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The Spiritual F r!ati n and the De" ti n# $ St% Arn ld &an##en &anelle V% 'al"e( Di"ine ) rd * llege $ *alapan De+e!,er -1. -/10 Ma#ter in 1u#ine## Ad!ini#trati n

SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND DEVOTIONS The Spiritual F r!ati n and the De" ti n# $ St% Arn ld &an##en E2e+uti"e Su!!ar3 The pi u# parent# $ Fr% Arn ld ! lded hi! int a #pirituall3 in+lined per# n% The3 #et a# g d e2a!ple# $ their +hildren 4h 4ere all in$luen+ed ,3 their deep $aith and re"eren+e t

' d% 1 th 'erhard and *atherine &an##en 4ere pra3er$ul and the3 in#tilled the i!p rtan+e $ pra3er# t their +hildren ,e+au#e a++ rding t the! pra3er# t ' d 4ill pr te+t the! $r ! #in#% The !aturati n in religi u# ,elie$# $ Fr% &an##en 4hi+h #tarted $r ! hi# h !e + ntinued until he ,egan hi# edu+ati n% During hi# tea+hing 3ear# a$ter ,eing dul3 rdained a# prie#t. Fr% &an##en5# l "e $ r pra3er# gre4 ,igger% He had $allen int #tr ng de" ti n 4ith the H l3 Trinit3 4hi+h 4a# greatl3 in$luen+ed ,3 hi# $ather% He p inted ut that the ) rd $ ' d li"e# 4ithin the heart# and enli"en the # ul# $ th #e 4h ha"e "enerati n t the H l3 Trinit3% 1e+au#e $ thi#. Fr% &an##en na!ed the $ir#t !i##i n h u#e a$ter the Di"ine ) rd ,e+au#e he ,elie"e# that ' d5# gl r3 i# + nne+ted 4ith the Di"ine ) rd% Fr% &an##en had a 4ide range $ de" ti n 4hi+h #3!, li(e# hi# 4h le real! $ +hur+h piet3% Hi# pr $ und de" ti n t the Di"ine ) rd 4a# an e2+lu#i"e heritage $r ! hi# $a!il3% The de" ti nal li$e $ Fr% &an##en re"ealed hi# +hildli6e piet3% He ,elie"ed that ' d5# 6ingd ! i# pen th #e 4h li"e #i!ple and una##u!ing li6e a +hild% F r hi!. a +hildli6e piet3 generate# # le!n religi u# ! d and ! #t $ all e2perien+e $ re"eren+e%

SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND DEVOTIONS Reflections 7The piet3 $ the + untr3 $ l6 &an##en + uple $$ered a #pe+ial depth $ religi u# under#tanding t the +hildren8The F under5# great de" ti n# t the H l3 Trinit3. the Di"ine ) rd. and the

H l3 Spirit +a!e $r ! hi# $ather and that $ 1le##ed M ther $r ! hi# ! ther9 :E#ti 6 . -//;. p% -<= > It + uld ,e + n+luded that the religi u# de" ti n# r piet3 $ the parent# $ Fr% &an##en ha# deepl3 in$luen+ed in hi# #piritual $ r!ati n ,eginning $r ! +hildh until the ulti!ate p int $ hi# li$e% 71e$ re thi# altar. !an3 r #arie#. litan3 $ L rett . and !an3 ther Marian pra3er# 4ere #aid t gether ,3 the 4h le $a!il39 :p% 01= > Appl3ing t the pre#ent li"ing. 4e + uld #a3 the $a!il3 i# a true e2a!ple $ the #a3ing. 7the $a!il3 that pra3# t gether. #ta3# t gether9 7On hi# death,ed. 'erhard !ade ea+h $ hi# +hildren pr !i#e t attend the High Ma## e"er3 Sunda3 and t :p% -<= 7The na!e $ the Di"ine ) rd 4a# in the !ind $ the F under $r ! the ,eginning. hi# lega+3 $r ! hi# $ather 'erhard9 :p% 0?= > It + uld ,e #aid that the de" ti n $ Fr% &an##en5# $ather t the H l3 Trinit3 had !ade a trul3 #piritual in$luen+e t Fr% &an##en 4h later 4 uld ,e deepl3 dedi+ated and deter!ined in "aluing the Di"ine ) rd% $$er it in h n r $ the Trinit3 in than6#gi"ing $ r all re+ei"ed the pre+i u# 4ee69 d

SPIRITUAL FORMATION AND DEVOTIONS Father Arn ld5# piet3 i# 7+hildli6e9 in the #en#e that &e#u# under#tand# it in the g #pel 4here he #a3#: 7Unle## 3 u +hange and ,e+ !e li6e little +hildren. 3 u +ann t enter the 6ingd ! $ ' d% )h e"er hu!,le# hi!#el$. ,e+ !ing li6e thi# +hild. i# $ great i!p rtan+e in the 6ingd ! $ ' d9 :Mt 1<:0>@=% * ntent and #t3le :#u,#tan+e and $ r!= $ hi# de" ti n# re"eal thi# +hildli6e piet3 :p% @A= >

The +hildli6e piet3 $ Fr% &an##en 4a# a di$$erent. intere#ting part $ hi# "enerati n $ de" ti n% He 4a# in+lined t ' d5# 4 rd# that th #e 4h + uld enter Hi# Bingd ! are th #e 4h gl ri$3 hi! 4ith truth$ulne## and #i!pli+it3 and unpretending li6e that $ a +hild% Re$eren+e

E#ti 6 . L% R% SVD%. :-//;=% Spiritual $ r!ati n and De" ti n# and +hildli6e piet3 $ #t% arn ld% Witness to the word :pp% -C>@<=% Manila: L g # Pu,li+ati n#

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