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Planning the PYP Exhibition

Handbook for Students and Parents

International School Dhaka 2007/2008

Exhibition Guidelines IBO


he Pri!ar" Years Progra!!e #PYP$ exhibition re%resents a significant e&ent in the life of a PYP school and student' s"nthesi(ing the essential ele!ents of the PYP and sharing the! )ith the )hole school co!!unit"* +s a cul!inating ex%erience it is an o%%ortunit" for students to exhibit the attributes of the learner %rofile that ha&e been de&elo%ing throughout their engage!ent )ith the PYP* In the students, final "ear of the PYP' )hich at I S Dhaka is at -rade . there are fi&e units of in/uir" and the exhibition* 0ur exhibition unit takes %lace under the transdisci%linar" the!e' Sharing the Planet* Students are re/uired to engage in a collaborati&e' transdisci%linar" in/uir" %rocess that in&ol&es the! in identif"ing' in&estigating and offering solutions to real1life issues or %roble!s* he central idea de&elo%ed b" the students' %arents and teachers !ust be of sufficient sco%e and significance to )arrant a detailed in&estigation b" all students*


he PYP exhibition has a nu!ber of ke" %ur%oses* 2or students to engage in an in1de%th' collaborati&e in/uir" o %ro&ide students )ith an o%%ortunit" to de!onstrate inde%endence and res%onsibilit" for their o)n learning o %ro&ide students )ith an o%%ortunit" to ex%lore !ulti%le %ers%ecti&es 2or students to s"nthesi(e and a%%l" their learning of %re&ious "ears and to reflect u%on their 3ourne" through the PYP o %ro&ide an authentic %rocess for assessing student understanding o de!onstrate ho) students can take action as a result of their learning o unite the students' teachers' %arents and other !e!bers of the school co!!unit" in a collaborati&e ex%erience that incor%orates the essential ele!ents of the PYP o celebrate the transition of learners fro! %ri!ar" to !iddle/secondar" education

Student guidelines
he exhibition holds a %lace of s%ecial i!%ortance in the PYP' and "ou )ill be )orking on it for so!e ti!e* Your exhibition )ill in&ol&e others #for exa!%le' "ou !a" )ork in a s!all grou% or beco!e in&ol&ed )ith an organi(ation outside the school$* 4e!e!ber that "our

%artici%ation and "our )ork )ill be assessed* Your teacher or !entor )ill share )ith "ou the criteria for this assess!ent* he" )ill be able to guide "ou through the )hole %rocess* You !a" decide )ith "our !entor to contact another %erson )ho can gi&e "ou !ore ex%ert hel%* he de&elo%!ent of the exhibition !a" include the follo)ing* 5* Discussing %ossible real1life issues or %roble!s to be in&estigated 2* Posing /uestions that hel% to define the central idea and to decide u%on the lines of in/uir" 6* Planning the exhibition 7* -athering the necessar" !aterial .* 8orking on the exhibition 9* Presenting the exhibition

1. Discussing possible real-life issues or problems to be investigated

r" to consider issues or %roble!s that "ou ha&e noticed in "our school or local area that could lead to an in1de%th in/uir"* hese issues could be rele&ant to other children around the )orld* You should talk )ith "our teacher about "our ideas and /uestions to see if the" could beco!e the basis for "our exhibition* Your teacher and the other students !a" ha&e ideas too and "ou should gi&e the! all careful consideration*

2. Posing questions that help to define the central idea and to decide upon the lines of inquiry
8hen the issue or %roble! has been selected' "ou )ill ha&e the o%%ortunit" to ask /uestions that !a" hel% define the central idea and lines of in/uir"* he lines of in/uir" chosen should be )ell defined' allo)ing "ou to in&estigate and reflect u%on the central idea* You should discuss "our ideas )ith different %eo%le' both inside and outside school' to hel% "ou to decide )hat "ou are going to do* It is i!%ortant that "ou #and "our grou%$ ha&e a discussion )ith "our teacher and/or !entor to see if "our ideas are realistic and achie&able* his !a" be the first ti!e "ou ha&e been in&ol&ed in such a detailed in&estigation* he exhibition )ill de!onstrate "our learning in the PYP* Your teacher )ill assess "our %lanning and learning' including "our reflections' the !ethods "ou use' the )a" "ou link "our exhibition to the organi(ing the!es and an" for!s of action that "ou engage in as a result*

3. Planning the exhibition

he next %art of the %rocess is to %lan the exhibition* You should )rite do)n "our ideas to hel% "ou to define the lines of in/uir" and choose a%%ro%riate sources and !aterial* :" looking at a &ariet" of different sources' "ou can i!%ro&e the /ualit" of "our exhibition* In "our grou%' ask /uestions such as; 8here do )e find the !aterials )e need< 8ho !ight ha&e useful infor!ation< Do )e need to carr" out an" ex%eri!ents< Do )e need to %re%are a /uestionnaire or sur&e"< Do )e need to go to libraries other than the school librar"<

0ther sources can also hel% "ou; a reference book !ight ha&e a useful bibliogra%h"= the %erson "ou inter&ie) !ight ha&e a suggestion to in&estigate so!ething else= an ex%eri!ent !ight lead to other in&estigations* 8hen "ou ha&e found a source of infor!ation' "ou )ill ha&e to decide ho) useful it is*


athering the necessary material

!l"ays )rite do)n the source of "our !aterial* his infor!ation )ill &ar" according to the t"%e of source consulted*

+ book; record the author#s$' title' %ublisher and date + )eb site; record the >4? #eg htt%;//)))*un*org/Pubs/@"berSchool:us/index*ht!l$ +n inter&ie); record the na!e' address' role of the %erson and the date of the inter&ie) +n ex%eri!ent; record the e/ui%!ent and !ethod used' the results and conclusions + )ork of art; record the title' artist' and reference #!useu!' recording$ if a%%ro%riate

#. $or%ing on the exhibition

You )ill need to reflect on "our exhibition in a constructi&e )a"* You should !ake regular entries in a 3ournal/%lanning book of all "our ideas' decisions and actions to record "our %rogress as "ou )ork on the exhibition* It should be filled in regularl" to sho) "ou ho) "our exhibition is de&elo%ing* + 3ournal/%lanning book can also be used to sho) "our !entor the %rogress being !ade*

&. Presenting the exhibition

o)ards the end of the exhibition "ou )ill need to think carefull" about ho) "ou )ish to %resent the results of "our in/uiries* You !ust al)a"s consider "our %resentation fro! other %eo%le,s %ers%ecti&es*

Aake sure "our %resentation is clear' infor!ati&e and a%%ro%riate for a range of audiences* :e infor!ed about the !aterial "ou choose to %resent* You )ill need to be able to ans)er an" /uestions about it confidentl"* >se dra)ings and %ictures to add to the clarit" of the %resentation* ?ook at the exa!%les of exhibitions that other students ha&e done in "our school in the %ast and see ho) the" %resented their ideas* Your school !a" ha&e a record of %ast exhibitions for "ou to see* Discuss the %resentation )ith "our teacher and/or "our !entor before "ou start )orking on it* +nd finall"' "ou should celebrate "our learning*

Staging the exhibition

he exhibition should include;

exa!%les of )ritten )ork in a &ariet" of for!ats and st"les; %oetr"' re%orts' essa"s #)ord1%rocessed or hand)ritten$ oral %resentations' indi&iduall" or in grou%s' to the school co!!unit" uses of technolog" such as )orking !odels' I@ designs and science ex%eri!ents %erfor!ances or co!%ositions in an" !ediu!; dance' !usic' dra!a' &isual arts' fil!' &ideo' !ixed !edia*

+ll sections of the school co!!unit" should be in&ited to this annual exhibition*

'ole of parent(guardian
Parents/guardians )ill;

ha&e an understanding of the %ur%ose and re/uire!ents of the exhibition through the )orksho%s su%%ort and encourage students and teachers throughout the %rocess of in/uir" be infor!ed b" reading ne)sletters' attending !eetings' talking )ith students hel% students to access resourcesB%eo%le' %laces' !edia and infor!ation %ro&ide ex%ert sub3ect kno)ledge )here a%%licable encourage inde%endent in/uir" and res%ect student o)nershi% of the %rocess celebrate )ith the students b" attending the staging of the exhibition

)o" inquiry based pedagogy "or%s*

eaching through structured in/uir"

/uestions fra!ed around significant content sha%ed to engage and focus students, in/uir" /uestions %ro&ide the scaffold' or backdro% to student in/uir" +ocus is on* Students and teachers together; s%ending as !uch ti!e figuring out )hat the /uestions are as on research collecting resources' sharing obser&ations= collaborating in designing learning ex%eriences )hich )ill su%%ort in/uir"=

ex%eriencing being historians' geogra%hers' scientists setting u% and creating their o)n sites for ex%loration= literature' books and texts are sources ha&ing ti!e to tell their o)n stories' to bro)se' to )ander and )onder= de&elo%ing tools to kee% track of findings using /uestions as criteria to 3udge %rogress in learning= learning and a%%l"ing skills in !eaningful contexts 'esearch involves* looking for connections' for coherence' focused b" the /uestions the recognition that kno)ledge is so!eone else,s ans)ers to %rior /uestions* ,earning emphasis* did )e ans)er our /uestions< students !aking !eaning of carefull" selected learning ex%eriences teachers de&ising assess!ent tasks related to ans)ering the dri&ing /uestions using a &ariet" of sign and s"!bol s"ste!s to Ctrans!ediate, and co!!unicate understanding and reflections* -nquiry is vie"ed as understanding that "ill last until the learner has time to as% ne" questions to .create more compelling theories/. !fter"ards* Students see the return to the in/uir" as a %ossibilit" of dee%ening their kno)ledge and understanding

Ho) hings 2it ogether

Students construct !eaning

Transdisciplinary Themes

Theory Building

Central Ideas

Expressions of relationships bet!een t!o or more concepts

eachers Plan

Key Concepts


In/uir" Into

(nderstandin" connections bet!een ideas

Tuning In Knowledge
En"a"in" the students initial curiosity in the real !orld issue

Adapted from Focus on Inquiry J Wilsonand !in" Jan #ichelle $hillips Inquiry W%shop &'

0eachers plan 1 0op do"n

bottom up

2tudents construct meaning -

8rite "our ideas for a real )orld issue on this %age; Students construct !eaning

Ho) hings 2it ogether

Transdisciplinary Themes

Central Ideas

Generalizations eachers Plan

Key Concepts


?ines of in/ui r"

Tuning In Knowledge

Adapted from Focus on Inquiry J Wilsonand !in" Jan #ichelle $hillips Inquiry W%shop &)

0eachers plan 1 0op do"n 2tudents construct meaning 1 bottom up

8rite "our ideas for a central idea on this issue' on this %age;

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