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Mexico City is the capital of Mexico and it has been one of the most important cities because of the development which the city has been having economically in the last years. Besides political and educational institutions have been established in the city and they provide many jobs. As a result, millions of people have moved into the city and now it is considered as one of the most populated cities in the world with a population of 8.851.080 people (INEGI, 2012), without taking into consideration the people living on the outskirts of the city. it has been estimated that each citizen throws away 1 kilo of garbage daily, creating 20 tons of garbage daily (Biocally la casa de la vida, 2009) All this factors have created in the city problems with the garbage generated and the government has not found a way to solve them as it has been overpassed. Mexico City has serious garbage difficulties and to keep it clean Mexican people should pay a tax for the recollection of garbage, the recycling process and the street cleansing program, which will help to improve the environment. The recollection of garbage in the city is inefficient due to the garbage trucks conditions and because not having the necessary equipment to recycle the organic and inorganic trash. Besides the garbage trucks do not recollect it very often so the trash can be on the streets for days. The second problem is landfills. In Mexico City, there is not a good recycling program, so landfills are full and sometimes garbage trucks do not have enough space where to deposit the waste. There are 3 landfills in the outskirts of the city. They do not have enough space and do not work well, though. Therefore, the trash is not collected frequently. Finally the trash on the streets is the result of the previous problems as the recollection is not good enough. Moreover, Mexican people throw garbage on the street and do not care about the appearance and cleanliness of the streets. The government has tried to deal with the problem. However, the shortage of money do not permit them to hire or to buy the technology to recycle and to create programs to make people conscious about the situation we are suffering. As a consequence, Mexican people have to pay a new tax to solve the trash problem. A private company could be hired to deal with all these problems and to have all these services done as the government cannot offer a solution. The citizens will also learn to recycle, to be clean and not to throw garbage on the streets. Having private companies in Mexico to deal with the garbage will benefit not only the city and the people, but also it will create job opportunities. The creation of this new tax will help the city government to have the means face the problem and at the same time people will be more conscious about the trash.

INEGI (2012, July 15). Poblacin de Mxico. Retrieved December 04, 2013, from http

Biocally la casa de la vida (2009, Agosto 23) Cunta basura se produce en la ciudad de Mxico?. . Retrieved December 04, 2013, from

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