for sin.
They are all able to carry his authority, but only by His will. In John 5:30 Jesus said he
could do nothing apart from the Father. Jesus said his words weren’t his own words but the
Father speaking through him. He submitted completely to the Fathers will (John 5:19).
Everything he said or did was at the Fathers command or bidding. Jesus is subordinate to and
dependant on the Father for everything (John 14:24, 28). It has always been this way from the
creation of the spirit world.


Who are the Sons of God?

The Sons of God are created beings. These beings were created before the physical
creation including man. God became the Father of Spirits by this act (Heb 12:9). The Tenakh
says there are ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands or a myriad of them
(Rev 5:11). We know them as Angels. Angels is a word that means messengers but before man
was created there was no need for messengers. They were called Sons of God. All spirits
communicate through the Spirit of God. Spirits do not need messengers. Here are some terms
and titles used for these beings:

• Morning Stars – Job 38:7, Is 14:12, Rev 2:28, 22:16

• Cherubim – Gen 3:24, Ezk 28:14-16
• Seraphim – Is 6:2,6
• Angels – Ambassador, King, Messenger, Deputy
• Living Creatures – Rev 4:6, Ezk 1:5,13-15,19,21, 3:13
• Elders – Rev 4:10
• Host of Heaven – 1 kings 22:9

They were created to assist God in His plan for the universe. This includes a special
purpose for man. The Tenakh says the Tabernacle in Israel,built and set up by Moses, was to be
an exact replica of the Tabernacle in heaven. God through his son instructed Moses. The
children of Israel were also a replica of the Sons of God in heaven. The Sons of God were setup
as a Council of God (Ps 82:1, 86:8, 95:3, 96:4, 97:7, 135:5, 136:2, 138:1). There are 30 in the
inner Council (Rev 4:1-11). Another 40 Elders are in the outer Council to make 70 (Num 11:14-
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

26, Lk 10:1, 17, Ex 24:1, 9). Then to the first thousand, one of whom was to become a mediator
(Job 33:23).
Three sons are named in the Tenakh, Helel (Lucifer/Satan), Michael and Gabriel. Jesus is
called Emmanuel which may be his Spirit name. Helel and Jesus are both called Anointed Ones
and Morning Stars or Day Stars. The Sons purpose is to worship God the Father, to do His will
and to serve man. Helel and a third of the Angels rebelled and were removed from Gods
kingdom. He is still god of this world until Jesus returns to destroy him and take his place. Spirit
beings, except the Father, can be destroyed. Jesus has qualified to rule the earth and is now
resurrected to a state of immortality as we will be in the future. All beings maintain immortality
by willing obedience to the Father. Jesus immortality is sealed forever.
The rebellion of Helel, who became Satan, caused the earth to become without form and
void with darkness. God recreated the earth by His Son Jesus the Messiah. Helel tried to
dethrone God and take by force what God wanted to give him freely. God now has given this to
his Son Jesus who wants to share Gods Spirit and rulership of the universe with man. God had
already given Helel rule of the earth and his Spirit, but Helel wanted more, the throne of God.
Jesus submitted himself to the Father, came to the earth to redeem man and died as a sacrifice for
our sins. He was raised from the dead and given what Heleldesired, the title of God and the rule
of the universe. Jesus will submit all things to the Father in the end.


Who, what and why is man?

I have learned in my study that some time long ago, God decided to create His own
family. He started with beings who He gave spirit life and free will. They had the ability to
choose to obey and love God the Father or not. They did not know the full plan of God. He kept
it from them because they like us, must also live by faith and trust in the Fathers judgment.
When He revealed to them the creation and purpose of man, rebellion broke out. Some of
the spirit beings couldn’t understand why God wanted to create weak creatures like man. From
then on Satan tried to undermine everything God began to do. So, God created man out of the
dirt of the ground without full spirit life and with free will. He breathed into man enough of His
spirit to quicken life and understanding in him. He created a woman with him and made them
both mortal. Man is not and does not have an immortal soul or spirit. God alone is immortal (1
Tim 6:16). Why don’t we believe this scripture?
God created a garden and placed man in it, to tend and keep it. All kinds of trees were
placed there for food and man (male and female) was given one command. They could eat from
all but one tree. They seemed to understand this command. No one knows how long it was before
Satan begun to undermine the plan of God and deceive man. Satan spoke to them and gave them
the impression that God was not truthful with them and that they would not die and would
become like God if they ate from this tree. The woman ate and gave some to the man. Their eyes
were immediately opened. They became as god knowing good from evil (Gen 3:22).
That day they died spiritually and began the process of physical death. God said they would die,
Satan said that they would not. They fell for the lie and were removed from the garden for their
disobedience and their environment was cursed.

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

There was another tree in the garden that would have put man on the course of obedience,
health, wealth and immortality. They chose misery instead. God the Father planned for all of this
in advance of the creations. He planned for the rebellion of Satan as well as the rebellion of man.
Some day one of the spirit beings would come to earth, redeem the entire universe (spirit and
physical worlds) and set all things right with God the Father. It has been nearly two thousand
years since Jesus the redeemer has come to set things back to a new choice. In choosing His Son,
man’s destiny is to become a spirit being and heirs with Messiah to rule the universe. Who
knows what God has planned for us beyond that day?

So, what is God doing?

God has been creating from the beginning, continues until this day and on into the future.
God is calling man and creating in him His own Holy and Righteous character. He is preparing
us for the day of resurrection, priesthood and rulership. This resurrection will produce the first
humans since Jesus to be born into God’s new kingdom for special positions of service and
leadership. This is difficult for us because our human nature wants to resist God. The world, our
flesh and Satan try to destroy God’s plan. Thank God that Jesus came to die for us and to make
the power we need, the Holy Spirit, available to us to accomplish God’s purpose. God’s Spirit
helps us to continue to seek, repent, live by faith and obey God. Without it we could do nothing.


What is our duty?

Our duties are:

• To love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our
• To love our neighbors as our self
• To believe in the one true God and Jesus the Messiah whom he sent
• To repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy
• To seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
• To obey God by keeping His Commandments

This study has opened my eyes to great confusion in the church and the world today.
Confusion can only be conquered by the Spirit of God. Only this Spirit, which Jesus
sends when we pray and ask for it, can see us through. The story of the Tenakh is simple
but we have created all kinds of confusion and difficulty to get to God. All we need to do
is study His Word, believe what He says and obey Him.

Believe Jesus. “Come unto me, all of you who labor and are heavy laden and I will
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart
and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mat
11:28-30). This is the word of the Father.
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


A Study of Gods Torah

A Study of Gods’ Torah is important because there is so much confusion in Christianity

about what we are to obey. The Torah is not law. The Torah is teaching and instruction from
God. It is clear to me from the Tenakh that God requires obedience from all mankind. The
problem is that no one seems to know what we are to obey. Some say we are to go by Jesus
teaching in Mat: 5, 6 and 7. Some say the Torah of God is done away. Some say The Torah of
God is for the Jews only. It is important to note that while the debate rages on, man is lawless
and crime of all kinds occur daily. Man must change in his heart and mind and Gods’ Torah is the
way (Ps 111:10).

Man is Corrupt

Man became corrupt after the deception of Satan in the beginning (Gen 3). From then on,
man has been following the way of Satan, which is our human nature (Gal 5:19-21, Eph 2:3, II
Cor 4:4). All these attitudes are his and he transmits them to us because he is the prince of the
power of the air (Eph 2:2) and the god of this world (II Cor 4:4). He continues to deceive man
until the end (Rev 12:9). We have all sinned (Ro 5:12). We have all earned death (Ro 6:21-22).
We sit on spiritual death row. We constantly resist God even when we think we do right (Jer
17:9, Ro 1: 28-32, Ro 8:7-8, Jms 4:1-3 Pro 14:12). We are in need of salvation.

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

God Had a Plan

God has always had a plan of salvation when things go wrong because he knew they
would. When you create creatures with freedom, they may do anything. A pardon was secured
for us before the creation of the world (Jn 3:16, Ro 5:8-10). Our first step in the plan is to repent
and believe the gospel (Mk 1:15, Acts 2:38, Lk 13:3, 5). Repentance is conversion or changing
direction and turning from our own way (Satan’s’ way) to God’s way. We must change from sin
or disobedience to righteousness or obedience to God. Jesus was sent by God and came to pay
the penalty for our sins. He lived the life of righteousness as an example for us to follow in his

What is Sin?

No one seems to want to answer this question directly. Sin is disobedience to God’s
Torah (I Jn 3:4). Whatever is not of faith is sin (Ro14:23).To know what is right and not do it is
sin (Jms 4:17). All unrighteousness is sin (I Jn 5:17). Disbelief in Jesus is sin (Jn16:9). When we
accept Messiah, we are free from the penalty of past sins (Ro 3:25). We must become like little
children and learn to accept things the way they do (Mat 18:2-4). God leads us to repentance so
we should follow his lead (Ro 2:4, II Tim 2:25, Jn 6:44, 65, Acts 11:18).


What is a true Christian?

A true Christian is a sinner who repents and believes the gospel. He is also baptized for
the removal of sins and receives the gift of the Holy Spirit. We cannot belong to God and
Messiah (be Christians) if we do not have the Spirit of God and Messiah in us (Ro 8:9-10, I Jn
2:3-6). We must obey God. We must strive to live completely by his word (Mat 4:4). Notice that
it says that MAN shall live by every word that comes from the mouth of God, not just the Jews
or Israel or those under the old covenant. Our whole duty is to fear God and to keep his
commandments (Eccl 12:13). A true Christian would be striving to keep Gods’ Torah and
believing the testimony of Jesus the Messiah. We will be doing this until the end (Rev 12:17,
14:12). This is a true believer, a saint in God’s eyes. We must stay on this path. We may slip and
fall but we must be diligent to get up, repent and continue.

Who should we obey?

There is only one to obey. That is God and his Torah beginning with The Ten
Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the basic and primary Teaching or Instructions
above all other law, including mans law. They are what mans law should be based upon. When
The Ten Commandments are disobeyed, sin enters into our lives. All of the major characters of
the Tenakh kept and obeyed them. Abraham (Gen 26:5), David (Ps 119), Jesus (Jn 15:10, Mat
19:16-19), Paul (Ro 7:25) and many others are our examples. Some were not perfect but they
always returned to obedience to God. We should follow their examples. Jesus showed us that the
letter of the Torah must be followed but the Spirit of the Torah was more important (Mat 5:21-
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

22, 27-28, 23:23). Paul and John say the same things (Ro 7: 14, I Jn 3:15). Expanding on what
Jesus taught about the attitudes we should avoid:

• Rebellion is the spirit of worshipping other gods

• Ignorance is the spirit of idolatry
• Foolishness is the spirit of using God’s name in vain
• Eternal death and unrest is the spirit of not keeping the Sabbath
• Disrespect is the spirit of not honoring our parents
• Hate is the spirit of murder
• Lust is the spirit of adultery
• Greed is the spirit of stealing
• Deceit is the spirit of lying
• Desire is the spirit of coveting

God’s Torah exists to define right from wrong. God’s Grace exists to take care of or cover
the wrong.


What is the Spirit of the Torah?

The Spirit of the Torah is Love. The first four commandments show us how to love God.
The last six show us how to love our fellow man (Mat 22:36-40). The Ten Commandments are
the Torah of God, The Torah of Messiah, The Torah of Liberty and The Torah of Love. Gods
basic characteristic and nature is love (I Jn 4:8, 16, 20, Jn 3:16). We receive this love by the Holy
Spirit (Ro 5:5) which is given to us at baptism and it grows its fruit within us (Gal 5:22-23, II
Tim 1:7). The expression of love is found in I Cor 13:4-8. Read this whole chapter. It would be
wonderful if all of us can be like this. Love is the fulfillment of the Torah (Ro 13:8-10) or
walking out the life of redemption. This obedience is our duty. It does not earn us anything (Ro
6:23, Eph 2:8-9). You can be sure that the disobedient will not enter into the kingdom of God
(Mat 7:21-23, 19:16-19, Rev 22:14-15). These are people who think they do nothing wrong and
need no repentance. They think that no one should tell them what they should and shouldn’t do.
Not even God.

The Spirit of the Torah is Gods Character and nature:

• God is Good -------------------- The Torah is Good (Ro 7:12)

• God is Just -------------------- The Torah is Just (Ro 7:12)
• God is Holy -------------------- The Torah is Holy (Ro 7:12)
• God is Spirit-------------------- The Torah is Spiritual (Ro 7:14)
• God is Perfect ------------------ The Torah is Perfect (Ps 19:7)

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Gods’ character is the way of love. His character will not change (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8). His
Torah will not change (Ps 111:7-8).

What about the Sabbath?

The Sabbath is one of Gods’ Commandments. It is the only one that says to remember
and most people do not know what or when it is. We think it belongs to and is for the Jews or
Israel. Jesus said God made it for man (Mk 2:27, Gen 2:1-2). Notice again that it says it was
made for MAN, not just the Jews or Israel or those under the old covenant. It is Gods day and the
day that Jesus is Lord of (Mk 2:28). God created it by resting on it. Is that because he was tired,
no, It was for an example to man. The Sabbath is Gods day, not the Jews or Israel’s or those
under the old covenant (Ex 31:13, Lev 19:3, 30, 26:2, Is 56:4, Ezk 20:12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 24,
22:8, 26, 23:38, 44:24). Why do we believe wrong things? Jesus, Paul and all the apostles kept it
as a matter of fact (Lk 4:16, 31, Acts 13:14-15, 42-44, 14:1, 17:1-2, 18:1-4, Heb 13:8). It is still
in effect (Heb 4:9-10). We should not follow the disobedient example of early Christians who
changed the Sabbath to Sunday. God, Jesus and none of the apostles authorized this change. We
are free to worship on any other day of the week we want to, but we should remember the
Sabbath and keep it Holy in obedience to God.


What are a covenant and a testament?


• An agreement between two parties

• It is made binding by blood
• It is a legal undertaking to do or refrain from doing some act


• A last will
• It is made binding by the death of the testator
• It is an act or written instrument by which a person wills or bequeaths certain
possessions to another

Jesus brought in the new covenant by his blood, which is the Torah of God written on our
hearts and minds (Heb 8:7-12). This begins in us at our conversion when we receive the Holy
Spirit. Jesus also brought in a testament or last will at his death. He willed to us the Holy Spirit,
which came in Acts 2:1 and Eternal Life as Kings and Priests of God, which we will receive at
his return with our resurrection.

What does it mean to be under the Torah?

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

The Torah of God, like God, has always existed. It is the nature and character of God. It
was here before anything was created. When man sinned and disobeyed God in the garden, God
revealed His sacrificial system to them by killing a lamb and covering them with the skin
because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin (Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22). Man
had already tried to cover his own sin with fig leaves. Sacrifice was always in Gods recovery
plan but it was only temporary until Messiah would come. Now that Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice
has come, sacrifice and certain ceremony are no longer necessary.

The Torah also consisted of statutes and judgments. Commandments apply to individual
conduct. Statutes apply to national and church affairs. Judgments apply to legal decisions based
on the commandments and statutes. The Torah exacted punishment in these judgments. These
punishments are where we stand when we are under the Torah. Being under the Torah is being
subject to the authority of its penalties. To be accountable to what it says. The whole world is
accountable to Gods Torah (Ro 3:19-20). Not just the Jews or Israel or those under the old
covenant but the gentiles too. If it is not for the gentile, then how is it that their mouths are
stopped and they are found guilty before God? No one is declared righteous by it because it only
defines sin. Once we know what sin is then we know what we are to turn from. We turn from sin
not from the Torah. The Torah of God must be pursued by faith. Sin keeps us under the demands
of the penalty of the Torah but Christians are free from that. Jesus paid the penalty for us and we
join him in his death, burial and resurrection through baptism (Ro 6:1-14, 18). We are dead to the
Torah with its penalty against us. We can now serve in the newness of the Spirit (doing the
Torah) and not in the oldness of the letter (lip service) (Ro 7:6).

What is our summation?

This is all summed up in Eccl 12:13 and Mat 4:4. Fear God and keep His commandments for this
is the whole duty of man and man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of God. The whole Tenakh from Genesis to Malachi is the word of God. The
Torah from Genesis to Deuteronomy is the Torah. The gospels, acts and the letters of the
apostles attest to this.

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


A Study of Gods Holy Days

The world and its religions do not know God. They do not obey His Torahs. They do not
keep His day of worship. They have no clue about His plan for us as revealed in His Sabbaths
and Holy Days or appointed times. They are all deceived (Rev 12:9).

The Ignorance of Man

Man is completely ignorant of God and His ways. We have been in rebellion since the
beginning. We think these days are Israel’s or the Jew’s. We think that only those under the Torah
must do them. We are in error. We are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hos 4:9)

What are God’s Holy Days

God’s Holy Days are His Sabbaths (Lev 19:3). They are His Feasts (Lev 23:2). They are
His appointed times (Lev 23:37). All of these days had or will have something occur on them.
There are the forty eight to fifty two weekly Sabbaths, twelve to thirteen new moons which are
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Sabbaths and Seven Feasts which are divided into three seasons of the year. First is the
Unleavened Bread season with two Holy or High days. Second is the Feast of Weeks with one
Holy or High day. Last is the Feast of Ingathering with four Holy or High days. This makes a
total of seven additional Holy or High Days which are Sabbaths.
These days belong to no one except God Himself. They are not the Jew’s or Israel’s.
Along with the Torah, they give us rest, peace and knowledge in a troubled world. They also give
an outline of the entire plan of God.


Leviticus 23
God’s Holy Days are:

1. The Sabbath - 48 to 52 Holy Days

• A sign of who God is to us (Lev 23:3, Ex 31:13)
• A weekly Holy Day (Ex 31:14)
• A memorial of creation (Ex 31:17)
• The day God rested (Ex 31:17)
• A sign of our future resurrection rest (Heb 4:9-10)
• The day Jesus is Lord of (Mk 2:28)

2. A sanctification day – 10th day of the first month

• A fast day
• Not a Holy Day

3. The Passover - The Feast Preparation Day – 14th day of the first month
• A sacrifice of the lamb (Lev 23:5)
• A memorial of Messiah’s death (1 Cor 5:7)
• A sign of Gods pardon, passing over our sins (Ro 5:8)
• Celebrated away from the home (Deut 16:5-7)
• Not a Holy or High Day

4. The Feast of Unleavened Bread – Two Annual Holy Days – 15th & 21st day of the first
• First and last day are Holy Days (Lev 23:6-8)
• Symbolic of the sinless life of Messiah
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• Leaven symbolizes sin (1 Cor 5:1-8)

• Unleavened symbolizes removal of sin
• Messiah was resurrected during this week
• A seven day feast

5. The First Fruits – Wave Sheaf Offering

• Occurred on a Sunday at the time of Messiah
• The day the Messiah presented Himself to God after the resurrection
• Occurs during Passover Week (ULB) Lev 23:11
• Not a Holy or High Day

6. The Pentecost – One Annual Holy Day

• The feast of Weeks (Lev 23:15)
• Occurs on a Sunday
• It is a count from the Sunday during Unleavened Bread of 50 days
• Memorial of the giving of the Torah (Ex 5:1)
• Memorial of the giving of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1)
• Memorial of the beginning of the Church (Acts 2:1)

7. The Feast of Trumpets – One Annual Holy Day – 1st day of the 7th month
• A feast of blowing of trumpets (Lev 23:23)
• Symbolizes the return of Messiah (1 Thes 4:16, Rev 11:15)
• Symbolizes the first resurrection (1 Thes 4:16-17)
• A New Moon

8. The Day of Atonement – One Annual Holy Day – 10th day of the 7th month
• A fast day (Lev 23:26,27)
• Symbolizes the Day of Satan’s removal (Rev 20:4-6)

9. The Feast of Tabernacles – One Annual Holy Day – 15th day of the 7th month
• A seven day feast (Lev 23:33,34)
• First day is a Holy Day
• Celebrated away from the home
• Symbolizes the thousand year reign of Messiah (Rev 20:4-6)

10. The Last Day – One Annual Holy Day – 22nd day of the 7th month
• The Last Holy Day (Lev 23:36)
• Symbolizes the resurrection and judgment of the rest of the dead (Rev 20:11-15)

11. The New Moons – Twelve to Thirteen Monthly Sabbaths

• Determines the beginning of the biblical New Year
• Determines the beginning of the Holy Day Cycle
• Maintains the Tenakhs annual Holy Day and Jubilee cycle

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There are 48 to 52 weekly Sabbaths, seven annual Feasts with seven annual Holy Days, a
Sanctification day (the seventh day of the first month), a Sabbath year every seven years, a
Jubilee year every 50 years and 12 to13 New Moon Sabbaths

Man’s Days

Traditional holidays are manmade and a doctrine of devils. They are man’s way of
substituting Gods Holy Days. They are not worthy of mention here. If you want to know what
they are just watch what the Traditional, Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant Christians do. These
are their days and an abomination to God. None of their days are mentioned in the Tenakh, so
they should not be celebrated. They say that man can worship any way he wants or that man
must worship as their church dictates. God says worship His way not man’s (Jer 10:1-5, Mat
15:9, Mk 7:7, Ro 1:21, 1 Tim 4:1, Col 2:20-23, Jn 4:24).


God’s Days

The Sabbath and the Holy Days of God are His communication to us of who He is and what He
has done, is doing and will do in the near future on the earth. We should stop believing lies and
read the Tenakh ourselves for understanding. Before you do, pray and ask God to help you
understand. He will because it is His will for us. (Jer 9:23-24)

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


A Study of Gods Calendar

God’s calendar seems to be a complex subject. I have decided to study this and put my
findings down in writing.

Today, all the civil calendars we have are of manmade origin and are pagan. Any
connection with GOD is to acknowledge holy days for various religions of the day.

We think, in religious circles that the Jews probably have the most accurate of GODS
calendar but I do not think that is true. I have been watching a number of things regarding their
Holy Days. I noticed that their new year is in contradiction to the Tenakh. Their New Year is
around September but the Tenakh says the New Year is in the spring, not the autumn. I also
noticed that their Pentecost or Feast of Weeks is not on a Sunday or the first day of the week
according to the Tenakh but is fixed to a day in the year. The new moons seem to be unimportant
to them except for the Feast of Trumpets which is their new year and a new moon day. They also
have many rules to prevent the Holy Days and the Sabbath from coinciding which have no
biblical authority.

I have recently learned that the new moon is the key to finding out when the first day of
the month is which then helps in finding out when the first month of the biblical year is. This
determines when the first Holy Day of the year according to the Tenakh, the Passover, is to

God has placed events in the heavenly bodies of the sky as signs for us to determine days,
weeks, months, years and seasons. Some of these signs are sunset or the beginning of the day, the
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

new moon or the beginning of the month and the equinoxes (spring and fall) and solstices
(summer and winter) for the beginning of seasons.

First, the Tenakh reckoning for the day is from sunset to sunset. This timing helps to
pinpoint the day of the month and the New Year more accurately. The sunset times can be found
on the internet and in almanacs.

Second, the new moon is the opposite of the full moon. The full moon is when the moon
is completely white, reflecting the rays of the sun. This is usually the fifteenth day of the month.
The new moon, called the conjunction, is when the sun, earth and moon are in perfect alignment.
The moon goes completely black approximately six hours before the conjunction and stays black
for approximately six hours after. The day of the conjunction is the first day of the month. The
timing of these events has been calculated for centuries. There are primitive ways to determine
this and there are modern ways. The information for these events is published on the internet and
in almanacs. We have no excuse for not getting it right.

Third, the vernal equinox is another event that occurs every year and begins the spring.
The timing of this event has been calculated for centuries also. It happens within the same one or
two days every year.

When these three events are determined, the first month of the biblical year can be found.

The first Holy Day of the year is the Feast Day of Passover, the 15th day of the first month
of the year, which is a full moon day from Jerusalem the true international dateline. The first day
of the first month of the year is the time when the new moon closest to the vernal equinox
(spring) occurs in such a way that the Passover falls in the spring on the full moon after the
equinox (spring). The 14th or Preparation Day can fall on the equinox (spring) any time before
the time of the sacrifice at 3:00pm but the Feast Day of Passover, the 15th cannot. The evening of
the 15th at sunset is the beginning of the Feast Day of Passover and must fall after the equinox
(spring). The new moon is used to calculate this and does not have to fall on the equinox (spring)
but before it. We are not concerned with the moon beginning in the spring but the Feast Day of
Passover. If the 15th occurs before the equinox (spring) then the next month is the first month and
begins the count to Passover. Once the Passover is determined then the rest of the Holy Days of
GOD are easy. The day and the month are listed in the Tenakh for the remaining Holy Days.

The first month of Gods calendar has a Hebrew name, ABIB, which means “green ears”
and a Babylonian name, NISANU from where the Jews get NISAN. The Tenakh months are
actually numbered 1 through 12 with a 13th every few years. The names of the months used by
the Jews are Babylonian in origin. I prefer the numbers. The seventh month of Gods calendar is a
Sabbath month because it contains a maximum of 9 Sabbaths including the new moon. This
month is called Tishri by the Jews, which means “head of the year” in Babylonian. Maybe that’s
why the Jews make this their first month and call Rosh Hashanah their new year against biblical

With minimal study and research, the sunset time of the day, the first day of the month,
the first month of the year and the first Holy Day can be determined. There are also many places
to find this information pre-calculated. We don’t need to calculate the calendar, just the heavenly
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My last thought is this; you can observe the new moon on a clear night. It looks like a
black ball in the sky. I have seen it and it looks cool. When a sliver of light begins to appear the
new moon has past and you are late for God’s appointed times or Holy Days. God has given us
great signs in the heavens to determine His Holy Days as defined in the Tenakh. They are for
signs and for seasons and for appointed times. Let’s use them and not mans ideas.


The God I Worship

The Tenakh teaches us that there is only one GOD who deserves our worship, praise,
prayers and repentance (Deut 6:4, 1 Co 8:6). He is called by many names but Jesus said to call
Him Father. His real name is Eloah (Prov 30:4).

Eloah existed alone (Neh 9:6, Is 44:24) eternally, before anything or anyone else existed.
He decided to become an Extended Being (1 Cor 15:28, Eph 4:6), meaning He would extend His
existence to beings He would create. The beings would be His family and one with Him by the
connection of the Holy Spirit. They would be Divine, sharing His nature.

Eloah is Spirit and no human has ever seen His form or heard his voice (Joh 1:18, 5:37,
and 6:46). He started this work by creating an image (2 Co 4:4, Col 1:15, Heb 1:3) of Himself
and joining them to Himself with His Holy Spirit. He is Spirit and He controls who has the Spirit
and who does not. He communicated with them through the Spirit and He could destroy them by
removing it. He became the Father of spirits by this act (Heb 12:9). Because of Eloahs’ Spirit,
these beings have awesome power and great glory (Rev 10:1, 18:1, Ezek 10) which only Eloah
controls. These beings also have free will. They can make their own decisions which means they
can sin (Is 14:12, Ezek 28:11-19). Eloah limits or removes their power and glory when they sin.

Jesus was one of these beings before he became a man. He was the first of these beings,
which are many (Col 1:15). By coming and dying for our sins, he was given preeminence over
the others and is now our High Priest (Phi 2:5-11, Heb 1:9, Heb 3:1).

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

All of these beings, including Jesus (Heb 1:8) and Satan (2 Co 4:4) can be called god, but
they are NOT the Father Eloah. These beings are the Elohim. They are subordinate gods to the
Father. They are how Eloah deals with man. All of the encounters of Eloah with man were
through these beings. They have many names and titles but they were called angels after the
creation of man. Prior to mans’ creation they were known as morning stars and sons of Elohim
(Gen 6:1, Job 1:6, 2:1).

These beings existed before man and saw the universe created. They shouted for joy
when they saw its completion (Job 38:7). Satan and one third of them were given the earth to
inhabit and to rule. Satan rebelled when the plan for man was revealed and war destroyed the
earth. Jesus was in charge of the Elohim to re-create the earth (Ps 104:30), make man in the
image of Eloah which is the Elohim and to see to mans training. Satan deceived man and man
sinned (Gen 3). Jesus did not fail in teaching man. Man had free will also and chose to disobey
and sin through Satan’s deception. Satan is the god of this planet since before the fall and man
has been under his swaying ever since.


Jesus came and defeated Satan in the wilderness by resisting him with the word of Eloah
(Mat 4). He opened the way for us to return to Eloah with our own free will. He died for our sins
to provide cleansing for us. He was raised from the grave to eternal life and sits at the right hand
of Eloah interceding for us. He waits for the day when he will return to this planet and finally
destroy all the enemies of Eloah. He will finalize our creation as sons of Elohim (Joh 1:12) and
submit all things, including himself, to Eloah (1Co 15:27-28).

The extension of Eloah continued with the coming of Jesus to earth as a man. We are not
born sons of Eloah. Only the spirit hosts were direct creations of the Father. Adam (including
Eve) was a direct creation of Eloah through the Elohim. They can rightly be called sons of Eloah.
The rest of us were indirectly created by Eloah through our parents. Only upon receiving Jesus
and his sacrifice for our sins can we receive the Holy Spirit (Ro 8:9) and begin the direct creation
process by Eloah Himself through the Elohim Jesus. We are to become divine spirit beings like
the host in heaven.

God is one Spirit being who delegates his name and authority to His sons. No one can or
ever will share His Glory (Is 42:8) because only He was uncreated. No created being will ever be
God as Eloah is God. We can only hope for the great gift of His Holy Spirit, living forever with
the Eternal Life He gives and sharing in His Nature (2 Pet 1:3-4).

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


What I Believe

1. I believe in one GOD, The Father and one LORD, Jesus the Messiah
2. I believe Jesus is the Messiah and is aSon of GOD
3. I believe the Holy Spirit is the Power of GOD and the free gift that He gives us
4. I believe Eternal Life is knowing the one true GOD and Jesus the Messiah whom He sent
5. I believe that upon belief, repentance, baptism and the laying on of hands we receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit
6. I believe obedience to GOD keeps the Holy Spirit from being quenched in us
7. I believe obedience begins with faith or knowing that GOD exists and He rewards those
who diligently seek him
8. I believe obedience to GOD is of the Ten Commandments and the testimony of Jesus the
Messiah by faith
9. I believe we are saved by GODS grace through faith in Jesus the Messiah.
10. I believe the Torah with the Sabbath, the Holy Days, the Food guidelines, etc. cannot
save anyone
11. I believe because we are saved, we establish and uphold the Torah with the Sabbath, the
Holy Days and the Food guidelines, etc.
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12. I believe GOD and Jesus through the Holy Spirit would not have us do less than obey
13. I believe the Ten Commandments are the revelation of GODS nature and character to us
14. I believe the Sabbath and the Holy Days are GODS appointed times and they reveal His
plan of salvation to us
15. I believe the Foods Guidelines help us maintain strong and healthy bodies to serve as
temples of the Holy Spirit
16. I believe in one return of Jesus the Messiah
17. I believe in two resurrections – one at the return of Messiah and one at the end of the
thousand year rule of Messiah
18. I believe we will rule with Messiah as Kings and Priests during His thousand year reign
on earth then the universe


Tenakh Questions

1. What is the first lie told in the Tenakh?

You shall not surely die. Gen 3:4
2. What is man?
He is a living creature or soul. Gen 2:7
Dust of the ground Gen 3:19, 1 Cor 15:47
3. Is man immortal?
Only GOD is immortal. 1 Tim 6:16
Man must put on immortality. 1 Cor 15:53
The dead man knows nothing. Ecc 9:5
The body without breath is dead. Jms 2:26
4. What happens when we die?
God’s breath gives us life. Job 33:4
All perish without God’s breathe. Job 34:14-15
We return to dust. Gen 3:19
We know nothing. Ecc 9:5
God’s breathe returns to Him. Ecc 12:7
Our state is in silence. Ps 115:17 and darkness Ps 143:3

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5. What is GOD?
He is Spirit. Jn 4:24
He is a consuming fire. Heb 12:29
He is light. 1 Jn 1:5
He is love. 1 Jn 4:8, 16
6. Who is God?
He is the One True God. Jn 17:3, 1 Cor 8:6
He is the Father of Jesus and of us all.
He is the Creator who created through Jesus. Heb 1:2
He is King above all Gods. Ps 95:3
He is the object of our worship. Ph 3:3, Rev 19:10, 29:9, Mat 4:10, Lk 4:8, Jn 4:24
His name is Eloah. Prov 30:5

7. What is Elohim?
A general name for the gods. Gen 1:1
They are the Sons of The Elohim. Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7
They are the Council of the gods. Ps 82:1
8. Who is Jesus?
He is a Son of God. Lk 9:20, Prov 30:4
He is co-creator. Jn 1:3, Heb 1:2
He is the Word of God. Jn 1:14
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jn 14:6
He is the Messiah or Christ. Ro 9:5
He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Lk 6:3-5, Mk 2:27, Mat 12:3-9
He is God of the House of God Gen 31:13
He is Lord of the Elohim Gen2:4 (Lord God)
He is the Priest of God Heb 4:14, 5:10, 10:21
He is not the Father
9. What is the Holy Spirit?
It is the Power of God. Lk 1:35,
Gen 1:1-3
Ps 66:7, 104:30, 139:7-8
Jer 32:17
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It is the Spirit of truth. Jn 14:15-28, 15:26, 16:7-14

10. What is the new covenant?
Jer 31:31-34
Heb 8:10
Heb 10:16-17
11. What is the Gospel?
Mat 4:17
Mk 1:14
Lk 4:43
Later included 1 Cor 15:3-8


12. What is the Sabbath?

The day God rested and set aside for Man. Gen 2:1-3
We are commanded to do as God did. Ex 20:8-11
It is God’s Sabbath. Ex 31:12
It is God’s sign between Him and us. Ex 31:17
It tells us who is our God? Ex 31:13
It is Holy time. Ex 31:14-15
It is our rest. Heb 4:8
The Jews preserved it. Ro 3:1-3, Ro 9:1-5
No one should judge us for it. Col 2:16-17
We will all (Jew and Gentile) be accountable to God. Ro 14:1-2
13. Who is Israel?
Israel is Jacob the patriarch, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. Gen 32:28
Israel is also Jacob’s sons. Gen 35:23
Israel is not only physical descendents of Abraham. Ro 9:6-8
Salvation is offered to gentiles. Ro 11:11-21
Gentiles are grafted in to Israel. Ro 11:21-24
God has mercy on all. Ro 11:25-33
Believers are also Israel. Ro 11
14. Who are the Jews?
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They are the sons of Judah, one of the 12 sons of Israel (Jacob), the son of Isaac, the
grandson of Abraham.
15. Who is the first Hebrew?
Abram, whom God named Abraham, was because he settled in Hebron. Gen 13:8
16. What were all the patriarchs before God called Jacob Israel?
Gentiles of the Chaldeans.
17. What is sin?
Sin is the transgression of God’s Torah. 1 Jn 3:4
Sin is actions not of faith. Ro 14:23
Sin is unbelief in Messiah. Jn 16:9
18. What is the Torah?
The Torah is Genesis to Malachi. Mat 4:4
The Torah is Holy, Righteous, Good and Spiritual. Ro 7:12-14.
The Torah is love. Mat 22:36-40, 1 Cor 13:1-13, 1 Jn 5:3
The Torah is God’s character and nature. 1 Jn 4:8, 16
The Torah is perfect. Ps 19:7
19. What does the Torah do?
Ps 119
Ps 19:7-9
The Torah makes us aware of what sin is. It does not make righteous. Ro 3:20
20. How does righteousness come?
Through faith in Jesus apart from the Torah. Ro 3:22
Faith upholds or establishes the Torah. Ro 3:31
21. Who is Jesus father?
God, not the Holy Spirit. Lk 2:49, Lk 1:35
22. What are the Fruit of the Spirit? Gal 5:22-23
23. What is the Armor of God? Eph 6:10-20
24. Do faith and works need each other?
Yes. Faith without works is dead faith and works without faith is dead works.
Jms 2:22, 26
25. Has anyone seen God the Father or heard his voice?
Jn 1:18, 6:46, 5:37
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1 Jn 4:12
26. Is David in heaven?
Jn 3:13
Acts 2:34
27. What name did the fathers know God as?
Ex 6:2
Gen 17:1
28. What name did Moses know God as?
Ex 3:13-15
29. Who are the sons of God?
Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7
Ro 8 & 9
30. Why did the religious leaders want to stone Jesus?
Jn 8:57-59
Jn 10:24-38
31. What is marriage?
Gen 2:24-25
Mat 19:4
Mk 10:5
1 Cor 6:15-20
32. Do angels marry women?
Maybe they could once but not anymore. Gen 6:2
Mat 22:23-29
Mk 12:24-27
Lk 20:34
33. Can the Holy Spirit be quenched?
2 Thes 5:19
Eph 4:30
34. Is Enoch alive in heaven?
Heb 11:13
Jn 3:13
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35. Is Elijah alive in heaven?

Heb 11:13
Jn 3:13
Elijah taken in a chariot before Jehoram became King. 2 Kings 2:11-17, 2 Kings 3:1
A letter comes to the King Jehoram from Elijah. 2 Chron 21:12
36. Did others go to heaven when Jesus was resurrected?
Mat 27:52
Eph 4:8

37. What must we do to be saved?

Mat 5, 6, 7, 19:16-30
Mk 1:15, 10:31, 16:15-16
Lk 18:18-30
Acts 2:37-39
38. Where does it say we must speak in tongues to be saved?
39. Where does it say we have a prayer language?
40. Must you be baptized to be saved?
Mk 16:15-16
Acts 2:38
41. Does the act of baptism save you?
1st Pe 3:17-22
42. Can you be saved without baptism?
Lk 23:43
Act 10:44
43. What is baptism?
Ro 6:3-4
44. What causes repentance?
Ro 2:4
45. How does faith come?
Ro 10:17
46. What is religion?
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Jms 1:27
47. How are we justified to God?
Ro 5:9
48. How are we reconciled to God?
Ro 5:10
49. How are we saved?
Ro 5:10
50. What is the gift of God?
Ro 5:17, 6:23, 12:6-8
Acts 2:38
51. What kind was man made after?
Gen 1:26-28
52. What is mans purpose?
Gen 2:8
Rev 5:10
53. What does the Tenakh reveal?
The Messiah. Jn 5:39
54. What do the Apostles reveal?
The Gospel
Mat 4:23
Mk 1:14-15
Lk 4:18
55. What did Jesus finish on the cross?
Redeeming man to God
Providing access to the Father
56. What nationality were the first Christians?
57. What are the basic Christian essentials?
Heb 6:1-3
58. How many Gods do Christians have?
One God.
Deut 6:4, 1 Cor 8:5-6, Eph 4:4-6
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

59. Is Jesus the only son of God?

Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7
Ro 8 & 9


60. What is it that God cannot do?

Die, Lie and Repent.
1 Tim 1:17, 1 Tim 6:16
Num 23:19
61. What will be put under the feet of Messiah?
All things except The Father. He will submit all things including himself to The Father
1 Cor 15:27, 28

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


Tenakh Terms

The Father
– Eloah
– The YHVH
– The Yahovih
– The Yahovah of Hosts
– The Yahovah
– The Elyon
– The Elohi
– The Elohim
– The El
– The Theoi
– The Theos

The Son
– The Yahovah of Elohim
– The Yahovah of Israel
– A Yahovah
– An Elohi
– An Elohim
– An Adonai
– A Kurios
– A Theoi
– A Morning Star

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– Sons of Elohim
– Bene Elohim
– Sons of God
– Yahovah
– Elohim
– Malak
– Messengers
– Different in function
○ Morning Stars
○ Day Stars
○ Light Bearers
○ Elders
○ Living Creatures
○ Cherubim
○ Seraphim
– All Divine beings
– The Father
– The God of the universe
– The Creator of all
– He has many sons in Heaven (Pro 30:4,5 Job 1:6, 2:1)
– Jesus is one of His sons
– Satan is one of His sons
– He is the head of the Elohim or council of the gods (Ps 82:1, 89:7)
– He can be called Elohim
– None of the Elohim is Eloah

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

– He is Spirit
– He has never been seen (Jn 1:18, 1 Tim 6:16)
– He has never been heard (Jn 5:37)
– He alone is immortal (1 Tim 6:16)
– The sons of God (Deut 32:8)
– The Council of God (Ps 82:1)
– Subordinates to The Father
– They are the Image of the Father
– Jesus the Messiah was one of them
– These beings were seen and heard by men
– These beings can see and hear the Father (Job 1:6, 2:1)
– Have Immortality as the Father gives it or takes it away
– Angels
– gods

YHVH (Yahovah)
– Title given by the Father to those sent as a messenger for Him
– Title used by the Father
– Title used of more than one being
– Title used of the Messiah
– The Elohim of Israel
– An Elohim
– An Elohi
– A Theos
– A Theoi
– A son of God
– The Messiah
– The beginning of the creation of God
– A Morning Star
Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

– One of the Council of God

Jesus (cont.)
– All things created for and through him
○ Principalities and Powers
○ The Universe
○ The Earth
○ Man
○ Man as Elohim
– The first born Elohim from the dead
– The Logos, the Word of God
– An Image of the Father
– He has the title of Father given to him by God
– He has the title of God given to him by God
– The Angel of the Covenant
– The Angel of the Redemption
– The Angel that went before Israel
– God is his Father and His God (Ps 45:6,7 Prov 30:4,5)
– He existed before the physical creation
– He was the first of the spiritual creation
– He is called “God with us”
– He is one of the thousand Job 33:23
– He is the begotten of God

– Fallen ones (Angels)
– The Fallen ones offspring

True Religion
– Care of widows and orphans

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

– Keeping oneself unspotted by the world


– The way of the life of Messiah
– Love and obedience to the Father
– Love towards mankind

– The Word of God
– Jesus

Eternal Life
– Knowing the one true God and Jesus the Messiah His son
– Life forever

– Trust in God
– The assurance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen
– Belief that God is and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him

– To turn from our own evil ways towards trust and obedience to God

– God is Love
– The character of God
– Expressed as adoration and worship to God and kindness and concern for fellow man
– Defined by the Ten Commandments and 1 Cor 13.

The Gospel

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

– Good news of the coming Kingdom of God by Messiah

– Good news of the New Covenant instituted by Messiah
– Good news of man reconciled to God by Messiah
The New Covenant
– The Torah of God written on our hearts and minds (Heb 8:8-12, Jer 31:31-34)

The Old Covenants

– Noah (Gen 9:1-19)
– Abraham (Gen 15, 17)
– Israel (Ex 19:5-17, Ex 24:7-8)
– Sabbath (Ex 31:16)

Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson


A More Excellent Way

 
(Substitute your first name for Love in verses 4-8 below)

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have

not lo ve, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2And

though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries
and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could
remove mountains, but have not lo ve, I am nothing. 3And though I
bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to
be burned, but have not lo ve, it profits me nothing.
Lo ve suffers long and is kind; lo ve does not envy; lo ve does not
parade itself, is not puffed up; 5does not behave rudely, does not seek its
own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6does not rejoice in iniquity, but
rejoices in the truth; 7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things.
Lo ve never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will

fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is
knowledge, it will vanish away. 9For we know in part and we
prophesy in part. 10But when that which is perfect has come, then
that which is in part will be done away.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish
things. 12For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face.
Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
And now abide faith, hope, lo ve, these three; but the greatest of
these is lo ve .


Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Basic Study Rules

The Tenakh
The infallible word of God
It has no errors or contradictions
It will interpret itself if allowed to
Translation have been tampered with
It must be studied diligently and without pre conceived ideas

There is only ONE true GOD – The Father
No one has ever seen Him
No one has heard His voice
He alone is immortal
He was alone before the creation

Was the spirit son of God as the Angel of Yahovah
Was the human son of God by birth to Mary
Is the glorified son of God by resurrection from the dead
Was the first begotten of God’s creation
Was the first born god
He is the creator under the Fathers direction
He is the sender of the Holy Spirit
He is not the Father
He is not equal to the Father
He is a delegate of the Father
He is subordinate to the Father
He is the God of Israel

We are saved by grace through faith
Salvation is a free gift from God
All we need to do is accept it
Nothing we can do can or will save us
The Torah of God cannot and does not save us
Works of any kind cannot save us


Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Is the substance (realization) of things hoped for
The evidence (confidence) of things not seen
The key that makes everything work
It’s impossible to please God without it
You must believe that He is and
He rewards those who diligently seek Him
It is the means by which we believe

The natural result of salvation
The things which God has prepared for us to do beforehand
The works we do are defined in the Tenakh
We are lead to do them by the Holy Spirit
We receive our rewards based on our works
We cannot be saved by them since we are already saved

There is no word Trinity in the Tenakh
Trinity is a man made concept using the Tenakh
God says he is one
He is not three whose and one what
He is co-equal to no one
He is co-eternal with no one
The man made Trinity is a mystery and cannot be understood
God says He can be known and understood

There is no word Rapture in the Tenakh
Rapture is a man made concept using the Tenakh
What the Tenakh teaches is the resurrection of the dead
One resurrection when Christ returns
One resurrection at the end of His thousand year reign on earth


Studies in My Christian Experience Melvin K Donaldson

Immortal soul
There is nowhere in the Tenakh that says man is or has an immortal soul/spirit
Man is a living soul that can be completely destroyed by God
The soul is what gives life to the body
The life of the body is in the blood
The Tenakh says only God is immortal
Man is not a spirit

When man dies, he is buried and no longer exists, until the resurrection
The body turns to dust
This body no longer has memory and knows nothing
The spirit that God gives to us and causes us to live, returns to him
This spirit has no knowledge of itself but stores the memory of the life of the person
This spirit is returned to the body at the resurrection

Life is mans training ground to attain eternal life
Only those who choose to follow Jesus are on the right path
This path is the way of total obedience to God through His Son Jesus
Everyone not on this path are automatically assigned to the second resurrection
No other religion or spiritual path can lead to eternal life

Knowing God

Jer 9:23 Thus says the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty
man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:

Jer9:24 But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the
LORD which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these
things I delight, says the LORD.



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