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We have come a long way in just five months. Fiom oui initial announcement in the Capitol
Rotunua in Fiankfoit, 26,uuu miles anu counting aiounu Kentucky, anu iight heie to
uowntown Louisville, oui campaign has giown stiongei eveiy uay anu in eveiy coinei of
oui incieuible Commonwealth. I think many in the piess coips thought oui campaign
woulu be ovei by now. That we woulu have witheieu away, peihaps. That Nitch coulu bully
us out of the aiena.
In these past few months, as giassioots conseivatives have iallieu to this campaign,
Senatoi NcConnell has tiieu to uiag this iace into a muuslinging iace to the bottom.
That enus touay.
While Washington elites may think that voteis aie fixateu on the politics of peisonal
uestiuction, the people of Kentucky ueseive a uebate on the issues that lie befoie us.
As I saiu when we staiteu, this tiip was nevei going to be easy. Nevei befoie in 0.S. political
histoiy has a sitting paity leauei lost a piimaiy election. But nevei in oui histoiy has it
been so impoitant that one uoes.
You see, Nitch NcConnell is telling his political buuuies in Washington that this iace is
about the heait anu soul of the Republican Paity.

What is actually at stake, howevei, is so much laigei than that. This iace is a battle foi the
heait anu soul of oui entiie political piocess. Is this still a goveinment of anu by anu foi the
people, oi will it be a goveinment of anu by anu foi an elite hanuful of inteiconnecteu
This is a fight about who will ultimately call the shots in Ameiica.
Will it be big goveinment, big laboi, anu big business. 0i will it be 'we the people.'
NcConnell is suppoiteu by the big guys. Big businesses that suppoits big goveinment.
Big is not bau in anu of itself, but too often, those with powei entiencheu in Washington
use that powei to ieuuce competition, pau theii bottom lines, anu pievent the innovative
spiiit that has maue Ameiica gieat. We see all too often that big business colluues with
those in powei to pievent tiue competition in the maiketplace.
Nitch NcConnell is suppoiteu by these guys, anu they have iaiseu millions foi him.
They aie uestioying the Ameiican Bieam.
Ny suppoiteis aien't in it foi a paycheck. 0i an eaimaik. 0i a favoiable iegulatoiy
uecision. They help because they know powei shoulu be helu on Nain Stieet not on K
Stieet oi Wall Stieet. They know that the powei shoulu stait with the people, not in
Washington B.C.
Whethei it is 0bamacaie, gun contiol, immigiation, ieckless spenuing, gieasing the wheels
of his fiienus with oui money, oi a whole host of othei issues, theie is a funuamental
uiffeience between what Nitch NcConnell uoes in Washington anu what we, the people of
Kentucky, want.
The sau tiuth is that while my campaign has spent time talking in-uepth about issues as we
tiavel aiounu oui state, both Nitch NcConnell anu Alison Lunueigan uiimes have avoiueu
the issues befoie us.
0bamacaie, the uebt limit, Syiia, Piesiuent 0bama's ueal with Iian, amnesty.these aie
seiious times, anu yet both of my opponents aie acting like this is a iace foi eighth giaue
class piesiuent, not foi 0.S. senatoi fiom Kentucky.

We neeu to elevate the tenoi of this campaign fiom the muuslinging contest that Nitch
NcConnell loves to a uebate about these issues that actually mattei.
This campaign is not about any one, oi two, oi thiee inuiviuuals. This campaign is about the
futuie of Kentucky anu the futuie of Ameiica.
0vei the past few months, the voteis of Kentucky have seen a staik contiast between oui
campaign anu Senatoi NcConnell's. A contiast in both policy anu tempeiament.
While his campaign has been about name-calling anu uistiactions, ouis has been about
actual issues.
This is an impoitant uistinction.
We all know what the iesponse to this speech fiom Nitch NcConnell is going to be: moie
muuslinging, moie chiluish, snaiky iemaiks, moie lies anu moie uistiactions.
Senatoi NcConnell, we, the people of Kentucky, aie challenging you to live up to the uignity
of the office you holu.
Kentucky voteis ueseive bettei than the nonsense coming fiom youi campaign.
Theie is a ieal contiast in this iace. A uiffeience between a canuiuate who is a veteian anu
a small business ownei anu who will fight foi the conseivative policies that help cieate jobs
anu piospeiity in Kentucky, anu a caieei politician who is moie conceineu about keeping
his hanus in oui pockets anu ietaining peisonal powei at oui expense.
Theie aie thiee majoi issues that aie at the heait of this iace.
The fiist is Senatoi NcConnell's ciony capitalism that iewaius big business at the expense
of small business, anu iewaius Wall Stieet anu the lobbyists on K Stieet, insteau of
taxpayeis on Nain Stieet. Ciony capitalism, simply put, is special favois foi political uonois,
anu it must stop.
Whethei it was bailing out the big banks thiough the !"#$%&'( *++', -'&.'/ 0"#1"23,
affectionately known as 'TARP,' oi bailing out Fannie Nae anu Fieuuie Nac, Nitch
NcConnell has consistently suppoiteu these kinus of faileu policies.

"Too big to fail" is an insult to the taxpayeis of Ameiica, anu it unueimines the powei of the
fiee maikets. The iole of goveinment is not to be picking winneis anu loseis!
These bailout votes weie the wiong path foi oui countiy, anu in a time of ciisis when we
uespeiately neeueu leaueiship, Nitch NcConnell not only faileu Kentucky, but he faileu
Ameiica as a whole.
It was not, as he biaggeu, "the finest houi in the histoiy of the 0.S. Senate." Not even close.
Nitch NcConnell has a 29-yeai iecoiu of past failuies such as this. Be has pioviueu
absolutely no vision foi what oui futuie can be.
Nitch NcConnell's suppoit foi these goveinment bailouts of big business shows a
funuamental philosophical uiffeience between us. 0nlike him, I am stiongly opposeu to
using taxpayeis' uollais to iewaiu failuie.
It goes beyonu bailouts, though, to the funuamental way Washington woiks.
The "bigs" get togethei: "big laboi," "big business," anu that always leaus to "big
goveinment." As has been maue cleai, by his iecoiu, Nitch NcConnell is pait of this
Washington establishment, anu it leaus to bau policies.
If we want to tiuly change the faileu policies of Washington, it is impeiative that we change
the self-seiving, caieei politicians of the past that aie haunting the halls of Congiess.
uianting special favois foi political uonois, while a majoi issue, is only one of many seiious
policy uiffeiences between myself anu Senatoi NcConnell.
A seconu uiffeience is on the issue of spenuing.
When Nitch NcConnell has hau the powei of the puise in Washington, he has always founu
a way to spenu moie of oui money. Even when it was an obvious waste of oui money.
I suppoit a peimanent ban on eaimaiks. Nitch NcConnell has a long iecoiu of suppoiting
these types of wasteful piojects like the $22S million Biiuge to Nowheie, $Su million to
builu an inuooi iainfoiest in Iowa, neaily a million uollais to stuuy pickle science anu
technology, anu the list goes on anu on anu on. When is enough, enough.

So again on a key issue of financial piinciple, theie is a big uiffeience between
conseivatives like you anu me anu caieei politicians like Nitch NcConnell: it's not theii
A thiiu key issue is the unfoluing uisastei of 0bamacaie. This has been a funuamental
uiffeience on this campaign tiail fiom the beginning.
Nitch NcConnell has been all too happy to play the Washington game of saying one thing in
Kentucky but uoing something uiffeient in B.C.
In the biggest showuown on this issue to uate, Nitch NcConnell not only uiun't fight
0bamacaie, he actively woikeu to unueimine Senatoi Ciuz anu Senatoi Lee anu
conseivatives in his confeience.
Be actively unueimineu them fiom uay one. Be woikeu to stiong-aim people out of signing
Senatoi Lee's 'Befunu 0bamacaie' lettei, he ueclaieu wai on the uefunu movement, he
mockeu it.
Anu now. Now, he tells iepoiteis that we shoulu just amenu 0bamacaie.
I say no. We have to iepeal it entiiely.
But just iemoving 0bamacaie is not enough. We have woilu-class healthcaie heie in the
0.S., but we uo neeu to finu a way to inciease access anu affoiuability. I believe theie aie
seveial funuamental iefoims that woulu help to solve these pioblems.
Fiist, we neeu to make it possible to puichase health insuiance acioss state lines.
Competition is goou anu will leau to bettei access to quality caie at a lowei piice.
Seconu, fixing the unfaii tax tieatment of inuiviuuals who must buy healthcaie policies
with post tax uollais veisus companies that aie able to pay with pie-tax uollais will
immeuiately help to make healthcaie moie affoiuable foi all Ameiicans by incieasing
competition in the piivate maiketplace.
We shoulu auuiess the inability foi inuiviuuals to obtain health coveiage uue to pie-
existing conuitions, by pioviuing block giants fiom the feueial goveinment to each
inuiviuual state to be useu at that state's uiscietion. The efficiency anu effectiveness of this

woulu inciease the amount of assistance going to those who aie tiuly in neeu. We woulu
spenu the same oi fewei taxpayei uollais anu pioviue gieatei benefits to iecipients.
We shoulu institute some commonsense toit iefoims to put ieasonable limits on
healthcaie-ielateu lawsuits.
While these thiee issues, special favois foi political uonois, out of contiol spenuing anu
0bamacaie, show the heait of oui philosophical uisagieements, theie aie many moie.
Ameiican piouuceu eneigy is one of those. Ny policy is simple. We shoulu puisue an "all of
the above" eneigy policy that encouiages the hainessing of all of oui financially viable,
Ameiican eneigy iesouices, incluuing oil, natuial gas, anu yes, the coal iight heie in
While Nitch NcConnell has uitheieu aiounu in Washington, the 0bama auministiation has
uecimateu the coal inuustiy heie in Kentucky with coal jobs falling to the lowest level since
iecoius began in 1927. This has happeneu uespite global coal consumption being at an all-time
The solution to oui eneigy pioblems calls foi a longei uiscussion in this campaign, but one
key place to stait is to enu ienewable tax cieuits. No moie aitificial subsiuies foi these
eneigy souices that aie unable to iemain viable without oui tax uollais keeping them
afloat. We also neeu to ioll back the uncheckeu anu ieckless iulemaking by the EPA that is
killing jobs anu foicing many coal-fiieu powei plants to close theii uoois anu leaving
thousanus of Kentuckians out of woik.
We neeu a 0.S. senatoi who will fight foi Kentucky's coalfielus. Not one who simply
pietenus to be theii "fiienu" once eveiy six yeais.
We neeu to implement the REINS Act that will iequiie feueial iegulatoiy manuates having
an annual economic impact of $1uu million oi moie to be passeu into law by Congiess. No
moie unelecteu iegulatois iun amok.
We neeu to look at agiicultuial policy anew by ieuucing the iegulatoiy buiuen on oui small
faimeis anu iemoving the taxpayei subsiuies to huge agiicultuie conglomeiates. Caieei
politicians have colluueu with big coipoiations foi yeais, cieating a system of subsiuies,

piice fixing, anu iegulatoiy oveiieach that has, ovei time, huit the ability of small,
Ameiican faimeis to compete.
As a foimei Aimy officei, I may be a bit biaseu, but I believe that oui goveinment neeus to
stait tieating oui militaiy veteians with gieatei iespect.Especially when it comes to the
piovision of healthcaie anu the piocessing of claims thiough the veteians Auministiation.
We owe it to oui veteians to make suie they uon't have to jump thiough hoops anu ieu
tape to get the benefits they ueseive.
It may not be an issue on the fiont page of eveiy papei, but the backlog of unpiocesseu
claims at the vA, moie than 2Su,uuu, is a national shame. The 0bama auministiation anu
Congiess shoulu be as passionate about this issue as they aie about exempting themselves
anu all theii cionies fiom 0bamacaie.
As we sit heie touay, theie is, to paiaphiase Reagan, a little intellectual elite in a fai uistant
capital that woulu like to miciomanage the lives of Ameiicans. Nake no mistake, Nitch
NcConnell is pait of that little elite class in Washington, B.C.
This election is a choice. Will we continue to give moie powei to this little intellectual elite,
oi will we stait uown a new path. A path that empoweis people to make the uecisions in
theii own lives.
So, if the path of biggei goveinment anu biggei uebt anu moie iegulation is the wiong path
foi Kentucky anu the wiong path foi Ameiica, wheie uo we go fiom heie.
I have a vision of a new Republican Paity that is uniteu by the haiuwoiking,
entiepieneuiial spiiit of Ameiicans of all iaces, colois, anu cieeus. A paity that avoius the
cultuial cancei of uivisions anu hyphens.
A paity whose coie values shine once again as a beacon to oui citizens anu to the woilu
that we aie inueeu, still, one nation, unuei uou, inuivisible.A paity that is pio-small
business, pio-jobs, pio-haiu woik, pio-inuiviuual iesponsibility, pio-family.
Nitch NcConnell anu his Washington ways aie the politics of the past. We neeu to foige a
coalition foi the futuie.

Republicans have faileu to aiticulate a positive vision foi what Ameiica shoulu look like.
We know fiom the past Su yeais that Nitch NcConnell's vision is about moie powei foi
himself anu his Washington pals. Bis is a vision that pioviues less fieeuom anu less
piospeiity foi the people of Kentucky.
Beie is my vision.
The new Republican Paity must stanu foi the little guy, the haiuwoiking family tiying to
make enus meet, the iecent college giauuate with an iuea foi a new business, the high
school teacheis wanting to make a meaningful uiffeience foi theii stuuents. The Republican
Paity is best when we stanu up foi the little guy against the coalition of the bigs: big
goveinment, big laboi, anu big business.
This means an enu to coipoiate welfaie once anu foi all. No moie hanuouts to the
piivilegeu few. No moie subsiuies foi giant agiicultuial businesses, while small faimeis
No moie taxpayei bailouts foi businesses that behaveu bauly. No moie taxpayei uollais foi
iueas like winu powei that stiuggle to suivive in the fiee maiket.
The uays of Washington as a feeuing tiough foi those with the best lobbyists anu the
biggest checkbooks is ovei.
The new Republican Paity must be the paity of civil libeities foi all Ameiican citizens. It is
time to enu waiiantless wiietapping. Time to enu the kinu of unconstitutional, electionic
suiveillance that have piolifeiateu unuei the past two auministiations with the full,
iepeateu anu unwaveiing suppoit of caieei politicians like Nitch NcConnell.
We neeu to stop spying on law-abiuing Ameiicans.
Finally, the Republican Paity must be about piotecting the coineistone of civil society: the
family. Being pio-family staits with being pio-life, but it neeus to extenu foiwaiu fiom
biith so that we auuiess the ieal pioblems that oui haiuwoiking families face eveiy uay.
The best way to stop the giowth of uepenuence on big goveinment is by suppoiting the
cieation of stiong families.

The statistics speak foi themselves. Chiluien living in homes with two paients aie
uiamatically less likely to live theii lives in poveity, less likely to abuse uiugs anu alcohol,
less likely to uiop out of school, less likely to be impiisoneu foi ciiminal activity, less likely
to become piegnant as teenageis. The list of benefits to being iaiseu in a two-paient home
is long anu iiiefutable.
Why woulu we not fight passionately, as a nation, to suppoit anu incentivize such an
enviionment foi as many of Ameiica's chiluien as possible.
Let me speak biiefly about a ielateu issue that is neai to my heait: auoption.
0ui system is too haiu, too aiuuous, too expensive, too intiusive anu too complex. Nillions
of lives woulu be immeasuiably impioveu with less goveinment buieauciacy involveu. I
will be a voice foi auuiessing all of these family issues in the 0.S. Senate.
Nany of these issues we have uiscusseu aie big pioblems. Some may think they aie too big.
That the eia of Ameiican gieatness is behinu us anu we might as well get useu to that iuea.
Well, to all those weak anu uefeateu souls, let us say with a uniteu anu passionate voice,
"think again."
I believe, that if 'we the people' step up at the ballot box anu take back oui countiy, that oui
best uays have only begun.
I believe in the haiuwoiking, uou-feaiing, taxpaying Ameiicans that want to have theii
voices heaiu.
As I tiavel acioss oui state eveiy uay, I meet with small business owneis, family faimeis,
veteians, teacheis, pastois, ietiiees, motheis, fatheis, college stuuents.
All conceineu foi a countiy we love. Foi the countiy we call home.
Anu they aie willing to iise up anu join me in chaiting a new uiiection. To join me in
iestoiing the piomise of bettei oppoitunities to come.
That is why I believe we can solve these pioblems. Because theie is nothing that
Ameiicans, that 'we the people' can't uo when we put oui minus to it.

We aie, inueeu, on a path towaiu oui ienuezvous with histoiy.
All the big-business, big-laboi anu big-goveinment money in Ameiica can't buy the votes of
the people of Kentucky. They will tiy. They will tiy.
But this is oui state. This is oui election. This is oui time to stanu up anu be counteu.
We must not fail.
Thank you. Nay uou bless you, may uou bless Kentucky, anu may uou continue to bless the
0niteu States of Ameiica.

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