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*************************** Welcome to phpFlashMyAdmin! *************************** REQUIREMENTS The server-side requirements are: PHP 4.1.2+ and MySQL 4+.

The client-side requi rements are: a web browser with the Flash 7 plug-in from Macromedia. This plug-i n is free and comes with most web browsers. You may download the most recent ver sion of the Flash plug-in from INSTALLATION 1. Upload all files in the "phpflashmyadmin" folder to your webserver. For examp le, the path to index.html for would be: 2. Please change the email address in to your email address. This i s the address that errors will be sent to. You may disable error reporting by se tting $use_my_error_handler = false; Alternatively, you may log errors to a file called "log.txt" by setting $writeLo g = true; in the file. However, if you do this, you MUST chmod log .txt to 777. If you do not know what this means, then you should use $writeLog = false; to disable logging (otherwise, phpFlashMyAdmin will not work correctly!) 3. CHMOD the "appdata" folder (in the "php" folder) to a writable format, like 7 55 or 777, and also CHMOD the "layout.ini.php" file within this folder to a writ able format. This will allow you to save the Relationships window layout. It is not required, however; you simply won't be able to save the layout if you skip t his step. Pleaes consult with your website administrator if you do not know how to CHMOD files or folders. 4. Optional: Set the default language by editing the php/config.php. There is a 'language' property which can be set to the two-letter lanaguage code of your ch oice: 'ar' 'es' 'hd' 'pl' 'ru' 'cg' 'en' 'fr' 'it' 'ro' 'cb' 'ua' = = = = = = = = = = = = Arabic Spanish Hindi Polish Russian GB Chinese English French Italian Romanian Big5 Chinese Ukrainian

4. Start using phpFlashMyAdmin! If you have specific hosts that you would like t o use, you can edit the "hosts.php" file accordingly. GETTING HELP

If you are having difficulty with phpFlashMyAdmin, or need a feature which is no t available, please visit the support forum at Thi s is user-to-user support, which means that you may or may not receive a prompt response. However, in the past, about 90% of queries are answered within a few d ays. If you have a specific question about your purchase which only I (the site owner) can answer, you may e-mail me at If you're having difficulty with the table relationships feature, please upload the "sample.sql" data into a new database to see how it works. Remember, only In noDB tables can have foreign key relationships in them. To save the relationship screen layout, you must have the layout.ini.php file set to a writable format. Please consult with your website administrator if you do not know how to CHMOD f iles or folders. Also, you can refer to the phpMyAdmin documentation here: http://www.phpmyadmin. net/documentation/ The features in phpFlashMyAdmin are very similar to those in phpMyAdmin. LICENSE & LEGAL STUFF The license which comes with phpFlashMyAdmin is ONE DOMAIN (.com, .net, .org, et c) = ONE LICENSE. Installation on more than one domain requires additional $5 li censes. It is ILLEGAL to re-distribute or re-sell phpFlashMyAdmin in any manner. You modify the source code at your own risk, and modifying the source code does NOT entitle you to any re-sale or re-distribution rights. I make no claims on t he reliability or accuracy of phpFlashMyAdmin, so use it at your own risk. You m ay not remove, change, or obscure the "About" window in the phpFlashMyAdmin "Ope rations" tab, since this screen contains essential copyright information. Thanks for choosing phpFlashMyAdmin! Darren

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