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PHYSICS Paper 3 1 jam



1 #am L$ma %e&a' M$($)

DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO 1. This question paper consists of 4 questions. 2. Answer a&& questions from Section A and *(e question from Section B. 3. Answers must be written in the spaces provided. 4. Show your working. t may he!p you to get marks. ". #ive on!y one answer $ so!ution to each question. 6. The diagrams in the +,e')$*(' 1 Se-)$*( A provided are drawn to sca!e. %. The marks a!!ocated for each question and sub& part of a question are shown in brackets. '. (ou may use a non&programmab!e scientific ca!cu!ator. ). Submit this paper at the end of the e*amination. % " #UMLAH For Examiner use only Se-)$*( .,e')$*( 1 A 2 3 Mar/'

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

Section A Bahagian A ( 28 marks ) ( 28 markah ) Answer all questions in this section Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini 1 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between volume of air, and pressure, !" #he arrangement of the apparatus is shown in $iagram 1"1" Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara isipadu udara dan tekanan. Susunan radas ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.1

$iagram 1"1 #he pump is pushed slowl% until the volume of air is &' cm &" #he pressure of air is recorded b% using (ourdon gauge" #he actual reading of the (ourdon gauge is shown in $iagram 1"2 #he above procedure is repeated b% using the volume of air &) cm &, 2' cm&, 2) cm&, and 1' cm&" #he corresponding readings of bourdon gauge are shown in $iagram 1"&, 1"*, 1"' and 1"+" Pam ditekan secara perlahan sehingga isipadu udara adalah ! cm . tekanan udara direkodkan dengan menggunakan "olok #ourdon. #acaan sebenar "olok #ourdon ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.2. Prosedur ini diulangi bagi isipadu udara $ cm % 2! cm % 2$cm dan 1! cm . #acaan &ang sepadan dengan bacaan "olok #ourdon ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1. % 1.'% 1.! dan 1.(.

!,--------" olume of air , &' cm& $iagram 1"2

! =.. olume of air , &) cm& $iagram 1"&

! ,-------"" olume of air , 2' cm& $iagram 1"*

! ,-------olume of air , 2) cm& $iagram 1"'

!,--------" olume of air , 1' cm& $iagram 1"+


.or the experiment described on pages 2 and &, identif%/ #agi eksperimen &ang diterangkan di halaman 2 dan % kenal pasti) (i) #he manipulated variables Pembolehubah dimanipulasi -----------------------------"""""""""""""""""" 01 mark1 (ii) #he responding variable Pembolehubah bergerakbalas ---------------------------------"" 01 mark1 (ii) #he fixed variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan ---------------------------------"" 01 mark1

(b) (ased on $iagram 1"2, 1"&, 1"*, 1"' and 1"+ on page & #erdasarkan Rajah 1.2% 1. % 1.'% 1.! dan 1.( di halaman (i) 2ecord the (ourdon gauge reading in spaces provided on page & *atatkan bacaan "olok #ourdon dalam ruang &ang disediakan di halaman " 02 marks1 (ii) #abulate %our results for , 1 and ! in the space below" + 1 Jadualkan keputusan anda bagi +% dan P pada ruang di bawah. +

0' marks1 (c) 1 3n the graph paper on page ', plot graph of ! against + Pada kertas gra, &ang disediakan% lukiskan gra, P melawan 1 + 0' marks1 (d) 1 + 1 #erdasarkan gra, anda di 1(c)% n&atakan hubungan antara P dan + (ased on %our graph in 1(c), state the relationship between ! and --------------------------------01 mark1

Graph of , against

A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the force, . and time, t for a trolle% move a distance of 1m" #he result of this experiment is shown in the graph of . against in diagram 2"1"

Seorang murid menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan da&a%dengan masa%t bagi satu troli &ang bergerak dengan jarak 1m. .eputusan bagi eksperimen ini ditunjukkan oleh gra, . melawan pada Rajah 2.1..


(ased on the graph in $iagram 2"1, #erdasarkan gra, pada Rajah 2"1

(i)4hat happen to . as


/pakah &ang berlaku pada . apabila


------------------------------"""""""" 01 mark1 01 markah1


$etermine the value of . when

, )"

6how on the graph, how do %ou determine the value of ."

"entukan nilai . apabila


"unjukkan pada gra, %bagaimana anda menentukan nilai ."


Graph of F against $etermine the value of t when . , 1"8 7"

"entukan nilai bagi t apabila . , 1"8 7"

02 marks1 02 markah1


02 marks1 02 markah1









0.30 Diagram 2.1


0.20 0 '2


#he mass of trolle%, m is given b% the formula m ,


Jisim bagi troli%m diberi dengan ,ormula m ,



8alculate the gradient of the graph . against how %ou determine the gradient"

" 6how on the graph

0itungkan kecerunan bagi gra, . melawan bagaimana anda menentukan kecerunan.

" #un9ukkan pada graf

0& marks1 0& markah1


(% using formula m , the mass of trolle%"

and the value obtained in b(i) calculate

1engan menggunakan ,ormula m , dalam b(i) %hitungkan jisim bagi troli.

dan nilai &ang di perolehi

02 marks1 (c) 6tate one precaution that should be taken to improve the results of the experiment" "entukan satu langkah berjaga2jaga &ang perlu diambil untuk meningkatkan keputusan dalam eksperimen. ------------------------------01 mark1

Section B Bahagian B 0 12 marks 1 [12 markah] Answer an% one question" Jawab mana2mana satu soalan dalam bahagian ini. 3 $iagram &"1 and $iagram &"2 show two t%pes of cargo ship sailing in the ocean" 8argo ship ( is full% loaded with goods and it sinks deeper into the water" 1iagram .1 dan .2 menunjukkan dua kapal kargo &ang berla&ar di laut. .apal kargo # penuh dengan muatan dan ia tenggelam lebih dalam di laut.

Cargo ship Diagram !.1 Cargo ship Diagram !.1 (ased on the above information and observation/ #erdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas)

Cargo ship " Diagram !.2


6tate one suitable inference" 3&atakan satu in,erens &ang sesuai.

01 mark1

(b) (c)

6tate one suitable h%pothesis" 3&atakan satu hipotesis &ang sesuai

01 mark1

4ith the use of apparatus such as a eureka can, slotted weight and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the h%pothesis stated in &(b)" :n %our description, state clearl% the following / 1engan menggunakan radas seperti tin eureka% pemberat dan lain2lain radas% terangkan satu rangka kerja ekperimen untuk men&iasat hipotesis &ang anda n&atakan dalam (b) 1alam penerangan anda jelaskan perkara berikut )

(i) #he aim of the experiment "ujuan eksperimen (ii) #he variables in the experiment Pembolehubah &ang terlibat dalam eksperimen itu (iii) #he list of apparatus and materials Senarai radas dan bahan (iv) #he arrangement of the apparatus Susunan radas (v) #he procedure of the experiment" $escribe how to control the manipulated variables and how to measure the responding variables" Prosedur &ang digunakan dalam eksperimen. "erangkan bagaimana mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasi dan bagaimana mengukur pemboleh ubah bergerak balas. (vi) #he wa% to tabulate the data *ara untuk menjadualkan data (vii) #he wa% to anal%se the data *ara untuk menganalisis data 01) marks1

$iagram *"1 shows a deep sea diver wearing a pair of magnesium allo% suit which can withstand high underwater pressure"

$iagram *"1 (ased on the above information and observation/ #erdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas) (a) 6tate one suitable inference" 3&atakan satu in,erens &ang sesuai. mark1 (b) 6tate one suitable h%pothesis" 3&atakan satu hipotesis &ang sesuai 01 mark1


(c) 4ith the use of apparatus such as manometer, thistle funnel and other apparatus, describe an experiment framework to investigate the h%pothesis stated in *(b)" :n %our description, state clearl% the following /

1engan menggunakan radas seperti manometer%corong thistle dan lain2lain radas% terangkan satu rangka kerja ekperimen untuk men&iasat hipotesis &ang anda n&atakan dalam '(b) 1alam penerangan anda jelaskan perkara berikut ) (i) #he aim of the experiment "ujuan eksperimen (ii) #he variables in the experiment Pembolehubah &ang terlibat dalam eksperimen itu (iii) #he list of apparatus and materials Senarai radas dan bahan

(iv) #he arrangement of the apparatus Susunan radas (v)#he procedure of the experiment" $escribe how to control the manipulated variables and how to measure the responding variables" Prosedur &ang digunakan dalam eksperimen. "erangkan bagaimana mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasi dan bagaimana mengukur pemboleh ubah bergerak balas. (vi) #he wa% to tabulate the data *ara untuk menjadualkan data (vii) #he wa% to anal%se the data *ara untuk menganalisis data 01) marks1 END OF UESTION PAPER .4R"/S S5/6/3 "/7/"

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