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1029/2007JB004985, 2007

Thermal effects during magma ascent in conduits

A. Costa,1,2 O. Melnik,2,3 and E. Vedeneeva3
Received 14 February 2007; revised 30 July 2007; accepted 4 October 2007; published 27 December 2007.

[1] Because of strong coupling between viscosity and temperature, the dynamics of
magma flows in conduits are drastically controlled by thermal effects due to heat
generation by viscous dissipation and loss to the walls by conduction. Here we present
analytical solutions and a practical procedure based on an order of magnitude analysis
that permits the characterization of the regime and estimation of the main features of the
flow. The ranges of validity of analytical and asymptotic solutions were bounded by
using results from fully two-dimensional (2-D) numerical solutions of mass, momentum,
and energy equations for magma flow inside a cylindrical conduit and the heat
conduction in the surrounding host rocks. The results permitted the identification of
three regimes: a conductive-heat-loss-dominated regime, an intermediate regime, and a
viscous-heating-dominated regime. Some useful analytical parameterizations are
proposed for estimating friction in simplified 1-D models. Temperature layering due to
heat loss by conduction can lead to local crystal growth and magma solidification
whereas heat generated by viscous dissipation can be responsible for crystal resorption
and remelting of wall rocks.
Citation: Costa, A., O. Melnik, and E. Vedeneeva (2007), Thermal effects during magma ascent in conduits, J. Geophys. Res., 112,
B12205, doi:10.1029/2007JB004985.

1. Introduction for the review of existing models). In order to model

conduit friction in a one-dimensional (1-D) approach, the
[2] The dynamics and thermodynamics of viscous fluids
velocity profile inside the conduit is assumed to be para-
with a strongly temperature-dependent viscosity, such as
bolic as in the classical Poiseuille solution for a pipe or a
magmas, cannot generally be described neglecting coupling
slab flow [e.g., Batchelor, 1967]. This solution is only valid
between the equations for momentum balance and the
for an incompressible laminar flow of a liquid with constant
equation describing energy conservation. Temperature var-
viscosity. In the case of magma, viscosity (even if magma is
iations in ascending magma can be produced by many
assumed to be a Newtonian liquid) depends on temperature,
physical processes including heat exchange with wall rocks
composition, volatile content, crystallinity, strain rate and
and hydrothermal systems, by viscous frictional heating, by
volume concentration of bubbles. Thus even for isothermal
release of latent heat of crystallization, and by cooling due to
flows the validity of a parabolic velocity profile needs to be
expansion of volatiles and chemical reactions. The amount
justified and may be violated in many flow conditions.
of heat that is generated or lost strongly depends on the flow
[4] There is increasing evidence for significant variations
conditions (velocity, pressure and magma composition dis-
in magma properties across volcanic conduits. For example,
tribution inside the conduit) and on the thermal state of the
the presence of grey and white pumices with different
surrounding rocks and hydrothermal systems. Changes in
thermal histories [Polacci et al., 2001; Rosi et al., 2004]
temperature result in changes in the rheological properties of
has been documented for many volcanic eruptions at
magma (by variations due to the temperature itself or
various different volcanoes. Tuffen et al. [2003] discovered,
through the change in crystallinity and chemical composi-
in addition, complicated layered structures in contact zones
tion of the magma). These changes lead to alteration in the
in rhyolitic dikes with evidence of shear melting and
velocity profile and may introduce positive feedbacks in the
fracture healing. Cooling manifests itself by the presence
system that can result in various instabilities.
of chilled margins commonly observed in eroded contacts.
[3] Most conduit flow models that have been developed
[5] A few conduit flow models incorporate cross-conduit
for description of magma flow are one dimensional and
temperature variations caused by solidification and heat
assume isothermal ascent conditions (see Sahagian [2005]
transfer to wall rocks [Delaney and Pollard, 1981, 1982;
Huppert and Sparks, 1989; Bruce and Huppert, 1990;
Osservatorio Vesuviano, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Fialko and Rubin, 1999; Petcovic and Dufek, 2005] and
Naples, Italy. by shear heating [Hardee and Larson, 1977; Nelson, 1981;
Centre for Environmental and Geophysical Flows, Department of Costa and Macedonio, 2003, 2005; Vedeneeva et al., 2005;
Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK. Mastin, 2005]. The range of assumptions in these models is
Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
wide, starting from constant viscosity flows, through quasi-
Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union. 1-D models for variable viscosity fluids to fully 2-D
0148-0227/07/2007JB004985$09.00 simulations. These models show that temperature distribu-

B12205 1 of 16

tion and history of the flow can be very complex. In the case as an incompressible and homogeneous fluid with constant
of temperature-dependent viscosity, the velocity profile can density, constant specific heat and constant thermal conduc-
evolve from parabolic in the entry region to plug-like as the tivity. We will also restrict our investigation to flows in
thermal boundary layers start to develop. This change has a simple geometries such as cylinders or slabs. Let us con-
strong influence on the conduit friction. In the case of sider a vertical conduit of length L and diameter D (or
isothermal flow, the friction increases as magma ascends thickness H for a slab flow) with D/L  1.Under these
due to increase in magma velocity and viscosity due to assumptions, fluid dynamics and heat transfer are described
volatile exsolution. Formation of a thin zone of hot, low- by the following transport equations for mass, momentum
viscosity magma near conduit walls leads to a decrease in and energy, respectively:
friction during ascent. Overall friction decreases, and there-
fore the discharge rate predicted by nonisothermal models is rv¼0 ð1Þ
higher than for isothermal flow conditions. If heat flux to
wall rocks is taken into account, wall temperatures can be
nonmonotonic in space and time. @v
r þ rv  rv ¼ rP þ rg þ r  t ð2Þ
[6] From an experimental point of view, there have been @t
very few investigations of the effects of viscous heating on
magma flows. Recent results obtained by Hess et al. [2006],
using a uniaxial high-temperature, high-load apparatus with @T
rc þ rc v  rT ¼ kr2 T þ t : rv ð3Þ
calc-alkaline magmas, clearly showed that internal viscous @t
dissipation can be responsible for both temperature
increases and the apparent onset of non-Newtonian flow where r is the fluid density, v is the velocity vector, g
behavior. represents the gravitational force per unit of volume, P is the
[7] Similar problems are encountered in industry for pressure, t is the stress tensor, T is the temperature, c is
polymer and oil flows. Most polymer processing methods the specific heat, and k is the bulk thermal conductivity. The
involve heating and cooling phases. As in silicate melts, term containing the stress tensor t in equation (3) represents
polymers have a low thermal conductivity and a strongly an internal heat generated by the viscous dissipation (the
temperature-dependent viscosity. Local temperature varia- symbol: indicates the inner product between two symmetric
tions, even confined in very thin layers, can cause degra- second-rank tensors). Latent heat release due to crystal-
dation and many undesirable effects. For these reasons, lization is here accounted for by assuming an equilibrium
general processes involving heat transfer and heat genera- crystallization process. An effective specific heat c = cp +
tion by viscous friction have been extensively investigated L*/(TL  Ts) accounts for the release of latent heat for the
using experimental [e.g., Sieder and Tate, 1936; Sukanek case when the crystal fraction changes linearly with
and Laurence, 1974; Skul’skiy et al., 1999], analytical [e.g., temperature b = (TL  T) (TL  Ts) and temperatures of
Pearson, 1978; Richardson, 1983, 1986a, 1986b] and liquidus TL and solidus Ts are constant (here cp denotes the
computational [e.g., Lin and Jaluria, 1996; Wichterle, magma specific heat and L* is the latent heat of
2004] approaches. Because high shear rate viscosity meas- crystallization). Thus we neglect here the decompression-
urements of engine oils can be affected by viscous heating, induced crystallization. For the sake of simplicity, we
some semiempirical corrections (valid in a limited range) adopt a Newtonian relationship between stress tensor and
were proposed [Lodge and Ko, 1989; Ko and Lodge, 1991] strain rate although the results can be generalized:
for viscosimeters. Recent studies also show that viscous h i
heating has a pivotal role in interpreting controversial t ¼ m rv þ ðrvÞT ð4Þ
experimental data for liquid flows in microchannels [e.g.,
Morini, 2006].
[8] In this article we will study the thermal budget of where the superscript T denotes the transposition.
ascending magma resulting from convective and conductive Viscosities of silicate melts strongly depend on tempera-
heat transfer and viscous heat production. We will specify ture. Temperature viscosity dependence is commonly
the controlling dimensionless parameters and describe as- described by either using an Arrhenius relationship or
ymptotic behavior of the system at different end-members. more adequately adopting semiempirical extensions of it
Wherever possible, we will present corresponding analytical such as the Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) parameteriza-
solutions and recipes to estimate main flow parameters tion [e.g., Hess and Dingwell, 1996; Russell et al., 2003]:
without the solution of fully 2-D transport and energy  
equations. The primary dimensionless groups are estimated A
m ¼ mVTF exp ð5Þ
for typical eruptive flow conditions. Several implications T C
for magma flows such as temperature and strain layering,
increases and decreases in friction factor, and crystal where m is the shear viscosity, mVTF is the viscosity value
resorption are also discussed. at infinite temperature, A corresponds to a pseudoactiva-
tion energy parameter, and C is the temperature at which
viscosity tends to infinity. All adjustable parameters in (5)
2. Governing Equations and Dimensionless depend on magma composition [e.g., Hess and Dingwell,
Numbers 1996], and especially on volatile content. In the context of
[9] As a first-order approximation, with the aim of an order of magnitude analysis, and when the typical range
evaluating the role of heat transfer, magma can be modeled of temperatures is not large, an exponential approximation

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is more suitable for analytical manipulations [e.g., Richardson, 1986a; Costa and Macedonio, 2005]
Pearson, 1977]:
@T k @ @T @vx
r c vx ¼ r þm ð9Þ
m ¼ mR exp½bðT  TR Þ
ð6Þ @x r @r @r @r

where mR = m(TR) denotes the shear viscosity value at the The overall pressure drop
reference temperature TR and Z L
DP ¼  dx ð10Þ
  0 dx
1 @m

m @T TR and the convected mean temperature

represents the rheological sensitivity to the temperature. Z R

[10] Equations (1) – (4) are solved with the following T ¼ rvx Tdr ð11Þ
Q 0
boundary conditions: at the walls we assume a no-slip
velocity, whereas at the conduit inlet we consider that the will be used in further analysis. The convected mean
fluid enters with a mean velocity V and a parabolic profile, temperature (11) is also commonly used as primary variable
although the shape of the velocity profile at the inlet has a in the energy equation of 1-D conduit models [e.g., Costa and
small influence on the flow conditions after a short (order of Macedonio, 2002; Melnik and Sparks, 2005; Costa et al.,
a few D) entry length region. At the conduit outlet, a 2007b].
reference pressure and zero radial velocity are specified. [12] The only relevant velocity and length scales in
For the temperature, we assume that fluid enters with a equations (7) and (8) are V and R, whereas equation (9)
uniform constant temperature T0. At the conduit walls, we involves two natural length scales, R for the conductive
consider both a prescribed vertical temperature profile Tw term and L for the convective term, respectively. The wall
for a first-order analysis or more realistic boundary con- temperature Tw, the inlet temperature T 0 (with the
ditions that are described in the section 4 where results of a corresponding shear viscosity m0) and the following tem-
numerical solution of equations (1) –(4) are presented. perature scales DT* are relevant in different flow regimes
[11] Below, we present the approximated equations for an [Pearson, 1978]:
order of magnitude analysis. In order to make preliminary
estimates on the thermal budget during magma ascent we DTbc ¼ jT0  Tw j ð12aÞ
will employ an approach similar to that used by Pearson
[1978] for polymer flows. For sake of simplicity in this  
1  m 
section we will restrict most of our considerations to a DTrheol ¼ ð12bÞ
cylindrical conduit, but results can be easily reformulated to b @m=@T T ¼TR
the case of a slab geometry. Assuming that vertical varia-
tions of vertical velocity vx are much smaller than radial 
because L/R 1 (R = D/2, denotes the conduit radius) we mV 2 
DTvisc ¼ ð12cÞ
will find the solution with v = (vx(r),0)T where superscript T k T ¼TR
means transposition. Equation (1) for mass conservation is
written in an integral form The first temperature scale (12a) is given by the difference
between the inlet and wall temperatures; the second (12b) is
Z R the temperature scale at which rheological property changes
Q ¼ 2p rvx dr ð7Þ occur (TR is a reference temperature); the third temperature
scale (12c) is given by a balance between the viscous
dissipation term mV2 / R2 and the heat conduction term
and requires that volume flux Q pR2V is constant. kDTvisc/R2.
Hereafter V = Q/(pR2) will denote the mean velocity. In the [13] Rewriting equations (7), (8), and (9) in dimension-
caseR of a slab flow with a slab thickness H, we have Q = less form and assuming for simplicity the relationship (6)
W 0 vxdy where W is the slab width and V = Q / (WH) for the viscosity, we obtain
Under typical conditions of low Reynolds number flow (Re =
rVR/m, based hereafter on the conduit radius R instead of the Z 1
diameter D = 2R) with Pr 1 and R/L  1 (here Pr = mRcp/k 2p u hdh ¼ 1 ð13Þ
is the Prandtl number), a lubrication approximation for
equation (2) is fully justified [Pearson, 1977; Costa and  
Macedonio, 2003, 2005; Vedeneeva et al., 2005]: 1 @ @u
heSq ¼ P* ð14Þ
  h @h @h
1 @ @vx @P*
rm ¼ ð8Þ
r @r @r @x
@q 1 @ @q @u
where P* = (P  rgx) and m = m(T). Keeping only the leading uGz ¼ h þ Gr eSq ð15Þ
@x h @h @h @h
terms, equation (3) can be approximated by [Pearson, 1977;

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where the dimensionless variables are introduced corresponding Nahme number based on this temperature
 2 Na = Naw bm(Tw)V2 / k. If the wall temperature is
x r vx ðT  T0 Þ R @P* =@x
x¼ ; h¼ ; u¼ ; q¼ ; P* ¼ assumed to be constant the flow remains isothermal.
L R V DT* mR V 3.1.2. Na = O(1)
ð16Þ [17] In this intermediate regime, viscous heating introdu-
ces a coupling between the energy and momentum equa-
and the dimensionless numbers are tions but the choice of TR = Tw is still adequate. Because of
intensive heat conduction the temperature across the conduit
rcVR2 m V2 remains nearly constant.
Gz ¼ ; Gr ¼ R ; S ¼ bDT* ð17Þ
kL kDT* 3.1.3. Na 1
[18] Here the viscous heating effects are dominant and the
Gz denotes the Graetz number (i.e., the Péclet number times choice of Tw as a reference temperature is not valid since it
the aspect ratio Gz = Pe R/L ), which represents the ratio of leads to an overestimation of mR. A better reference tem-
heat convection in the longitudinal direction to heat perature TR, determining a more representative shear vis-
conduction in the radial direction. When Gz is very large cosity, consists of considering T* = Tw + Na*/b with Na* =
the temperature field is developing, that is axial convection bm(T*)V2/k where b = bjT=T*. These relations implicitly
dominates over radial conduction everywhere in the flow define TR = T*. For example, using the rheological relation-
except for a thin thermal boundary layer near the conduit ship (6) we obtain Na* = NaweNa*, which allows us to
walls. Here Gz is based here on the conduit radius R instead estimate Na* in an iterative way by solving a nonlinear
of the diameter D = 2R. The viscous heating number Gr equation where initially b can evaluated at T = Tw. In this
represents a ratio between the viscous temperature (12c) and regime one can expect a large increase in magma temper-
the typical temperature scale DT*. Gr is known as Nahme- ature in regions of high shear. Convective and conductive
Griffith number Na when DT* = 1/b i.e., Na = bmRV2/k, heat transfers are not efficient so that the temperature
and Brinkman number Br when DT* = DTbc, i.e., Br = increase will be localized.
mRV2/(k(T0  Tw)). When Na is large, the temperature
increase due to heat generation by viscous dissipation is 3.2. Gz = O(1)
sufficiently large to change the viscosity significantly. The [19] In this regime, the effects of conduction and convec-
third dimensionless number S is given by the ratio between tion are broadly comparable. All the temperature scales (12)
the temperature scale DT* and the rheological temperature can be important. Viscous heating, convection and conduc-
(12b). When DT* = DTbc we will denote the number S tion effects can be equally important. Numerical solutions
using the symbol B, i.e., B = bDTbc When B is small the are necessary.
difference between the inlet and the wall temperatures is not
3.3. Gz 1
sufficiently large to cause a significant variation in viscosity.
The choice of the most convenient temperature scale and [20] This regime is typical for most magma flows. In this
reference temperature depends on the flow regime, i.e., on case the flow cannot be considered as thermally developed.
the values of Gz and Na [Pearson, 1978]. Heat conduction to the walls in this regime will only affect a
narrow boundary layer within the conduit. Depending on
the values of Gz and Na the heat generated by viscous
3. Flow Regimes dissipation can be negligible, comparable, or dominant with
[14] As we explain in the section 3.5, magma flows are respect to the heat loss by conduction. A convenient choice
generally characterized by a low Reynolds number and a for this regime can be TR = T0 and DT* = DTrheol [Pearson,
very large Prandtl number. Typically, we have large Graetz 1978], so that Na represents the so-called Nahme-Griffith
numbers and hence we could restrict our analysis to number, Na = Na0 bm(T0)V2/k where b = bjT=T0. There are
regimes having Gz 1. However, for a complete descrip- three different cases that can now be relevant for magma
tion, we will briefly discuss below the cases with Gz  1 flows.
and Gz = O(1). 3.3.1. Na  1
[21] In this case, viscous heating can be neglected but if
3.1. Gz  1 the value of B is large enough, i.e., if the wall rocks were
[15] In this regime the conduction term is dominant with significantly cooler than the magma, then equations (8) and
respect to the convective term. A fully developed thermal (9) cannot be decoupled, since cooling by conduction can
profile and velocity flow will occur over most of the conduit have an important role in the dynamics [e.g., Costa and
length. This condition is not typical for magma flow, Macedonio, 2002, 2003, 2005].
although in principle it can occur in the case of very slow [22] A simplified 1-D solution can be used to estimate the
and very thin flows in dikes, and can thus be important in wall temperature as a function of the far-field temperature
the analysis of analogue experiments. For the temperature Tff, the average fluid temperature T , and the Nusselt number
scale, the most natural choice is DTrheol with m evaluated at NuD (see Appendix A for details):
a suitable temperature TR.
3.1.1. Na  1 Tff þ 2pNuD Ea ðt Þ T
[ 16 ] In this case the dynamical equations can be Tw ¼ ð18Þ
1 þ 2pNuD Ea ðt Þ
decoupled from the energy equation. Effects of viscous
heating are negligible. The most suitable reference temper- where Ea is a universal function of the dimensionless time
ature is the wall temperature, i.e., TR = Tw and the t kt/(rcpR2). Fluid temperatures near the wall can be

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Table 1. Parameters Used in the Simulations and Typical Ranges for Different Eruptive Stylesa
Symbol Description Lava Flow Lava Dome Explosive Reference
R conduit equivalent radius (m) 0.1 – 15 10 – 50 (15) 10 – 50 1,3,5,7
L conduit length (km) 2 – 10 2 – 10 (5) 2 – 10 1,3,5,7
r density of magma (kg m3) 2500 – 2800 2200 – 2600 (2500) 2000 – 2300 8
rr density of host rocks (kg m3) 2000 – 2800 2000 – 2800 (2600) 2000 – 2800 8
Q discharge rate (m3 s1) 1 – 104 102 – 10 103 – 106 2,9
b0 initial crystal concentration (vol %) 0 – 10 20 – 60 (50 – 60) 0 – 60 5,6,8
w0 initial water concentration (wt %) 0.1 – 1 1 – 7 (2.5) 1 – 10 4,5,7,9
L* latent heat of crystallization (J kg1) 2 – 8  105 2 – 8  105 (3.5  105) 2 – 8  105 1,5,8
TL liquidus temperature (°C) 1200 – 1300 1000 – 1100 (1070) 1000 – 1100 5,6,8
T0 magma chamber temperature (°C) 1000 – 1200 700 – 1000 (850) 700 – 1000 1,5,6,8
m0 melt viscosity at T0 (Pa s) 10 – 105 106 – 1015 (2  106) 103 – 109 4,5,6,8
b rheological parameter (K1) 0.01 – 0.2 0.01 – 0.1 (0.03) 0.01 – 0.1 4,6,8
Ts solidus temperature (°C) 900 – 1000 600 – 800 (800) 600 – 800 5,6,8
cp specific heat (J kg1 K1) 1400 – 1500 1200 – 1400 (1200) 1200 – 1400 8
k thermal conductivity (W m1 K1) 1.0 – 3.0 1.0 – 3.0 (1.0) 1.0 – 3.0 8
Simulation values are given in parentheses. References: 1, Bruce and Huppert [1990]; 2, Carey and Sigurdsson [1989]; 3, Costa et al. [2007b]; 4, Hess
and Dingwell [1996]; 5, Melnik and Sparks [2005]; 6, Shaw [1969]; 7, Stasiuk et al. [1993]; 8, Touloukian et al. [1989]; 9, Wadge [1981].

significantly lower than in the core of the flow. If B is field. That means that the convective term will dominate
large, near the walls the viscosity is relatively large and over the conductive term.
may therefore drastically affect the velocity profiles and [26] In a way similar to that of Pearson [1978], we
thus the friction. This can also lead to significant propose a practical procedure that permits one to decide
corrections for the Nusselt number, i.e., heat exchange the relevant quantities and the appropriate regime for the
coefficient (see Appendix A). flow under study. The principal steps or stages are as
3.3.2. Na = O(1) follows:
[23] Viscous heating cannot be neglected in this case. The [27] 1. Estimate a transversal and a longitudinal length
energy and momentum equations now become strongly scale, R = D/2 and L, respectively. R will be the radius for a
coupled. For B  1, DTbc becomes irrelevant because the cylindrical geometry (or the half distance between the walls
flow temperature quickly deviates from the initial temper- H/2 for a slab), and L will be the conduit length.
ature. For larger B the solution is complex. Numerical [28] 2. Estimate the quantity
solutions are thus necessary. 8
3.3.3. Na 1 < rcp Q=ðpkLÞ if Q is specified
[24] Viscous heating effects are dominant. The choice of Gz ¼ ð20Þ
TR = T0 as a reference temperature can yield an overestima- rcp DPR4 =ð16m0 kL2 Þ if DP is specified
tion of mR. Similarly to the case when Gz  1, a better
estimation of TR can be obtained, considering T* = T0 + Na*/b This value allows one to decide whether the flow will be
with Na* = bm (T*)V2/k where b = bjT=T*. These relations likely a thermally developing (Gz 1) or fully developed
implicitly define TR = T*. For instance, using the rheological flow (Gz  1). This dimensionless group permits one to
relationship (6), we obtain Na* = Na0eNa* from which we understand the importance of the convection term with
estimate Na* then T* = T0 + Na*/b , where initially b can respect to the conduction term. This procedure can thus help
evaluated at T = T0. This implies that ln(Na) is the relevant to introduce considerable simplifications.
parameter to estimate heat generation DTgen = Tmax  T0. [29] 3. Calculate the quantity
Using asymptotic solutions [Pearson, 1978; Richardson,
1986a], we can estimate some relevant quantities: 8
< bmR Q2 =ðp2 R4 k Þ if Q is specified
Na ¼ ð21Þ
Tmax  T0  lnð NaÞ=b; :
bDP2 R4 =ð256mR kL2 Þ if DP is specified
T  T0  glnð NaÞ= b 4pGz ; ð19Þ where mR and b can initially be estimated at some
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi representative temperature, for instance at T = 1/2(Tw +
DP  2g rc lnð NaÞ= b 4pGz
T0), then the estimation can be improved using a more
representative temperature. Values of the Na number permit
where g = 8 for a pipe and g = 4 for a slab geometry the user to decide whether there is strong heat generation
[Richardson, 1986a]. For typical values of b and Gz (see due to viscous heating or not. If Na is large enough, we can
Table 1), the maximum temperature may be much larger use analytical relationships (19) to estimate some relevant
than the mean temperature. quantities.
3.4. Order of Magnitude Analysis: A Procedure [30] 4. Finally, we estimate
[25] As mentioned above, for most magma flows we can B ¼ bðT0  Tw Þ ð22Þ
generally consider Gz 1 at least over most of the flow

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Table 2. Typical Dimensionless Parameter Ranges reach values of a few orders of magnitude greater than 103,
Values which means that the flow cannot then be assumed laminar.
Symbol Description Lava Flow Lava Dome Explosive
[33] For most conditions, we have Gz 1.Thus heat
1 rcQ
convection in the longitudinal direction dominates over heat
Gz = Graetz number 10 – 106 101 – 104 104 – 108
p kL
conduction in the radial direction. The Nahme number can
Na0 = p12 bmkR0 Q4 Nahme number 10 4
– 10 8
– 10 9
10 – 1013 vary from very small to very large values in both the lava
Pr0 = mk0 c Prandtl number 3
10 – 10 8 8
10 – 10 18
105 – 1012 flow and the lava dome eruptive styles whereas explosive
Re0 = p1 mrQR Reynolds number 10 3
– 10 5
– 10 3
10 – 105 eruptions are generally characterized by Na 1. This

S = pNaffiffiGffi0z regime number 102 – 102 104 – 105 1 – 1011 means that for both lava flow and lava dome eruptive styles
we can have both regimes dominated by conductive heat
loss and regimes dominated by viscous heating effects. On
the other hand, magma flows during explosive eruptions are
generally characterized by strong viscous dissipation
with b calculated at some representative temperature, such effects.
as T = 1/2(Tw + T0). This allows one to understand whether
there will be a strong coupling between the momentum and 4. Results From 2-D Models: Validation and
the energy equations. From a practical point of view, for
magma flows it can be difficult to estimate Tw, but if Na is
Limits of the 1-D Approach
small enough, i.e., viscous heating is believed to be 4.1. Two-Dimensional Simulation of Magma Flow
negligibly small, a simplified approach can be adopted With Heat Transfer
and Tw can be estimated using the relationship (18) (see [34] In this section we present simulation results obtained
Appendix A). In this case, if B is small there will be no from fully 2-D numerical solutions of the full equation
feedback influence of temperature variation on flow system (1) – (4) considering a cylindrical geometry, i.e., a
profiles. The momentum equation must be solved first to pipe flow (see Figure 1 for the schematic view of the
evaluate the velocity profile. Then the energy equation can calculation domain and boundary conditions). The calcula-
be solved to derive the temperature distribution. tions were performed using Comsol Multiphysics1 finite
element solver. We investigate conditions typical for magma
3.5. Application to Magmatic Flows in Conduits flows during lava dome eruptions (see Table 1 for the list of
[31] In order to link the theory described above with parameters). In order to compare results of fully 2-D
volcanic flows inside the conduit we present here typical simulations with theoretical models we have approximated
values of the dimensionless parameters. We now need to the viscosity equation presented by Hess and Dingwell
distinguish the style of activity (explosive or effusive/ [1996] in the form of equation (6). Because in the work
extrusive) and magma composition (mafic or silicic). In by Hess and Dingwell [1996], the viscosity depends not
the case of explosive eruptions, our analysis is applicable only on temperature but on the magma water content we
only for the homogeneous or the bubbly liquid part of the have used a medium value of water content w0 of 2.5 wt %
flow. In gas-particle dispersion flows, both the heat transfer because inside the conduit the water content typically
to surrounding rocks and the viscous heating are negligibly changes from 4 –6 wt % at depth to a very small value at
small due to short times that magma parcels reside in the the surface. However, gas exsolution increases viscosity in
conduit after fragmentation and the low viscosity of gas ascending magma, and that should be accounted for, espe-
phase. The temperature variation there is controlled by an cially for more silicic magmas. The assumption of constant
interplay between the cooling due to gas expansion and the water content is made only for computational reasons in
heat exchange with particles. Within an accuracy of several order to make the problem tractable. Magma viscosity also
percent, the flow can be considered isothermal. We will use strongly depends on crystal content increasing by a factor of
standardized values, suggested by Sahagian [2005] and 100 at about 55% of crystals and up to 104 at 68% of crystals
Carey and Sigurdsson [1989], for calculations of the typical [Costa, 2005; Costa et al., 2007a, 2007b] (further com-
dimensionless parameters for explosive eruptions. For the ments available at
case of lava dome eruptions typical values are used follow- We will use a parametric correction factor Q representing
ing Melnik and Sparks [1999, 2005] and Stasiuk et al. an average crystal content in ascending magma and
[1993]. Magma discharge rates during basaltic eruptions are neglecting, for comparative purposes, the vertical and
mainly estimated from Wadge [1981]. Other property ranges radial variations in viscosity due to changes in the crystal
are estimated from Touloukian et al. [1989] and Shaw content.
[1969]. Ranges of dimensional parameters are listed in [35] In order to avoid imposing arbitrary thermal bound-
Table 1. Calculated dimensionless numbers are listed in ary conditions at the conduit walls, we solve the mass,
Table 2. momentum and energy equations for magma flow inside a
[32] As one can see from Table 2, magma flows are cylindrical conduit and the heat conduction equation in the
generally characterized by relatively low Reynolds numbers surrounding host rocks imposing local far-field conditions
(except for some cases of very intense eruptions) and very for the rock temperature at a distance 10  R. The outer
large Prandtl numbers. Thus the main flow regime in a boundary of the calculation domain is selected in a way that
volcanic conduit is laminar and lubrication approximation, variations of temperature near this boundary due to heating
equations (8) and (9), can be appropriately applied. How- of wall rocks are negligibly small for the whole time of the
ever, in the case of high-magnitude eruptions, Re can easily simulation. The far-field temperature profile, Tff , is assumed
to vary linearly from the magma chamber temperature, Tch,

6 of 16

Figure 1. Sketch of the studied system. Inside the conduit of radius R and length L we solve the
transport equations for mass, momentum, and energy. At the inlet we assume a parabolic profile and a
constant temperature equal to the magma temperature Tch. At the outlet we assume free flow condition.
Along the wall we impose a no-slip condition for the velocity, whereas the wall temperature is given by
the solution of the conductive heat equation inside the host rock solved considering, as far-field
conditions (at a distance 10 R), a linear profile from Tch to a constant environmental temperature Tenv.

at a depth L to an environmental temperature, Tenv, at the sents cross-section-averaged temperature at the top of the
surface. Magma solidification and the melting of country conduit hT i (more precisely (hT i  T0)/ T0) as a function of
rock are neglected. We solve the Navier-Stokes equations time. Viscosity correction factor Q is equal to 10 for the
with the following boundary conditions: no-slip conditions dashed lines and to 100 for the solid. At the initial stage of
are assumed for the velocity at conduit walls, the pressure at the process when host rocks are cold and heat loss is
the top of the conduit is set equal to zero, whereas at the significant the temperature inside the conduit decreases
bottom of the conduit a fixed pressure or discharge rate significantly leading to an increase in magma viscosity
(assuming parabolic velocity profile) are specified. In the and thus conduit resistance. Discharge rate consequently
case of fixed discharge rate the pressure at the bottom of decreases. In the case of low chamber pressure (curve 1)
the conduit can therefore vary according to the variation in decrease in discharge rate leads to a significant reduction of
the friction along the entire conduit. For the fixed inlet heat advected by magma, progressive cooling and increase
pressure, discharge rate will vary with time. The inlet in viscosity. Finally, discharge rate drops to very low values
temperature is additionally assumed to be constant and and the upper part of the conduit cools down by conduction.
equal to the magma chamber temperature, i.e., T0 = Tch. At higher chamber pressures, discharge rate reaches a
We assume at time t = 0 the temperature in the entire minimum and starts to increase. This leads to an increase
conduit is equal to its magma chamber value, initial velocity in heat advection and of the overall temperature increase
or pressure are determined by the Poiseuille solution. These inside the conduit. Decrease in viscosity leads to increase in
initial conditions are artificial because the temperature and discharge rate and viscous heating starts to contribute to a
velocity distributions inside the conduit and in the wall temperature increase. Finally, host rock temperature in the
rocks depend on preeruptive processes (dike propagation or vicinity of the conduit increases to magmatic temperatures,
the presence of a permanently open conduit, for example). heat flux to wall rocks decreases and the system stabilizes
Results of simulations show that the system quickly devi- with a discharge rate that is higher than Qpois, and almost
ates from these artificial initial conditions to a state that is adiabatic wall boundary conditions for the temperature. The
governed by the overall thermal balances. Thus the influ- time and the absolute value of the minimum in discharge
ence of initial conditions is restricted to the initial stage of rate depend on the intensity of advection of heat and viscous
the calculations (usually first 1 – 2 years, i.e., t < 0.05– 0.1). dissipation. For higher-viscosity magmas, viscous dissipa-
The sensitivity of the system to initial conditions is outside tion will start to contribute to temperature increase at
the scope of the paper. smaller discharge rates.
[38] Calculations with the fixed pressure boundary con-
4.2. A Fixed Pressure in the Magma Chamber Case dition are computationally more difficult to perform in
[36] Here we will present results of the simulations when comparison with the case when the influx rate into the
a fixed pressure is assumed as a boundary condition at the conduit is specified. Since after a relatively short transient
conduit inlet. In this case discharge rate will be determined period (less than 10 years), discharge rate for pressure BC
by an overall friction of the conduit and can vary with time tends to its asymptotic value, we performed most of
as thermal conditions in ascending magma change. simulations for the case of fixed discharge rate BC.
[37] Figure 2a shows variations of discharge rate (nor- Comparison of calculation results with theoretical predic-
malized by a discharge rate calculated from the Poiseuille tions will be done in section 5 for the case of fixed
solution Qpois) with dimensional time t. Figure 2b repre- discharge rate BC.

7 of 16

Figure 2. Variations of discharge rate (normalized by a discharge rate calculated from the Poiseuille
R R time t (Figure 2a). Cross-section-averaged normalized temperature at
solution Qpois) with dimensional
the top of the conduit hTi = 2 0 rTdr/R2 versus t (Figure 2b). Viscosity correction factor Q is equal to 10
for the dashed lines and to 100 for the solid. Qpois is calculated from Poiseuille solution for magma with
the initial temperature T0: Qpois=pDPR4 / 8m0QL The value of DP is 10, 30, 70, and 80 MPa for curves
1 – 4 and 10, 20, and 70 MPa for curves 5 – 7. The value of m0 is 2.1  106 Pa. Using reference
dimensional parameters, Qpois = 1.89 DP/Q.

4.3. Case of Fixed Influx Into the Conduit [41] In the case of large Nahme numbers, a thin layer of
[39] Below we will present results of fully 2-D simula- hot magma is formed near the wall due to viscous dissipa-
tions for the case of fixed influx of magma into the conduit. tion effects. This layer is characterized by hot, low-viscosity
As described in section 3.5, for typical conditions and magma with high-velocity gradients. Instead of loosing
parameters that characterize magma flows (see Tables 1 heat, magma in the central region of the conduit receives
and 2), the Graetz number is very large, i.e., we can restrict heat from this hot layer. The surrounding rocks experience
our considerations to regimes having Gz 1 only. Depend- temperatures that are higher than the initial temperature of
ing on the value of Na, viscous heating can either be the magma; thus a melting of the wall rocks is now possible.
negligibly small or be an appreciable factor that determines Because of the low viscosity of magma in the near-wall
the temperature variations. Figure 3 shows the distribution zone, the profile of the velocity is flat with all shearing
of dimensionless temperature ((T  T0)/T0) and dimension- occurring near the wall. The maximum velocity is smaller
less velocity (vx /V) at the exit of the conduit for three than 2  V.
different typical regimes: (left) heat-loss-dominated regime, [42] In the intermediate regime, heat generated by viscous
i.e., low Na0, (middle) intermediate regime, and (right) dissipation is able to balance heat loss by conduction.
viscous-heating-dominated regime, i.e., large Na0. Curves Temperature profiles inside the conduit are almost flat and
corresponding to dimensionless times t = 0.234, 0.467, the velocity distribution very is similar to a parabolic
0.93, 2.34 and 4.67. There is a progressive increase in rock profile.
temperature with increasepffiffiffiffiffiinffi t. Beside the number Na0 the 4.4. Temperature Corrections for 1-D Models
value of S Na0 / Gz, useful for characterizing the
regimes (see below for details), is marked on the plots. [43] We will use obtained results to validate and to define
[40] In the case of low Na0 number, when cooling is the limits of validity of the asymptotic relationships pre-
large due to a large temperature difference between the sented in section 4.3 and also to estimate the deviation from
magma and wall rock, the flow is localized in the central the classical Poiseuille solution for the conduit friction that
part of the conduit. Near the walls the temperature is so is usually adopted in 1-D models.
low that viscosity tends to very large values and the [44] As previously explained, when viscous heating is
velocity is almost zero. The maximum velocity is much dominant, i.e., large Na0, we use the inlet temperature as the
larger than 2  Va as required for a Poiseuille flow reference temperature, i.e., TR = T0, and we can adopt
solution. There is also a sharp transition between no-flow formulas (19) to estimate maximum temperature and the
and high-flow velocity domains where gradients of the average temperature increase:
velocity are correspondingly large. These gradients lead to
high strain rates and therefore to a significant viscous Tmax  T0  lnðNa0 Þ=b ð23aÞ
dissipation of heat. In the central part of the conduit, the
temperature is almost constant because the radial heat flux  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
is low due to the presence of a zone with elevated temper- T  T0  glnð Na0 Þ= b 4pGzx ð23bÞ
atures. As time progresses the temperature in the no-flow
region progressively increases, but at a very low rate where (23a) expresses the upper limit for the maximum
because in this region only conduction is responsible for temperature experienced in the domain (Na0 is based on the
the temperature variations. values at the inlet and represents an overestimation of Na*)

8 of 16

Figure 3. (a) Temperature and (b) velocity radial profiles at the outlet for the three different regimes
(from p
left ffi right S  0.1 (Na0  1.6), S  0.6 (Na0  60), S  5.1 (Na0  125), respectively, where S
Na0 / Gz). The intermediate case reported here has a large Gz number (about 8000). For lower values,
conductive loss is significantly important in the upper part of the conduit and velocity profiles are different
from the parabolic one. Curves 1 to 5 correspond to the values of t = 0.234, 0.467, 0.93, 2.34, and 4.67,
respectively (5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years for the dimensional parameters used in simulations).

and in (23b) Gzx = Re0Pr0 Rx represents the local Graetz for characterizing the regime where Na numbers are rela-
number. tively low. However, from our simulation results we found
[45] Since equations (23a) and (23b) are based on the that we can distinguish the regime by evaluating S. We note
inlet values (that are also used in 1-D models), in the limits that the similarity variable introduced
pffiffiffiffiffiffi by Pearson [1977] is
of their validity, these equations can be used for calculating also inversely proportional to Gz.
temperatures and estimating temperature variations the in [46] On the other hand, when viscous heating is negligi-
simplified 1-D approach. Solutions (19), (23a), and (23b) ble, i.e., for low Nahme numbers, for large Graetz numbers,
were obtained in the limit Na/Gz 1 [Pearson, 1977] but we can still assume that the radial temperature variations are
as we will discuss later, simulation results show that they much larger than the longitudinal and locally we can adopt
can be satisfactorily
pffiffiffiffiffiffi applied if the dimensionless quantity S the 1-D model presented in Appendix A for estimating the
Na0 / Gz is large enough. We found that values of the wall temperature as function of the far-field temperature
dimensionless group S can be satisfactorily used to identify profile and the local average temperature:
the different regimes characterizing the flow. Obviously, a
parameter characterizing the flow regime can be a combi- Tff ð xÞ þ 2pNuD ð xÞ Ea ðt ÞT ð xÞ
nation of Na and Gz, such as Na / Gz itself or other Tw ð x Þ ¼ ð24Þ
1 þ 2pNuD ð xÞ Ea ðt Þ
combinations, but many features of the flow depend on
Na and Gz separately. For example, relationships (19) and where NuD is the local Nusselt number based on the local
pffiffiffiffiffiffi suggest the use of a number proportional to ln(Na) / Graetz number Gzx and on the Sieder and Tate [1936]
Gz. This will work well for very large Na numbers and for variable viscosity correction L, and Ea is a universal
the mean temperature estimation (see Figure 4b where two function of the dimensionless time t (see Appendix A).
different cases are shown). This approach will not be useful

9 of 16

Figure 4. Comparison between the analytical solutions and the 2-D computed. (a) Wall temperature
solution (24) valid in the heat-loss-dominated regimes (here case S  0.1 and Na  1.6. (b) Asymptotic
solution for the mean temperature (23b) reported for two different
pffiffiffiffiffifficases. Black line and black symbols
denote the case having S  5.1, Na0  125, Gz  60 ( In(Na)/ Gz  0.13), whereas pffiffiffiffiffiffi grey line and grey
symbols denote the case having S  3.6, Na0  60 and Gz  28, (with ln(Na) / Gz  0.24). Curves 1
to 5 correspond to the values of t = 0.234, 0.467, 0.93, 2.34, and 4.67, respectively (5, 10, 20, 50, and
100 years for the dimensional parameters used in simulations).

[47] As we mentioned above, results of simulations show because overall conduit resistance controls the discharge
that we can distinguish three regimes that can be character- rate for a given imposed driving pressure drop. The friction
ized by evaluating the dimensionless group factor is defined as
R dp
Na0 bm V 3L l¼ ð25Þ
S ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0 rV 2 dx
Gz R rkc
Here V is the average velocity calculated from the discharge
A first regime is viscous-heating-dominated and corre- rate. The pressure gradient is calculated from the results of
sponds to S ^ 2. In this case the relationships (23) can be the simulations and, depending on the regime, can
satisfactory applied and, although wall temperature cannot dramatically deviate from the isothermal Poiseuille solution
be estimated analytically, we expect that the more important in which the friction factor is lp = 8 / Re0. The ratio l/lp
the viscous heating, the less important the wall rock between the calculated friction (25) and the corresponding
conditions. A second regime is conductive-heat-loss- Poiseuille solution is shown in Figure 5 at different values
dominated and corresponds to S ^ 0.2. In this regime we of t from the beginning of the eruption for three different
can reasonably estimate the local wall temperature (24) and regimes. Examples reported in Figure 5 clearly show that
heat exchange coefficient by the method described in depending on the regime, the classical Poiseuille solution
Appendix A. An intermediate regime corresponds to 0.2 ] can underestimate or overestimate the real friction factor by
S ] 2. In this case the conduction is approximately up to an order of magnitude. In the low-S regime, friction
balanced by viscous heating and heat loss. In the factor is drastically underestimated, whereas, in the large-S
intermediate case, for practical purposes, one can assume regime, it is highly overestimated. We found that in the
isothermal flow conditions. conductive loss-dominated regimes, i.e., low-S, l can be
[48] Figure 4 shows the comparison between the analytical quite satisfactorily estimated using the Sieder and Tate
solutions (23) and (24) and the numerically computed values [1936] correction:
in the two end-member cases, respectively, i.e., S  1 and
S 1. In Figure 4a, computed values of wall temperature " #c
are represented by symbols, whereas the line corresponds 8 mðTw Þ
lc ¼  ð26Þ
to the analytical solution for S  1 . In Figure 4b the Re0 m T
computed mean temperature is compared with the
corresponding asymptotic solution (line). In both cases where c is an empirical coefficient with a value of about
we have a reasonable agreement that it is expected to 0.15– 0.25 (suggested values are 0.14 and 0.25 [Sieder and
improve for values of S much larger or much smaller than Tate, 1936]). Generally, c could depend on S too. In this
those used in the simulations. case both Tw and T can be calculated following the method
described in Appendix A (for practical purposes, T0 can be
4.5. Conduit Resistance Corrections for 1-D Models
used instead of T ). On the other hand, for large S, the
[49] One of the most important implications for 1-D estimation of the friction factor is much more difficult
models is related to an estimation of the friction factor because the scarcity of data due to the highly demanding

10 of 16

Figure 5. Longitudinal profiles along the conduit of the ratios between the computed friction factor and
the corresponding Poiseuille solutions in the three different regimes (from left to right S  0.1, (Na0 
1.6), S  0.6 (Na0  56), S  5.1 (Na0  125), respectively). Different symbols correspond to the
values of t = 0.234, 0.467, 0.93, 2.34 and 4.67 as reported in the inset (5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years for
the dimensional parameters used in simulations).

computational costs. We found that an empirical correction same order. However, in this case the deviation from the
valid in the range of large S for Gz > O (103) can be given classical Poiseuille solution is not very large, especially in
by the case of very large Graetz numbers, when conduction
plays a minor role. Since both relationships (26) and (27)
8 1 represent empirical corrections, its application outside the
lc ¼ ð27Þ
Re0 1 þ AS1:5 validity range can lead to incorrect results. Further calcu-
lations for a wider range of parameters will help to improve
with A  0.3 (Gz > 500 can be considered as a practical the parameterizations (26) and (27) and extend their validity
threshold for the validity of the parameterization). limits.
[50] Usage of corrections (26) and (27) significantly
improves the fit for the friction factor for high-S or low- 5. Discussion
S regimes, respectively (Figure 6). It is not possible to
apply corrections for the intermediate regime because the [51] Asymptotic and numerical results show that, for
effects of cooling and viscous heating are both of about the large discharge rates and/or high magma viscosity, i.e.,

Figure 6. Longitudinal profiles along the conduit of the ratios between the computed friction factor and
the analytical corrections in the three different regimes (from left to right S  0.1, (Na0  1.6), S  0.6
(Na0  56), S  5.1 (Na0  125), respectively). Different symbols correspond to the values of t = 0.234,
0.467, 0.93, 2.34, and 4.67 as reported in the inset (5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years for the dimensional
parameters used in simulations).

11 of 16

the process of viscous dissipation involves strain localiza-

tion along planar features of finite size. Slip along those
planes tends to concentrate stress at the ends of the slip
patches, which then fail by brittle mechanisms because they
are at lower temperature and cannot accommodate the high
strains. This process would be analogous to the growth and
linkage of fractures associated with fault formation [e.g.,
Segall and Pollard, 1983; Martel, 1990]. From a computa-
tional point of view, considering all these processes together
is an extremely complicated and expensive undertaking.
[53] Many mechanisms discussed above can be taken into
account using a quasi-2-D model developed by Vedeneeva et
al. [2005] because the approach is less computationally
expensive. Two significant limitations of the model narrow
its applicability to magmatic flows with heat loss to host
rocks. First, the model is steady state and therefore cannot be
used to explore the transient evolution of typical eruptions.
Because the hydrodynamic timescale is much shorter than
the conductive timescale in host rocks, changes in the
Figure 7. Comparison between radial temperature profiles temperature and velocity fields occur quasi-statically. Thus
obtained by fully 2-D (dashed grey lines) and quasi-2-D quasi-static approach can be used. Second, there are only
(black lines) numerical models for the case of Re0  107, two types of boundary conditions implemented in the model:
Pr0  1012, Gz = 560, Na0  125, and S  5.1. an isothermal BC with wall temperatures equal to the inlet
temperature or adiabatic BC. Therefore the influence of rock
large Na numbers, very high temperatures can be reached temperature variations on conduit flow dynamics cannot be
due to viscous dissipation. Typically, this may happen treated within the framework of current model. When heat
during explosive eruptions of both basaltic and silicic flux to wall rocks is negligibly small (at large values of t and
magmas (characteristic values of Na range from 102 to large flow rates), the adiabatic boundary condition becomes
1012) or for lava dome eruptions for highly crystalline a good approximation. Figure 7 shows comparison of
magmas. Our calculations show a temperature increase with temperature profiles for the case of Re0  107, Pr0 
respect to inlet temperature by up to 150 K for S = 5.1 and 1012, Gz = 560, Na0 = 125 and S = 5.1. Because of the
up to 45 K for S = 1.05. For typical parameters of explosive presence of some heat flux to the wall rocks in the case of
eruptions, Vedeneeva et al. [2005] calculated temperature fully 2-D model the quasi-2-D model overestimates the
rises of order of 1000 K. temperature increase due to viscous dissipation although
[52] We have not considered several mechanisms that can the difference in model predictions is less than 20%. In the
potentially reduce these very large temperature rises. The case of fully 2-D model the temperature maxima occur at
first mechanism that can dampen temperature increase is some distance from the wall because of the cooling of the
related to thermal erosion of conduit walls. Once the layer of magma attached to the wall. In the case of adiabatic
country rock liquidus temperature (usually much higher conditions the maximum temperature increase occurs direct-
than that of the flowing magma because anhydrous con- ly at the conduit wall.
ditions) is reached, a consequent thermal erosion can [54] The advantage of the quasi-2-D model is that it is
happen within a narrow layer close to the conduit walls. computationally very efficient and allows fine meshes for
The second mechanism is related to crystal content reduc- highly nonlinear problems. As an example, we show cal-
tions in the layer where temperature is higher because of the culation results for the case when viscosity is a function of
viscous dissipation. In fact a local crystal content decrease, crystal content as by Costa [2005] and Costa et al. [2007a,
which contributes in reducing viscosity, is expected because 2007b], and the crystal content is a linear function of
of the temperature increases. As a consequence, the regions temperature b = (TL  T)/(TL  Ts), where Ts and TL are
that experience high shear and temperatures will be char- assumed constant (Figure 8). As a reference, temperature
acterized by crystal resorption, transiently or permanently profiles obtained in the fully 2-D model for the case of
elongated bubbles and by compositional differences. The constant crystal content are shown with crosses (Figure 8a).
third mechanism is due to the magma viscosity strain rate The temperature increase due to viscous heating is smaller
dependence [Caricchi et al., 2007] which can reduce in the case of variable crystal contents due to the formation
magma viscosity by up to 2 – 3 orders of magnitude in the of the layer near the wall where crystal content, and
high-shear, high-crystallinity regions. Further reductions in therefore viscosity of magma, is lower (Figure 8b). Crystal
viscosity can be due to the effects of bubble deformation in content of the magma decreases from 52 down to 33%
the high-shear regions [Llewellin and Manga, 2005]. As leading to a viscosity decrease by a factor of 160.
shown by results of fully 2-D simulations, the effective heat [55] At its current stage the quasi-2-D model gives an
exchange can be enhanced by the effects of thermal oversimplified representation of the conduit flow dynamics
instabilities which may lead to vortex formation [Costa in comparison with existing 1-D models (e.g., Melnik and
and Macedonio, 2005]. Another mechanism mentioned by Sparks [2005] for the case of lava dome eruptions) because
Mastin [2005] is stress redistribution, followed by brittle it does not account for volatile exsolution, bubble growth,
failure in nearby magma or host rock. Like fracture growth, degassing-induced crystallization, and gas filtration through

12 of 16

Figure 8. (a) Influence of crystal resorption and crystal content-dependent viscosity on temperature
increase inside the conduit. Dashed grey lines are calculations for Q = 500, and black lines are
calculations for Q = Q(b) following Costa [2005] and Costa et al. [2007a, 2007b]. (b) Radial variation of
crystal content across the conduit.

the magma. However, the approach used in the model estimated from the Poiseuille solution, which is widely used
allows one to build all these processes into the model in 1-D flow models can be orders of magnitude larger for
keeping the code computationally efficient. More effort will the case of significant magma cooling during ascent or
be required to make this model transient. Even with such orders of magnitude smaller when viscous heat generation is
complications the model will not be able to account for all significant. Correction to the Poiseuille solution makes it
aspects of magma-rock interactions (including melting and possible to estimate the friction within ‘ order of magnitude
gas exchange with the surrounding hydrothermal system). A for both cooling- and heating-dominated regimes. Large
fully 2-(3)-D code must be developed in the future in order cross-conduit variations in temperature, estimated both from
to study this complicated phenomenon. It will require asymptotic and numerical analysis, must be considered in
intensive usage of parallel processing and collaboration the interpretation of crystal distribution, textural and com-
between scientists with mathematical, computer science positional diversity of volcanic products.
and geological backgrounds. Successful realization of such
projects in volcanology already exists [Esposti Ongaro et Appendix A: One-Dimensional Model for
al., 2007]. Estimating the Wall Temperature and Nusselt
[56] A major issue is that account of cross-conduit
variations in magma properties is essential for better under-
Number for Conductive-Heat-Loss-Dominated
standing of the dynamics of volcanic eruptions. Preliminary Regimes
estimates of the eruption intensity based on 1-D isothermal [58] Here we provide the derivation of the wall temper-
ascent models can be orders of magnitude wrong in both ature Tw, the Nusselt number NuD, and the universal time
directions. Discharge rate can be greatly overestimated for function Ea which appear in equations (18) and (24). Let us
the case of cooling-dominated flows or highly underesti- consider a cylindrical conduit with a radius R, filled
R R with a
mated in the case of heating-dominated flows. Models that Rfluid flowing at a bulk average temperature T = 0 rVTdr/
take into account parameter variations across the conduit 0 rVTdr, embedded in a host rock having a far-field
will also be very useful for interpretation of textural and temperature Tff = Tff(x). Assuming that the transversal
compositional variations in eruptive products. thermal gradients are much larger than the longitudinal, at
a given depth we can write a 1-D equation for the temper-
6. Conclusion ature inside the country rock (R  r < 1), as [Ingersoll and
Plass, 1948]
[57] Results from calculations of coupled nonisothermal
2-D conduit flow and heat transfer in wall rocks show  2 
@T @ T 1 @ T
complicated nonlinear variations of magma temperature due ¼k þ ; t>0 ðA1Þ
@t @r2 r @r
to interactions between viscous heating and heat conduction
and advection. Magma flow dynamics change drastically as
a consequence of these couplings with respect to the with the following initial and boundary conditions:
isothermal case. When one of the processes is dominant,
T ¼ Tff ; t¼0 ðA2Þ
i.e., heat generation by viscous dissipation or heat loss by
conduction, analytical approximations are found. These
approximations are based on the parameters of the magma @ T
k j ¼ qw ; t>0 ðA3Þ
at the inlet of the conduit and therefore do not require any @r r¼R
knowledge of special and temporal variations of parameters
inside the conduit. Results of simulations show that friction, T ¼ Tff ; r ! 1; t>0 ðA4Þ

13 of 16

where qw represents the heat flux from the wall per unit section shapes developed by Muzychka and Yovanovich
length and k = k/(r cp). We can express the heat flux qw [2004]:
through the heat transfer coefficient h(x) or its dimension- h
less form, i.e., NuD = 2hR/k: in  Po n
NuRH ¼ c1 ð Po  GzRH x Þ1=3 þ c2 pffiffiffi k ðA10Þ
8 pe
qw ð xÞ ¼ 2phð xÞðT  Tw ð xÞÞ ðA5Þ
Po    p  ðA11Þ
Equation (A1) with the conditions (A2), (A3), and (A4) has pffiffiffi 192e
an analytical solution for the wall temperature [e.g., Yu et eð1 þ eÞ 1  5 tanh
p 2e
al., 2004]:
Muzychka and Yovanovich [2004] based the dimensionless
Tw ¼ Tff þ 2pNuD ðT  Tw Þ  Ec ðt Þ with number pffiffiffion the square root of duct section RH (for a cylinder
Z 1  RH = pR. Therefore, in the relationships (A10) and (A11),
1 2 J0 ðx ÞY1 ðxÞ  Y0 ðxÞJ1 ðx Þ
Ec ð t Þ ¼ 2 etx  1   dx ðA6Þ GzRHx = ReRH Pr RxH denotes the local Graetz number (where
p 0 x 2 J12 ðxÞ þ Y12 ðxÞ x is the distance from the inlet must be larger then a few
times RH, ReRH = VRH/n Reynolds number, and Pr = n/k
where J0, J1, Y0 and Y1 are the Bessel functions in the Prandtl number). Po indicates a dimensionless factor
standard notation, x = r/R is the dimensionless distance and (sometimes called Poiseuille number) depending on the
t = kt/(rcpR2 ) the dimensionless conductive time. Previous friction factor-Reynolds number products (Po = f Re). The
studies [Yu et al., 2004] have shown that for large values of symbol e = b/a represents the aspect ratio where a and b are
t, the function Ec(t) can be approximated as the major and minor axis of ellipse, respectively. However,
since we consider a cylindrical conduit (a = b = R) we have
  e = 1. Concerning the numerical parameters, Muzychka and
1 1
Ec ðt Þ  Ei t >> 1 ðA7Þ Yovanovich [2004] gave c1 = 0.409 and c2 = 3.24 for
4p 4t
uniform wall temperature boundary condition and c1 =
0.501 and c2 = 3.86 for uniform wall flux boundary
where condition, n ffi 5 and k ffi 0.1 (for ellipse).
[60] In estimating the Nusselt number of fluids with a
Z 1 strong temperature-dependent viscosity, such as magmas, it
Eið zÞ ¼ ev =vdv is necessary to account for effects of viscosity variability
[Sieder and Tate, 1936; Wichterle, 2004]. To account for
that, in the relationship (A10), we multiply c1 times L
is the exponential integral function. In general, for magma
following the classical correction proposed by Sieder and
flows, we have regimes where tc R2/k 1 and we cannot
Tate [1936]:
assume t 1, i.e., we cannot use relationship (A7).
Making a parameterization for the difference between Ec
L ¼ ðm=mw Þax ðA12Þ
and its approximation (A7), we found a reasonable
approximation valid for t > 107 is given by
where m is the viscosity corresponding to the bulk
temperature, mw is the viscosity at T = Tw, and the exponent
   ax is an empirical parameter of the order of 0.1 ranging
1 t 1=2 p 1
Ec ðt Þ  Ea ðt Þ þ Ei ðA8Þ from 0.05 to 0.25 [Wichterle, 2004] with a recommended
p2 a1 þ a2 t 3=4 þ a3 t 5=4 4 4t
average value of 0.14 [Sieder and Tate, 1936; Wichterle,
2004]. After incorporating all the features described above,
where a1 = 0.5386, a2 = 0.4072, and a3 = 1.2977. Using the Nusselt number for a cylindrical conduit is calculate
(A6) and (A8), we obtain finally a relationship for the finally as
conduit wall temperature Tw as
(   )1=5
2 h  pffiffiffi 1=3 i5 Po 5
NuD ¼ pffiffiffi C1 L pPo  Gzx þ C2 pffiffiffi ðA13Þ
Tff þ 2pNuD Ea ðt Þ T p 8 p
Tw ¼ ðA9Þ
1 þ 2pNuD Ea ðt Þ
with C1 ffi 3 and C2 ffi 0.4. With these parameters we have
For magma flows the thermal relaxation length is typically verified that the model is able to reproduce the computa-
very large [Costa and Macedonio, 2003]. For this reason we tional solution of the fully 2-D thermofluid problems in the
need to adopt a parameterization for the local Nusselt regime ofpvery
ffiffiffi low Re, high Pr and pffiffiffivery low Na (note that
number valid in regimes characterized by a fully developed NuD = 2/ p  NuRH and GzRH x = p Gzx).
velocity distribution and a developing temperature distribu-
tion. Here we restrict our considerations to the case where Notation
viscous heating effects are negligible.
[59] For estimating the Nusselt number Nu we adopt a b rheological parameter in equation (6)
semiempirical model valid over the entire range of dimen- B dimensionless temperature scale for DT* =
sionless duct length for very large Pr and different cross DTbc

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Br Brinkman number DTvisc temperature scale in equation (12c)

c bulk specific heat l friction factor in equation (25)
cp magma specific heat lp friction factor from Poiseuille solution
D conduit diameter lc corrected friction factor in equations (26) and
Ea approximate conductive universal function (27)
Ec conductive universal function L factor correction for Nusselt number
Ei exponential integral function m dimensional magma viscosity variable
g gravity acceleration vector mR magma viscosity at T = TR
Gr viscous dissipation number in equations (15) m0 magma viscosity at T = T0
and (17) P* dimensionless pressure in equation (16)
Gz bulk Graetz number in equations (15) and (17) Q correction to viscosity due to crystals content
Gzx local Graetz number in equation (23b) q dimensionless temperature variable
H slab thickness r dimensional magma density
k magma thermal conductivity rg density of host rocks
L conduit length S dimensionless regime number
L* latent heat of crystallization t dimensionless time
Na Nahme-Griffith number t stress tensor in equations (3) and (4)
Na0 inlet Nahme-Griffith number x dimensionless longitudinal variable
Na* auxiliary Nahme-Griffith number
NuD Nusselt number based on D [61] Acknowledgments. This work was supported by NERC research
NuRH Nusselt number based on RH grant reference NE/C509958/1, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(05-01-00228), and President of Russian Federation program (NCH-
P dimensional pressure 4710.2006.1). Authors would like to thank R. S. J. Sparks for useful
P* auxiliary pressure variable in equation (8) comments. L. Mastin, T. Koyaguchi, and M. P. Ryan are warmly acknowl-
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