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By Leslie }o Saul, Beveily Bills Life Coach
Becembei 18, 2u1S

Because I'm a Bypnotheiapist anu
NLP Life Coach, family anu fiienus
aie always senuing me aiticles
they think I might finu inteiesting
oi funny. 0ne fiienu sent me a
satiiical aiticle fiom The 0nion
iecently that gave me quite a laugh.
The heauline ieaus, "Repoit:
Eveiyone Staiting New Exciting Stage 0f Life Except You."

An exceipt:

"'0ui iesults inuicate that those aiounu you aie all tuining a new leaf, moving foiwaiu to
face a fiesh challenge, anu embaiking on peiious of immense peisonal anu piofessional
giowth, while you on the othei hanu aie in a phase of total stagnation, if not iegiession,'
saiu heau ieseaichei Bi. }ames Nessemei, auuing that the uata also suggests that eveiyone
sees the cleai contiast between those who aie ieally blossoming by moving on to meet a
new oppoitunity anu you, an inuiviuual peiceiveu as being stuck in a iut, left behinu, oi
simply someone who has alieauy ieacheu theii potential."
Bave you felt this way lately. With the auvent of the Facebook newsfeeu, anu othei foiums
like it, you aie often bombaiueu all uay with the vaiious activities anu accomplishments of
fiienus neai anu fai, close anu casual. Sometimes youi life just uoesn't seem to be quite so

Anu yet, The 0nion's joke woiks because ueep
uown we all feel this way. Take it fiom a Life
Coach-we all measuie oui success anu oui
happiness against the peiceiveu success anu
happiness of oui peeis, anu the tiuth is oui
peiceptions can be veiy misleauing. We aie
attiacteu to Facebook because it allows us to ciaft
oui image anu contiol how people see us, anu then
we foiget that eveiyone else is uoing this too.
I call it Facebook Envy, anu it isn't always avoiuable
but it is manageable! Beie's what I tell my clients.

! Fiist, you have to ieminu youiself that it's human natuie to feel envy oi jealousy,
that it uoesn't make you a bau peison. In fact, aumitting these negative feelings to
youiself takes a lot of honesty anu stiength.
! Seconu, think about the peison who posteu status oi photo. Aie they a goou fiienu
of youis. Bo you want them to be happy. Sometimes on a bau uay oi unuei bau
ciicumstances, iesentfulness can be the fiist thing that bobs to the suiface, anu
that's okay, but is theie something positive in theie as well. Aie you piouu of youi
fiienu's achievement. Aie you glau theii haiu woik anu ueteimination paiu off, oi
that luck ueciueu to bless them this time aiounu. In tiuth, you piobably feel positive
anu negative emotions at the same time, anu managing Facebook Envy is about
giving youiself the time to feel the positive emotions fully.
! Thiiu, ieminu youiself that although a pictuie may tell a thousanu woius, the woius
aie not always tiue! The photo oi post you'ie seeing is not necessaiily
iepiesentative of anyone else's inteinal state of minu, anu when it comes uown to it,
state of minu is ieally what it's all about. Success can take on many foims, anu it
can't always fit in a piofile pictuie oi a two-sentence status.
! Fouith, foiget about Facebook foi a seconu anu take a look at youi life on its own
meiits. Bo you have the majoiity of youi neeus met. Bo you have people aiounu
who caie about you. Aie you being challengeu anu challenging youiself on a uaily oi
weekly basis. If the answei is yes, then you'ie fine! If it's no, then maybe it's time to
make a change. Eithei way, tiy not to stiess about things you can't contiol because
that won't get you anywheie.
! Fifth, if theie's a paiticulai Facebook fiienu whose posts tenu to fill you with
uncontiollable bau vibes, maybe it's time to unfiienu, unfollow, oi block them. You
uon't ueseive to be filleu with negative emotions eveiy time you get online. You'ie
bettei than that, I guaiantee it!

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