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Year: 4 Class: 4 Central Learning Outcome: G.C.

V: Week Global Citizenship, Growing by Learning, Leadership through Innovation Objective/Key Question To know that the sense of touch is not an accurate way of judging temperature.

SOW SUBJECT Science TITLE Keeping Warm

Summer Term 2013 Cross Curricular Links:Literacy, art, history, numeracy, Geo,Contextualization- Dubai weather




To recognise that temperature is a measure of how hot or cold objects are.

Take the students out and let them touch things. When they come back in class they discuss various reasons why the objects were warm and not so warm. Show the class 3 glasses/bowls of water and predict how hot/cold the water is by just looking at it? Tell them that we are conducting an experiment to judge the temperature of 3 glasses All students will understand the Use our sense of touch to tell if the water is cold, warm or at room temperature.Most students will Chn will be able to identify in groups. Ask their suggestions and predictions. touch as a method of telling whether things are hot or cold and suggest it is not very accurate, particularly when differences are smal Most chn will use sense of touch to tell if the water is cold, warm or at room Give each group 3 glasses of water: iced water, water at room temperature and warm temperature..Some students will Predict/Judge the temperature of water by water. Ask them to take 3 observations each, record the temperature and write their looking at it Most chn will read correctly the temperature indicated on models or drawings of thermometers and use a thermometer correctly. conclusions. Object: Bowl/glass, hot water, ice Thermometer

Locate cold and warm spots in the classroom and estimate temperatures and explain trends and patterns in results

Discuss: What is a fair test? What factors they will keep same or change? How to derive conclusions from the recorded results.4. Draw: Draw a plan of the classroom. Predict areas they think are warm or cold and check their predictions later.Investigation skills, comparision and scientific enquiry will be assessed through this activity. Asseseement: APP Tragets MAKING SIMPLE TABLE, USING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE FOR THE INVESTIGATION, USE OF SOME COMMON SCIENTIFIC WORDS FOR INVESTIGATION, CARRY OUT SIMPLE EXPERIMENT WITH HELP,COMPARE THE TEMPERATURE AND EXPLAINING THE METHOD OF INVESTIGATION.

To Measure temperatures accurately with a thermometer. Analyse max/min and current temperatures during the day

Choose few suitable places in the school and record the temperature with a thermometer.Group Discussion: How could you tell that the season is changing in Dubai these days? (inc/decrease in temperature) Refer links. What is weather? Discuss various issues related to weather changes?

Analyse max/min and current temperatures during the day.

Read correctly the temperature indicated on models or drawings of thermometers. 2. Accurately predict cold and spots in the class when the room temperature of All students will identify differences in the recorded temperatures and (with Can children list three ways to warm make things hotter/colder? Discuss the need to be accurate at taking the temperature of things. help) explain the characteristics of these spots

2 Know the weather conditions and change in temperature at a place Ask: What units do we use to measure and record temperature? Talk about degrees and Celsius what they mean. Asseseement: APP Tragets MAKING SIMPLE TABLE, USING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE FOR THE INVESTIGATION, USE OF SOME COMMON SCIENTIFIC WORDS FOR INVESTIGATION, CARRY OUT SIMPLE EXPERIMENT WITH HELP,COMPARE THE TEMPERATURE AND EXPLAINING THE METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. Most students will be able to explain why some parts of the school will be cooler than others even without AC and explain it Some students will record temperature in a table and draw conclusions for their results in terms of scientific knowledge and understanding.

Keeping Warm: happens-as-Education-ppt-powerpoint/ Object: thermometer, worksheet, NB Collins Science book 4, Teacher's

Locate cold and warm spots in the classroom

1. Predict areas they think are warm or cold and check their predictions later. Observation 1: Take readings and write carefully in the table. After that teacher makes some changes like open the window or door, change the direction of AC wings. Extension work for HA (Spot and select)): Use childrens suggestions to choose 4/3 suitable places in the classroom and use the thermometer to record the temperature in these places for 30 minutes. (Even try out to record temperature till 1pm Few children will be able to explain why some parts of the school will be cooler than others even without AC and explain it Most children will recognize that change in the temperature (warm or cold areas) depends on many factors. Eg- receive sunlight or not, with/out AC, etc

Record temperatures accurately and explain trends and patterns in results in terms of scientific knowledge and understanding

APP targets: making tables in different ways, observe and compare different procesees. Record temperature in a table and draw conclusions for their results in terms of scientific knowledge and understanding.

Some students willidentify differences in the recorded temperatures and (with help) explain the characteristics of these spots.

To turn an idea about how to keep things warm into a form that can be investigated.

Ask the class if they think there are materials that will stop ice from melting or at least slow the process down Give a cup of hot water/tea/coffee per group to test. Tell them they must keep the liquid warm for as long as possible. Pupils choose one material for each cup and record their observations after every 15 minutes

Most children will understand the definition of a thermal insulator and name some materials that are thermal insulators. All Chn will be able to understand that a thermal insulator keeps cold things cold and hot

To plan a fair test deciding what to change, what to keep the same and what to measure. Tell the class to observe carefully.Ask the children what they think will have happened to the ice in the vacuum flask and ask one of them to check. Compare it with the contents of the drip tray where the other cubes were left. To understand that thermal insulators have two main uses They keep warm things warm and cold things cold.

All students will be able to plan and record their experiment.

Lab equipment PPT Videos reference books, CD ROMIce cubes, bubble wrap, cotton wool, newspaper, aluminium foil.

Some children will be able to make a fair test or comparison by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect while keeping other facts the same.Few children will be able to draw conclusions from their results. Extension: Ask the chn to think about how their data could be presented in graph form. Is their data more suited to a block graph (bar chart) or line graph APP targets:Try to predict which material will keep the bottle hot. Explain how to make the test fair. Know what to change / variables. Draw conclusions from their results and make bar chart.

Most chn will understand that a thermal conductor is a material that does allow heat to pass through easily That some materials are good thermal conductors. Show them pictures of utensils and vessels in the kitchen and get them to write down which parts are conductors and which are insulators All children will be able to understand that metals which are good thermal conductors are good electrical conductors as well To learn more about every day good thermal conductors that keep warm things warm and cold things cold. Set up the following demonstration. Place a range of different rods (stirrers) and spoons etc. in a jug of hot water. After ten minutes or so invite groups of children to come and feel how hot the handles have become. Ask them to rank the spoons and the stirrers according to their effectiveness as insulators. Some chIn will dentify and name some thermal conductors. To recognize a range of uses of thermal insulators and conductors. APP Targets: Suggest different waysto do an investigation.Say what happened and what was expected.

cup with lid, thermometer, paper, bubble wrap, cotton wool, newspaper, aluminium foil, Worksheet

Term 1
Year 4

Unit length - 1 week Class:4/3 No. of students: Gender:

No. of AEN students: Work Related Learning

Links to Islamic culture and values

To be able to understand the use of: Time connectives, chronological order, past tense and inferential questions.


Unit Outcomes

Lesson Learning objective

DAY 1_ 8th Sept.

DAY 2_ 9th Sept.

DAY 3_10th Sept.

DAY 4_11th Sept.

DAY 5_ 12th Sept.


To be able to use time words to say what happened in order.

To be able to write a recount.

Read & analyse an explanatory text to identify the key features of explanatory text.

Understand the structure of an explanatory text: chronological order and time connectives.

Learning outcome The children will be able The children will be able to recognise and use to write a paragraph time connectives. using time connectives, past tense and first person in a sequence. Brainstorm some time connectives and recap previous knowledge.Tell them what time connectives are in case some do not know. Starter And Introduction

The children will be able to understand the The children will be able to identify use of different time connectives and chronological features of order in the explanatory text. explanation texts. The children read the text on Water cycle again and annotate the time connectives and try to look at the order of sentences.

To understand the purpose of the text and key features(time connectives, full stops, commas, topic words etc) The children will be able to read with understanding and annotate the key fetures of explanatory text The children read the text given in Pairs and analyse the features of the explanatory text finding meanings of difficult words.

Recap previous knowledge to ask if children know what an explanation text is? Talk about some of the features of explanation texts. e.g. First, after that, on Recap the use of Share the text on Monday morning, later connectives and discuss Water cycle and ask on, in the evening, the use of present tense the children to analyse yesterday, last and first person while the features in pairs. weekend, at 2 O'clock, a writing the recount. few minutes later, at lunchtime etc.

Discuss the findings.

Display the text given below and ask the students to identify time words.Click on the text and expand to read it.

Discuss the following before writing the recount: Introduction (who, When, Where), Time words (first, then, after that, finally etc), Ending (did you have a good time?)

Project the features of The children are given some explanation text and sentences which need to be placed see if children can in chronological order. identify the same features in the text provided.

The children answer a few questions related to the text to show a good understanding the of the text.



Work To be done in notebooks

Work to be done in the Note books

Work to be done in the note books

The children are expected to answer questions as per their ability groups.


They will make two sentences using time connectives.


They will be given a few sentences to fill in the time connectives. Review and recap the use of connectives discussed in class. Plenary

The children write a small paragraph to talk about any interesting day during the summer break. They are given a sheet with some help words to be able to write a paragraph. The children read their partner's work and suggest improvements.

The children will be They are expected to closely analyse They will be given a few able to analyse the the structure in order and highlight questions to test their structure and the time connectives. inferential skills. language features. Sit with a focus group to The children will be They will be given assistance in as expected to many sentences as they can identify. help them understand respond to the key the text better. features discussed. Review and recap the features discussed. The children evaluate the work of their pairs. The children orally explain what they learnt from the text given to their partners using the time connectives and maintaining the chronological order.


Based on oral and written response. Assessment

Based on the Recount rubric provided.

Based on the understanding of key features of explanation texts.

Based on the class work and understanding.

Assess the focus group.

Use of additional support

LSA for Parth

LSA for Parth

LSA for Parth

LSA for Parth


A recount paragraph and sample time connectives.

Differentiated worksheets.

Explanation text and display of key features.

Sentences to be put in chronological Hot Air Balloon text for order. guided reading.

Subject Focus:

Links to Other Subjects

Notes and Action Points


Term X
Year 2

Unit length - X weeks Class: No. of students: Gender:

No. of AEN students: Work Related Learning


Subject Focus: World Studies


Unit Outcomes

Links to Islamic culture and values

Links to Other Subjects

7 8 9 10 11 12

Lesson Learning objective Learning outcome

Starter And Introduction

Notes and Action Points





Use of additional support


Term 3
Year 2

Unit length - 6 weeks Class: No. of students: Gender:

Unit Title
No. of AEN students: Work Related Learning

Teacher Jan Foley (JAF)

Links to Islamic culture and values

Subject Focus: World Studies


Unit Outcomes

Links to Other Subjects

13 14 15 16 17 18

Lesson Learning objective Learning outcome

Starter And Introduction

Notes and Action Points





Use of additional support


Year X Class: X Date: X

Unit Outcomes
Learning objective Learning Outcome

Students: Lesson X

Key Vocabulary

Starter And Introduction






Use of additional support


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