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methodologies, compatibility & re-usability

Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4 Date: 15-10-2011

D 2.4

Document identifier: Due Date of Delivery to EC - D 2.4 End of Month Month 8 30 September 2011

ctual Date of Delivery to 30!0"!2011 EC Document date: Deliverable #itle: $or% pac%a&e: 'ead (eneficiary: /ther (eneficiarie0 uthor0: Document 0tatu0: Document lin%:
30!0"!2011 Methodologies, compatibility & re-usability WP 2 Center for Documentation of Cultural ) *atural +erita&e ,C-'#* #. 1irtual$are2 E#32 4ME2 C5E36Cyl2 -lund Mohammad *abil ,Cultnat. 7Contributors: Ef0tathia Chat8i2 Ser&io (arrera Mayo2 Selma 5i8vic2 9ohn :ary&ianni02 #hano0 Sideri02 ;eor&e ;iannouli02 Sorin +ermon2 Mattia0 $aller&<rd= Version 1.2


Grant Agreement 270404



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methodologies, compatibility & re-usability

Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4 Date: 15-10-2011

Changes Version
1. 1.' 1.1" 1.1$ 1.1! 1.12 1.1( 1.15 1.1 1.$" 1.$!

!"/"#/$"11 1(/1"/$"11 1#/1"/11 $2/1"/11 $(/1"/11 $5/1"/11 $ /1"/11 !"/1"/11 !1/1"/11 1/11/11 $/11/11

%inor ad)ustments ,-. & -/.0&A0 ans1ers 1ere added -&3 integration 3oberto4s modi+ications applied *o+ia & % Farou64s modi+ications applied Ans1ers mo7ed +rom Anne8 -&3-9*09 & -&3-90A:- ans1ers added *o+ia & % Farou64s modi+ications applied 3e7ised ;/ < pro)ects added to re+erence section Added 9%; ans1ers= modi+ied conclusion o+ !.$.$ Added re+erence in+ormation

%ohammad &abil *o+ia Pescarin %ohammad &abil 3oberto *copigno %ohammad &abil %ohammad &abil %ohammad &abil %ohammad &abil %ohammad &abil ;+sthasia ;chat>i= *o+ia Pescarin Holger Gra+, *orin Hermon

-opyright notice? -opyright @ For more in+ormation on, its partners and contributors please see http?// 0he in+ormation contained in this document re+lects only the authorBs 7ie1s and the -ommunity is not liable +or any use that may be made o+ the in+ormation contained therein.

Grant Agreement 270404



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methodologies, compatibility & re-usability

Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4 Date: 15-10-2011

Table of Contents
1. Executive summary.............................................................................................................4 2. Introduction......................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Methodologies.................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.1. Question and ans ers related to methodologies......................................................6 3.1.2. !esume o" ans ers .................................................................................................# 3.2. $tandards...................................................................................................................... 1% 3.2.1. Question and ans ers related to standards...........................................................11 3.2.2. !esume o" ans ers ...............................................................................................12 3.3. !e&usa'ility o" digital content.........................................................................................12 3.3.1. Question and ans ers related to re&usa'ility..........................................................12 3.3.2. !esume o" ans ers ...............................................................................................1( 3.4. !e&targeting................................................................................................................... 1) 3.4.1. Question and ans ers related to re&usa'ility..........................................................1) 3.4.2. !esume o" ans ers ...............................................................................................1# 4. *onclusion........................................................................................................................ 1# 5. !e"erences................................................................................................................... 2% 5.1. Euro+ean ,ro-ects that are related to standards. re&usa'ility and +reservation.........2% 5.2. Main +u'lished +a+ers..............................................................................................2% 5.3 re"erence ta'le on standard "ormats...........................................................................21

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1. Executive summar
/his document descri'es the or0 currently in +rogress ithin the 1irtual Museum /ransnational ,ro-ect 21&M3$/.4E/5. and s+eci"ically ithin the $econd 6or0 ,ac0age 26,25. dedicated to the esta'lishment o" users re7uirements and criteria analysis in the 1irtual Museum domain. /his delivera'le descri'es ho 1irtual Museums and !esearch Institutions. mem'ers o" the net or0. are currently dealing ith issues related to methodologies. com+ati'ility and re&usa'ility hen develo+ing 1irtual Museums 21Ms5. /he o'-ective here is not to directly suggest solutions. since this is the sco+e o" other or0 +ac0ages. *onversely. the main o'-ective o" this delivera'le is to +rovide a +ractical vie on the consortium mem'er8s +ractices. ex+eriences and +re"erences regarding the a'ove&mentioned to+ics and em+hasi9e on im+lemented +ractices. /his document under the a'ove +ers+ectives ill "eed and 'e generally used as re"erence 'y other consortium mem'ers hen develo+ing the ,lat"orm 26,45 and the *ommon Im+lementation :rame or0 26,55.

!. Intro"uction
;ne o" the main o'-ectives o" 1.M3$/.4E/ is to identi"y +ro'lems +erceived 'y +artners in the develo+ment and maintenance stages o" 1Ms as a "irst ste+ to ards de"ining long term solutions. :or exam+le. the virtual museum o" ancient via :laminia. accessi'le in a room o" the !oman 4ational Museum Diocletian /hermal <aths in !ome = .vhla'.ita'>"laminia? =:;!%)?i5 as inaugurated in 2%%) and closed in 2%11. /he reasons o" the closing ere mostly technical. $ome o" them ere hard are maintenance. run&time license +ro'lems and di""iculty to re&use digital assets. /he +lan is no to re&o+en it a"ter a consistent modi"ication o" the interaction system and the +orting into another authoring environment. ith a relevant e""ort in rescuing and re&ex+orting o" multimedia assets. @nother exam+le comes "rom *3A/4@/. here they develo+ed a system that re7uires # video channels to run. and a"ter "e years it as very hard to u+grade the system 'ecause latest or0stations did not su++ort this num'er o" channels. In this s+eci"ic case one o" the suggested solutions as to use clustering to avail the re7uired num'er o" video channels "rom multi+le com+uters. 'ut un"ortunately the system as not develo+ed to natively su++ort net or0. /he +revious exam+les "rom the 1M community +ractically introduce the 0ind o" +ro'lems the develo+ers "ace. 'ut in order to consolidate these +ro'lems into a more develo+ed users re7uirements. the Bouse o" Question 2BoQ5 mechanism as used to generate 7uestions coming "rom di""erent actors in the 1M domain such asC researchers. museum curators. technology&content develo+ers D 1M users. /hese 7uestions. as detailed in Delivera'le 2.2 2D2.25. ere grou+ed under ) categories. +roviding an extensive vie over hat are the issues. ex+ectations. immediate research interests. o'stacles +erceived in the 1M domain. /his s+eci"ic delivera'le is only concerned ith 7uestions classi"ied under the 3 categoriesC methodologies. com+ati'ility D re&usa'ility and. at this stage. it has a s+eci"ic "ocus on digital assets. In order to start +roviding ans ers to those issues. e have than selected 12 7uestions out o" D2.2. *riteria "or selecting those 7uestions ereC 15 Im+ortance to the consortium mem'ers. that as easy to conclude "rom the re+etition o" the same 7uestion>re7uirement several timesE 25 Interconnection among the 3 issues 2methodology. com+ati'ility and re&usa'ility5. hich is also a logical ex+ectation given the nature o" the 3 categories. /he selected 7uestions ere sent. a"ter a 'it o" "ormatting. to the +ro-ect +artners ho had any ex+erience in 1irtual Museum develo+ment. as0ing to share their +ractical ex+erience on ho they are currently dealing ith these issues&challenges. Mem'ersF ans ers. ere analy9ed to

"ind similarities or integrated ideas that are used 'y mem'ers o" the consortium to solve com+ati'ility and re&usa'ility issues in their everyday +ractices. /hese are the 7uestionsC 1. :or the technical side o" 1M develo+ing. do you use standardsG 2. :or the creative side o" 1M +roducing 23I design "or exam+le5. do you use guidelines>'est +racticesG 3. *an you re&use the same digital assets that you have created "or one medium 2 e' "or exam+le5 in a di""erent medium 2mo'ile "or exam+le5G 4. Is it +ossi'le to reuse 'oth systems and contentG 5. 6hat are the 0ey "actors in re&usa'ility in 1M a++licationsG 6. Is it +ossi'le to +reserve digital content. "rom a technological +oint o" vie . over a long +eriod o" timeG (. 6hat is more im+ortant Ho+en "ormatsI or Ho+en so"t areIG ). 6hat 0ind o" data can 'e re usedG 3D modelsG /exturesG $oundsG... #. Is it +ossi'le to +reserve digital content. "rom a technological +oint o" vie . over a long +eriod o" timeG 1%. Do e need to achieve a li'rary data'ase o" 3D Models to share H'asicI models. such as roman houses. alls. columns. "rie9es and so on. that could 'e reused and re& arranged in an unlimited ayG 11. Bo do you create a standard 3d model that can 'e reusedG 12. 6ould you ma0e availa'le your multimedia assets 23d models. audio. video. etc.5 through v&must +lat"ormG

#. Current $artici$ants $ractices

/his section contains the +artici+ants8 ans ers. @ns ers ere grou+ed under 4 categoriesC Methodologies. $tandards. !e&usa'ility D !e&targeting. /he ans ers given 'y 1&M3$/ +artners8 s+ecialists constitute an overvie on ho mem'ers are currently dealing ith com+ati'ility and re&usa'ility issues. In the second and third version o" this delivera'le. as the BoQ activities continue and as di""erent outcomes are ex+ected "rom di""erent 6,s throughout the +ro-ect. e ill 'e addressing in more details the so"t are and hard are installations issues.

#.1. %et&o"olo'ies
#.1.1. (uestion an" ans)ers relate" to met&o"olo'ies
1. *or t&e creative si"e of V% $ro"ucin' +,I "esi'n for exam$le-. "o 'ui"elines/best $ractices0 1irtual6are E/: IME 6e have our o n designers guidelines. no @ "unctional a++roach is used. involving educators and creative +eo+le in the +roduction team. /he creative or0 is targeted on s+eci"ic o'-ectives that are given 'y the :oundation to the creative +ersons 2educational. and +edagogical5. $ocial media 'est +ractices code o" International *ommunication @ssociation 'est +ractices Jes. "or exam+le i;$ Buman Inter"ace guidelines. general human "actors +rinci+les etc Jes 4o. :or some s+eci"ic +roductions that had su""icient 'udget. e commissioned the L3I design to an external +ro"essional colla'orator. :or other more Macademic&styleM +roductions. e have -ust used inernal "orces and common rules o" thum'. 4o. e develo+ inter"aces. design. etc. internally. letting the creativity or0 emerging "rom a common 'rainstorming session involving di""erent s0ills 2"rom art to I*/5. In the "irst ste+ e -ust "ocus on ideas and on ho to communicate a conce+t to the users. /he creativity +art o" the virtual museums is then ada+ted to the hard are>so"t are that ill 'e ado+ted and to the 'udget. Jes 4o. e usually have a technical role. so e are not in charge o" 3I design. :or exam+le in movie +roduction e colla'orated ith the director and several artists res+onsi'le o" character design . animation. lighting etc. Jes /he ty+ical user inter"ace design "ollo s hints given 'y Max 6ertheimer8s Lestalt theory in order to accommodate +erce+tual re7uirements "or 3I design. :ollo ing usea'ility guidelines according to the E4>I$; #241 standard e have 'een "ocusing on 'eing com+liant to +arts 1%%. 11%. 111. 21% covering ergonomics o" human& com+uter interaction as ell as dialogue design. /y+ically e conduct 3I design in a holistic a++roach using the designers ex+erience Hout&o"&the&'oxI. as ell as 'eing the users advocate during +ro-ect reali9ation. /he design +rocess is com+letely hich ou use

or0 each +ro-ect "ollo ing customer cor+orative

*!E:&*yl 3lund K*A *4! & I$/I

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*3A/4@/ *I4E*@


'ased on a user centered a++roach. driven 'y +erce+tual and cognitive re7uirements. critical +lanning and analysis. conce+tional layouting. im+lementation and evaluation "or interaction and inter"ace design. 6e aim to 'e standard com+liant "ollo ing the ideas given in E4>I$; #241. !. 1o) "o ou re$resent uncertaint )&en $resentin' &erita'e information0 1irtual6are 6e almost al ays or0 on the re+resentation o" o'-ective data. 6hen some in"ormation needs to 'e inter+reted. e let or0 to the corres+onding technician 2archaeologist. anthro+ologist. etcN5 6e ma0e annotations 3ncertainty is +resent almost in every heritage 1! creation. In our case e have or0ed more ith scienti"ic hy+othesis than ith uncertainty itsel". 6hen dealing ith inde+endent elements on 'uildings. one o+tion is to omit the un0no n 2a0roteria. scul+tural and +ainted decoration5. In other cases. hen the structural choices are a""ected. a second model re+resenting the alternative solution has 'een created. 3ncertainty as a hole cannot 'e re+resented. 6hat one may re+resent is the degree o" uncertainty o" a given solution or the choice 'et een t o varying solutions. In some cases the semi&trans+arency o" certain com+onents may induce uncertainty. In any case uncertainty is documented in the metadata o" the a++lications. and +resented to the visitors through the visit +rogram using various techni7ues. 'y assigning a relia'ility index o+a7ueness hich is re+resented in code color> 'lur> shado >


*!E:&*yl 3lund

in case o" 3D models.... there are t o +ossi'le solutions that e tried in the +astC & one method concern the re+resentation o" the uncertain elements ado+ting a visual code that allo the visitors to understand the di""erent levels o" relia'ility o" the several +arts o" the models. & another method is re+resenting the missing in"ormation reconstructing only the geometry ithout texture in"ormation. /he result is usually a com+lete model here the uncertainty is not exclude 'ut -ust highlight It de+ends on the target a++lication and audience. 6hat ever the derived solution an atlas should 'e included ith the +aradata to ensure that the user can identi"y the hy+othetical +arts o" the visuali9ation. Methods e have im+lemented have 'een colour coding. trans+arency. level o" detail 2'oth in terms o" geometry and texture5. line dra ing. cross hatching as ell as clear interactive s itching 'et een various states. In the case o" sam+led 3D models. uncertainty o"ten is related to sections o "the sur"ace here e have not enough sam+les. In those cases. e usually do not reconstruct geometry. leaving those regions as unsam+led regions 2a++earing has holes in the sur"ace5. /his is distur'ing at rendering time 2distracting void regions5 'ut allo s to ma0e very evident the lac0 o" data. /his could 'e ex+ressed ith more neutral and less distur'ing visuali9ation solutions. given that e might have ex+licit 0no ledge o" the critical regions. 6e use di""erent +aradigms in accordance ith the s+eci"ic virtual museum. 6hat e have done so "ar isC using trans+arent reconstructed models on to+ o" the current monument>o'-ectE +roviding the users hile they are interacting ith 'asic in"ormation regarding the level o" relia'ility 2relia'le. +artially relia'le. evocative5 that a++ear on the 'ottom +art o" the screenE a 3d level that may 'e u+loaded 'y users and that +resents using di""erent colours the level o" relia'ility o" each +art o" the 3d models>decorationE including 3d o'-ects on the scene that the user can select to o'tain in"ormation on the sources used to reconstruct the s+eci"ic model. 6e have not "aced that situation yet. <ut e thin0 that it should 'e included


*4! & I$/I

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some here. in metadata "or exam+le. and then can 'e re+resented in di""erent *I4E*@


6e have almost not addressed this issueC In our very "irst ex+erience 243ME. reconstruction o" medieval 'ologna in 1!MA. htt+C>> .storiaein">nume>english>ntitoloOeng.html 5 the scienti"ic direction decided to almost avoid the re+eresentation o" uncertainty 'y 'uilding really sim+le architectural models. -ust raising sim+le. untexured alls on the 'aseline resulting "rom ancient cadastral data. avoiding any decoration 2 indo s. doors5. 43ME as using time slider and animation to convey in"o a'oud date o" construction > demolition o" indivi"ual 'uildings. the +ro+osal to add another control to sho di""erent ty+e o" reconstruction as re-ected 'y the scienti"ic direction.

:!@34B;:E! 6e have im+lemented a cou+le o" stylish rendering techni7ues in hich uncertain details might 'e le"t out. Bere e are using a calligra+hic styling "ollo ing the ideas o" ex+ressive rendering as intended 'y I4!I@. In those cases e do not intend to render high 7uality and +hoto realistic images rather leave s+ace "or inter+retation .r.t. the uncertainty. It is meant to 'e su++ortive rather s+eculative. #. Is it $ossible to $reserve "i'ital content. from a tec&nolo'ical $oint of vie). over a lon' $erio" of time0 1irtual6are It de+ends on the meaning o" Ha long +eriod o" time. @ny ay. 6e have not had enough HdigitalI time to 0no it P. 'ut it is su++osed that it is +ossi'le even thought roc0s are harder than digital storing devices. in"ormation could 'e re+licated and maintained coherent 'et een di""erent locali9ations. including those in the outer s+ace. yes /here are various issues and methods. /he +rocess is to trans"er content and u+grade it "rom one edition o" .xsi to the ne version. almost once every 3 years. in order to 'e edita'le ith the later o" the +ro-ection engines. ;ther ise as "ar as the +ro-ection engines o+erate they can +reserve as it is. In general terms it is valid all issues a'out digital content. storage . hard are evolution etc5 de"ine long time Q longest i can thin0 is a'out 5 years. then it 'ecomes extremely o'solete this is a very im+ortant 7uestion. hard drives have a very short li"e com+are ith older technology such as +a+er etc. the use o" internet or the storage o" data into servers. guarantee a longer li"e to the data. 'ut is not easy to 7uanti"y. in my ex+erience the "actor the most 0ill the data is a 'ad organi9ation Jes 'ut only i" there is the ill to do so digital +reservation is a lot more than sim+ly stic0ing the data on a dis0 and curating it. Jou might li0e to have a loo0 at and I can send you a cha+ter I have ritten "or the volume i" you li0e. Jes. i" e have the care o" encoding ra digital 3D assets 2'asic models5 using common "ormats and 'eing a'le to convert "rom time to time those models into ne er data "ormats 2+reventing the data 'eing encoded ina o'solete "ormat5. Much more com+lex is the case o" com+lex assem'ly that oul d'e de+endant "rom the s+eci"ic "eatures o" scene gra+hs or com+osition systems 2 here conversion could 'e a very tric0y +rocess5. Jes. 'ut e don8t have guidelines or 'est +ractice so "ar. 6e 0ee+ the "inal dataset. o'tained a"ter all +ost&+rocessing. in an internal re+ository server. accessi'le on line through $:/,. @'out the com+lete set o" data. e -ust store them. a"ter e close each +ro-ect. on di""erent hard drives and e store them in our li'rary as they are 'oo0s Jes. it is +ossi'le ta0ing into consideration that the digital assets should 'e regularly


*!E:&*yl 3lund


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converted to ne er "ormats every ( years and o" course the 'ac0u+ considerations *I4E*@ /he ra data can 'e +reserved almost inde"initely 'y co+ying. using o+en "ormat and "re7uent transcoding +revent data o'solescence. a++lications can 'e mantained and +orted to ne architecture. 4evertheless. all these actions re7uire e""ort 2in increasing order5 and in our ex+erience no one has reserved 'udget "or such actions. @lso. e have mainly or0ed ith modeled scenes. at ur'an > architectural scale. /his 0ind o" data is 7uite tighted to a++lication and. as rendering system advance. it 'ecame ra+idly o'solesent

:!@34B;:E! It is not +ossi'le ithout ma-or manual in"erences until no . <ut current e""orts sho +aths "or ne solutions "or a +reservation o" assets. I" it comes to 3D e do thin0 standard com+liance is currently the 'est ay to +reserve digital assets. /hough the standards are al ays "ar "rom 'eing "it "or ongoing re7uirements the o+enness might allo "or an extension o" it. @s many assets have 'een modeled according to an a++lication s+eci"ic +ur+ose it is also di""icult using standards to ma0e re&use o" those ithin another a++lication scenario. Bo ever. the transcri+ts are easier to +er"orm. ,reservation also means the ca+turing o" metadata. @n RMA li0e scheme o" data "ormats might 'e an ideal ay until no to com+lement RMA 'ased o'-ect "iles "or +reservation.

#.1.!. Resume of ans)ers @ns ers in this cartegory give us an overvie in 3 im+ortant issuesC

on di""erent methodologies used 'y +artici+ants

Desi'n best $ractices ,ncertaint re$resentation Content $reservation

:or the creative +art o" design. only some o" the +artici+ants 25%S5 states to use best practices approaches, "unctionality 'eing the o+erative criterion. /he ans ers are very di""erent. sho ing a lac0 in shared 0no ledge a'out this issue. /hese 'est +ractice should involve the customer 2needs analysis. or cor+orate guidelines5. a communication ex+ert 2educator "or exam+le. ta0ing into consideration the "inal use and the "inal users o" the 1! re+resentation5. or might use the code o" International *ommunication @ssociation or i;$ Buman Inter"ace guidelines. !e+resentaing uncertainty in 1Ms is a very im+ortant issue since it ena'les users to understand 'etter the nature o" the virtually re+resented reality. "or exam+le se+aration o" "actual data. in"erred data and imagination. Moreover. it allo s users to overcome the "alse im+ression a virtual re+resentation may transmit. i.e.that hat is re+resented is Hthe realityI and not one reality among +ossi'le many others. @dditionally. it is a use"ul tool to re+reent the reasonsing +rocess o" researchers. easily identi"ying and re+resenting dou'ts and ga+s in 0no ledge. $ome mem'ers use annotations to re+resent uncertainty in their 1Ms. others use s+eci"ic colours or trans+arency. Bo ever. a general agreement is that i" uncertainty is documented using metadata. than any visual re+resentation method can 'e a++lied to ma0e uncertainty ex+licit in the virtual scene 2as suggested 'y Aondon *harter =htt+C>>>? and $eville ,rinci+les5. @'out content digital preservation. the ma-ority indicated that it is necessary to agree on the acce+ta'le +eriod "or +reserving a digital asset. @ccording to their ans ers. the acce+ta'le +eriod "or re&using digital assets ranges 'et een 3&5 years. @"ter that. assets have to 'e converted to ne er "ormats. "ollo ing the evolution o" the technological means>so"t are.

#.!. 2tan"ar"s
In this section e have grou+ed the 7uestions and ans ers related to the use and +erce+tion o" standard "ormats. 3nderstanding the or0"lo and ho data are used is crucial to +ro+erly address re&usa'ility and ex&changa'ility. In the next cha+ter e ill detail more the use o" s+eci"ic "ormats analy9ing +artnersF ans ers. @ revie o" the availa'le "ormats reveal a good suita'ility o" R3D "or an inclusion o" 3D content into "uture virtual museums either as render 'ac0'one "or large scale installations or "or an inclusion o" 3D content into e' re+resentations 'ased on B/MA5. $ince the emergence o" multi+le 3D solid modellers. various interest grou+s develo+ed a large num'er o" di""erent "ile and data "ormats to re+resent 3D content. /here is an ever gro ing mar0et "or tools and services to deal ith those data setsii iii. /he H;+ennessI o" those "ormats range "rom +ro+riety and un+u'lished 'inary "ormats li0e *atia iv. +u'lished 'ut not royalty&"ree li0e 3niversal 3D 233D5v. 3DRMAvi and $/E,vii to royalty&"ree o+en standards ith a ell de"ined RMA schema descri+tion li0e R3Dxxii and *;AA@D@viii. /he main +ur+ose o" those "ormats is storing and exchanging o" 3D content. /hey are created to su++ort and "ocus on di""erent tool&chains hich 'ring content and assets "rom diverse authoring tools to an a++lication. /he "inal a++lication. e.g. game or visualisation system. de"ines ho the user interacts ith the data. $ome rich media "ormats 2e.g. *;AA@D@ and 33D5 include animation and even +hysics data 'ut no 'ehaviour descri+tion "or the content. /he R3D I$; standardix a successor o" 1!MAx. is very di""erent in this res+ect. It includes not -ust the static 3D data 'ut also mechanisms to descri'e ho the user can interact ith the dynamic content and there"ore the 'ehaviour o" the 3D orld. M,EL&4 is a suite o" standards that has many I+artsI. here each +art standardises various entities related to multimedia. such as audio. video. and other content "ormats. <I:$ is the M,EL&4Fs scene descri+tion language. designed "or re+resenting. delivering and rendering interactive and streama'le rich&media services 2including audio. video. 2D D 3D gra+hics5./he <I:$ s+eci"ication has 'een designed to allo "or the e""icient re+resentation o" dynamic and interactive +resentations. com+rising 2D D 3D gra+hics. images. text and audiovisual material. /he re+resentation o" such a +resentation includes the descri+tion o" the s+atial and tem+oral organisation o" the di""erent scene com+onents as ell as user&interaction and animations. *;AA@D@. is a 3D&Tle standard "or content exchange deTned 'y the Khronos grou+ xi. It as develo+ed 'y $ony and Intel to im+rove the intero+era'ility o" D@E&tools. /he main goal as to ease and streamline the game develo+ment +rocess and existing game creation +i+elines. /he s+eciTcation does not include. unli0e the R3D s+eciTcation. a runtime or event model. hich allo s to deTne interactive elements or the 'ehaviour and content. /here"ore. it is a +er"ect intermediate "ormat hich can 'e used in the creation +i+eline together ith a Tnal de+loyment "ormat li0e R3D. /here is even an o"Tcial agreement 'et een the 6e'3D *onsortium and Khronos grou+. ela'orated 'y @rnaud and ,arisi. hich demonstrates this use case. Bo ever. there are some tools. e.g. LoogleEarth. hich utilise *ollada data Tles directly to deTne content "or the runtime&environment. @s standard "ormat "or the +resentation o" 3D orlds e intend to ma0e use o" R3D. /he R3D s+eciTcationxii includes various internal and external @,Is and a "ull runtime. event and 'ehaviour model. It is there"ore much more than a sim+le exchange "ormat. /he a'stract s+eciTcation "or R3D 2I$;>IE* 1#((55 as Trst a++roved 'y I$; in 2%%4. hereas the RMA and classic 1!MA encodings "or R3D 2I$;>IE* 1#((65 ere a++roved in 2%%5. @ su'set o" R3D is RM/&@. a variant o" RM/. deTned in M,EL&4 ,art 11. It as designed to +rovide a lin0 'et een R3D and 3D content in M,EL&4 & <I:$xiii. <I:$ xiv is a 'inary "ormat "or t o& or three& dimensional audiovisual content. It is 'ased on R3D and ,art 11 o" the M,EL&4 standard. <I:$ is a M,EL&4 scene descri+tion +rotocol "or com+osing M,EL&4 o'-ects. descri'ing interactions ith M,EL&4 o'-ects and "or animating 2D and 3D M,EL&4 o'-ects. /here"ore. there is a 3D su'set in M,EL&4 'ut this "act is neither ell 0no n nor su++orted at all. 4one o" the ma-or

M,EL&4 +layers su++orts 3D content at all and there"ore. today it is un"ortunately no availa'le technology "or e'&a++lication develo+ers. @n o+en "ormat is a digital "ormat hose s+eci"ications are "reely availa'le to the community. are maintained 'y authorities 2in +articular universities. research centers and "oundations5. and are 'ased on s+eci"ic legislation that +rotects and guarantees the continuity 2L,A. L43 . <$D. @+ache. etc. ..5 according to the general +olicy that any change to the source code ill 'e made availa'le to the +u'lic in the same ay in hich it as received. /he o+en "ormats over the years have allo ed the li"eFs continuity o" many com+uter services 2online and o""line5 via a continuous data&trans"er to u+ to date so"t are solutions and in +articular has made +ossi'le the exchange 'et een heterogeneous or0 grou+sC a "eature o" +rimary im+ortance concerning the theme o" a 3D modelFs conservation. @ +ro+rietary "ormat is directly related to the o ner com+anyFs +olicy. is not availa'le 'y anyone outside o" it and. unless reverse engineeringFs com+lex or0s. and. as a conse7uence. -ust a"ter some years ill not 'e +ossi'le to extract in"ormation "rom the "ile container. 6hile sending the 7uestionnaire to the +artners e didnFt +rovide s+eci"ic de"inition o" the terms used. as to understand also hat is the general +erce+tion and understanding. #.!.1. (uestion an" ans)ers relate" to stan"ar"s
3. *or t&e tec&nical si"e of V% "evelo$in'. "o ou use stan"ar"s0 1irtual6are E/: IME 6e try to use multi+lat"orm technologies li0e 3nity3D to ease the s+reading and di""usion o" contents Jes /here is an internal +roduction line and :B6 standards. given that concerning virtual reality a++lications. :B6 has develo+ed its o n +ro-ection engine. 'ased on ;$L and o+en LA standard. yes & lido and cidoc 4o /here are no HstandardsI "or the creation o" virtual orlds as a one shot solution to the develo+ment cycle. /here are a num'er o" internal standards "or +articular com+onents. the modeling environment. out+ut. audio. image etc 'ut it de+ends on the tool used to create the 16. /here are ho ever a large num'er o" 'est +ractice and o" course in house conventions hich e use consistently. Jes. e use de "acto standards 2e.g. the .+ly "ormat "or 'asic assets re+resentation & meshes or +oint&'ased models5 It de+ends on the +roduction or0"lo . In the LI$>*@D or0 e use standard or o+en "ormats 2sha+e. geoti" and dx"5 6e have currently t o di""erent or0"lo C one is 'ased on !iscanU!a+id:orm>Max>1ue>3nity3D here "ormats used are the +ro+rietaries "or each so"t areE the second is 'ased on o+en source or lo costs tools 2L!@$$>MeshAa'>*ityEngine><lender>1isual 4ature $tudio>;+en$ceneLra+h here data are trans"erred "rom one so"t are to another using o+en or standard "ormats 2sh+. o'-5 *urrently. e don8t. 6e are +lanning to do so. 'ut only i" solid de"inition "or standards in 1M. e ere a'le to reach a

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43ME. ;ne o" our "irst +ro-ects. as im+lemented in 1!MA. one o" the "irst attem+ts to de"ine 3D contents standards. @t the time. 1!MA as lac0ing a sound o+en source im+lementation "or e' +layers +luginsC e relied on $LI *osmo,layer that as discontinued.

:or su'se7uent +ro-ects e tried as much as +ossi'le to rely on su++orted and ides+read ;+en $ource +roducts. trying to 0ee+ data in "ormats that can 'e im+orted and ex+orted 'y several tools. :!@34B;:E! /he ILD8s core +lat"orm VInstant!ealityH has 'een develo+ed during a longstanding tradition o" 3D standards. It is no adays 'ased on R3D the I$; standard "or 3D content 'eing the successor o" 1!MA hich has 'een the de&"acto standard "or 3D content in the late #%8s. 1!MA has 'een re+lacing the +ro+rietary scenegra+h re+resentation J hich as internally develo+ed 'y :raunho"er. $everal +ro-ects 2industrial or "rom the heritage domain5 are 'ased on im+lementations "or R3D.

#.!.!. Resume of ans)ers Lenerally 1M actors see standards as a method to target multi+lat"orm 2re&targeting5 solutions. hich is a 0ind o" re&usa'ility. 'ut the use o" standards in 1Ms is not a solved +ro'lem and standardi9ation is an o+en discussion that "avors "urther research at 'oth Euro+ean and International level. $ome o" the mem'ers use standard li'raries or @,I li0e ;$L D o+enLA. hile others rely on highly di""use commercial so"t are li0e 34I/J3D to 'etter su++ort re& usa'ility. /here should 'e also a clrear dinstinction 'et een stadards understood as "ormats used "or the creation o" content 2e.g. *ollada versus x3d5 and standards used "or the descri+tion o" digital assets. namely metadata shemas. crucial "or any attem+t o" re&usa'ility o" content. harvesting content "rom a common re+ository. etc. /here"ore. the discussion over standards ill continue along these t o lines Q technological standards 2+d" "iles or txt "ile5 and descri+tive standards Q those that 'est descri'e the content itsel" and ho it as generated. /hese il ultimately lead to an onotology o" 1Ms. essential "or re&usa'ility o" content. search into digital assets and long&term +reservation.

#.#. Re4usabilit of "i'ital content

#.#.1. (uestion an" ans)ers relate" to re4usabilit
5. Is it $ossible to reuse bot& s stems an" content0 1irtual6are E/: IME Jes. 'ut sometimes contents ada+tations are re7uired. 6e have only content. /echnically the system can 'e easily installed any here 2it is re7uired 'asic hard are and installation "or 'asic +ro-ection5. I" e ant a more immersive system. it is needed additional hard are 2such as virtual cinema or other immersive installations5 'ut :B6 so"t are is trans"era'le /he content can 'e trans"erred 2 ith the so"t are +ro-ecting it5. I" it is needed to 'e trans"erred to other engines. it has to 'e ada+ted in colla'oration ith the engine develo+ers. $cienti"ically the content may 'e re+resented herever. 'ut not all o" its constituent +arts may'e reusa'le. /his de+ends on the degree o" detail and accuracy o" the 'uildings. I" the degree o" accuracy and verisimilitude o" a given 1! reconstruction is very high. then no 'uilding can 'e reused in another context. ;nly some elements o" serial +roduction 2such as clay ante"ixes and tiles5 and in some lo accuracy re+resentations the column ca+itals could 'e reused. ;nly hy+othetical items may'e reused in another setting and again re+resenting hy+othetical solutions. :or instance "urniture or vases. hich "urnish a house and are not sho n according to real "inds "rom this house. they may 'e reused to "urnish another house o" the same +eriod. Even easier is the case "or +lants. animals and human "igures. In t o ords the less individuated are the items re+resented in 1!. the more reusa'le can 'e. yes


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not al ays. in most o" the cases. contents seems to 'e more easy to reuse Jes 'ut see a'ove. !euse dose not ha++en automatically it must 'e +lanned "or. !euse o" content is much sim+ler. assuming that the creation o" a +roduction ill store in a se+arate and inde+endent manner the glo'al +roduction and the 'asic assets used 2e.g. elementary models that encode the single arti"acts used in the video or interactive system5. !euse o" a system is very com+lex 2unless e are -ust +lanning a second installation5. 'ecause ma0ing non naive changes re7uires a dee+ 0no ledge o" the system architecture and o" the develo+ment system used to +rogramm>design it. *;4/E4/C Jes in some cases ith some manual or0. that ould re7uire to go 'ac0 to the modeling +lat"orm 2M@R5 and ex+ort again data. $;:/6@!EC yes in some cases 2;$L46E< is an o+en source +lug&in 'ased on ;+en$ceneLra+h5 not in other cases 234I/J 3D5 Jes. $ystems are harder to 'e reused. It greatly de+ends on the meaning o" reusa'ilityC system can 'e cloned or +orted 2 e' a++lication have to 'e HinstalledI 'y the user himsel". Aatest general +ur+ose dev +lat"orms 2li0e 3nity and . to a lesser extent ;$L46e'5 try to ease the reuse. as the sytem can in +rinci+le +lay the same content 'oth as a standalone 1! installation as ell as a 'ro ser +lugin or a mo'ile a++. 4evertheless. due to +er"ormance considration im+osed 'y the ide s+ectrum o" resource availa'le 'et een an Bigh end 1! system to a mo'iledevice. the content itsel" must either 'een conceived "rom the 'eginning to 'e +orted or a su'stantial e""ort has to 'e s+ent to re&+ur+ouse content across mediaC even i" the system is exactlly the same. -ust moving "rom local dis0 to remote htt+ can ma0e somecontent almost unusa'le

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:!@34B;:E! It de+ends. !e&usea'ilty o"ten "ails as sim+le +orta'ility issues have not 'een ade7uately addressed. @ thorough so"t are design might 'e o" hel+. In our ex+erience the use o" R3D allo ed us to im+lement di""erent +ro"iles su++orting large scale installations as ell as mo'ile devices in hich a su'set o" the R3D standard has 'een im+lemented. @ "ull re&use o" the assets>or even a++lications is currently not +ossi'le 'ut +arts allo ing a "aster transcri+tion +rocess in scala'le a++lications. 6. 7&at are t&e 8e factors in re4usabilit in V% a$$lications0 1irtual6are E/: IME Minimi9e com+lexity. Maximi9e modularity. Identi"y target +lat"orms 'e"ore the 'eginning o" some or0. 3sing 0no n and e""icient standards. /echnical 0ey "actors "or reuse o" engine and +lat"orm /he +lat"orm 2+ro-ection engine5 can receive any content that com+lies ith the re7uirements o" content 2tools o" modeling .xsi "ormat5. I" not native .xsi. the models have to 'e retextured. @ny content ith animation has to 'e +roduced 'y 3d $/3DI; M@R animation. though *@A 3d /he a++lications are running in any AI43R +lat"orm 2"edora . 3<3D3. de'ian etc5 @s already stated in 7uestion 5. the really reusa'le items need to 'e Harchety+al or ideali9edI items and not really exact "inds. :or exam+le it8s easier and more use"ul to have. in a 0ind o" digital model li'rary. and reuse the Harchety+al *orinthian helmet o" late @rchaic Q early *lassical +eriodI. than the real *orinthian helmet o" Miltiades. dating to this +eriod and +reserved in ;lym+ia. /he need "or such li'raries is gro ing ith the gro ing num'er o" 1! +ro-ects. 'ut its usa'ility relies u+on the 7uality and accessi'ility o" metadata "ollo ing the models 2 hen. 'y hom. according to hich sources. intending to hat. etc.5. $ometimes an entire virtual landsca+e may +lay the role o" mere scenery in order to develo+ di""erent action scenarios 2even ith varying

sco+e Q educational. entertaining. or artistic5. *!E:&*yl 3lund K*A *4! & I$/I *4! & I/@<* ell&de"ined re+ository and metadata descri'ing the digital assets Modularity. documentation Documentation. documentation. documentation. @"ter that loosely cou+led code structures and 'lac0 'ox "unctions 2 ith documentation o" course5. Minimi9e com+lexity. maximi9e modularity. use as much as +ossi'le a num'er o" elementary 'uilding 'loc0s. $tructure the digital array creating "iles in o+en or standard "ormats and accom+aining them ith in"ormation related to data characteristics 2including accuracy and resolution. techni7ues used. etc. and also trans+arency in"ormation5 Modularity. documentation !eagrding $6C modular and deco+u+led design. se+arate 3ser Inter"ace "rom rendering > com+utation. cross&+lat"orm develo+ment. use o" o+en source com+onents !egarding data > modelsC usage o" toolchains allo ing ide variety o" im+ort&ex+ort. use a coherent and meaningu"ul naming schema. im+ose si9e constraints to assets 2model. textures5C. s+lit models > scenes into consistent com+onentsE reuse assests 2li'raries 5 as much as +ossi'le. use +rocedural modeling > scri+ting to assem'le scenes

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:!@34B;:E! Modularity. scalea'ility and a++ro+riate in"ormation models. Moreover. +orta'ility issues over +lat"orms is ma-or concern ithin the 1B domain. Bere intero+era'ility is one ma-or issue in so"t are develo+ment cycles. 9. 7&at is more im$ortant :o$en formats; or :o$en soft)are;0 1irtual6are ;+en "ormats allo to +reserve intelligi'ly data. o+en so"t are hel+s ith the or0N In my o+inion the im+ortant thing is the D@/@. 'ecause al ays is +ossi'le to ma0e 'etter so"t are. 'ut it don8t use to 'e +ossi'le to ac7uire 'etter data. 'oth /he o+en so"t are is use"ul. having the +ossi'ility to use advanced technologies ith no initial cost. Bo ever there are hidden costs. 'ecause in a ne version o" the o+en so"t are such as li'raries. the virtual orld has to 'e reada+ted in order to use the ne version o" the so"t are. :or exam+le the vegetation e use an o+en so"t are 2not "ree 'ut o+en. e have to code5. 6e used and develo+ed trees in the +revious version. I" e don8t use no the ne version and integrate it in the engine. e ill not 'e a'le to use the ne assets. /he ;+en "ormat seem to have only advantages such as ;$L "or use 'ut there are some limitations. <ecause o+en "ormat usually is develo+ed to cover general mar0et needs and not very s+eci"ic "or small +arts o" the mar0et such as cultural sector. :or exam+le ;ML does not su++ort the +ossi'ility to use a very s+eci"ic ty+e o" animations su++orting only rigid 'ody animations "or im+ort "rom studio max and not any other ty+e o" animations 2such as mor+hing used no "or "aces etc5. Bence e have to +roduce additional code or other methods to im+ort them o+en "ormats o+en "ormats ;+en "ormats ,ro'a'ly o+en "ormats ;+en "ormats "irst o" all. secondly ;+en so"t are


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;+en "ormats My o+inion is that a "ormat to 'e e""ectively and consistently o+en deserves either a decent o+en source im+lementation o" a reader > +layer > converter or a strong commercial mono+oly. In the +resence o" a live o+en source im+lementation. com+eting vendors are "orced to 'e com+liant to the set o" "eatures the o+en source code +rovides. 2see @utodes0 :<R versus *;AA@D@5

:!@34B;:E! ;+en :ormats or ;+en $o"t are de+end on the strategies on ho they are maintained and "urther driven. $ometimes community 'ased a++roaches to or0. sometimes they don8t. I" a community is strong enough to "ollo the given +aths it might 'e success"ul. I" so"t are has to create revenue. e might end u+ in o+en systems that are not o+en and 'elong to third +arties. /hus *ollada e.g. is a good exam+le on ho it might or0. <. 7&at 8in" of "ata can be re use"0 #D mo"els0 Textures0 2oun"s0... 1irtual6are I" the data is good. every 0ind o" multimedia data is reusa'le. In the sco+e o" a +ro-ect. It use to 'e more use"ul original ac7uired data than "inal ela'orated results. 'ecause results o"ten are "ocused on a +articular +ro-ect. @ll mentioned. i" develo+ed in the suita'le standard. @ll o" them under the technical conditions and methodological conditions descri'ed a'ove. *oncerning textures there is a technical limitation . :B6 textures dimensions are in +o er o" 2 2not "or exam+le 4C3 'ut 2C2 .4C4 etc5. *onse7uently they have to 'e com+ati'le ith the need o" the other user or the reverse. any @ll ty+es o" data Everything can 'e reused or re or0ed 2i.e. one +lat"orm may not acce+t a +articular "ormat 'ut it can 'e converted5 @ll ty+es o" 'asic data. assuming they are documented 2metadata5 and encoded in o+en > standard "ormats @ll ty+es o" 'asic data. assuming they are documented 2metadata5 and encoded in o+en > standard "ormats @ll. 3d models are harder to 'e re&used. @ll ty+es o" 'asic data. assuming they are documented 2metadata5 and encoded in o+en > standard "ormats. 3D com+lex scenes are harder to reuse


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:!@34B;:E! @ll ty+es o" 'asic data. assuming they are documented 2metadata5 and encoded in o+en > standard "ormats =. Do )e nee" to ac&ieve a librar "atabase of #D %o"els to s&are :basic; mo"els. suc& as roman &ouses. )alls. columns. frie>es an" so on. t&at coul" be reuse" an" re4 arran'e" in an unlimite" )a 0 1irtual6are E/: IME It ould 'e very use"ul. not to have to ma0e our o n li'rary. yes I" that can 'e standardi9ed and the content is technically codi"ied is use"ul. In any case

that +rocess has to 'e com'ined ith the metadata scienti"ic descri+tion and re"erences. in order to 'e validated. *!E:&*yl "or a very generic use only and very 'asic & i" e ant to create something generic and not directly related to a s+eci"ic +hysical asset. in reality i thin0 that it ould 'e more valua'le to +reserve M+roceduresM and MrulesM on ho to create *B digital assets. 4ot sure a'out this one. May'e i" sure hat that ould 'e though e could "ind a very general set o" 'asic models. 4ot

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Jes 'ut only i" the documentation 2'oth metadata and +aradata5 is there. I" I had a dollar "or every time I have seen a model o" a roman villa here an ina++ro+riate texture or architectural "eature has 'een sla++ed on 'ecause it is H+rettyI rather than actually understanding the context I ould 'e a richer man today. Jes. I thin0 this ould 'e very use"ul 2assuming good documentation and metadata are lin0ed>attached to the digital assets5. Jes. es+ecially hen +rocedural a++roach Lood idea <asic.reusa'le assets 2li0e arch com+onents. materials etc5 ould 'e use"ul. ex+ecially i" in sligtly di""erent variation coherent dimensions. material. metadata tagging. Main use ould 'e in +rocedural modelin. > scri+ting to reduce modelling time "or 'uilding context scene or0ing ith roman architecture and you need to use a

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:!@34B;:E! Jes. i" ade7uate documentation and "urther develo+ments can 'e maintained. 1?. 1o) "o ou create a stan"ar" #" mo"els t&at can be reuse"0 1irtual6are E/: IME /o reuse a 3D model it should have some semantic tags to classi"y it clearly 2i.e. +eriodC $.I1&15 and allo di""erent criteria "iltering. *ould 'e ex+orted in some common "ormat. such as ;<P /echnically e create 3d models that are in standard "ormat .xsi. hich is commercially availa'le so"t are so that can 'e reused or converted. under the technical and methodological limitations descri'ed a'ove. 'y de"ining M+roceduresM. MrulesM. 'est +ractices 2e.g. +rocedural modeling5 so "ar I can say that success"ul standards ere 3D model "ormats such as ;<P or ,AJ a'le to visuali9e the models in multi+le +lat"orms 0ee+ing unchanged geometrical and texture in"ormation 3se either an I$; 3D standard or a de "acto standard. !emem'er that at the end o" the develo+ment cycle you should 'e +roducing a data dou'le irres+ective o" hat ever standard you are using. ,ersonally I +re"er I$;>IE* 14((2 the 1!MA#( "ormat. Models encoded using di""use data re+resentation "ormats and descri'ed 'y means o" metadata Models ex+orted in o+en or standard "ormats together ith related in"ormation Ex+ort it to common or standard "ormat 21!MA. *;AA@D@N5 Models ex+orted in o+en or standard "ormats together ith related in"ormation

*!E:&*yl 3lund


*4! & I$/I *4! & I/@<* *3A/4@/ *I4E*@

:!@34B;:E! Ex+ort o" models in standard "ormats. Metadata is ty+ically maintained in an additional

RMA scheme.

11. 7oul" ou ma8e our multime"ia assets +#" mo"els. stu"io. vi"eo- available t&rou'&
v4must $latform0 1irtual6are E/: IME 'y some 0ind o" commercial agreement de+ending on target +ro-ect +ro+osal. "ully do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5 Ma0e availa'le 3d assets through 1&M3$/ +lat"orm. is a +ossi'ility e are examining through our +artici+ation in other 6+8s such as 6, 5. @s "ar as technical and methodological issues are clari"ied and resolved. :B6 is illing to ma0e availa'le +recise 3d assets through 1&M3$/ +lat"orm. /here are though various issues to 'e resolved . li0e hat 0ind o" assets 2elements o" virtual orlds. com+lete reconstructions. o'-ects5 can 'e trans"erred. technological issues such as resolution. reusa'ility +ossi'ilities. and metadata management and scienti"ic validation "or reusa'ility. should also 'e standardi9ed. as ell as the 0ind o" licence. hich e thin0 should 'e creative commons "or non commercial uses and commercial "or all other +ur+oses. "ully do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5 "ully do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5 /hat ould 'e an institutional 7uestion I am una'le to ans er. ,ersonally I thin0 that it should 'e availa'le under creative commons license or similar as a "ully do nloada'le. documented and most im+ortantly cita'le model. "ully do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5 6e ould see t o levelsC one related to the scienti"ic use and one to the virtual museum community. In the "irst case the access ill 'e o+en in visualisation to any registered +eo+le 2"or colla'orative or0 ill 'e great5. in the second case. use"ul in case o" +lanning transmedia or exchange "inal +roducts. most o" the models>media>a++lications may 'e delivered under *reative *ommons licence. hile in other cases this ill de+end u+on the institutions involved and their re7uest. 6e might suggest in most cases a text ith indication o" the +erson>institution to contact and re"erence on the use 2"or research>scienti"ic commons or commercial use5 I" it is a digiti9ed 3d model then e have another +artner e should consider. the $u+reme *ouncil o" @nti7uity. ;ther ise and i" the organi9ation allo s. then it ould 'eC "ully do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5 "ully do n loada'le under a s+eci"ic license 2i.e. *reative commons. etc.5

*!E:&*yl 3lund K*A

*4! & I$/I *4! & I/@<*



:!@34B;:E! Do nloada'le under a s+eci"ic licence 2i.e.*reative *ommons5

#.#.!. Resume of ans)ers Most o" the +artici+ants indicated that they can re-use content at di""erent levels. /hey identi"ied some 0ey "actors to achieve re&usa'ility such asC minimi9e com+lexity maximi9e modularity identi"y target +lat"orms 'e"ore the 'eginning o" +roduction using standards use ell&de"ined re+ository use metadata.

,artici+ants agree that all t $es of content can be re4use" . "or exam+le. sounds. 3d models. textures. etc. o" course ith some considerations. Data reuse is sim+li"ied i" it is +ossi'le to add meta"ata to the +ure geometric data or i" e use stan"ar" formats li0e .o'- "or the encoding o" 3D models. /he im+ortant as+ect to ta0e into account is that t&e more s$ecific t&e content is. t&e more it is &ar" to be re4use". @s :oundation o" the Bellenic 6orld statedC Hthe really reusable items, need to be archetypal or idealized items and not really exact find. For instance furniture or vases, which furnish a house and are not shown depicting real finds from this house, they may be reused to furnish another house of the same period Mem'ers recommend to esta'lishing a 3D library for re-usable content. /his should include generic content and not s+eci"ic "inds. Most o" the +artici+ants agree that 'oth content and system can be re-used. /hey also indicated that systems are much harder to 'e re&used and re7uire care"ul +lanning 'e"ore the develo+ment +hase.

#.3. Re4tar'etin'
#.3.1. (uestion an" ans)ers relate" to re4usabilit
1!. Can ou re use t&e same "i'ital assets t&at ou &ave create" for one me"ium +)eb for exam$le- in a "ifferent me"ium +mobile for exam$le-0 1irtual6are It de+ends on the assets com+lexity. $ome +ro-ects are not vie a'le on a mo'ile due to its data si9e > hard are ca+a'ilities. 'ut in the other hand. some other +ro-ects are directly com+ati'le ith smart&+hones 2@ndroid. I;$5. yes In +rinci+le yes. /he content can 'e reused. 'ecause it is develo+edE having the "ull in"ormation and details. Bo ever that action reac7uires technical ada+tation "or di""erent medias 2such us retexturing. or video +rocessing. sim+li"ication o" geometry5 not automatically & "or each media there should 'e a di""erent asset Jes Jes 'ut only i" the original 'uild has ta0en into consideration the "act that it should 'e a'le to 'e reused. 3sually this ill 'e done using the ,entangle Method "or the develo+ment cycle. It de+ends on asset com+lexity and 7uality 2'ut usually yes. since e are usually ac7uiring high&7uality models that later on can 'e scaled do n to meet the s+eci"ic re7uirements o" any distri'ution medium5 4ot easy 'ut +ossi'le "or +ast +ro-ects. ne 1irtual Museums are no +lanned to 'e as re&usa'le in di""erent media as +ossi'le 2on site installations develo+ed ith 3nity 3d U on line 1! a++lication 'ased on ;+en$ceneLra+h 'oth "rom same dataset5. /he +ro'lem is that 3d models +roduced in the modelling so"t are such as Max or <lender are then im+roved adding several e""ects in the authoring environments 2adding "or instance shaders5. Bo can e +reserve thatG Jes. e this +re&condition in mind.


*!E:&*yl 3lund K*A

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In our ex+erience o" +orting Bigh end 1! content to the e'. it can 'e done 'ut is not straight"or ard. re7uires a mix o" scri+ting and manual or0C 6e did not "ound automatic system a'le to e""ectively do ngrade com+lex scenes i" you 0no one. +lease let me 0no ....

:!@34B;:E! Jes. 6e have im+lemented di""erent +ro"iles ithin the R3D standard allo ing to re& target assets. Ai0ely the resolution has to 'e ada+ted. yet. e are or0ing on

streaming solutions allo ing to trans"er the same assets on di""erent +lat"orms.

#.3.!. Resume of ans)ers @s mentioned in the H2tan"ar"sI section o" this document. +artici+ants see standards as a ay to achieve re&targeting. @ll +artici+ants indicated that they can use the same content they develo+ed across di""erent +lat"orms 2local ,*. e'. mo'ileN5. /o do that. content must 'e develo+ed ith the conce+t o" re&targeting in mind. /his ould re7uire to ta0e into account a num'er o" ada+tations to 'e considered "irst. Pust to introduce a "e exam+lesC re&texturing. video +rocessing or the degree o" geometry sim+li"ication re7uired to have a geometrical com+lexity that could 'e managed e""iciently on the di""erent +lat"orms.

3. Conclusion
/he BoQ mechanism. used to identi"y re7uirements and shortcomings in 1M domain. is a very e""ective ay to ex+lore the missing +arts or. at least. the +erceived de"iciencies. Bo ever those 7uestions need to 'e ans ered. @s a "irst ste+ to ans ering those 7uestions. e need to 0no more a'out current +ractices 'eing im+lemented 'y the di""erent 1&M3$/ +artners. 6e com+iled a set o" 7uestions and the ans ers +roduced 'y 1&M3$/ +artners ere very interestingE it turns to 'e almost all o" the +artici+ants agree on 'asic conce+ts 'ut di""ers in im+lementing those conce+ts. /his is o'viously 'ecause the research in this area is "ragmented and there are many ga+s that are needed to 'e "illed. /he results contained in this delivera'le 2section 3. *urrent +artici+ants methodologies5 ill 'e +assed to other mem'ers in the consortium. in +articular 6,3. in order to re"ine the conclusion and sha+e a or0ing +ro+osal "or 1Ms. to 'e +assed to the technical or0 +ac0ages 26,4 and 6,55 "or im+lementation. /he ,lat"orm and /he *ommon Im+lementation :rame or0 develo+ed in 6,4 and 6,5 should have ans ers to those 7uestions&re7uirements. /he next version o" this delivera'le ill include the "eed'ac0 o" more +artici+ants since a larger community is +lanned to 'e included in the next survey. $ome o" the +ro'lems identi"ied "rom section 3. *urrent +artici+ants methodologies areC short li"e&cycle "or digital assets. systems lac0 o" a areness at non&technical 'ene"iciaries level on hard are>so"t are maintenance multi+le standards and>or lac0 o" common standards ide variety o" or0"lo s no agreed +olicies regarding "ormats no common +ractice regarding saving digital assets that "acilitate their re&use conse7uent lac0 o" +u'lic visi'ility on legacy data 2 ith conse7uent du+lication o" e""orts5 /here are three main areas here methodologies. com+ati'ility and re&usa'ility should address. hich areC digital assets. systems and hard are installations.

5. References
5.1. Euro$ean Pro@ects t&at are relate" to stan"ar"s. re4usabilit an" $reservation
Pro@ect @,@!$E4 & @lliance ,ermanent @ccess to the !ecords o" $cience in Euro+e 4et or0 @!*;MEM & @rchive *ommunities Memories Ob@ective2s5 long&term accessi'ility and usa'ility o" digital in"ormation and data +reservation. access and re&use o" data content a++raisal. selection and +reservation.

I*/ *all 6 & /he +ro-ects started 'et een Decem'er 2%1% and @+ril 2%11

E4$3!E & Ena'ling 04o ledge $ustaina'ility 3sa'ility and !ecovery "or Economic value $*@,E & $cala'le ,reservation Environments /IM<3$ & Digital ,reservation "or /imeless <usiness ,rocesses and $ervices 6"4Ever & @dvanced 6or0"lo ,reservation /echnologies "or Enhanced $cience

using o""&the&shel" I/ technologies "or +reservation to su++ort di""erent ty+es o" digital resources enhance the state o" the art o" digital +reservation enlarge the understanding o" digital +reservation +roviding the methods and tools re7uired to ensure the long&term +reservation o" scienti"ic or0"lo s in order to su++ort the scienti"ic discovery +rocess and the develo+ment o" ne scienti"ic assets

I*/ *all 3 & /he +ro-ects started 'et een Decem'er 2%%) and :e'ruary 2%%# 3D&*;:;!M & /ools and Ex+ertise "or 3D *ollection :ormation KEE, Q ,orta'le Kee+ing Emulation Environments create +orta'le emulators ena'ling access to and use o" digital o'-ects stored on outdated com+uter media ill address long&term +reservation o" and access to digital audio&visual content 'y integrating media archives ith Euro+ean on&line digital li'raries. ensure long term inter+reta'ility o" e' content cross&disci+line digital li'rary engine that allo s "or dra ing content "rom one domain and ma0ing it availa'le and understanda'le to the users o" another so"t are agents "or long&term digital +reservation and access that can 'e integrated in existing and ne +reservation systems develo+ and test a +reservation "rame or0 next generation digital


I*/ *all 1 & /he +ro-ects started 'et een 4ovem'er 2%%( and March 2%%) Ai6@ & Aiving 6e' @rchives ,@,J!3$ & *ultural and Bistorical Digital Ai'raries Dynamically Mined "rom 4e s @rchives

,!;/@LE & ,reservation ;rgani9ations 3sing /ools in @gent Environments $B@M@4 & $ustaining Beritage @ccess through Multivalent @rchiving

5.!. %ain $ublis&e" $a$ers & regarding using R3D standard in develo+ing 1irtual and Mixed !ealityC

<ehr. PohannesE DWhne. ,atric0E !oth. MarcusC 3tili9ing R3D "or Immersive Environments. InC $+encer. $te+hen 4. 2Ed.5E @*M $ILL!@,BC 6e'3D 2%%4. ,roceedings C 4inth International *on"erence on 3D 6e' /echnology. 4e Jor0 C @*M. 2%%4. ++. (1&(). 1)2 Pung. JvonneE :ran0e. /o'iasE DWhne. ,atric0E <ehr. PohannesC Enhancing R3D "or @dvanced M! @++liances. InC @*M $ILL!@,B u.a.C ,roceedings 6E<3D 2%%( C 12th International *on"erence on 3D 6e' /echnology. 4e Jor0 C @*M ,ress. 2%%(. ++. 2(&36 <ehr. PohannesE DWhne. ,atric0E Pung. JvonneE 6e'el. $a'ineC <eyond the 6e' <ro ser & R3D and Immersive 1!.InC IEEE *om+uter $ociety u.a.CIEEE 1irtual !eality 2%%(. 1! /utorial and 6or0sho+ ,roceedingsC IEEE $ym+osium on 3D 3ser Inter"aces.,iscata ay. 4P C IEEE $ervice *enter. 2%%(. 5 +. :ellner. Dieter 6.E <ehr. PohannesE <oc0holt. 3lrichC instantreality & @ :rame or0 "or Industrial @ugmented and 1irtual !eality @++lications.InC /he 2nd $ino&Lerman 6or0sho+ M1irtual !eality D @ugmented !eality in IndustryM C Invited ,a+er ,roceedings. ,artici+ants Edition.$hanghai C $hanghai Piao /ong 3niversity. 2%%#. ++. ()&)3 4iccolucci. :.. <eacham. !.. Bermon. $.. Denard. B.. :ive Jears @"terC /he Aondon *harter !evisited. in @.. @rtusi M.. Poly. L.. Aucet. D.. ,it9alis @.. !i'es 2eds.5. VA ! "#$# !he $$th %nternational ymposium on Virtual &eality, Archaeology, and 'ultural (eritage, Eurographics Association, ++. 1%1&1%4.

!ergarding trans+arency issuesC

4iccolucci. :.. Bermon. $.. @ :u99y Aogic @++roach to !elia'ility in @rchaeological 1irtual !econstruction. in 4iccolucci. :.. Bermon. $. 2eds.5 )eyond the Artifact * +igital %nterpretation of the ,ast . ,roceedings of the 'AA"##- 'onference, ,rato, %taly. @rchaeolingua. <uda+est. ++. 26&33. *ugimoto, G., Felicetti, A., ,erlingieri. *.. Bermon. $.. *ID;*&*!M $+iderC $tonehenge as an Exam+le o" $emantic Cata 9ntegration, in Arnold, C., -halmers, *., &iccolucci, F. Deds.E Future !echnologies to .mpower (eritage ,rofessionals. ,roceedings of the /th %nternational ymposium on Virtual &eality, Archaeology and %ntelligent 'ultural (eritage, )righton "##0. Eurogra+hics @ssociation. ++. 4(&54. Bermon. $.. !easoning in 3DC a *ritical @++raisal o" the !ole o" 3D Modelling and 1irtual !econstructions in @rchaeology. in <. :rischer and @. Da0ouri&Bild 2eds.5. )eyond %llustration1 "+ and 2+ !echnologies as !ools for +iscovery in Archaeology . <.@.!. International $eries 1)%5. @rchaeo+ress. ;x"ord. ++. 36&45. Bermon. $.. 4i0odem P.. ,erlingieri *.. Deconstructing the 1! & Data /rans+arency. Quanti"ied 3ncertainty and !elia'ility o" 3D Models. In Ioannides. M. @rnold. D. . 4icclucci. :. . Mania. K. 2Eds.5. !he e3+ocumentation of 'ultural (eritage. ,roceedings of the 0th %nternational ymposium on Virtual &eality, Archaeology and %ntelligent 'ultural (eritage 45icosia, 'yprus, "##67. Eurogra+hics @ssociation. @ire& Aa&1ille. ++. 123Q12#. Bermon. $.. Kalis+eris. A.. <et een the !eal and the 1irtualC 3D visuali9ation in the archaeological research & ex+ectations and +ros+ects. Virtual Archaeology &eview 2245C 5#&63.

5.# reference table on stan"ar" formats

Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4

methodologies, compatibility & re-usability Date: 15-10-2011

/his ta'le1 contains some "ile "ormats and data interchange "ormats hich are either con"ormant to I$;. hich are very idely used throughout the orld ide e'. or hich ere created 'y industry consortiums and>or are o+en to +u'lic use.
Aame $ID:C $ystem&inde+endent data "ormat *D:$C *D&!;M "ile systen /e0tronix Bex Motorola $record *A@$$C Pava class "ile MIDIC $tandard MIDI "iles 2$M:5 @I:*C @udio interchange "ile "ormat com+ressed @I::C @udio interchange "ile "ormat :A@*C :ree lossless audio codec M,3C M,EL audio stream $,EER @udio com+ression codec 1or'is @udio com+ression codec 6@1 P4LC P,EL 4et or0 gra+hics P,EL2%%%C :ile stream P,EL P:I: /he $+eex *odec Manual ;gg logical 'itstream "raming Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication I$; 15444 Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication /he Pava virtual machine s+eci"ication 2tan"ar" I$; 14)63. E*M@&2%) I$; #66% Cate'or "ile system image "ile system image code code code audio audio audio audio audio audio audio audio image image image !I:: ,4L I:: I:: Base

1 & htt+C>>magicd'.org>std"iles.html
Grant Agreement 270404 FHW

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Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4

methodologies, compatibility & re-usability Date: 15-10-2011

ERI:C Echangea'le "ile "ormat ,4LC ,orta'le net or0 gra+hics /I::C /agged interchange "ile "ormat *LMC *om+uter gra+hics meta"ile DR:C Dra ing exchange "ile "ormat 1!MAC 1irtual !eality modeling language R3DC Extensi'le 3D <X2C <9i+2 LXC L9i+ /@!C /a+e archive /@!C /a+e archive XI, 2version 25 B/MAC By+ertext mar0u+ language ,D:C ,orta'le document "ormat $LMAC$tandard Lenerali9ed Mar0u+ Aanguage ;+enty+e "ont @1IC @udio video interleaved M;1C Quic0time M,EL ;LL /rans+ort stream !M:C !ealmedia stream "ile $6:C $hoc0 ave :lash

Ain0 to s+eci"ication I$; 15#4) I$; 1263# I$; )632 Ain0 to s+eci"ication I$; 14((2 I$; 1#((6 Ain0 to s+eci"ication IE/: !:* 1#52 Ain0 to s+eci"ication ,;$IR Ain0 to s+eci"ication I$; 15445 2su'set o" B/MA 4.%15. 63* B/MA 4.%1 I$; 15#3% 2su'set o" ,D: 1.4 & ,D:>R5. @do'e I$; ))(# Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication IE/: !:* 3533 Ain0 to s+eci"ication

image image image image 3d model 3d model 3d model archive or directory archive or directory archive or directory archive or directory archive or directory text or document text or document text or document "ont video or animatiom video or animatiom video or animatiom video or animatiom video or animatiom video or animatiom

P,EL $,I:: 4;4E


4;4E 4;4E 4;4E $LMA ,ostscri+t 4;4E


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Doc. Identifier: D. 2.4

methodologies, compatibility & re-usability Date: 15-10-2011

M4LC Multi+le image net or0 gra+hics v*ard i*alendar v*alendar I::C Interchange "ile "ormat !I::C !esource interchange "ile "ormat RMAC Extensi'le mar0u+ language ;AEC $tructured com+ound "ile ,orta'le a++lication descri+tion "ile Extensi'le metadata +lat"orm sidecar "ile

Ain0 to s+eci"ication Ain0 to s+eci"ication IE/: !:* 2445 Ain0 to s+eci"ication Electronic @rts I:: )5

video or animatiom +ersonal in"ormation management +ersonal in"ormation management +ersonal in"ormation management generic container generic container


Extensi'le Mar0u+ Aanguage 2RMA5 1.%

generic container generic container


,orta'le a++lication descri+tion RM, $+eci"ication

metadata metadata

!e"erenceC htt+C>>>index.html htt+C>>magicd'.org>std"iles.html

Grant Agreement 270404 FHW

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=:;!%)?. 8a villa di 8ivia1 un percorso di ricerca di archeologia virtuale . M. :orte ed.. YAFErmaZ di <retschneider. I$<4 )))2654613 ii !ight&Bemis+here. Dee+&Ex+lorer. htt+C>>> iii ;0ino *om+uter Lra+hics. ,olytrans. htt+C>> iv *atia. Dassault $ystems. v 33D $tandard E*M@&363 3niversal 3D :ile :ormat. 1st edition to 4th edition 2Pune 2%%(5. htt+C>> .ecma&>+u'lications>standards>Ecma&363.htm vi *atia. Dassault $ystems 3DRMA. htt+C>>>3dxml vii $/E,. I$; 1%3%3. htt+C>> .tc1)4&> viii !. @rnaud. M.*. <arnesC H*olladaC $ailing the Lul" o" 3D Digital *ontent *reationI. ,u'lished 'y ,eters. @ K. Aimited.$e+tem'er 2%%6. I$<4&13C #()156))12)() ix R3D. I$;>IE* 1#((5C2%%4. . e' x 1!MA #(. I$;>IE* 14((2&1C1##(. . e' xi Khronos Lrou+. htt+C>>>C Industry consortium creating o+en standards "or authoring and acceleration o" +arallel com+uting. gra+hics and dynamic media. xii R3D $+eci"ications. Encodings and Aanguage <indings. htt+C>> . e'>x3d>s+eci"ications>[x3d& s+ec xiii M,EL&4. <I:$C I$;>IE* P/* 1>$* 2#>6L 114(6%). xiv <I:$C $tanding "or <inary :ormat "or $cene. <I:$. I$;>IE* 144#6&11. *oding o" audio&visual o'-ects. ,art 11C $cene descri+tion and @++lication engine

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